Spirit – Drums-Practicing – Spirit Music Meet-Ups
Video – Intro to Spirit Music Meetups
Spirit – Drum-Practicing – YouTube Playlist
See also Spirit – Spontaneous Drums – YouTube Playlist
See also other 22 Min. Playing with God Drum Videos
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As part of our Mission Statement, we are dedicated to help YOU:
To fully surrender control of:
YOUR own “might and power” external resources and internal abilities to:
Exchange this for God’s “promised Spirit” resources and abilities in order to:
Learn & Practice and perform music by the means of the Holy Spirit, even:
Spirit DRUM-PRACTICING and Spirit drum-performing – not just:
The skill of technical drumming, but for:
Anointed, Prophetic, and even Spontaneous music & DRUMS that:
Worships the Lord by the means of singular Spirit and singular Truth!
How does Practicing Music fit in with being led by the Holy Spirit?
After everything warned about the many dangers of putting your trusting-relying faith in your skill and professionalism based on the might and power of your flesh, and all the incredibly positive aspects of playing Anointed, Prophetic, and Spontaneous music “by-the-means-of the Spirit” you will see on those BLOG pages, how does the idea of practicing music or for that matter practicing your preaching/evangelizing, teaching, prophesying, or any of the grace-gifts of the Holy Spirit fit into our ministry?
If we put our trusting-relying faith solely “by-the-means-of My Spirit“ instead of our “might and power” skill per Zechariah 4:6 does that mean we show up to performances totally unprepared and just “wing it?” Does that mean we just start preaching/evangelizing, teaching, prophesying, or performing any of the Spirit’s grace-gifts “in the heat of the moment” in public when we have never done so before? Do we jump off the temple and see if the angels will catch us before we hit the pavement? Are we greater than Jesus with His great trusting-relying faith who was tempted to do this but said to Satan, “You shall not put the Lord your God to the test” (a)? <Notes> a) Matthew 4:7.
Remember that Jesus didn’t say or do anything unless He saw the Father first say or do it (a). So if the Lord shows or tells you to do something and you are confident it is actually Him and not a deceiving spirit like 1 Timothy 4:1 warns us about, then that is absolutely the time to “step out in faith” and “just do it,” even if it’s your first time! We all need to get much better at listening in proseuche conversational-prayer and simply “Trust and Obey, for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to Trust and Obey” <Notes> a) John 5:19.
But what about Practicing Music before performing it?
What I see throughout the New Testament is the idea of God as a unconditionally-loving Father teaching us as little children to learn how to walk “by-the-means-of the Spirit.” We will explore this more in a minute, but God has also showed me through many dreams and visions His great pleasure in seeing us go on an adventure to explore creativity, like a child going on long bike rides in the country, or a child on the beach making a magnificent sand castle only to wipe it out with a crashing wave or his own arm, and then start making another one! He loves to see us “in the zone” lost in the joy of our adventures! I’ve seen Him smile from ear to ear with the pride of father saying, “That’s my kid making those things!”
I’ve seen the Holy Spirit, like a squiggle of colored light floating like a butterfly into my childhood carport and then dance from drum to drum to cymbal to tom-tom right before my hand suddenly moved to play on it, but I was unware, simply “in the zone” staring at my drums as my hands danced about. I’ve physically felt blown or swept away by music that was played “by-the-means-of the Spirit” in a few rare church experiences. It was completely free-form with little or no predetermined music structure, program, or other agenda! It was Anointed, Prophetic, and Spontaneous – what a powerful combination!
Be thankful as you Learn & Practice Music as a little child by the Spirit:
I also know that God loves it when we are full of gratitude and give Him thanks for the privilege to learn & practice music. Remember 1 Timothy 4:4-5 says that “everything created by God is kalos ‘so beautifully-attractively good that it inspires other to embrace it’ and/thus absolutely-in-fact-NO thing is to be rejected [if/when] routinely lambano ‘grabbing hold of to receive’ meta ‘together-with in a way that affects change’ thanksgiving, for it is presently/ongoingly made-holy/sanctified thru-the-realizing-channel-of [singular] [gospel] logos message of God and/coupled enteuxis ‘childlike trusting-relying faith in approaching God in prayer‘.”
So I would say that God absolutely loves it when you learn & practice your instrument “by-the-means-of the Spirit“! He absolutely loves it that you are willing to surrender control of your worries, concerns, and ambitions to acquire more “might and power, fleshly” skill and learn how to surrender-control by “letting go and letting God” to explore how to be “led by the Spirit as ‘like-Father-son’ huios sons (a) of God” so that we are no longer under the bondage of following the commandments of the Torah Law of conditional-favor (b). This is how Jesus zao genuinely-lived (c)! This is how we zao genuinely-live or poreuomai ‘travel port to port’ or peripateo ‘walk all around’ by-the-means-of the Spirit (d) – by following so close behind the lead of the Spirit that we keep in step with This Commander (e). <Notes> a) huios: mature, like their father, ready for their inheritance, b) Galatians 5:18; Romans 8:14, c) Matthew 4:1; Luke 4:1, d) Acts 9:31; Romans 8:4; Galatians 5:16, 25, e) Galatians 5:25.
Look UP to get your Skill:
As a little child it took a lot of practice for us to learn how to physically walk, leaning less and less on our parent’s arms, furniture, and walls. It will take lots of practice to “lean not on our own understanding, but in all our ways to experientially, relationally know (a) Yahweh to make our paths straight and smooth” (b). It takes time to learn this and our unconditionally-loving Father gives us unconditionally-loving-favor-of-grace to learn this. He will do everything by His Spirit’s power to help us move more and more from the flesh to the Spirit, and He absolutely loves it when we practice this! Finally, God is not like many human fathers that yell, tease, criticize, berate, or beat kids for their failures! He is nothing but unconditional in His unconditionally-loving favor, only gently teaching and encouraging us, and is quick to applaud our successes! The exact meaning of Parakletos “Helper” describing the Holy Spirit is “close-beside comforting, consoling, counseling teacher,” and one of the 8 ‘flavors’ of the “[singular] fruit of the Holy Spirit [that] is-defined-as/exists-as Unconditional-Love” is gentleness (c). That’s what this Spirit Music Meet-Ups ministry is all about – learning how to do this together in fellowship! <Notes> a) yada, ginosko, b) Proverbs 3:5-6, c) Galatians 5:22.
Meet-Up with God and others to Learn & Practice Music:
I believe that God wants us to confidently “walk all-around in the Spirit” and that means practicing this, just like a little child would! However, I don’t think that means He wants us to use other people as guinea pigs (how unloving) as we struggle to “let go” of our flesh and “let God” take control of us “by-the-means-of His Spirit. He wants us to use ‘training wheels’ on our brand-new ‘Spirit bicycle’ so that we don’t run into people and cars and who knows what else, hurting ourselves and others (how unloving). That’s why we need to Meet-Up with God in our private practice time to make it a holy space. We need to spend a lot of time in there learning directly from the Holy Spirit, learning how to surrender control.
As we develop more confidence in our private practice, we can take our ‘training wheels’ off and Meet-Up with with other like-minded people in ‘our neighborhood’ where it’s safe, riding with those who also have ‘Spirit bicycles,’ so our group practice time also becomes a holy space. As we grow more confident in our ‘Spirit group,’ then we will be confident to race as a “Spirit team” to Meet-Up in public, whether to the saved or unsaved, still keeping this time a holy space. By the time we get to this point, we will have very little, if any flesh, left to confuse or hurt others (how unloving), but instead we will be filled by the Spirit to play Anointed, Prophetic, and even Spontaneous music. Can you see that “trusting-relying faith and unconditional-love” must go hand-in-hand, just as 1 John 3:23 combines them into only 1 New Testament commandment to carefully-watch-over-to-keep?
How many Worship Teams know how to “Let Go and Let God” to experience the Spirit’s music?
Yet, after 15 worship bands since 1980, I can say that 90% of church musicians know very little of this experience about “letting go” surrender of all their pursuit of skill and professionalism they work so hard on in their practice room and with their worship bands, and simply “letting God” when it comes time to worship “by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit and/coupled by-the-means-of [singular] Truth” as God desires in the assembly of the saints (a). They are still glued to their music stands, so concerned about getting it all just right to “honor God.” I’ve seen Christian groups get more bent out of shape in band rehearsals than the 25 secular groups I’ve played in! All this self-reliance and prideful striving is actually dishonoring to God, and the performance/showmanship of many church services actually grieves God – I’ve felt my insides just break down in tears! Just because you can’t feel this, doesn’t mean it’s not going on! <Notes> a) John 4:23-24.
I had one bass player at a huge church just rail on me for not playing my charts, especially after I told him that I would rather the Lord lead me in worship. He told me it was “dishonoring to God and so unprofessional.” I laughed under my breath because he didn’t know that I have a 1000 charts in a huge accordion file from the 37 bands I’ve been in, and teach drumming professionally, but chose not to put my trusting-relying faith in the charts I did make and did practice before I got there! Boy, was his judgment really off base – that “log of criticalness in his own eye” needed to be removed before he was qualified to pick specks of dust out of my eyes (a)! Since those days, I’ve relied less and less on charts even in my practice time, deciding I would rather practice playing a song over and over by the Spirit than spend 30 minutes writing a chart out only to have my eyes glued to it while playing – even in the assembly of the saints! <Notes> a) Matthew 7:3-6; Luke 6:41-42.
A telltale sign of trusting-relying faith in the flesh is the lack of proseuche conversational-prayer! In several church groups I’ve played with, they prayed very little or not at all before rehearsals or church services! How sad is that! I even asked the worship leader at one church to do this but he never did! Yet many churches have stressed following their stage clocks to the minute so that every service would end exactly on time! If you ran over much at all, you would practically get yelled at by the pastor! That’s because they have to fit 2, 3, or 4 services in a day. Seems like greed to me! The results of a poor conversational-prayer life are devastating, whether in your own practice time, group time, or public time.
Please follow the BLOG Etiquette Guidelines for these Spirit – Drums-Practicing BLOG Topics:
Drummers may be able to apply the Spirit – Music-Practice page, other than what I’ve tried to do here. The Lord’s Spirit is NOW “The One Teacher!” I’ve been teaching drums since 1998 to over 5000 students and have had 2 websites full of information for drummers. Much of my last website will be moved into the Drum Lessons page for my existing and future students and those of you who want help on the ‘technicals’ of drumming. However, the Lord has really been sharing with me so much more than any of my previous training, experience, and huge library has taught me. That’s why I’ve created this section here – to share this with you and for you to share what you’ve learned with others.
BT1: Practical steps for pre-performance personal Drum Practice before the 1st Band rehearsal
BT3: Drummer’s prep checklist at ANY Band rehearsal
For just the ‘technicals’ of drumming, see Drum Lessons.
If you have learned from the Spirit while practicing drums, let us all know below so that we can all “weigh in on it, learn from each other, and be encouraged” per 1 Corinthians 14:29, 31.
More to come!
Thank YOU for visiting: Spirit – Drums-Practicing
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