Drum Notation with Counting & Singing


Drum Notation and Counting & Singing Rhythm – Spirit Music Meet-Ups

Drum Notation and Counting & Singing Rhythm for Spirit Music Meet-Ups



Intro video for Drum Notation and Counting & Singing Rhythm for Spirit Music Meet-Ups

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Video:  Transcribing What You Hear into Music Notation


Video:  3 ways to Musically Notate the same rhythm or Groove and which is best for your song


Video:  HOW-TO notate Drum Fills – Using a Time Grid to match what you hear to Subdivisions of the Beat


Video:  Simple, quick method of creating a Drum Chart for a song to spend more time practicing than charting


Video:  Hand-Drum Music Notation of Notes, Rhythms, Tones, and Sticking for charting songs or learning



The Importance of Counting & Singing Rhythm - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

The Importance of Counting & Singing Rhythm:


Video:  Notation – First get pre-programmed: See, Hear, Count-Sing, Feel, and then Play as You Say


Video:  Notation – See, hear, and feel to Ride the Wave of the Groove – Counting & Singing to pre-program


Making music is an “inside job” – you first have to get music “inside” you to be able to get it “outside” of you with your drumming.  In order to be physically coordinated to drum, you must first get mentally coordinated.  After teaching drums full-time since 1998, I found the fastest way to learn (and the closest to real-world composition in a band) is by using both your left brain to Count the rhythms and your right brain to Sing them – and to do this out of your mouth, because all those moving parts use so much more of your brain!  As you Count & Sing you are “putting the spotlight” on the “singer at the front of the stage” and your body will auto-magically “back up that singer” that is you – just like a band does for a show!  I teach “Focus is power – Focus is fire,” because just like a magnifying glass can focus scattered sunlight into a pinpoint of fire, your Counting & Singing will help focus past so many distracting thoughts to succeed more quickly at your drumming.


PDF doc:  My Counting & Singing Method will really speed up your learning  –  While you watch the Video


Video:  What & When to Play Notation – Part 1


Video:  What & When to Play Notation – Part 2


Video:  What & When to Play Notation – Part 3


BT1:  Dynamic Markings


BT2:  Section & Ensemble Rhythm Figures – Long-note vs. Short-note interpretation


BT3:  Tempo Markings


BT4:  Song Form, Structure, and Navigation


PDF doc:  Melodic rhythm vs. Ostinato rhythms in a Drum-Set Groove    Watch the Video


3-count Grooves in 3/2, 3/4, 3/8, or 3/16 Meters


6-count Grooves in 6/2, 6/4, 6/8, or 6/16 Meters


More coming!




How Binary Rhythms (2, 4, 8, etc. parts)  relate to Ternary Rhythms (3, 6, 9, etc. parts) and other artificial Tuplets (5, 7, etc. parts):


Music Notation Subdivisions Chart for Spirit Music Meet-Ups


Video:  Column 1 Subdivisions – Part 1:  1/4-notes into 1/8-notes & 1/8-note Triplets as Time-Keeping for Grooves


Video:  Column 1 Subdivisions – Part 2:  1/8-notes into 1/16-notes & 1/16-note Triplets and smaller Tuplets as Time-Keeping for Grooves


Video:  Normal & Artificial (Tuplet) Time Signature/Meter Note-Grouping affecting the Measure/Bar’s Internal Phrasing


See also “Rhythmic-Energy Contours based on Note-Density creates Internal Phrasing” on the Groove & Ear-Training Page


PDF doc:  Artificially-notated “Tuplets” (Duplets, Triplets, Quadruplets, Pentuplets/Quintuplets, Sextuplets, etc.)    While you watch the Video


BT5:  Straight, Flat, or Binary Notation Rhythms


BT6:  Swung, Rounded, or Ternary Notation Rhythms


Video:  Drum-Tech-Stick Control- Subdivisions of Time using Singles & Doubles – U of A Drumline drills


More coming!



Thank YOU for visiting:  Drum Notation for Spirit Music Meet-Ups




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