10-8-22 Dream: Putting on the Bloody Flesh of Christ by the Eyes of Faith for Holiness

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10-8-22 Dream: Putting on the Bloody Flesh of Christ by the Eyes of Faith for Holiness

10-8-22 Dream: Putting on the Bloody Flesh of Christ by the Eyes of Faith for Holiness


Video Part 1 - 10-8-22 Dream: Putting on the Bloody Flesh of Christ by the Eyes of Faith for Holiness

Part 1


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I woke up around 3 am from a series of God-dreams I wish I could remember because I was crying in sorrow.  The last dream kept my attention and so I woke up to ask the Lord about it and write down what He told me.


In my dream I was crying in empathy for a scrawny, looked-homeless, angry, depressed, rebellious, messed-up kid across from me sitting on the floor in the corner of a bathroom with his legs pulled up to his chest in a fetal position with his head sometimes on his arms atop his legs.  He looked like John Adank, a friend I grew up with that ended up turning bad and going to prison.  He almost looked like an anime character.


I saw a small T-shirt handed to me that barely fit me.  It was old, dark reddish-orange, and faded.  When I put it on, I suddenly was transformed like Steve Bannon into the Lou Ferrigno “The Hulk” but I wasn’t green but very white!  I was 6’ 7” with massive muscles just like Superman but bigger.  Unlike the Hulk’s clothes, my shirt was not shredded but it somehow stretched into a muscle shirt.


I was asking the Lord about this.  It turns out that the shirt color was the dried blood of Jesus from His crucifixion 2000 years ago.  It had transformed me into the original “Uberman” of Christ.  I was telling this kid across from me that the shirt gave me superpowers and it would do the same for him.  After a while I had the distinct feeling I was looking through the eyes of Christ as this “Uberman” at myself in that corner.  And the strong compassion had me crying and woke me up.  This switch in perspective has happened in many prophetic dreams – see Mike’s God-Messages.


I asked the Lord about this dream because I had been doing lots of videos from my website SpiritMusicMeetups.org about holiness/sanctification.  I’ve also been struggling with consistently having victory over my own “anger, depression, and sinful rebellion” that I see in this kid that turns out to be me, even though I’ve DONE so many studies on this subject.


I had come to the same conclusion Paul did in Colossians 2:20-23 that submission/subjugated to the DO and DO NOT dogma “regulations, decrees, ordinances” of ANY religion, even the Jewish or Christian “churchianity” one, “indeed has an appearance of wisdom in/by/with ethelothreskia ‘self-willed religious-worship’ and/coupled tapeinophrosune ‘self-imposed humility’ and/coupled apheidia ‘unsparing ascetic-severity to acquire self-control/mastery’ of the body,” but Paul says they however are “absolutely-in-fact-NOT of/with tis ‘certain perceived-value/worth’ pros ‘towards-and-reaching [rare context: ‘the-goal-of-opposition-to’] [singular] plesmone ‘satisfaction-indulgence’ of the flesh.”  Another way to translate is “they are absolutely-in-fact worthless in achieving the goal of self-control/mastery of the body’s desire for satisfaction-indulgence of the flesh.”  See Bible-Info page for problems with translation.



Commandments vs Grace - 10-8-22 Dream: Putting on the Bloody Flesh of Christ by the Eyes of Faith for Holiness


I have agreed often with Paul in Romans 7:7-24 that the more I read and study about what I should DO and NOT DO, the more the commandments seem to make sin come alive, multiply insanely, and make it impossible to resist, so Paul says:  “I DO NOT do what I want, but I DO the very thing I hate . . . For I know that absolutely-in-fact-NO-thing agathos ‘God-like good, upright/honorable, excellent, beneficial/useful, or praiseworthy’ dwells in . . . my flesh.  For I parakeimai have-close-beside-me the thelo supreme-desire/will to DO what is right, but to absolutely-in-fact-NOT katergazomai exactly-DO-to-accomplish this agathos ‘God-like good, upright/honorable, excellent, beneficial/useful, or praiseworthy that I thelo supreme-desire/will, but the evil I DO absolutely-in-fact-NOT want is what I keep on DOing, . . . So I find it to be a law/principle that when I want to DO right, evil lies close at hand . . . I see a law/principle waging war against the Law (the Mosaic Law, as a Jewish-Christian, previously a Pharisee) of my mind/heart/inner-being [that delight’s in God’s instruction] and making me a captive-slave to the law/principle of sin that dwells in my bodily-members.  O, wretched man that I presently/ongoingly am.”


I find that sometimes I DO this or that to have self-control/mastery, but only for a while.  When I am tired, unhappy, depressed, frustrated, sick, or weak for whatever reason, then my flesh demands any energy, any happiness, any relief, any strength and it will grab for any stimulation or pleasure to make me feel better and all the previous DOing for self-control/mastery is quickly forgotten.  When I am low, my body will do anything to get higher.  It becomes focused on fixing the problem at hand by getting its “fix” and it wants it NOW.  Even if there are fleeting thoughts that the “quick fix” or immediate gratification is only temporary and will likely leave me eventually back in the same place, these thoughts soon get pushed aside by the craving for anything that is better than the way I feel now – this leads to desperation!



Video Part 2 - 10-8-22 Dream: Putting on the Bloody Flesh of Christ by the Eyes of Faith for Holiness

Part 2


I think I’m coming to the same conclusion Paul did that there doesn’t seem to be anything I can DO to FIX my weakness of the flesh.  Romans 7:14 says “I am presently/ongoing, actually exist-as/is-defined-as sarkinos fleshly (human, not Spirit-kind-of, thus often has negative connotations because of sin), having already [with ongoing effects] piprasko sold-as-a-slave under-authority-to (thus subordinate to) the sin (missing the target of God’s holiness).”  Jesus nailed it in Matthew 26:41 and Mark 14:38 that “the flesh is asthenes ‘weak, infirm, without vigor or strength, depleted, lacking in necessary resources, insufficient, frail, and sick’” and from John 6:63 “the flesh absolutely-in-fact-NOT ongoingly opheleo ‘profits, is advantageous of, or is helpful/beneficial/useful for’ absolutely-in-fact-NO-thing” – the double absolute negative is like bolding, capping, and underlining its impossibility!  This is exactly Paul’s assessment in Romans 7:18 above “For I know that absolutely-in-fact-NO-thing agathos ‘God-like good, upright/honorable, excellent, beneficial/useful, or praiseworthy’ dwells in . . . my flesh”  I can’t FIX my Colossians 2:23 “satisfaction-indulgence of the flesh” problem – it’s not possible!  I can’t FIX my Romans 7:23 “captive-slavery to the law of sin that dwells in my bodily-members” problem, because the real problem is that my flesh just can’t DO anything agathos “God-like good” for very long!  So I get more depressed when coming to the same conclusion that Paul did in the next verse 7:24:  “O, wretched man that I am!”



Flesh vs Spirit: 10-8-22 Dream: Putting on the Bloody Flesh of Christ by the Eyes of Faith for Holiness


I’ve tried over an over to DO without success Colossians 3:5 “Therefore, nekroo ‘put-to-death, regard as corpse-like or lifeless or inoperative, mortify, cut off or sever everything that energizes’ the [context: bodily] members/parts which [are] upon/aptly-fits the/this earth” – aka my flesh.  How can the impotent flesh exercise self-control/mastery over the impotence of the flesh that lacks self-control/mastery?  There sure seems like there is a conflict of interest!  Paul goes on in v. 8 to strongly urge Christians to “definitively/wholly apotithemi ‘put off/aside/away’ all [these] things” [giving a list of sins], reminding them in v. 9 that in their water-baptism of Romans 6:6 they “had definitively/wholly/already [with ongoing results] apekduomai  ‘thoroughly/completely put away, renounced, stripped off’ the palaios ‘old, previous-in-time, worn-for-wear’ man/self together-with the praxis ‘functions as sustained activities/practices of’ of him.”  I’ve known DONE all this, but I’ve still failed.


The answer is in the context as I suspected because “a text without a context is a pretext.”  Paul says in v. 3:10 that is coupled/linked by the conjunction kai to v. 3:9, not a separate idea as English could mislead you to believe – see Bible Info – “having already [with ongoing results] put on the neos ‘younger-in-time’ [man/self] (also done in water-baptism), the [one] being habitually/routinely anakainoo ‘made (middle/passive) completely-different-in-kind NEW in a transformational process from one stage upward to a higher stage toward completeness’ eis ‘toward and reaching to interface with the purpose/result of’ epignosis ‘genuine/full, relational, experiential knowledgekata down-from/according-to [the singular] image of the [One] having definitively/wholly ktizo ‘created/formed/shaped’ him (the new man).”


Yes, I have already [with lasting effects] put on the new man in water-baptism, but the key to sanctification/holiness is the next part, the present participle about a habitual, lifestyle of transformation which is passively DONE within (middle voice) us.  Our active part is this epignosis relationship-knowledge interfacing with our Creator!  So the DOing we are called to in order to be transformed is having an intimate relationship with the Lord.  Wow!  Can see the answer is NOT more religious DOing, but the DOing of having a relationship with the Lord.


So when I woke up from my dream I asked the Lord, “So Jesus, if there’s NO thing that I can DO to get me out of this mess, what’s left for me to DO?  I feel helpless and hopeless if there’s nothing left for me to DO to fix the problem.  After all, what does ‘repent’ mean, I asked?  When I hear it, I automatically think that I need to stop DOing abc and start DOing xyz.  But that’s exactly the problem:  I agree with Paul that it doesn’t seem to matter how much I want to DO xyz and NOT DO abc, I’m still going to eventually fail.


Gnosis information and will-power of Zechariah 4:6’s “might and power” just isn’t strong enough.  I know the gnosis information that “repent” is the word metanoeo that means “to think differently, to have a conviction to turn one’s thoughts for the better, heartily to amend with abhorrence of one’s past sins” as the dictionary says, but I’ve done that a 1000 times, even with tears, and I still fail.  Something is wrong!  Then I suddenly realized that I was thinking just like Jews under the Old Covenant, asking about what I needed to DO or NOT DO in order to be more right or pleasing with God.  Yikes, how did I fall into that?  I know from my New Covenant pages that this is a trap of the religious flesh that will send you straight to hell just as fast as sensual sin will!  So, I asked the Lord again, “what do You mean about ‘repent’ – what kind of ‘turning’ is this?”



Deliverance: 10-8-22 Dream: Putting on the Bloody Flesh of Christ by the Eyes of Faith for Holiness


Video Part 3 - 10-8-22 Dream: Putting on the Bloody Flesh of Christ by the Eyes of Faith for Holiness

Part 3


Then I remember Paul beg in Romans 7:24 for a “rhuomai ‘snatching-away-deliverance to a deliver’ from this body of sin” that made him “a wretched man.”  But by DOing what? What is going to fix my problem with sin?  Oops, it’s NOT “whats or DOs” that will save him!  Paul’s says “WHO will deliver me?”  And Paul’s revelation out of this mess is this:  “Thanks be to God [the Father] dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of Jesus Christ, the kurios supreme-owner-master of us.”  Then I came to the realization that I needed to “repent or turn” not to “whats to DO” but simply to the WHO of Jesus as My deliver.  Only Jesus is powerful enough to defeat sin, my only “blessed hope,” so if I can’t have trusting-relying-faith in Him to accomplish sanctification/holiness then I am just ‘done’ and without hope.  Do you see our desperate need for a relationship with Jesus, our deliverer.


I also just found the answer in the definition of metanoeo “repent!”  Noieo means ‘to think’ and meta means ‘to be changed after being with something or someone.”  It’s the basis of metamorphoo metamorphic-transformation by the renewing of your mind/heart/inner-being per Romans 12:2, that comes through katoptrizo ‘gazing with wide-open eyes at yourself in a mirror’ at the [Spirit’s] image of Christ’s glory living in you as a Christian, per 2 Corinthians 3:18.



Repentance: 10-8-22 Dream: Putting on the Bloody Flesh of Christ by the Eyes of Faith for Holiness


It looks like this essential meaning of metanoeo ‘repent’ got lost in what others say the word means:  “to think differently, to have a conviction to turn one’s thoughts for the better, heartily to amend with abhorrence of one’s past sins.”  According to Matthew 1:23, the title given to Christ of ‘Immanuel’ in Hebrew means in Greek ho theos meta hemon ‘God with us” is the One who meta ‘changes us after we have been in His company.’  Jesus implies this bond with Him:  “[I strongly urge you to definitively/wholly] airo lift-up My zugos ‘yoke or training harness for discipleship’ upon-to-fit you and/coupled manthano ‘learn the essentials’ apo away-from Me” in Matthew 11:29 – this is direct epignosis genuine, experiential, relational learning, not impersonal gnosis book-learning.  We also see this bond in John 15:4 “[I strongly urge you to definitively/wholly] meno ‘stay-connected-to/abide’ in-the-location-of Me.  As the branch is dunamis powerfully-enabled absolutely-in-fact-NOT to bear/carry/hold fruit by itself if-NOT-in-possibility it ongoingly meno ‘stays-connected-to/abides’ in-the-location-of the vine, absolutely-in-fact-neither can you, if-NOT-in-possibility you ongoingly meno ‘stay-connected-to/abide’ in-the-location-of Me.”  See the 8-part video series on Abiding in the Vine.  There’s so many verses about koinonia intimate relationship necessary with Jesus by the means of the Spirit.


There’s other Greek words for connection.  The rulers, elders, scribes, high priest, Caiaphas, and members of the high-priestly family of Jerusalem were astonished at the boldness of uneducated and common-men Peter and John, but recognized they had been sun ‘closely-together-with’ Jesus.  In Ephesians 6:23, Paul implies that “unconditional-love from God the Father and/coupled the Lord Jesus Christ” is given to Christians, because there was a “meta change after being with trusting-relying-faith.”  Indeed Paul says everywhere that our trusting-relying-faith brought us out of enmity with God into a relationship of “unconditional-love.”  So, our DOing of trusting-relying-faith brought about a “change” to experience “unconditional-love.”




Christ's obedience: 10-8-22 Dream: Putting on the Bloody Flesh of Christ by the Eyes of Faith for Holiness


So if all I have is my own shirt, my flesh, then holiness/sanctification is impossible, just like Jesus reminded me He said in Matthew 19:26, Mark 10:27, Luke 18:27 “para close-beside man this [context obedience to commandments] is impossible but para close-beside God all things are possible.”  By myself, I remain as that defeated, dejected, rebellious, sinful kid in that bathroom corner.  The only way out is to put on the blood-stained shirt, the crucified flesh of Jesus Christ, so that the blood suffering of Christ transforms me into a bright white giant Superman.  Paul says the same in Romans 13:13-14 for us to “definitively-wholly live/walk-all-around honorably-properly . . . in-possibility-NOT in reveling, drinking, immoral-sexual-intercourse, sensuality, dissension, and jealousy . . . but-instead [I strongly urge you to] enduo ‘put on, as with a garment’ the Lord Jesus Christ and/coupled make in-possibility-NO provision for the flesh eis toward-reaching-the-goal/accomplishment-of [its] desires/lusts.”


So if I “put on the bloody shirt, flesh, of Christ” I will become super-human and then the supernatural becomes natural.  Tell me how, I ask?  How do I put your blood-soaked shirt on (Revelation 19:13) to be “covered by the blood of Jesus” as I’ve heard so many say, so that “our hearts are sprinkled from an evil conscience” (Hebrews 10:22).


The Lord answered me: “The eyes of faith can see yourself putting on the shirt, putting Me on.”  I asked, “Is it that easy?  Is this all I have to DO every time I want to be turned into Superman, into You?  It seems too easy.”  Then I remembered that Jesus said in Matthew 11:30 that His “zugos yoke-harness of manthano learning-of-essentials is chrestos ‘custom-fitted to me’ and/coupled His [rabbinical] burden ( the ‘binding’ of DO and NOT DO commandments) is ongoingly elaphros light-as-a-feather-to carry.”  Yes, that small shirt of Christ’s now stretched as a muscle shirt for my massive body fit me perfectly, and I didn’t even feel it on me!



Prophetic vision: 10-8-22 Dream: Putting on the Bloody Flesh of Christ by the Eyes of Faith for Holiness


So, all I have to do is use my eido mental ‘seeing’ to perceive/know prophetic vision of Jeremiah 31:34 that is the promise of the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant to now know You?  The Lord answered, “Yes, the ‘eyes of you heart,’ just as Paul prayed that you would use.” Sure enough, in Ephesians 1:16-19 Paul “remembers them (Christians) in my prayers that God . . . may grant you the Spirit of wisdom and/coupled of revelation (uncovering what is hidden) by-the-means-of the epignosis genuine, full, intimate, relational, experiential knowledge of Him, [caused by] already having [with ongoing results] the eyes of your hearts photizo enlightened/illuminated eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ . . . the routinely hyperbolic-surpassing greatness of His dunamis dynamite-like enabling-power toward us, those routinely having-trusting-relying-faith kata down-from/according-to the energeia ‘energetic DOing/working’ of the kratos ‘perfect/complete dominion-exerted mighty-power’ of the ischus ‘overcoming ability, force, strength, might, power’ of Him (God).”  This eido mental ‘seeing” is much like the prophetic horao “seeing with the mind or inward spiritual perception” that Peter promised for the last days (Church Age) for the New Covenant in Acts 2:17-19.  Again, intimate relationship is the means by which this all occurs.


The Lord said, “Put Me on this way, the New Way by the Spirit.  Trust Me for the Superman, Hulk-like transformation from a weak Steve Bannon into a strong ME.  Put on my Blood-Soaked shirt to BE covered by My Blood.”  I remembered Romans 7:6 where Paul said we “NOW ongoingly serve/minister in the kainotes ‘completely-different-in-kind NEW Way’ of [singular] Spirit and/coupled absolutely-in-fact-NOT in the palaiotes ‘old, obsolete, worn-out Way’ of [singular] grammatos letter,” and in context this is the writings of God, particularly of the Old Covenant Law of DO and NOT DO commandments.


I replied:  “I’m gladly putting this on!  I am weak like that kid in the corner but NOT for long because You are Strong and putting You on by the eyes of trusting-relying-faith, seeing beyond the natural realm into the Spiritual realm, I will soon Hulk-transform in the Superman-You.  Thank You, Jesus.  You are able!



Cross of Christ: 10-8-22 Dream: Putting on the Bloody Flesh of Christ by the Eyes of Faith for Holiness


Now I can see that the old faded, dried, bloody shirt is actually Your flesh after the cross, the flesh that conquered the world of sin that you took upon Yourself.  It is now my victory by my ‘eyes of faith,’ because you said “It is now My victory over the world’s sin, that is in My flesh.”


I cover my ugly flesh with Your victory, Jesus.  Is the ugliness of that bloody shirt because of so much sin by me and others when You were crucified, but now this shirt has washed me and them to become brilliant white?  Such ugliness transforms into such beauty?  I will cherish the old rugged cross and that bloody shirt, your flesh on that cross.  So all of our ugly sin is transfigured into making us spotless supernatural Hulks of brilliance?  So much suffering so that we can have so much victory over our defeated, dejected, rebellious flesh?  Wow!


I gladly put your ugly, bloody, suffering on!  Gladly by the eyes of faith!  Thank You for waking me up to show me this and please remind me again and again Holy Spirit.  It is 4 am and I started at 3 am, so I should sleep now.


Now I see that Paul talks about koinonia sharing in Christ’s sufferings per 2 Corinthians 1:5, koinonia sharing in His sufferings – becoming like Him in His death per Philippians 3:10, as does Peter “But rejoice insofar as you koinonia share Christ’s sufferings that you may also rejoice and be glad when His glory is revealed” per 1 Peter 4:13.



There are many other BLOGS that touch on this subject:


Proseuche Conversational-Prayer with the “eyes of our heart” is what builds koinonia intimate fellowship with God, which is really God’s “perfect will” PLAN A for His people, even though religion concerns itself more with DOing FOR God.  This “drawing near or close beside God” certainly does involve vigilantly watching for answers but not just for His stuff but for God Himself.  Bible-study gnosis knowledge requires a lot of “might and power” DOing that favors the so-called “wise and understanding ones.”  This certainly shows partiality against “the least among us” when God shows no such favoritism, so it’s now wonder that God considers this worldly knowledge rubbish.


In fact, little children aren’t even old enough to read or study the bible, yet God says that they will eido know the “secrets of the kingdom” long before the so-called “wise and understanding ones.”  On the other hand, ginosko or epiginosko knowledge is experiential and relational and relies on eido mental ‘seeing’ to perceive/knowledge of God, just as God promised for the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant.    Prophecy to receive the direct rhema words of God are sometimes akouo listened to or heard to be understood/known but in many cases seen with the wide-open eyes of the heart, for certainly a picture is worth 1000 words!  We also find much written about being transformed into Christ’s likeness for holiness/sanctification by the renewing of our mind, particularly when gazing with wide-open eyes at Christ as the Spirit within us.



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Spiritual Education, We can’t Fix our problems, Man’s Might & Power isn’t enough, The Flesh in impotent, There is no works or doing that will defeat the indulgence of the flesh, Putting on the crucified blood of Christ makes us Hulk Supermans, Putting on Christ, Holiness or Sanctification only possible thru Christ’s Spirit, Eido horao optonomai photizo prophetic vision to receive by faith, our self-mastery will fail us, Only the Spirit’s self-mastery can help us, There is nothing God-like good in our flesh, We have to be delivered by Jesus from our flesh, Repent to surrender our flesh for Christ by His Spirit, Water-baptism starts holiness or sanctification, Intimate relationship continues holiness or sanctification, transformation by prophetically seeing Jesus by His Spirit in us renews our minds, Only God with us makes all things possible, Christ’s way of learning is to be yoked-to or abiding-in Him

Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Catapult of “Greek Fire” into the Enemy’s Camp

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3-6-22 Revelation: Catapult of “Greek Fire” into the Enemy’s Camp

3-6-22 Revelation: Catapult of "Greek Fire" into the Enemy's Camp - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


Catapult of "Greek Fire" into the Enemy's Camp - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


See also Videos:  12-2-22 Prophecy: Terrifying dreams of demon invasion – Name & Blood of Jesus are weapons:  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5


See also Video 10-24-22 Prophecy for healing thru prayer even in tongues: Sluggish Blood, Balance, Variety, Tongue


Mike’s God-Messages – YouTube Playlist


Learn about Prophecy of the Rhema Words of God


Learn how that differs from Logos Messages of God


Video – Intro to Spirit Music Meetups


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Greek Fire being Catapulted



On 3/6/2022 I was praying in the shower about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and all the suffering.  I was also praying about why so much of Christianity seems difficult and that there had to be a better way to succeed in both of these situations.  Then I saw a classical or medieval catapult launching fire balls like “Greek Fire” over walls of the enemy that were so tall that soldiers were like ants and no ladders or other devices were likely to get over them.  Building a ramp would take a very long time as with the Romans in 72-73 AD with 15,000 men & women to lay siege to Masada on a cliff.  It looked impossible, but the catapults were burning the enemy camp from within!


I asked what the “fire balls” were that were exploding when they landed?  How can they defeat Russia with all their bombing of even civilians?  Our government regime and that of others seem to be very inept with major conflicts of interest – everybody has been paying Russia millions of dollars a day for their oil, supplying them everything they need for a war.


And the US is wanting to do the same for Iran after leaving billions of military hardware in Afghanistan for the terrorists to use or sell to our enemies to commit even more terror.  It doesn’t look like our country knows what it is doing, and when it acts, does “too little too late” to make any difference.  “God help us” is what I was praying!


Well, I was tired and asked the Lord to show me in dream.  In the morning I woke up to ‘see’ a lot more “fire balls” raining down on the enemy camp and wondered if these were are all from catapults because a lot of them were coming straight down.


I kept asking about all this and was told the “fire balls” was the supernatural enabling-power of the Holy Spirit.  And I thought “judgment of God,” but He said, “It’s always been the same – My love” which reminded me of other dreams and visions showing enormous power unleashed to supernaturally remedy what seemed like a hopeless situation. See the Godzilla of Sin Destroying the World dream.  See the Whole World trapped in an Insane Asylum dream.




God is going to Break Down the Enemy's Walls from within - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

God is going to Break Down the Enemy’s Walls from within!



So apparently, even though Satan is using greedy, ambitious men like Putin to “steal, sacrifice for himself, and then utterly destroy” others, Jesus is still bringing “the superabundant zoe genuine-life” just as He said He would in John 10:10, by the means of these “fire balls” of divine unconditional-love.  God is doing incredible good for His kingdom of God on earth in the middle of Satan is using Putin to advance his kingdom on earth.  Of course the Main-Stream Media won’t show us this and neither will “Big Institutional Religion” that is also part of this world!


Then I asked the Lord, what is my part in all this that I’ve been praying for, and how does it relate to His answers about the enemy camps in the world?  God showed me that whether it’s “the world, the flesh, or the devil” the solution is the same:  “Constantly be launching the catapults of My unconditional-love.”  But how?


Then God showed me the words Jude 1:20-21 that I had studied for these BLOGS and He really gave me sunesis ‘connect the dots’ understanding-knowledge:  The way to obey the only imperative in Jude 1:20-21 of “[I strongly urge you to] definitively/wholly tereo ‘carefully watch/observe to safely-guard, care-for/attend-to, firmly-hold/stand-in/maintain-a-present-state,’ yourselves in the Unconditional-Love of God [by] routinely pros-echomai ‘warmly-welcoming by facing toward and reaching’ the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ zoe genuine-life everlasting [a reference to our acquittal at His return]” is byroutinely building yourself up in the most Holy Faith [by] routinely proseuchomai conversationally-praying en pneumati by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit.”  All the “routinely” participles tell you how to do something.


Ephesians 6:10-19 teaches us about Spiritual Warfare:  In order to “dunamai be-powerfully-enabled [by the armor of God] to stand against the schemes of the devil,” Paul teaches in vv. 17-18 to “dechomai ‘warmly-welcome . . . the sword of the Spirit, which presently/ongoingly exists-as/defined-as the rhema directly-spoken/heard word of God, thru-the-realizing-channel-of ALL proseuche conversational-prayer and/coupled deesis supplication, [clarified as] be routinely proseuchomai conversationally-praying in every season en pneumati by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit.


We know from 1 Corinthians 14:14-15 Paul explicitly explains this: “For  if I should presently/ongoingly proseuchomai conversationally-pray [dative: by-the-means-of] glossa tongues/languages, [then] The Spirit of/belonging-to me is presently/ongoingly proseuchomai conversationally-praying” even as “the mind of/belonging to me is unfruitful/unproductive,” and the same is true for “psalming” with instruments whether lyrics are involved or not.  Paul clearly distinguishes either of these practices done by “The Spirit of/belonging-to me” with doing them naturally “by-the-means-of the mind of/belonging-to him,” and furthermore purposes to do both kinds, especially making the point of “praying and psalming to pneumati [dative: by-the-means-of] The Spirit”  Shouldn’t we do the same?




The Solution is Praying in Tongues - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

The Solution is Praying in Tongues



Then I remember an incredibly powerful class at a church I took around 2009 where we read and practiced the book The Walk of the Spirit – The Walk of Power by Dave Roberson, which was all about praying throughout the day in tongues.  For 10 weeks we all shared supernatural stories of power!  We felt like the Church had hidden the keys to the treasure chest!  See Tongues & Interpretation.


Thank you Lord for reminding me that I need to do this simple thing throughout the day to do my part in Your military campaign against the Russian government, the flesh, the devil, and all other tyranny and sin in this world.



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Prophecy, Praying in Tongues, Praying in the Spirit, Holy Spirit language, Prayer language, Prophetic Message, Greek Fire, Catapults, Siege Warfare, Spiritual Warfare, Judgement of God, agape Unconditional Love of God, Russia, Ukraine, Tyrants, Authoritarianism, Putin, Biden, Oil prices.

Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Truth is coming like an avalanche

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1-10-21 Revelation: The Truth is coming like an avalanche that will shake the earth!

1-10-21 Revelation: The Truth is coming like an avalanche that will shake the earth! - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


1-10-21 Revelation: The Truth is coming like an avalanche that will shake the earth!


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Revelation: The Truth is coming like an avalanche that will shake the earth - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


On January 10th, 2021 while I was gardening in my “sanctuary of the Lord” garden that so much of my divine healing took place back in 2008, which has now turned into practically a Better Homes & Garden walk-through, the Lord got me really excited when He told me that “The Truth is coming like an avalanche that will shake the Earth!”  As often is the case when you get prophetic rhema words from the Lord “that are Spirit and/coupled zoe Genuine-Life” per John 6:63, you get so excited that you feel that He means “eminently!”


Well, I was quite puzzled after watching 50 hours on multiple web-broadcasting sites of all the heavily-documented shenanigans of 11/20 being brought to the Supreme Court by so many states only to never be heard by the “High Court” even though lower courts and state legislatures had piles of evidence and 100s of sworn affidavits under penalty of perjury and many computer scientist testimony.  I was puzzled and disappointed that “The Truth” was NOT “coming like an avalanche” even though the Lord clearly told me it would.  So I prayed over the following weeks as to why not?


I had many dreams and visions in 2021 to explain many aspects of what was playing out.  Then the Lord reminded me of the 2 avalanches that I personally had witnessed, and in fact caused!  The video gives you the details, but in each case I didn’t think much about their insignificant beginnings.  I poo-pooed it and looked the other way, just as so many were doing with these early investigations and still are, though more and more are beginning “to take notice.”  In both of my cases, by the time I heard the noise of the avalanche nearly on top of me, it was almost too late!  In the first case, my little finger on my right hand was torn off and in the second, I got out of the way in the nick of time!  That’s why the Lord told me to “Remember your avalanches!”  Now, I am no longer discouraged but encouraged, as I hope you will be!




Revelation: The Truth is coming like an avalanche that will shake the earth - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


“The Truth is coming like an avalanche that will shake the earth” – If you ignore the warning of the Lord and do NOT surrender by repenting (turning) thru confessing your lies, deceit, fraud, and manipulation of “We the People” but instead continue doing evil, “the snowball effect” will ultimately expose your darkness with the blinding Light of The Truth, and you won’t have enough time to get out of the way from “The Judgment that is coming.”  But if you hear and listen to the “conviction of the Holy Spirit concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment to come” (a), and are then “cut to the heart” (b), and then repent by confessing your sins (c) – even publicly to all those you have hurt – in order to have a clear conscience (d), then you can have “your sins washed away when calling on Jesus Christ’s name while being water-baptized for salvation” (e).  If you do “The Truth will set you free” because “The Son has indeed set you free” (f).  However, Jesus makes it clear:  “I tell you:  Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish” (g).  The choice is yours!  <Notes> a) John 16:8, b) Acts 2:37, c) Matthew 3:6; Mark 1:5; James 5:16; 1 John 1:9, d) 1 Peter 3:21, e) Acts 2:38-39, 22:16, f) John 8:32, 36, g) Luke 13:3, 5.



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Music Education, Music Teaching, Drum Education, Drum Teaching, Prophetic Messages, Prophecy, The Truth, Snowball effect, Political & Election Fraud, Big Government Big Pharma Big Tech Deception, The Truth is Jesus Christ, The Truth will set us free, Avalanche of Truth, Judgment of God is coming, Repent of Perish

Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Big Gun in our Spiritual Warfare

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1-26-22 God-Dream: The Big Gun in our Spiritual Warfare

Prophetic Words from Mike Burris - Big Gun in our Spiritual Warfare


Video for Big Gun in Spiritual Warfare - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


See also Videos:  12-2-22 Prophecy: Terrifying dreams of demon invasion – Name & Blood of Jesus are weapons:  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5


See also Video:  10-24-22 Prophecy for healing thru prayer even in tongues: Sluggish Blood, Balance, Variety, Tongue


Mike’s God-Messages – YouTube Playlist


Learn about Prophecy of the Rhema Words of God


Learn how that differs from Logos Messages of God


Video – Intro to SpiritMusicMeetups.org


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The Eternals - prophecy of The Big Gun in our Spiritual Warfare for Spirit Music Meet-Ups


Last night I saw the Marvel movie The Eternals and although it was a cool sci-fi escape from my work and I had a good spiritual conversation with an old friend, by the time I got home I thought “How worthless are so many movies!  They promise us so much with all their supernatural abilities and weapons against evil forces but are so far from the reality of mankind that is still left as helpless victims of evil people all around them.  The calls for “Defund the police” are killing us while those calling for this have high walls around their homes with state of the art security and personal teams of body guards – “rules for these but not for me” is destroying our society!  How long can we tolerate this smug, authoritarian hypocrisy?  We are our own worst enemies and it seems the world is ‘going to hell in a hand-basket.’  Meanwhile the masse have been given false hopes of super-heroes that will swoop in to save the day.  But none are ‘stepping up to the plate’ – everybody is living in fear of reprisal.  However, the Lord has given us a Big Gun in our Spiritual Warfare!


The problem is that we have people in all walks of life – in Big Government, in Big Tech & Social Media, in Big Hospital Systems, in Big Pharma that has them ‘in their back pockets,’ in Big Religion, and in Big Finance that has them ‘in their back pockets’ – who have “all the gold, and those with all the gold make all the rules.”  The rest of us feel like helpless victims, so we flock to Marvel movies that give us hope that super-heroes will swoop in to save us.  How is all this evil being perpetuated?


Answer:  “For [singular] root of all kinds of evils is presently/ongoingly [singular] philarguriaavarice, covetousness-love of money,’ which some-people routinely/habitually orego ‘stretching oneself out toward to touch/grasp, being pulled towards by desire/aspiration to attain’ apoplanao [thus] have wholly/definitively become ‘led/seduced away by this cause to the needless pains arising from this’ – away from The-Trusting-Relying-Faith [of Christianity] kai and/thus have wholly/definitively peripeiro ‘all-around, thoroughly pierced/wounded themselves with many odune ‘personal emotionally-lethal sorrows, anguish, pain, or grief.  However, you O man of God (Timothy) [I strongly urge you to] pheugo ‘shun/avoid/flee/vanish from or seek safety away from danger by flight/escape from’ these things” per Paul to Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:10-11 – see Bible Info for my credentials for Greek & Hebrew translation.  Greed is killing us all!


This greed of money is a greed for power over others through censorship, mandates, and other ways to manipulate the masses for personal gain.  It seems like the saying ‘everybody has their price’ is true!  Unless you open up the secretive Swiss bank accounts of all these people in power, you will never know who is working for who.  China has plenty of money to offer anybody, but so does the Vatican, Saudi Arabia, and George Soros!  “Do not harm the oil” in Revelation 6:6 is appropriate because crude oil is the source of most wealth on this planet and nations will even create an Armageddon to get it!  That’s why Russia will likely invade the Ukraine!  That’s why the Muslim nations will try to “push Israel into the sea” as they have tried many times to do!  Vast oil resources, not to mention ancient hatred for the Jews!  Today everybody is feeling the effects of evil working its way through Satan’s pawns & puppets “to wholly/definitively klepto ‘steal by deception and stealth’ and/also to wholly/definitively thuo ‘kill as a sacrifice or offering on Satan’s own altar to worship himself,’ and/also to wholly/definitively ‘destroy utterly/violently by cutting us off absolutely/eternally from God” per Jesus in John 10:10.



Big Gun bullets - prophecy of The Big Gun in our Spiritual Warfare for Spirit Music Meet-Ups


As I was waking this morning I was given a God-dream about a Christian’s “weapons of warfare” against evil spreading throughout this world.  Jesus didn’t leave us to be victims of evil in this world!  The Lord has given us a Big Gun in our Spiritual Warfare!  “The one routinely/habitually poieo ‘constructing, manufacturing, making, causing, or doing’ the harmartia ‘sin, missing of the target of God’s nature’ is presently ek out-from The Diabolos ‘slandering, falsly-accusing, defaming, maligning, dividing-to-conquer, backbiting Devil’ because The Devil has been presently/ongoingly harmartano sinning from the first/beginning.  Eis touto ‘toward/reaching this very reason’ the Son of God was wholly/definitively revealed:  In order that He might wholly/definitively luo ‘loose, untie, unleash, unbind, release what was bound, demolish, destroy, overthrow, do away with’ the ergon ‘works, deeds, doings, accomplishments’ of The Devil” per John speaking about Jesus in 1 John 3:8.  Jesus came to defeat Satan’s works!  But where do we come in?


Answer:  Paul speaks much about “putting on the armor of light to cast off the works of darkness” in Romans 13:12 and “putting on the whole armor of God so that you may be able to stand against the schemes of The Devil” in Ephesians 6:11, so these passages are certainly worthy of study and application!  Why, because as bad as The Devil’s work is as described in John 10:10 above, which we NOW see playing out every day in our world, the rest of John 10:10 gives us this great hope per Jesus:  “I actually came in order that people might presently/ongoingly have-to-hold/possess zoe genuine-life kai and/coupled [they] might presently/ongoingly have-to-hold/possess [IT] perissos ‘all-around, excessively, exceedingly, beyond expectations.”  I’m ready for that!  Are you?


In the dream I saw a Big machine Gun laying out on a table.  I was told that the “stock” that you lambano ‘grab hold of to possess for yourself’ is very custom-fit because this is the part that the Gun user interfaces with.  It’s true that guns can come with different stocks and can be quite customized to “fit” the body of the user.  Some people like beautiful wood stocks that is even ornately carved.  Some stocks absorb the recoil shock more than others.  Some stocks fit into the shoulder better than others.  Some stocks are very light to make easier to carry long distances.  And some stocks fold up for compactness and concealment.  There are probably 31 flavors!


The Lord told me the Gun won’t do a darn thing unless we lambano it by its “stock!”  As we’ve seen the “stock” is customized to our self-identity and so it’s natural to put our trusting-relying-faith in our own “might and power” and skill when we grab the Gun.  But the Gun will not accomplish its purpose by this alone!  It’s simply not enough no matter how much our ego wants it to be.  In the battle against Satan, hordes of his fallen angels and his created mutant demons who manipulate our flesh and that of billions of people in this world, the “stock” is utterly powerless against these professionals over a millenniums!



Not against people but spiritual forces - prophecy of The Big Gun in our Spiritual Warfare for Spirit Music Meet-Ups


Like Paul said in Ephesians 6:12-13 “The pale ‘wrestling bout, struggle, conflict, fight’ to us [Christians] is presently/ongoingly absolutely-in-fact-NOT pros ‘towards and reaching the plan [to fight against]’ flesh and blood but instead pros ‘towards and reaching the plan [to fight against]’ The Arches ‘Firsts, Rulers,’ pros ‘to fight against’ The Exousia ‘Powers delegated from the Arches,’ pros ‘to fight against’ The Kosmokrator ‘Cosmos/World Rulers that influence the lives of worldly people’ of/belonging-to The Skotos toutou Present Darkness, [finally who is behind it all] pros ‘to fight against’ The pneumatikos spirit-kind-of The Evil [One] in the epouranios heavenly/celestial-realms. Because of this [I strongly urge you to] wholly/definitively analambano ‘grab/take-up/raise for your own possession, even once-again’ the complete armor of God in order that you might wholly/definitively be dunamai ‘dynamite-like empowered’ to anthistemi ‘stand up and hold your ground against’ [the hierarchy of the Evil One] in the day/period of The Evil [One] kai and/thus having wholly/definitively katergazomai ‘worked/accomplished down to an end-point’ all-these-things to wholly/definitively histemi ‘stand up and hold your ground.”  What looks like a battle against evil men in our world is really a battle against Satan and his hierarchy of angel generals down to his demon pawns that use men as ‘pawns and puppets’ to carry out his evil work.  And the Lord has given us a Big Gun in our Spiritual Warfare!


But the Lord once told me how to “stand against The Devil so that he will flee from you” from James 4:7 in a 10-27-20 Dream of the Massive Rock Fortress of Christ to find rest and safety from sin in the world:  “The Massive Rock Fortress extended down the beach as far as the eye could see in both directions.  I asked, “How far?”  The Voice answered, “Around the globe and to the right hand of God where Christ sat.”  It was pure black rock, minutely fractured, sharp as dull razors, like volcanic crystals so it was a bit reflective, but far more rugged than Italy or Oregon’s coastline.  [Later the Lord told me that this was His Holiness].  The ocean waves crashed and beat against it incessantly, yet there was no erosion. I had been walking along the beach sight-seeing and even playing in the waves.  However, I was told to RUN up the beach away from the waves that would eventually drown me, no matter how I resisted or fought back.  The Lord said, “This is Sin in the world.  RUN to the Rock Fortress for safety!”  The rest of the story is amazing!


Now back to my Gun dream!  No matter how we customize the “stock” to fit our identity, our flesh’smight and powerskill is not enough.  In fact, if we put our trusting-relying-faith in it, we are doomed!  The Gun won’t fire and the waves of sin in the world fueled by a hierarchy from the Evil One will continue to “steal, sacrifice as his offering, and then kill us eternally by separating us from God.”  The Lord really drove home this point by what He showed me next!



Machine Gun - prophecy of The Big Gun in our Spiritual Warfare for Spirit Music Meet-Ups


The Lord has given us a Big Gun in our Spiritual Warfare!  The middle section of the Gun was the biggest part and the most complicated, taking great Wisdom and Understanding to genuinely know the many designed and engineering internal workings that hold the ammunition, load it quickly and smoothly, and detonate the bullets.  For most of us this is a ‘black-box’ and we really don’t need to know how all this works, as long as we know where & how to load our bullets, how to keep all this clean so it won’t jam, where the safety lever/button is so we get it off in time, where & how to use the sights, and where & how to pull the trigger(s).


However, the Lord speaks much about being like little children to receive the secrets of the kingdom.  The Lord reminded me that “His ways & thoughts are higher than our ways & thoughts as the heavens are above the earth” per Isaiah 55:9.  I just stared at this section of His masterpiece design and engineering!  He told me that this is where all the real work gets done – by Him, just as Zechariah 4:6 declares concerning the transition from the palaios ‘old, worn-out, useless’ covenant to the chadash/kainos completely-different-in-kind, superior New Covenant:  “Absolutely no longer by [man’s] might and power but instead by-the-means-of My Spirit’ says Yahweh of hosts of angel-armies.”  The message of the dream was to surrender my control to this section of His Gun by putting my trusting-relying-faith in the Lord’s dunamis enabling-power instead of my own “might and powerskill that the “stock” represented.


The 3rd and final part of God’s Gun was the long-tapered barrel.  This is where the spiraling grooves inside the barrel spin the bullet to make it cut thru the air, fly straighter, and inflict more drilling damage when it hits its target.  Of course God’s dunamis enabling-power has a dynamite-like explosive tip!  It’s actually nuclear!  Paul says in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 “The weapons of our warfare are absolutely-in-fact-NOT flesh-kind-of but instead Divinely dunatos ‘preeminently dunamis able/powerful’ to the demolition of ochuroma ‘heavily fortified, rock-walled, military fortresses,’ kathaireo ‘forcibly pulling/tearing/casting down and destroying for oneself’ logismos ‘value-reflecting reasoning-arguments’ [presented to us by so-called ‘knowledgeable’ Jews, philosophers, and even Satan by his deceptive reasoning] and/coupled every hupsoma ‘elevated-thing like walls, ramparts, and bulwarks’ that routinely epairo ‘raises itself up’ kata down-from/against The Gnosis Informational-Knowledge of/belonging-to God kai and/thus routinely aichmalotizo ‘leading away as captives of war, thus subjugating or bringing under control’ every [single] thought eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ the hupakoeobedient surrender’ belonging-to Christ.”



Knowledge of God - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


This is a direct stab at the Gentile Gnostic & Mystery religions that saturated their Greek & Roman culture’s thinking.  Genuine gnosis knowledge belongs to God alone and the only way to acquire this is obedient surrender to Christ!  Can you see Paul’s description of siege warfare with Divine weapons that can pull down the walls of heavily-fortified cities of Satan and make them surrender to Christ?  The Lord has given us a Big Gun in our Spiritual Warfare!  How can the Christian avail themselves of such Divine weapons?  Surrender to Christ to be given God’s Gnosis Knowledge.  In the dream, the Lord explained that the barrel delivers the bullets of God accurately and effectively toward His targets by-the-means-of the dunamis enabling-power of the Holy Spirit!


The Lord made it clear to me that if I want this dynamite-like enabling-power for personal holiness/sanctification and my Spirit Music Meet-Ups ministry of playing Anointed, Prophetic, Spontaneous drumming music that will do His work in these last days, then I too will have to pick up His Gun, hold it properly, load up His bullets, aim at His targets – His will He has already disclosed and will disclose “in that very hour,” take His safety off because this is serious business now, and pull His trigger in complete trusting-relying-faith that He will do all the real work to properly chamber the bullets and project them accurately to His targets to completely destroy them.  Praise the Lord!  I have a little part of surrendering control to Him and proseuche conversationally-praying to prophetically see, hear, and feel His instruction for the other little parts I play.  Koinonia relationship and fellowship is all about partnership!



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Music Education, Music Teaching, Drum Education, Drum Teaching, Prophetic Messages, Prophecy, Word of God, Spiritual Warfare, Weapons of Warfare, Defeating Satan, Casting out Demons, Resist the Devil, Destroying the works of the Devil, Destroying strongholds, Destroying fortresses, Siege warfare, Guns, Components of Guns, Machine Guns, Satan, Devil, Fallen Angels, Demons, Evil, Present Darkness, The Eternals, Marvel, Super-heroes, Rules for thee but not for me, Defund the police, Personal security, Big government, Big Tech, Social Media, Big Hospitals, Big Pharma, Big Religion, Big Finance, Love of money, greed, avarice, oil & gas, Jesus Christ, Abundant Life, Power of the Holy Spirit.  Big Gun in our Spiritual Warfare.

Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Prophetic drums against winds of deception

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1-22-22 Prophetic Drums of The Truth against the winds of deception in the USA & World


1-22-22 Prophetic Drums of The Truth against the winds of deception in the USA & World


On my birthday in my favorite park as a storm was blowing in, the Lord gave me a sense of urgency as I was playing to prophetically speak by the Spirit against the lies, deception, and fraud being perpetuated against us.  Notice how the wind gets really loud as the decrees against forces of darkness are being made!


Video for 1-22-22 Prophetic Drums of The Truth against the winds of deception in the USA & World


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Music Education, Music Teaching, Drum Education, Drum Teaching, Prophetic Messages, Prophecy, Word of God, Deception, Lies, Fraud, Truth, Spiritual Warfare, Freedom of Speech, Free Speech, Censorship, Peer Review, Open Communication, Learning from open dialogue, Truth will set us Free, Open Dialogue

Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Being a little child in the Lord’s Presence


1-8-22 Dream: Being a little child in the presence of the Lord to be filled with His Spirit’s Joy

Being a little child in the Lord's Presence - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


1-8-22 Dream: Being a little child in the presence of the Lord - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


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I woke up from the most incredible God-dream!  It began with me as a middle-aged man waiting in a room for a job interview, though oddly I was dressed very sloppily with sweat pants on.  I was facing a large computer screen, sitting next to a young man on my right also doing the same.  It seemed like we waited forever!  He was so bored that he fell asleep slumped in the chair with his mouth wide open.  I was so bored I turned on the computer and was starting to do some interactive program, but it was so much like a multi-tasking video game geared to this ADHD generation that I got frustrated and thought that if this company was looking for these kind of “wired” people, forget it!  Just then a lady in a white power suit came up to escort me into the hiring office.  I saw a candidate leave.


The man behind the desk was like so many professionals I’ve seen with their fancy suits thinking they are someone really important and so very intimidating.  I jumped through his ‘hoops,’ but felt like his questions never really accessed who I am, the persevering hard worker that I am, or the initiative and adaptability I’ve displayed in various careers.  I left the office frustrated that their screening process was so superficial, that I probably slipped right through there ‘mesh,’ and that they “lost a good one.”


When I became aware of this negative dream I asked the Lord why I would be dreaming something so stressful and seemingly non-applicable.  I’m 62 years old and You told me that I would “never have another ‘job’ again” because You spoke my Identity to me and gave me my mission that started www.SpiritMusicMeetups – see My Story for details.


Then I saw the young man that had left the hiring office before me all dressed up in his fine dark grey suit playing with a motorized submarine in a koi pond that was in one of the rooms – this was a fancy building!  I was judgmental that a grown man was playing with a kid’s toy – and in their koi pond!  He asked me to join him but I laughed and said I had better things to do with my time!  Then he waded into it with his nice shoes and socks and I said, “Are you kidding me?  You’re going to ruin your leather shoes!”  In real life I had koi pond it would stain anything with its stinky muck!  Then he waded up to his knees and I said, “You are going to stain your expensive pants!”  Then he waded up to his chest and I said “You’re crazy!  You are going to ruin you nice jacket!”  He just laughed and invited me to join him.  I thought he must have a screw loose – no wonder he didn’t get the job!  None of this made any sense so I left that room.


Then I found myself in the room where all the little children are dropped off by parents that work in the building.  It was like so many day-cares at gyms with plenty of things for children to play with.  However, it was their ‘nap time,’ like I remember from my kindergarten days, and they were all in their beds – 1 here, 2 there, etc.  When I came into the room, for some reason I laid down on a bed right next to 2 little kids and before long all the kids were all on that bed with me like so many pillows!  One little child, so small he looked the size of a large baby, crawled up onto my chest, but he slid off and off the bed and almost went head first onto the floor, but I caught him just before he did!  We were all on the bed laughing, feeling joyful, playful, and peacefully-restful and knew we would fall asleep together like a pack of animals in the wild!


Then suddenly I found ‘my real self’ on the outside balcony of this building.  I say ‘my real self’ because I realized that the Man in that room with the little children was not me, though I was looking through His eyes.  This has happened often in other prophetic dreams when I suddenly realized that I’m looking through Christ’s eyes!  The ‘real me’ was now on a shady balcony looking out towards beautiful landscaping with tall trees and green grass in bright light.  The balcony had an old iron trellis with vines framing my view.  As I admired the view and contemplated these past events of childlike behavior even from adults, the stresses of playing the pretentious game of being an adult and a professional, and then the “Joy of the Lord” with this kids, suddenly the trees started shaking with a buffeting wind that rattled the iron trellis.  It was so strong it was pushing me backwards so I grabbed the columns that framed my view to try to hold on.  The light was shimmering like reflections off the leaves of the tree.  It was violent, but instead of fear I was filled with such intense joy I just wept and wept and wept – when I woke up my pillow was wet!  I knew that I was genuinely, experientially, relationally epiginosko knowing the “Joy of the Lord that is our Strength” per Nehemiah 8:10.  I wanted to stay there forever, but I woke up with my annoying cough!


I had been battling an annoying cough for days from sinus drainage but last night was my first trying a cough suppressant.  It must have worn off!  I had this cough show up around 4 am during the night when the first round wore off, but I learned from the Praying Medic to bind those demons time and time again until they finally leave.  They will keep coming back to test your resolve, but if you persist rebuking them in the name/authority of Jesus, then they will finally give up and you will get your healing.  Well at 4 am I wasn’t too good at it because I was so tired.  It worked for a while.  I would start falling asleep and it would come back.  I did this 3 times and finally just got up and took my dose.  How do I know this was demonic?  Because it always came right when I started praying and falling asleep!  Now this morning when I wanted to go back into the prophetic dream to ask more from the Lord and re-live this profound joy, which I have been able to do up to 2 hours long in previous prophetic dreams, after getting a bit of insight from the Lord, sure enough the coughing spell returned!  And it was so frustrating that I felt like I had to get up!  Obviously, I still have to learn more about taking Christ’s authority over demons for healing!


But I managed to get this insight from the Lord:  I have been really wrapped up with the ‘nuts & bolts’ establishing of the content foundation, search-engine-optimization, and visibility of this www.SpiritMusicMeetups.org ministry.  It’s taken so much time and has worn on my health, likely setting me up for this cough.  I haven’t gone out into the park as much lately to “play my drums prophetically” and even to “learn as a little child by experimenting to keep it fun.”  I’ve been obsessing about being an adult doing my ‘adult work’ – even professionally, even worrying about finances like adults do.


Thank You Jesus for ‘waking me up’ to what You really care about, and that I can trust You by faith for the rest – and that I can peacefully-rest in this!  Then Jesus reminded me of what my student’s mom told me yesterday that helped her get through the nights with her bad cold that I likely got from her last week:  “Just do what we used to do as kids – spray the back of your throat with chloraseptic spray.”  So I’m heading out to get some today!  Thank You Jesus for speaking to us so many ways!



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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Lambano receive God’s gifts to experience them with God


12-23-21 Revelation – Lambano receiving promised gifts of God by grace to epignosko experience them thru koinonia sharing

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See also:  10-27-22 Revelation in Prayer: Clarity of Vision healing by different Physical & Spiritual Focus


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I’m in my favorite park to do anointed, prophetic, spontaneous drum videos, but I have a powerful message the Lord gave me the night before that will determine if you get to genuinely, experientially, relationally epignosko know the many awesome promises of God’s agathos ‘excellently good, joyful, and beneficial’ grace-gifts He wants to give to you by His unconditionally loving-favor-of-grace through intimate koinonia relationship together-with Him.


Some of the confusion about receiving gifts from the Lord is caused by poor bible translation – see Bible Info.  The English word “receive” meaning “to get or be given something, to react to something in a specific way, to welcome someone in usually a formal way” is very ambiguous and doesn’t reflect accurately the 2 distinctly different Greek words used in the New Testament, so English bibles have really confused matters by translating both “receive!”  Dechomai is passive and accommodating, but Lambano active and aggressive.  Dechomai is “warmly-welcoming as with a fond friend,” but this can vary from a visual or verbal greeting from afar to a simple or firm handshake to even a hug or a kiss, so the context may give a clue!  Lambano “grabbing hold of to possess for yourself” goes further by ‘bringing it in’ so para close-beside you and inside you that you take personally ownership of it!  All the important Truth of the New Testament has to go beyond dechomai and deeper into lambano for you to actually genuinely, experientially, relationally epiginosko know how agathos ‘excellently good, joyful, and beneficial’ these grace-gifts are, because it takes this level of meno ‘abiding connection-to’ them through koinonia intimate-fellowship with them and the Giver!



He showed me 3 responses to His grace-gift that produce 3 results:



1.  Yes, He personally offers the grace-gift to you, but you outright say ‘No’ to the Giver by rejecting Him in disbelief, so this instantly produces a ‘Yes – No = NO’ result.


2.  Yes, He personally offers the grace-gift to you, but you only ‘Yes’ dechomai ‘passively, warmly-welcoming as a fond friend’ some aspect of the grace-gift but then give a ‘No’ answer by NOT lambano ‘actively, grabbing hold of it to possess for yourself’ by ‘bringing it in’ para close-beside you to fully ‘own it,’ especially through using it in order to genuinely, experientially, relationally epiginosko know it because of your koinonia intimate-relationship to it, so this still produces a ‘Yes – Yes – No = NO’ result.


3.  Yes, He personally offers the grace-gift to you, and ‘Yes’ you dechomai ‘passively, warmly-welcome as a fond friend’ and also ‘Yes’ lambano ‘actively, grab hold of to possess for yourself,’ and so this produces a ‘Yes – Yes – Yes = YES’ result. Jesus doesn’t want us to swear oaths at all, but to simply make our ‘Yes’ a Yes or our ‘No’ a No, so that we will not fall under condemnation (Matthew 5:33-37; James 5:12), especially since God’s gospel logos message to you has not been ‘Yes – No,’ but in Him it is always ‘Yes – Yes’ (2 Corinthians 1:18-19).


In the video the Lord gave me an excellent analogy of how all this works with a Fed-x delivery of an awesome Christmas Present with beautiful wrapping inside a box sent from the Giver personally to you, so valuable that He insured it so you have to sign for it.  Listen to the video for amazing details.  The bolded, underlined text are links on my website that thoroughly discuss these subjects for even more depth!





1.  What is God’s promised grace-gift for Me because of His great unconditional-love for Me that desires only agathos ‘excellently good, joyful, and beneficial’ things in my life, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares Yahweh, plans to give you a hopeful-future of shalom/eirene ‘wholistic, reconciling, peaceful-rest’ and ou me ‘absolutely in fact and in possibility NOT’ for ra/kakos bad-or-evil” (Jeremiah 29:11):


2.  Lord, I physically open my hands to “Let Go and Let God” of whatever I am holding on to, which I am saying or doing concerning my identity that is keeping me from receiving Your grace-gift:


3.  I physically, mentally, and emotionally dechomai ‘passively, warmly-welcome as a fond friend’ this grace-gift ‘into my house’ but I know I must go further to “make my ‘Yes’ a Yes.”


4.  I physically, mentally, and emotionally lambano ‘actively, grab hold of to possess for myself’ this grace-gift from Your offering Hand and ‘bring it in’ para close-beside me as ‘inner-circle’ best friend, even into my psyche soul’s identity of intellect, emotions, and will, even within my innermost spirit.


5.  I declare-as-the-truth and decree by the name/authority of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, that I NOW fully ‘own it’ because it is NOW fully mine. NOW I can genuinely, experientially, relationally epiginosko know this grace-gift in koinonia intimate-relationship together-with IT and its GIVER.


6.  Thank you Father so much for this blessing solely given by Your unconditionally-loving-favor-of-grace so that I cannot boast. Therefore, I also dechomai ‘passively, warmly-welcome as a fond friend’ and lambano ‘actively, grab hold of to possess for myself’ any instructions You have on how to best use this grace-gift to get the most agathos ‘excellently good-and-joyful benefit’ from in order to epiginosko experience that “super-abundant zoe genuine-life that Jesus came to bring” (John 10:10).


7.  Amen “So Be It”



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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Christ is the Bed-Rock Altar for true Rest


11-27-21 Vision: Christ is the Petra Bed-Rock altar of “living sacrifices” for true Peaceful-Rest

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I woke up at 6:17 am this morning, too early to get out of bed, and I suddenly remembered my sexual sinning before my August 2008 Spirit-Baptism when for 15 years I had run from God, looking for zoe genuine-life in ALL the wrong places!  I could tell that this overwhelming guilt and shame was not from the Lord because the Holy Spirit only elegcho ‘convicts/convinces with solid, compelling evidence to expose wrong’ the unbelieving world concerning their sin [their unrighteousness], righteousness [of Christ], and judgment to come [for those who follow Satan, he having already been judged] (a), not Christians saved out of the world (b)!  All my dreams and visions of the Holy Spirit, like the vision on 11-21-2021, have been of the Parakletos unconditionally-loving God-the-Mother-Queen nursing Her children, acting as a warm, soft, and gentle Comforter, a close-beside Counselor, and One who protects us like a Hen over Her chicks (c) and as a Defense-Attorney against accusations from Satan and his demon lawyers – true or not – in God’s Court. <Notes> a) John 16:8, b) John 15:19, 17:14-16; cf. John 18:36, c) Matthew 23:37; Luke 13:34.


So I knew from previous visions of the Massive Rock Fortress, also explained in the vision on 11-21-2021, that I was to flee from this evil through the Door-Way that is Christ (a) into the Cave, the Secret Hiding Place in this Holy Mountain that extends around the globe east-to-west and to the Throne of God to prevent the evil of the ocean – the world, the flesh, and the devil – from getting inland to God’s people.  This meno ‘abiding, staying-connected, dwelling’ IN Christ is how we are also closely BY the side of Christ and together WITH Christ, the actual meaning of meinate en “abide in” the Son, Me, the True Vine, My Unconditional-Love (b). <Notes> a) John 10:7, 9, 14:4-6, b) John 15:4, 6-7, 9-10; 1 John 2:24, 27-28, 4:13.


And from previous visions I knew that the further inside I was away from the Door-Way the safer I would be from the crushing waves of ‘the world, the flesh, and the devil’ coming from the ocean, which He had shown me in many dreams and visions (a).  And I also knew that soon I would see a large flat rock that I first crawled up onto and was so peacefully at rest that I fell asleep and had God-dreams within my original God-dream!  Even though the ‘bed’ was rock I quickly fell asleep.  So this morning after being woke with such agitation, I went there to get more sleep to feel better for the day.  This time the Lord helped me to see the ‘bed of rock’ better, because the first time it was pretty dark in the cave and I was exhausted from trying to fight the waves. <Notes> a) see also Psalms 98:7; Revelation 13:1-10, 17:15; Matthew 8:24, 14:24; Mark 4:37; Luke 8:24, 21:25; Ephesians 4:14; Jude 1:13.


Now I could see the ‘bed of rock’ is actually bedrock, not lying on the cave floor but part of it, protruding up like a very high bed I actually had to kind of hop to get onto.  Now I found it funny that when I saw the ‘bed of rock’ I then saw the word “Bedrock.”  But then I suddenly remembered the word Petra from Matthew 16:16-18 where Christ says to Peter:  “I tell you, you are Petros – a little insignificant stone broken off from the massive bedrock, often found eroded in river beds – and upon this Petra – the actual outcrop of massive bedrock – I will build My Church and the gates of hell shall absolutely-in-fact-NOT prevail against it.”  All throughout the Old Testament (a) and New Testament (b) the Petra Massive-Bedrock is God-as-Savior, the Messiah, the Anointed One or Christ, which Jesus is clearly referring to when Peter gets his revelation that “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” <Notes> a) Deuteronomy 32:15; 2 Samuel 22:2-3, 47; Psalms 18:2, 31:2-3, 46, 62:2, 6-7, 71:3, 89:26, 95:1 144:1; Isaiah 8:14 cited in Romans 9:33 and 1 Peter 2:8; Isaiah 17:10, 33:16, b) Matthew 7:24-25, 16:18; Luke 6:48; Romans 9:33 and 1 Peter 2:8 citing Isaiah 8:14; 1 Corinthians 10:4.


This is so obvious that there is NO way that ‘little insignificant piece of’ Petros Peter could be the Petra Massive-Bedrock that Jesus just tied to Peter’s statement, nor is it the statement itself!  There is no way Jesus is saying Peter should be the first pope!  This is terrible biblical interpretation to justify the Catholic religion!  Paul actually brought the gospel logos message of salvation to most of the world, not Peter who holed himself up in Jerusalem!  If any man should have been the first pope, it should have been Paul!  There wouldn’t be a Gentile Christian on the planet if Christ had not chosen him to be an “apostle to the Gentiles” (a).  Peter himself calls Christ “the Petra of skandalon ‘offense that is a trigger to be trapped by” that the Jews “stumbled-over” concerning Christ’s logos message gospel because they “were routinely being apeitheo ‘disobedient by refusing to be persuaded’” (b).  Peter sure wasn’t referring to himself! <Notes> a) Acts 9:15-16; Romans 11:13; 1 Timothy 2:7, b) 1 Peter 2:8 and Romans 9:33 citing Isaiah 8:14.


Well I got up on The Bedrock ‘bed of rock’ who is Christ and laid on Him!  It was clearly big enough for me to do this.  Then the Lord told me that this is the altar in the Jewish Temple, made simply of earth not stone hewn by man to profane it (a), but what Isaiah 56:7 speaks of: “I bring them to My Holy Mountain (b) . . . in My House of proseuche conversational-prayer . . . their sacrifices will be accepted on My Altar for My house shall be called a House of proseuche conversational-prayer for all peoples” (c).  So Paul rightfully understands under the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant, we are priests no longer doing latreia liturgical worship-service of sacrificing animals on the Jewish Temple’s earthen altar, but “offering-presenting your bodies as a living sacrifice, sanctified-holy kai and/thus acceptable to God, which is you logikos ‘logical, rational, reasonable’ latreia liturgical worship-service” (d) on The Bed-Rock Alter of God’s Temple in Heaven who is Christ.  <Notes> a) Exodus 20:24-25, b) Psalms 48:1, 99:9; Isaiah 11:9, 27:13, 65:11, 25, 66:20; Ezekiel 20:40, 28:14; Daniel 11:45; Joel 2:1, 3:17; Obadiah 1:16; Zephaniah 3:11, 8:3, c) see also Matthew 21:13; Mark 11:17; Luke 19:46, d) Roman 12:1, cf. vv. 6:13, 16, 19.


The ‘Bed of Rock’ was clearly big enough for me to put my whole body there as a sacrifice to the Lord which I did.  Jesus warns the Jews in Matthew 21:42-44 “The lithos building-stone that the builders rejected has become the kephale ‘Chief or Head’ gonia ‘Corner-stone but also ‘Secret Hiding Place’ in classical Greek and Acts 26:26’ . . . the one who falls on This lithos Building-Stone will be sunthlao ‘completely broken/shattered/crushed into pieces/dust’; but when IT falls on anyone, IT will likmao ‘crush/grind to powder and winnowed/scattered away like chaff from the grain’ him.”  Here Jesus is speaking of repentant followers of Christ, which requires total surrender to become like kernels of wheat and being ground into wheat flour (a), which is useful to Christ, and contrasting it to the stubborn Jews who are rejecting Him. They will be so finely crushed that they will be blown away as useless chaff!  But what the Lord shows me now is that the ‘Bed of Rock Altar’ is exactly where we can be sunthlao ‘completely broken/shattered/crushed into pieces/dust’ in order to be useful to Him!  This is the daily “denying of oneself and taking up our cross to follow Christ” (b).  I will!  <Notes> a) cf. John 12:24 “falling into the earth and dies”, b) Matthew 16:24; Luke 9:23.


Then I wondered how I would fall asleep on ‘The Bed of Rock’ when I was so used to My Pillow mattress topper and pillow from Mike Lindell, an awesome Christian man and true Patriot!  Because I normally sleep on my side I had to put my hands flat together in prayer and lay my head on them.  To take pressure off my back I naturally curled up as a baby or young child would.  Then I understood that’s what Christ wants from us to obey Christ’s invitation: “Come to Me . . . and I will give you restful-peace” (a), and invitation mostly to little children (b).  Christ is “The Prince of Peace” (c).  He wants us to curl up like little children for proseuche conversational-prayer.  So much of the New Testament speaks of this – see Least Among You and Conversational-Prayer.  Then I noticed that I became so “still/quiet to yada/ginosko relationally, experientially know Elohim – the plural Majestic Godhead” (d) that my hips were sinking into the Bed-Rock Altar, molding around me like it was made of memory foam or gel.  And before long I fell asleep, had awesome dreams, and woke up 2 hours later to write this!  <Notes> a) Matthew 11:28, b) Matthew 19:14; Mark 10:14; Luke 18:16, c) Isaiah 9:6, d) Psalms 46:10.


Jesus is not only the Mountain of God’s holiness that protects us from the world, the flesh, and the devil, but Jesus is also the Door-Way into the Presence of God the Father where there is safety, and finally Jesus is also the Petra ‘Bed of Rock Altar’ where we can find such restful-peace that we can fall asleep IN/BY/WITH Him, “for this comes the Lord who is the Spirit” (a), who is the Parakletos unconditionally-loving God-the-Mother Queen nursing Her children, acting as a warm, soft, and gentle Comforter, a close-beside Counselor, and One who protects us like a Hen over Her chicks and as a Defense-Attorney against accusations from Satan and his demon lawyers – true or not – in God’s Court.  Praise the Lord for His prophetic rhema words of Spirit and zoe Genuine-Life (b)! <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 3:18, b) John 6:63.


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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Revelations about the Lord’s Supper


11-24-2021 Revelations about the Lord’s Supper

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I got some food poisoning last night, and so from 3-9 am I was trying different things to get through it, also drifting in-and-out of proseuche conversational-prayer to bring the healing blood of Jesus into me, bind any demons involved, and loosen the Holy Spirit into the situation.  I was having a very difficult time “being still/quiet to yada/ginosko experientially, relationally know the Lord” (a) but kept seeing the words “Blood of the Covenant,” and was told to get up and “remember Christ” by doing a Lord’s Supper (b).  As I did at 9 am, I finally quieted down and began to get directly-spoken prophetic rhema words from the Lord why I had kept seeing “Blood of the Covenant” and was told to do this for my healing.  The Lord often sunesis ‘connects-the-dots’ for understanding/knowledge between eido mental ‘seeing’ to perceive/understand/know ‘pictures-are-a-1000-words’ visions and something said somewhere in the New Testament that I then have to find using www.biblegateway.com. See also My Divine Healings. <Notes> a) Psalms 46:10, b) Luke 22:19; 1 Corinthians 11:24-25.


So He shows me “crystal glass full of wine” from a vision on 11-21-2001 that is a celebration of “My blood of the Covenant” (a), which in the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant is then completely-different-in-kind than that of the old covenant (b) promise, and the reason Jesus came to Israel riding on a donkey (c).  Jesus’ “sprinkled blood speaks a kreitton more-fully-developed-better things than the blood of Abel” that cries out for vengeance and justice (d). <Notes> a) Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:24; 1 Corinthians 11:25; Hebrews 9:20, 10:29, 13:20, b) Exodus 24:8, c) Zechariah 9:9-11, d) Hebrews 12:24.


Then I saw the words “nephesh or zoe genuine-life is in the blood” (a) and I knew that I needed Christ’s genuine-life in His blood, because I felt like I was dying.  Likely that’s why Jesus said:  “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have absolutely-in-fact-NO zoe genuine-life IN you” (b), and “I am the Living Bread that came down from heaven.  If anyone eats of this Bread, he will zoa genuinely-live forever.  And the Bread that I will give for the zoe genuine-life of this world is My flesh” (c).  I already understood the basic theology of the Lord’s Supper.  <Notes> a) Leviticus 17:11, 14, b) John 6:53, c) John 6:51.


But this is the non-sequitar ‘connecting-of-dots’ God does that frustrates the bible-scholar’s world sunesis deductive reasoning (a):  The Lord ‘connects’ this zoe genuine-life found in the wine of the Lord’s supper I was taking, “the [singular] fruit of the vine” (b) – though I use beet juice because of my pancreatic issues with alcohol – to the “Holy Spirit who gives zoe genuine-life” per John 6:63 (c) because Jesus is “the last Adam that became a zoe genuine-life-giving Spirit” (d).  It’s also clear that the Spirit gives every man physical life (e).  And that’s what I needed!  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 1:19 citing Isaiah 29:14, cf. Matthew 11:25, b) Matthew 26:29; Mark 14:25, c) cf. 2 Corinthians 3:6; Romans 8:2, 6, 10, 11, d) 1 Corinthians 15:45, e) Job 33:4.


So I could eido ‘see’ that as I drank the wine and ate the bread then Christ’s zoe genuine-life would come into me, and then I had pistis trusting-relying-faith for this.  And why did I suddenly have such pistis conviction?  Because I had once read these verses years ago?  No, but because Jesus just showed me this!


Then He reminds me that in John 6:63 He also says:  “the flesh does absolutely-in-fact-NOT opheleo benefit absolutely-in-fact-NOT-one-thing!  The directly-spoken rhema words that I speak to you are presently/ongoingly [singular] Spirit and/coupled presently/ongoingly zoe genuine-life.”  In context, “the flesh” is referring to the Zechariah 4:6 “might and power” efforts of man under the old covenant religion.  That’s why the “New Wine” of His New Covenant blood and His Spirit will simply NOT fit into the OT rule-book religion (a).  But religious people never stop trying to drag something for the old into the New, even though by definition chadash/kainos “New” has nothing to do with being younger in time but “completely different-in-kind, sharing nothing was came before it it, unprecedented, unique, worthy of a patent, and thus superior” – see New Covenant Ways. <Notes> a) Matthew 9:17; Mark 2:22; Luke 5:37.


So what Jesus is directly telling me today is what is giving me pistis conviction of trusting-relying-faith!  Paul was absolutely correct that “trusting-relying-faith come from akouo hearing/listening-to-understand/know, kai and/specifically he this akouo hearing/listening-to-understand/know comes dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of [singular] rhema-word of/belonging-to Christ” (a).  It only takes 1 such “word” from Christ to produce trusting-relying-faith, because of the dunamis dynamite-like enabling-power of the Spirit (b).  The context implies you can ‘hear’ this during preaching, but there’s not 1 hint of gramma bible writings!  “Christ upholds the universe by the rhema word of/belonging-to the dunamis dynamite-like enabling-power” (c).  I can hold my body together! <Notes> a) Romans 10:17, b) Acts 1:8, 8:19, 10:38; Romans 15:13, 19; 1 Corinthians 2:4; 1 Thessalonians 1:5; Ephesians 3:16, c) Hebrews 1:3.


Then the Lord makes another big sunesis ‘connection’:  Paul reveals: “The [singular] fruit/essence/nature of the Spirit presently/ongoingly IS-defined-as/exists-as Unconditional-Love” (a), for “a tree/plant is know by its [singular] fruit” (b), and because “the unconditional-love of/belonging-to God” (c) that “the Father has given to us to be called His children” (d) can occur because “God presently/ongoingly IS-defined-as/exists-as [singular] Unconditional-Love” (e).  We need not define God as anything more, though there are many ways to describe this Unconditional-Love – see note ‘a’ below.  Thus Unconditional-Love is the “[singular] fruit of the Vine” of Christ (f), that Jesus was serving to His disciples (and also to us) as “My blood of the New Covenant.<Notes> a) Galatians 5:22 – the words “joy, peace . . . self-control” are non-punctuated, non-connected, adjective-nouns describing the ‘flavors’ of the fruit or ‘wine’ much like He does later more thoroughly in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, b) Matthew 12:33; Luke 6:44, c) 1 John 2:5, d) 1 John 3:1, e) 1 John 4:7-8, 16, f) John 15:1, 5.


So the Lord helps me to ‘see’ that as I drink the “New Wine” that I am actually drinking God’s Spirit, His very nature as liquid Unconditional-Love, and the rhema words of Christ that will produce more trusting-relying-faith in me, exactly because “My directly-spoken dabar/rhema word that goes out from My mouth shall not return to Me empty but shall accomplish that which I purpose and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it” (a).  This is definitely one way to get more of God’s nature IN me and His healing for zoe genuine-life – celebrate the Lord’s Supper!  <Notes> a) Isaiah 55:11.


Again, rhema has nothing to do with reading gramma bible-writings long after they were written, then analyzing or studying to acquire sunesis ‘connect-the-dots’ understanding/knowledge or sophia wisdom from gnosis informational-knowledge.  This is what the so-called “wise and understanding” bible-students come up with (a), like the scribes and Pharisees that missed the whole point of their Old Testament gramma writings to “testify/bear-witness all-around Me, but you ongoingly refuse to Come-near-beside Me to hold-to-have zoe genuine-life everlasting” (b). After all that expert bible-study, Jesus said they “did absolutely-in-fact-NOT experientially, relationally ginosko know God” (c).  But the Lord reveals His kingdom secrets to ‘such as little children’ and the other so-called ‘leasts’ in the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant (d) – see Least Among You.  Evidently, it’s not through bible-study despite was so many religious people will tell you! <Notes> a) Matthew 11:25; Luke 10:21; James 3:13, b) John 5:37-41, c) John 8:19, 55, 16:3, d) Matthew 11:11, 25, 25:40, 45; Luke 7:28, 9:48, 10:21; Hebrews 8:11 citing Jeremiah 31:34.



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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Feeling Connected to The Vine of Christ


11-21-21 Vision: How to Feel meno “abiding, remaining-connected, living” in the Vine who is Jesus


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Vision:  Feeling Connected to the Vine of Christ




For a long time I have done many studies and had many dreams and visions about meno “abiding in Jesus.”  However, the Greek word meno means far more than “abiding” as many English bible translations provide, as is often the case – see Bible Info:  “1) to remain or abide in place, thus to sojourn, dwell, or tarry, as with a guest in a lodge or house or in one’s own house; to dwell within a person, as with the Father in Christ and Christ as God’s seed in Christians by the Spirit, ‘flavors’ of the singular fruit of the Spirit such as joy dwelling in Christians, Christ’s directly-spoken rhema words or His logos message in them, and Christians in Christ by the Spirit, or negatively of sin dwelling in the flesh; to be kept to remain in a place, as with dead bodies or a branch remaining connected to a vine; continuing to be present, but not departing or leaving, as with maintaining unbroken fellowship to a person or party, especially to be of help or influence to the other or one another but also negatively like remaining under the wrath of God or remaining without understanding; persevere as of one who cleaves or holds fast to a thing; to be held or kept continually in a particular state.  2) It can also mean to remain, continue, abide, or live in time, thus not to perish but to survive, last, and endure as people, works, cities, etc.; to remain in a person or remain as a possession of him. 3) It can mean to remain in a state or condition, thus not to become another or different.  Finally, 4) to wait for or await the arrival of someone.


Can you see that the “picture is worth a 1000 words” image behind that word, and why English, or for than matter any translation, would be deficient? Also, which meaning are you going to apply to a particular verse?  Are you going to rely on a bible translator you know nothing about to decide?  When you research who they are, you will often find they aren’t even Christians, and how can a “natural person that does absolutely-in-fact-NOT dechomai welcomingly-receive the things of the Spirit of God for they are folly to him, and/coupled that is absolutely-in-fact-NOT dunamis powerfully-enabled because they are presently/ongoingly Spirit-kind-of anakrino discerned” (a) possibly bring out the genuine meaning of the text?  Or are you going to become a bible-scholar like the scribes and Pharisees, who couldn’t even recognize their Messiah, to pick the right meaning?  Nevertheless, I’ve found often that just reading the verse in context will make the correct definition ‘pop out,’ but since I am a Christian with the Spirit, I could simply be “Spirit-kind-of discerning.”  And as I’m reading I’m often aware that I am having an ongoing proseuche prayer-conversation with God to show me the truth – He will always answer that prayer!  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 2:14 – and that came from a previous Jewish bible-scholar Saul/Paul.


Can you see why it’s imperative to “akouo hear/listen to understand/know the phone Voice of Jesus in order to more genuinely, experientially, relationally epiginosko know Him,” as Jesus said His sheep would actually do (a), especially so that “If you definitively/wholly meno abide IN Me and/coupled My directly-spoken rhema words definitively/wholly meno abide IN you, as whatever you wish, and/then it will be ginomai come-into-being-as-birth for you (b)?  That’s the secret of answered prayer! <Notes> a) John 10:27; cf. Luke 6:47; John 12:47-48, 14:24, b) John 15:7.


That’s what happened this morning!  I have been asking more and more how to more consistently experience this meno connection to Jesus, not just have gnosis informational-knowledge about it from key verses like this from John 15:1-10, “I am the True Vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. . . 4 [I strongly urge you to] definitely/wholly meno abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it presently/ongoingly meno abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you presently/ongoing meno abide in Me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever routingly meno abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can absolutely-in-fact-NOT do a thing. . . .If you definitely/wholly meno abide in Me, and My directly-spoken rhema words definitely/wholly meno abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and/consequently you definitively/wholly are ginomai come-into-being-with-birth-as My disciples. As the Father has unconditionally-loved Me, so have I unconditionally-loved you. [I strongly urge you to] definitely/wholly meno abide in Me – in My unconditional-love.”  You could live your entire Christian life from these 10 verses without the need for anything else!


So I aiteo asked, asked, asked and akouo listened, listened, listened to the phone Voice of Jesus answer, answer, answer!  The Lord recently showed me that as with all true Christians that have received the Spirit of God when coming ‘resurrecting’ out of the water of water-baptism, thus being Spirit-baptized, that Christ is surely meno connected to us and will never leave or forsake us (a) and so “nothing will be able to separate us from the unconditional-love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (b).  “The kingdom of God is not coming in ways than can be observed” (c) and “He is actually not far from each one of us, for IN HIM we live and move and have our being” (d).  He is not far away, just in heaven seated at the right-hand of the Father, but dwells within Christians by His Holy Spirit (e).  This is basic Christian theology so I already knew this in my head! <Notes> a) Hebrews 13:5, b) Romans 8:39, c) Luke 17:21, d) Acts 17:27-28, e) James 4:5; 1 Corinthians 3:16, 6:19; 2 Corinthians 6:16.


But God sunesis ‘connected-the-dots’ for me to understand/know” these verses by tying them to a recent vision about an umbilical cord I was made to stare at, then follow back from myself to the Holy Spirit, my real Mother-God.


Proverbs 2:2-5 says: “Make your ear attentive to Sophia (feminine) Wisdom   . . . your heart to Sunesis (feminine) Understanding . . . If you cry out for Sophia Wisdom and lift up your voice for Sunesis Understanding  . . . If you baqash/zeteo diligently seek (a) HER (autos is feminine) like silver and/coupled chaphas/exereuneo diligently search out (b) HER (autos is feminine) like hidden treasure, THEN you will actually suniemi ‘connect-the-dots’ to understand the fear (c) of the Lord and/coupled continually-in-process (d) find/obtain/perceive/discover the genuine, experiential, relational da’ath/epignosis knowledge of God” – see also Proverbs 8:1.  The Hebrew word ruach for the Spirit everywhere in the OT is also feminine.  It’s no coincidence that She is called “the Spirit of Sophia Wisdom and Sunesis Understanding” (e), and it’s no coincidence that the 4 God-dreams I’ve had with the Holy Spirit in it She was a Queen, “God, the Mother” not ‘the mother of God’ Mary as the Catholics believe! <Notes> a) Hebrew baqash:  seek to find, secure, seek the face/person/audience of, desire/demand, require/exact, ask/request; Greek zeteo: searching diligently in order to find, investigate, desire/crave, aim/strive after, b) Hebrew chaphas in the Qal form: search for, think-out/devise, search/test; Greek exereuneo:  search wholly out from, carefully search out with all diligence in an investigative, examining manner of the facts, c) Hebraism: reverential, worshipful awe and respect of, d) imperfect tense, e) Isaiah 11:2; Colossians 1:9.


Yes, “Spirit” in Hebrew ruach is feminine, and in at least 4 God-dreams – see The Preacher & Queen that saves America and 2-17-2020 Cheerleader to follow and 12-15-2020 Queen at a diplomatic function, the Spirit is always a woman, a Queen, even joyful “The Ancient of Days, full of worshipful adoration of the Father, despite all my linguistic training that pneuma in Greek is neuter, yet should not be viewed impersonally as an “it” like the “Force” of Star Wars or a “Ghost” but then is often given masculine pronouns – there seems to be early confusion in the Greek writings!  But I know the Greek translation came LONG after the Hebrew text!  And I must remember that God says:  “Let us make man in OUR image after OUR likeness . . . So God [the Father] created [singular] man (Adam) in His own image; So in the image of God He created [plural] them – male and female He created [singular] him (Adam)” (a).  And we know that Eve was created out-from Adam!  Clearly the Triune Godhead contained male and female beings, but since we know that Jesus and the Father are clearly defined as males, that leaves a Women whom Eve was patterned after!  Nevertheless, I don’t think this is a ‘make or break’ pivotal doctrine one way or the other!  <Notes> a) Genesis 1:26-27.


The Lord clearly showed me that as a Christian I was NOT separate from the Holy Spirit, or that It was a masculine Him to always be seeking in order to meno ‘connect to’ as I had been doing, despite my feelings of separation, but that The Truth was that I was actually STILL intimately meno connected to my Heavenly Mother from my “New Creation born-from-above birth” (a) experience on September 28, 1980 as I rose from the waters of my water-baptism.  The Father is by name/authority the author/source of every patria authorhood/fatherhood in heaven and on earth (b).  Every family there and here is patterned after the Godhead!  What children ever came from a family that never had a father and a mother?  Eve was distinctly created in the image of God, just as Adam was – Eve from Adam, just as the Spirit is from the Father, because only the Son is the “only begotten” (c).  Thus the Spirit cannot be the Father’s Daughter especially since I never saw the Spirit in my 4 encounters as such! <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 6:15 John 3:3, 7; 1 Peter 1:3, 23, b) Ephesians 3:16, c) John 1:14, 18, 3:16, 18; Luke 7:12, 1 John 4:9, cf. Hebrews 11:17.


In previous visions I ‘longed for’ reaching Jesus and in one dream on 2-4-2020 I caught up with Him in my boat as He was leaving the harbor and world behind.  As soon as I stepped into His boat next to Him, the Holy Spirit immediately appeared close-beside Him and I was immediately filled with enormous joy!  I have experienced this often as one of the chief effects/flavors of the singular fruit/nature of the Holy Spirit that is Unconditional-Love (a) – see Spirit-Baptism – BT1.  But now I really know why “this comes from the Lord [Jesus] who presently/ongoingly IS-defined-as/exists-as the Spirit” (b) and why the phrases “the Spirit of/belonging-to Christ” (c), “the Spirit of/belonging-to the Lord” (d), or “the Spirit of Jesus” (e), and “the Spirit of Jesus Christ” (f) are often used.  She comes from the Father who is IN Christ (g). <Notes> a) Galatians 5:22, b) 2 Corinthians 3:18, c) Romans 8:9; 1 Peter 1:11, d) Acts 5:9, 8:39; 2 Corinthians 3:17, e) Acts 16:7, f) Philippians 1:19, g) John 10:38, 14:10-11.


I remember a dream I had once of people in front of an anointed, prophetic band warming up spontaneously by the Spirit in the park.  When they got close, they were surrounded by the Unconditional-Love of the Lord as if sandwiched between 2 hot waffles from the toaster, and these people just melted like butter unto salvation as they were each akouo hearing-to-understanding/know the directly-spoken rhema words of the Lord – but it was only music being translated by the Lord, like tongues (a).  Now I understood that one ‘waffle’ was Jesus and the other the Holy Spirit – these people didn’t have a chance!  “Irresistible grace” as John Calvin termed it!  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 12:10, 30, 14:5, 13, 26-27.


In a previous vision this week, Jesus was cooking a great soup in the kitchen of His family restaurant.  Because I never saw the rest of His family, I asked where they were.  Jesus said He knew how to cook so well from the Father’s recipes and the loving-care of His Mother who both lived within Him.  He kept smiling as He was eager to have to me taste His soup as He made changes to it – the next day He told me His recipe and the exact time for cooking the components, and got out of bed starving!  Every bite was pure comfort food and I was overwhelmed with joy.  I asked how food could have such a profound effect on me?  He said you are ‘tasting’ my Mother’s work, the Spirit of joy.   I was shown that SHE was the “soft comforter” that we lied against when as little children we cried out for food, SHE satisfied us completely, and we fell asleep on HER.  Even now Peter says we are to “epipotheo ‘desire, crave, yearn, strain, long affectionately upon what will satisfyingly fit’ the adolos ‘pure, unadulterated, guileless, without fraud, trickery, deceit, craftiness, or mixed-motives’ logikos ‘logical, rational, reasonable’ (a) gala ‘milk that is easily digestible’ (b) as newborn children-in-arms” (c).  As you can see from the notes below that many have tried us to keep us from the truth that ONLY SHE can satisfy us!  The Lord told me not to settle for ‘scraps on the floor’ but to go through the kitchen doors to Him to eat real gourmet food, and be enormously ‘comforted’ with every bite by the Holy Spirit. And boy, did I feel it!


<Notes> a) logikos:  This is NOT the word pneumatikos “Spiritual” or “Spirit-kind-of” as too many bibles translate here and in Romans 12:2 where it is only used!  It simply means “logical, rational, reasonable.”  Paul in Romans 12:2 argues that “offering our bodies as living sacrifices” is NOW under the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant the ‘logical’ form of liturgical worship-service of God as His priests instead of offering sacrifices of other animals as the temple priests did.  Likewise 1 Peter 1:23-2:3, Peter argues that it is “logical, rational, reasonable” for Christians who were anagennao ‘born from above’ ek out-from ‘non-human, non-fleshly, immortal [singular] spora seed’ dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of [singular] zoa genuinely-Living Logos of God . . . to crave ‘the pure milk’ like newborn-babies.”  Like Paul, logikos is an adjective, not describing our “liturgical worship-service to God” but here of the “pure milk which we are to crave like newborn-babies.”  Logikos is the adjective of Logos, so Peter is definitely tying the two together, thus the ‘pure milk’ is the “Living Logos of God.”  However, contrary to the false teaching of so many pastors, this is absolutely NOT a reference to a bible that came 300 years later that is now 2000 years old, but to Jesus Christ who ‘presently/ongoingly is zoa genuinely-Living – see Logos Word of God – BT3.  In fact, 1 Peter 1:25 is defining this “Genuinely-Living Logos communicated-message of God” as coming by “the directly-spoken rhema word of the Lord is presently/ongoingly meno abiding/living eis toward-and-reaching the age (thus forever).  NOW this is the directly-spoken rhema word we have been euaggelizo ‘preaching/proclaiming as great news’ to you.”  There are no gramma writings to read, analyze, study, meditate on, debate, or teach as the scribes & Pharisees did with the OT. This is Christ’s right-NOW, directly-spoken rhema words THROUGH His apostles, prophets, and evangelists – see Logos Word of God – BT1 and Prophetic-Rhema page.  After all, it was Jesus who said “My rhema words that I have spoken to you are [singular] Spirit and/coupled [singular] zoe genuine-life” and contrasted this to everything the Jews had and were doing as “the flesh that is absolutely-in-fact-NO advantageous-benefit at all” (John 6:63).  John in 1 John 1:1 says that Jesus is “The logos message of zoe genuine-life” but Paul in Philippians 2:15-16 implies that Christ’s gospel logos message about Himself is also the “logos message of zoe genuine-life that we are to hold forth as children of God.” (cf. Acts 8:25, 15:7; Ephesians 1:17; Colossians 1:5).  We also know from Paul in Galatians 3:16 (cf. Acts 3:25, Genesis 22:18) that [singular] ‘seed’ (he uses sperma for ‘sown-seed or offspring’) always refers to Jesus Christ.  In summary, no matter how old we are in Christ, we should never stop epipotheo ‘desiring, craving, yearning, straining, and longing affectionately upon what will satisfyingly fit’ that is ONLY the adolos ‘pure, unadulterated, guileless, without fraud, trickery, deceit, craftiness, or mixed-motives’ milk as if still newborn-infants.  Jesus repeatedly said we MUST be like these little children – see Least Among You.  And what ‘milk’ is this?  It is Jesus Christ and the gospel logos message about Himself who is The Truth we are to meno abide/live IN (John 8:31, 14:6; Galatians 2:5, 14; Ephesians 1:13; Colossians 1:5) and thus no lie that deceitful teachers, even Law-teachers were disseminating (1 John 2:20-27), because The Truth meno abides/lives IN us and will be with us forever” (2 John 1:2), a reference to the Spirit of Christ.  We should never get ‘tired of the gospel as milk’ and want to ‘go onto solid food’ – as you can see from note ‘b’ below, that is false-teaching!  We should want the Lord to help us experience everything possible of Christ and His gospel!  It is the dunamis dynamite-like enabling-power of God for soteria salvation” (Romans 1:16), but we know from all the writings about soteria that this is NOT a 1-time event but a “walk of faith, from one step to another” (Romans 1:17) from our predestination to our calling to our water-baptism ‘washing’ justification and Spirit-baptism resurrected ‘born-from-above’ New Creation, the beginning of a life of sanctification-holiness, and finally to our glorification at His arrival (Romans 8:17, 30; 1 Corinthians 6:11, 15:52; 2 Thessalonians 1:10).


<Notes> b) Peter is definitely talking about the gala milk from Christ as a nursing mother.  How can a “He” be a “She”?  Remember that Jesus is representing the Godhead – all 3 are theos God, a title!  Remember Jesus said in Matthew 23:37 “How often I would have gathered your children together as a hen gathers HER brood under HER wings, but you were NOT willing.”  As a scholar Paul knew exactly that the “SHE and HER” of the feminine “sophia Wisdom and sunesis Understanding” throughout the OT that the incarnate Christ is endowed with (e.g., Proverbs 2:2-5, 8:1, Isaiah 10:13) is the “Spirit of Christ, Jesus Christ, and Lord” (Romans 8:9; 1 Peter 1:11; Philippians 1:19; Acts 5:9, 8:39; 2 Corinthians 3:17-18).  Clearly, the Spirit is a SHE who lives in Christ as a HE, and they long to take care of us as little children, even nursing infants!  They long for our dependency, the very definition of pistis trusting-relying-faith!  And in my vision, the Lord clearly showed me that the Spirit is indeed the “God, the Mother” or “Our Heavenly Mother” the marriage-bound Wife of “God, the Father” or “Our Heavenly Father,” and Jesus is “God, the Son, the only-begotten Son, God of God, “the Son of God” who is Them, “the Heavenly Husband and Wife” that is “One God” just as in marriage we become “One flesh/man” (Genesis 2:24), of which all earthly families are patterned (Ephesians 3:15), and the reason marriage is so sacred to God and thus a focal point of NT writings (Matthew 19:5; Mark 10:7; 1 Corinthians 6:16; Ephesians 5:31) and the focus of Satan’s destructive plans (check out what BLM says about ‘the nuclear family’), even by using homosexuality (Romans 1:24-25)!  With this in mind, you will be blown away with what the bible says about God’s “Wisdom and Understanding” – it’s not a thing like the world thinks it is!  Paul uses gala literally to refer to “milk from sheep” in 1 Corinthians 9:7, and metamorphically uses gala in 1 Corinthians 3:2 of fleshly, not pneumatikos Spirit-kind-of food because they were themselves acting like nepios infants in Christ (though they bragged about being pneumatikos Spirit-kind-of people), which nepios refers to milk-feeding infants or little children that still require the gentleness of a nursing mother per 1 Thessalonians 2:7 and Hebrews 5:13.  Paul was having to give them gala milk instead of solid food because they were [legitimately as new Christians] and still are not [as immature Christians] ready for the solid food. Too many Christians forget to read the rest of the letter to realize that Paul is NOT discounting the simplicity of the gospel message as if this was the ‘milk,’ but instead discounting the simplicity of the Messianic passages of their OT scripture that he and other Jewish-Christians used to katecheo catechize-teach Jews to become Christians – see Teach One Another – BT1.  Similarly, Barnabas, Paul’s preaching companion and likely the author of the book of Hebrews writing with more classical Greek than Paul, uses gala milk and “solid food” in Hebrews 5:12-13 concerning these prophetic writings that only make up 2.6% of the OT – see Logos Word of God – BT6 . The “solid food” Paul and Barnabas speak of is NOT theology based on more bible-study, but the “practice of discernment of the Holy Spirit” – see New Covenant Ways – BT16Least Among You – BT8c) 1 Peter 2:2.


That’s why Jesus told me He said to “not-in-possibility work for food that perishes but for food that endures unto genuine-life forever, which the Son of Man will give to you” (a).  He told me that I or anybody else was always welcome to come into the kitchen instead of sitting in the dining room waiting to be served by the servants going in and out of the door.  This is where we could watch Him cook, chat, and eat our food there while in His company.  In fact, there was a long table to His right and plenty of tables to sit on that surround Him – the same was true in His earthly ministry.  Close-near Him is where we could feel zoe genuine-life!  Up until then I had been ‘picking up scraps of the floor’ that had fallen from the servers.  I found the Cook after following the trail of food through the kitchen doors!  He was telling me that when you have “the real thing,” the pleasures of this world are but “scraps on the floor” and become dissatisfying.  After those bites of His food, I wholeheartedly agreed!  This reminds a God-dream on 12-30-2020 where Jesus is a Referee named “Compared” where God showed me that everything is inferior compared to Christ.  <Notes> a) John 6:27.


When I asked more about how each bite of the Father’s, Mother’s, and Son’s cooking in The Family of God could immediately give me so much joy of the Spirit, that is when I saw the umbilical cord showing me meno connection to my Mother and thus to the Father and the Son!  But this morning, the Lord showed me how SHORT the cord was!  Then the Lord reminded me of my first Spirit-Baptism – BT1 in 1983 that knocked me on my butt with enormous electric-power and overwhelming Unconditonal-Love followed by joy and then restful-peace.  However, because of the poor education about the Spirit in the Church of Christ, I had no idea WHO it was – that took another Spirit-baptism in 1985 as I was using my concordance to look up every verse on the Spirit.  Afterwards in 1983 I remember walking across campus one hot afternoon, girls laying everywhere with hardly anything on, thinking that I would get creamed by lust that usually occurred, but then I caught movement of light out of the corner of my right eye and suddenly I knew I was in the presence of Jesus.  It startled me, knowing that I almost caught a glimpse of Him right close-beside me.  All my desire for lust was immediately taken away and I realized the meaning of “the battle is the Lord’s” (a), and I was full of joy and then restful-peace. <Notes> a) 1 Samuel 17:47, 18:17; 2 Chronicles 20:15.


Then the Lord reminded me of many things I had studied about the Lord being close-beside me to teach and encourage me, the very meaning of the Greek Paraklete for the Holy Spirit Counselor and Helper who aside from Jesus was another Paraklete (a). When the disciples wondered how in the world they were going to be able to be righteous enough, Jesus declared:  “With man this is actually presently/ongoingly impossible, but para close-beside God all things are possible” (b).  This has nothing to do with getting what you need or want by ‘pushing God’s buttons’ as if He were a cosmic vending machine, but many people in the world and Church treat Him as such.  No, this is about being in a para close-beside relational-fellowship with Him.  This reminds me of a revelation on 11-6-2020 to “walk alongside God” to really know. <Notes> a) John 14:16, 26, 15:26, 16:7, b) Matthew 19:26; Mark 10:27.


That’s why Jesus told me to not be satisfied with the ‘scraps of food on the floor’ but to come into the kitchen and spend time with Him.  That’s where I would get the real comfort food and feel the joy and restful-satisfying-peace of the Holy Spirit.  This reminds me of an incredible dream on 10-24-2020 about a Holy Christ as a Massive Rock Fortress , a follow-up dream on 10-27-2020, and another follow-up dream on 10-31-2020 where the Rock wall extended around the world left-to-right but also up to the throne of God.  The only way to escape the sin of the world, flesh, and devil represented by the crashing waves of the ocean was to flee up the beach to this Rock, but there the waves would crush me against the Fortress’s sharp holiness.  There was no place to hide or escape except into a close-by cave.  Once through the bright sunny door, who was Christ, the deeper I went into the cave the safer I was and the more I experienced various Truths about Jesus.  Here is where Jesus first told me what meinate en ego “abide in Me” (a) really meant to Him – “to BE in the middle of Him, to BE by the side of, and to BE with the company of Him.”  It was such a revelation because Greek scholars always try to make you pick one of the “in/by/with” definitions of the dative case of the preposition en, but here Jesus made it clear that all 3 applied to Him!  Once again, the scholars were wrong!  This ‘going into’ Jesus also reminds me of a 6-26-2017 prayer revelation of how to effectively pray through a problem – “the only way out is IN – IN to Me and Me IN to you.” <Notes> a) John 15:4-7 from above.


Now today in my vision, the Lord showed me that the sharp Rock Wall of holiness wasn’t intended to hurt me.  It only hurt me as I tried to climb up God’s holiness to escape the evil waves.  I could find no clef to hide in enough nor ridge to rest on.  That’s what happens with religious works-based righteousness so common religions and even churches – no rest for the weary!  The Wall was actually designed to keep the evil ocean from getting inland to completely destroy the world.  When the Holy Spirit Restrainer is taken away, that’s when the Antichrist is disclosed to the world and the Great Tribulation begins (a).  The purpose of the Rock Wall for me was the cave as the place of refuge and safety, just as King David discovered (b), and the “way of escape from temptation” the Lord always provides (c).  This reminds me of a vision on 3-22-2020 of a Fortress of Solitude for training and protection, sort of like Superman’s retreat.  This is the place for “being still-quiet to yada/ginosko experientially, relationally know that I AM [plural] elohim God” (d).  Unless we stop moving and talking, it won’t be easy for the zoe genuine-life of Jesus, the Massive Head, to meno connect and transfer to us, as my 6-4-2016 God-dream showed me. <Notes> a) 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8, b) Psalms 18:2, 31:2, 46:1, 59:16, 71:3, 91:2, 144:2, c) 1 Corinthians 10:13, d) Psalms 46:10.


When I asked why Jesus was always smiling as He cooked, He said that He loved cooking the Family’s recipes and serving it to others.  Here the owner of the restaurant was the Cook!  When I asked how I could help and made suggestions, He said I could help carry the food out with others to the dining room.  This reminds me of a dream on 12-17-2019 about being called to live like Jesus by loving and forgiving others.


Then the Lord showed me the boat again and the appearance of the Spirit when I stepped into it.  As soon as I did a crystal glass appeared with red wine in it and He said that it was time to celebrate with joy, and immediately I was in joy.  I asked how this could be?  He said, “Didn’t I say this Wine is my blood of the New Covenant and the New Wine (a) of the Holy Spirit that could not be put in the old wineskins of the Law” (b) – see New Covenant Way – BT7<Notes> a) Matthew 9:17; Mark 2:22; Luke 5:37-38, b) Matthew 9:17; Mark 2:22; Luke 5:37.


Interestingly, the Greek word for “New” in both cases is kainos, which means “completely different in kind, unprecedented, unique, sharing absolutely nothing with what came before it, and finally superior” – in the OT the Hebrew word is chadash meaning the same.  It has nothing to do with being “younger or newer in time,” which are other Greek & Hebrew words – see New Covenant Ways.  Then the Lord showed me something I had never seen in all my study of Ephesians 3:19 and 5:18 about “being definitively/wholly pleroo filled-to-completion WITH [the content of] ALL the pleroma abundant-fullness of God . . . and in-possibility-NOT presently/ongoingly becoming drunk by the means of wine in/by/with which is debauchery, but-instead presently/ongoingly becoming pleroo filled-to-completion by the means of [singular] Spirit.”  Clearly Paul is urging Christians to no longer get ‘filled-up’ WITH the ‘wild life’ by the means of wine  – I knew years of that wild, partying life in bars which indeed opens the doors for all kind of sin.  Instead Paul strongly urges Christians to routinely get “filled-up WITH God by the means of the Holy Spirit.” Cleary, Spirit-Baptism is NOT a one-time event as so many Pentecostal treat it!  Then He showed me that a bar’s wine is the “old wine” of the flesh, just as the rules of the OT were (a), which is like those ‘scraps of food on the floor’ – it simply doesn’t satisfy.  The completely-different-in-kind kainos “New Wine” is the the blood of the New Covenant and His Holy Spirit.  This reminded me of a dream on 6-26-2017 where the Lord told me I had to choose between drinking “spirits sold here” in the bar or His Holy Spirit. <Notes> a) Romans 7:5; Galatians 3:2-3, 4:9; John 6:63.


Then the Lord showed me the Last Supper where He took “old wine” and now said it was “my blood of the Covenant . . . for the forgiveness of sins.  I tell you I will not drink again of THIS [singular] fruit of the [singular] Vine until the day when I drink it kainos completely-different-in-kind Newly meta ‘with, but implying a resultant change afterward, like metamorphosis’ you in my Fathers’ kingdom” (a).  Now I was always taught that this would be in heaven or maybe in the Millennial kingdom.  But Jesus told me this was on Pentecost when the “New Wine” of the Holy Spirit was given to His disciples and the Church Age began.  Is it any wonder that Jews who did not understand the supernatural tongues mocked them saying, “They are mestoo filled-full-with gleukos ‘highly-inebriating, fresh-juice, sweet, newly fermented wine’ ” (b)?  They thought they were “drunk by the means of wine” but actually they were drunk by the means of the “New Wine” of the Holy Spirit.  That’s what I want! <Notes> a) Matthew 26:28-29, b) Acts 2:13.


The coming of the Holy Spirit was the kingdom of God coming for the beginning of the Church, just as Acts chapter 2 on clearly portrays.  Jesus was indeed drinking WITH them in His Kingdom!  Jesus is the True Vine (a) and the [singular] fruit of that Vine is the Holy Spirit.  To quiet their fears before Christ’s departure He said, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you . . . I am going away, but I will come to you . . . because I live, you also will live” (b), but He said this right after saying “the Father will give you another Paraklete close-beside Helper to be with you forever, that is The Spirit of The Truth . . . You already know Him for He dwells para close-beside-with you (as Jesus) and/moreover will be IN you” (c).  <Notes> a) John 15:1, 5, b) John 14:18-19, 28, c) John 14:16-17, 26.


After this vision, I wonder if I ever will look at a glass of wine quite the same, but now maybe instead as so many “scraps of food on the floor.”  Once again the Lord has helped me to see that so much of what we believe, and thus feel, doesn’t come from Him but the traditions of men who mistranslate and also misinterpret biblical writings – see Bible Info.  However, now I can know for sure that He is ‘close-beside’ and in fact ‘IN me.’  I no longer have to grope in the dark, seeking and searching for someone I already have – all those verses simply don’t apply to people “IN Christ!”  The “deceiver of the whole world and father of lies” (a) Satan had me applying bible verses to me that were only meant for natural, “in the flesh” people of the unsaved world who are definitely NOT meno connected to Christ.  Paul had to drill this fact into Christians also:  “You are absolutely-in-fact-NOT by-the-means-of [singular] flesh but-instead by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit, [because] indeed [singular] Spirit of God presently/ongoing dwells in you, for if anyone does absolutely-in-fact-NOT echo hold-to-have [singular] Spirit of/belonging-to Christ [then] he absolutely-in-fact-NOT presently/ongoingly IS-defined-as/exists-as of/belonging-to Him” (b). <Notes> a) John 8:44; Revelation 12:9, b) Romans 8:9.


Furthermore, anytime I want to epiginosko experientially-know, that is to feel, The Truth as the glorious presence of the Holy Spirit in Christ, all I have to do is spend some koinonia intimate fellowship with Christ ‘in His kitchen’ chatting, watching, listening, and eating some of His great cooking from His Dad & Mom’s recipes – this is really the experience of proseuche conversational-prayer.  It’s so simple that little children and the other Least Among You can easily do this – Christ’s burden is that easy!  Then I will be “filled-up with the abundant-fullness of God by the means of the Holy Spirit” as Paul promised in Ephesians 3:19 and 5:18, instead of “being drunk by the means of wine” or for that matter eating any other ‘scraps off the floor.’


I can still “long, yearn, earnestly desire, crave, or lust for, etc.” for the Lord as persistently, “routinely aiteo asking-to-receive and routinely zeteo searching-to-find” (a) have in their definitions as part of the Lord’s Prayer Model, but that ‘longing for’ doesn’t have length, because the umbilical cord is so short that the Lord is “close-beside” and “IN me.”  The kingdom has eggizo “drawn extremely close-beside-near” (b) or eggus “nearest” (c) because the King has arrived for Christians and reigns by the enabling-power of His Spirit! <Notes> a) Matthew 7:7-8; Luke 11:9-10, b) Matthew 3:2, 4:17, 10:7; Mark 1:15; Luke 10:9-11, c) Luke 21:31.


What is now correct to “long . . . lust for” is more of the genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of the Lord, which Jesus made clear was acquired simply by being para close-beside or meta transformationally-with Him “while He is cooking.”  It’s the koinonia intimate fellowship that will make the difference, and this happens in proseuche conversational-prayer.  This is what brings the “Wall of the world, the flesh, and the devil” down that blocks our experience of the Lord per a vision way back in 6-14-17 – not just “speaking to the mountain to be thrown in the sea, in the name/authority of Jesus” (a).  The Lord also just showed me the crumbling Wall that I had built around my broken-heart from my childhood abandonment, rejection, and loneliness.  His whole reason for Christ’s coming was to “set the captives [behind their walls] free and to heal the broken-hearted by binding up their wounds” (b).  Again He told me to speak it down in His name/authority, so I did, and now I can have trusting-relying-faith that even that ‘block’ is gone from feeling His unconditional-love.  The place of kononia fellowship is NOW where I can ‘pull the covers’ of the Holy Spirit Paraklete Comforter over me like “Robes of Righteousness” as He showed me once in a vision.  This “GOing to GOd in prayer” is the “DO” that God asks of us, but in reverse as “OD,” so that together it brings us to the “GOOD” of God – what a revelation on 12-14-2020 that was!  This place of “peaceful-rest” is where nature sings with joy, per a revelation in 6-12-17. <Notes> a) Matthew 17:20, 21:21; Mark 11:23, b) Luke 4:18; Ephesian 4:8; Psalms 146:7-8, 147:3.


Today the Lord told me that’s what He meant about the invitation of “[I strongly urge you to] deute come-near-NOW pros toward-reaching Me, all who actually, presently kopiao exhausted-from-working and/coupled are already [with ongoing effects] phortizo weighted-down-from-being-overloaded, and/consequently I shall actually give you rest. [I strongly urge you to] take My zugos yoke upon you and/coupled manthano ‘learn the facts through experiential, reflective knowledge’ from Me for I am gentle and/coupled lowly in heart, and/thus you will find rest for you souls, for My zugos yoke is chrestos easy-to-do and/coupled My burden is elaphros ‘feather or cloud-light’ to carry.”


I had already known that a zugos yoke was a “harness that connects inexperienced animals with experienced animals for training purposes, as with a disciple/student to a rabbi/teacher.”  In context, this is unlike any other Jewish rabbi who were just bible-students who completely misunderstood the point of the OT scripture to simply testify/bear witness of Jesus as the Messiah so that they would erchomai come-from-one-place-to-another pros towards-and-interacting-with Him for zoe genuine-life everlasting, but these bible-students refused to do this (a).  In context, the “working and weighting-down” is not physical labor, but the heavy burden and curse of the Law, following so many rules in order to be right with God – 613 will take your breath away unto death, even calling it “The Law of sin and death” (b).  <Notes> a) John 5:37-40, b) Galatians 3:10; Romans 8:2; 1 Corinthians 15:56.


Jesus is the Sabbath Rest from our works of righteousness for all those having trusting-relying-faith in Him (a).  Jesus is NOT like any other ‘all-talk, no walk’ teacher – you learn directly from Him, not by listening to long and boring rabbinical lectures, discourses from bible-scholars with lots of hard-to-do rules, but by being koinonia intimately yoked or meno connected to Him.  This harness is perfect-fitting, so there’s no chaffing sores!  It’s not a long, heavy bar like you see in some carriages but “a short umbilical cord” and “light as a feather.”  How can this be?  Because being meno connected to a ‘walking the talk’ Master makes all the “doing” easy!  He just pulls you along until you are in step with Him as you walk (b).  Stay in intimate fellowship and “the battle is the Lord’s,” just as He showed me.  There Christ teaches us by His Holy Spirit (c) so that we have need of no other teacher (d), just as He showed in in a 8-5-2016 dream. <Notes> a) Hebrews 4:1-11; Roman 4:5-6; Titus 3:5, b) Galatians 5:16, 25, c) Luke 12:12; John 14:26, 16:13, d) Matthew 23:8; 1 John 1:20, 27.




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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Christ as King coming with Evangels & Miracles


10-6-21 Dream: Christ as King is coming preceded by Evangels with Miracles, Signs, Wonders


10-6-21 Part 1 Dream: Christ as King is coming preceded by Evangels with Miracles, Signs, Wonders

Part 1 – Intro


10-6-21 Part 2 Dream: Christ as King is coming preceded by Evangels with Miracles, Signs, Wonders

Part 2


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Learn how that differs from Logos Messages of God


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The King of kings and Lord of lords is coming sooner than many desire:



This morning I was sitting on a beautiful, ancient, ornately-carved, robust walnut bench in front of the Tree of Life during my proseuche conversational-prayer time in one of the Lord’s many gardens, its trunk so wide and strong that I was like a blade of grass in front of it. I can hear the River of Life behind the Tree of Life that waters it continuously.  Jesus and I were resting from a long walk.  I asked Him to show me what is to come – for me but also for us all.


Suddenly I saw a long, wide floor like a runway leaving a huge building, like a huge plane would leave a huge hanger. The room was darkened for a show, as if the runway was for a fashion show. Bright Light emanated from my left down the runway and out these massive doors to my right.  It was bright gold with sparkles of color.  The doors were very tall, higher than the Christmas tree they put in front of the White House or that of the FOX News tree.


Then I saw the Light was actually coming from a massive King dressed in gold with every kind of jewel woven into His robe.  It was made of beautiful red velvet-like cloth with actual gold ornamentation and different colored jewels as studs.  He had a massive ornately-decorated crown.  I could not see His face because the Light eliminating from Him was so strong.  It was also reflecting off his clothes to create a ‘twinkling’ in the room, which somehow I knew was actually newly-formed stars of universes.  His robe had underlying structure so that it proceeded AND followed Him like a long train of a wedding dress but here in all directions!




The Evangels were like grasshoppers next the giant Christ King - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

The Evangels were like grasshoppers next to the giant of Christ as King of kings:



I saw men circling Him and far to the front as with a royal processional. They looked like grasshoppers in comparison to the King with faces so small I could not see them, making them even more insignificant in comparison. There were so many that I knew they couldn’t be just the 12 “fathers of the 12 tribes of a Israel” combined with the 12 apostles that are the “24 elders before the Throne of God” in Revelation 4:10-11. The King’s glory wafted over all of them!  This glory is their only power, their only significance.  Otherwise, they were nameless & faceless in comparison.


I asked who they were. Jesus said, “They are Evangels.”  I thought He said angels.  Then He said, “These are My Evangels – My messengers of My Message to the world.”  Then I remembered that in Greek:  eu (good/great, pronounced “ev”) + agellos (pronounced “angellos”) + istes = “proclaiming/heralding messenger of the “great news” gospel logos message, so is thus transliterated into English as “evangelists.”  Jesus said, “That is what you call them, but I call them Evangels, for they are like my angels, but angels to spread My Message.”


In my translation studies – see Bible Info, I have run into this often:  English bibles translating the same Greek word with different English words, when the Greek means one thing.  This just confuses people to think there are different meanings.  Angels (agellos) are simply “messengers or delegates” period, however you use the word!  Jesus knows what He is talking about. Too bad the translators don’t listen to Him!  Most are like the scribes & Pharisees that didn’t recognize their Messiah the first time!


The glory of the King coming into the world is preceded by His glory upon His Evangels with great miracles, signs, and wonders to prove the gospel logos Message, just as Jesus said would be the case in Mark 16:17f, Acts 2:17-19, and many other NT and OT verses.


So Jesus was telling me to watch for this to know His coming as the King was near.


As we see this, some people like myself will get VERY excited, but many people will run in shame, and many others will rapidly increase their evil deeds, sensing their opportunity to benefit themselves will slip away from them. They want to ‘do as much damage as they can’ before ‘their ship’ sinks. Their motivation and power is from the pit of hell!  They are puppets & pawn of evil forces!



History repeats itself if you don’t learn from it:



We can already see this playing out in the Democrat & Republican parties – there is nothing “democratic” or “republic” about them, because the representatives from so many states say they have very few meetings to actually debate issues and find a compromise. They are simply TOLD by the majority party that this is the way it is going to be, which is absolute authoritarianism.  And there are members of the minority party that are actually representing the desires of the majority party as if they are spies & plants to insure their agenda.


Also, congressmen of 50 years have said they have never seen the 3 branches of government dissolve into 1 branch, the Executive, like it is now – “Taxation without Representation” is back in full force, just as in 1775.


But what did 40% of the US people do in 1776?  They declared the “War of Independence” from the occupying authority!  What will the Patriots of today do?  Sit back and watch their country be taken over by forces that very well may have hidden ties to foreign governments?  Director Radcliff of the Department of National Intelligence never gave his required report on the “Foreign Influence in US Elections of 2020.”  Why not?


Will there be true investigative reporting to expose the deception going on as with Watergate and the sham of the Vietnam war?  Or will the Mainstream Media continue to work for the government to be our “Official State Media” as in communist countries that do NOT have a Constitution and Bill of Rights with the 1st Amendment Right to Free Speech?


So watch the Glory of the “King of kings and Lord of lords” arrive first by His Evangels with great Miracles, Signs, and Wonders!  He is our great hope!


I am starting to see signs of this at:   https://youtube.com/c/sidroth and  https://youtube.com/c/ElijahStreams



Have you seen signs of this?  What has the Lord told you?  Please share it below!



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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Biden stealing bases and getting tagged out


10-5-2021 Dream of Biden stealing bases and getting tagged out

10-5-2021 Dream of Biden stealing bases and getting tagged out - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


10-5-2021 Dream of Biden stealing bases and getting tagged out - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


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The Base "Stealer" is going to get Tagged "Out" - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

The Base “Stealer” is going to get Tagged “Out”



I was in a beautiful garden on a bench talking with Jesus as I sometime do in proseuche conversational-prayer, and He was going to show me things to come.  I began thinking about my life and then suddenly I started dreaming inside my thoughts inside this dream and I saw a baseball game. The pitcher held the ball in his glove, hidden from the ‘player’ trying to steal a base – he was about 1/4 the way from 1st to 2nd base, just watching for his chance.  He was a well-known ‘stealer,’ and I recognized him even though he was younger.


I was in the outfield between 1st and 2nd base, but subtly came in closer so as to NOT get the attention of the “stealer.”  I had practiced this move with the Pitcher who moved to the back of the mound as close as he could to the “stealer,” again without getting his attention.


Then at JUST the right time, as I made eye contact with the Pitcher, He stuck his left glove out in front to make it look like he was going lean back to pitch, just so that the “stealer” would make his move toward 2nd base.


But as the Pitcher leaned back to throw, He instead threw the ball backwards to me who know was nearly in the path of the “stealer.”  I quickly tagged the “stealer” then shot the ball over to 1st base to knock out the runner heading that way.  It was a quick ‘double play’ and before anybody could figure out what happened, the “stealer” and the coming after him were “out” and to walk off the field defeated in front of full stands!


The “stealer” was Joe Biden and the other “out” behind him will be Kamala Harris!  Both will be “out” in shame!  This is what is coming!  Praise the Lord!




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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Biden flying the “USA plane” into a ditch and bog


9-30-2021 Dream of Biden flying the “USA plane” off the runway into a ditch and a bog

Biden flying the "USA plane" into a ditch and bog - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


Biden flying the "USA plane" into a ditch and bog - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


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Learn how that differs from Logos Messages of God


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Biden flying the "USA plane" into a ditch and bog - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

The “USA Plane” is being flown off the runway, into a ditch, and then into a bog:



2 nights ago I had a dream from the Lord where I clearly saw Biden trying to pilot a huge super Boeing jet airliner.  He was in the cockpit, but although he was dressed as a pilot he just hopelessly stared at the controls.  He had no idea how to get it down the runway, let alone fly.  A few minutes went by and a young man with dark hair in the Co-Pilot seat, gently said, “Don’t worry Joe, I can fly it but I can only take over if you put a number “1”in the CENTER of this box on this FORM that He handed Biden.  Joe looked at the box for awhile and then scribbles something that looked illegible, but like a cursive “L” in the left side of the box.  So the Co-Pilot took that as a defiant “NO” and then sat back as Biden tried to steer the plane down the runway.  It wasn’t before long that he ran it off the runway into a ditch and then into a bog.


I woke from the dream and told my wife who is very Spirit-led and she knew immediately that the Co-Pilot was the Lord as I had sensed during the dream.  Biden had been asked by the Lord to surrender control to Him, turning over (the meaning of “repent”) his life to the Lord, but “Big Joe” obstinately said “NO” and is instead arrogantly running his own life and that of the nation, poorly at that off the runway, into a ditch, and then into a bog!


The Lord is telling me to prepare for the nation to go off the runway, into a ditch, and into a bog.  I suspect this means bad stuff is coming!  Prepare for a bumpy ride.


This reminds me of an old dream:  https://spiritmusicmeetups.org/2021/03/14/3-14-21-dream-of-joe-biden-driving-the-country-backwards-into-great-harm-to-himself-and-many-others/



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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Light and Water for our vine to grow


9-28-2021 Dream – Light and Water for our vine to grow

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The Lord gave me an ‘in & out’ waking dream about cultivating koinonia intimate relationship with Him instead of waiting for an ‘event’ to occur:  He showed me a little vine in the shade sprout and very rapidly grow into the light covering some but not all of the corn stalks my eyes were focused on. Then it slowed and stopped. This was on a slope so when it rained on the dry ground, much of the water ran past the plants.  Then suddenly a berm like a speed bump appeared in front of all the plants. THEN they grew more, including the vine, but especially during the gentle, easy and light rains. The thunderstorm deluge caused erosion runoff by not soaking in, and the biggest storms just drowned the plants. I asked if I should build a bigger well or rig up lighting for more growth?  Silence. Then I saw “Ask, ask, ask, not do, do, do.  A little each – a little here, a little there, a little now, a little then.  I will do the do.”


I also understood the light was Christ, the vine was Christ growing in me, the corn was me already there, the focus of my natural man. The rain was the Holy Spirit.


THEN I really understood the Chadash (Hebrew), Kainos (Greek) “unprecedented, sharing nothing with what comes before, unique, completely different in kind, superior” New covenant I had thoroughly studied and written a BLOG for others to share on:  https://spiritmusicmeetups.org/new-covenant-ways/


THEN I understood:  Relationship is not about ‘big deluge’ events that we rightfully pray & long for like baptisms of Spirit (Ephesians 3:19 and 5:18 Filling are routine habits), but about routine “a little now and little later” Light of Jesus and also flowing rain & Water for the berm only detained it, slowed it down to soak in, not retaining it in a well or pond – I used both methods in civil engineering hydrology.  In my yard, plants thrive on routine drop irrigation on a timer – they expect that day.


And under the NEW Covenant the Lord does the doing (a) and my part is the Greek present participle lifestyle or habit of routine “asking, seeking, and knocking” Jesus often speaks of concerning persevering prayer, even of the free-gift (thus not worked for) of the Holy Spirit (b).  I ask, wait as long as I can at that time, and by trusting-relying-faith receive the light and the water – “a little now, a little later.” I trust even the feelings (c) will even be DONE by the Lord.  No worries, just faith<Notes> a) Philippians 2:13, b) Luke 11:13, c) the desire of Philippians 2:13.


This greatly simplified my approach, as for little children and “the least among you” the kingdom is first ‘seen’ and ‘received’ and ‘entered’ by per this BLOG:  https://spiritmusicmeetups.org/least-among-you/


Thank you Jesus for answering my gnawing question.  You are “the One is your TeacherHoly Spirit so we “have absolutely in fact NO need of any other teacher” per Matthew 5:38, John 14:26, 16:13, and 1 John 2:20, 27.  I learned that from the Teachers & Teaching page.


Thank you for encouraging us thru others like Eric Gilmour who are akouo ‘listening/hearing to understand/know‘ Your phone Voice.


Jesus said in John 10:27 that “My sheep akouo ‘listening/hearing to understand/know‘ MY phone Voice,” but I haven’t found anywhere in the New Testament that it says to “read, study, analyze, and debate by gramma writings collected 300-plus years later into a biblio Bible, let alone Jewish graphe scripture.  It wasn’t until 200 years later that a Catholic theologian named Tertullian was desperately arguing against the Jews and resorted to the argument: “Well, we have graphe scripture, too” to defend Christianity.  Until then church fathers argued that New Testament writings were NOT authoritative, universally-binding graphe scripture though still useful for devotional purposes.  Look it up.  There wasn’t a lot of consensus until it was forced on them by a pagan Roman emperor Constantine to keep unity in HIS empire.  See https://spiritmusicmeetups.org/bible-info/



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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Buried kernel of wheat creates Many kernels


9-27-2021 Revelation about John 12:24 Kernel of wheat buried in ground

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Jesus says in John 12:24 somewhat paraphrased from the Greek: “I absolutely am telling you the truth:  If-in-possibility-NOT (unless) a kernel of wheat definitively/wholly has pipto ‘left the other kernels on the stalk and has fallen prostrate’ (a) eis ‘penetrating INTO, in order to produce a specific objective’ the ground, [then] definitively/wholly apothnesko ‘is buried into the ground as if dead,’ [then if NOT] the kernel presently/ongoingly meno ‘abides, remains, lives’ monos ‘as one only, alone, just as it is by itself.’  IF, however, it is goes thru this process, then it presently/ongoingly phero ‘bears, holds, carries’ much fruit.”  <Notes> a) pipto:  often a term for humility and submission.


How?  Because it sprouts into a completely-different-in-kind kainos ‘New’ creation.  The plant then grows IF WATERED and produces a bunch of kernels itself!  We know from John 15:4 that “As the branch (a Christian) absolutely-in-fact-NOT is presently/ongoingly powerfully-enabled to presently/ongoingly phero ‘bear, hold, carry’ fruit away-from itself if-in-possibility-NOT (unless) it presently/ongoingly meno ‘abides, remains, lives’ en ‘IN the location of, by the means of, with the company of’ the vine, therefore absolutely-in-fact-NEITHER [can] you if-in-possibility-NOT (unless) you are presently/ongoingly meno ‘abiding, remaining, living’ en ‘IN the location of, by the means of, with the company of’ Me.”


The single kernel will NOT reproduce many more kernels if:


1) It does not leave the pack of kernels that want to remain JUST AS THEY ARE


2) It does NOT lower itself from its own high opinion of itself as ‘being the captain of its own ship’ – JESUS said  in Luke 14:26 and John 12:25 that “if you do NOT hate your life, you will lose it in the end.”  Greek for “hate” does NOT mean “love less” as others try to squirm out of.  The Jews hated the Romans, their enemies, not just “loved less” than their own Jewish brethren!  James 4:6 and 1 Peter 5:5 citing Proverbs 3:34 and Isaiah 54:7-8 states “God takes His stand or opposes the proud, but gives grace to the lowly.” You have to fall prostate FROM your own high-standing.  James 4:7 “Submit yourselves to God” comes right after “God opposes the proud” right before James talks about the devil fleeing from you if you resist him.  Do you see what must come first?  Then in verse 8 you can “draw very-near-close to God so He will draw-very-near-close to You.”  First things first!  To many Christians and churches quote things out of context and out of order!  There is a process to being delivered from Satan’s power and meeting God, just as there is the 3 steps for a kernel to produce much fruit!


3) If you don’t take this fall ALL THE WAY into burial – Jesus repeatedly said in Matthew 10:38, 16:24, Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23:  “If you don’t voluntarily take up your cross daily and follow Me, you will never see My zoe genuine-life” – you never become His completely-different-in-kind “New creation.”  You only get to stay as you already are, not become what Christ is.  Jesus said the beginning of your New Life is when you are buried with Him in water-baptism for salvation.


None of these words in Greek speak of a 1-time event but of repeated choices “presently/ongoingly” but everybody has to start somewhere – “presently!”


Jesus is radical and gives radical results when we obey Him by taking a leap of faith!


Otherwise we stay right where we are along with others doing the same and getting the same results.  It’s insane to think that you will get any different results doing the same things as before!


This is true for the Unsaved and likely 80% of the Church, who keep doing the same things week after week and expecting different results!


Time for us to all get back on track!



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Revelation, John 12:24, Kernel of wheat must die to reproduce, Join in Christ’s death to genuinely life, surrender to the Lord, If you save your life you lose it, water-baptism for salvation is the beginning of a New Life

Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Neglected Garden and a Faded Woman


10-7-2021 Vision of neglected Garden Courtyard and faded Woman watching the Ocean

10-7-2021 Vision of neglected Garden Courtyard and faded Woman watching the Ocean


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The Lord's Gardens are Beautiful!

The Lord’s Gardens are Beautiful!



After waking, still lying in my bed, I couldn’t wait this morning to meet Jesus in His beautiful Garden He had shown me before in prayer visions.  So I put my pillow over my face to block out the world and went to the bright-white Door-Way He had showed me in previous visions.  I was told before that The Door-Way is Jesus, The Only Way to actually know the Father because He is The Absolute Truth about the Father and thus The Only Way to have zoe Genuine-Life.  Jesus said this in Matthew 7:14, John 10:7-9, 14:6 and that He was exclusive – “For The Gate is narrow and/coupled The Way is narrowly-confining that leads to zoe Genuine-Life and/subsequently few find it . . . Absolutely-in-fact-NO one comes to the Father except dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of Me.”  I really can’t see how the Inter-Faith movement gets around this!  How do churches get suckered into this?  All roads do NOT lead to God!  Anybody who has actually met Jesus will tell you this is a lie from the pit of hell!


I walked through the bright Door-Way, so bright that you could never see what is on the other side unless you go through the Door-Way.  Arm-chair spectators will never know The Truth until they go through The Door who is Christ.  They can never know what’s on the other side, even if they read the bible a 1000 times!  I expected there to be a pathway of green lilies with dainty white flowers and a yellow center that led into a beautiful forest as with my other Garden prayer visions, so soft that I am always barefoot.  Instead I walked out into a long narrow courtyard with ancient deep red brick walls on both sides that extended about 6 feet up.



A once thriving Garden was allowed to die:



The Garden plants were all dead, but you could see the debris where they once thrived.  There were many dead roses.  Cobwebs and leaves abounded.  There were also empty Garden tool shelves with molded leaves in the corner.  Above the walls were dirty white walls that rose high up with windows made up of very small panes of glass each the size of a brick.  It looked ancient!  The glass was caked with dirt so the rooms on the other side must have been quiet dark.  I asked if I were to clean it up and re-plant it, though I knew it would take a long time?


Then suddenly I realized I was looking through the eyes of another Man as He picked up 2 ancient, thick branches that had been previously nailed together to form a ‘T.’  He used it as a “crutch” to “lift up” Himself from working with the soil and cleaning up debris in this Garden Courtyard.  Then He “lifted the Cross up high,” and then suddenly out of the part where the 2 branches came together, a stream of Water poured out that He used to “wash clean” the windows.  It didn’t take much of this Water to make each pane as clear as crystal and then the Light streamed back into the rooms.  He also put Seed into the ground, used this “Water from the Cross” on them, and instantly a plant appeared.  He hung up shade cloth for some tender plants by using pure-gold acorns I saw in the corners of those tool shelves.  They supernaturally stuck like super-magnets to anything!  Then I saw Him put 2 security monitoring cameras on a shelf to keep watch over the Garden.


I asked what this place was?  The Lord said “It was the Church in the beginning, but it has been neglected for a long time.”


At the end of this long Garden Courtyard, I saw an ornate iron Gate, also overgrown with dead vines.  I went through it, anxious to see more.  It led down some narrow stairs, for “The Gate is narrow and/coupled The Way is narrowly-confining that leads to zoe Genuine-Life and/subsequently few find it,” as we saw above.  It intersected perpendicularly with a paved path-way traveling to the left and to the right.  It was high up on an embankment parallel to and overlooking the ocean, very much like the walk/skate promenades in many parts of California along the beach.




The Church faded by "under the sun" while watching the world pass by

The Church faded by being “under the sun” while watching the world pass by:



I turned the leftward from the stairs and there on sitting on a bench overlooking the ocean was an old, heavy-set woman in a faded blue summer dress with lots of tiny faded flowers on it.  She said nothing, just staring at the ocean, and I somehow knew she was nostalgically reminiscing about “the good old days.”  I could tell that once she was young, beautiful, and full of Garden-like Life, but she had sat there so long watching the people passing by and watching the ocean at a distance.  I was knew from many other prophetic dreams & visions this was the unsaved world, the flesh, and the devil.  She had sat there so long that she had grown old, wrinkly, fat, and her ‘glory’ had all faded away by the “under the sun” beating.  This reminded me of the repeated phrase “under the sun” in the depressing book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament!


I asked who she was?  The Lord said, “It was once the Church in the beginning, but My glory faded from Her as she sat down close to home and just watched the world from afar.”  The Church had stopped feeding on Christ as “The Bread of zoe Genuine-Life” per John 6:35, 48 and drinking from the Holy Spirit as “The Living Water” of John 4:11, 7:38. Evidently, all the many Catholic “Masses” and Protestant “Lord’s Suppers” haven’t been very “Genuine” but only “a form/appearance of godliness that denies the power of it,” just as Paul warned in 2 Timothy 3:5 that many people would exhibit in The Last Days.


Then I saw another gate with stairs going down towards the ocean.  These stairs were much wider – for “wide is the gate and the way is easy that lead to destruction and those who enter by it are many.”  The ancient iron railings and lamp-posts were still leading so many to the ocean, the world of the flesh and the devil, into hopelessness.  But again, the class-rooms, businesses, and homes that lined this “way” all had filthy windows so very little light could enter them.  These stairs seemed endless and I felt more and more hopeless as they made their way closer to this sea of humanity controlled by the devil.




The Church has been stuck by it’s man-made wall for too long:



Apparently, the Church “woman” had first got “stuck” inside her house, so she failed to take care of the Garden, and then when she did get “out of the house,” she got “stuck” on the bench to the left of the gate to “the highways and byways” – “going left is always wrong” but then “sitting down on the job” and just watching the rest of the world decay really did Her in!  Even right outside Her house, She didn’t take the Gospel’s Seed out even to the Garden, let alone into the world to make new Gardens.  Nor did She use the Holy Spirit from the Cross of Christ to keep her own windows Holy, let alone the world’s!  Therefore the Light of the World, Jesus, could come into Her own house or the buildings of the world to cause darkness to flee – the world slipped into the Dark Ages and really never regained the Light of the first 200 years of the Church!  She just sat, grew fat, and faded “under the sun” in the world.  Really quite depressing!


My vision had gone an hour and I needed to get up for a bathroom break.  The last part really saddened me, so I asked the Lord to be with me later in the day to lift my spirits.  We’ll see what happens!


The positive part was seeing that although the Church had dropped the ball for being a spreading the Light into the dark world, Jesus is NOW personally re-planting the Garden and cleaning up the mess and windows of His Church for His Light to once again stream in.  So we will see more changes just supernaturally occurring as He resumes control.  And this Light will once again be shared to the darkened world!



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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Great War is coming but so is Love, Joy, and Peace


7-16-21 Dream:  A war is coming but so is Love, Joy, and Peace from a Divine marriage with Christ

7-16-21 Dream:  A war is coming but so is Love, Joy, and Peace from a Divine marriage with Christ - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


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In the first dream, I saw a war between a group of very cultured and otherwise advanced beings of a King and a group of barbarian men & women in comparison.  Although the first group looked like men & women, they were too cultured, intelligent, and otherwise advanced to be mere men.  The weapons of the second group were like arrows in comparison.  I didn’t see any weapons in the first group of advanced beings, though they never lost anyone in the war.


The only way to bring peace between the 2 groups was a marriage between the Prince of the first group and a princess from the second group.  I was sitting on some stairs and the Prince walked past me.  He was powerful, elegant, kind, and civil, full of grace!  All the fighting stopped when the Prince walked through the battlefields to the princess, and they were betrothed in a simple but official ceremony.


In the second dream, those from the 2nd group who joined the 1st group after the betrothal ceremony – for the others in the 2nd group had been wiped out – were now finely dressed and cultured like the 1st group was.  They were now all together in perfect love, joy, and peace at the actual wedding ceremony of the Prince and princess.  I recognized 3 people there I hadn’t seen for a long time!


We were all at a huge table having a feast to celebrate the marriage of the Prince and there was incredible laughter and happiness.  I thought it was odd that I saw no princess there, but then after a while I realized that we must have been considered “the princess” because the Prince was only talking to us.  Then He walked through the sea of celebrating people and the other non-human 1st group and got on a big, black motorcycle (I thought how unconventional), and rode in front of us like we were the very long “train” of a bridal gown.  Then I woke up with great joy and expectancy.


We can see from society in the USA that a war is coming between the states and the feds, between the idea of a republic of 50 states and the idea of a dictatorial federal government, between what our founding fathers set up with the Bill of Rights & U.S. Constitution and the feds who are violating it for their own political agenda.  Lawlessness abounds.  A war is inevitable!  But the war is even much bigger than that because they same thing is simultaneously happening worldwide!


However, Jesus Christ as the Prince of Peace, along with a multitude of angels, is coming to intervene in order to bring peace.  More revivals are starting to break out here and there, more and more truth is being revealed about fraud and violations of human & constitutional rights, and this will snowball into a national “awakening” and revival.


The Lord will bring His peace through the power of His Holiness and the Grace of the gospel logos message to call out people to Himself to become His Bride, the actual Church, which is not the institutional churches in America.  Man looks on the outside, but God looks on the inside!  The Lord clearly told me back in January 10, 2021 that “The Truth is coming like an avalanche that will shake the earth.”  Some people will not heed the warning and will get buried and perish by it, for the Lord has repetitively said, “Repent or you too shall perish.”



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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Jesus’ Spirit-Power will knock people down to R.I.P.


4-15-21 Dream – The Spirit power of Jesus will knock people down to R.I.P.

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Jesus' Spirit-Power will knock people down to R.I.P. - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


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Jesus will "Slay us in the Spirit" by His power - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

Jesus will “Slay us in the Spirit” by His power



I was standing in the front yard of the house I grew up with, which I later understood was symbolic of all families & neighborhoods.  I saw a white, glowing stick figure of a man in the middle of the yard, like those on electronic crosswalk signs.  There was an outline of light around the figure, then suddenly another outline after that, and another spreading further out in all directions across the yard.  I was spellbound watching it come toward me.


When it got to me I lost all strength and fell backwards like a stiff board, afraid I would hit my head on the ground, and powerless to do anything about it!   But my body never hit the ground that I could tell.  All fear left and I felt the greatest peaceful rest come over me.  I could have stayed there forever!


When I woke, I remember in 1983 praying before my college classes while standing and watching the sunrise.  When I turned around to go to school, I had lost all ability to stand and was afraid I would crack my head on the cement, but somehow I didn’t.  That was my first full-blown Spirit-Baptism.   Now I knew the Lord had “slain me in the Spirit” in my sleep and was telling me the importance of peaceful rest from my over-working.




True peaceful-rest can only come from The Prince of Peace - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

True peaceful-rest can only come from The Prince of Peace



Jesus also told me that this is what is coming to America in order to bring peace.  People are fighting each other to find peaceful rest.  How stupid is that!



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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Meteor pieces causing pandemonium on the Earth


4-15-21 Dream – Meteor pieces causing pandemonium on Earth

4-15-21 Dream – Meteor pieces causing pandemonium on Earth - Spirit Music Meet-Ups



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Coming Meter Fragments - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

Coming Meter Fragments



I looked up into the night sky outside my house and thought I was seeing things.  A very large meteor was passing by the Earth outside our atmosphere, very slowly for some reason.  It looked about 1/4 size the moon, but it was much closer to Earth.




Coming Fire-Storms destroying Cities - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

Coming Fire-Storms destroying Cities



Pieces were breaking off and falling into our atmosphere and causing craters, explosions, and fires everywhere – fires that grew so big in the cities that they were near impossible to stop.  Our cities were in total chaos!  I saw the highways and major roads nearby lined with police.  People were evacuating in pandemonium!




Pandemonium of Mass Evacuations



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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Trump perturbed by family chaos but resumes course


11-2020 Dream: Trump perturbed by family chaos, but then resumes course

Trump perturbed by family chaos, but resumes course - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


Intro video - 2020 Dream: Trump perturbed by family chaos, but then resumes course


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Video – Intro to Spirit Music Meetups


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Sometime in November 2020 I had a dream where Trump was dressed in his characteristic blue suit and red tie walking to my right across a dusty parking lot away from his family station wagon.  He had a determined, resolute look on his face like he was set out to accomplish something.  Haven’t we all seen him in public with this face?  But then their was chaotic commotion in the back of the station wagon and the family was trying to control their dog who was trying to jump out and run away.  With a perturbed look on his face, Trump turned around, walked back across the parking lot and dealt with the rebellious dog.  Once he did, he turned back around and got back on course with that same resolute face.


As I write this, I am aware that many people believe that Trump is ‘out of the picture’ because of the election shenanigans that usurped him from his second term, but from all the God-dreams I have had, that particular viewpoint would be merely ‘on-the-surface’ observation that is actually a deflection away from the actual truth.  God was very aware of the frustrations Trump would have to go through to deal with “out-of-control dogs” in the USA ‘family.’


But God has made Trump unique in that nothing seems to phase him for long.  He just gets back on course with that same determined look.  Many have seen this prophetically from Isaiah 50:7 – “But the Lord God helps me; therefore I have NOT been disgraced; therefore I have set my face like a flint, and I knot that I shall not be put to shame.”


Well, this will be fascinating to see how God works this all out!  One thing is for sure:  All through history, God “destroys the wisdom of the wise and thwarts the understanding of the understanding ones” (1 Corinthians 1:19 citing Isaiah 29:14) – we must become like Little Children and the Least Among You.



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Trump 2nd term delay, trouble in the USA between terms, rebellious dogs to deal with during the interim, Trump resuming course, Trump face like flint, Trump means business

Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Revelation – Birds on a power-line straight to my drum studio





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Birds on Powerlines making a Joyful Noise to the Lord - Spirit Music Meet-Ups



There was a time I was in the backyard just feeling grateful for all the music experiences I’ve had growing up and in my career.  Then I noticed a bunch of birds on my 3 power/cable lines across my backyard and from the angle I was sitting they formed a perfect staff of music, and the birds were forming a rhythm I immediately recognized as “shave and a hair cut” so I had to laugh.  Then I noticed that the lines were and the rhythmic tune of “bird notes” was leading right to my drum room!  When I did I got massively filled with joy by the Holy Spirit with many tears.




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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Dream – The monster of sin ravaging the world





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I remembered a dream the Lord had given me long ago of a giant monster ravaging the world, bigger than Godzilla, destroying every aspect of the world. Every person was in some form of pain and suffering from it, and no weapons of “might and power” that man could devise had any effect on stopping the monster. There was so much misery and suffering and so I wept with many others, crying out to God to somehow stop this monster.  Then I saw a mile-wide bolt of lightning from the throne of God pierce the sky, straight through the top of the towering monster’s head until he was disintegrated. When I asked the Lord what this giant was, He told me this was SIN “stealing, destroying, and killing” the world.  When it exploded I was stunned and asked what in the world was that powerful lightning bolt?  And immediately I saw the words, “It’s always been the same – My Love!”   Zechariah 4:6 gives God’s solution to the old covenant in order to produce the New Covenant (a): “No longer by might or power (b), but by My Spirit!” At the time, I thought that “love” was simply a “thing” that God (by His Spirit) possessed that I needed more of.  Wrong!  God doesn’t contain any “thing” – Every created “thing” is actually an extension of Him! <Notes> a) cf. Jeremiah 31:31-34, b) Hebrew/Greek for all of man’s external resources and internal abilities.




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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Dream – Coke is not the real-thing, but Christ’s love is.





I’ll never forget an all-night dream God gave me long ago of the whole world being trapped in an insane asylum, everybody with some form of delusion. Nobody was able to escape, and the demonic forces just kept drugging us or keeping us busy or entertained so we didn’t care about escaping (a).  I was trying to break my delirious friend out and found a lab run but a Father-Son team of chemists that had the antidote, which came in a blood-red can marked “The Real Thing” – and it wasn’t “Coca-Cola!”  When I gave it to my alcoholic friend, his chest opened up and a robotic hand came from deep within him to “receive or take hold of (b) the grace-gift for himself.”  Immediately he was clear minded and we escaped.  When I asked what in the world that was, God said: “It’s always been the same – My love.”  And immediately I saw the words, “The Truth that sets men free has always been the same – My Love!”  At the time, I thought this was a “thing” God had within Him, which we sometimes feel. Wrong!  The grace-gift is Himself – unconditional-love! <Notes> a) like the movie The Matrix, b) lambano.


Awhile back my friend told me that long ago he got involved with AA and has been sober for many years since!  Praise the Lord!




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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Dream – Bucket of pure white paint with colors being added to it






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I’ll never forget a dream God gave me all night once, where I saw a large bucket of pure white paint, and one by one different men came to the bucket and added different colors from their own buckets, convinced that this would be better.  Sometimes the paint looked almost white, but it wasn’t any longer “pure white.”  As this went on, I just cried and cried and cried.  My heart was broken and I cried out, “Lord why am I so grieved.”  And He said, “Look at how everybody tries to add to what I have done for you!”  I knew my heart was breaking because His was!




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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Dream – The Preacher saves America through Worship with the Holy Spirit





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I will never forget this long dream God gave me.  A bunch of us reporters were asking “The Preacher” who came to save America how He was going to do it.  After all, we have had millions of bibles, churches, preachers, sermons, and programs for a very long time, and America is actually much worse than 20 years ago!  We asked, “What are You going to say that hasn’t been said millions of times?  What are You going to do that hasn’t already been tried millions of times?”


He didn’t answer, but just pointed to this black woman from Africa who looked like a Queen with such fine, brightly-colored orange and brown dress and a fine jade necklace.  She was playing an instrument from every limb while singing the most beautiful adoration to God that you could imagine hearing.  We stood in absolute awe for quite a while, but then we asked the same questions.  Again, He didn’t answer but pointed us to Her!  This time we were drawn in closer to Her, but after a while we pulled away and asked Him the same questions.  Again, He just pointed to Her!  This time we were drawn in very close to Her, impossible to pull away, and before long we were all joining in praising God at the top of our lungs!  Then we knew His answer!


This was how The Preacher would save America – by drawing us into the presence of God through worship!  When I woke up from this dream, I was really set straight on the priority of worship, because I’ve never fully surrendered control to it, even though I’ve had many incredible experiences in worship.  My scholarly background in exegetical theology has always led me to be more focused on ‘the sermon’ to insure it was accurate – I’ve found that many pastors haven’t spent much time validating their own sermons.  So the Lord is setting my priorities straight and this BLOG is a result.




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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Dream – Books before 1452 and True Theology of God






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The Lord once showed me in a long dream that the all knowledge of Him that is written down would be second-hand, especially after 1452.  He told me that people were trying to climb up Christ’s cross like a ladder to reach the oldest books on top of the library, but that this was trampling on the Son of God.  The true theology of God was found at the foot of the cross and angels descended on it and then ascended – just as with Jacob’s Ladder.


It was an amazing, all-night, God-dream in which the Lord put me in a huge library with books that went up and up to a very high ceiling.  He told me to only read books before 1452, but all I knew is that such old books must be very close to the ceiling.  He told me that “I only want you to read true knowledge of Me.”  I had no idea how I would get to those books so high up, but suddenly an “Old Rugged Cross” appeared before me.  I pondered how I would use it as a ladder to reach the high books.  The cross-beam was too high to even reach to pull up myself.  If I turned it upside down, I could use the cross-beam as a step, but then there wasn’t more of them to continue climbing.  As I pondered how to do this, I saw angels descending from heaven on the cross and then ascending back up and I immediately remembered the story in Genesis 28:10-12 where Jacob spent the night in the desert, and “as he dreamed, he beheld a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven.  And he beheld the angels of God ascending and descending on it!”  Then I remembered when Jesus called Nathanael to follow Him in John 1:48-51, He said to Nathaniel:  “You believe in Me because I saw you under the fig tree while you were praying earlier (but Jesus was nowhere in the vicinity)?  Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”  Then God said that I misunderstood the purpose of the cross.  It was actually a ladder, but not for me to take even one step up on!  Instead I was to patiently wait at the bottom of it, like Jacob did, like Nathaniel would have to, in order to see the messengers of God minister to me through Christ.  If I listened and watched, the genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of God would be delivered to me through Christ.”  See also the Knowledge page.


When I awoke, I was shocked to discover that 1452 was when the first book was published on a metal-type printing press, and it was 180 copies of the Gutenberg Bible!  It was also the year Leonardo da Vinci, the “Man of the Renaissance” was born.  This period was also known as the “Era of Humanism” when man decided to be “the measure of all things, the center of the universe.”  This led further to “The Age of Reason” when Aristotle’s Greek philosophy of “realism” over Plato’s “idealism,” science, and individualism replaced the family and the Church as the path to “the truth.”  It wasn’t just the rapid spread of the bible that the 1452 printing press invention helped propagate but the world’s humanist propaganda!


When I found this out, I clearly understood that God didn’t want me to look for “true theology of God” in any books at all, because until 1452, everything was written on stone or scrolls!  And it wouldn’t even come from these old scrolls of the bible and early Church records, but at the foot of the cross!  I wouldn’t find the “genuine knowledge of God” or “theology” through even the first-hand accounts of people who heard directly-spoken prophetic rhema words from God or received revelation through visions and dreams that Acts 2:16-18 says is now the pattern for “the last days” or Church age, and certainly not from second-hand accounts – people quoting people, so common in religion!  It would no longer be the “way” 5 bible colleges had taught me, which hundreds of books and websites had reinforced over years of writing hundreds of detailed papers.  It would no longer be through “study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (handling, teaching straight) the logos gospel message of [singular] Truth” (2 Timothy 2:15), which turns out to be a very misleading translation by the King James Version and 9 other bibles that spun off from it (see the bottom of the Conversational-Prayer page).  God wanted me to sit patiently at the bottom of the cross until He taught me directly, just as Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 8:10, 10:16; Ezekiel 36:25-27; Isaiah 54:13, 59:21; John 6:45, 14:26; presently/ongoingly: 1 Thessalonians 4:9; 1 Corinthians 2:13; 2 Corinthians 3:3 – see Logos Word of God – BT20; 1 John 2:27, and many other verses declare.


I say “God didn’t want me to look” because in my dream God also told me that the lady who officiated my wedding, a gifted counselor who already hears from the Holy Spirit and operates in the grace-gifts of the Holy Spirit, was to read books “after 1452,” though I never got the reason why.  After telling her the dream, she surprisingly remarked that she had been reading other Christian “mystics” who heard directly from God, and found this encouraging to her.  Very possibly, God was trying to reinforce her own hearing ability and trying to get me away from my addiction to books and study so that I would hear more directly from God!  That’s the way it is with direct communication from God – it’s very custom-fitted and tailored to your own needs, so you can’t universally apply what you are hearing for yourself.  I’ve had many other dreams and visions to reinforce the tons of bible study I’ve done over the years, so I’m confident in the path that I am to take.




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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

12-6-2020 Dream – The nature of God’s callings versus the World’s jobs

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Video: 12-6-2020 Dream:  The nature of God's callings versus the World's jobs



12-6-2020 Dream: The nature of God’s callings versus the World’s jobs



From Donations-BT8:  A divine dream and prophetic rhema word about the nature of God’s work.



On 12/6/2020 I woke up from a very disturbing dream, and it turns out to be about this “Donations” page I had planned the night before to work on!  God sure does know how to “make straight and smooth your paths” as Proverbs 3:5-6 says!


In my dream I was a new hire as an IT guy in hydrology – see About Us page for my 15 years total experience in these 2 fields.  I had my suit and tie on and was carrying my briefcase – a typical experience in white-color corporations in the 1990’s – and was escorted in through security down a hall past a lot of cubicles and workers into a small break room with a coffee pot, 1 cheap hard plastic chair, and a copy machine.  I was told to wait there, and I waited and waited and waited for almost an hour.  I thought “What kind of company is this that are not even ready for me on my start date?  But then I thought how many companies actually were?  Almost every one I’ve worked at was missing some aspect of readiness!  In some cases I sat around for a week doing busy work while “the left hand caught up with the right hand” so somebody could actually tell me what I was supposed to be doing.  My other IT friends have told me crazy stories with their companies and the Veterans Administration, which is total inept!  My job with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management was a joke – people just moved one stack of papers from one side of the desk to the other and collected a good paycheck and pension!  Now in my dream, I felt worse and worse about how I was being treated and I was about to stand up and just walk out.  I felt completely devalued as a human being.  Then I woke up!


The first thing I did was say, “Lord, why did I have such a horrible dream?  It was so demeaning and depressing!  I asked, “How does that have anything to do with my life now?  I feel blessed to be working on this BLOG website and teaching my drum students.  My IT and hydrology careers were 10 years or more ago!  Why should I remember those days so long ago?”  I just laid there feeling depressed about all the years that I put up with so many demeaning people and impossible situations, so many self-serving bosses and employees, and so many manufactured crisis that just stressed people literally to death.  I laid there for 15 minutes wondering why I would have that dream now?  You can see from my About Us page, I’ve had some long career paths and a lot of small jobs between to get money for several degrees, a house, various cars, and my share of recreation.  Well I was about to leave the dream a mystery, get up, and get on with my day.


Then the Lord said, “You will never have another ‘job’ again.”  Well, I was shocked and worried.  I said, “I’ve never been without a job.  I need money.  I have to work!”  Then He said, “Remember how many times I’ve said that I wanted you to share something with Me, whether it was the joy, creativity, and exploration of drumming, the many colors of a beautiful sunset, the comfort of sleeping in under warm covers on a cold morning, showering your yard plants with water, or feeding the birds in your backyard?  Remember I told you that I was sharing My love for truth and justice in law with My servants fighting in courts and before legislative hearings to expose 2020’s extensive election fraud, and that I’ve shared this with 1000s of witnesses?  Don’t be afraid; I’m in control!  Remember how I told you that by sharing in these things with Me that the feelings you were feeling were a small fraction of My feelings that I have when I did, do, and will again do those things?  And that those feelings are not something separate from Me, thus not creations of Mine but are all facets of who I AM, My nature, My identity?  They are like facets on the diamond that I AM, like the subtle flavors of the complex fruit of the vine that I AM, or the many exotic flavors in a that soccerball-sized grapefruit you saw in the Spirit one day that I said to take a bite of?  Remember what happened?  You were filled with overwhelming unconditional-love, then tears of joy, that incredible peace, and as the day went on, I showed you even more aspects of Me.  Remember that I said you feel them, you feel Me, because I’m sharing Me with you in order that you will come closer to know Me?  You have already studied a lot about this genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge and its koinonia sharing/partnership.  When I tell you that you will never have another job, it’s not to depress or worry you, but to give you something much better – ME!  Yes, you have always worked hard at every one of your ‘jobs,’ but that is over now!”


Now I’m really starting to worry!  I said, “I actually need more students and gigs, times are more uncertain than ever because of the COVID-19 and election frauds.  Who knows what more chaos BLM and Antifa have in store for us to disrupt our economy?  Who knows how much more aggressive China and North Korea will be?  And I don’t know how much more I can “cut back” to make things “stretch” before having to look for even more work!”  The Lord knows I’ve always had fears about not having enough, but He keeps working on me!  Then He says, “It’s always been about your work and your job, but that is over because I want you to share in My work, My job.  This is not work I’m assigning or ordering you to do like so many bosses you have had – I’ve shown you before the demonic spirit of the “taskmaster” that whipped My people Israel for 400 years, cruelly whipping them to make more bricks with less.  Haven’t you seen that in almost every business, that: “The love of money is the root of all evils” (a).  These are not more commandments, rules, regulations, and rituals to work on – that’s religion (b)!  No, this is My work that I want to do inside and through you to help the others I unconditional-love and want to share Myself with.  I want to share My work with you so that you will know My feelings about it and then know Me more genuinely.  You will never learn this in a book no matter what book it is.  You can only learn this by doing it WITH Me.” <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 6:10, b) See New Covenant Way and Only 2 Commandments.


Wow, what do you do with that?  I immediately understood many NT verses more deeply like: “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for great works, which God (the Father) prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (a), for “it is God who is routinely working in you both to will/desire/purpose (d) and to ongoingly do/work for the sake/benefit of [His] good pleasure/delight” (b), “equipping you with everything good that you may do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ – to whom be glory forever and ever” (c).  And I suspect that it has something to do with His October declaration to me (see “My Story” on the About Us page):  “You are an anointed musician, who knows what it means to be filled by My Spirit, who knows what it is to play by My Spirit, and one day you will play in My courtyards with many others that I have chosen.”  Tonight while deeply sharing in the sunset with the Lord He said, “Do you think I really need billions of angels to work for Me to accomplish My will?  Remember with 1 thought and 1 word by My Son We created the universe and I am still creating the same way.  Do you think I really needed Adam to name all the animals in the garden?  I made them all, so I certainly can name them!  No, I include others in My work so they can share in My feelings, so they can share in Me.” <Notes> a) Ephesians 2:10, b) Philippians 2:13, c) Hebrews 13:21, d) thelo.


And I suspect it has something to do with the BLOG website which He led me to create.  But neither of these will be anything like my old ‘jobs’ because they will be completely New in kind and far superior since they will be His ‘jobs’ that He will share with me – see the New Covenant Ways, Anointing, Might and Power, and Promised Spirit pages for how “New” is “completely different in kind.”


I would really be interested in hearing your conversation with God about the nature of work, jobs, what ministry really is!




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Spiritual Education, Rhema Word of God, Revelation, Messages from God, Prophecy, Hearing God, Will of God, Dreams, Visions, God shows me the difference between my many jobs and His calling

Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Dream – A park Band warming up in the Spirit waffling people into salvation






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Once in a dream I saw Christians warming up on stage at Reed Park near me, but being “in/by/WITH the Spirit,” the “warmup” sound was so sweet traveling throughout the park that many people were strangely drawn to it.  As they got closer and closer they became more curious.  But once they got right in front of the stage, they were overtaken or “waffled” by the Spirit and God spoke directly into their hearts and they were saved, and many were even divinely healed.  Nobody had preached a word and the band was just warming up!  Why “waffled”?  Because like two waffles heating up in the toaster at my house, the intoxicating aroma filled the house, and even flowed out into my yard.  Just like this, these people will be drawn to this “smell of the Spirit” – this is not the worldly song “Smells like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana.  When they go near the stage, once they tasted the “golden melted butter” of the Holy Spirit on those two “waffles” they were then trapped in between those two waffles.  They were “constrained from every side by The Unconditional-Love of Christ,” just like Paul talks about in 2 Corinthians 5:14.  Many will get immediately saved, but some will go away very hungry, still smelling that sweet aroma, and so God will come to them in many ways, even through His Body-of-Christ, to satisfy their insatiable hunger.




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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

11-24-17 Dream – Billy Graham sewing up his preaching of the gospel before he died






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On 11/24/2017 I woke from a dream about a very old, but joyful, Bill Graham preaching to a very small crowd with so many empty seats at Disneyland, man’s favorite place for entertainment. He put his arm around my very old dad and said “we’re family.” Then I heard a loud, authoritative Voice say to Billy, “Sew it up.” The Greek word soteria for “salvation” is a sewing term – “to mend torn pieces back together, to make whole again, reconcile, and save.”  Before I woke to see the light of day, I heard a quiet, sad Voice say, “The morning is darkest.” I had no clue that Billy had just turned 99 on November 7th and now I hear many months later in February 2018 he just died.


Billy Graham was known for preaching the pure logos gospel message of The Truth to packed mega-stadiums to over 215 million people in more than 185 countries, and radio to 2.2 billion people since 1947.  At least 3.2 million were converted in those gatherings!


He has free from political, financial, and sexual corruption that has plagued many Christian preachers.  Although he preached for over 40 years, his entire net worth was only $25 million and lived in the same simple home his whole life. Compare this to the “Success Gospel” preachers Kenneth Copeland ($760 million), Joel Osteen ($40 million), and Creflo Dollar ($27 million) – I wonder if he changed his name to “Dollar?”


Billy once said, “Religion is like a vaccine: It gives you a little bit of something like the real thing to keep you from actually getting all of the real thing.”  I saw him preach at the McKale Center at the University of Arizona around 1981-82 and I was mystified why so many people were going forward to give their life to Christ for the first time to receive salvation or to re-dedicate their life.  I had heard the logos gospel message preached 100s of times and I didn’t hear anything unique that night, yet I also felt compelled to stand up and go forward, even thought I considered myself a strict, conservative Christian having being converted in the Church of Christ September 28, 1980.  At the time I did not understand the anointing of the Holy Spirit, but looking back, that is the only explanation for the compulsion I and others felt that night!


Many have been prophetically told that Billy was the last apostle to the Gentiles, Paul being the first.  God has showed me and others that not much time is left for the Church as He returns His focus on Israel.  The Lord is bringing us back to His priorities as He “sews it up.”  Praise the Lord for His perfect plans!  Once you get into His Spirit, He always tells us: “Now, you can run as fast as you want!”  I also have been given a sense of urgency in the last couple of years since the Lord gave me that dream about Billy.




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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Biden driving the USA backwards into Harm’s Way



3-14-21 Dream of Joe Biden driving the USA backwards into Harm’s Way to himself and many others, but forgiving him as deluded sinner like the rest of fallen mankind

Biden driving the USA backwards into Harm's Way - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


Biden driving the USA backwards into Harm's Way - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


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Learn how that differs from Logos Messages of God


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America's Masked Wonder, Joe Biden

America’s Masked Wonder, Joe Biden



In this God-dream, I was driving down the road at the posted speed limit of 40 mph on a residential area’s main thoroughfare and I approached a sky-blue, tree-hugger’s Prius car in the oncoming left-lane.  Foolishly, it actually uses more net-Carbon footprint to produce the batteries than you would ever save from not driving a gas vehicle, and man are they expensive.  Tesla is even crazier!  Naturally the white-masked driver was facing me, so of course I thought he was driving toward me.  When I came up closer to him, however, I discovered he was actually only going about 25 mph – NOT toward me but in reverse, and his engine was topped out!


I also noticed that periodically his masked face would just disappear and I wondered who was driving the car – it was when he fell asleep and fell over into the passenger seat!  Maybe the car was specially-rigged to be self-driving like the Tesla’s can be or more likely was being remotely-driven like a drone is!  I did notice a strange-looking antennae on the roof like a Google car!  Periodically he would drift slightly into on-coming traffic (my lane) when he fell over asleep, but then the car would correct itself, leading me to believe it was being remotely controlled.



Looking and driving the wrong way!

Looking and driving the wrong way!



He had a large windshield with a rear-view mirror that took up 1/3 of the top portion of his windshield.  He would just blindly staring into this rear-view mirror in order to drive backwards, completely oblivious that I was nearly right in front of him motioning him to pull over and get fully out of the way so I could pass him, especially since he would periodically cross the center-line into my lane!  When I did get around Him I noticed that his rear quarter-panel and bumper were missing, indicating that this isn’t the first time he has driven backwards.  It also exposed the true underlying ugliness of his car!


When I passed him, I recognized it was Sleepy Joe Biden and his mask was a white Depends diaper strapped around his face to catch all the c… and s… that comes out of his mouth on a regular basis.  I yelled out my window:  “Joe, you know you are driving backwards into my lane – that’s why your engine is maxed out!”  He looked bewildered and stuttered, “I am?”


Eventually we both entered into a busy intersection and traffic was coming at us.  All I could do is hope that he understood me and got turned around in time.  If not, there would be a big, bad accident where he most likely would die.  But I couldn’t wait around to see because I had to turn RIGHT away from him and and get on with my own journey.  I looked in my rear-view mirror and saw that he went right across traffic into the median and was going to turn LEFT still going backwards!  God help them!  RIGHT IS RIGHT AND LEFT IS WRONG – especially when you insist on driving backwards!



World Leaders watching Sleepy Joe Biden

World Leaders watching Sleepy Joe Biden



When I woke from this dream I felt real sadness and pity for Joe Biden.  This feeling was definitely from God because at the gym when I see Joe’s face and hear the “c… and s… pile” of deceit that comes from his mouth, I visibly give him ‘a double-thumbs down’ and loudly pronounce, “Pure garbage!” at the TV – I want everybody to know what a loser this guy is, even if I have to make a little scene.  I am hoping that if 80 million people speak out publicly, even if it means making “a little scene,” that the other dim-witted sheep will see his approval rating go to 20% where it really should be, and then maybe the military will have the guts to end this charade, bring out the volumes of truth of the election fraud that Director of National Intelligence Radcliff promised he would report but never did, and that the National Security Administration is sitting on of which Durham was also supposed to report on, and finally get off their duffs and hold a fair & just military-run re-election for all ballet issues & candidates.  Pie in the sky dream, I know!  Miracle of God stuff!


I have the Spirit of DISCERNMENT when I watch the news and hear God loud and clear on the bunch of bull coming from Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer!  The bible makes it clear in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12:  The coming of the lawless one (anti-Christ) is by the activity of Satan (Lucifer) with all [kinds and qualities of] power and/related false signs and/coupled wonders, and/related with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love The Truth (Jesus, John 14:6, and the truth His sheep hear directly from Him – John 10:27) and so be saved, meaning ‘to be rescued from harm coming our way, having a repaired relationship with Him, and fully restored to health/wholeness.’  Therefore to them God [presently] permits [from The Deceiver, Satan] a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who were in-possibility-NOT routinely having trusting-relying-faith in The Truth but-instead were routinely having pleasure in unrighteousness.”


However, after that dream I felt God’s sadness and pity, like when I watched my mom slip away with dementia into Alzheimer’s.  I felt deep pity.  Biden is in the process of dying and this is what’s naturally happening to a body starting to shut down.  The political LEFT knows it and is remote-controlling him like a drone or puppet!  He even reads out loud the instructions to him!  Biden’s pride (like my mom’s) keeps him in delusional denial, and the LEFT uses this to further control Biden, just like I saw some of the nursing home staff do to my mom.  It was so sad to watch the manipulation of my mom, who was only sometimes aware of it and would then get cranky (like Joe often does).



Joe Biden is clueless!

Joe Biden is clueless!



Joe doesn’t even know that he is driving the country backwards, even though he has caused accidents before, and likely more will happen, and that some of these will be even life-threatening to others as to himself.  But the LEFT knows this!  I believe it is their plan – he is dispensable to achieve their real plans.  He is a pawn in a chess game and a puppet.  They want a radical progressive squad-member, socialist, woman president who had only 1% popularity in the primaries, Kamala Harris (how is that the people’s choice?), or more likely Pelosi who may be pulling all the strings anyway, who go has already got the 25th amendment into the Mass Media awareness.  It was never intended to be used against Trump, but to get it into America’s ‘sheep’ consciousness to use later on Biden.


Now, this dream is even more powerful because last night before bed, God powerfully moved me to tears in the shower after I was complaining about evil & injustice in the world.  After my rant, God clearly said:  “Yes, Adam and Eve left Me, then sin entered the world, and since then every man and woman is sinning.”  I felt that the sad pity of God, not anger or judgment.  He told me to open up my fists of anger and control that hold onto fault and blame (judgment for sin or for failure), even within myself, for too many of my grand efforts, despite all my research, planning, and work, still fail.


After that God said to do the same for everybody else’s failures, especially those that I feel have wronged me in some way over 61 years – there have been many if I could remember them!  There are a lot of people who never studied to get A’s and never worked hard at work, but they were street-smart, knew how to cut in line, how to buy grades, how to cheat or take credit for others work, who knew how to brown-nose with the boss on the golf course, and who know how to play politics – and they really got ahead.  If you look at the history of Biden, his schooling, and his track record in government, you can see that he is one of them.  Ever since grade-school these people have figured how to work the system!  And they are the ones running our country now!  They are incompetent “Peters” that all want to be Pope, thus “the Peter principle.”  They are NOT the smart “Paul’s” at all or compassionate Christ-like “John’s” either!  Instead, they are hypocritical, virtue-signaling, morally bankrupt, and godless people that are still playing their grade-school games to con people.




It doesn’t look like they believe him, do you?  Our Representative couldn’t even quote the Declaration of our Independence!



But God told me to open my fists and let it ALL go, and let God carry this heavy burden of “fairness and justice” that I am always complaining about – that there seems to be so little in this world.  That’s why the Lord told me these things:  “Sin is here in the world” – and so is “The ‘man’ of sin, the evil one, the father of lies, the master of delusion & deception, the prince & power of our air, the god of this world – Lucifer,” as Jesus reminded us often.  And “all are sinning and thus falling short of the ‘mark or target’ of God’s glorious character,” just as Paul reminded us in Romans 3:23.


I UNDERSTOOD the Lord, so I let it ALL go last night!  It’s no wonder that God gave me this dream of Joe Biden!


God is sharing with me His pitiful, sorrowful feeling about this sinful man Joe Biden, a sinner among a world of sinners.  This is how God feels about us ALL – with great tears of sadness!  He reserves His judgment for The Last Day of time, right before eternity is decided THEN for each man. UNTIL THEN God has only unconditional love toward ALL men and wants all men to repent (turn around, pointing our ‘car’ in the RIGHT direction toward the Lord and His ways) in order to be saved by this same unconditional love thru His own sacrifice for our sins (by His Son) for all that “sin that has come into the world,” into our lives, that causes us ALL to be delusional enough to drive backwards.




God help us all !



Now God has me praying for this pitiful Joe Biden (and his sinful staff) to wake up, see The Truth, and turn around (repent) before he/they hurt any more people and get himself/themselves and ourselves killed too!


What a dream!  It’s so important to akouo hear, listen, and understand the prophetic rhema words of God!



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Back up a bit from too steep of a mountain


2-5-21 Dream of having to back up a bit from too steep of a mountain

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I had a dream of 2 friends that took a lower, flatter, and safer dirt road on a tall mountain.  I took a higher, steeper dirt road and when I started down the back side of the peak I realized I would likely lose my footing, fall and die.  So I had to crawl back up that little portion on my belly, covered in dirt, clawing my way back up. ON the other side I could hear my friends below on the other road, so I backed up very carefully on my knees until I could find that turn off and join them.  I woke up before I did.


I didn’t get a chance to ask the Lord what this meant because I had to rush off to my chores.  I really should have!  Usually He tells me everything while I’m still trying to wake up, but I jumped out of bed to fast!



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God will move His people forward


1-21-21 Prophecy that God will take His people forward even as they reject the prophets

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I lingered in bed this morning, hearing the Lord’s reminders to rest and find peace in Him.  Yesterday was a day of intense, tiring, warfare against evil spirits masquerading in Washington, putting on their show with a crowd of dark-minded cohorts and gullible people (“there is a sucker born every minute” – PT Barnum of circus fame) who are easily deceived, people “who are deluded and thus perishing because they do not love The Truth” per 2 Thessalonians 2:10.


That 74 yr old Kat Kerr prophet is exactly correct about what’s going on!  She is a seer of God as 10,000 or more have also seen The Truth.  But not all Christians, like not all Israelites, listened to their prophets either, but went back to their “Linus blanket” of their Pharisee teachers of their bible information.  In fact they rebelled against Moses and 10,000 were destroyed in a matter of minutes!  Hint!  The rest of the unbelievers died in the desert over 40 years.  Yes, God “left them behind” just like the movie series!  They did NOT enter into the promised land!


Yes, Jesus said many are called, but few are chosen.  Many will say, “Lord, Lord, didn’t we do this, that, and the other thing in your name?” And He will say I never genuinely, experientially, relationally epiginosko knew you. My sheep hear My voice and they epiginosko know me.”  The bible student scribes and teachers who did not listen to the prophets, even John the Baptist who was the last human prophet, instead found ways to kill or “cancel” ALL their prophets.  John said “Though they were in the church, they never were of US, so when push comes to shove, they left US.”


That’s why Paul said to “NOT in possibility despise prophecies” (a) but instead to “earnestly/zealously desire/crave the higher gifts” (b), then clarifies:  “earnestly/zealously desire/crave the Spirit’s gifts, especially that you may prophesy” (c), and concludes his discussion on the Spirit’s gifts with his final recommendations:  “So, my brothers, earnestly/zealously desire/crave to prophesy and/coupled do not in possibility forbid speaking in tongues” (d). <Notes> a) 1 Thessalonians 5:20, b) 1 Corinthians 12:31, c) 1 Corinthians 14:1, d) 1Corinthians 14:39.


Why? Because in Acts 13:1 Paul/Saul was a prophet too, along with his preaching partner Barnabas.  Paul knew that Christians, like the Jews, would have problems with the supernatural, prophetic rhema words of God.  So he made it really clear:  “Now I ongoingly thelo optimally-desire you ALL to ongoingly speak in tongues, but even more to ongoingly prophesy” per 1 Corinthians 14:5.


Yet, you have Christians that will not obey Paul, even though Acts 1:2 says “Jesus had given commands through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen,” and Paul says in 1 Timothy 2:7 says:  “I was appointed a preacher and an apostle (I am telling the truth, I am not lying), a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.”


Paul says this is your highest priority!  Still some Christians would rather believe “the lying, frying news” and what their eyes see 6 feet in front of them than what 10,000-plus prophets have said for the last 4 years – Trump sits in 2 terms!  Clear as day!  Doubt is the opposite of faith!  Maybe you have NOT even searched for these – this should reveal some truth!  I have had 10 prophetic dreams and visions at least.  Many more prophecies!  And so have my prophetic friends!  If there is a bandwagon to jump on – Jump on The Holy Spirit of prophecy one, not what your limited 5 senses are telling you!  You need to be “taught by God!” (a), instead of listening to the mainstream media teach you or other “blind guides leading the blind” in OUR assemblies (b).  I know more unsaved people interested in hearing/seeing from God than those in churches. Another sign of what is coming!  <Notes> a) John 6:45, 1 Thessalonians 4:9, Jeremiah 31:34, b) 1 John 2:20-27.


In bed resting, I asked/seeked/knocked “How did Your church allow all this evil usurpation to occur?  What is wrong with us?”  This is an exact repeat of the powerful Lutheran Church of Germany not standing up against and defeating the very gradual, systematic growth of the politician Hitler’s propaganda, persecution of the Jews, takeover of the media, hiring of brown-shirt youth to bully/ oppose political parties and even the public, and eventually Hitler’s election to take over and oppress every area of culture.  It took WW2 and 70-85 million deaths to get rid of 1 man and his evil ideas that he initially deceived his country with until he was in power – then he shoved it down their throats until they gagged or died.  Mark my words – that is what is planned by the people behind the puppet Biden!  Just like Hitler did, he immediately went after all the churches (He used some churches to help him) and all the Jews!  Just watch!


Don’t be deceived.  Do your homework!  Pray for the Holy Spirit gift of discernment and your eyes will be opened to see past the optics being carefully scripted and presented!  All dictator regimes have the same pattern – infiltrate the media and then start shaming, canceling, and bullying dissenters.  Study history!


Here is what the Lord showed me:  Christians in churches looking forward at their preachers/teachers for answers. They are WAITING for God to answer their prayers while the walls of the churches are being burned down and crumbling.  But some Christians, who actually have the Spirit within them, were glowing with gold light.  They simply got up and walked out.”  My wife saw something like this once, too!


I asked/seeked/knocked once again and listened/watched for awhile longer. Then suddenly I was made to just knew this:  “My people are looking to the wrong people, but I am changing this.  My people are waiting for the wrong things but I am changing this.  They already have The Truth and they already have The Answer but they don’t know this.  I am changing this.  My people, who have My Spirit within them, they have The Teacher who will lead them into ALL the truth.  Have I not already said this?  But they have not trusted Me, so they listen to others.  I have given My people by My Spirit of My Son all His authority to bind in the spiritual realm what they bind on earth and to let loose in the spiritual realm what they let loose on earth.  I have given them keys to open and close mighty gates in the spiritual realm.  I have given all this to them in the name and authority of My Son.  Have I not said this?  But many have not believed Me.  Instead they look to others to solve problems on this earth.  Instead they pray for what I have already given them.  Discouraged they resort to their own “might and power” or that of others, but did I not say, ‘No longer by might nor power but by My Spirit‘?  All of this must change.  I am moving My people forward to where they should have been.  I am progressing them.  I will speak again, but now they will listen.  Then their light will shine brighter and they will speak and use My authority so My kingdom will come and My will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Rise up, o you sleeper!  Rise up!  And seize the promised land!”


And so I got out if bed, wrote this up, and am doing what He tells me to do. I encourage you to do the same. Praise the Lord!



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Gold Rain purges evil from evil people too


1-25-21 Vision:  Deliver us from the Evil One – the Gold Rain will purge evil from the evil people too

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This morning the Lord reminded me of earlier visions He gave me:


1) 11-10-20 Trump will be so filled by the Spirit that he will preach the gospel as president during the greatest revival in US history to prepare the world for Christ’s return.


2) 12-20-20 The rain of fire that the Gold Oil of the Holy Spirit (Zechariah 4:12) is going to eminently rain down on the USA and then the world, burns up everything it touches, burning up the evil impurities, so that what is left is pure or holy.


I’ve been rightly praying “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on EARTH as it already is in heaven,”  and since the massively fraudulent election, the Lord reminded me now to pray “deliver us from THE evil [one].”  I watched 45 hours of un-edited, raw broadcast of 4 state legislatures listening to 100’s of witnesses under oath present tons of evidence of massive election fraud.


Well, I’ve been interceding daily with Dutch Sheets “Give-Him-15” videos, but  also on my own, that God would just clean the slate of this evil, like Pharaoh’s army was wiped out in the Red Sea only when they were “fully in office” – completely within reach of the walls of water they thought opened for their divine Pharaoh. This is definitely Old Testament wrath of God!  I would not weep a tear if the whole lot of them went to Gitmo to rot in jail!


But the Lord surprised me today when He showed me the “purging rain” and suddenly I realized that He purges the sin out of EVERYBODY (me, too) and leaves what is holy.  That’s he New Testament way!  That’s the great revival coming to the USA.  Sure, some will try to escape being SAVED, but it’s going to ‘rain’ on a lot of evil people, and a lot will be terribly “convicted of sin, righteousness, and judgement to come” per John 16:8, and they will feel so convicted that they won’t be able to sleep.  They will feel “His Heavy Hand of Holiness” (God’s ‘4H club’) and they will fall to their knees and cry out to God for mercy for this to be lifted.


The gospel will spread like wild fire, people will cry out to be saved from this conviction, demons will scream as they flee out of people, and millions will quickly receive the unmerited grace of God and overwhelming love, joy, and peace of Christ’s Holy Spirit.  This is what is already beginning to happen during this “dark winter” the Harris-Biden Regime called for.


Although I wish for Gitmo, the Lord is switching my prayers to New Testament salvation and Spirit-holiness.  God help us!



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3 blindings or cripplings coming to America


12-26-20 Dream: 3 blindings or cripplings coming to America

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At 2:41 am I woke from a God-dream:  3 blindings or cripplings are coming!  Then suddenly I got a cramp in my left buttocks and I had to press on the muscle spasm and walk down the hall and back before it was gone.  Then I was able to go back to sleep!


Then I dreamed that Trump will surprise people because they secretly watermarked the ballots to know if the Chinese printed them.  I used to collect stamps that the government watermarked because of fraud way back then. I was told this was one of the blindings.


I just read this today after my dream this morning:  I had never heard this before, but that is what God told me that “many have been blinded to” – He didn’t say if that was good or bad, just that it was a fact.  Sounds like it’s good idea for Patriots to check the ballots but bad for Foreign interference in US elections and the Democrats working for them.  I hope the Director of National Intelligence Ratcliff will reveal this on 1/5 to Congress publicly for all media to see!


The News today:  “Watermarked Ballots CONFIRMED In Sidney Powell’s Lawsuit” and “Remember, DHS printed the ballots and they have radioactive isotopes and watermarks and other identifiers. This isn’t advertised broadly, but the info was out there.  Ballots printed by other parties or foreign countries won’t pass muster when challenged in court.”


I was so tired that I couldn’t remember the other 2 blindings or cripplings.


P.S. Well it’s 2-15-21 and few higher courts would even look at all the voting irregularities, regardless of the reams of evidence or 100s of eye-witnesses that I saw after 45 hours of watching hearings at 4 state legislatures.  So much for “getting your day in court,” even if you have 23 states filing class action lawsuits!  So apparently “the blinding” is much broader, even affecting the 3rd branch of government, the Judicial Branch, which was supposed to be non-partisan and act as a “checks & balance.”


The “crippling” of voter confidence in our democracy has resulted in almost zero faith in our system – talk about crippling a republic!  This could actually be the end of “taxation WITH representation,” and so we may be reset back to 1776’s reason for the American Revolution – “Taxation without Representation.”  We will just have to wait and see.



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Jesus is the Referee named COMPARED


12-30-20 Dream:  Jesus is the Referee named COMPARED – everything is inferior compared to Him

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In my God-dream I saw a game being played and a referee with the name “COMPARED” on his back.  I asked, “Compared to what?”  When I woke I saw the word “BETTER,” which I knew the book of Hebrews obsessively used 12 times concerning Jesus and His New Covenant as we will see below.  There, the Greek word kreíttōn is the the comparative form of krátos meaning “dominion, relative and manifested might, power, strength, vigor – used in the NT chiefly of God.”  Kreitton means “what is better because it is more fully developed, i.e. in reaching the needed dominion (mastery, dominance), thus ‘better’ after exerting the power needed to plant down God’s flag of victory.”  Simply, it means “more dominant, better or nobler, more excellent, useful, serviceable, and advantageous than what is kratos.  Wow, that’s over the top!


Now I can see why God has a referee named “COMPARED.”  It’s Jesus!  


Like I said, kreitton “better” is used in Hebrews 12 times of:


1. The inferior blesses the superior

2. Jesus & his name over angels and their names

3. Christ’s Ministry over Old Testament (OT) ministry

4. His New Covenant over the old covenant

5. Christ’s blood over that of Abel’s that demanded justice

6. Heavenly sacrifices over OT sacrifices that are only shadows of the reality of Christ

7. New Testament (NT) Promises over old ones

8. Things for Christians over that for OT saints

9. NT inherited possessions lasting over that of the OT

10. NT hope over OT Law

11. Our heavenly land over Israel’s promised land

12. Resurrection life over all other types of life



Jesus and what he brings is WAY BETTER than our English word “better” can convey.  Thank God, the NT was not written in English.  Our language is not even close in precision – see Bible Info.



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Prophecy, Jesus and His work is WAY BETTER compared to anything else, Jesus is superior

Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Vision from my wife about seeing Jesus in others


12-23-20 A Vision from my wife about seeing Jesus in others

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From my wife Charlotte:  On 12-23-20, as I was waking up, I saw a vision.  There were two large, heavy walls slightly overlapping each other.  The wall from the back moved forward and completely turned around so that its backside was exposed.  This backside had writing on the left side, and on the right side was an oval shape.  I asked the Lord what this writing said.  He said, “If my people who are called by My name shall humble themselves and pray, then I will hear from heaven and heal their land.”


I next asked what the oval shape was.  He said, “The place for a portrait.  But no longer will you gaze at a still picture of the One you think you know.  He is out of the portrait and in the hearts of His people.  You will gaze at people and see Jesus.  You will know Him because you will see Him working.  No longer in the stillness will you be asking, ‘Who is Jesus?’  You will see and know activity and say, ‘What is this?’  And the answer will be Jesus.  So you will no longer know His name before you know Him.  You will know Him before you know His name.”



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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Throw rotten soil out, Fix leaks, Expose mere talkers, Get Living Water


12-22-20 Throw rotten soil out, fixing leaky pipes, exposing talkers, and getting the Living Water

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In this dream, I saw that many plants in an area of my large yard-gardens were looking sickly, and I also smelled rotting water.  So I started walking around looking for standing water.  Sure enough, in 2 remote locations up against 2 walls I saw standing water with green mold and it stunk to high heaven!  As I even walked near these areas the ground gave in and I started sinking.  Evidently my water system had been leaking in these hidden areas for who knows how long.  The fresh, running water wasn’t getting its life to where it was designed to go – it was ‘stolen’ from the rightful owners and diverted to ‘hidden places.’


Instead of giving life, the water was actually causing destruction of the ground surface, and the rot & mold was causing death in the entire surrounding area.  The only solution was to ‘get dirty’ and shovel out the bad soil with its rot & mold, which is such ruined soil that it will have to be taken to the dump.  And I have to repair the leaks, most likely by replacing sections of pipe with new couplers and re-soldering or gluing them in.  It’s a big, disruptive job that will take some time but there is no quick fix and it can’t be ignored any longer – the dangers were upon me!


There was a pretty girl watching me dig, pretending to be someone who wanted to help.  I asked her name and as we were talking I suspected she was lying to me, so I asked again who she was and this time she mispronounced the name she originally gave me.  As I started to probe her story, I could tell she knew that ‘I was on to her,’ so she came up with a reason she had to go, and so soon left.


I asked the Lord what all this means.  Yesterday He revealed to me that “the Church is at fault for the growing evil in society because when it forsook its first love and failed to repent (re-turn) to the ‘first things’ that lovers do together, and thus to rekindle that love.  Therefore, the Church lost its light and saltiness and was thrown out into worldliness where it was trampled by men and thrown into fiery trials.  Corruption brings trials!


There are many ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’ that Jesus warned us of in Matthew 7:15, who are in many big churches where there is a lot of big money and big connections to big politics and big media where there is even more big money, and the biggest source of money on the planet right now is no doubt China and then Russia.  Both are hacking our networks daily now and we are on DEFCON 3 ALERT.  They have infiltrated every country with their corruption and their agenda.  We are finding many USA politicians in the CCP database we hacked into.  But there are also names from every big institution where there is big money and big influence, including big churches. These ‘wolves’ have deceived many, like Judas helping themselves regularly to the church money bag.


The critiquing, concerned religious people really weren’t interested in using the money saved from not anointing Jesus head with the woman’s expensive perfumed oil.  They were really interested in using that money to help many poor people & widows, but they lie to appear that they are trying to be helpful, lie about who they really are, and thus like like that woman in my dream.  Virtue signaling everywhere!  Many are on the CCP payrolls!  They are part of the Deep State gathering intel to relay on to their bosses, to be used against the USA later when they want to invade and take control. The ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’ pretend to bring life, but they bring death. They need to be exposed!  Jesus, Paul, and likely Barnabas warned us about “the love of money being the root of ALL evil”  in Luke 16:14, 1 Timothy 3:3, 6:10, 2 Timothy 3:2, and Hebrews 13:5.


The “Living Water,” a reference to the Holy Spirit throughout the New Testament (NT), hasn’t been getting to all ‘the plants’ as intended but instead diverted off.  I suspect in the remote areas, near our border walls with other countries, ‘the pipes’ were actual sabotaged long ago by many infiltrating ‘wolves.’  The NT talks about “spies among us, pretending to be brothers” IN the church but once detected or when the trials of being a true Christians come, then they leave because “they were really never one of us.”  Jesus said, “Many are called, but few are chosen.”


Many false prophets, preachers, teachers, and messiahs will come – all these are talkers but not walkers!  All of these will be found to be church leaders but not “servants, even slaves,” as Jesus called us ALL to be, following His example.  Look for the corruption in leadership, because ‘the fish stinks from the head down” – thus, “the stinky, rotting, stagnant water!”  Look where all the resources of churches are collected in ‘1 or 2 places’ – follow the money trail!


Trump, the Patriots, and true Christians will have to expose the fakers, dig up all this rotting corruption, throw it all away, and “put new pipes and joints in” to fix the real problems near our borders.  We know that China has been using Canada and Mexico to physically enter the USA and even into Russia.  N. Korea, Iran, and China are hacking our internet networks, the Pentagon, corporations, schools, banks, etc. – it’s all over the news now!   We must cut this off now!


But most importantly we must get the “Living Water of the Holy Spirit back flowing to all the plants in the garden!  Without the zoe genuine-life of Christ, the Church can not produce ANY fruit per John 15:1-8!  Without true fellowship with Christ, not just talking to or about Christ, but an actual relationship within the light of The Truth we will NOT be holy and we will NOT have any light to dispel the darkness by.  WE will have NO saltiness to keep food from rotting!  This world will likely ‘go to hell in a hand basket’ really quick now!


The USA is backed into a corner, surrounded by evil darkness, up against the Red Sea and the destroying army is upon us – our coasts have all our fleets now guarding them.  Did you even know that?  Do you know that Russian & Chinese fleets are positioning themselves?  Has your media lied to you about that and you still believe them while other media around the world are taking pictures of these fleets?  Wake up and smell the coffee!


Now is the time to wake up, be accurately informed, and invoke the Holy Spirit to once again flow, un-diverted, to the Body of Christ in this USA and world!  God bless America!  GOD bless the USA!



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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

How America got into this evil Mess


12-21-20 The Lord answers me How America got into this evil Mess?

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I have been asking the Lord how we ended up in all this controversial election mess with so many giving so many reasons for questioning the results, and why such drastic measures will now have to be taken to ‘clean out our closets of such evil,’ and I’ve been getting this message for weeks. The U.S. is in this mess because evil has been allowed to grow, and of course I said, “How can you prevent evil from growing?”


The Lord tells me that “It’s really the church’s fault, His people’s fault,” but He doesn’t say that in an accusing fashion but said, “I called them to repent long ago.”  I said,  “Repent of what?  There’s a lot of sins to repent of!”  He said, “I told them long ago to not forsake their first love, and to repent and to do the things they did at first when they were in love with Me.”


Now I’ve heard that bible verse before just as you have, and so we think in our heads that this means more bible study, more evangelism, more missions, and more good works that churches tells us to do.  Well, every commentary, every Greek scholar of that passage in Revelation 2:4-5, will tell you that passage means something else.  But the Lord has also told many of His people exactly what that passage is all about.


It’s rather quite simple:  When we first fall in love with someone, the things we do at first are just natural to a love relationship – we just want to spend time with them, we want to just be with them, we want to listen to them speak to us, we love the sound of their voice, we love laughing together, we just love being in the company of each other, we love holding hands together, we love love, we love just doing the simplest things together whether that’s a walk in the park or looking at a sunset.


Those are “the first things that we are to return to,” and that’s what the word “repent” essentially means from the Greek word metanoeo:  “to return, to turn back, meta to be changed after being with + noieo thinking, thus ‘to have changed thinking after being’ with Jesus or His gospel logos message.”  They are not acts of “penance” that the Catholic church and even the Protestant church have come up with. They are not works of righteousness that make us feel better about ourselves, making us feel better about our relationship with God.  These are all elements left over from “the Law of sin and death.”  We cannot borrow from the Old Covenant are we will build The Great Wall to quench the Holy Spirit!


So the Lord is telling many of us what He’s returning us back to:  “The Great Reset” is our first love, because we would not heed His calls in the Church to repent ‘to return’ in mass as His Body-of-Christ to “sincere and pure devotion to Jesus Christ” per 2 Corinthians 11:13.


It really is that simple:  He’s returning us back to a genuine relationship through waiting, watching, listening, proseuche conversational-prayer, which is wholly different than deesis supplication, because the former is the characteristic conversations of an intimate relationship, but the latter can be just our monologue of giving God our ‘honey-do-list.’  The latter is an element of every religion, but few enter into the former.


That has been the exact problem that brought about and allowed some much evil, even this election mess, to come into the United States.  We did not repent and go back to our first love and the things that lovers do at first, and that is to be in the company of each other on a regular basis.  We went off and did our own thing, lived separate lives, showed up in church, went through our little church-ianity.


But that meant we were not being transformed into His likeness from glory to glory per 2 Corinthians 3:18, which comes from the Holy Spirit, because only the Spirit of Christ can bring holiness.  And so as Jesus warned us in Matthew 5:13-16 our light was hidden under a bowl, hidden behind church doors, and soon our salt was no longer salty, no longer able to keep food from spoiling, and so it was thrown out onto the road to melt snow and into the fields as fertilizer or even in high doses to kill crops.  However, either way men of this world have trampled upon the Church and the godliness it was supposed to have.  Just as Jesus warned us in John 15:1-8, when we disconnected from the Vine of Christ, we would no longer bear much fruit, and those branches would fall onto the ground for men to trample on, and for men to pick up and throw into the fiery trials that have come upon us.  America is suffering because of church-ianity!


But even if we are unfaithful God is still faithful, for He made covenant promises to those pilgrims, to those Quakers, to those Shakers, to those Puritans who came to America to fervently worship God “by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit and/coupled [singular] Truth” per John 4:23-24, and God is going to fulfill those promises!  So He is going to purge evil out of our land and return His people to their first love to be WITH Him thru  proseuche conversational-prayer and worship.  Praise the Lord!



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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Reprogramming evil men’s machines and Bunker-safety for God’s people


12-19-20 3 Dreams of God’s reprogramming evil men’s machines and Bunker-safety for His people

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Wow, 3 God-dreams in 1 night:


Dream #1 I saw a room full of men and women at a long table where government business was going on. There was a shady character with black hair that was going on and on about his position and his belief that he was doing the right thing about his policies “for the good of the people,” even though it was obvious that he was working in his own self-interest and for special interests.  He was also complaining that now the room had security cameras all over it and one was pointed right at him.  He would smile at it and say I don’t appreciate you watching me so closely because I have nothing to hide.


We all knew he was a liar and that’s why we had cameras on them, and so things have radically changed from the way they were before, where these ‘bad actors’ thought they were not being watched and could get away with anything.  Well that’s all about to change because these liars have been exposed and now they are the exception to the rule, as this meeting was clear that there was now only one of them and he was being watched like a hawk.  Things are about to radically change for the good!


Dream #2:  Once the following events started happening they continued all the way up until I woke up.  I could feel myself being moved.  I could feel the motion, but it wasn’t away from me but it was toward me, deep with inside me.  I’ve had this motion explained to me in a past dream where the Lord told me that the place of safety and protection and peace and rest was not ‘somewhere out there’ that I had to run to as I had first interpreted a previous vision about the Massive Rock Fortress of Solitude.  Later I was told the place to ‘run to’ was actually within me where the Holy Spirit dwelt. This was where Christ dwells and that He is “The Rock.”  So in the time of need, in the time of temptation, or in the time of danger, I was told to run to this Rock Fortress and I would be safe, and this is within me.  At that time, I felt that motion toward myself and within myself, and so I understood from that point on what He was talking about.


Now in this dream that same motion began, and this time it took me into a bunker that was well protected with very thick walls, like an underground bombshell bunker.  When I got inside instantly everything got very quiet, which I’ve also experienced inside the sea-cave that was inside this Massive Rock Fortress where the outside sounds disappeared.  That’s what happened in the bunker now and I knew I was completely safe from the impending danger that was upon us.  I absolutely had no worries there!  I felt a real stillness there, a great sense of peace.  I wanted to stay there, but I was moving around in my bed and it kind of agitated me and I soon slipped out of it.  But then not too long after that, I went right back into that safe bunker. This same in-and-out experience occurred right up until I got up from bed.


So the message is that His people are going to be pulled into this place of safety, into a place of proseuche conversational-prayer is what I was told, not a prayer of deesis supplication-talking as we usually think prayer is.  No proseuche is a place of communion or intimate koinonia fellowship, of quietness and stillness like Psalms 46:10 says, of just being with the Lord to genuinely, experientially, relationally epiginosko know Him.  We don’t have to work to get into this place, it’s actually a place of rest where we stopped working.  And the Lord is actually moving us, that is His people, in mass, into these bomb shelters.  So watch and listen for that to happen, and just praise the Lord that He is moving us to a place of safety, because of the dangers that are upon us.


Dream #3:  Do you remember when Arnold Schwarzenegger in one of the Terminator movies was captured by the Patriots and was reprogrammed to infiltrate the terminator Skynet Network to help the Patriots destroy the whole Dominion?  I had long forgotten this movie, but God did not.  In my dream the Patriots had captured one of these Terminators (Arnold) that were originally sent out to destroy them, a machine to do the work of many men, not inherently evil machines but evil men who programmed the machines to be evil.  Well the Patriots took control of that machine and I saw that machine marching back to its lair of evil, and it walked right past the other sentry machines, with great confidence and boldness and sense of mission, and the other machines were just a little puzzled as they let him walk by.  He almost knock them down like a bowling ball crashing through a bunch of pins.


However, He must have had some kind of effect on them as he brushed shoulders with them.  He must have somehow rubbed off on them, because after they looked puzzled, it’s like some of their programming must have been changed, because now these machines were following this completely reprogrammed Terminator!  So it looks like the machines that were meant for great harm that have been captured by the Patriots, are now going to be used against the enemy that originally programmed these machines to do great harm.  And these re-programmed machines will become as a pack, growing into an unstoppable force, so that the very evil that was intended against God’s people and his Patriots will be turned into an incredible force of good, turned against the evil men who originally made them.


This sounds so much like the battles the Lord fought for Israel, where the enemy actually started fighting against itself, so that the Patriots were able to easily defeat the army of evil.  Now I’ve heard rumors that originally only one machine was seized by the U.S. Patriots and it was dissected by forensic scientists to find out how it worked, and that this knowledge had been used in some court(s) against the evil people who designed it to steal our system of democracy.  But as I understand that because of this, other machines will be seized as well, and more independent forensic crime specialist audits will be conducted and presented in various court cases.  I understand that some states have already withdrawn their electors in some cases.  I suspect that other states are going to review this material and also join in with this growing Army of reprogrammed Terminators.  Well I found this to also be a very encouraging dream that what was meant for evil will eventually be used against the enemy who created such evil.  Just as in the movie, I suspect there will be great resistance and it will take a long time.


As I post this on 3/2/2021, I am humbled that God thinks so much more long-term than we do!  I was so sure all these things were coming up in January of 2021, but evidently God is thinking further out and likely much bigger than just the integrity of our representation, even though many Republicans and some Democrats have the sense to see that without confidence restored in our system of choosing representatives, there will never be any desire by millions of people to do this again!



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Spiritual Education, Rhema Word of God, Revelation, Messages from God, Prophecy, Hearing God, Will of God, Dreams, Visions, Christ is our Safe Haven, Christ is our Peace, Government Bad Actors watched and exposed, Spiritual Bomb Shelters, Terminator machines reprogrammed by Patriots, Skynet brought down, Battle is the Lords, Republic and Democracy of Representation restored

Categories: My Rhema & Logos

2-17-20 Dream of the Spirit leading us in precision maneuvers for the Big Event




Video for 2-17-20 Dream:  Holy Spirit leading us in precision maneuvers for the Big Event



I had the same God-dream all night long and went right back into it every time I woke up to roll over.  It was captivating!  It’s rare to get all-night God-dreams unless something REALLY BIG is going to happen on earth, that I would be involved in, and REALLY SOON!  Seek the Lord NOW!


But the details He gave me evidently aren’t meant for everyone.  As soon as I started to wake, the details of God-dreams are usually stuck in my mind and I can type or voice record them, but not this time!  I asked why they quickly were “hidden again” and the Lord said:  “I AM the One Teacher, I reveal to whom I choose when I choose in that very hour.  I’ve said this before, not to worry about what you will say.”  But I said, “Isn’t what You showed me important to at least the Body, your Church?”  He said, “Many are called, but few are chosen.”  But I said, “I thought that ‘the chosen’ were Christians?”  He said, “That is what you read, but I choose what and when I will reveal to even the ‘chosen’ because I AM their ‘One Teacher,’ too.  So, all the training details I gave you are meant for you, and even you don’t have to remember them all.  Didn’t I say ‘My yoke of learning is easy and My burden of rules light’?”


This is what I do remember that evidently can be passed on:


I was told to follow a young cheer-leader at a very important game. The Parakletos in Greek is the Holy Spirit who trains us ‘close by’ but also encourages or cheers others on, and we are to ‘be led by the Spirit’ in order to ‘learn to walk in/by/with the Spirit’ and even ‘keep in step with the Spirit’ which is a military term for following close behind a commander to exactly obey as soon as they speak.  It’s not marching at the end of the line but close enough to them to hear the leader say “turn!”


In every prophetic dream I have had, the Holy Spirit is female, either young, very old, or dressed as a Queen, but Her effect is always the same – pure overwhelming unconditional-love, joy, and peace!  The Hebrew word for Spirit is in the feminine gender, whereas the Greek is unfortunately neuter, which really confuses people unless you realize the attribute of the Greek word dunamis for “enabling-power” most often describing the Spirit is also feminine.


She gave me detail instruction on marching around and through the crowds, players, coaches, media, military, and dignitaries at this very important game.  I had a hard time remembering the details, but She said “Don’t worry, just follow Me.  I will be there at the performance too!”  Whew!  Then She blew me away!  Instead of this long ‘scenic route’ to this final position we were to stand, she took 2 steps on this one turn we normally make and She was exactly in position.  I was shocked.  She said, that is Her backup plan if we run out of time!  Remember my prophetic dream yesterday?  The Prince Son said to the President Father, “You got this!” and the graceful, loving joyful, peaceful Holy Spirit Queen stood up and began the official ceremonies.”


So the very intense and complicated Event that is about to take place” The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have got this, even shortcuts to insure the outcome.


There are plenty of details for lovers of the truth to read and watch.  They are called Patriots & Prophets.  Many I have sent out.  But even they have NOT revealed all the details!  Some we don’t need to know but will be given to those who are listening & watching the Spirit closely – “in that very hour.”  Don’t worry, be happy!  The Lord is in Control.  Just stay close by THEM and you will be safe!


Don’t be surprised when the Deep State confuses the media during the game.  There will also be planned fake stories from the Right to keep the bad guys from knowing the real plan because the Right doesn’t want them to escape the coming judgment due them – if the Right reveals the truth, their cards, too early, then the bad guys will flee and escape justice.  So even though certain things are supposed to happen (like on the 12/18 Radcliff’s report on foreign interference in US elections) don’t be  surprised or disappointed if they are delayed or don’t go “as expected.”  What God showed me is intricately planned by Him, too much for me to remember (TMI) and we don’t need to – but we should Trust THEM now. “Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world” – that was the last thing I heard and the last thing I leave you with.  “Make it so Number ONE.”


As I post this on 3/2/2021, I’m so aware that God has His intricate plans, shows those whom will watch & listen, but can easily erase memories of them, and even with the knowledge we often anticipate His “move” before He actually does!  I was so sure Radcliff would give his report publicly but He NEVER did!  I’m sure the Trump team and military saw it.  Did they not do anything about it, or are they still doing something about it?  Did they know that Supreme Court would come up with every bogus reason under the sun to not even look at the volumes of data provided by so many states concerning election fraud?  Why did so many Republicans yell so loud about the fraud but at the last minute back down?  Rhinos?  Buckling under threats against their career and family or caving into promises of big money and success if they don’t “rock the boat” but “go along with the mob?”  We may never know, but God had sure recorded their names for eternity!  Nevertheless, God is still clearly in control and will execute His plans to achieve the greatest good!


Maybe “The Complicated Event” had less to do with the election than The Great Revival that the Lord is bringing as a result of the great fall-out in faith in voting due to rampant fraud and a stolen election, our government system of representation by non-representative leaders, and courts that clearly political.  People in despair are turning to the Lord, not failed government!  I’ve turned off almost every news source, definitely the main-stream liars but also the conservative news because even with all their reporting of truth for 4 years it still couldn’t insure the integrity of the only thing people can do:  vote and urge their congressmen.  Both were completely hijacked by greed and self-interest!




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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

12-16-20 Dream of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – the Son says to the Father that You have Got This!




Video for 12-16-20 Dream: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – the Son says to the Father that You have Got This!



The Lord has a great sense of humor, especially after the very serious, almost scary stuff that will happen by the end of the week I learned from many deep intel videos and sources I have regarding our massive election fraud now involving other countries!


I just woke up laughing and still have a smile on my face!  In this dream I am at a special dinner to honor a visiting dignitary’s family from an African country that My family does a lot of business with.  My Dad is also the President of His own country, and I’m sitting across the table from Him.  He also is a black man, tall, well-groomed, and has a nervous smile because of this arriving African family.  As His beloved Son, I wink at my Dad and softly say “You got this!”  And He smiles back and nods, then says, “Now My Queen shall officially greet your queen.”  Then My Mother stood up and gracefully walked over to do so.


Man, I wish my attention had been on Her.  But I kept seeing My Dad’s subtle smile and hearing My words of encouragement.  And I woke up feeling very confident that God, the Father has this whole tense situation, now involving other countries the US does lots of business with (China, Canada, Italy), firmly in hand.  I know from other dreams that the Son is Jesus, our Advocate as our spokesman, negotiator, and courtroom legal scholar and attorney.  The elegant, beautifully-dressed, graceful, Queen is the Holy Spirit.  Not only does she bring love and joy to every situation as soon as She walks into the room, everyone can also immediately feel a tranquil calm and harmonious peace in oneself and between parties.  For that reason, they call Her “The Comforter.”  She is also called “The Counselor” just as the Father and Son are.  The Spirit is Their nature.  In fact, Parakletos in Greek, means One who comes close beside to call or summon. Parakaleo means to encourage or to exhort.  She is at every one of God’s negotiations.


So, even though I went to sleep in turmoil, I woke joyful, peaceful, comforted, and encouraged. The Father indeed “has got this!”  His whole family is One and works together to insure this.


As of 3/2/21 as I post this, evidently “You got this” didn’t apply to the re-election of Trump by 1/20, but God didn’t say that.  So there is more to the plans of God than meets the eye!




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Spiritual Education, Rhema Word of God, Revelation, Messages from God, Prophecy, Hearing God, Will of God, Dreams, Visions, Holy Spirit is a Queen diplomat, Father God is in control, Sovereign God

Categories: My Rhema & Logos

12-14-20 Revelation of GO to GOd in prayer is the DO in reverse OD so GO + OD brings us to the GOOD of GOd




Video for 12-14-20 Revelation:  GO to GOd is the DO in reverse OD so GO + OD brings us to the GOOD of GOd



This morning I sat very still for 1 hour per Psalms 46:10 and waited, watched, and listened in conversational prayer.  It is difficult to “Be still – quiet and at rest to Hebrew yada or Greek ginosko (relationally experience to know) Elohim (the Triune God)” as that verse tells us to DO.  Ocean waves keep the sea from reflecting the image of the moon let alone the sun. It must be “still” in order show this reflection!


Well, I saw the words “GO.”  Now I’m really good at that, jumping out of bed and tackling the day’s many things to DO. And I know Jesus said before He ascended “GO make disciples.”  I think we think what “GO” means.  But then I saw “GO to God – in prayer.”  Now that is what I was experiencing, because biblical conversational prayer (proseuche) is not talking to God with a list of requests – that is called ‘supplication’ (deesis).  No, proseuche is a conversational dialogue between lovers, sharing and listening to one another.  It isn’t a monologue or a shopping list or a “Honey DO” list.  Instead, we ask questions of one another and watch & listen to each other to learn about each how to be more in love.


So, I understood what God was telling me, but here is the big surprise:  He shows me that we have to “GO” backwards.  We think it only means to GO out from us forward, but that is just the same as “DO.”  In Greek the word ergo is where we get “ergonomics,” and it essentially means “DO or WORK.”  That is what we think “GO” usually means – to “Just DO it” like the Nike commercial.  The entire Old Covenant Law (97.4% of the OT – see Logos Word of God – BT5a) is based on 613 commandments to DO or WORK to be closer to or more pleasing to God, and sadly many Christians think the completely different-in-kind, by definition and context, New Covenant means DOing or WORKing some of these rules, at least the 2 greatest OT commandments, and adding more but now for a different reason.  However, that is NOT what the NT says!


Anyway, what God shows me and says is:  The “DO” I AM talking about is backwards, ‘The first shall be last and the last first.’  It is OD.”  I looked at this and was puzzled.  Then He puts GO and OD together into GOOD and said, “Didn’t I say, ‘Only GOD is GOOD?'”  Yes, I remember Jesus said that to someone who called Him, “Good Teacher.”  He said it so that person would recognize who He was speaking to.  I also remember John said twice, “God is [unconditional] love.”  These “is” or “am” statements are in the Greek present indicative form meaning “actually exists ongoingly as” so “God actually, ongoing IS defined or exists as LOVE or as GOOD.” That is why God says to Moses His name is “I AM that I AM.”


Then you find out that Unconditional LOVE is described as “GOOD” in Galatians 5:22-23, a “flavor” of the singular fruit of the Spirit of God.  So God tells me that “GO to God in prayer” is the GO or DO he desires of us – it is not a DO that goes OUT from us, which is left-to-right thinking, first letter to last letter of DO, but in reverse order, “the ‘last’ first and the ‘first’ last” so we end up with OD.  This is the “DO or GO” that God is asking for, because GO and OD together create GOOD and this is what will lead us to GOD, and that is where He wants us, and this all happens in ‘Be still’ conversational prayer where He can come near beside us (proserchomai is almost the same word as proseuchomai) as we draw near to beside Him (James 4:8).  Ecclesiastes 5:1 says “To draw near to listen to understand is better than to offer the sacrifice of fools.”  God has shown me many times that this place of prayer is where the real WORK is done anyway, because it is where He WORKS, not us (Ephesians 2:10).  If we want to be changed or if we want our nation to be changed, that is the only place we can GO – into the very word GOd, into the very presence of GOd where HE can DO or WORK!


Thank you Holy Spirit of Christ for being our “One Teacher, and we are simply brethren” (Matthew 23:8 – see Teach One Another – BT10) so that “we have absolutely in fact no need that any one else teach us” (1 John 2:27).  Thank you, Lord for Your work. Amen!




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Spiritual Education, Rhema Word of God, Revelation, Messages from God, Prophecy, Hearing God, Will of God, Dreams, Visions, Working FOR God religion versus Working WITH God thru Prayer relationship

Categories: My Rhema & Logos

12-10-20 Confirmations in the sky of coming glory but not the way we expect




Video for 12-10-20 Confirmations in the sky of coming glory but not the way we expect (SMM)



You know I’ve been writing a lot about Zachariah 4:6 on the Might & Power page, which talks about how radical the New Covenant was going to be from the old covenant.  It was “no longer in fact going to be by might and power,” which are Hebrew words for the external resources and the internal abilities of man, but that it would be a completely different-in-kind, ‘new’ thing that is not new in time but completely different-in-kind.  And that is because it would be totally 100% “by MY Spirit, says the Lord.”


Now I’m wondering if that’s where we’re at now, that the old way of doing things that we’ve been doing for a long time in America is now proven to be an utter failure, and there’s no other way out of this except complete  destruction of the Republic, and a complete breakdown into complete lawlessness and Antifa/BLM anarchy.  Now we know that eventually comes because of many prophecies particularly about the lawlessness of 1st and 2nd Thessalonians and book of Revelation and what Jesus said in Matthew 24, but it is too soon because other things must happen and they have not happened before that demise occurs.


So that leaves just one one option:  The Lord is going to do a radically new thing that is completely illogical and not based on man’s might and power and will be so supernatural that we’re all left scratching our heads, just like the Jews at the Red Sea that Moses parts near their eminent death.  I don’t think any of us have a clue what that will be, just like they had no clue what it would be, only that they were given a promise from God that they would be saved and somehow the Red Sea was going to part but it has not parted yet, and apparently that’s where we’re at, we’re in the ocean up to our necks, ready to drown waiting waiting waiting, crying out to God for truth and justice, crying out for God to intervene. And if He does not intervene, then all the prophets are wrong and everything about Christianity is down the tubes, because thousands of people now have seen this, and there will indeed be a great falling away, but all for the wrong reasons, because we put all our hope and prayers in the Lord. That’s not why the falling away occurs in NT prophecy, that is for sure.


Concerning the X22 Report guy and the British guy Simon Parkes who appears to be about 12 hours ahead on deep intel through white-hat patriot hackers, I believe THEY said that this was not going to be what people thought it would be and I’ll be interested to see what they’re saying now about what’s going to happen in the coming days.  But you know I should know better that the middle of December was not “the great light.”  I saw it in January as did all these other prophets – it comes in January not in the middle of December.  We get our hopes up thinking this was going to be that.  This first appeal to the Supreme Court is not the one that wins and I believe that was predicted by many other analysts.


As I was writing this my wife called me because there’s a gigantic pink cloud above her and I saw this the other day right after getting a revelation and it’s actually much pinker!  This is a sign of great Glory coming!  It’s mostly on the horizon but it’s spreading across the sky. This is a very clear message that in this great darkness that there is a message that it is not going to last.





These pink clouds happened many times in January.  I’ve never seen anything like that in my life, and every time I witnessed them I could feel the Lord saying great glory was coming!  A giant cross formed in the sky:




Then I saw a door open in the heavens, shaped like a funnel in the middle of this picture:



See how a horde of light patches are spreading out from the door in both directions:



Now the swarm is spreading out even more!  Glory, Glory, Glory!  Spread your glory, Lord!



Conclusion:   A lot of people don’t read the oral Torah but it is a much more descriptive of the written Torah than the five books of Moses because the five books of Moses are considered “memory points” – written phrases to help the Jews remember the rest of the story, which was told for centuries and eventually written down.  THE MISHNAH says that when the millions of Jews were up against the Red Sea, God told them that Moses was going to hold up the staff and that the sea would part and that’s what we read.


However, the rest of the story is God had Moses raise his STAFF up and nothing happened, and there was a lot of grave doubt as they saw the dust clouds of the army’s coming closer and closer.  So eventually the people were in a panic and they had to start wading out into the water, their stuff was floating away, nobody drowned but there was great fear that that was going to happen eminently, and people were up to their necks in water and there were people holding Moses arms up because this went on for quite a long time as the dust clouds got closer and they were crying out to the Lord.  They were absolutely crying out for God to intervene and it didn’t look like there was really any hope, but they only had one direction they could go and that was into the water.


They were crying out to God, and the captains Caleb and Joshua were rallying the people to have faith in God, down to the last minute, and suddenly the waters part but it was down to the last minute.  Then the absolute impossible occurs as they are literally running across the strait, leaving things behind, running for their lives, and they get across just in time as the soldiers in the chariots get very close to them and then God closes up the waters and they’re all drowned, all the horses and all the chariots and a huge army all swallowed up in water and not one Jewish person was lost, not one.  Now that’s the adrenaline rush way God does things!  And you’ll see that all through the battles, absolutely insane odds that they should have any success and suddenly they have enormous success, and it’s truly irrational and illogical!


As I was posting this on 3/1/21, I’m just amazed how much the Lord calls for faith from us!  He gives us such powerful promises and experiences of Him, but we rarely see them come true very soon or in the way we think they will happen.  It’s always such a surprise, and often down to the wire when most “mortal men” have lost hope!  I still believe the Lord is not done with Trump and not done with His judgment of the extensive election fraud, media & big tech censorship, and corruption of our court systems.  And I believe America, even the churches, will suffer greatly at the hands of the Harris-Biden regime because they allowed such sin to take over.  But in their utter despair, great repentance and then revival will come!




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Spiritual Education, Rhema Word of God, Revelation, Messages from God, Prophecy, Hearing God, Will of God, Dreams, Visions, Signs of the Cross in the Clouds, Signs in the sky of God’s coming glory despite the corruption and fraud in America

Categories: My Rhema & Logos

12-20-20 Dream of Trump diplomacy, Holy Spirit rain of liquid gold coming, Spirit information rapidly travelling to and fro




Video: 12-20-21 Prophecy-Part 1: TRUMP as a 2nd term President leads the world as a loving, godly diplomat

Part 1


I have been getting prophetic dreams every week now, so there must be something going on!  Trump ultimately gets elected for a 2nd term, that’s for sure, because too many other prophetic people keep seeing this in their dreams.


Around 6-7 am, I had a TRUMP God-dream where he was in a large library with long tables.  I guess I was an aid/page of his because I came up behind him through some books shelves.  I’ve had 2 dreams now where I was so close I can tell you that he has a little mole on his cheek by his chin with little blonde hairs sticking out of it.  He had hand-written a letter on some paper and wanted me to pass it down to a heavy-set, older woman leader of a country.  I didn’t read it, but somehow I knew that it was a very friendly, compassionate letter to a world leader, and he had thrown some of his OWN cash in it before folding it up and handing to me.  I don’t know how much it was but it was just sort of like a Thank You gift for something she had done.  When I came up behind him through the book shelves, somehow I knew that he was a very loving person.  Whatever supernatural events are coming, it’s definitely going to change him into a very godly man!  When I gave the letter/gift to the woman leader, she didn’t read the letter at that time, but took the money, smiled, and just continued talking to the important people at the table.



Video: 12-20-21 Prophecy-Part 2: Holy Spirit's coming Great Downpour of GOLD rain of glory purges evil

Part 2


EARLIER I was woken at 3 am. in the morning.  A lot of powerful things happen at 3-something in the morning.  Notice the number 3 for the Triune God!


I was awakened and heard what sounded like a train from a distance coming closer up the tracks.  I listen for a while to this low, hushing sound.  Then I suddenly realized it was the soft sound of rain gently hitting my roof and the sound of wind mixing together.  Then just as suddenly, I felt a Glory come upon me, feeling more excited, and wondering what it is that was happening to me.  Then the sound got louder like a train approaching, and I felt another rush of Glory coming upon me, and now I’m getting even more excited!  And then the train sound got louder and I felt another rush of Glory come upon me, and I got even more excited!  By NOW it was absolutely pouring rain!  THEN I mentally ‘saw’ that the rain was actually the REIGN of God coming down over the whole Earth like in the days of Noah, and soon I’m practically ready to start screaming in my house “Glory, Glory, Lord rain Down Your Glory, rain down the Glory of your Holy Spirit that is coming, He is coming, He is near!”


And once again I see rain that is liquid GOLD, so pure that it is translucent like a supernatural, liquid crystalline form.  And everything and everyone it touches is purified or made holy because it is so hot that it burns out the impurities so all that is left is the pure, the holy.  The Lord has shown me twice now that He is coming soon to do this, and the rain has already begun to fall.  If you listen closely you will hear it ALL OVER the world like it never has since the beginning of the Church, because “the latter rain” prophesied about in the Old Testament will be much greater before Christ’s return than the “former rain” after His departure, because it ushers in “The Marriage Ceremony with His Bride,” the Church.  When Jesus left, He betrothed Her and promised to build a house and home for Her, and He has in fact – many mansions on a vast estate. Soon it will be time to take Her there for the final Marriage Ceremony. The betrothal, departure to build, processional return with all his friends, and taking the Bride away to her new home for the finalizing Marriage Ceremony is exactly the ancient Jewish marriage process according to the Law of God.


Other God-Messages about Gold: 

1-25-21 vision of gold rain purging evil from people

My own Spirit-Baptism vision in 1985 of a gold shower entering my head

Golden doors in “Christ as King coming with Evangels & Miracles”

Golden acorns in “Neglected Garden and a Faded Woman”

Golden, melted butter in “Dream – A park Band warming up in the Spirit waffling people into salvation

Christians glow as gold light in “God will move His people forward

Gold-threaded veil in the Temple in “6-14-17 Prayer vision of Wall & Window blocking the Holy of Holies – Speak to It to Come Down

In Zechariah 4:2, a gold, super menorah of 49 lamps would be continually feed by 2 olive trees.  From Zechariah 4:14, these 2 trees are symbolic of the 2 anointed ones or 2 sons of/providing fresh, shining, pure oil (a) who stand before the Supreme Authority ‘adownkurios of the whole earth, and we know from so many bible verses that this “gold” (b) or “golden” [oil] (c) of verse 4:12 is the Holy Spirit (d) continually bringing Christ’s light (e) into the world!  <Notes> a) the usual word for anointed mashach wasn’t used but instead yitshar meaning “fresh, shining, pure oil.”  This is very similar in meaning to chadash to describe the fresh, completely different-in-kind New Covenantb) Hebrews noun zahab, c) Septuagint Greek adjective chrusous that means “made of gold.”  I think the LXX was more accurate, since in many cases the LXX texts we have are much older than the Masoretic Hebrew text.  The ‘oil’ of Jesus may very well have been translucent gold!  Extremely pure, supernatural and priceless!  And this is what created the pure fire that lights up the world, d) 1 Samuel 16:13, e) John 8:12, 9:5.



This is another God-Message about Trump being filled by the Spirit, likely what gives him the godly character I saw above:  11-10-20 Trump will be so filled by the Spirit


Yesterday, my wife couldn’t stop praying in the Spirit for 20 min. on the way to work, being repeatedly given the words of praise “YOU have STRUCK down the mighty.”  God is in more control than we see right now but I feel it won’t be long before we really see it.  However, at the same time, we will never see many people again:  Some will be locked up in military prisons and some will be given new identities with new faces because they blew the whistles on very bad people and will be hidden under the witness protection act.  Some of the latter got caught up in the evil but now they have been convicted by the Holy Spirit and spilled the beans on many evil schemes.  Thank You, Holy Spirit that you come to convict a fallen “world of sin, righteousness, and judgment to come” (John 16:8).



Video: 12-20-21 Prophecy-Part 3: Daniel's "Abundance rapidly going to & fro" is Web's Knowledge of Christ

Part 3


In fact, a lot of people are being fooled by the information they are reading and listening to, as it will be at the very end before Christ’s return:  In the Old Testament, the prophet Daniel 12:4 says, “But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end.  Abundance shall indeed rapidly & continually go to and fro, and/coupled knowledge (gnosis or daath) shall indeed continue to multiply.” Hebrew for abundance = “abundant in quantity, size, age, number, rank, or quality.”  The next Hebrew word’s is a verb in the imperfect tense with Polel stem that means “to go to and fro, go eagerly or rapidly to and fro.”  Hebrew daath or Greek gnosis means factual information, cunning, or skill.  It’s often used very negatively of the limited intellect and its analytical understanding, discernment, and wisdom of the world of men in complete contrast to that of God.  The imperfect Qal of the verb multiply means “to continue to become many, become numerous, multiply the people, animals, or things (here, information).


Yet Paul said he considered all the gnosis factual-knowledge of the world that he had gained as a scholar under the greatest teacher of his day Gamaliel – like being at the feet of Socrates or Aristotle – as a pile of excrement (the Greek is more graphic, using the slang word of their day).  He would trade it for the gnosis factual-knowledge belonging-to Christ in a second, saying in Philippians 3:8:  “Indeed, I add up everything as complete loss because of the surpassing worth of the gnosis informational-knowledge of/belonging-to Christ Jesus my Lord.  For His sake I have suffered the complete loss of all things and add them up as excrement, in order that I may gain Christ.”


Upon writing this, the Lord gave me a revelation about this:  Satan knows what the Book of Daniel says about factual-information gnosis/daath knowledge rapidly flowing to and fro at the very end, and Satan has helped manifested this through the invention of the high-speed internet, and now Satan is further using the internet to destroy humanity by using digital information that travels very quickly to carry out his lies, since he is “the father of lies” (John 8:44), carrying out his deception over those who do not have a love for The Truth, just as 2 Thessalonians 2:10 predicted.


This verse says that clearly that “the coming deception” comes to those who do not have a love for The Truth, which we know is Jesus Christ (John 14:6).  Ironically, Christ is using Satan’s intended evil for good (see Genesis 50:20).  Christ is using Satan’s plan to use the internet to establish his kingdom on Earth and to censure/block The Truth since he knows his time is near the end – just as the Book of Daniel correctly prophesied!  Remember that Satan didn’t understand that when Jesus came in to Jerusalem on a donkey he was not there to set up His Kingdom FULLY at that time, but to bring into His Kingdom all those who would have faith in His death in their place as a ransom-payment for sin.  Knowing the scripture about the donkey, Satan was doing everything he could to block the establishing of the Kingdom.  However, Satan got it wrong because his pride blinds him!  Nevertheless, Jesus ended up starting His kingdom of salvation that He will later conclude by His full reign!


In Daniel’s revelation, many think that Daniel is talking about airplanes and people flying back and forth in the world, which it could be, but more likely it refers to gnosis factual-information, especially since the second phrase describes the first phrase, being that they are coupled together with a coupling conjunction. The two phrases are directly related, so what is traveling very rapidly back and forth are not planes or people but instead and abundance of gnosis/daath factual-information.  But whose information?


NOW then, some people say that this refers to the internet in general and that’s what Satan has himself created to establish his kingdom on the earth as it is in hell.  After all, many money transactions of all businesses are going more and more thru the internet and that’s how Satan’s going to establish the mark of the beast of the Book of Revelation through digital technology, like Krypto currency, like Bit-coin.  Well, certainly Satan can read and it sure does look like he has gone down this path to try to establish his kingdom and to censure/block what is going to come.  And it sure seems to be working!


However, Satan got it wrong before because of his pride – he (and others who listen to him) will never believe the truth even if you showed it to them all day long.  They will say to the “truth declarers” that it’s fake news, propaganda, and debunked misinformation.  They will quickly point the “the fact checkers” to support their accusing-censoring judgment, but many people don’t realize that these companies are paid by (or heavily donated to) by the very people perpetuating the lies & propaganda, who then censure the “truth declarers.”  This is how Hitler and every tyrannical leader does it – secure the education system and company “fact checkers,”  send out the propaganda through the mainstream media they also own, and then censure/cancel the “truth declarers” with the “fact checkers” that also work for them.  It’s how organized crime works also!


However, the real Revelation the Lord gave me about this prophecy of “Abundant to and fro gnosis factual-knowledge” is that it ACTUALLY isn’t the evil world’s controlled by Satan but instead the “gnosis information of/belonging-to Christ” that Paul talked about in Philippians 3:8 above but also that Christians are to pray for in Ephesians 1:17 in order “that God may grant you the Spirit [who possesses] wisdom and revelation by-the-means of epignosis ‘genuine, intimate relational, experiential knowledge of Him’ that comes to us as the “rhema directly-spoken/heard prophetic word of Christ” to give us faith, per Romans 10:17.  “MY sheep hear MY voice,” Jesus declared in John 10:27.  This is what is going to “rain down upon this Earth” like napalm!  It’s going to be “fire from heaven like pure GOLD that is going to burn up the impurities on the earth.”  It’s the coming of the Holy Spirit, “the latter rain,” the tongues of fire to make anything & everything holy.  “The earth shall be abundantly-full of the gnosis/daath factual-knowledge of/belonging-to Yahweh as the waters cover the sea” per Isaiah 11:9 (cf. Habakkuk 2:14).



GOLD – no coincidence!  I saw this out the back window as I was telling my wife this Revelation.  It was in the neighbor’s yard, but as far as I could see no other trees around me had turned their leaves to this color yet because we haven’t had enough consistent cold weather.  Yet, here it was!  What a confirmation!  Thank You, Jesus!


As I post this on 3/1/21, I’m reminded to be patient for God to bring things about, even if He gives us such urgency that we believe it is eminent!  God has a lot of pieces to put together, so we have to keep expectantly praying to see it realized.  He wants us to partner with Him – the very essence of koinonia relationship!




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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

12-12-20 Two Dreams: The fear from fraud is fake news because God is in control and can make us laugh




Video for 12-12-20 2 Dreams: Fear from election fraud is fake news because God is in control and can make us laugh


12-12-20 Two Dreams: The fear from fraud is fake news because God is in control and can make us laugh



I went to bed depressed that SCOTUS had dismissed the lawsuit by half of the US representing 80 million voters against 4 obviously fraudulent states, dismissed over technicalities, not even reviewing the piles of evidence of fraud presented in front of so many hours of state legislature hearings by fraud experts and 100s of eye witness affidavits.  Constitutional scholars were in an uproar!  Mark Levine said this is one of the darkest days he has ever seen and that our Republic is in grave danger of extinction.  The Lord did remind me last night while I was complaining to my wife, that he had shown myself and many others that it was going to be pitch-black in December and to be prepared with faith during this time and to tell others to hold on to their faith – I saw that in a dream and others have also, to be prepared for this, to stockpile supplies, and not to sightsee at the oil wells (our source of human light) because the evil was rising from below, super-heating the ground and so would melt your shoes and car tires if you stayed to watch while the darkness is coming. He said to get to safety. The light only comes in January.  The prophets have seen it.  It does not come mid-Dec as the lawsuit promised so many.  Yes, Lord you are right.  So that comforted me a bit.  This lawsuit was man’s hope, though a “false start” in the world of running.  He did tell me “to run” from the coming darkness!  I know from other dreams, he tells me to run to him in prayer, the place of safety, for there He is our Rock, Fortress, and Shield.


Washington crossed the freezing Delaware Christmas morning with ragtag, beaten-down survivors of many battles, against all odds, sending away troops led by a conflicting leader, who ended up being defeated doing it “his way” – sounds like what just happened.  However, Washington against impossible odds killed a vastly larger army because they were all asleep from being drunk Christmas eve, even the large battalion of trained German mercenaries.  Even though Washington was 3hrs late at 9 am because of difficulties getting the cannons across the icy river and ALL the troops on boats, they surrounded the camp, took them by total surprise, killed most of them, even their general, and took the others as prisoners.  We did not lose 1 man!  God was with US.  And this battle started a string of US wins and before long we were called the US… A.


Many prophets have been told that now is “the great reset – back to the birth of the US… A, because of covenants (official agreements) God made with the Quakers and Puritans (Holy Spirit filled Christians) who came on those first boats to escape oppressive Catholic and Anglican rule in Europe. They escaped to find America and many lost their lives for their religious freedom to fervently “worship God by [singular] Spirit and by [singular] Truth” – Jesus said the Father was searching the Earth for such.  God found them and made a covenant to protect their freedom to do this.  But that freedom has been systematically attacked by Democrats using COVID lockdowns  to do this (while these Dems secretly go to salons and parties), even against orthodox Jews who fervently worship God.


The Lord is “resetting” to keep His promise to these people.  Millions of Christians have been crying out to God daily for this very purpose.  Prophets, even I, have seen their prayers traveling up before His throne like coordinated wisps of smoke.  And a “star of Bethlehem” sign will soon appear in the sky according to astronomers, an alignment of Jupitar and Saturn on Dec 21st the winter solstice, not seen for 800 years, the one they think appeared at Christ’s birth.  Coincidence?  I suppose many won’t make the connection but many will because they know better.  God gives people wisdom so they wont stay in the dark and hurt themselves and others.  “Great light is coming in January”  and a sign will be given for our hope!


Well God gave me 2 very encouraging dreams from 7-10 am – I could not get out of bed until the dreams were done.


Dream #1 has a lot of Star Trek imagery because I’m a fan, so God uses the things that you already know about in your dreams even though they’re very obviously God dreams because he tells you so.  In this dream I see the Ferengi ‘Quark’ in his bar that he runs on Deep Space 9 and his brother ‘Raum.’   And there’s a lot of fear in both of them as they looked at a machine that indicates,  according to the machine at least, that Raum has a bomb in his blood system waiting to go off that could blowup the bar and everybody in it, because they had got a threatening letter on the 9th.  It was in Ferengi so I didn’t know what it said but it was definitely a threatening letter.  Well they lived under the fear for many days wondering what they could do about it but after a while they went back to another machine run by the genius Dr. Julian Bashir who verified that it was not actually a bomb, though it appeared to be.  In other words it was fake and the original computer in the bar faked the image to make it look like it was the truth.  Obviously it had been tampered with!  Well obviously this is referring to our Dominion machines.  Dominion is an ironic term meaning “to exercise control over.”  And certainly that’s what these machines have attempted to do over our elections and those of many countries!


Well in the dream the fake news of that bar machine lead them to believe there was an actual bomb that was ready to go off and destroy everybody.  But when they found out the actual truth, at first Quark started laughing hysterically, sort of what happens naturally after a great stress relief, and his brother Raum, being that he’s kind of slow most of the time (even though he’s a genius engineer) starts finally getting the joke and starts laughing hysterically also.  Well it got me laughing hysterically in my dream and I woke up from the dream laughing.  This has happened to me before when Holy Spirit really zapped me and I would get very giggly and silly, which is not my nature at all.  As people will tell you it’s hard for me to get laughing because I’m very serious-minded.


When the truth about the machines started spreading across the USA some started celebrating right away but others it took awhile, while others remain in denial.


Dream #2 is also about fear that is based on fake news:  In the dream, I am a scuba diver who is accustomed to swimming with sharks and I see a whole swarm of sharks underneath my boat and I jump into the water and head towards the bottom where it will be safe. The water is murky and so I have to hang out on the bottom because I can’t see too far in front of me and that is the safest place to be on the bottom of the ocean.


I’ve been told many times that there is a safe place to be away from danger and that is in the Massive Rock Fortress who is Jesus Christ.  I’ve been told many times to not sight-see along the seashore where the rogue waves of sin coming from the ocean/world can come very unexpectedly, like in Cabo San Lucas, and suddenly sweep people out to their death.  So I have been told time and time again to run away from the crashing waves straight up the beach to a cave in this gigantic Wall and Mountain (kingdom) of Rock that is completely un-scalable and un-circumventable, which is the holiness of God based on His Law.  But in the cave I would be safe from the crashing waves of sin and evil in the world.  Well that’s a whole other vision that was 2 hrs. long!


But that was the place of safety, so on the bottom of the ocean in the crevices of the rocks I had that same profound feeling as I looked up at the swarm of sharks that were so huge as my heart was thumping from the wonder of it all.  Now I had seen something like this in a video awhile ago by a famous explorer of dangerous animals Steve Irwin, so I was given similar images in my dream, but in my dream I realized that as big as these creatures were and the size of their teeth that I could see, I recognized them as nurse sharks, just like Steve eventually did in the video did.  And then I knew I was completely safe because nurse sharks don’t actually hurt human beings.  So I felt very relieved and almost giddy.  As I remember, Steve did this in his video also, so he threw this incident in his video collection as kind of a stress reliever, because the other adventures were just insanely fearful.  Well that’s the way I felt after I woke up from that dream, very relieved and very giddy.


So both of these dreams had to do with intense fear that was based on perceived “facts” that turned out to later be fake.  And a great relief, celebration, and insane laughter that will occur as a great release from the great fear that was felt for such a long period of time by so many of God’s people.


So be encouraged, right now we’re seeing a lot of fake signals and fake moves and unsuccessful moves that are not part of God’s plans anyway but of man’s plans, even well-meaning, and we are going to see “a great reset” occur.  So now’s the time to buckle down and have faith and go to that safe place in prayer and wait for “The Revelation and Deliverance of the Lord” to occur. T hen there will be a great celebration of God’s chosen people everywhere in the world – and there are billions of US!


As I post this page long after on 3/1/21, once again I am humbled that so often as prophets we see and feel the urgency of God and assume that it’s right around the corner, in this case January 2021.  I’m sure that’s when the Lord ideally would have wanted to clean up this election fraud mess!  But God is aware of the vast forces of evil opposition and the extent of the fraud, which turns out to have infected even the Supreme Court and many “Republicans in name only” (Rhinos) that abandoned their party, the truth, and the president when they were either threatened, promised more power by the left, bribed, or all three, to become traitors to their country.  God will not forget their names and neither will we.  They will go down in the history books with shame!  Did any of this surprise God?  Of course not, but it did us!  God is still going to carry out this plan and wants the truth to reach far more people, and this will take time.  There will be great celebration in January after “great darkness” but it looks like “great” isn’t just about intensity but about length of time, which turned out to be more than a month!  But if we get in the Spirit, we will find that God is in control and will even make us laugh!




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Spiritual Education, Rhema Word of God, Revelation, Messages from God, Prophecy, Hearing God, Will of God, Dreams, Visions, Fear over fraud in our Republic’s representation system is fake news from Satan, God is in control, Fight the fight of faith and truth thru prayer, Machines can’t be trusted – they can have faulty mechanics or software intentionally or by mistake, Humans need to check and supervise machines, Go to God for safety

Categories: My Rhema & Logos

12-8-20 Dream about Buddy Rich and his Lifetime Achievement Award




Video for 12-8-20 Dream:  Buddy Rich and his Lifetime Achievement Award



I was in an auditorium with a lot of people.  I looked to my right and about two people down on the very end of the row was Buddy Rich the greatest drummer there has ever been and few will dispute that.  He was very old and very feeble very tired looking and racked with pain and very hunched over, and this was his posture problem he had most of his life as he was always hunched over his drum set. I never saw Buddy Rich at the end of his life, but I knew he had all kinds of healthcare problems due to his cigarette smoking and his lifestyle of drinking and so I don’t know if that’s what he looked like, but he looked in pretty bad shape.


Well this whole event was to honor him, like a Lifetime Achievement Award, and there was a drum set up there on stage with his signature emblem “BR” on the front of the bass drum head, and when they called him he stepped out onto the Isle. When I looked right at him, I knew who he was even though he was very much older than I remember him, and he just ignored me.  Well that was very typical of Buddy Rich.  He had a super big ego and nobody who worked with him in any of his band’s liked him, they actually hated him because he was very vulgar and very demeaning like a Taskmaster just whipping them, constantly whipping and berating them into the perfection that he had in his mind for “his band.”


He would be even nasty to Johnny Carson on the Johnny Carson show, and he never really was considered a teacher though a few people like Johnny took lessons from him.  He never published any books of his own, but other people published one book from excerpts of his playing.  But he never really taught people or desired to teach people. He was a player and he didn’t even believe in practice, he said.  He was a child prodigy from the age of 2, dragged out on stage in Vaudeville acts by his dad.  So who knows what drove him, but he was a musical genius and he let everybody know it.


Well he stepped out into the aisle and it took him forever to get to the stage and I seriously questioned what he could possibly play on his drum set because his body was barely moving. I think that drum-set was actually just a prop to award him and give him this honor.  Well he got enormous applause and it went on and on and on, and so he received great glory from man.  As I stood back in awe watching this, I heard the Lord say as clear as day, “He has received his reward.”  And I thought about how sad this situation was because he couldn’t even play a drum-set and he was about to die and this is the best he got out of it – a trophy and glory from men, but he got rich throughout his life and much praise for men.


And now it’s all about to end.  It’s already fading away and about about to vanish forever!  And sure enough he died and he wasn’t even that old, and it was all taken away from him – all this glory.  He was on top of the world!  He had a kingdom called “jazz music and Big Band swing,” and everybody idolized him and I became drummer because of him! And it has faded away like the flowers in the field, just as Jesus said the great people’s glory would!  I sat there and felt terrible sadness for him for a long time in the dream and even after the dream.


I’m sure God is showing me all this because he told me couple weeks ago or month ago that “I was not a professional drummer,” even though I’ve played in 37 bands for 52 years, and I pride myself on great performances.  And when he told me this I was devastated for 2 weeks.  Now I understand why he wanted to take that vainglory away, why he wanted to take away that very finite pathway.  It doesn’t go anywhere it suddenly vanishes and it seems like then it is futile.  See “My Story” on the About page for the surprise of what God did tell me that “I am.”




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Spiritual Education, Rhema Word of God, Revelation, Messages from God, Prophecy, Hearing God, Will of God, Dreams, Visions, Buddy Rich Lifetime Achievement Award, Vain glory, Empty rewards, Earthly praise instead of eternal reward

Categories: My Rhema & Logos

12-7-20 The Lord is sharing the truth about fraud to bring people into fellowship with Him




Video for 12-7-20 Revelation: The Lord sharing the truth about election fraud to bring people into fellowship with Him



As I was waking up this morning the Lord reminded me more about sharing and how much sharing He wants to do. He is actually sharing His love for the truth and justice for the law with many people now concerning election fraud.  His servants are representing the light in the world right now, presenting the evidence of fraud in the courts and in front of legislators. But He is also sharing this with many people who were witnesses of the fraud and giving them great courage against so much evil to present this in those public arenas under great duress.  “Lord, strengthen them with your strength, in Jesus name, amen.”


And so more and more people witnessing sharing their testimony are sharing in the nature of God and this is multiplying like wildfire throughout the United States.  And this is part of the movement of the Holy Spirit who is the nature of God, and this is one more way that the coming revival is going to spread as God reveals himself more and more two more and more people.  It’s amazing that what the devil, his angels, and his servants here on Earth have meant for evil God is already turning into good, and we will see even greater good coming in the next few days.  Praise the Lord.  And the fallout from this will be absolutely amazing to see, the wondrous good that will spread throughout the United States and actually to the world because all eyes are on us right now, as it was in the beginning of our nation. This is actually the great reset, the Reset of God!


As I post this on 2/28/21, I realize that once action is taken against the censorship of the media, even more evidence will spread and more people will “wake up” to the extensive fraud in the election.  I have watched 100s of eye witnesses and experts at fraud testify in front of numerous state legislatures.  They even have signed affidavits from the software engineers who originally designed the voting machines to cheat in other countries.  It’s just a matter of time before a lot of these becomes common public knowledge and many of those trying to cover it up will be shamed!  And I have noticed more and more secular people are acknowledging that God cares about truth.  Many people are reporting a lot of people coming to the Lord as they enquire about truth.




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Spiritual Education, Rhema Word of God, Revelation, Messages from God, Prophecy, Hearing God, Will of God, Dreams, Visions, Intimate Fellowship thru sharing, Revelation of Election Fraud in America

Categories: My Rhema & Logos

12-3-20 Rhema: God supernaturally replacing the stolen papers to right the fraud





Video:  12-3-20 Rhema:  God supernaturally replacing the stolen papers to right the fraud



12-3-20 Rhema: God supernaturally replacing the stolen papers to right the fraud



God showed me in a dream many bags of ballots that were tipped over and when I looked at the ballots I was told that these were produced by the Holy Spirit by the might of the Lord, because the devil had stolen ballots out of our election and God being just and very angry over this fraud has decided to inject into this voting system his own ballots to replace the ones that were stolen, and so to have faith:  He says, “Know that I’m in control of the situation. The devil is the thief I told of, but I will not let him steal what I’ve created and so I am going to take control of this election that looks like it’s out of control, but looks can be deceiving.”


He’s interjecting his Will, the votes that were taken stolen by the thief, back into the election process and this is going to take a while to flesh out here on earth, but to have courage and to have faith that He is not sitting back watching this but taking action, and so thank the Lord that He is in control and that He will right the wrong and we will see the actual vote come out at the end of this, but it will be through supernatural means – it will not be done by The Flesh of men. That’s what created the problem in the first place – people who were in The Flesh who were using their might & power that Zechariah 4:6 talks about.  They manipulated the election to exercise their will but God said “absolutely in fact not by might nor power – that is the external resources and internal abilities of man – but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts, ruler of angels.”


When I posted this on 2/28/21, again it’s amazing how we almost always assume that God is going to make the correct by the early dates we expect, like before the fake, dystopian inauguration of Joe Biden on 1/20/21.  Every date man though some move by the courts would solve the problem fell through.  No, God said this would be by supernatural means, so nobody else gets credit!  There won’t ever be anything like it happen, so the world will look back and say, “Wow, that was a true miracle of God!”




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Spiritual Education, Rhema Word of God, Revelation, Messages from God, Prophecy, Hearing God, Will of God, Dreams, Visions, God will rectify the evil of document fraud by replacing the stolen papers

Categories: My Rhema & Logos

12-2-20 Rhema of the demon Whine behind spirits & wine




Video:  12-2-2020 Rhema: Demon 'Whine' behind spirits & wine


12-2-2020 Rhema: Demon ‘Whine’ behind spirits & wine



I asked about that demon named “Whine” and this is what I saw:  All wine isn’t the same.  Some is very “sweet” because it is very young or new.  It hasn’t fermented much at all.  It is like bubbly grape juice.  It tastes great and can be drank like any beverage and there are many flavors based on the grape. You would have to drink tons to get drunk. I heard that Israel is known for their New Wine because the Law says you are to toast 4-5 glasses of wine at a Passover meal so you can’t have everybody getting drunk!  In the OT New Wine (tiyrowsh) is freshly squeezed grape juice and only rarely fermented like “yayin” wine is that can intoxicate you.  Hosea 4:11 speaks of both.


So in my “watching/listening time” I ‘see’ that demonic “spirits” are attached to the alcohol that intoxicates.  Ephesians 5:18 warns “do not in possibility presently, ongoingly, actually get drunk (methusko = intoxicated with alcohol”) with/of wine in/by/with is actually, ongoingly unrestrained, abandonment (asotia). ”  Intoxication makes you as loose as a goose.   Yes, it always does – you lose self-control.


The Lord showed me that is what “spirits” are.  It really isn’t ‘wine & spirits’ because the alcohol that intoxicates are actually demonic spirits assigned to “steal, destroy, and kill” people ordered by Satan, the great thief, deceiver, and murderer. They follow his orders to do what he is. That is why Nazarite vows included no wine, like Samson took.  So the intoxication is a demon assigned to get you to lose self-control.  Why?  So they can steal, destroy, and even kill you. How?  Once you “drop your guard” they can come into your life.  They can walk thru to door into you mind.  They can get you to think, say, and do things that will steal, destroy, and even kill you. They take you along for a ride to hell.  They deceive you along the way so you are unaware of your journey with them. They deceive with pleasure and jolly.  But is just a lie, a distraction, while they execute their evil schemes.  They 3 agendas for 1 MO – your ruin.


Now I understand why the Lord once told me “When you drink that beer or that wine, you decide between taking in ‘spirits’ or My Holy Spirit. You can get drunk (intoxicated) by one or the other but not both at the same time because the ‘spirits’ can not dwell where I AM.”  That’s exactly why Ephesians 5:18 next says “but instead I strongly urge you to habitually become filled up to completion by the means if the Spirit.”  Then Paul talks about a totally different “fun time” that you can have under the “influence or intoxication” of the Spirit.  It’s a whole different party than a bar!  So “spirits” create a deceptive party to keep us distracted while they ruin our lives, but the Spirit gives us genuine life to really celebrate by.  One path leads to hell, the other to heaven.  But you can’t walk in 2 opposite directions at the same time. We have to say ‘no’ to one to say ‘yes’ to the other.


Now I understand The Truth behind wine.  But why did you call it “whine?”  Because intoxicating whine isn’t sweet – it ultimately makes you whine. The demons get you to complain about life, about yourself  about others.  They get you to “cry in your beer.”  They want you to feel miserable one way or another – thus the hang-over that night or the next day. They always come to collect! ”


Now I understand. Help me remember this warning, Lord.




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Spiritual Education, Rhema Word of God, Revelation, Messages from God, Prophecy, Hearing God, Will of God, Dreams, Visions, Spiritual Warfare against demon called “Whine” behind drinking wine & spirits, Our choice to drink to be filled by wine & spirits or be filled by the Holy Spirit

Categories: My Rhema & Logos

11-28-20 Vision of demons that control vocal chords





Video:  11-28-20 Vision of demons that control vocal chords

11-28-20 Vision of demons that control vocal chords



This is a pretty darn personal struggle I went through, but I include it to help you:


I saw a centipede burrow into my vocal chords and knew right away it was the demon that has been causing so many problems with my speech to others.  Just yesterday I had arguments with my wife.  She asked me not to read news to her at breakfast, she doesn’t want all the details, just a paraphrase, make it shorter, and get to the point.  Too much stuff wears her down.  She told me 3 times but I ignored her.  Then she yelled, and that set me off thinking she wanted to control me.  I said a lot of things I wish I had not, standing up for myself, not really listening to her wishes.  I just felt that once again I had to lose my case and say, “Yes, dear.”  Whipped into submission once again by the woman.  So I was mad most of day and complained to Tom and Tony.


But then Tony told me that my wife was right, that I was an “obnoxious Christian to some people” because I don’t stop talking but keep hammering in my points, trying to over-convince.  Later on the phone I could hear that tone from Tom Galen.  He often tried to end the call and was being very impatient with me.  Then when I saw Joel, I wanted to play him a news clip I was sure he would me interested in, but he said, “No.”  Well I preceded to convince him to.  I could tell he was irritated with me. Well I got offended, and almost left.  I tried not to show my anger but I could feel it, like with my wife.  So within 1 day 3 other people illustrated what my wife told me – you don’t stop pushing when people indicate not to.  You ignore them.  I told her my friends don’t dictate how I talk, only you.


Well, in 1 day I was proved dead wrong.  They were all subtly saying, “Enough” and “No, I don’t want what you want to say or do for me.”  Last week my Dad hung up on me because he didn’t want to hear the truth about the fraudulent elections after he told me repeatedly and then yelled at me and when I tried switching gears he thought I was still talking about News and hung up.  We didn’t talk for days.  My sister stopped talking cause of my texts about the election fraud, but though she said stop many times, I would sneak one in here and there, cause she needs to hear the truth.  Well that didn’t work.  So I guess I must be obnoxious even though I feel I was right.


I had gone to bed frustrated that now I need to “walk on egg shells” in my conversations with everybody.  How can I live in such fear, such insecurity?  How can I control something so evidently pervasive?


Well, I was shocked to wake up seeing that centipede demon!


I have been told more than once “speak to that demon of ___ to get out in the name & authority of Jesus Christ. Your assignment has been cancelled. You must go back to your boss. Your case file against me has been rejected by The Judge.  Leave now!”  So I did with confidence – I was shown the problem and what to do about it, and I saw it in my mind’s eye crawl out and leave and I thanked God.


The demon was a lawyer (I’ve been shown this before) assigned by his demon boss (and the hierarchy goes up to Satan) to accuse me in front of The Judge.  He never stops talking, pushing his case, reiterating his points, giving illustrations, hammering out his case on and on until  The Judge says Stop, but he finds ways to keep interjecting.  That is his job, and he prides himself in it.  And he often wins cases against people in the world.  Well, I run right over people too, too many times.  I, too, have prided myself as being an effective teacher, but many times I fear now, it was just this demon attached to my vocal chords and that pride I felt was actually his.  How insidious!  How deceived I have been – a pawn of his!  No, more!


But then I felt compelled to speak to my ears that they really akouo listen to understand.  And I knew from my Greek studies that what Jesus always was saying – not just hearing others speak, anybody that isn’t physical deaf can do that, but to really listen in order to really understand what they are saying.  This requires attention and thinking.  I admit that I often multi-task while people are talking – years of work habits of customer support over the phone while on a computer typing or analyzing code.  Well it doesn’t work in person!  I’ve even argued, “You know I’ve been trained to multi-task!”  It still pisses people off.


Well, I spoke to my ears to be mended back into 1 piece from multiple pieces, back to wholeness.  That is the meaning of “saved” (soteria).  In the name of Jesus!  So I know God had that right, too.  I feel at peace that God has changed what I could not. The fear is gone and the guilt of failure.  I look forward to now physically seeing the results or fruit (karpos) of this divine change.  I feel thankful for the Spirit’s “control’ (Galatians 5:23) because I sure don’t have it.


As much pride as I evidently have, my flesh really is weak.  My “might & power” is really difficult to control.  It wears me out.  It is a burden I don’t want to carry.  So yesterday I just rebelled in frustration – I drank lots of spiced tea – another demon called “simulants.”  I almost got a bottle of wine – another demon appropriately called “wine & spirits” because after you drink you just “whine” about everything, called “crying into your beer.”


Then the Lord reminded me that the house was swept clean of demons but I needed to call on the Holy Spirit to fill it to keep 7 times more demons from coming back when they see the “vacancy” sign.  So I welcomed the Holy Spirit into my ears and throat to exercise His control.  Now the “no vacancy” sign is lit up for all the demons to see, so they will pass by my ears and voice.


I sense the Lord is doing this now because of this new Spirit Music Meetups BLOG website I am building and its ministry.  It is very important I really listen to others and that He speak.


So be it!  I look forward to seeing you do all this.  Thank You Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  THANK YOU!




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Spiritual Education, Rhema Word of God, Revelation, Messages from God, Prophecy, Hearing God, Will of God, Dreams, Visions, Spiritual Warfare by speaking against demons that control our arguing tongue, Obnoxious Christians, Argumentativeness, Overly-Chatty people

Categories: My Rhema & Logos