Testimonies of our Spirit Music Meet-Ups and Mike Burris’ Drum Lessons
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Testimonies for our Spirit Music Meet-Ups fellowship:
Dylan Cornelius 5/29/21: Wow, fantastic testimonies! In 2011, I had a similar outpouring of the Holy Spirit onto me where I was shaking for several days straight. I was living with friends at the time and they didn’t know what to think of me. I told them what happened, but they struggled with it, even though they believed in the Lord. Eventually the shaking ceased, but the Spirit still responds physically within me whenever I speak the truth. I am grateful to have this gift.
Dylan Cornelius 4/2/21: Excellent post, Mike! Very encouraging.
Dylan Cornelius 3/15/21: Wow, intense dream, but the fruit is evident! Praise God for His mercy towards all of us! May they all repent so the enemy doesn’t even get one.
Becky 3/14/21: Wow, it’s as if I was speaking. I had this same revelation so I sent in a donation as confirmation. I even had a discussion with my cousin on that word you got from God speaking. I said those words to her about the carpel tunnel syndrome she was having and the message it was presenting – ‘Let go and let God.’ We also spoke of the nation and as a whole world on where sin is center stage to be healed if we allow.
Reinhard 2/18/21: Very interesting, God does reveal his plans to His people.
Barbara Patterson 2/5/21: Greetings Every One! Mike is an experienced drum instructor with the gift of God-dreams. He has a vision to help people have a more spiritually active life with God. He is very experienced with making music by moving with God’s Holy Spirit.
Frank Kimberling 2/5/21: It’s great that you broke down every original Hebrew word for worship. My experience has been that when the Spirit moves in response to the worship of the believers, He leads them into all the above. I love it when the Holy Spirit takes over a worship service and spontaneous worship takes over.
Dylan Cornelius 2/11/21: May the Lord bless this site and use it for His purposes!
Dylan Cornelius 1/28/21: I’m not a Christian musician (yet), but soul-led worship does seem to be more about performance, while Spirit-led worship is all about honoring Him. The latter has no boundaries, while the former is about time management and hitting the right cues, etc.
Testimonies for Drum Lessons with Mike Burris:
Mike, This is Cole Rogers. I am 13 and this is why I take lessons and drum: We all need to choose how to spend our time. As a kid my #1 responsibility is school, then chores, and with the time that is left I can choose to put energy into something that will be beneficial in life or not. I enjoy reading book – that is beneficial in many ways. It helps me read better; it helps comprehension levels and understanding; it’s also entertaining, so that’s a plus. It’s like that with drumming. I love to drum! I feel relaxed when I’m behind the kit with the sticks in my hands. When I’m not actually drumming, I’m still tapping out a beat on my leg. Drumming is something that I will be able to do no matter how old I am. It’s even a way to connect with people at church, which is hard for me. I am not really a “people person” so being in the church band is a great way to feel more comfortable and connect in that circle of people.
Mike, This is Angel Parra’s hopes and dreams: I started playing drums when I was ten. It has been a year or so and I never would have imagined how this would change my life. At first I was not really interested in it After a few lessons with Mike I was loving the drums. It is so fun and when I play it feels like I am in a place where no one can bother me. I like playing for my family and seeing the smiles on their faces; it makes me feel good. I hop e to become a better drummer so that I can start playing in public places. when I grow up I hope to become a great success and I am going to find my excellent teacher Mike Burris and that him for everything he did for me.
Mike, This is what motivates me to practice, by Mike Mulcahy 3/14/2013: As of March I have been taking lessons and practicing drums for about 10 months. The big question I had when beginning was “Is my interest in drums more than a passing fancy?” As it turns out, the answer is yes; playing drums is almost always fun. And that’s probably the main reason I practice – because I like playing the drums. I like the different sounds that the various drums and cymbals make. I like the physical feeling of getting my body working together, and I like the feel of the stick in my hand when it hits the surfaces. and I really like the moment when the rhythm I am trying to play suddenly comes into relief and I know I have found it. There are certain things that keep me going: 1) My teacher – I like the feeling of coming to lessons and being able to demonstrate to Mike that I have been practicing and making progress – it’s less about not wanting to disappoint my teacher and more about being an equal partner with him in my development as a drummer, 2) Expectations – It is an ongoing challenge to balance my expectations as a drummer with the reality of being a beginner and a middle-aged man with a family, job, etc., 3) The investment of equipment and lessons – It will simply be wasted if I don’t practice, 4) Practice – When I do there usually comes a moment when I lose myself in the beat; everything seems to perfectly balance itself out. I loosen up and my mind just seems to float along the edge of the rhythm. Those moment always energize me and spur me on the next time I am feeling uncoordinated and frustrated; relax, practice, and let it come.
Mike, This is my dream and passion, by Mike Rothschild, age 24: My dream is to be able to look back at my life and know that I couldn’t have done any more than I already have. Applied to drumming, this doesn’t mean that I literally practiced every single moment, but that I practiced as often as I could without getting burnt out. My dream is not to be on stage, in front of 1000s of screaming fans, or to have a hit record. My dream is to be in a position where I can decide whether I want to be on that stage, or have that his record. Drumming is my passion I have worked hard at it, and it has brought me great things. The greatest thing so far is that it has given me confidence – not just in drumming, but also in many other aspects of my life. Other than at my first gig, I never felt nervous about performing, because I know that Once I get settled behind my kit, I’m comfortable. I’ve spent so many hours playing and practicing, how could I not be comfortable there?
Mike, took Quinn on as a student just after her 5th birthday when others thought she was too young and wouldn’t have the focus needed. He took her as she was, showed her rhythm and beats through percussion instruments, even dancing a waltz in his kitchen. He has taught her so much more than just drums. He has taught her to hear music – to feel the beat. Quinn won’t be six for 4 more months, and yet, she can hold those sticks and keep up with him in class. We’ve had many instructors, but none like Mike. His love and passion for sharing music with children is transferred to his students. When listening to music, Quinn will often start mimicking the beat in classic Mike, “boom, cha, cha tick” type sounds. He’s put music in her head. Regardless of where Quinn takes her music in life, whether drums, guitar, vocals, it will always be Mike Burris she credits with igniting the spark, the beat, behind her talent. – Quinn’s Grandmother.
Dear Michael, here’s the recommendation: “I have only met Michael one time. He had offered to teach drumming to a group of about 15 men on one given day. I can only comment on that one day but Michael was very respectful and knowledgeable about drumming and created a sacred space for him and us to appreciate his talents. Thank you.” – Andrew Heller.
Hi Mike, I just wanted to let you know how much I’m TOTALLY enjoying my drumming lessons! I was really tired when I showed up last night (too much activity in my life lately…) but when I started drumming, I became inspired and energized. Thanks for being such a great teacher. I feel as if I’m learning so much and will actually be capable of using my drumming in some way in the future. – SHARON
Dear Mr. Burris, I started drumming because all of my friends were in band, but not me. I wanted to be in band, but the only instrument that I played was the piano. The band teacher (Mrs. Leebardt) suggested the drums, since I knew the rhythms. I started just playing regular percussion and joined the jazz band, where I basically taught myself how to play the drum set. – Chelsea
Mike, maybe a 1 ½ years later, we ended up moving out west to Tucson, Arizona and I played my drums everyday for about 1 year. Then I started taking lessons from Todd Hammes for a year or so. Then I guess he decided to stop giving lessons. So I went for awhile without lessons. Then we met Mike Burris at Mountain Music and I started taking that day…I have been for over 2 years now. I highly recommend him!! As the years have past I have been in multiple bands, playing shows all over Tucson with all of them, some serious, some crazy and pointless and for fun. I have played with many other local bands, and have played with some signed bands, to name a few: Twotimer, Broken Cedars, Noggintoboggan, Under-go, Against the Norm, Phil’s Revenge, Los Locos Gringos, and many many more. I play my drums almost everyday, finding that practice doesn’t make perfect…just better. I am having a blast with life, playing shows, taking lessons, meeting all kinds of people, making a little money…and doing all that by playing drums. Simply because I wanted something so bad that I took the time to reach out and claim it. It really isn’t hard to find other musicians in your area, you simply have to make yourself known. I hope to go on with one of my bands and “make it big” and be able to support myself and my family later in life. …I would like to thank Michael Burris for being such an inspiration to my drumming. I would probably still be at the basics! Thanks Mike!!! You rock dude!!! – Mike F
Mike, I had always wanted to play drums and a couple of years ago I was at a party where a band was playing. The drummer allowed me to play on his drums and I was hooked. I decided to run away and join a rock & roll band, but saw this as impractical. I found Mike Burris and joined his group and have been playing for about a year and have performed 4 times. It’s great fun!! You learn a lot about music, not just drums but also percussion instruments. The whole idea is to make you comfortable in any musical setting so you can “jam” with the best. Mike’s a great teacher and I highly recommend him for your drumming needs. Sincerely, “Breeze” Louise C.
Mike, as a professional musician I am always looking for ways to improve in my musicianship. The drumming group is not only a fun way to learn musical concepts, but there is a sense of “extended family” among the group. Playing drums & percussion puts the people in the group into the same groove . . . connecting with one another through the heartbeat of the music. Sincerely, Amber G.
Dear Mike, The drumming group has been an incredible musical experience for me. Mike Burris’ high energy and artistic aptitude are incomparable. The comfortable and innovative environment of the group easily blends the novice with advanced musician. Sally S.
Mike, I’ve been drumming with Mike’s group for over a year and it’s been a great experience. Mike, our instructor, is a talented drummer & percussionist and his teaching method makes learning fun. The drum group members are the best – kind, encouraging, and a lot of fun. I’ve been around musicians most of my life and never thought I would play with them. But here I am in a band, drumming at drum circles, and jamming with my friends. Thanks Mike for sharing your love of drumming & percussion with us. Your dedication and endless enthusiasm is an inspiration to us all. Robyn B.
Mike, coming from an instrumental background of only ever watching as opposed to playing, if you would have asked me only 6 months ago if I would consider playing in a band, I would have laughed – a lot. “Introverted, shy, cowardly” are words that usually described the performance side of my personality, that is apparently until you put a drum in front of me and show me how to play. Now, if you come to one of our shows, you cannot miss me. I am the one with the biggest drum, wailing away with a big Cheshire-cat grin on my face. What an experience! The group’s Song-Building Class & Community Band is awesome, a family atmosphere with emphasis on putting on a great show, while maximizing our enjoyment – this is how I would describe it. Our instructor is great, showing you the techniques, being patient while you get the hang of it, encouraging your creativity, cheering you on the way, but there to reel you back in and get back on track if you go off on one. I am so glad I overcame my insecurities, and gave it a go. No looking back now! Lloydie.
Mike, Michael is amazingly still excited about your drum class which is a testimony in itself. He usually quits everything and gets a negative attitude very quickly. You just can’t imagine where we’re coming from- so thank you so much for inspiring my son!
Mike, you always said you’d make it happen and that’s what you did. I think you did a great job on your Website. Mike, you are doing something that you love and that is your drums and music. That’s all that matters. Your Friend, Dan the Man!
Mike, very cool site, man. Very thorough and informative. I didn’t go EVERYwhere on it, but certainly did check out bits that intrigued me. Mike’s drumming has a very (dare I say) upbeat energy to it — inherently motivational — which I think is really cool, especially for kids. I admire that. – Gene Best.
Hey Mike, I Just went over your new site and loved it. I really like how it’s set up and its so easy to get what you need. Its great that your finally have this up and running. I didn’t really find anything about it that I didn’t like, but ill keep looking for something. Ill see you later -Zak
Dear Mike, This seems like a perfect opportunity to let you know what I have been meaning to write for some time. Learning to play drums has changed my life. As dramatic as that may sound, it is true. Your upbeat nature, encouragement, and belief that it is never too late to follow one’s dreams has opened up a whole new world for me. I have always loved music and have played other instruments in the past. But there is nothing quite so therapeutic as beating on the drums! It has also opened up new considerations for my career, what I want to do with my life, and how I want to contribute to the world. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with me, for being patient when I can’t quite get something, and for renewing my faith in the belief that anything is possible. – Kathi C.
Mike, I truly wish that I had been lucky enough to have a music teacher with the enthusiasm and genuine interest in their instrument that Mike Burris demonstrate on a consistent basis towards drumming. The best teachers are ones that love what they do. There is no doubt that Mike loves drumming, and everyone of his students benefit from his vision and desire to teach others what he truly enjoys. Drumming and Mike Burris make a winning combination. Anyone looking for an awesome teacher need look no further…you found him! – Janet and James H.
Catalina Summer School “Get with the Beat” evaluation – 7/23/2004: Extremely knowledgeable. Students love this class! Commendable job with setting up so much equipment needed for each class each day. Mike has excellent ability to adapt presentations to the different age groups as appropriate. He is very organized. He is always on time. Reliability and dependability are exemplary! He truly cares about the students. He communicates with the staff well and has a good rapport with the students. Great attitude! Mike, I have been so impressed with your classes. You’ve done an excellent job! I hop you’ll come back next summer. – Mary Glenn
Mike, playing and singing with the group gives me a supportive, creative outlet for my love of music. Mike Burris is an enthusiastic and inspiring teacher who is constantly developing new ideas for improving our group and increasing the variety of our drumming experiences. Best of all, Mike’s group is not just a group of musicians, but a community of friends, and our performances are a blast! – Donna B.
Dear Mike, Being new to drumming we weren’t sure what to expect when we ventured out to our first practice session at “Mike’s Place.” Mike, however, is so successful at integrating beginners that we immediately felt a part of the group! We’ve even been a part of the group’s recent gigs! Great fun! Wonderful people! – Sandy & John R.
Mike, Being a part of the group is lots of fun and a great outlet. It keeps us inspired and active, and I guess we’re appreciated because our performance turnout is great. It’s fun to share in our community and support the creative efforts at Studio Connections. It gives us all something to look forward to. It allows us to thank Mike Burris, our instructor and friend for his time, effort and creative inspiration. Kindly, Betty L W-S.
Mr. Burris, I love playing percussion instruments and this is exactly what I was looking for. I have a lot of fun and the people that are involved are great. I am learning a lot and I enjoy playing all the different instruments that are available. The website is great and very helpful. Michael is very enthusiastic. Kindly, Gabriel V.
Mr. Mike, Just want to communicate that I loved the group last night. It is amazing how you took a beginner like me and incorporated me into the class like I was a regular! I was amazed and jazzed that I had an opportunity to jam for the first time in my life. It was a dream come true for me and I want to say THANK YOU!
Mike Burris, it sure helps when you get that rocking back & forth motion going that you teach! I listened to the radio this morning on the way to work and could hear so much more going on than I ever have. It was fun paying attention to the Build-ups and recognizing the different Skill-Sets you teach. Bringing my unconscious mind to unfold into musical consciousness is quite an awakening! Your class is fabulous and I’m loving it. I have never had as much fun musically as I have in your class. It helps that you are an awesome teacher, fun, and have great energy. Blessings to you! Tracey C.
Michael, I have been attending the Monday night classes for only 3 months to date and am really enjoying myself. I have had no other instrumental training since my school days and never expected to be playing drums, cowbells, rasps, etc. at this point of my life! The other classmates have made me feel like a real part of them and are great fun to play with. Our instructor, Mike is a saint to put up with the ignorance of a beginner such as myself and to believe that I could actually achieve sufficient skill to play with the Community Band in their shows. The training adapts to suit the needs of the students, explaining and demonstrating in a way we can all understand. This website has a wealth of information and ONLINE Videos so we can practice at home, which is a great advantage to many of us. Also, the instructor’s obvious love of drumming carries us along with his own enthusiasm. Everyone enjoys playing their chosen instruments so the atmosphere at the shows is electric, especially when everyone gets into a “groove!” There are so many smiling faces in the Community Band as well as the audience, with a lot of foot-tapping going on! Thanks for the support, Pat K.
Thank YOU for visiting: Testimonies for Spirit Music Meet-Ups
This was left by Barbara Patterson:
Greetings Every One,
Mike is an experienced drum instructor with the gift of God dreams. He has a vision to help people have a more spiritually active life with God. He is very experienced with making music moving with God’s Holy Spirit.