God’s Peaceful-Rest of Love


God’s Peaceful-Rest of Love – Spirit Music Meet-Ups

God's Peaceful-Rest of Love - Spirit Music Meet-Ups



Intro video for God's Peaceful-Rest of Love - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

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Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace, our Sabbath Rest - Spirit Music Meet-Ups



The Lord has given me many prophetic messages about koinonia sharing many things together in general, about music, and often about “resting from my work,” because I’m always on the go!  He has told me to “sleep in” many times, and even if I’m wide awake to just lay in bed, like one recently that Christ is the Petra Bedrock for True Bed Rest.  I always felt the Lord was telling me to slow me down so that I wouldn’t get physically ill from stress, which has happened all too often.  However, in November 2020, the Lord told me through some dreams and in proseuche conversational-prayer while I laid in bed why this rest was so important.  He said, “When you are staying in one place resting, I can connect to you in order to give you zoe genuine-life and to teach you.”  Then I remembered a dream I had of a robotic body, symbolic of the Body-of-Christ that I was part of, that wouldn’t sit still long, always restless, moving towards its own plans, schedules, and programs – its own “might and power.”  But when it did, then a Massive Head (a) would connect to it and a surge of zoe genuine-life would come into the Body with its first gasp of air.  <Notes> a) Jesus: Ephesians 1:22; Colossians 1:18.


So I knew the Lord was right about “taking a vacation, ceasing activity, and being quiet,” which is what Psalms 46:10 means:  “Be still (a) and/coupled (or ‘and/thus’) experientially, relationally know (b) that I AM Elohim (the Supreme, Majestic-Plural God)”  These are coupled/related ideas, or very likely one “thusly” leading to the other.  If we stop moving and talking and instead draw near (c), wait, watch, and listen in proseuche conversational-prayer for God, then He will “show up” and “draw very-near alongside us” (d) and we will be connected to the Vine of Christ for zoe genuine-life and fruitfulness (e).  So I was again reminded to “Come near-beside Me, all you who labor and are heavily-weighed down (burdened by life and religion), and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke (f) upon you and/coupled learn [directly] from Me . . . and you will find rest for your souls (g).  For My yoke [of teaching] is well-fitted to you (h) and My burden is light to carry (i)” (j). <Notes> a) raphah, scholazo: take a vacation, cease motions, be quiet, b) yada, ginosko, c) proserchomai, d) eggizo in James 4:8, e) John 15:1-8, f) a harness between experienced animals and novices to train them, g) chrestos: comfortable, useful, beneficial, h) elaphros: easy to carry or move with, i) mind, emotions, will, j) Matthew 11:28-30.




BLOG Topics for Spirit - God's Peaceful-Rest of Love - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

Please follow the BLOG Etiquette Guidelines for these God’s Peaceful-Rest of Love BLOG Topics:



See also a Spirit-Practice-Drum video on Peaceful-Rest


See also 1/23/2021 revelation about colors of the Spirit for His unconditional-love, joy, and peace


BT1:  Koinonia fellowship of sharing of God’s Sabbath Rest – Watch these videos:  Part 1a, Part 1b, Part 2a, Part 2b


BT2:  Summary of a 6/9/2014 study on REST updated on 12/26/2019


BT3:  Old Testament verses on Peaceful-Rest


BT4:  New Testament verses on Peaceful-Rest


BT5:  Jesus invites us all to rest our souls


More to come!



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