Power of God’s Holy Spirit causes the Kingdom


The Enabling-Power of God’s Holy Spirit – Spirit Music Meet-Ups

Enabling-Power of God's Holy Spirit - Spirit Music Meet-Ups



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It’s how God’s Kingdom comes and God’s Will is done:



Man’s “might and power” of the Old Testament (OT) was a complete failure!  Spirit-power is the only way to actually live the kingdom of God.  The bible speaks much of the Holy Spirit as the dunamis supernatural, enabling-power (a) of God:  The OT prophet Micah was “filled with the Spirit, with enabling-power to declare Israel their sin” (b).  Mary was told she would be “overshadowed by the enabling-power of the Most High when the Holy Spirit comes upon you” (c).  Jesus beginning His ministry “in the enabling-power of the Spirit” (d).  Speaking of Christ at His water-baptism, “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and/coupled with enabling-power” (e).  Jesus was “declared to be the Son of God by the means of enabling-power down-from/according-to the Spirit of holiness [coming] out from the resurrection of the dead” (f). Jesus promised the apostles “to receive enabling-power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you . . . to be witnesses . . . to the end of the earth” (g). <Notes> a) dunamis: where we get ‘dynamic’ or ‘dynamite’ from – see Might and Power, b) Micah 3:8, c) Luke 1:35, d) Luke 4:14, e) Acts 10:38, f) Romans 1:4, g) Acts 1:8.


The apostle Paul’s ministry was “by the means of logos message and deed, by the means of the enabling-power of signs, wonders, and healings by the means of the enabling-power of the Spirit so that … I have pleroo fully/completely preached the gospel of Christ” (a) – implying that today’s preachers that don’t allow the supernatural aspect of the Spirit are ‘incompletely preaching the gospel.’  This is especially true, since Paul qualified his preaching as:  “my speech and/coupled [gospel] logos message were absolutely-in-fact-NOT by the means of plausible words of wisdom, but by-the-means-of demonstration of the Spirit and/coupled of enabling-power” (b), and “our gospel came to you not only by-the-means-of logos message, but also by-the-means-of enabling-power and/specifically, by-the-means-of [singular] Holy Spirit” (c).  Paul’s prayer for all Christians was that “God may fill you will all joy and peace in having trusting-relying-faith, so that by the means of the enabling-power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” (d) and “to be strengthened by the means of enabling-power thru-the-realizing-channel-of His Spirit within the inner man” (e).  Finally Paul encouraged Timothy, an evangelist-preacher in training, that “God gave us a Spirit, not of fear but of enabling-power and unconditional-love and self-control” (f).  We desperately need that enabling-power!  <Notes> a) Romans 15:18-19, b) 1 Corinthians 2:4, c) 1 Thessalonians 1:5, d) Romans 15:13, e) Ephesians 3:16, f) 2 Timothy 1:7.




God causes us to do His will - The Enabling-Power of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit CAUSES God’s Kingdom to come under the superior New Covenant:



The enabling-power of God’s Holy Spirit causes the Kingdom to come!   Ezekiel 11:19-20 and 36:25-27 prophesies of the everlasting [New] Covenant:  “And I will give you a completely different-in-kind New (a) Spirit I will put within you. . . . removing the heart of stone . . . I shall actually put My Spirit within you, and actually CAUSE/MAKE-TO-DO you to progressively walk in My statutes (b) and/coupled progressively ‘be careful to carefully watch/guard to maintain’ My judgments (c). . . . I shall actually make a [New] Covenant of peace with them.  It shall actually be an everlasting Covenant with them.”  Isaiah 61:10- 11 also prophecies:  “He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, . . . as a garden CAUSES/MAKES-TO-DO what is sown in it to sprout up, so the Lord GOD shall actually CAUSE/MAKE-TO-DO righteousness and praise to sprout up before all the nations.”  Ezekiel 37:4-6 says: “Then he said to me, “Prophesy over these . . . dry bones, hear/listen-to the logos message of Yahweh. . . to these bones:  Behold, I shall actually CAUSE/MAKE-TO-DO Spirit to enter you, and you shall actually, zoe genuinely-live. . . . shall actually CAUSE/MAKE-TO-DO flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put My Spirit in you, and you shall actually, zoe genuinely-live, and you shall actually, experientially, relationally ginosko know that I [am] Yahweh.” Can you see the number of “shall actually” future indicative verbs God promises to CAUSE/MAKE-TO-DO?  That’s the complete sovereign control of God! <Notes> a) chadash, kainos, b) ordinances, decrees, prescribed limits, c) formal decisions and decrees.


Remember what Jesus said to His disciples: “Follow (a) Me, and I shall actually MAKE YOU [to perform to produce] fishers of men” (b). If we come, Jesus as sovereign God, shall actually change us!  And God is powerfully-enabled enough to protect His own:  “He has CAUSED US to be born again to a living hope . . . to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s dunamis enabling-power is being guarded through trusting-relying-faith for a salvation (c) ready to be revealed in the last time” (d). <Notes> a) come here and now with, b) Matthew 4:19; Mark 1:17, c) restoration to wholeness, d) 1 Peter 1:3-5.


The common Greek phrase hupo [tou] [agios] pneumati with all these other options for “under or beneath [singular] [Holy] Spirit” is often used in the New Testament (a), as well as dia [tou] [agios] pneumaton translated as “thru-the-realizing-channel-of [singular] [Holy] Spirit” (b), and en [tou] [agios] pneumati is similarly defined in the dative case as “by the means or instrument of [singular] [Holy] Spirit” (c) – see The Meaning of En Pneumati by Douglas Petrovich.  He clearly proves that en pneumati should absolutely not be translated “with [the content] of the Holy Spirit,” as if the Spirit was a quantity of force, wind, or water that a Christian can get more or less of.  The Holy Spirit is a whole Being you either wholly have or don’t have fellowship with.  If we don’t have “the Spirit of Christ,” we are not “in the Spirit but still in the flesh” and therefore “do not belong to Christ” (d). However, we certainly can get more of what the Holy Spirit has to offer – His prophetic wisdom and revelation along with enabling-power – in order to really know God’s will and be able to zoa genuinely-live it, especially for Body-Ministry, and that’s what we will see further below. <Notes> a) e.g., Acts 16:6; Luke 2:25-26; 2 Peter 1:20-21, b) e.g., Acts 1:2, 11:28, 21:4; 1 Corinthians 2:10, 12:8; Ephesians 3:16; Philippians 3:8; Hebrews 9:14; 1 Peter 1:12, c) e.g., Ephesians 2:21-22, 3:5, 16, 4:23-24, 5:18, 6:18; Jude 1:20-21, d) Romans 8:9.



Prayer is the key to getting the Enabling-Power of the Holy Spirit

Prayer get the Holy Spirit Power “ball rolling” in the New Covenant Kingdom:



The enabling-power of God’s Holy Spirit causes the Kingdom to come!  That’s why Paul proseuchomai conversationally-prays, as we should, that “the Lord CAUSE/MAKE-TO-DO you to increase and abound in unconditional-love for one another and for all” (a).  That’s exactly why Paul proseuchomai conversationally-prays, as we should, that we be “empowered through His Spirit in our inner being so that Christ may dwell in our hearts through trusting-relying-faith . . . in order that we may be pleroo filled [to completeness] with [the content of] the pleroma fullness/completeness of God” (b).  Proseuche conversational-prayer is how to get the ball rolling, not studying the bible or setting off to do “works of righteousness.”  This pleroma completeness is how God “is able to do far more abundantly than all that we can ask or imagine, down-from/according-to the dunamis enabling-power at work within us” (c). Earlier Paul says, “God put ALL things under Christ’s feet and appointed Him as Head over ALL things toward/at the Church, which is the Body of Him – the pleroma fullness/completeness of Him who is routinely pleroo filling [to completeness] these [Body-of-Christ members] ALL by the means of everything” (d), which refers to the Spirit-power of Christ’s ‘grace-gifts’ later described in Ephesians 4:7-11.  John 1:16 confirms “one gracious grace-gift after another we have received from His pleroma fullness/completeness.” The reason Christ can give us “perissos super-abundant, zoe genuine-life” (e), is because “the pleroma fullness/completeness of God dwells in Christ in bodily form” (f). <Notes> a) 1 Thessalonians 3:12, b) Ephesians 3:16-19, c) Ephesians 3:20, d) Ephesians 1:22-23, e) John 10:10, f) Colossians 1:19, 2:9.


God’s “fullness” is the source of His “riches of His glory” (a), where God’s “precious and very great promises” reside “so that through them we may become koinonia partakers of the divine nature” (b), where our enabling-power, hope, inheritance are to be found (c), where unconditionally-loving-favor-of-grace and mercy reside (d), where our full assurance of sunesis connecting-the-dots-understanding come from, where the genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of God’s mystery of Christ dwell (e), where the depth of the wisdom and gnosis info-knowledge of/belonging-to God zoa genuinely-live (f), and where our every need to enjoy (g) comes from, including God’s kindness, forbearance, and patience (h). <Notes> a) Ephesians 3:16, b) 2 Peter 1:4, c) Ephesians 1:18; Colossians 1:27, d) Ephesians 1:7, 2:4, 7, e) Colossians 2:2, f) Romans 11:33 – one of the few places Paul speaks positively of gnosis, g) Philippians 4:19; 1 Timothy 6:17, h) Romans 2:4.


So far we’ve seen the Spirit as pneuma to be the “breath or wind of God” that acts as a realizing-channel (a) or the means/instrument BY which something is accomplished(b), or dunamis enabling-power under, through, or BY which the Living, Active, Abiding Logos Message of Zoe Genuine-Life (c) – this is the gospel Logos Message of The Truth of Jesus who is the Communicating Logos Word/Message of God (d) and the very “Mouth of God” (e) – is akouo heard/listened to understand in order to carry out the Father’s original, authored, un-seeable Mind/Thought.  The Spirit is God’s “action figure,” the worker or doer, the manifestor, or “demonstrable-proof” of the Father and Son.  Paul is sure that: “The family-household of God, . . the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple (f) by-the-means-of the Lord.  In Him you also are being built together [Jew and Gentile] into a dwelling place for God by-the-means-of the Spirit” (g).  That’s why we need to be filled by-the-means-of the Spirit<Notes> a) preposition dia – see Bible Info, b) en pneumati as dative case, c) Hebrews 4:12; 1 Peter 1:23, d) John 1:1; 1 John 1:1, e) Matthew 4:4 citing Deuteronomy 8:3; Revelation 2:16, f) people, not some church building – see Holy Spaces, g) Ephesians 2:21-22.



The Holy Spirit as our One Teacher - The Enabling-Power of the Holy Spirit

We only need “Our One Teacher” to tell us how to be Holy in the New Covenant:



The enabling-power of God’s Holy Spirit causes the Kingdom to come!  This promised Spirit isn’t just for 11 apostles, because the apostle John reminds every Christian in 1 John 2:20-27, especially those being tempted to follow other teachers and thus become prey to their deception, even by antichrists masquerading as brethren, “You have already been anointed by the Holy One, and/thus you ALL already have eido mentally ‘seen’ to perceive/know.  I write to you absolutely-in-fact-NOT because you do already absolutely-in-fact-NOT eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know The Truth, but because you already have eido mentally ‘seen’ to perceive/know it . . . Let what you heard from the beginning meno remain/dwell in you . . . [However,] I do write these things to you because of those who are trying to deceive you.  However, the Anointing that you have already received from Him ongoingly remains/dwells in you, and/thus you have absolutely-in-fact-NO need in fact that ANYONE should teach you, because just as His Anointing actually, ongoingly teaches you about ALL things, and/thus is trustworthy, and [certainly] no lie/deception, just as it has already taught you, remain/dwell in Him.” In the context, “Him” is clearly Jesus Christ, “the Holy One,” and “The Anointing” is the “outpouring of the Holy Spirit” upon Christians called Spirit-Baptism. There is absolutely nothing here about reading, studying, memorizing, or being taught bible verses!  In fact, the warning in context is against such teachers, many of whom were teachers of the Torah Law of conditional-favor, but also of Jewish “traditions of the elders” as well as Gentile teachers of their holy gramma writings. The key to continued learning from the Holy Spirit is to meno “remain/dwell” in Christ, exactly what Jesus said in John 15:1-5!  See A 11-21-2021 Vision about Meno abiding.


As Christian musicians, shouldn’t we now be “led by the Spirit (a) just as Jesus was (b), being close enough to the commander to hear His orders (c), in order to “walk/live by the means of the Spirit” (d) just as the early Church was doing (e)?  Will we like what Jesus speaks of: “blessed are your ears for they akouo hear/listen to understand” (f), or will we be like the Jews, “stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in . . . ears, always resisting the Holy Spirit” (g), so that the “people’s hearts are dull, and with their ears they can barely akouo hear/listen to understand” (h) “down to this very day” (i)?  <Notes> a) Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:18, b) Matthew 4:1; Luke 4:1, c) the Greek for “keep in step with the Spirit” in Galatians 5:25, d) Romans 8:4; Galatians 5:16, e) Acts 9:31, f) Matthew 13:16, g) Acts 7:51, h) Acts 28:27, i) Romans 11:8.




BLOG Topics for Spirit - The Enabling-Power of God's Holy Spirit - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

Please follow the BLOG Etiquette Guidelines for these The Enabling-Power of God’s Holy Spirit BLOG Topics:



BT1:  Spirit-power causes us to do His good pleasure


See also:  Video – 4-12-22 Prophecy-Part 2: Christians are the exhibits of God with display Light powered by the Spirit


BT2:  Spirit-power is how we are ongoingly renewed


BT3:  Spirit-power is “living water” to satisfy our thirst


See also:  Video – 2-16-22 Prophecy: Coming Great Divide between elites & common man relying on Spirit’s living waters


More to come!



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