Donate to Spirit Music Meet-Ups


Please Donate to Spirit Music Meet-Ups

Donations to help Spirit Music Meet-Ups ministry





Intro Video to Donate to Music Meet-Ups fellowship by God's Spirit

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Video – Intro to Spirit Music Meetups


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Please Mission & Vision - Please Donate to this Music Meet-Ups Fellowship by God's Spirit

Click on Pic: Read about our Vision and Benefits to YOU from our Home page.






We are sticking with the Christ’s and the Apostles Paul’s ministry model –  Faith-based:



Our ministry is faith-based, meaning that even though there are costs in having this website domain, having a website hosting service, having website blogging software, considerable time in researching the topics and writing about them, time making instructional videos, time monitoring and editing the BLOG comments, and time/materials/travel expenses conducting one-on-one clinics, we will NOT be asking for compensation, nor will there be a plethora of guilt-inducing sermons about tithing as we have all been barraged with in our churches, especially since tithing is clearly an Old Testament Law and Oral Tradition to insure that the Aaronic and Levitical priesthood were taken care of, which was never taught to Christians in the New Testament by Jesus or any other writer – see the New Covenant Ways page.  Francis Chan’s video The Truth About Tithing is excellent.  Dr. Russell Earl Kelly’s book Should the CHURCH TEACH Tithing is great!  Is scholarly article Teaching is NOT a Christian Doctrine is fantastic.


Sure we have plenty written in the New Testament about liberal, cheerful, and even sacrificial GIVING but NOT tithing (a).  We don’t need to be reminded of this by more human teachers, because “One is our Teacher, so call no man ‘teacher’ for you are all brethren” (b), for the “anointing actually, ongoingly teaches you about ALL things so that you have absolutely-in-fact-NO need that anyone teach you” (c), and thus “concerning brotherly-love, we have absolutely-in-fact-NO need to write you, for you are actually, presently/ongoingly being taught by God to unconditionally-love one another.” (d). <Notes> a) Acts 2:43–47, 4:32–37, 11:27–30; Galatians 2:10; 1 Corinthians 16:1-4; 2 Corinthians 8:1–9:15, b) Matthew 23:8 – see Teach One Another – BT10, c) 1 John 2:20, 27, d) 1 Thessalonians 4:9.




Koinonia Fellowship is relationship, sharing, and partnership - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

Click on Pic: Koinonia Fellowship is relationship, sharing, and partnership




Therefore, when you donate to our Spirit Music Meet-Ups ministry we share or partner in the blessing together, which is the very meaning of New Testament koinonia fellowship.  We will both be blessed together as WE will then be able to move at a more rapid pace to ministry-serve others.  We will see more fruit together and celebrate in this together!  And as we share or partner in the Lord’s work together we will share or partner His joy together, which is the Holy Spirit’s very nature of Unconditional-Love!


As this BLOG community grows through ALL of our combined efforts we will share or partner more & more joy together as we see more & more progress in practicing and performing music & drums by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit.  As we grow in “letting go and letting God” surrender, then we will share or partner more together with each other and with the Lord who unifies us.





Giving is a Blessing to you and us - Thank You! Please Donate to this Spirit Music Meet-Ups fellowship

When you donate to this Spirit Music Meet-Ups, WE will both be blessed:



Our ‘walk’ and your ‘walk’ in the Lord are therefore shared, both “walking by-the-means-of trusting-relying-faith and/coupled unconditional-love (a), not by God yelling or pushing us to obey commandments of the Torah Law of conditional-favor.  No!  We share in a “welling-up within us” that is the “Law of Christ” (b) that “bears one another’s burdens” (c) that is the “perfect Law of freedom” where “mercy triumphs over judgment” (d) that consists of only ONE completely different-in-kind New Commandment (e), an entole official, universally-binding decree from Jesus that is superior to all before it:  “that you unconditionally-love one another, just as I have unconditionally-loved you” (f).  Jesus added this to only ONE entole Commandment from His Father called “[singular] Law of [singular] Faith (g), specifically to “have trusting-relying-faith in the name/authority of His Son Jesus Christ” (h).


<Notes> a) Romans 4:12, 14:15; 2 Corinthians 5:7; Ephesians 5:2; 1 Thessalonians 3:6, 5:8; 1 Timothy 1:14, 2:15; 2 Timothy 1:13, b) 1 Corinthians 9:21, c) Galatians 6:2, d) James 1:25, 2:13, e) chadash, kainos: fresh, completely different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior, f) John 13:31, 34, g) Romans 3:27, 4:13; Galatians 2:16, 3:11-12, 23-24; Philippians 3:9, h) John 3:16-18, 36, 40, 6:29, 20:31; 1 John 3:23, 5:10, 13; Acts 18:8.


Yes, there are only 2 NT commandments that together create only 1 Commandment from God for a completely different-in-kind New Covenant Way (a).  It’s the very thing the Father, the Son, and the indwelling Holy Spirit “causes” us by His unconditionally-loving-favor-of-grace within us to “walk/live in [the location of], by [the means of], and with [the company of]” (b)! <Notes> a) 1 John 3:23, b) Ezekiel 36:27; Philippians 2:13; Hebrews 13:21; 1 Corinthians 12:6, 15:10.  The Greek preposition en with the dative case can mean all 3 – see Bible Info.


Therefore, we have trusting-relying-faith that the Lord will move us and those He wants involved in Spirit Music Meet-Ups at exactly the pace He desires, because all of this is His idea in the first place – we are just going along for the ride of our lives!  At some point I bet we will have Non-Profit, Tax-Exempt status so that you can deduct it off your taxes, but we will just have to see where the Lord takes us.





Walk by the Spirit not the flesh

Be led by, walk in, and keep in step with God’s Spirit:



One thing I’ve learned about walking in God’s Holy Spirit is that you stay right behind the Lord when following Him.  Don’t try to run around Him and take the lead!  He is in front for good reasons, because only He knows the future and only He knows where, when, and how to get there.  And only He is strong enough to ward off the attacks of the enemy.  Doing and “end-run around” Him because of your over-confidence and zeal in your own “might and power” is extremely dangerous no matter how many people give you their advice!


So please be patient and proseuchomai conversationally-pray for His favor and leading in your sharing or partnering with this ministry.




Please make a Donation to Spirit Music Meet-Ups:



You can use theDonate to Spirit Music Meet-Ups Button above or send your checks to Mike Burris, 902 S. Eli Drive, Tucson, AZ  85710 as you are led by the God’s Holy Spirit to do so.


If we later get our Tax-Exempt status, we will certainly post this PROMINENTLY on the Home page.  Then, of course, we would be required by the IRS to send out your “Tax-deductible Donation Total” so that you will be alerted for your taxes.


But if you are only giving to us because it’s tax-deductible, maybe it’s best to find someone who already has Non-Profit, Tax-Exempt status.  Paul warned:  “Whatever does not proceed from trusting-relying-faith is sin” (a) for “without trusting-relying-faith it is impossible to please God” (b).  Since this whole website is about “trusting-relying-faith and/coupled unconditional-love,” please follow your conscience in giving.  Thank you!  <Notes> a) Romans 14:23, b) Hebrews 11:60.




BLOG Topics for Donations & Ministry Finances - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

Please follow the BLOG Etiquette Guidelines for these Donations & Ministry Finances BLOG Topics:



BT1:  Why is our ministry following the Apostle Paul’s team financial example


BT2:  But what is this so-called ‘right’


BT3:  Paul’s financial approach to ministry is unconditional-love


BT4:  Paul continues to defend his ministry finances model


BT5:  Paul’s approach to Christian support of NT ministry


BT6:  The arguments for pastor compensation all fall apart when carefully examined


See also There is no Biblical Defense for Paid Pastors/Elders by Lew Ayotte


BT7:  “Paid ministry” was actually a sign of false prophets/teachers in the early Church




Thank You for Your Donation - Spirit Music Meet-Ups




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