10-27-20 Dream of running into The Fortress Rock of Christ for rest and safety against demonic attacks
10-27-20 Dream: Running into The Fortress Rock of Christ for rest & safety against demonic attacks
I really slept in today because I was really “talked to” a lot last night. Many different temptations came to me and worries about life. At first I did what I was taught: I asked the Lord to deliver me. Nothing happened – the temptation prevailed. Then I spoke in tongues for awhile. Still nothing. Then I rebuked the demons in the name of Jesus, taking authority over them. Still nothing. But these things have worked in the past! I felt all my trying produced nothing.
Then I saw, “Come to Me and I will give you rest. Rest in Me.” I then remembered a vision I had awhile ago of a Fortress along the oceanside with a sea cave in it. The Lord had said “RUN from the crashing waves of this world’s sin to it for safety.” So I did that now. I went into the cave, into the fortress, and I was now “abiding in Christ” and I “rested” there, just enjoying the company of the Lord. It was peaceful.
And as I stayed there, very soon the temptation vanished. I soon fell back asleep, but later I woke with a different temptation. I repeated this “run to safety” and it vanished, I calmed down, and fell asleep. Later I had 2 different worries come to me that woke me and kept me awake. So I ran to my Fortress and “rested” and fell asleep there these 2 times. So after 9 hours of sleep, I couldn’t get out of bed because of so many “things to do” that flew into my mind, but I just kept seeing those words “rest in Me” so I would end up drifting back to sleep!
Spiritual Education, Rhema Word of God, Revelation, Messages from God, Prophecy, Hearing God, Will of God, Dreams, Visions, Come to Jesus in His safe Fortress for peace and rest from temptation & anxiety, Spiritual Warfare to sleep better