Bible Info – Spirit Music Meet-Ups


Bible Info – Spirit Music Meet-Ups

Bible Info – Music Meet-Ups fellowship by God's Spirit



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Many Christians practically worship the Bible:



It is NOT easy to say any of these things in the BLOGS below because of my extensive training in 5 bible colleges and intense desire to teach the bible since 1980 – see Bible Info – BT3, but the Lord has a way of ‘growing us up’ no matter where we start – see About – Mike’s Story.  What I have written has been to help you deeply understand the bible, which has been a long process of exhausting, comprehensive studies from the original Hebrew and Greek, along with extensive historical and cultural studies.  I don’t presume to be your teacher, since there is only “One Teacher,” but I am sharing in the responsibility of Body-Ministry – see Teachers & Teaching.


I originally did all this research to solve many ‘problems’ with the English bible translations and research ‘suspicions’ of what I heard coming from too many preachers and other Christians over the years, having played in 15 worship bands and seeing what actually goes on behind the ‘Wizard-of-Oz curtains’ at churches and in 2 Christian bookstores where I worked as a computer consultant and ‘Reference & Pastoral Aids’ book buyer.  I’ve seen more than most Christians could handle and still not lose my relationship with Jesus.


The glaring Truth that I have discovered along the way has radically changed my Christian experience and that’s why it was so important to pass it along to you.  Do your own homework – look up all the bible verse references I give you!  Or better yet, simply learn how to prophetically-listen to the Voice of Jesus through proseuche conversational-prayer as God intended for us NOW under the completely different-in-kind New Covenant – see Bible Info – BT2.




The Logos Word of God became Flesh

Click on Pic: The Logos Word of God is no longer writings in a bible

The meaning of  “The Logos Word of God” radically changed meaning for the New Covenant:



Careful study shows that the logos “Word of God” radically changed from the gramma writings or letters of God collected into the graphe scripture of the Old Testament (OT) to something completely different-in-kind and superior for the New Covenant.  In only 4 places in the New Testament (NT) does logos refer to OT writings of scripture and in every case, the Jewish scriptures cited were used to argue against Jews.  Again, nowhere does the NT use Jewish scriptures to prove anything to a Gentile-only audience, because they naturally could care less what Jews would hold so dear!  The same is true today!  Every good teacher knows to “know thy audience” to insure what they say is relevant to them!


The NT speakers & writers have radically redefined, as with many words that conveyed Jewish beliefs, the “Logos Word of God” from gramma writings about God and His will to:  Jesus Christ as the “Living, Active, sharper-than-a-two-edged-sword” (a) gospel message about Himself as “The [New Covenant] Way, The Truth, and The Zoe Genuine-Life” (b) for our salvation, WHO created everything (c) and still holds everything together (d) as God, the Logos Communicator of God’s Message.  See Wikipedia’s “Logos (Christianity)” article and Logos Word of God page.  <Notes> a) Hebrews 4:12, b) John 14:6, c) John 1:3, d) Colossians 1:17.





The Holy Bible is not the only Word of God

It’s wholly inaccurate to hold up a big fat bible and say:

“This is the Word of God!”



Just as the New Testament’s chadash/kainos NEW Covenant is completely different-in-kind and superior to the Old Testament’s palaiosold, dated, ancient, antiquate, worn-out, weak, worthless” covenant by definition, so is its logos Word/Message of God!  You can’t mix oil and water, but so many Christians and churches try, even if the NT warns us repetitively not to!  They simply don’t understand this:  “For all the Prophets and the Law definitively/wholly prophesied (a) continued-UNTIL-the-end-point-of (b) John (the Baptizer) [but] apo toteSINCE that end-point of time’ the ‘Great News’ gospel of the kingdom of God is presently-ongoingly preached” (c) – not written down much later in order to then be later read, categorized, studied, and debated for thousands of years so people could know God’s will – see New Covenant Ways – BT13a. <Notes> a) this is rhema words of God later written down in logos messages, b) heos:  continued until an end-point, c) Luke 16:16.


But that’s what the religious “traditions of men” (a) also did with the NT, following the same failed pattern of the Jewish scribes and Pharisees!  God didn’t give us more of the same but somehow different, and expecting different results – that’s the definition of insanity!  God gave us a completely-different-in-kind, superior WAY to know His will – see New Covenant Ways – BT16, so impartial that even little children and other least among you can know it – see Least Among You – BT8 especially because to them the kingdom is revealed to FIRST as promised by God (b) and in so many teachings of Christ (c).  <Notes> a) Matthew 15:2; Mark 7:3, 5, 8; Galatians 1:14, b) Jeremiah 31:34, c) Matthew 11:25, 13:11; Mark 4:11; Luke 8:10, 10:21; cf. Colossians 1:26.





The Bible can be very confusing!

Bible Info for Spirit Music Meet-Ups

The bible sure can be confusing:



What’s confuses a lot of readers is that most English bibles also translate the prophetic “rhema Word of God” simply as the “Word of God,” grossly misleading readers to believe that logos Word of God and rhema Word of God” are both the same in meaning.  However, “in the original Greek there is a substantial distinction,” per Wikipedia’s Rhema (doctrine) article.  Rhema is the directly-spoken and directly-heard “Voice of Jesus to His sheep” (a) as the “Wonderful Parakletos Counselor” (b) who taught 3 years on earth to establish His Church. <Notes> a) John 10:27, b) Isaiah 9:6; John 14:16.


Jesus is still teaching from heaven as “the One who is your Teacher” (a) but NOW as “another Parakletos Helper” through the dunamis dynamite-like enabling-power of the Holy Spirit  (b), who we can receive by Spirit-Baptism starting with our Water-Baptism, “to guide us into ALL the truth so that we ALL have eido mentally ‘seen’ to perceive/knowledge of God and His will so that absolutely in fact we have no need that any man teach us, because His anointing teaches all things, especially to ongoingly meno abide/stay-connected-to Jesus, the Vine that produces all fruit to glorify the Father” (c).  Yes, that’s what the New Testament says!  See Rhema Word of God page and A 11-21-2021 Vision about Meno abiding in Christ<Notes> a) Matthew 23:8, b) Jeremiah 31:34; John 14:16, 16:13, c) John 14:26; 16:13; 1 John 2:20, 27.


Therefore technically “The Word of God” for Christians is NO longer gramma writings of the OT graphe scripture, not even the NT writings.  However, they still are a good record of some prophetic rhema “testimony of Jesus” per John 5:38-39, Luke 24:27, and so many other verses – see Logos Word of God – BT6 to see how the early Jewish Church used only 2.6% of the Old Testament to convert Jews to Christ.  The OT was written only for the Jews to prepare them to “Come near-now to Christ for zoe genuine-life” per Matthew 11:28 and John 14:26 – see New Covenant Ways – BT13.  Until around 70 AD, the early Church didn’t even use 97.4% of the OT because it was Law-based and completely fulfilled by Jesus, and from 70 to 200 AD the mostly Gentile church so no need for the OT at all – see Logos Word of God – BT5a and – BT8 and – BT18.  So of what value is the OT to Christians 2000 years later – see New Covenant Ways – BT13b?


Likewise, because so many Christians are so much like the Jews by their indoctrination by religious men to put so much of their trusting-relying-faith in gramma writings – in many cases, more than actual prophetic-rhema words from God thru Spirit-kind-of encounters with Jesus – this BLOG website heavily references and documents the gramma writings of the bible along with many prophetic-rhema words, visions and dreams per Acts 2:17-19, the actual “promise” for the Church age, in hopes that many others will make the transition FROM indirect, second-hand, ancient, and often ‘dry as the desert’ communication that even the so-called “wise and understanding ones” grapple with to understand accurately to teach others . . . TO a “fresh, running, living water of zoe genuine-lifeSpirit-kind-of directly heard, first-hand, brand-new ‘in the very moment’ prophetic-rhema form of communication.





The Latter Rain of the Spirit is here - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

Music Meet-Ups fellowship by God’s Spirit –

Bible Info is soon going ‘Bye-Bye’


Joel 2:23’s “latter rain” revival that is beginning NOW will relive this ‘reality’ the “former rain” Church started out with on Pentecost in Acts 2, but mostly lost around 200 AD when the Catholic Church “quenched the Spirit” and even persecuted all those involved including their famous Latin theologian-apologist because of His documentation of the Holy Spirit prophetic gifts.  They replaced it with a quest for an official bible, dogma, creeds, and theology – the fell into “the baited trap and snare” of the Jewish scribes & Pharisees – see New Covenant Ways – BT17 and – BT18.  But what’s coming isn’t just a re-awakening to Jeremiah 31:34’s New Covenant direct eido mentally ‘seeing’ to perceive/knowledge of God but an explosion of it!


Thank God, we will finally be done with study of the bible – see Logos Word of God – BT19.  In fact, most of us will be so busy flowing in the Spirit with prophetic-rhema word and ministering to others as Ephesians 4:7-16 originally was intended for Body-Ministry instead of ‘one-man show’ leadership as the Catholic and then Protestant churches turned it into, that few will even have time or desire to read the bible except to prove to doubting Christians or late-to-the-revival Church teachers & leaders still ‘pushing the bible’ – as there were in every revival – that NOW there is a better WAY to learn from God – see New Covenant Ways – BT13c and – BT19.


Old Covenant WAYS simply don’t work under the completely-different-in-kind, superior New Covenant – see New Covenant Ways!  Whenever religious people try, they end up creating The Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit.  Soon Bible Info will go ‘Bye-Bye’ as it is replaced with actual Meet-Ups with God by His Holy Spirit, even for music & drums!





BLOG Topics for Bible Info - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

Please follow the BLOG Etiquette Guidelines for these Bible Info BLOG Topics:



BT1:  The bible resources and information used in this website


BT2:  The way of the bible scholar is extremely difficult, but there is a much easier way


See also Knowledge-BT1:  ‘Bible study’ to know God is just another false religious “tradition of men”


BT3:  My bible credentials and writing approach for this BLOG website


BT4:  I am NOT your teacher, but I know WHO is


BT5:  “Testing prophecy” or anything that anybody says against the bible?


BT6:  Then who should be teaching one another on this BLOG website


More to come!



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