BT13 – Tongues & Interpretation

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BT13:  Worship ‘psalming’ by tongues by the Spirit would be in God’s Will for every Christian

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We know in John 4:23 Jesus said “true/genuine worshippers shall actually worship the Father by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit and/coupled [singular] Truth, for kai and/also the Father is presently/ongoingly seeking such ones to routinely worship Him.”  We also know from 1 Corinthians 14:14-15 that “proseuchomai praying and psalming (a) by-the-means-of the Spirit of/belonging-to us is unique from doing these 2 actions by-the-means-of the mind of/belonging-to us, because in the latter case our mind would be “fruitful/productive” in creating words that are “intelligible” to us, but in the former case our mind produces “unintelligible words” per 1 Corinthians 14:9, thus the need for interpretation if we or others want to know their exact content.  And we know from v. 14:14 that “presently/ongoingly proseuchomai praying by-the-means-of a glossa tongue/language” means “the Spirit of/belonging-to me is presently/ongoing proseuchomai praying not the mind of/belonging-to me.”  Paul applies this to psalming and decides to do both!  Why don’t we?  <Notes> a) instrumentally with or without words.


Psalming is a key term used for the worship of God!  Key passages such as Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 of Body-Ministry during church-assembly that speak of being “filled-to-completion [us] by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit” and also “allowing the [gospel] logos message of Christ [to] dwell in us richly” includes “psalms, hymns (a), and Spirit-kind-of odes (b).”  In Acts 16:25 Paul and Silas routinely proseuchomai conversationally-prayed and were continually singing hymns while in prison and that’s when they were supernaturally released!  According to James 5:13 if we are suffering, then we should proseuchomai conversationally-pray, but if cheerful, then we should psalm.  <Notes> a) Matthew 26:30; Mark 14:26; Acts 16:25; Hebrews 2:12, b) odes: psalms or hymns done spontaneously as completely-different-in-kind “new songs” instead of being pre-composed.


In Romans 15:9 when restating his gospel mission to the Gentile world for them to glorify God for His mercy by including them for salvation, Paul cites Psalms 18:49 about praising God and/coupled psalming to His name!  In Revelation 5:9, 14:3 the throng of Christians before the throne of God will be presently/ongoingly ado ‘psalming or hymning’ a kainos completely-different-in-kind-of ode ‘psalm or hymn.’  This will be like David’s chadash shiyr/atos kainos completely-different-in-kind-of “New songs” (a).  Praise the Lord!  Certainly, this is “worship by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit” that the “Father is presently/ongoingly seeking!”  See also Spontaneous Music-BT5, – BT6, and – BT7 for more about Spirit-kind-of odes and New Songs. <Notes> a) Psalms 33:3, 40:3, 96:1, 98:1, 144:9, 149:1 and Isaiah 42:10.


“The New Song” likely occurred during tehillah/epainos ‘enthusiastic, fitting acknowledgment/recognition for what deserves high praise, adoration, and thanksgiving’ (a), which can also include instruments as with mizmorzamar/psalmos psalms.  Psalms 92:1 relates mizmor-zamar/psallo psalming to shiyr/ode songs (hymns or psalms) so that you can see in this he is referring to spontaneous instrumental worship with singing.  Psalms 150 includes even more Hebrew/Greek words for vocal praise and using various instruments.  Psalms 22:3 says of God:  “You [are] qadosh holy-set apart-pure, [You are] yashab continually sitting-on-a-throne/inhabiting-dwelling-in-a-house, the [plural] tehillah/epainos high praises of Israel.”  Many verses show that God dwells in many places, but evidently was dwelling in this highest of praise!  We see this same promise in the Hebrew idiom for worship of proserchomai ‘draw near’ to God in Hebrews 4:16, 7:25, 10:1, 22, 11:6, 12:18, 22; 1 Peter 2:4, and here in James 4:8 eggizo ‘draw extremely close beside’:  “[I strongly urge you to] definitively/wholly eggizo ‘draw extremely close beside’ to God kai and/then He shall actually eggizo ‘draw extremely close beside’ to you.”  This is where anointed-by-God’s-presence, prophetic, and spontaneous worship music occurs!  <Notes> a) Psalms 22:3, 34:1, 40:3, 66:2, 2 Chronicles 20:22; Ephesians 1:6, 12, 14; Philippians 1:11; 4:8; cf. 1 Peter 1:7.


Tongues are also spontaneous and not pre-composed because they don’t come from a “fruitful/productive mind,” according to Paul in 1 Corinthians 14:14-15, but instead “the Spirit of/belonging-to me is presently/ongoingly proseuchomai conversationally-praying,” and so Paul determines that he will not only “pray and psalm by-the-means-of the mind of/belonging to me,” but also do the same “by-the-means-of the Spirit of/belonging-to me.”  Shouldn’t we do the same?  That means some pre-composed odes (psalms or hymns) can be played/sung “by-the-mind of/belonging-to us” for worship, but we can also play/sing a spontaneously chadash/kainos completely-different-in-kind, superior “New ode” or a “Spirit-kind-of” ode!”  This is exactly why Paul includes all possibilities with the phrase “psalms, hymns, and Spirit-kind-of odes” for what Christians should bring for Body-Ministry to their church-assembly in Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 as we saw above!


Tongues happen “by-the-means-of-the Spiritspontaneously during tehillah/epainos high praise.’  The clear evidence of Spirit-Baptism or Filling of 120 people who were steadfastly waiting in Jerusalem in devoted proseuche conversational-prayer in Acts 1:14, so very likely a key precursor, was that they “began to presently/ongoingly speak in heteros ‘others of a different kind of’ glossa tongues/languages kathos ‘down-from/according-to the extent/degree of, corresponding to fully/exactly as’ the Spirit edidou ‘[continually] was giving/granting-as-a-gift, supplying/furnishing, enduing’ to them to presently/ongoingly apophtheggomai to ‘speak/utter out/forth or pronounce/declare to make a generic/unintelligible sound resembling the whinny of a horse” in Acts 2:4, which for so many Jews from every nation gathered there for the festival turned out to be in Acts 2:11 “we akouo hear-to-understand/know them routinely speaking in/by/with our-very-own glossa tongues/languages the megaleios ‘magnificent, excellent, splendid, wonderful things’ of God.”  Certainly this is like tehillah/epainos ‘enthusiastic, fitting acknowledgment/recognition for what deserves high praise, adoration, and thanksgiving’ above!


The proof to Peter that the Gentiles were being added to the kingdom of God “just as we have” in Acts 10:44-47 was that even during Peter’s preaching of the gospel logos message to them, “the Holy Spirit fell on all . . . they were amazed because the grace-gift of the Holy Spirit had been [with ongoing effects] poured out even on the Gentiles, for they were continually akouo hearing-to-understand/know them routinely speaking by-the-means-of tongues and/coupled megaluno ‘making/declaring as great/conspicuous, magnifying, esteeming-highly, extolling, lauding, celebrating, giving glory/praise’ God.”  This spontaneous megaluno High Praise is what came from Mary after she visited Elizabeth and her baby John the Baptist leaped in her belly and “she was filled by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit.”  The presence of God causes this!


In Acts 19:1-7 after Paul water-baptized 12 men from Ephesus, the time when people normally receive the grace-gift of the Holy Spirit, “when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came epi upon them, then they were-continually speaking by-the-means-of tongues kai and/coupled were-continually prophesying.”  Again we often see these included in “proving-signs,” just as Mark 16:17 does, which only are “accompanying those having routinely had trusting-relying-faith.”  If you are doubter in the supernatural, good luck!  Just a few verses later in Acts 19:11-17 after 7 sons of the Jewish high priest Sceva tried to exorcise demons like Paul was “in the name/authority of Jesus” and the evil spirit leaped out upon them and overpowered them causing them to flee wounded and naked, a great “fear fell upon the residents of Ephesus and the name of the Lord Jesus was-continually-being megaluno ‘made/declared as great/conspicuous, magnified, esteemed-highly, extolled, lauded, celebrated, glorified/praised’.”  More High Praise!


Do you think it’s any coincidence that Jesus connects routinely asking, seeking, and knocking for the “agathos ‘inherently or intrinsically good as excellent, distinguished, salutary, upright, honorable, useful, beneficial, suitable, advantageous’ things from the Father to [be given to] those who routinely aiteo subordinately-ask Him.”  These “good things from the Father” are in parallel with “the agathos ‘good’ doma ‘specific, beneficial bounty/present or gift’ of the Holy Spirit from the Father” in the Lord’s Prayer Model in Luke 11:13 and Matthew 7:11 (cf. James 1:17).  Clearly the final ‘action item’ for the routine ‘asking, seeking, and knocking’ for God’s “kingdom to come and will to be done on Earth as it is in heaven” in Luke 11:2 and Matthew 6:10 is “routinely asking . . . for the gift of the Holy Spirit.”  Every good teacher sums up their message with an ‘action item!’


Routinely being Spirit-Baptized or Filled is the only way to routinely be Spirit-empowered to actually bring “the kingdom to come . . . on earth.”  Otherwise we are only “wishing upon a star!”  But even before our FIRST of many routine requests throughout our lifetime, Jesus tells us to routinely practice worshiping:  “Father of us all, who is in heaven, [I strongly urge You to] Your name/person/authority presently/ongoingly hagiazo “be regarded as hagios special, separate, set-apart, consecrated, sanctified, pure or unmixed, or holy!”  We see this same “qadash/hagiazo sanctifying of God’s name” in Isaiah 29:23.  Certainly, this is also High Praise!  And from all the cases of doing this above, we often see “the agathos ‘crazy-good’ free-gift of the Holy Spirit” indeed being given again and again, and mega-praise with tongues and prophecy are often the proving-signs again and again!


Selah is another word possibly used for spontaneous praise-worship.   Many will tell you it means to pause and reflect.  This word is found in the Psalms of David and the book of Habakkuk.  Scholars have speculated its meaning since 270 B.C., when the Old Testament was translated into the Greek LXX.  Since the Psalms were actually songs set to instrumental music, many conclude that selah are simply directions to musicians, as thus not a sung word at all.  Rather, it told musicians to play louder or faster, reprise a verse, etc.  But a Jewish expert Suzanne Haik-Vantoura, offers a different, more fitting view. Her book, The Music of the Bible Revealed, written in French, states that selah was NOT an instruction to the musicians but to the singers, including the congregation.  In fact, she concludes that it is part of the actual lyrics. Though she gives no formal definition for the word, she believes that, like “Amen” at the close of a prayerselah stressed the importance or reality of what was previously sung, like people exuberantly respond “Praise the Lord!”


Personally, I believe from years of playing as an anointed musician that selah could have been an instruction “to be still/quiet to yada/ginosko experientially, relationally know I AM Elohim ‘the Plural Godhead’.”  This silence/motionless need not be filled with quiet piano playing!  It can interrupt the coming of the Lord’s Presence!  I and many others have witnessed this “in the flesh” directing of and/or playing of musicians that are NOT sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.


However, when the Spirit of the Lord does come, He can spontaneously reveal Himself further thru prophetic lyrics, so others “can say ‘Amen’ to tongues of eulogeo “eulogizing by giving God eucharistia thanks/praise’ after being interpreted” as another case of High Praise (a) or giving someone a “logos message of wisdom or gnosis informational-knowledge” by-the-means-of the Spirit, as encouraged in church-assembly (b).  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 14:16, b) 1 Corinthians 12:8.


In music of the world, the instruction in one’s music to allow for spontaneous, improvised music during a specified section is cadenza in the classical genre and vamp in most other genres, but I’m sure other countries have their own terms like improvvisare in Italian or improvizovat in Czechoslovakian!  Maybe selah is just the same idea but with God providing the music and/or lyrics of the psalm!  We certainly see anointed, prophetic, spontaneous instrumental music by this same kind of musicians throughout David’s collection of musicians and writing down of Psalms (a), so this is very possible!  I sure hope to Meet-Up with more like this!  Some music like Jazz is nearly spontaneously-generated from the beginning to the end, so maybe God has this in mind for us also!  God’s making of music is what this website is moving us to!  See Worship-BT1 for many Hebrew words and Worship-BT2 for many Greek words used in worship. Let’s do them all!  <Notes> a) 1 Chronicles 25:1; cf. Exodus 15:20; 2 Kings 3:15.



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