Prayer – Spirit Music Meet-Ups
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Prayer is the only Devotion imperatively urged to be the Will of God:
Proseuche conversational-prayer is very much “the will of God.” Not many things are explicitly stated as “the will of God” in the New Testament like “our sanctification (a)” (b) is, and “doing good to silence the ignorance of foolish people” (c). Also, Jesus did say: “The will of My Father” is that “everyone who looks on the Son and has trusting-relying-faith in Him should have eternal life” (d). The only other “will of God” explicitly stated with the “strong urging” of the imperative mood is: “Rejoice always, ongoingly be proseuchomai conversationally-praying without ceasing, ongoingly be giving thanks in all circumstances – for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (e). It’s the only “devotion” of the early Christians that we see imperatively urge to be the will of God – see BT3 and BT19! Other than that, only 2 entole officially-decreed commandments of trusting-relying-faith and unconditional-love (f) were given to the Church. The Lord keeps it simple for little children and the least among us! <Notes> a) consecration, dedication, setting apart from the ‘unclean’ world, thus made ‘clean’ or pure, b) 1 Thessalonians 4:3, c) 1 Peter 2:15, d) John 6:40, e) 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, f) 1 John 3:23.
Instead, Christians are more often called to “routinely sunesis ‘connect-the-dots to understand/know’ what the will of the Lord is (a), because the New Testament simply doesn’t spell it out the details in 613 commandments like the Old Testament does. Instead in Romans 12:2, Paul says to: “presently/ongoingly be transformed by the renewal of your mind eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ to be presently/ongoingly dokimazo discerning (b) by you what is the will of God,” or be “routinely dokimazo discerning what is well-pleasing to the Lord” (c). Now why would God call for discernment instead of giving us 5000 commandments as I’ve seen some websites say there now are? See New Covenant Ways – BT16 and Least Among You – BT8. <Notes> a) Ephesians 5:17, b) dokimazo: test, examine, or discern to demonstrate or prove something is acceptable, genuine, approved, good, and approved, c) Ephesians 5:10.
Incredible 15 minute teachings by Dutch Sheets on the power of prayer:
Please follow the BLOG Etiquette Guidelines for these Prayer BLOG Topics:
For praying in the name of Jesus, see Salvation-BT7: Uses of the phrase “in the name of”
BT4: Religion concerns itself with more than an intimate relationship with God Himself
BT5: What would Jesus say to so many religious Christians today?
BT6: What proseuche conversation-prayer exactly IS
BT7: What proseuchomai conversational-praying exactly IS
BT9: What drawing-near, conversational-prayer is mostly NOT
BT16: Drawing-near, conversational-prayer is patiently-waiting for God Himself not just His stuff
BT17: Drawing-near, conversational-prayer is when we vigilantly-watch for answers from God
BT18: Drawing-near, conversational-prayer is vigilantly-watching for God Himself, not just His stuff
See also Video: 10-27-22 Revelation in Prayer: Clarity of Vision healing by different Physical & Spiritual Focus
More to come!
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