Only 2 Commandments in the New Covenant – Faith & Love
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Faith and Grace are completely-different-in-kind New Covenant distinctions:
The Greek Septuagint Old Testament (OT) uses the noun pistis for trusting-relying-faith only 26 times (0.11%) (a) as compared to 296 times (3.7%) in the New Testament (NT), or the verb form pisteuo only a 43 times (0.19%) in the OT (b) compared to 222 times (2.8%) in the NT. Total OT usage is 69 (0.29%) compared to 518 (6.5%) in the NT. That means the NT use “faith” words is 2141% more than the OT! Clearly the emphasis of the NT is completely-different-in-kind than the OT! <Notes> a) Deuteronomy 32:20; 1 Samuel 21:2, 26:23; 2 Kings 12:15, 22:7; 1 Chronicles 9:22, 31; 2 Chronicles 31:12, 18; 34:12; Nehemiah 9:38; Psalms 32:4; Proverbs 3:3; 12:17; 14:22; 15:27; Jeremiah 5:1, 7:28, 9:3; 15:18, 35:9, 39:41; 40:6; Lamentations 3:23; Hosea 2:20, and Habakkuk 2:4, b) Genesis 15:6, 42:20, 45:26; Exodus 4:1, 8, 14:31, 19:9; Numbers 14:11, 20:12; Deuteronomy 9:23, 28:66; 1 Samuel 3:21, 27:12; 1 Kings 10:7; 2 Kings 17:14; 2 Chronicles 9:6, 24:5, 32:15, Job 4:18, 9:16, 15:15, 31; 24:22, 29:24, 39:12; Psalms 26:13; 77:22, 105:12, 115:1, 118:66; Proverbs 14:15, 24:24; Isaiah 7:9, 28:16, 43:10, 53:1; Jeremiah 12:6, 25:8, 47:14; Lamentations 4:12; Daniel 6:23; Jonah 3:5; and Habakkuk 1:5.
Here’s a more extreme statement from a scholarly work about unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace: “There is no word in the Hebrew OT that can represent all the meanings of charis grace in the NT (118 verses), and in the OT Greek Septuagint charis itself is practically used only as a translation of the Hebrew chen (favor) or ratson (acceptance) in such passages as Isaiah 60:10 and Psalms 44:3, or chesed (kindness or mercy) as in Exodus 20:6, etc. That is because technically, salvation by grace in the NT is opposed to an OT doctrine of salvation by works (a), or what is the same thing, by Law (b) – i.e., men and God are thought of as parties to a contract-covenant, to be fulfilled by each independently. Most of the legislation seems to presuppose some idea of man as an entity quite outside of God. But the promise is made that the God who has manifested Himself as a forgiving Father will in due time take hold of His children to work in them actual righteousness (c).” Whatever the Law was, it sure wasn’t “The Unconditional-Loving-Favor-of-Grace” or “The Truth” because these only “ginomai came into being through Jesus Christ” (d). <Notes> a) Romans 4:4; 11:6, b) Romans 6:14; John 1:17 “The Law was given through Moses, but [singular] unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace and [singular] Truth came into being through Jesus Christ”, c) Isaiah 1:26; 4:3-4; 32:1-8; 33:24; Jeremiah 31:33-34; Ezekiel 36:25-26; Zechariah 8; Daniel 9:24; Psalms 51:10-12, d) John 1:17.
Furthermore, trusting-relying-faith and unconditionally-loving-favor-of-grace associated together are pretty much New Covenant distinctions from the OT. That’s exactly Paul’s gospel logos message of The Truth! The gospel is the enabling-power of God for salvation that reveals God’s “way of righteousness by unconditionally-loving-favor-of-grace apart from obedience to the Law” – but only to those who have trusting-relying-faith in Christ (a). Jewish myths, genealogies, controversies, dissensions, quarrels, and the like about the Law (b) are worthless and unprofitable (c), even the reading or teaching of the Law (d), as is anything other than Christ and His sound gospel logos messages (e), though Paul and the writer (likely Barnabas) of Hebrews say there are gramma letters (f) of graphe scripture, that is “a kind/class/category/portion of” (g) scripture that Jewish-Christians, like Timothy and his family, used to catechize convert-teach fellow Jews to “make them wise reaching/arriving at salvation thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith in Christ Jesus” (h) – see Logos Word of God – BT6 and – BT7. <Notes> a) Romans 1:16- 17, 3:21-22, 25-28, 30, 5:1-2; Galatians 2:16, 3:24; Ephesians 2:8; Philippians 1:27, 3:9, b) scholarly debate is still encouraged to ‘unlock’ or ‘unpack’ the scriptures, and the Jews see it as “worshipping God with their minds”, c) 1 Timothy 1:4; Titus 3:9, d) 2 Corinthians 3:7, 15-18; 1 Timothy 1:3, 7; Romans 7:6; Colossians 2:16-23; Titus 1:11, e) 1 Timothy 6:3; Titus 2:1; Hebrews 13:9, f) writings, but in context: portions of holy writings, g) pas normally doesn’t mean “the whole of,” h) 2 Timothy 3:15-16.
Faith and Love are the only 2 commandments in the New Covenant:
Trusting-relying-faith is one of the only 3 things that will remain – trusting-relying-faith, hope, and unconditional-love (a), especially since “nothing counts (b) except trusting-relying-faith thru-the-realizing-channel-of unconditional-love routinely, actively, energetically, and effectively being worked” (c). Trusting-relying-faith and unconditional-love are in/by/with Christ (d). Trusting-relying-faith or faithfulness (pistis can mean either) is but one description of the [singular] fruit of the Holy Spirit’s unconditional-love (e). Unconditional-love with trusting-relying-faith comes from the Father and Son (f). It is impossible to please God without trusting-relying-faith that He exists and rewards those who diligently seek Him (g), “for whatever [is] absolutely-in-fact-NOT out from trusting-relying-faith is sin, defined as “missing God’s target” (h). We are urged to excel in trusting-relying-faith (i), pursue trusting-relying-faith (j), be healthy or sound in trusting-relying-faith (k), and fight the good fight of trusting-relying-faith (l). See also the Obedient Steps of Faith page. <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 13:13, b) is strong, forceful, robust, sound, able, serviceable, c) Galatians 5:6; see also 1 Timothy 1:5, d) 1 Timothy 1:14; 2 Timothy 1:13, e) Galatians 5:22, f) Ephesians 6:23, g) Hebrews 11:6, h) Romans 14:23, i) 2 Corinthians 8:7, 10:15, j) 1 Timothy 6:12; 2 Timothy 2:22, k) Titus 1:13, 2:2, l) 1 Timothy 6:12; 2 Timothy 4:7.
Furthermore, in Christ alone do we have boldness to confidently approach the Father through our trusting-relying-faith (a). Without Christ’s resurrection, our trusting-relying-faith would be invalid and futile (b). The “obedience of faith” to Christ’s gospel is all that counts now (c), just as the trusting-relying-faith of Abraham before the Law brought about God’s promise (d). We are to walk/live by trusting-relying-faith, not by sight (e). The shield of trusting-relying-faith or breastplate of trusting-relying-faith along with unconditional-love are part of God’s armor to do battle by the Spirit (f). Our trusting-relying-faith should not rest in the wisdom (g) of men but in the enabling-power of God through the Spirit’s demonstrable manifestations (h). Christians are raised to new life with Christ in their water-baptism through trusting-relying-faith in the powerfully-enabling working of God who raised Christ from the dead (i). Yet, we see Paul proseuchomai conversationally-praying that God would grant Christians the Holy Spirit’s supernatural, enabling-power within them so that Christ might dwell (j) in their hearts through trusting-relying-faith (k). <Notes> a) Ephesians 3:12, b) 1 Corinthians 15:14-17, c) Romans 1:5, 16:26, d) Romans 4:1- 22, Galatians 3:9, e) 2 Corinthians 5:7; Galatians 2:20, 3:11-12, f) Ephesians 6:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:8, g) philosophy or eloquent, persuasive speech, h) 1 Corinthians 2:5, i) Colossians 2:12, j) permanently influence and govern, k) Ephesians 3:14- 17.
Faith comes by hearing the Voice of Christ:
But does trusting-relying-faith come from reading, studying, and memorizing the holy gramma writings collected into the graphe scripture of the OT or even any NT writings of the preached gospel logos message or the gnosis info-knowledge of dogma or doctrines as I was taught by so many churches and 5 bible colleges – see Bible Info? No! Paul says it comes from akouo hearing/listening-to the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words of Christ, and likely in context during preaching of the gospel logos message (a) by humans. This has to come from akouo hearing/listening to understand the Voice of Christ (b), for Jesus said “no one can Come To Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him” (c) and “no one can Come To Me unless it is granted him by the Father” (d). Directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words are revealed to us by the Holy Spirit through prophecy, even by visions and dreams, as “The Promise” for the Church age (e), for the “testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy” (f). “Hearing with trusting-relying-faith and not the works of the Law” is how we “receive the promised Spirit” and are “perfected/completed to maturity” (g). <Notes> a) Romans 10:17, b) John 10:16, 27, 18:37; Revelation 3:20, c) John 6:44, d) John 6:65, e) Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4, 2:17-18, 33, 39, f) Revelation 19:10, g) Galatians 3:2-3, 14, 22.
We need to be clear that physically hearing the gospel logos message of The Truth isn’t enough to produce trusting-relying-faith. Many heard Christ and Paul preach, but “not all have trusting-relying-faith” (a). The real “test” of whether we are “in The Trusting-Relying-Faith” is if we detect Jesus, the enabling-power of God, living in us (b), by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit. Nevertheless, God still tells the Church to preach the gospel logos message so that others will be saved through trusting-relying-faith (c) – when they hear Christ’s Voice! Our efforts aren’t sufficient, for it always comes down to cooperating with God by trusting-relying-faith and thus being a co-worker/partner in the gospel logos message of Christ (d). Mark records this partnership well: “These signs shall actually accompany those who have trusting-relying-faith . . . and they (the disciples) went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the gospel logos message by accompanying signs” (e). Barnabas or Paul says it well, “God also bore witness/testified by signs and wonders and various miracles and by grace-gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed down-from/according-to His will” (f). The problem today is that many churches don’t even preach the gospel, but something mixed with the Law, which is foundation of The Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit. Or if they do preach the gospel, it is “in word only,” even “by eloquence of speech and logos messages of wisdom,” but without any “demonstrable-proof by the Holy Spirit so then their trusting-relying-faith is men and not God.” No wonder so many churches hardly convert anybody to Christ! <Notes> a) 2 Thessalonians 3:2, b) 2 Corinthians 13:4-7, c) Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:10, 16:15; Luke 24:47; John 20:31, d) 1 Thessalonians 3:2, e) Mark 16:17-20, f) Hebrews 2:4.
As Christian musicians, are we oblivious to the radical difference between the OT and NT concerning the distinctiveness of trusting-relying-faith and righteousness by unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace versus the conditional-love of the Law, which is the basis of 97.4% of the OT? Are we unaware that the OT depends on our works of obedience to receive God’s blessing but the NT only depends on God’s unconditional-love based on Christ’s “one act of obedience?” Christ and His gospel are NOW the logos “Word of God” that has absolutely nothing to do with any of the 613 OT commandments but only 2 commandments of trusting-relying-faith in the Son, called “the obedience of faith” or “work of faith,” and unconditional-love for one another, called “the Law of Christ” or “Labor of love,” and both come from the indwelling Holy Spirit! What we are called to do NOW is not read and study any gramma writings but to see and hear the Voice of Jesus by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. The gospel was absolutely not meant to be by “word only, even with eloquence or messages of wisdom” but “accompanied by the demonstrable-proof of the Holy Spirit by signs, wonders, miracles, healings, and supernatural grace-gifts” so that God would “work WITH us.” Otherwise, we are on our own with dismal results.
Lord, thank You so much that trusting-relying-faith, unconditionally-loving-favor-of-grace, and The Truth about You all came into being with Jesus Christ, and the OT was simply intended to lead the Jews to You as their Messiah. Thank You that You NOW want us to partner and work WITH You, not just FOR You as religious people are satisfied with. In partnership NOW “all things are possible WITH God.” Forgive us for ever wanting to go back to what the Jews had with their “shadows, copies, symbols, figure, types, and antitypes” when You have replaced it ALL with “the real thing substance!”
Please follow the BLOG Etiquette Guidelines for these Only 2 Commandments BLOG Topics:
BT1: Trusting-relying-faith versus works , Watch the video
See also: Salvation and how to get it
BT2: Faithfulness requires trusting-relying-faith to the end in order to be saved or healed , Watch the video
BT3: New Covenant has NO old commandments – only 2 completely NEW ones , Watch the video
See also: Logos Word of God – BT14: The New Testament only has 2 commandments combined in 1
See also: Logos Word of God – BT15: The New Testament has only 1 commandment to the UNSAVED
See also: Logos Word of God – BT16: The New Testament has only 1 commandment to the SAVED
BT4: The OT has 613 commandments but the NT only has 2 , Watch the video
BT5: Christ’s only 2 commandments in the New Covenant to the unsaved and saved , Watch the videos: Part 1, Part 2
BT6: 2 NEW commandments so linked together they can’t be separated , Watch the videos: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
BT7: The NT’s only 2 commandments can only done by the means of Christ’s Spirit , Watch the video
See also: Spirit-Power page
More to come!
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