Body Ministry – BT12:  Early church services would put most of today’s churches to shame




Video:  Body Ministry - BT12:  Early church services would put most of today’s churches to shame



Body Ministry – BT12:  Early church services would put most of today’s churches to shame



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From the previous BLOGS, we still see that from Paul’s limited list of early Church activities from Ephesians 5:11-21, Colossians 3:16-17, and 1 Corinthians 14:26, they would put most churches today to shame!  I’ve also been at a lot of worldly “parties” and most of them are a whole lot more full of celebration than most church experiences!  Yet Paul was speaking in the last BLOG in Ephesians 5:18-21 of an incredible “party” that few of today’s churches experience.  Can you imagine going to a football or basketball game and being told to remain in your seats to be “decently and in order” while the team is winning and the cheerleaders are shouting?  “Keep you voice down while the coaches are talking!”  And can you imagine the coaches going out onto the field to play the game instead of the actual players – that’s Ephesians 4:12 backwards!


However, after the 15 churches I’ve played worship music in to 1000s of blank faces, I am sure longing for this simplicity!  It’s sure clear to me that most of today’s churches are blocking the “rich dwelling of the gospel logos message of Christ” in Colossians 3:16, because they are quenching the Spirit’s wisdom of Body-of-Christ ministry through reciprocally/mutually teaching and admonishing one another, even through sharing music with one another.  Clergy is building a Great Wall of division in many churches that quenches the Spirit.  In many churches the Worship-Team does most of the playing and singing.  The way you can tell is when they suddenly stop!  The congregation is barely singing and they certainly aren’t playing!  It’s certainly not a “reciprocal one-another exchange!”


Heaven forbid someone in the congregation would suddenly stand up or raise their hand and interact with the one speaking (b), whether the pastor or a prophet!  Heaven forbid that someone would start or join in on their own guitar, bongos, tambourine, or flute!  I’ve never seen this except in a home-group or on a mission trip I went on where we did this around the campfire.  Everybody in both situations agreed that this was more “church” than their weekly “church” routine!  Hmm, maybe many churches are following some model other than what was given in the New Testament (a)?  <Notes> a) Acts 5:42, 8:3, 20:20; Romans 16:5; 1 Corinthians 16:19; Colossians 4:15; Philemon 1:2, cf. 1 Timothy 5:13, 2 John 1:10, b) 1 Corinthians 14:29.


You think?  After all, it was the pagan emperor Constantine that created the Catholic Church basilica “church building” from pagan Roman & Greek temple designs, which is essentially the structure of many churches today with all the chairs facing forward toward a stage where all the so-called “special people” minister!  Did you know there is no archeological or writings about church buildings until 235 AD, and then it was just a large home with a wall knocked out?  And the scarcity of buildings wasn’t because they were being persecuted, because there were many 17-25 year periods of peace for Christians, plenty of time to build if they wanted to!  Dedicated buildings simply weren’t the model left for them, just as the Jewish temple was King David’s insistence but NOT God’s.  God’s idea of the Tent of Meeting could move around among the people.  The early Church was exploding through simple homes anyway, so why would they divert their limited resources toward something that wasn’t that necessary?


If you really do your early Church history homework, you will see that “building programs” are always started by 1 or 2 people that are NOT listening to the Spirit, flowing with the Spirit in outreach to the community already meeting in many places around them, and focused on their own flesh’s self-interests.  History records it over and over.  I have witnessed it time and time again – the Holy Spirit’s revival leaving as certain “leaders” try to make a name for themselves through their “building programs,” completely blind to the “plentiful harvest” (a) already ALL around them in parks, nursing homes, hospitals, rescue shelters, etc. – the “highways and hedges” Jesus spoke of (b).  This is Clergy blindness that want to lead the blind!  Jesus never talks about building large churches but stresses where 2-3 are gathered (c). <Notes> a) Matthew 9:37, b) Luke 14:23, c) Matthew 18:20; 1 Corinthians 14:27, 29, cf. 2 Corinthians 13:1; 1 Timothy 5:19; Hebrews 10:28.




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Spiritual Education, Body Ministry, first century Church services versus today’s, Clergy is quenching the Spirit moving thru the Body of Christ, Much of today’s services are so structured that the Holy Spirit can’t move thru the Body, Pagan Emperor Constantine patterned the church buildings after Pagan temples, Church buildings were NOT the early Church’s creation, The Jewish Temple was NOT God’s idea but Kings David’s, Church buildings came 300 years after the fact but the early Church flourished, Building programs are always man’s ambitious ideas

Categories: Body Ministry

Body Ministry – BT11:  Christians loved to “party” in the 1st century, just like they do now




Video - Part 1:  Body Ministry - BT11:  Christians loved to “party” in the 1st century, just like they do now

Part 1



Body Ministry – BT11:  Christians loved to “party” in the 1st century, just like they do now



Please follow the BLOG Etiquette to stay on topic and pass the moderator’s check.  Bold, underlined text below = future links to the BLOG pages.


In Ephesians 5:11-21, Paul says Christians were even “taking part in the unfruitful works of darkness,” which certainly wasn’t “wise, making the best use of their time” because they were “getting drunk with wine, that is [or leads to further] debauchery (a).”  Remember their “agape love feasts” that they were getting drunk at (b)?  These Christians were partying like the world does.


Christians often act perplexed what the “will of the Lord is” (j).  But here Paul tells them what it is, which is rarely done by him, directly coupling (c) the following infinitive “to get drunk” as an extension of what he just said:  “What the will of the Lord is, that is (c) absolutely-in-possibility-NOT ongoingly to get drunk by the means of wine, which is ongoingly debauchery (d), but instead routinely/habitually [passively] become filled (e) by-the-means-of the Spirit, routinely/habitually conversationally-speaking (f) to yourselves (reciprocally to one another) by the means of psalms (g) and/coupled hymns and/coupled Spirit-kind-of odes (h), routinely/habitually singing/praising and/coupled routinely/habitually psalming (g) in/by/with the hearts of yours in/by/with the Lord (Jesus), always routinely/habitually giving thanks in behalf of all things in/by/with the name/authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to the God and Father, routinely/habitually submitting to (i) one another reciprocally/mutually in/by/with reverent awe of Christ.”


<Notes> a) abandoned, uninhibited, excessive, wasteful, unsaved living, b) Jude 1:12; 1 Corinthians 11:21, c) kai, d) abandoned, excessive, wasteful, unsaved living, e) pleroo: completely to overflowing, f) laleo: conversational words emphasizing the social aspect, g) psalmos, psallo is the verb: “hit, twanged, plucked, or twitched” out songs with/without singing, h) a general word for song, instrumentally-accompanied or not, of any subject, but the ‘Spirit’ adjective narrows it to spontaneous praise, i) voluntarily subordinating, being subject to, j) see New Covenant – BT16:  The New Covenant also has a completely-different-in-kind WAY to know God’s will and Least Among You – BT8:  Little children discern God’s will by the means of the Spirit.


Wow, God doesn’t want us “partying” like the world does in darkness, getting filled up by wine to become drunk and “loose as a goose and going crazy,” but to get filled up BY the means of the Spirit.  At least two scholars note (a) that this is not “WITH the Spirit” because the dative case of en pneumati never translates that way, but as the “dative of means or instrument” so “BY the means of,” and because Paul says earlier that we are “pleroo filled-to-the-brim eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ the pleroma abundant-fullness of/belonging-to God, the Father” in Ephesians 3:19, so these 2 verse go together!  <Notes> a) Douglas Petrovich in The Meaning of En Pneumati and Daniel B Wallace in Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament.


But Paul doesn’t leave us hanging about what kind of radical new “party” that the Body-of-Christ, fellow Christians, are engaging in!  It is actually a “habit or lifestyle” of Body-of-Christ ministry to and from one another, reciprocally/mutually, not from 1 or 2 “ministers” on stage to an audience.  It is through singing/playing sacred praise songs, and even those that come from the Spirit – this is exactly the anointed, prophetic, even spontaneous music we need to do WITH the Lord, not just WITH each other!  This Body “reciprocation” is also through routinely/habitually thanking the Father in the name/authority of Christ, and finally routinely/habitually subordinating ourselves to one another, reciprocally/mutually, and instead of looking up at 1 or 2 “leaders over us,” we looking up to Christ as our “leader.”  In other words, there is not room for bosses or “one-man shows” here!


Can you honestly say that there is no invisible “Great Wall” between most churches “ministers” and the “audience,” between the clergy and the laity?  Have you really seen a “reciprocal/mutual exchange” between the stage and the seats in front of it?  And is there really a 2-way submission going on?  The fact that there is a stage and an audience betrays the facts of what’s really going on!  We want Spirit-baptism (or maybe we don’t) but are we willing to do the rest of the package deal!  That’s “The Great Wall” quenching the Holy Spirit that I saw at a church that was having a special speaker talking about revival of all things.  But anytime we crack this “Great Wall” then the Holy Spirit is quick to burst through it and revive us!  Just think what would happen if we would just be brave enough to tear “The Great Wall” down entirely!



Video - Part 2:  Body Ministry - BT11:  Christians loved to “party” in the 1st century, just like they do now

Part 2


Colossians 3:16-17 is a very similar passage about Body-of-Christ ministry.  Paul talks to Christians about their new life in Christ, having a mind NOW set on heavenly, not earthly things (vv. 1-2) because they are NOW “in Christ,” so they need to starve to death their earthly behavior that is bringing God’s wrath on the world (vv. 5-9).   They have already “stripped off” their palaios “old, worn out, useless self,” accomplished in water-baptism – v. 2:12, which had been motivating this fleshly behavior, where they had already put on [like clothes] their completely different-in-kind ‘new self.’


But presently/ongoingly this ‘new self’ is ‘renovated, renewed, freshly strengthened’ eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ (a) of [their] genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge [that is] kata down-from/according-to the Image (Christ) of Him (The Father) that create him (the new self). . . but Christ is all and in all . . . Therefore, definitively/wholly put on [as fresh clothes] (b) then, as God’s chosen ones . . . [Paul gives a list of godly traits concerning relationships] . . . and above all these [put on as fresh clothes] unconditional-love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony, and/coupled let the relational peace of Christ rule in your [plural] hearts – to which you were called in one Body [to], and/coupled be thankful.  <Notes> a) eis, b) get those fresh, clean clothes back on.


Paul continues:  [I strongly urge you to] ongoingly let the [gospel] logos message of Christ dwell in you [plural] richly by the means of all wisdom, routinely/habitually teaching and/coupled routinely/habitually admonishing (a) one another, reciprocally/mutually, by-the-means-of psalms (b), hymns, Spirit-kind-of odes (c) with unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace (d), singing/praising in/by/with your hearts to God, and/thus whatever you do, in/by/with logos message (teaching and admonition) or deed, do everything in the name/authority of the Lord Jesus, routinely/habitually giving thanks to God the Father thru-the-realizing-channel-of Him (Christ).”  <Notes> a) noutheteo ‘placing in mind’ by warning through reason or instruction, b) psalmos: “hit, twanged, plucked, or twitched” out songs with/without singing, c) spontaneous hymns or psalms rather than pre-composed, d) here we are to be aware of/recognize “grace in/by/with your hearts,” and naturally our response would be thanksgiving expressed through “singing/praising in/by/with” those same “grateful hearts!”


Paul is talking about relational peace and the gospel being the rule, instead of the exception, within the gathering of the Body-of-Christ.  This is not accomplished through church bible-studies that simply accumulate gnosis info-knowledge, but by the means of “wisdom taught by the Spirit where Spirit-kind-of things/people [neuter: or their prophecies] are interpreted/compared/contrasted with [other] Spirit-kind-of things/people [neuter: or their prophecies]” (a), and this “Spirit-kind-of insightful wisdom (b) and/coupled ‘connect-the-dots’ understanding (c) only comes directly from the Lord by being filled with the genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of God’s will (d). <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 2:13, cf. 12:8; Ephesians 1:17, b) sophia, c) sunesis, d) Colossians 1:9.


But how does this relational peace and gospel logos message through the Spirit’s wisdom rule in the Body’s meetings?  What does that look like?  By Body-of-Christ ministryteaching and admonishing one another reciprocally/mutually!  The early churches didn’t have 1 pastor/shepherd or 1 bishop-overseer wearing all the hats!  “It wasn’t until around 108 AD that Ignatius of Antioch started arguing for the mono-episcopacy or 1-bishop rule.  Prior to that time, each church was governed by groups of presbyteros elders or episcopos bishop-overseers or poimen shepherds, since these terms were virtually synonymous.”  Later the Protestants churches just renamed the single-bishop ruler a “pastor” or “minister.”  Do you see how the traditions of men get started and how they evolve?


What’s the primary way Paul sees this “teaching and admonishing” happening to create a Christian “party?”  It’s through gracious, heartfelt singing/praising to Father God of songs with/without accompaniment, which is anointed, prophetic, and even spontaneous music by the Spirit, so that whatever that is said or done is in the person/authority of Christ, giving thanks to the Father through Christ.  Again, this isn’t a complete list of what goes on in Body-of-Christ ministry, because in many other passages Paul includes much more than just music that is to be shared in koinonia fellowship.  We have to remember the context that limits Paul’s list of activities:  a Christian party, but not by getting drunk on wine!




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Spiritual Education, Body Ministry, Christian parties are different than worldly parties, Getting drunk on the Spirit instead of wine, Will of God is to not get drunk on booze but be filled with God by the Spirit, NOT filled WITH the Spirit, Christians parties are about Body-Ministry to build each other up, Christians parties are in the presence of God by the Spirit, Christians parties are about true fellowship, Christians parties don’t have clergy versus laity, The gospel dwells in the Church richly by Spirit gifts in Body Ministry not bible-study, Unity comes from Body-Ministry in koinonia fellowship, Unity doesn’t come from zealous leadership wearing all the hats, teaching & admonishing is to come from the Body-of-Christ not leadership

Categories: Body Ministry

Body Ministry – BT10:  Paul doesn’t give a complete list of Church-service activities but has 2 main points




Video: Body Ministry - BT10:  Paul doesn't give a complete list of Church-service activities but has 2 main points



Body Ministry – BT10:  Paul doesn’t give a complete list of Church-service activities but has 2 main points



Please follow the BLOG Etiquette to stay on topic and pass the moderator’s check.  Bold, underlined text below = future links to the BLOG pages.


Paul’s never gives a complete list or description of anything in any of his writings, but only includes items/descriptions to illustrate the points he is making.  In 1 Corinthians chapters 12-14 he has listed many “manifestations of the Spirit” (a) in the Church, but in v. 14:26 he is just picking out a few of these – and doesn’t even bother to include connectors, which is a dead give-away that it’s not a complete list:  “When you come together, each individually/separately ongoingly has psalms (instrumental music with optional vocals), ongoingly has teaching, ongoingly has revelation, ongoingly has tongue, ongoingly has interpretation.”  The 1st MAIN point based on sentence position is “each individually/separately” (b) should be bringing something to the church meeting!  That has been Paul’s emphasis all along – it’s absolutely not a “one-man show” where 1-2 people or even a “special group” (b) get to “hog the ball!”  It’s all about Body-of-Christ ministry!  But how?  That’s the 2nd MAIN point – ALL their interactions need to be based on agape unconditional-love toward the benefiting or edification of one another, the Church! <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 12:7, 14:12, b) hekastos:  each individual unit viewed distinctly rather than severally as a group.


Would you say that modern churches have made either of these their MAIN points “when they come together?”  Have they promoted tongues, interpretations, and prophesy along with ALL the other “manifestations of the Spirit” or grace-gifts?  Or have they selectively “picked the low-hanging fruit” as to what they will allow in a church service?  Have they allowed room in their carefully planned-out services for the Body-of-Christ “saints” to actually be the “ministers” in the room instead of just the “equipping coaches/facilitators” doing this (a)?  Have they made room for the “saints” to interact with the prophets and diakrino “thoroughly discriminately-reason/investigate/examine together” (b) or to be “addressing one another” (c) or “bringing some revelation or knowledge or prophecy or teaching” (d) or a “hymn, teaching, revelation, tongue, or interpretation” (e) so that as “each has received a grace-gift that differs kata down-from/according-to the unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace given to [all of] us, so use them to serve one another” (f)?  <Notes> a) Ephesians 4:12, b) 1 Corinthians 14:29, 31, c) Ephesians 5:19, d) 1 Corinthians 14:6, e) 1 Corinthians 14:26, f) Romans 12:6; 1 Peter 4:10.


Have the Clergy surrendered their control to the Holy Spirit to flow unimpeded throughout the entire Body-of-Christ in order to minister to one another during the church services?  Or do the churches restrict that flow primarily to 1 or 2 paid “professionals” or a “special group” on a stage never indicated in the NT writings?  Is the “ministry” only from the clergy when the NT says it’s from all the saints?  Is the “greet your neighbor, ‘peace be with you’ handshake” or the chat around the coffee and donuts in the foyer the extent of the koinonia fellowship or sharing of one’s another’s Spirit’s grace-gifts?  Is the psalming (a) mostly one-directional:  The “special” band on stage with all the people listening to them and watching them from the audience like at a Christian concert?  I’ve played in 15 church bands to 1000s of people and in most cases it’s not much different than my secular concerts from 22 secular bands also to 1000s of people!  Where in the NT have you seen a stage and audience even hinted at?  Let’s see what else Paul speaks about “when you come together” in the next BLOG. <Notes> a) psallo:  “hit, twang, pluck, or twitch” out a song with/without singing.




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Spiritual Education, Body Ministry, Church leadership equippers, Church leaders are the blind leading the blind, Blindness about format of church services, Modern churches don’t follow the biblical models, Paul doesn’t supply complete lists of church services, Paul has 2 main points of EACH should bring something and done in love to build the Church, We can’t pick & choose which Spirit grace-gifts are useful, We can’t pick & choose what Body members are useful, Church leaders needs to surrender to the Holy Spirit’s direction thru the Body’s grace-gifts, Church leaders need to start being slaves instead of bosses

Categories: Body Ministry

Body Ministry – BT9:  Church-Clergy blindness about what we do in Church services




Video - Part 1: Body Ministry - BT9:  Church-Clergy blindness about what we do in Church services

Part 1



Body Ministry – BT9:  Church-Clergy blindness about what we do in Church services



Please follow the BLOG Etiquette to stay on topic and pass the moderator’s check.  Bold, underlined text below = future links to the BLOG pages.


There is also a blindness in Church “leadershipabout what the Church is actually supposed to do “when you come together” (a).  Is it to open up with a 2 minute prayer?  Is it to join in with a worship band for 4 songs or 20-30 minutes looking up at a screen?  Is it to listen to 1 person speak to an audience for the rest of the time?  Is it to end with a 2 minute blessing or prayer and finish the whole service up in an hour flat, so everybody can get to their favorite restaurant?  Or repeat the whole thing over for 3-4 services on Sundays?  I’ve played in 15 churches and that’s pretty much the routine!  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 11:17-18, 20, 33-34, 14:26; cf. Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16.


Let’s see what the New Testament says!  In 1 Corinthians 11:17-34, Paul uses the phrase “when you come together” 5 times concerning the Lord’s Supper and their concurrent “agape love feast” – and based on 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 that they should diakrino ‘judge/critique thru-the-realizing-channel-of, thus to investigate/examine thoroughly back-and-forth’ the Body-of-Christ (the Church, not just the physical body of Jesus as we saw in the last BLOG) and not to just look out for their own individual needs.  His 6th time is in 1 Corinthians 14:26 when Paul says: “What then is my conclusion, brethren?  Whenever you come together, each/every one ongoingly has a psalm (a), ongoingly has a teaching, ongoingly has a revelation, ongoingly has a tongue (b), ongoingly has an [Spirit-given] interpretation [of the tongue].  I strongly urge you to let ALL things for building up be ongoingly done,” and the parallel passages of this koinonia fellowship sharing are Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16.  When is the last time you went to a church service like that?  But Paul is describing standard practice back then! <Notes> a) psalmos: “hit, twanged, plucked, or twitched” out songs with/without singing, b) glossa: supernatural Spirit-given language – see Grace-Gifts.


The order of my English translation is exactly that of the Greek, which shows the emphasis Paul is placing – what is in the beginning of a sentence is what is emphasized – that “each/every one” of them were to be contributing to “whenever you come together!”  Paul is simply giving them some concluding action items for their standard gatherings after having talked much about a huge variety of the Spirit’s “appointed varieties of grace-gifts given into Christians, varieties of ministries/services through them to others, and varieties of effectual-energetically-workings in others” earlier in 1 Corinthians 12:5 that is ALL “for the common good” in v. 12:7.  These grace-gifts are by definition “unmerited, unearned, and undeserved” (thus not natural talents) included “apostles, prophets, teachers, messages of wisdom, messages of knowledge, trusting-relying-faith (c), healing, miracles, helping-services, managed care-giving leading/supervising, discerning spirits, tongues, and interpretation” (a), because “though many parts,” they are still “one Body in Christ and individually members One of/belonging-to another (b).  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 12:28, b) 1 Corinthians 12:12, cf. Romans 12:5, c) pistis:  relational conviction of trusting reliance.


Certainly Paul wants them to “be well informed about the Spirit’s grace-gifts” (a), especially to “earnestly desire the more useful/advantageous/excellent (b) grace-gifts,” but sums up his urging:  “earnestly pursue/hunt-down as even more excellent (huperbole) path/road (c) – unconditional, no-strings-attached agape unconditional-love (d) kai and/coupled zealously pursue the Spirit’s grace-gifts, especially that you may prophesy” (e).  That’s Paul’s emphasis of Body-of-Christ interactions in 1 Corinthians chapters 12-14!  He’s not even close to hinting in vv. 13:8-12 that any of the “varieties of grace-gifts, varieties of ministries/services, and varieties of effectual-energetically-workings” will “pass away” (g) during the Church age as the Cessasionists claim.  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 12:1 – it’s pitiful so many churches want to remain ignorant, b) kreitton, c) v. 12:31, d) vv. 13:1-7, 13, 14:1, e) v. 14:1.


Instead, Paul is simply emphasizing that agape unconditional-love will “never end” (a) even after “the Perfect comes” – Christ (b), not a flawed Bible – see Bible Info, and so must remain the “greatest/larger/stronger of these [faith, hope, and love]” (c) during our community interactions in the Church age while we wait for Christ’s coming.  They even remain in eternity!  He’s not pitting the “pursuit of agape unconditional-love” against “zealously pursuing the Spirit’s grace-gifts, especially to prophesy!”  In v. 14:1 Paul couples earnest-pursue . . . kai and/coupled zealously-pursue . . ” inseparably together with the conjunction of kai<Notes> a) v. 13:8, b) v. 13:10; Jesus is the Perfect man per Hebrew 5:9, 7:28, 9:11, 4:15, the Holy and Righteous and True One per Acts 3:14; Mark 1:24; Luke 4:34; John 6:69; Acts 2:27, 13:35; 1 John 2:20; Revelation 16:5,  c) v. 13:13.


The Cessationists, like the Church of Christ that I was saved in, the Baptists, Associate Reformed Presbyterians, and Presbyterian Church in America, don’t believe in the supernatural enabling-power and ongoing prophetic-rhema words of the Holy Spirit.  They say that all of that died out with the apostles or the coming of the ‘perfect’ bible!  They say that the Continuationism of the Lutheran, Methodist, Moravian, and Pentecostals is wrong, even though Tertullian’s writings around 200 AD attest to it flourishing, as do: Hippolytus between 170-236 AD, Clement of Alexandria between 150-215 AD, Origen between 185-254 AD, Cyprian around 258 AD, Ephraem Syrus between 306–373 AD, and even Augustine around 430 AD. The history of revival has also proved the Cessationists dead wrong!  Could this be why Paul even warned against the Church against such suppression (a), and strongly urged to “zealously desire to prophesy and/coupled in possibility do not forbid speaking in tongues” (b)?  How can churches “cherry pick” what they want to obey out of the NT?  See also “Cessationism versus Continuationism” in <Notes> a) 1 Thessalonians 5:19, b) 1 Corinthians 14:39.


Paul does help clarify tongues versus prophesy to justify why prophecy is a “more useful/advantageous/excellent (d)” grace-gift (a) in a Church gathering – exactly because prophecy builds the Church [gathering] up, but tongues without interpretation only builds oneself up, being that it is private between you and God, where Paul says concerning this:  “proseuchomai conversationally-praying or singing and giving thanks well enough, a mystery to yourself and others” (b).  Because Paul “speaks in tongues more than them all” (c), he naturally “wants them ALL to speak in tongues, but even more to prophesy because prophesying is greater/larger/stronger (d) than speaking in tongues unless interpreted so that the Church may be edified (built up)” (e) – see also Grace-Gifts and Prophetic-rhema-word pages. <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 14:5, b) vv. 14:2-5, 14-17, c) v. 14:18, d) kreitton, e) v. 14:5.


Unconditional-love is ALL about “benefiting others” (a), so “since you are eager for manifestations of the Spirit (as Paul certainly was), pros ‘moving toward the goal of’ the building up of the Church [I strongly-urge you] to ongoingly seek that you [should] ongoingly super-abound [at this]” (b). Paul sure isn’t against speaking in tongues or prophesying as many churches practice, but actually encourages both.  But when it comes to people trying to communicate something to the church gathering, prophecy is preferable unless the tongues are interpreted.  It’s simply a matter of logistics – people have to be able to hear and understand in order to benefit.  That’s the context leading up to Paul’s concluding remarks of “What then is my conclusion, brethren?  Whenever you come together, . . .Let all things be done for building up” (c). <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 14:6, b) v. 14:12, c) v. 14:26.



Video - Part 2: Body Ministry - BT9:  Church-Clergy blindness about what we do in Church services

Part 2


Paul says to take turns with tongues/interpretation and prophecy because God isn’t about confusion but peace.  Does that mean shut up or stop the praxis functioning of these grace-gifts as many churches have over-reacted?  NO!  Paul advises:  “Let 2 or 3 prophets speak (a), and/coupled I strongly urge the others (b) ongoingly thoroughly-discriminate/investigate-with-it (c).  But if to another [person] sitting, there is a revealing (via them prophesying) let the first [prophet] be silent, for you can ALL prophesy one by one in order that ALL may ongoingly learn (d) and/coupled ALL be ongoingly parakaleo alongside-encouraged (e) (f).”  Prophetic interaction within the Body-of-Christ is what it’s all about!  These aren’t just “speakers on stages with audiences watching” as a lot of churches have treated them, if they even allow – the Body-of-Christ is supposed to interact with them!


<Notes> a) remember the average house church held about 15-20 people max, b) in the house church of like-kind, thus spiritual Christians, c) diakrino: to judge thru-the-realizing-channel-of thoroughly, thus to investigate or discriminate thoroughly either rightly by close-reasoning or wrongly by going too far or vacillating back and forth, as determined by the context, d) manthano: “increase one’s knowledge, be informed, or hear or learn from”, e) parakaleo: a term often used of the Holy Spirit’s counseling, f) vv. 14:27-31.


Paul sums it up in 1 Corinthians 14:39-40, “I strongly urge you to ongoingly zealously burn/covet to prophesy and/coupled I strongly urge you to ongoingly absolutely not in possibility to forbid/hinder ongoingly speaking with tongues.  But I strongly urge you that ALL things should be ongoingly done with respectful-form (a) and/coupled kata down-from/according-to taxis ‘specified an order of arrangement’.” Context has already defined “good form . . . order” as “without confusion, but one person after another,” so that ALL can benefit!  This is basically an informal Robert’s Rules of Order – raise your hands before speaking, etc., of basic manners, politeness, and courtesy of genuine love for others. <Notes> a) decorously becoming, respectably, honorably, just as unconditional-love calls for.




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Spiritual Education, Body Ministry, Church leadership equippers, Church leaders are the blind leading the blind, Blindness about format of church services, Modern churches don’t follow the biblical models, Body Ministry is to each bring something to share in Church services, Church services were to each share Spirit’s grace-gifts, The equippers are only coaches & facilitators NOT ministers, The saints are the ministers, Cessationism is historically false, We are to supremely pursue prophecy and strongly-desire tongues, Using our gifts builds the Body of Christ, Orderly worship services is prophets & tongues & other gifts taking turns, Orderly worship services is the other Spirit-kind people interacting with what is said, all the Spirit’s grace-gifts are to be used in the church services

Categories: Body Ministry

Body Ministry – BT8:  Church-Clergy blindness to the Body-of-Christ in the Lord’s Supper




Video:  Body Ministry - BT8:  Church-Clergy blindness to the Body-of-Christ in the Lord's Supper



Body Ministry – BT8:  Church-Clergy blindness to the Body-of-Christ in the Lord’s Supper



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For example, hasn’t the focus of the Lord’s Supper been on the physical blood and body of Jesus Christ, but look at the passages that speak about this.  When Paul talks in 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 about eating and drinking at the table of the Lord and doing the same for idols, which are actually for the demons behind them, he says in v. 10:16, “The bread that we break:  Is it not a koinonia participation in the Body-of-Christ?”  If you were eating all alone, you could think he was talking only of the physical body, but v. 10:17 says: “Because there is One Bread, we who are many are one Body, for we all partake of the One Bread.”  Now he’s clearly talking about the Church eating from Jesus, the “Bread of Life,” who Jesus said He was (a).  The one loaf of bread they passed around the love-feast table that they broke of, represented Jesus.  See also a 11-24-2021 Revelation about the Lord’s Supper<Notes> a) John 6:27, 32-35, 48.


Furthermore, in 1 Corinthians 11:17-34, many believe that Paul is only talking about the Lord’s physical body in vv. 11:27-28, “Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body and blood of the Lord.  Instead, let a person examine himself, and/thus in this manner eat of the bread and drink of the cup.”  But this “physical view” negates the entire context!  In v. 11:17 Paul is focused on what they are doing “when you come together,” saying it’s not “for the better but for the worse.”  He uses the Lord’s Supper as an example in v. 11:18, “In the first place, when you come together as a church, I hear that there are divisions among you.”  That is actually “the breaking of the Body – of Christ but in a negative way.  He explains in v. 11:20, “When you come together, it is NOT the Lord’s Supper that you eat.”  What?  Weren’t they physically doing just that?  Paul explains in v. 11:21, “For in eating, each one goes ahead with his own meal – one goes hungry while another gets drunk.  What!  Don’t you have houses to eat and drink in?”  They were eating without discerning the Lord’s Body being the other members eating with them at the table.


They were blind as to what the “bread and wine” represented – and it wasn’t just Christ’s physical body and blood!  Sounds like many have repeated their mistake!  Do you see where Paul is going, or are you blind, too?  They were being self-centered, thinking of their own individual needs, instead of their fellow Christians.  They were NOT in koinonia fellowship of the Lord’s Body – each other.  We have to remember that this celebration was an agape love feast, not a ritual-only ceremony that the Catholic Church and many Protestant churches celebrate.  People could pig out and get drunk at them (a)!  Now here comes a real clue:  “Do you despise the Church of God and humiliate those who have nothing?” James talks about the poor among them that were getting taken advantage by the rich Christians. <Notes> a) Jude 1:12; 2 Peter 2:13.


Now Paul gets into the ‘ceremony’ of the Lord’s Supper, reminding us what Jesus said the night before He was crucified, recounted in 1 Corinthians 11:24-25 “This is My body, which is for you.  Do this in remembrance of Me . . . This is My blood . . . Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.”  Is Jesus only talking about His physical body and blood that we are to be remembering, and that this “remembering” is what Paul means in v. 11:28 that “a person should examine himself” concerning?  That’s what I have always been taught.  But this is clearly out of context!  So, is the “eating and drinking . . . in an unworthy manner” of v. 11:27 to think this doesn’t refer to more than “remembering the physical body and blood” of Jesus?


Now 1 Corinthians 11:29 gives a serious warning: “For anyone who eats or drinks without discerning (a) the body eats and drinks judgment (b) on himself.”  Notice that Paul mysteriously leaves out a warning about not “discerning the blood,” and doesn’t even say “discerning the Lord’s body” but simply “discerning the body?”  To what is the definite-articled “the body” referring to?  Also, notice the play on Greek words for judgment:  Their lack of “preference/selection thru-the-realizing-channel-of the body” was bringing God’s “preference/selection on themselves!” <Notes> a) diakrino: to judge thru-the-realizing-channel-of thoroughly, thus to investigate or discriminate thoroughly either rightly by close-reasoning or wrongly by going too far or vacillating back and forth, as determined by the context, b) krima, the noun of krino.


It is obvious Paul’s “the body” isn’t talking about the Lord’s physical body!  In 1 Corinthians 11:30-32 he implies their sickness and even death were the result of not krino judging/critiquing themselves (plural) honestly – not “discerning the body!”  Paul summarizes in vv. 11:33-34, “When you come together to eat, wait for one another – if anyone is hungry, let him eat at home – so that when you come together it will not be for krima judgment/criticism.”  Clearly, in context, the “judgment on himself” in v. 11:29 wasn’t because someone didn’t remember the physical body of Christ, but because they weren’t “preferring or selecting” others in the Body-of-Christ over their own personal needs!  Paul is a lawyer who uses words very carefully, but many of our English bibles don’t help you to see this fact – see Bible Info!


Now can you see how many in the modern church are celebrating the Lord’s Supper, but actually blind to the meaning of “discerning the Lord’s Body” because it’s actually the Body-of-Christ, the Church, that many modern Christians could care less about, being so absorbed in their own little worlds, more concerned about lunch at Denny’s with their family 5 minutes after church lets out.  So much error occurs in the churches due to poor translations (see Bible Info) and poor teaching (see Teach One Another).  I attended the Church of Christ from 1980-1985 and every week we had communion, and they had the standard traditional teaching about it, but as a starving college student I primarily attended because I couldn’t wait for their pot luck!  I went back for thirds without a clue about the real “discerning of the Lord’s Body!”


Let us instead “discern the Body-of-Christ,” especially during communion, which by definition means koinonia intimate fellowship with the Lord and His Body-of-Christ.


What experiences have had with this the Lord’s Supper, agape love feasts, traditions of men, and even the divine healing aspects of this practice or sickness that came from not discerning the Lord’s Body?




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Spiritual Education, Body Ministry, Church leadership equippers, Church leaders are the blind leading the blind, Blindness to discerning the Lord’s Body in the Lord’s Supper, Jesus is the Bread of Life, The Body of Christ is the church we are to discern, Selfishness is not discerning the Body

Categories: Body Ministry

Body Ministry – BT7:  Warnings about church “leadership” interfering with Body-of-Christ ministry



Video:  Body Ministry - BT7:  Warnings about church “leadership” interfering with Body-of-Christ ministry



Body Ministry – BT7:  Warnings about church “leadership” interfering with Body-of-Christ ministry



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We’ve already seen Paul’s warning to those who want to be “leaders” in the world’s sense in Romans 12:2-10:  “Do not be conformed to this world . . . I say to everyone among you not in possibility to think of himself more highly than he ought to think.”  But then how?  “Though many members, we are one Body in Christ, and so individually members belonging-to one of another.  Having ‘unmerited, unearned, undeserved’ grace-gifts that differ kata down-from/according-to the unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace given to [all of, each of] us, [let us use them, implied by the use of verb participles]:  prophecy . . . teaching . . . proistemi managed-caregiving-supervising-leading  . . . unconditionally-love one another with brotherly affection.  Outdo one another in showing honor.”  People who want to hog the ball or wear all the hats, need not apply!  This is completely different than the world’s definitions of “teaching” and “leading.”  I bet if you look carefully at the Greek definitions of the other grace-gifts listed, these are completely different than the world’s meaning of these words that so many bibles carelessly translate!  This is in keeping with the chadash/kainos completely different-in-kind “New” Covenant.


We’ve already seen that today’s so-called “leaders” or “ministers” should actually be called equipping coaches, trainers, and facilitators according to Ephesians 4:8-12, because they are absolutely not in fact the “players” (actual ministers) but the ones that are supposed to be simply preparing, training, and enabling them!  “Christ gave ‘unearned, unmerited, undeserved’ grace-gifts to men . . . He gave [to the Church] these in fact:  the apostles, moreover the prophets, moreover the evangelists, moreover the shepherds and/coupled teachers, for the katartismos equipping/coaching/facilitating of the saints for [singular] work of [singular] ministry, for [singular] building up of the Body-of-Christ.”


We also saw from previous BLOGS that being “followers of men” or having a “hierarchy of men” is the last thing any of the NT writers had in mind!  We are supposed to be listening to Jesus speak to us directly by the Holy Spirit and be His disciples, His followers.  Jesus would turn most church’s “leadership” chart upside down, saying that the “greatest” are NOT the ones on stage giving the orders, but the one who takes orders and serves even as slave.  We also saw that the Greek terms for “leaders” have more to do with “managed care-giving” and “humbly esteeming others more significantly than yourselves.”


We’ve also have seen that “people, positions, offices, and titles” are often confused withgrace-gifts of the Spirit” and that hierarchal ranking of grace-gifts or people is foreign to the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant, but that hasn’t stopped the modern church, especially with its “clergy versus laity” mindset started by the Roman Catholic Church.


We’ve also seen how misleading the termteacher” can be, especially because of the world’s definition in comparison to New Testament use, where it doesn’t so much represent a person as it does a praxis functioning grace-gift of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus has the final word for the Body-of-Christ:  “There is only One Teacher, and the rest of you are brethren” from Matthew 23:8.


Before Jesus taught even one person, it was Father God who “taughtthem and drew them to Christ (a).  While Jesus was on earth, it was right to call Him “Teacher and Lord (Master-owner), for so I am” (b), but once He left this planet to sit at the right hand of the Father, there is still only “One Teacher!”  Jesus comforted His worrying disciples about His departure: “Sorrow has filled your heart (c).  Nevertheless, I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Parakletos (d) will not come to you.  But if I go, I will send Him to you . . . When the Spirit of The Truth comes, He will guide you into all The Truth, for . . . whatever He hears He will speak . . . He will glorify Me, for He will take what is Mine and declare it to you.  All that the Father has is Mine; therefore I said that He will take what is Mine and declare it to you” (e). <Notes> a) John 6:44-45, b) John 13:13, c) about Christ’s predicted departure, d) Parakletos: ‘Close-beside’ caller, summoner, or inviter; helper, succorer, or assistant; encouraging teacher, counselor, comforter, or consoler; defense-attorney, judicial-advocate, or court-intercessor, e) John 16:6-15.


The Holy Spirit is clearly the Lord Jesus as “the One Teacherhere on earth NOW for us.  In John 14:16-19 before Christ’s departure, He said:  “I will ask the Father and/thus He will give you ANOTHER (a) Parakletos (b) to be with you forever, that is, the Spirit of The Truth (c), whom the world cannot receive, because it neither interestingly-looks-at (d) Him nor actually, ongoingly, experientially, relationally knows (e) Him.  You actually, ongoingly, experientially, relationally ginosko know Him, for He actually, ongoingly dwells beside-alongside you [as Jesus] and/but/also shall actually, in the future, be IN you.  I will not leave you as orphans – I am actually ongoingly coming to you [as His Spirit, on Pentecost].  Yet in a little while the world will see Me no more, but you are actually presently/ongoingly interestingly-looking-at (d) Me.  Because I live, you also shall actually, in the future, live” [by His Spirit].


<Notes> a) Jesus was the 1st, b) ‘Close-beside’ caller, summoner, or inviter; helper, succorer, or assistant; encouraging teacher, counselor, comforter, or consoler; defense-attorney, judicial-advocate, or court-intercessor, c) Jesus, John 14:6, d) theoreo: as with carefully inspecting troops.


The “One Teacher” of “The Truth” is the Spirit of Jesus Christ here NOW (a).  “The Spirit of The Truth” (b) is “the Spirit of Jesus” (c), exactly because Jesus said He was “The Truth” (d), as “The Truth is in Jesus” (e).  The “Spirit of The Truth has come and He does guide us into all The Truth” (f) and “He will teach you ALL things” (g).  Is there anything left for any so-called “teacher” in the modern church to teach us?  That’s why the apostle John confidently declared:  “But you have been anointed by the Holy One (h), and/thus you [plural] ALL eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know . . . But the anointing (i) that you have received from Him abides/lives in you, and/thus you have absolutely in fact no need that anyone should teach you.  . . . His anointing actually, ongoingly teaches you about ALL things, and is trustworthy.”


<Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 3:17-18; 1 Corinthians 6:17; Revelations 22:6; Acts 5:9, 8:39, b) John 14:17, 15:26, 16:13; 1 John 4:6, c) Acts 16:7; Philippians 1:19, d) John 14:6, e) Ephesians 4:21, f) John 16:13, g) John 14:26, h) Jesus: Acts 3:14, i) the Holy Spirit of the Holy One.


Therefore, we need to be very careful about the term “teacher” when it comes to mere human beings.  I think we should instead consider ourselves “equipping coaches and facilitators” as Ephesians 4:12 describes “shepherds and/coupled teachers” (i.e., shepherds who are also teaching), simply helping to make it easier for people to listen to Jesus be the “One Teacher” by the Holy Spirit in them!




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Spiritual Education, Body Ministry, Church leadership equippers, Warnings about ambitious church leaders usurping Body Ministry, New Testament leader & teacher definitions aren’t equal to modern English definitions, They are grace-gift functions not people positions offices or titles, They are equippers that coach and facilitate the Body to be ministers, We are NOT supposed to listen to any teacher other than Jesus’ Spirit, We are NOT to follow any other leader than Christ, biblical leaders are managing care-givers, Jesus is the One Teacher and we are brethren, The Spirit of Jesus is still the One Teacher, Christians can do the verb teaching by the Spirit but are not Teachers

Categories: Body Ministry

Body Ministry – BT6:  New Covenant kingdom “leadership” structure is upside down from world’s



Video: Body Ministry - BT6:  New Covenant kingdom “leadership” structure is upside down from world's



Body Ministry – BT6:  New Covenant kingdom “leadership” structure is upside down from world’s



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This is certainly true of the business/government model of the world, which too much of the Church has borrowed – see The Great Wall.  However, in 1 Thessalonians 5:12 Paul says: “We ask you, brethren, to mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know/be-aware (a) those who labor among you and/coupled keep standing before [you] to proistemi maintain [your] care in the Lord and/coupled admonish (b) you.”  Remember that this “admonishing” is something ALL of us should be doing to “one another” (c) as we would “a brother” (d).  It’s also quite misleading for bibles to translate proistemi as “rule over,” because the prevalent meaning of the word is to “keep standing before or maintaining the care of” through devotion (e).  <Notes> a) eido, b) noutheteo: ‘placing in the mind of’ – urgent reasoning by instruction and warning, c) Colossians 3:16, d) 2 Thessalonians 3:15, e) Titus 3:8, 14.


However, the idea of “being set or placed before” others by appointment also comes into place from the histemi and similar tithemi root words, but these also often emphasize the “maintaining or caring-for” aspect. The prefix pros doesn’t have to mean “before others,” but just as easily can mean “before in time” as with prosbuteros elders who are simply are “earlier in The Trusting-Relying-Faith who keep standing before [you] to proistemi maintain-care-of [you] well, let [them] be counted worthy of double honor” (a). Again, the proistemi emphasis is on the “managed care-giving” function just as parents do (b), thus the qualification of God’s household episcopos bishopoverseers and deacons/physical-servants (c). <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 5:17, b) 1 Timothy 3:4-5, 12, d) 1 Timothy 3:2, 8.


This “managed care-giving” praxis function (a) is only one of many grace-gifts, not positions offices or titles, in Paul’s Romans 12:4-8 list: “Not all have the same praxis function (a), so we, though many, are one Body in Christ, and/thus individually members of/belonging to one another.  Having grace-gifts that differ kata down-from/according-to the unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace given to us [by Christ by His Spirit, so they have nothing to do with your natural merit or talents], [THUS let us use them implied by verbal participles used in the list]:  if [the Spirit’s functioning grace-gift of] prophecy [then use it] down-from/according by-the-means-of [your] proportion (b) [of the Spirit’s grace-gifts] of/belonging-to The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith that belongs to the Church) OR if service [then use it also . . . of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith] by-the-means-of the service, [OR if] to teach [then use . . . of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith] by-the-means-of the teaching, OR if the parakaleo ‘alongside counseling or exhortation’ [then use . . . of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith] by-the-means-of the parakaleo alongside-counseling/exhortation, [OR if] giving/sharing/imparting [then use . . . of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith] by-the-means-of singleness/simplicity/honesty; [OR if] the proistemi managed caregiving [then use . . . of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith] by-the-means-of spoude ‘speedy earnestness, diligence’ (c), [OR if] the showing of mercy/compassion/pity [then use . . . of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith] by-the-means-of ready cheerfulness.”  <Notes> a) praxis: functions, sustained activities, deeds, and/or responsibilities, b) analogia: analogous comparison, proportion c) this is the noun form so spoudazo, which is why 2 Timothy 2:15 has nothing to do with studying your bible to be an approved workman as the KJV has erroneously translated – see Logos Word of God – BT19!


Paul loves to leave words out to save space, but I’ve had to put them back in above with [brackets] so that you can understand what he is really saying!  It’s amazing that churches still insist that these grace-gifts are NOT simply praxis functions, but somehow individual people, offices, positions, or titles!  But Paul practically yells with the imperative that “EVERYONE AMONG YOU absolutely-in-fact-NOT think of himself more highly than he ought to think” (a)!  That’s how Paul starts the paragraph about body-ministry above!  Paul is certainly targeting those who would desire to be “leaders, rulers, greater ones, arche firsts, and megas greats,” but explaining that it’s really “not about you” but about Body-of-Christ Ministry! <Notes> a) Romans 12:3.




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Spiritual Education, Body Ministry, Church leadership equippers, Kingdom hierarchy is opposite of worlds, biblical leadership is a Spirit grace-gift not a natural talent, biblical leaders are managing-care-givers NOT bossy, Bossy leaders hogging the ball are mal-functioning

Categories: Body Ministry

Body Ministry – BT5:  Everybody wants to be a “leader” in today’s Church instead of being “little children”



Video:  Body Ministry - BT5:  Everybody wants to be a “leader” in today’s Church instead of being “little children”



Body Ministry – BT5:  Everybody wants to be a “leader” in today’s Church instead of being “little children”



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The idea of a spiritual “boss-man” is actually “borrowed” either from the Old Testament priesthood, which makes it a faulty foundation, or borrowed from the world as if picking up stones to place to build ‘walls’ inside the Church.  Either one builds The Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit from moving in the Church.  It’s simply not what Jesus taught but the exact opposite!  See also Coaches and Facilitators.


Jesus taught that “exercising authority over others . . . shall absolutely-in-fact-NOT be so among you, for whoever would/desire to be great (a) among you must become a servant (b) . . . [even] a slave, just as the Son of Man came absolutely-in-fact-NOT to be served but to serve” (c).  The Luke 22:26 version says, “Let the greater (d) among you become as the youngest (e), and the leader/chief (f) as one who serves,” which is parallel to Matthew 23:11, “The greater (d) among you (g) shall actually be your servant.”  The question about who would become “greater (d) among them” was exactly what the disciples were foolishly arguing about once before (h), but Jesus corrected them: “If anyone would be first (i), he must be last (j) of all and a servant of all.  And He took a little child (k) and put him in the midst of them” (l) to illustrate the very point!  <Notes> a) mega, b) they don’t give orders, but take them, c) Matthew 20:25-28; Mark 10:42-45, d) meizon, e) neos: recently born, f) hegeomai, g) within God’s Kingdom order, h) Mark 9:34; Luke 9:46, i) protos: chief, j) eschatos: lowest.  See Body-of-Christ Ministry, k) paidion:  7 yrs old or younger,  l) Mark 9:35-36.


In Luke 9:48, Jesus says: “He who is least among you all is the one who is actually great (a).”  They even questioned Jesus: “Who is the greater (b) in the kingdom of Heaven?” He answered, “Whoever lowers himself like this paidion little child is greater (b) in the kingdom of Heaven” (c).  Remember WHO the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant promise of “experientially, relationally knowing (d) by mentally ‘seeing’ to perceive/know (e) Yahweh” NOW goes to?  Answer:  “From the least of them to the greatest” (f)!   That’s because Jesus said, “Father, . . . you have kept hidden these things from the [so-called] wise and/coupled learned/understanding-one but revealed them to nepios infant-like children . . . no one genuinely, experientially, relationally epiginosko knows the Father except the Sons . . . to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him” (g), and in context this was His simple disciples, for in Luke 8:10 Jesus said, “To you it has been given to experientially, relationally know (d) the secrets/mysteries of the Kingdom of God.”  <Notes> a) megas, b) meizon, c) Matthew 18:1, 4, d) ginosko, e) eido, f) Hebrews 8:11 citing Jeremiah 31:34, g) Matthew 11:25, 27, Luke 10:21-22. See the Knowledge, Obedient Steps of Faith, and Body-of-Christ Ministry pages.




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Spiritual Education, Body Ministry, Church leadership equippers, Jesus said to be a little child NOT a leader, Jesus said NOT to exercise authority over others, Jesus said to be a slave NOT a boss, really knowing God is by revelation only NOT bible-reading

Categories: Body Ministry

Great Wall – BT5 – Prophecy:  Abiding in the Mountain-Kingdom Fortress Rock of Christ




Video - Part 1:  Great Wall - BT5 - Prophecy:  Abiding in the Mountain-Kingdom Fortress Rock of Christ

Part 1



Great Wall – BT5 – Prophecy:  Abiding in the Mountain-Kingdom Fortress Rock of Christ



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Awhile back I was seeking the Lord about “abiding in the Vine of Christ to bear/carry much fruit,” which Jesus spoke of in John 15:1-17, because I was really struggling to live the victorious Christian life.  One morning a few days later, the Lord gave me a vision as I tried to wake up, but then I would fall back into pseudo-sleep to dream more of the vision.  This back-and-forth went on for 2 hours!  I would ask questions and fall back into pseudo-sleep, and after a while I just stared into my dark pillow over my face, to keep prophetically ‘seeing.’


See also Videos:  Part 1 – John 15:1-3 Abiding in the Vine of Christ to bear much fruit to glorify His FatherPart 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Summary & Application


I was walking along a sea shore in the water and wave after wave would crash into me.  I tried taking swings at the waves, but obviously that didn’t work.  I tried locking my back leg and “resisting” them as I was told James 4:7 meant about “resisting the devil so he would flee from me,” but that surprisingly didn’t work.  I tried standing up taller, but then the wave just got taller!  Then I remembered my physics class that said when the wave doubles in height the force is 4 times as much.  It’s exponential!


Nothing worked and I was losing ground, so I walked out of the deeper water and walked along the very edge, but periodically rogue waves would surprise me and I’d get soaked or almost knocked down.  I remember when I was in Cabo San Lucas, some people were washed out to sea and drowned that way!


Then I heard the Lord say, “Don’t even sight-see at the world or its sin.  Run up the beach directly away from it.  Don’t walk, run!  Flee the devil – that’s how you resist him!”  Interestingly, James coupled using the conjunction kai “[I strongly urge you to] definitely/wholly anthistemi ‘take a complete stand against, militarily or conspicuously by refusing to be moved’ the devil kai and/coupled/thus he shall [at some indefinite future time] actually pheugo ‘flee/escape to find safety’ away-from you.”  However, James first says “[I strongly urge you to] definitely/wholly be-submitted/subjected/surrendered-under to God.”  And immediately after this and the stand against the devil, James continued his thought: “[I strongly urge you to] definitely/wholly draw very-close-near to God kai and/coupled/thus He shall [at some indefinite future time] actually draw very-close-near to you.”


I’m thinking that most us have totally missed James’ point:  Submission by drawing very-close-near to God gives us the dunamis dynamite-like powerful-ability to make ‘the devil flee from us to find safety,’ because we have run from the devil & his world of sin TO God in submission to draw very-close-near.  When we do this, then God draws very-close-near to us, which then causes the devil to flee from us to find safety!  He’s fleeing from God who is NOW very-close-beside us!  There is a lot of rebuking of the devil while staying in the middle of the sinful situation instead of running to the safety of the Lord!  I asked the Lord later about those greeting cards about our footprints running along the wet sand of the ocean called “Footprints in the Sand.”  He laughed and said it was just marketing!  He said to flee the world of Satan & sin by running to Him for safety!  If you are going to do any standing against Satan that is effective, you first have to come under the authority & power of God, which you do by drawing very-close-near to God.  Then when God shows up, NOW you have an effective strategy against Satan, who will then flee from you and God working together as a team!


See also Videos:  12-2-22 Prophecy: Terrifying dreams of demon invasion – Name & Blood of Jesus are weapons:  Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5



Video - Part 2:  Great Wall - BT5 - Prophecy:  Abiding in the Mountain-Kingdom Fortress Rock of Christ

Part 2



Back to the dream:  So I ran away from the ocean waves of Satan & sin, up the beach, and came to a Petra massive wall or cliff of Rock that ran down the beach in both directions as far as I could see, and upwards past the clouds.  It was pure black, crystalline, jagged, and very sharp!  It looked like the walls of a mighty Fortress or a castle as far as I could see in all directions.  But now the tide had come in and the waves were crashing against me once again.  Now it was even more dangerous because the waves were slamming me up against the sharp Petra Rock face.  I couldn’t see any way around it, so I looked for a cleft in the Rock to hide (a), but the water was still drowning me.  <Notes> a) Exodus 33:22; Judges 15:8, 11; Song of Solomon 2:14; Isaiah 2:21, 7:19, 57:5; Jeremiah 13:4, 16:16, 49:16; Obadiah 1:3.


So I started climbing up the Rock face, but the Rock was so sharp it made my fingers bleed.  I tried to find a ledge to rest on, but they were so narrow that I couldn’t sit or lie down.  I caught my breath but could see that I couldn’t stay there very long.  So I thought I would climb higher, but when I looked up, there was no end in sight – it went past the clouds, and I just knew it went to the throne of God.  After the dream, I was aware that this represented the impossibility of climbing up the holiness of God through our own flesh’s might & power works, giving us no peaceful-rest, just more suffering.


So I jumped back down into the water and swam along the edge of it, looking for any land, but I saw none.  I despaired, but then I saw a sea-cave a ways off and I made my way to it.  I went through the door but the waves were still rushing in, so I went deeper.  As I did the waves posed less and less of a threat because the land underneath me was naturally rising as I travelled further away from the ocean.  Finally my feet were dry and I was safe.  Exhausted from all this fighting, running, climbing, swimming, and walking, I found a big flat rock in a big cavern NOT to far in, to lie down and I fell asleep immediately – for a long time!  Later the Lord told me this was the “Sabbath Rest” (a).  <Notes> a) Hebrews 4:9.


When I woke the sun must have almost set because I could barely see in the cavern, which worried me.  I couldn’t go back to the dangerous waters, so I walked deeper, hoping to find an outlet to dry land.  I thought as I went deeper it would get darker, but now I could see even better!  I asked myself how that could be, and then heard a Voice say, “I AM the light of the world.”  Wow!  So I walked deeper but started to get really hungry, and I heard the Voice say, “I AM the bread of life,” and my hunger was gone.  So I walked deeper into what must have been a mountain!  Now I was starting to run out of air being so far from the door, but then I heard the Voice say, “I AM the breath of life,” and now I had no problem breathing.  Well I continued walking until I heard the Voice say, “Rest!  Now you are in the middle of Me.  This is the safest place to be.  Here you will find rest.”  When I woke I knew exactly what “meno Abiding/Remaining IN Christ” meant of John 15:1-17, and what the Rock and Fortress were that David and the Old Testament prophets spoke of in Great Wall – BT4.


Interestingly, scholars argue that the Greek preposition “enwith “Christ” in the dative case only means the first of these 3 options:  “IN the location or sphere of, by the means of, or with the company of,” so they always translate it “IN Christ.”  Ha!  God told me that all 3 options are always true when it comes to the Father and the Son – safety from Satan’s world and sin, but “The Light” and “The Breath” and “The Bread” and “The Rest” are all INside the Father & Son by the means of the Father & Son, and also with the company/fellowship of the Father & Son.


However, my extensive studies on God the Spirit show that the pneumati Spirit is the dunamis dynamite-like Enabling-Power or DOer or WORKer – the Action Hero – for the Father & Son – see Identity.  Douglas Petrovich in The Meaning of En Pneumati and Daniel B Wallace in Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament both believe than en pnuemati in the dative case always means “by the means or instrument of.”  This makes sense because the Spirit is the DOer or WORKer, until you realize that “The Spirit” is often used interchangeably with “The Father” (a) and “The Lord Jesus” (b).  If that’s the case “in/by/with the Spirit” all could make just as much sense, and only the context can tell you what is being emphasized! <Notes> a) Matthew 10:20, b) 2 Corinthians 3:18.


Absolutely no fruit in the Kingdom or “Mountain” (a), which Jesus is, can occur without BEING and STAYING in the middle of Him.  That’s what Jesus meant by: “Whoever meno abides/remains in-inside/with Me and I in-inside/with him, he it is that bears/carries much fruit, for apart from Me you can do absolutely-in-fact-NO thing” (b). a) Isaiah 2:2, 9:7; Daniel 2:44-45, 9:16, b) John 15:5.


Since then, the Lord has taken me to the ‘Flat Bed’ many other times because of restless nights of sleep (see below) and as soon as I lay down there, I’m out cold.  Recently, I was kept awake working to get into that “sea-cave,” and He told me it’s not way “out there” to work to get to, but “the kingdom of God is in the midst of or within you” (a).  This sure has “saved me a lot of steps” and made it easier to get to the place of rest!  I just have to “Be Still” (b) and settled down into myself where the Lord is. <Notes> a) Luke 17:21, b) Psalms 37:7, 46:10, 62:1.


He has also been telling me that ‘working’ in His kingdom isn’t effective because we are putting our trusting-relying-faith in our own flesh’smight and powerskill, like the old covenant was based on per Zechariah 4:6.  Instead I need to go into this “sea-cave” of rest and peace within me, and just BE there with Christ, trusting in His Spirit’s abilities.  Jesus said, “Come to Me, all who work and are heavily burdened [of the Law of 613 commandments] and/thus I will give you rest.  Take My yoke (training harness) upon you and/coupled learn from Me for I am gentle . . . and you will find rest, for My yoke is chrestos custom-fit/tailor-made [so comfortable, pleasant, and productively-effective] and My burden feather-light-weight to carry” (e).  I noticed that I’m starting to see, hear, and feel more of His kingdom after I do this.  <Notes> a) Matthew 11:28-30.


For a little bit different perspective of this vision, check out:


11-3-20 Waking revelation that the Massive Rock Fortress of restful peace is within me


10-31-20 Falling asleep in the Fortress Rock, Waking to a whistling nose, Surrender to the Lord’s humor and stillness


10-27-20 Dream of running into The Fortress Rock of Christ for rest and safety against demonic attacks


10-24-20 Dream of the Massive Rock Fortress of Christ to find rest and safety from sin in the world



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Spiritual Education, ONLY abiding in the Vine of Christ bears must fruit, Christ is the Fortress Rock of the Old Testament, How to defeat Satan & Sin, RUN away from Satan & his world of sin to seek refuge in God, Submitting to God by drawing close to Him, When God draws close to us THEN we can stand against Satan, THEN Satan flees from God being close to us, Holiness of God can’t be scaled, No rest for those who work FOR God, INside Christ there is Light Breath Bread Rest, The Spirit is the powerful MEANS of God, We can REST from our works INside the Prince of Peace

Categories: Great Wall

Great Wall – BT4:  The quenching “Great Wall” is built by world’s stones NOT of The Rock




Video - Part 1: Great Wall - BT4:  The quenching "Great Wall” is built by world's stones NOT of The Rock

Part 1



Great Wall – BT4:  The quenching “Great Wall” is built by world’s stones NOT of The Rock



Please follow the BLOG Etiquette to stay on topic and pass the moderator’s check.  Bold, underlined text below = future links to the BLOG pages.


The stones that many of today’s churches are placing on top of the foundation borrowed from the old covenant’s commandments & rituals to build “The Great Wall” we saw Great Wall – BT1 are actually stones borrowed from the world around them. They are picking up “stones” from the world’s models of leadership and success, despite Paul’s warning in Romans 12:2 to “in-possibility-NOT presently/ongoingly suschematizo ‘have the outward schematic shape/form together-with’ this age.”


The so-called “leaders” don’t even know who God called His “ministers” – it’s not just the 4 groups of equipping coaches & facilitators (a), but instead ALL the saints that do the work of the ministry (b), as we saw in Great Wall – BT2!  I’ve seen this time and time again over 40 years of various ministries in 15 churches.  The Lord clearly told me, “There are no solo acts in My kingdom!”  He has said so much about Body-of-Christ ministry!  See also Coaches and Facilitators.


<Notes> a) the idea of a “5-fold ministry” is the result of poor bible-study.  Many Greek scholars see “shepherd kai and/coupled teachers” as 1 group because the first 3 nouns of “the apostles, de moreover the prophets, de moreover evangelists (messengers/preachers of the gospel)” are listed without punctuation or kai couplers and the 4th and 5th nouns (shepherds/pastors, teachers) are linked with kai which is normally a coupler when used only 1 or 2 times, as is the case here.  We have to remember from Ephesians 4:7-8, that these 5 nouns are NOT people, offices, or titles but only some of the plural grace-gifts of the singular grace-gift of Christ to the Church from the Father that is the Holy Spirit.  Also, Paul’s gives qualifications of “elders-shepherds-bishops/overseers who are able/skilled to teach” in 1 Timothy 3:2 and 2 Timothy 2:2, 24, giving those evangelizing and/coupled teaching double-honor in 1 Timothy 5:17.  Furthermore, Paul often uses “teacher” as a verbal-noun as in 1 Corinthians 12:28-29 that emphasizes the praxis functioning of it as in Romans 10:7.  Teaching is just a praxis function of every member of the Body-of-Christ by-the-means-of the Spirit’sgrace-gifts, but especially should occur with the singular elder/shepherd/overseer group of people – see Body-Ministry and Teach-One-Another pages, b) Ephesians 4:12.


It has grieved God’s Spirit within me to see so many people “picking up of the world’s stones.”  But “what koinonia fellowship-partnership has light with darkness,” the apostle Paul asks (a)?  This same “borrowing from the world” has occurred within worship music!  Because so many are so concerned about attracting larger audiences, “the ends have now justified the means.”  <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 6:14.


However, the Church can’t be built using a foundation or stones borrowed from anything but Christ and His Spirit!  The Church can’t borrow the same “success” goals or methods from the old covenant, the business world, or any other religion or philosophy.  Paul warns in Colossians 2:8, “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and/coupled empty/vain deceit, kata down-from/according-to human tradition, kata down-from/according-to the stoicheion ‘elemental/fundamental ‘abc’ principles’ of the world, and/thus absolutely-in-fact-NOT kata down-from/according-to Christ.”



Video - Part 2: Great Wall - BT4:  The quenching "Great Wall” is built by world's stones NOT of The Rock

Part 2


The Petra “mass of solid rock, native foundational bedrock that protrudes from the earth, like a projecting cliff” that Christ builds His church on is definitely NOT Peter who Jesus named from his original name Simon that meant ‘to hear’ but was akin to ‘flat-nosed’ that in Leviticus 21:18 is the name of a deformity which disqualified a member of a priestly family for serving the altar.  Cephas in Aramaic means “a stone ball” and Peter in Greek is petros that means “a pebble, like a small isolated rock found along a pathway or in a river bed.”  The Catholic Church really got that wrong!  But then many Protestants say that that Petra refers to “our public-confession of trusting-relying-faith” (traditionally done at water-baptism for salvation) that Peter was the first to make:  “You are the Christ (The Anointed One, Messiah/Savior), the Son of the living God.”  But Nathaniel was the first to get that same revelation as soon as he met Jesus in John 1:49:  “Rabbi, you are the Son of God!  You are the King of Israel,” long before Peter did!  So what makes Peter so special?  Why is he declared the first Pope by the Catholic Church?


Both groups are blind to the constant references Jesus made to the prophetic scriptures about Himself!  The Petra “massive bedrock” is “the living God,” the Father of Christ that David prophetically spoke of:  “For You are my Rock and my fortress” (a), which David also said of:  “You are my Father, my God, and/coupled the Rock of my salvation” (b).  God asks, “Is there a God besides Me?  There is no Rock; I know not any!” (c)!  And “There is none holy like Yahweh:  For there is none besides You; there is no Rock like our God” (d), and “Yahweh is my Rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my Rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn [symbol of strength] of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge, my Savior” (e).  Also, “Yahweh, my Rock and my Redeemer, for . . . they remembered that God was their Rock, the Most High God their Redeemer” (f).


<Notes> a) Psalms 31:3 , cf. Psalms 71:3, b) Psalms 89:26, c) Isaiah 44:8 , cf. Psalms 18:31, d) 1 Samuel 2:2, e) 2 Samuel 22:2-3, cf. Psalms 18:2, 18:46, f) Psalms 19:14, 78:35.  See also:  Deuteronomy 32:4, 15, 18, 30-31, 3; 2 Samuel 22:32, 47, 23:3; Psalms 28:1, 31:2-3, 42:9, 61:2, 62:2, 6-7, 71:3, 78:35, 89:26; 92:15, 94:22, 95:1, 144:1; Isaiah 17:10, 26:4, 30:29, 51:1; Habakkuk 1:12.


Yahweh God was the “Rock” that Moses struck in Exodus 17:6, that he was only to speak to in Numbers 20:8 but in anger struck again twice in Numbers 20:11 that cost him entering into the promised land (a).  However, Paul said this same Rock was Christ (b), who is the “Rock of stumbling that flips pulls the animal up into the trees from a trap” (c) that Jesus says people must fall onto to be broken to pieces unless they want it to fall on them and crush them (d) – see Surrendered Control.  However, David prophecies of the Messiah speaking to His Father:  “You are My Father, My God, and the Rock of My salvation.’  And I will make Him the firstborn, the highest of the kings of the earth” (e). <Notes> a) cf. Deuteronomy 8:15; Nehemiah 9:15; Psalms 78:15-16, 20, 105:41; Isaiah 10:26, 48:21, b) 1 Corinthians 10:4, c) Isaiah 8:14; Romans 9:33; 1 Peter 2:8, d) Matthew 1:44, e) Psalms 98:26-27.


How can the Rock be both Yahweh God and also Christ?  Because Jesus said “I and the Father are one” (a), yes, “One, just as You, Father, are in Me, and I in you” (b), for “to us a child is born, to us a Son is given . . . and His name shall be called . . . Mighty God, Everlasting Father . . .” (c).  Jesus is “the image of the invisible God, the preeminent of all creation” (d).  God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is the Petra Rock of which we must build the Church on.  Nothing else is needed!  It’s surely not Simon Cephas/Peter!  <Notes> a) John 10:30, b) John 17:21, c) Isaiah 9:6, d) 2 Corinthians 4:4; Colossians 1:15.




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Spiritual Education, Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit is borrowing from the world’s models of leadership & success, The ministers are the saints NOT the equippers, There is NO 5-fold ministry but 4 groups of equippers, Light shouldn’t be borrowing from darkness, We aren’t to be conformed to the world, Christ & His Spirit are only models to borrow from, God as Father Son Spirit is the Petra Massive Bed-Rock, The Godhead is Rock that builds their Church NOT petros little-stone Cephas Peter, Catholic false doctrine of papacy Pope Peter, Protestant false doctrine the Petra Massive Bed-Rock is Peter’s confession of faith

Categories: Great Wall

Spirit – Perform – BT2






Practical Application for the Worship-Team Performance



Hopefully your Worship-Team is open to the Spirit-Perform-BT1 Spiritual Checklist suggestions.  If they still are hesitant, they can always read the nitty-gritty theology behind these conclusions from this BLOG.  If they are still struggling with this approach they can Contact Us for a clinic on “Worship by the Spirit rather than by Might and Power.”



Set up your gear right away so that the Worship-Team isn’t waiting for you:


  • Insure you have a monitor or earbud (in one ear) for good sound.


  • Make sure your gear won’t damage the floor.


  • Tighten down anything on your instrument that could loosen.


  • Insure you are tuned up, because it’s impolite to make people wait.


  • Insure your gear, towel, fan, water, etc. are all in place.


  • Place the music stand so you can keep a peripheral eye on the Worship-Team leader’s hands because they often vary the tempo and dynamics.


  • Again, before your Worship-Team starts playing, do the steps from the Spirit-Perform-BT1 Spiritual Checklist, especially honoring the Lord’s words:  “For where 2 or 3 are gathered in My name/authority, there am I among them.”  Bask together in His presence together, showing that you really do have trusting-relying-faith and thus dependent on His Holy Spirit to fill you, guide you, and teach you ALL things – especially the worship music you are about to play and minister with!


Now this is the hard part for most musicians: 



  • Let go of your ownmight and power” – your own skill and professionalism– and grab the hand of the Holy Spirit and don’t let go, by completely relying on the Lord to conduct and guide your playing with very few glances at your music stand!   Instead of being mesmerized by your sheet music, “insure we fix/gaze our wide-open eye on Jesus, the founder and perfecter of your trusting-relying-faith” in worshipful adoration and gratitude.  You can do this and still peripherally keep an eye on the Lord guiding the Worship-Team leader’s hands for tempo, dynamic, and other spontaneous music cues, and also watch other musicians and “brethren” in the service to see the Lord ministering in and through them!


  • After the service, thank the Lord, the Worship-Team leader, and the other musicians for the privilege to worship together!


  • Pack up your gear, putting everything back the way you found it, just as if you were never there!




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Categories: Spirit - Perform

Spirit-Practice – BT2





Spiritual checklist based on the website’s BLOGs to prepare for Spirit-Practice



Please follow the BLOG Etiquette to stay on topic and pass the moderator’s check.  Bold, underlined text below = future links to the BLOG pages.


Treat your time with God to practice your instrument as a holy time in a holy space.  Prevent every conceivable distraction to keep you from being in koinonia fellowship with God, and open up in patiently waiting, watching, listening, and worshipful conversational-prayer to invite the presence of the Holy Spirit.  Thank the Lord for the privilege to practice in His presence and to enjoy the exploration and creation of music together, even anointed, prophetic, and spontaneous music.  Count your blessings one by one!  What a privilege to be used by God to further His kingdom!


Press into the stillness and quietness of solitude with God!  It’s not about “WHAT to do” more of “in your own way,” even if it’s “FOR God,” but “letting go and letting God” – surrendering control.  Frank Sinatra was dead wrong singing “I did it my way!”  You have to continue pressing in until there is nothing left of you or anything else to hold on to – no “might nor power” left!  Psalms 37:7 says the same:  “Be still (a) before Yahweh and wait patiently for Him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his own way.”  Psalms 46:10 echoes this: “Be still and/thus relationally experience (b) that I AM Elohim (c).”  The original languages bring out so much more meaning:  We have to “go on a vacation from ourselves” if we want to experience for ourselves the real Spirit-power of God, not to get stuff from God but to BE with God to really get the experential knowledge of God! <Notes> a) cease all activity and be quiet, b) yada, ginosko, c) the plural majesty of God.

       Press into Him!  However, until you get to this place of peaceful rest it will seem like you are battling so many unseen forces of your flesh, your sins, your doubts, and all kinds of darkness that will come against you from so many directions.  But don’t stop waiting upon the Lord, seeking His face, listening for Him, watching for His visions, asking to dream His dreams, and reaching out to Him with all of your being, all of your desire, all of your hope, and all of your strength for the presence of God Himself, to hear from Him directly by His prophetic rhema words, to continue being filled by His Holy Spirit, and to be filled by His anointing to play through you and your instrument anointed, prophetic, and even spontaneous music.


As you practice, keep listening in conversational-prayer for the Lord to give you directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words, watch with optanomai wide-open eyes to mentally ‘see’ to eido perceive, and feel the heart of God to genuinely, experientially, relationally epiginosko know the Lord, and keep a journal of this, so you can continue to practice what the Lord has revealed to you.  Let Him give you “sophia wisdom and sunesis connect-the-dots understanding instead of leaning on your own, and He will make your paths straight and smooth.”


Routinely ask the Lord to show you who you really are, what your identity in Christ is.  Is your mind set on the ambitions and desires of your flesh – your soul’s mind, emotions, and will or your body’s sensual desires, or is your mind set on the ambitions and desires of the Holy Spirit?  Even as a Christian, what is your unique identity in Christ, your function or role in Body-of-Christ ministry?  This will profoundly dictate what and how you practice, because wherever your mindset is, is where your actions will be – Doing flows from Being!  This truth of who you specifically are in Christ will set you free!


Give the burden of being a skilled & professional musician in serving God to Jesus for Him to carry, and find your peaceful rest in Him at the foot of “The Old Rugged Cross.”  Find your skill in Him by being devoted to patiently waiting, watching, listening, worshipful, conversational-prayer in the presence of His Holy Spirit.  Of 5 early Church devotions to “conversational-prayer, koinonia fellowship, Lord’s supper, gospel ministry, and our witness of good works,” it is conversational-prayer that is mentioned the most, then our obedience of good works, then the Body-of-Christ ministry of teaching, then koinonia fellowship, then lastly the Lord’s Supper.  It’s just amazing how most churches reverse the order!


Let go and let God!  Repent by opening up your clenched hands and surrendering control of your reliance on your own flesh’s limited “might and power,” and instead trust and rely that He will take this from your hands and instead give you unlimited Spirit-power in learning to practice anointed, prophetic, and even spontaneous music.


Place your trusting-relying-faith in the Holy Spirit of the Father and Son to guide you and teach you ALL things needed for music ministry – Christ’s “anointing gives you ALL eido mentally ‘seen’ to perceive knowledge so that you have absolutely in fact no need that any man teach you.”  Jesus Christ is The Truth and His Spirit is the “One Teacher, so we are all simply brethren.”  This is the “Worship in/by/with the Spirit and/coupled in/by/with The Truth” that the Father is seeking!


By trusting-relying-faith, rely on the fresh inspiration of the Holy Spirit’s anointed, directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words of God even through visions and dreams, grace-gifts and signs & wonders to minister to you and the music.


Insure you fix/gaze your wide-open eyes on Jesus as the “author and finisher of your trusting-relying-faith,” His perfect sacrifice that finished the old covenant’s Torah Law of conditional-favor, His completely different-in-kind New Covenant Way of unconditional-favor-of-grace, and His “Great News” logos gospel message of Christ as “The Truth” and “The Way” – the ONLY way to the Father for “The Life.”  If you “borrow” anything from the OT, then you are laying the foundation for The Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit in the Church!  Water-baptism is when we receive the Holy Spirit of salvation to enter the Kingdom of God, which is also when we should be first Spirit-baptized to receive Spirit-power to minister with grace-gifts.


Be drawn to the unconditionally-loving arms of their Heavenly “Abba” Daddy, knowing that you can only be “transformed from glory to glory by gazing upon the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”  So our focus is on Christ as the logos Word/Message of God instead of on religion’s special books, special knowledge, special rules, special places or buildings, special furniture or kitchenware, special artifacts or statues, special people with their titles of authority and clothes, special speech or wisdom, and special foods or days.


Keep your “rules” as simple as the NT and early Church did – only 2 commandments to keep track of: “Trusting-relying-faith in Christ” and “unconditionally-loving one another, just as I have unconditionally-loved you.”  Any time we add even 1 of the 613 OT commandments, the pure white of the gospel is no longer, we are obligated to keep all 613, and have fallen from unconditional-favor-of-grace and thus being under the dominion of the Torah Law of conditional-favor of sin and death, we would then be severed from Christ.


Make sure we are “no longer ministers of the old, antiquated way of sacred gramma letters of OT graphe scripture but of the completely different-in-kind New Covenant Way of the Spirit.”  Let us never return to the “elementary ‘abc’ principles” or “milk of OT oracles or prophecies of the things to come” but go onto the “meat of discernment by the Holy Spirit, distinguishing between good and bad by constant practice” – see New Covenant Ways – BT16, so that we are “taught by God.”  It’s a deceptive “tradition of men” to think that through bible study you will acquire the knowledge of God.  It didn’t work for 1000s of years for all the “wise and learned,” and Jesus said it “will be kept hidden from them, but revealed to little children.”  It’s not about WHAT you know or even WHAT you practice, but WHO you know!


God shows no favoritism!  So let us keep all ministry through us equally accessible, because “the least among you” shall be “first to mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know God” – little children, uneducated, poor, impaired, and slaves will enter before the “wise and learned.”  Christ’s “yoke of discipleship” must be “easy and light” for anybody to “learn and carry!”


We haveOne Teacher, and we are equal brethren,” and there is “only ONE Head over the Body, the Church,” and so only ONE who has ANY authority over anybody, who actually has ALL authority over EVERY body.  So how much is left for us?  Therefore, let us each of us “not think of ourselves more highly than we ought,” but instead “do nothing from self-ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than ourselves.” Therefore “submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”  Like Christ, who came “not to be served but to serve,” will we lower ourselves and wait on others, even willing to be their slave?  All ministry is to be a koinonia sharing of Body-of-Christ ministry where the “equippers” act more like coaches and facilitators of “the saints who are actually doing the work of the ministry!”  The “One Teacher” of the Holy Spirit can use many grace-gifts to reciprocally Teach One Another.  The “one-man show” is simply picking up “stones” from the world to build The Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit in the Church.


Be so thirsty that you will come to Jesus to drink so much of the Holy Spirit’s “living water” that you will be “drunk” or Spirit-baptized.  Be whole-hearted in your surrender of control and be as relentless as a little child for Jesus, His kingdom, and His Spirit-power to actually do “the will of God on earth as it is in heaven.”


Persist through the darkness until you receive!  Don’t give up if you don’t get immediately “zapped” with divine anointing and Spirit-power.  Be “relentless as a little child!”  The spiritual enemies of God will do everything to discourage you to stop repenting and surrendering control of your “might and power” equipment, knowledge, skill, and control until you really are “at the end of your rope” and ready to “let go and let God.”  This sometimes takes days or weeks to finally get to this point.

     I’ve experienced this groping in the dark several times, but the first was in 1983 after my church split because of vying – which is vile – leadership.  All I had known for 3 years was intense bible study, but now I wondered if I had just been brainwashed by the church and its bible to thinking Christianity was real.  So I proseuchomai conversationally-prayed every day for 3 weeks at the top of the U of A stadium, calling out to God to let me know that what I was reading was actually real and not just a product of the religion of Christianity.  I struggled for so long it seemed like nothing but silence.  One day I told God, “I’m a good tennis player now; I play with real people, not just against the backboard anymore.  Evidently, You aren’t real because I searched for You with everything I had and all I’m met with is silence.  I guess I was fooled.  I guess I will go back to my old life, because none of this is real.”  I didn’t even get turned around to leave before I lost all strength and fell to the ground, vibrating with electricity flowing through my body.  I immediately saw myself in an ocean with no shores as I was being pulled down into a large whirlpool.  I was scared to death, but then I saw the swirling went right into my chest with boundless, unconditionally-loving acceptance that was so overwhelming that I cried out for it to stop because I was going to explode and die.  And then I was overwhelmed with joy and I cried like a baby, still vibrating on the ground, unable to move.  Then a peace came over me that made me so content that I didn’t get up for a very long time, just praising and thanking God in true worship.  I still felt the residual of the shock in my skin the rest of the day and was on ‘cloud 9’ for many weeks after, experiencing other supernatural events.  Nobody from my conservative Church of Christ could relate, so I had to leave and find a charismatic church that did understand.  I also read books about Charles Finney and others that experienced such things.


Oftentimes, understanding comes after experience.  It wasn’t until 1985 that I thoroughly researched in the bible about this Spirit-baptism experience I had, and after 8 exhausting hours I suddenly became extremely thirsty.  I became so convinced I was asking over and over for more!  As I turned to the refrigerator, I couldn’t move at all as I “saw” torrents of gold rush through my head like a localized shower, down my body, out my fingertips, and down my legs to pin my feet to the floor.  Again, I was “zapped” with electricity and filled to overflowing with unconditional-love, joy, and peace.  In both cases, and several since, it always came down to “being at the end of my rope” and really being ready to “let go and let God.”  I had surrenderedtrusting-relying-faith” in myself or my church or my bible gnosis info-knowledge or whatever, and “took a leap of trusting-relying-faith” into the darkness, trusting and relying on God to be there in person, to catch me and to reveal The Truth in person.


Be careful to no longer “try” by the flesh’smight nor power but by God’s Spirit,” which will always produce the His [singular] “fruit of unconditional-love, further described as joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trusting-relying-faith & faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” and the Spirit’s grace-gifts and signs & wonders to “confirm the logos gospel message by God’s accompanying work.”


If you have something for others that you’ve learned while practicing in the Spirit, let us all know here so we can all “weigh in on it, learn from each other, and be encouraged” as 1 Corinthians 14:29, 31 advises.




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Categories: Spirit - Practice

Spirit-Practice – BT1






A powerful vision about the no-guilt value of exploring practice



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Every time I sit down to practice, I try to go back to a vision the Lord gave me a few years ago  during a counseling session with a lady who operates with the grace-gifts of the Spirit.  As we were proseuchomai conversationally-praying over feelings of guilt I had felt for years every time I sat down to practice, feelings that I was wasting my time, that nothing really would come from it, that it wasn’t paying any bills or helping me be more successful, that I really should be doing something more important, and other really negative voices likes that . . . . Well after quite awhile resting, waiting, watching, and listening in conversational-prayer I suddenly got an amazing prophetic vision.  Now this shocked me, because although I get lots of God-dreams, I’ve only had a few visions since 1980!


In the vision, “I was on a beach looking at a little child playing in the sand with great joy, building a sand castle, while his father stood by grinning from ear to ear with great pride and sharing in the joy of his son’s creative exploration.  I was really drawn to his smile and still can’t get it out of my mind.  I couldn’t see any other part of the man’s face, just that amazing smile!  After awhile, I looked back at the kid and instead saw myself in a sandbox, but I wasn’t playing with sand – I was a little kid playing on my drum-set!  And boy, oh boy, was I having endless hours of fun, trying out all sorts of things to make music.  And then I saw that amazing smile – again only the smile – but it wasn’t a man’s.  It was my Heavenly Father’s – my “Abba” Daddy!  He had been watching me my whole life since I was 8 years old (wow, and I’m 56!), curiously exploring the world of drumming on my drum-set, all kinds of concert & orchestral drums, and hand drums & percussion from around the world.  And His smile showed that He absolutely, unconditionally-loved watching me, shared in my great joy, and was proud that I had spent my life doing this.  He watched over me and protected me.  He never turned His unconditionally-loving, caring, watchful face away from me – not once.  He never asked me to stop in order to do something more worthwhile or important – not once!  As far as He was concerned, there was nowhere else He would rather have me be.  He was WITH me there and I WITH Him – true koinonia fellowship, and that’s all that mattered.  There was no rush; this could go on forever!”  Well, after I came out of this prolonged vision, I just cried and cried with great joy, and I still do as I write this.


As I was editing this on 3/25/21, it reminded me of prophetic revelation the Lord gave me on 3/20/21 in the drum room:  If I am playing in/by/with the Spirit, is the Spirit thinking, ‘How can this pay off for Me?  How can I acquire skill from this to use to my advantage?’”  So I asked, “Why am I making such valuable time in the drum room for Spirit-practicing when I’m hearing voices that there are so many more important things I should be doing with my time?”  So the Lord answered me:


  • It’s My time, not yours.


  • I told you that there was not better place to be. Remember?  Don’t you trust me?


  • Remember My smile while you were playing in your ‘sandbox’ of drums? Don’t you trust me?


  • This is where you will hear, see, and get filled. Do you want this?  Is it any wonder that your demon-taskmasters would do anything to keep you from here.


  • This is where you will become equipped for ministry in My kingdom here and My courtyards later. You demon-taskmasters will do anything to keep you from your identity and ministry!


Have you had such a communication with the Lord that has encouraged you with your music?  Would you like to share it with others here?




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Categories: Spirit - Practice

Spontaneous – BT7






What is a ‘New Song’ and why should Christians being “singing and psalming” them?



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The Hebrew OT uses the phrase chadash shiyr and the Greek OT atos kainos for this “New Song” anointed, prophetic, and spontaneous music that exactly corresponds with Paul’s Spirit-kind-of odes in Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 for Christians!  The Hebrew chadash and Greek kainos for “New” means “fresh, completely different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior,” just as with the New Covenant over the old covenant.  The Greek atos means “a song, especially a lyric ode (hymn or psalm), where the Hebrew shiyr adds more of the idea of praise.”  These are praise songs, whether instrumental or not, completely unlike any other praise song that has come before, very much like an invention is not awarded a patent unless it is unique, not borrowing anything before it, thus never having been used before – and it implies that it is superior!  That’s one “packed” word!  The Church’s borrowing from the old is the key foundational problem of The Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit in the Church today!


The world, including the Jews and the Church to follow, have always had pre-composed psalms (a) and hymns (b) for a very long time – they are near as “old” as time and very much “used.”  They may even be praise songs.  If we are really blessed, they may be “God-breathed” or inspired during the time they were composed, and thus anointed and prophetic!  But an anointed, prophetic “New Song” succeeds these, having never been heard before, improvised on the spot as spontaneous music, making it superior to anything before it!  <Notes> a) psalmos: “hit, twanged, plucked, or twitched” out songs with/without singing, b) acapella, vocal-only songs.


This is exactly the same language used for the “New Covenantand everywhere this term “New” is used. God says it not only succeeds the old covenant in time, it is completely different-in-kind, unprecedented, and thus an invention of His that shares nothing with what came before, never before used, unheard of, and superior!  After extensive study and visions, that’s exactly what God showed me – nothing in the inferior box called “old covenant” is in the superior box called “New Covenant” – nothing!


And nothing in the superior “New Praise Songs” box is in the older inferior “psalms and hymns” box – it really is fresh!  Then shouldn’t this be our ultimate goal?  Let’s examine what these superior “New Praise Songs” are that God’s people are to ado sing or psalm to God’s praise in each assembly of the saints in addition to the old “psalms and hymns” in order to “routinely conversationally speak, teach, and admonish one another” that is associated with “being routinely filled to completion by the means of the Spirit” in order to be “in the will of the Lord” and for the “logos gospel message of Christ to dwell in you richly” per Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16.


Psalms 33:1-3 “Righteous ones, routinely shout/play joyfully (a: yatab, kalos) in/by/with Yahweh . . . give thanks to (f) Yahweh with the lyre/harp; Be psalming (b) to Him with the harp of 10 strings!  Sing to the praise of (c) Him a New (d) Praise Song (e); psalming (b) beautifully and joyfully in harmonious completeness (a) on the strings with loud shouts.”  Although one of the meanings here of yatab is “to do well, skillfully, or thoroughly,” this is not the dominant meaning nor does it fit the context, and so the Greek kalos more accurately describes this as “attractively good, beautiful, harmoniously, praiseworthy in a way that motivates others to embrace what is lovely.”  Yes, joy and beauty are inter-related!  The context isn’t about personal skill to bring ourselves praise, nor does it even insinuate that our skills bring praise to/FOR God, but that being made righteous by God’s unconditional-favor-of-grace, we shout with joy, we throw our hands out toward Him in surrendering confession and worship, and also that we are praising Him joyfully in harmonious peace with Him and others.  We cannot forget the emphasis or thrust of a passage and end up “majoring in the minors.”  The passage doesn’t tell where the “beautifully and joyfully in harmonious peacefulness” comes from, but it sure does NOT imply it comes from hours of practicing “in the flesh.”  However, it does tell about our attitude and focus – praising God’s with great joy!  Doesn’t this sound close to some Charismatic worship services? <Notes> a) yatab, kalos, b) zamar; psallo is to play a psalm: “hit, twanged, plucked, or twitched” a song with/without singing, c) shiyr, ado, d) chadash, kainos: fresh, completely different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior, e) shiyr, atos, f) yadah, exomologeo:  hold out or throw your hands to confess, to worship.


Psalms 96:1-9 “Oh sing to the praise of (a) Yahweh a New Praise Song (b); Sing to the praise of (a) Yahweh . . . Sing to Yahweh, bless His name; tell of His salvation . . . Declare His glory . . . Yahweh is greatly to be praised; Ascribe to Yahweh glory and strength . . . Ascribe to Yahweh glory due His name . . . Worship Yahweh in the splendor of holiness.” <Notes> a) shiyr, ado, b) chadash shiyr, kainos atos.


Psalms 98:1-6 “Oh sing to the praise of (a) Yahweh a New Praise Song (b) for He has done marvelous things! . . . Shout out/howl joyfully like a battle cry to (c) Yahweh, all the earth; break/burst forth in loud, joyful sound (d) with joyful shouting (e) with “hit, twanged, plucked, or twitched” songs with/without singing (f).”  The Greek has “Sing to the praise of (g) and/coupled jump with exceeding joy (h) and/coupled psalming (i).  Be psalming (j) to Yahweh with the lyre/harp, with the lyre/harp and the sound/voice of psalms (k)!  With trumpet and the sound of the horn, shout out/howl joyfully like a battle cry to (c) before the King Yahweh.” <Notes> a) shiyr, ado, b) chadash shiyr, kainos atos, c) ruwa’, alalazo, d) patsach, e) ranan, f) zamar, psalmos, g) ado, h) agalliao, i) psallo, j) zamar, psallo, k) zimrah, psalmos.


Psalms 144:1-9 “Blessed by Yahweh, my Rock . . . He is my steadfast love and my Fortress, my Stronghold and my Deliverer . . . I will sing to the praise of (a) [You] a New Praise Song (b) to you, O God; upon a 10-stringed harp/lyre I will be psalming (c) to you.” <Notes> a) shiyr, ado, b) chadash shiyr, kainos atos, c) zamar, psallo.


Psalms 149:1-9 “Shine forth clamorous, foolish-looking, boastful, adoring praise to Yahweh (a)!  Sing to the praise of (b) Yahweh a New Praise Song (c), His hymn of thank-offering, honor, or praise (d) in the assembly of the godly!  Let Israel brighten/cheer up/rejoice (e) in their Maker; let the children of Zion spin around with joy/rejoicing (f) or in the LXX: jump with exceeding joy (g) in their King!  Shine forth clamorous, foolish-looking, boastful, adoring praise to (h) or LXX: sing praises of thanksgiving to honor (o) His name with dancing, psalming (i) to Him with tambourine and harp/lyre! . . . Let the pious/saints to jump for joy/rejoice (j) in glory; let them shout and jump with exceeding joy (k) on their sleeping beds.  Let the lifted up praises (l) or height/high things (m) of God be in their throats . . . Shine forth clamorous, foolish-looking, boastful, adoring praise to Yahweh (n)!” <Notes> a) halal YHWH, allelouia, b) shiyr, ado, c) chadash shiyr, kainos atos, d) t’hillah, ainesis, e) samach, euphraino, f) giyl, g) agalliao, h) halal, i) zamar, psallo, j) ‘alaz, k) ranan, agalliao, l) rowmam, m) LXX: uqwseiv, n) halal YHWH, allelouia, o) aineo.


Isaiah 42:10-12 “Sing a hymn to the praise of (a) Yahweh a New Praise Song/Hymn (b), His hymn of thank-offering, honor, praise or glorification (c) from the end of the earth . . . let the habitants of Sela lift up (d) [their voices] or make joyful (e), let them exultingly screech or cry out from feeling (f) from the mountain tops.  Let them give glory/honor to Yahweh, and declare His hymn or good tidings/report of thank-offering, honor, or praise (g) in the coastlands.”  <Notes> a) shiyr, humneo, b) chadash shiyr, kainos humnos, c) t’hillah, doxazo, d) nasa’, e) LXX: euphraino, f) tsavach, boao, g) t’hillah, anangello.




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Categories: Spontaneous

Spontaneous – BT6






Spirit-kind-of odes are superior, spontaneous, prophetic ‘New Songs’ for worship!



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I just love the Helps Word-Studies definition for odes from  “This word is used in the NT for spontaneous, impromptu (unrehearsed) melodies of praise – not merely sung about [or FOR] God but TO God from a Spirit-filled heart.  Spirit-inspired songs minister to God and exhort/encourage others, giving testimony about the living God to other worshipers.”  Man, after all the study I’ve done on this topic, they absolutely nailed it!


As important as Spirit-composed hymns and psalms were once upon a time, especially when they are now sung/played as praise to God from a grateful heart by Spirit-filled, anointed, prophetic singers and/or instrumentalists, other than these 2, there is still a completely different-in-kind, superior New (a) Song ode that we should all embrace.  This is what I call the “Close Encounter of the 3rd Kind” of Church worship music and it’s far superior by definition!  <Notes> a) chadash, kainos: fresh, completely different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior.


Paul only uses the Greek word meizon “greater” (a) once regarding the greater importance of prophesying in the Church assembly rather than speaking in Spirit-kind-of tongues without interpretation, because the Church assembly, instead of the individual as with tongues, is more apt to be built up or edified.  Tongues are only useful to others in a Church setting if their speaking to the assembly is also interpreted by themselves or others so that a revelation, knowledge, prophecy, or teaching by God can then be understood and interacted with so that all can learn together and be encouraged (b).  So generally speaking prophecy in the Church is of “greater importance,” thus Paul’s urging to “zealously desire the grace-gifts, but more so that you may prophesy” (c). <Notes> a) meizon, the comparative adjective of megas for great:  context defines if larger or great in size, age, number, abundance, importance or eminence or majesty, notability, arrogance, strength, sacredness, excellence, splendidness, etc., b) 1 Corinthians 14:5-6, 26-31, c) 1 Corinthians 14:1, 39.


So why is Spirit-kind-of odes of hymns and psalms superior by the definition of kainos?  Remember that God doesn’t just want to take the same-old-same-old and somehow make it better, certainly not be taking an old dirty man and putting fresh clean clothes on him!  No!  He creates a New kainos Man and then gives him New kainos Clothes, the robes of Christ’s righteousness.  God doesn’t take old, fleshly songs and spruces them up for sacred Church music!  He even has a better plan than taking previous, fresh rain or spring water that once fell from Him but then has been sitting in a pond or broken cistern, which makes it no longer “living,” and somehow making it better by freshly raining into it or replenishing it with spring water, thus by adding more “living water” to it to dilute the stagnant water.  Sure, He can do that!  Yes, old anointed hymns and psalms can be reinfused by anointed singers and musicians!  And certainly Paul says there is a place for this.  Anointed Old Testament worship also had this.  We can see the later disdain God had for “going through the motions” worship that originally was fresh, spontaneous, prophetic, and anointed in the time of David!


But Spirit-kind-of odes are superior for the same reason prophecy is of “greater importance!”  Because anointed music that is also spontaneous in/by/with the Spirit right on the spot is also prophetic – that’s right, it communicates the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words of God to us as a grace-gift of prophecy and through us as a service and finally to others to effectually work in them for the common good (a).  That is also Paul’s reasoning in 1 Corinthians 14 above!  It’s not about you!  Yes, the Lord wants to bless you, inspire your composing and playing to make it anointed! Yes! Yes! Yes!  And this SpiritMusicMeetups BLOG website needs to fully explore this together in fellowship with others!  But God wants to speak through your mouth and your instrument to others to effectually work in their lives.  Every Body-of-Christ ministry passage speaks of this!  That is the whole point of every passage that speaks of the grace-gifts of the Spirit!  And that’s exactly what prophecy is intended for – to build up the Body-of-Christ! <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 12:4-7.


Now below we will find that this superior, greater, Spirit-kind-of ode or anointed New Song is still prophetic whether one prophetic word is sung or not!  Remember Spirit-kind-of odes include Spirit-kind-of psalms and they need not have even one word sung by definition!  The ultimate purpose of SpiritMusicMeetups is to move anointed musicians into prophetic, spontaneous music!  After you read those pages and what’s below you will be itching to start!




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Categories: Spontaneous

Spontaneous – BT5






What are “Spirit-kind-of odes” or “New odes” that Christians are to share in their gatherings?



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Paul says that “Spirit-kind-of odes are one of three types of music Christians are to “routinely be conversationally speaking (k) reciprocally to yourselves . . . routinely singing/praising (a) and/coupled psalming (b) in your hearts to the Lord” (c) or “routinely teaching (d) and/coupled admonishing (e) reciprocally one another in all wisdom . . . routinely singing/praising (a) with unconditional-favor-of-grace (f) in/by/with your hearts to the Lord” (g).  Clearly “conversationally speaking, teaching, and admonishing reciprocally one another in all wisdom” in this context (h) takes the form of “praise-singing or psalming with instruments from our hearts to the Lord,” and this is all associated to “being routinely filled by the Holy Spirit instead of getting drunk on wine” for a genuine Christian “party” (i) and “having the logos gospel message of Christ dwelling in us richly” (j).  Although this is a “party,” the focus of singing and playing is not to entertain an audience but directed toward the Lord.  This is not just a performance from our heads but singing/praising in/by/with our hearts. <Notes> a) ado, b) psallo, c) Ephesians 5:19, d) didasko: see Teach One Another, e) noutheteo: ‘placing in the mind of’ – urgent reasoning by instruction and warning, f) here we are to be aware of/recognize “grace in/by/with your hearts,” and naturally our response would be thanksgiving expressed through “singing/praising in/by/with” those same “grateful hearts,” g) Colossians 3:16, h) other texts speak of many more grace-gifts and activities, i) Ephesians 5:18 – see Spirit-Baptism, j) Colossians 3:16, k) laleo: conversational words emphasizing the social aspect.


Now that we have the direction and attitude right, how are these 3 types of music different for Christian worship? We know that hymns are pre-composed acapella “without instrumentation” songs and psalms are pre-composed instrumental songs, and that we are exhorted to not only insure that these were originally composed in/by/with the Spirit instead of the flesh’s “might and power,” but that these hymns and psalms are to be routinely “plucked” as praise from our thankful hearts to the Lord.  This really covers the anointed composers and anointed singing and playing of these compositions.  So that covers 2 types of music, but what about the 3rd kind?


The 3rd kind is completely different-in-kind than pre-composed hymns and psalms.  Paul says it’s an ode, but this general term just means “hymn or psalm,” so by itself, Paul would be extremely repetitive:  “conversationally speaking reciprocally to yourselves hymns, psalms, and/also hymns and psalms.”  Clearly Paul has something different in mind, so he uses the adjective pneumatikos to clarify what kind of odes, thus best translated Spirit-kind-of odes.


So what does Paul mean by “hymns and psalms and pneumatikos Spirit-kind-of odes” in Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16?  Context defines every word, especially the immediate context.  Earlier in Ephesian 1:3 Paul speaks of “every pneumatikos Spirit-kind-of blessing in the heavenly realms in Christ that we have been blessed by.”  In verse 5:18 the Christian “party” is to be started by “routinely, passively being filled by the Holy Spirit,” which is what Spirit-Baptism is.  Now that’s context!  Similarly, earlier in Colossians 1:9 Paul unceasingly intercedes for Christians to be filled with the genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of God will in/by/with all (pas as ‘each of kind of’) pneumatikos Spirit-kind-of sophia wisdom and sunesis connect-the-dots understanding.”  Clearly these odes are uniquely related to the Holy Spirit’s actions and not man’s actions.


This is especially clear in 1 Corinthians 14:14-15 where Paul spends 3 chapters talking about the various actions of the Spirit and how to flow with them.  But here Paul says that he chose to both be proseuchomai conversationally-praying and/also psalming (a) not only with the understanding of his mind, but also without it by doing so in tongues by the means of the Spirit, thus speaking mysteries [to his mind] unto God.  Paul could have just as easily used the normal word for acapella singing which is humneo (b), but instead he uses psalming (d), which is more inclusive in that instrumental ‘psalm’ music can be played with or without the singing.  <Notes> a) Yes, Paul may be singing along to other musicians or himself playing, b) singing hymns: Matthew 26:30; Mark 14:26; Acts 16:25; Hebrews 2:12, d) psallo:  “hit, twang, pluck, or twitch” out a song with/without singing to create a psalm.


This psallo ‘psalming’ is a much broader term than ‘hymning,’ allowing instrumental worship with or without singing, but here Paul directly links this “psalming” to speaking in tongues or more broadly to being controlled by the Spirit without the understanding of the mind being fruitful or productive!  Interestingly the OT prophecy from Psalms 18:49 cited in Romans 15:9 about the Gentiles glorifying God for His mercy naturally speaks of ‘psalming’ instead of the more restrictive ‘hymning.’  The very Jewish writer in James 5:13 also speaks of “psalming if you feel joyful.”  We see that same connection to the Christian “party” in Ephesians 5:18-19 above where it is directly related to routinely being filled by the Holy Spirit – and the dominant “flavor” of the singular fruit of the Spirit’s unconditional love is joy per Galatians 5:22!  Can you see how all this is connected?  Paul’s use of ‘psalming’ in regards to the Holy Spirit taking control of the person to speak or play through them could be made even clearer if you he wrote pneumatikos psallo, thus Spirit-kind-of psalming.  However, this is unnecessarily because the traditional understanding of psalms is that they were composed by the Spirit and meant to be performed that way!  This brings us closer to understanding what Spirit-kind-of odes means.  Odes by themselves doesn’t have that historical understanding of inspiration, so Paul needs to use the qualifier pneumatikos.


The verb form of ode is ado, which is very significant!  Ado means “to praise by singing or chanting, the lyrical emotion of a devout and grateful heart,” but we know that odes includes both hymns and psalms!  Paul uses ado as “the lyrical emotion of a devout/grateful heart” of singing/praising as the common element of hymns, psalms, and Spirit-kind-of odes in Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 above, whether a word is even sung!  Remember that psalms need not be sung, yet they can still express “lyrical emotion!”  Every anointed, prophetic musician will tell you they can feel the Spirit within them “singing” through their instrument, even without vocals, to express “the lyrical emotion of a devout/grateful heart.”  In fact, “ado singing and/coupled psalming in your hearts to God” in Ephesians 5:19 are coupled together!  The only other 3 places that use ado in the NT are from Revelation 5:9 and 14:3 about singing/praising completely different-in-kind, superior New (a) odes, which may have to do with the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb in Revelation 15:3.  It’s no coincidence then that ado is used in the OT for singing/praising a completely different-in-kind, superior New (a) ode (b).  So everywhere ado is used, it is in connection with odes because they are Greek forms of each other!  And this has to do with hymns and psalms that are completely different-in-kind, superior (a) to other types of hymns and psalms. <Notes> a) chadash, kainos: fresh, completely different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior – see New Covenant, b) Psalms 33:3, 96:1, 98:1; 144:9, 149:1; Isaiah 42:10.


So how are these “New odes” different-in-kind?  Because they are Spirit-kind-of (a), controlled by the Spirit without the mind having to understand them, making the mind unfruitful and thus not the one producing the fruit or results, just like with tongues in 1 Corinthians 14:14-15 above!  Tongues are produced through a person without them understanding in their mind what is being said.  Even as I’m writing I’m periodically proseuchomai conversationally-praying in tongues because my mind doesn’t have to keep track of the Spirit’s words.  When I play my drums, I can often feel myself insides singing/praising the Lord.  Since psalming primarily means “to pluck,” it may very well be that we are “plucking” our heart-strings when we are “psalming to the Lord.”  The same thing can happen for you while you are playing your instrument!  You can even be totally focused on singing/praising (b) and/coupled “plucking” to the Lord from your grateful heart and not even be thinking about how to play your instrument AT ALL, and yet the Spirit will play right through you the most kalos beautiful/joyful music you have ever heard in your life!  And what is produced is absolutely not someone else’s pre-composed hymns or psalms that you are ‘singing/praising and psalming” in/by/with the Spirit, but completely different-in-kind and superiorly New (c).  Thus Spirit-kind-of psalming from 1 Corinthians 14:14-15 is  clearly an aspect of Spirit-kind-of singing/praising (b) and/coupled psalming that produces Spirit-kind-of odes, which is exactly the completely different-in-kind “New (c) Songs” spoken of in the OT and NT.  Now can you see how this all comes together? <Notes> a) pneumatikos, b) ado, c) chadash, kainos: fresh, completely different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior.


I’ve found that after proseuchomai conversationally-praying/singing in tongues throughout the day as I do anything and everything, and doing this for a day or two, I will have a ton of directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words, visions, and dreams!  I encourage you to get Spirit-baptized over and over, routinely being filled to overflowing, “let go” of the mind’s “might and power” that wants to be in control by “understanding everything and being fruitful,” and instead by trusting-relying-faith (a) “let God” have control by proseuchomai conversationally-praying and singing/psalming by the Spirit’s power, even in tongues in your mouth or head!  <Notes> a) pistis: relational conviction of trusting reliance.


Let’s not put God in a box, because by definition prophecy does not need to involve words.  A picture given by God is just as prophetic because it reveals the mind/heart of God, and we all know that “a picture is worth a 1000 words” – I’d say 10,000 words!  Every musician knows that music is just another language, frequencies arranged to convey meaning, just as many languages are not only picture-based but also music-based so that tone differences change the meaning of identical-looking words.  So even if a musician isn’t proseuchomai conversationally-praying in tongues unto God or even under his breath while they are playing, the Spirit can just as easily be communicating the mind/heart of God to people through the arrangements of frequencies that their inward man may understand even if their human mind doesn’t, and so the music is still prophetic, and still communicating the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words of God!  What really matters is if the anointing of God is on the musician and the music, or is not!




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Categories: Spontaneous

Spontaneous – BT4






What about sacred songs performed in/by/with the flesh?



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What about hymns and psalms originally pre-composed in/by/with the Spirit but then performed in/by/with the flesh?  See also Prophetic-Rhema-BT7:  Can God use Christian music that isn’t prophetic?  There’s 1000s of songs originally written by absolutely anointed, prophetic musicians, which were originally such a blessing to the Church.  But now they are being performed in/by/with the natural flesh’s might and power,” performed by both saved and unsaved musicians!  Of course this is natural for the unsaved musician and they know of no other way:  “The natural person absolutely in fact does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and/coupled he is absolutely in fact not able to understand them because they are Spirit-kind-of discerned” – see New Covenant Ways – BT16.  We all were like them once – “we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just like the rest of mankind” (a).  So, there is absolutely no way these secular musicians can play these anointed, prophetic songs in an anointed, prophetic way – unless God supernaturally intervenes like the donkey rebuking the false prophet Balaam (b). <Notes> a) Ephesians 2:3, b) Numbers 22:28.


The entire NT also warns Christians of “walking down-from/according-to the flesh” (a), which means Christian musicians can actually end up playing anointed, prophetic songs in/by/with the flesh, and the solution is simply to stop doing this and instead “walk by the Spirit” (b).  Christians are called to make vital decisions that affect their lives and ministries!  I’ve devoted a whole page to this “might and power” type of ministry called “Not by might nor power” (c), which is actually the foundational problem of The Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit, foundational because it was “borrowed” from the old covenant of works that was all done in/by/with the flesh! <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 10:2; Romans 8:5, 12-13, b) Galatians 5:16, c) Zechariah 4:6.




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Categories: Spontaneous

Prophetic Rhema – BT12:  What is the “living water” of the Holy Spirit as it relates to worship?




Video:  Prophetic Rhema - BT12:  What is the “living water” of the Holy Spirit as it relates to worship?


Prophetic Rhema – BT12:  What is the “living water” of the Holy Spirit as it relates to worship?



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The Living Water (a) of the Holy Spirit is by definition “perpetually fresh, running water” but often used figuratively of “the fresh breath of God running into and through a person to bring zoe genuine-life.”  God is the “fountain/spring of living water,” who His people had “forsaken,” which is their first “wrong,” but then they committed a second “wrong” – they “hewn or dug out cisterns/pits/wells for themselves – [which are] broken cisterns that can hold no water” (b).  A “broken well” is one that is dried up, either because the spring that fed the water table has stopped or the walls of the well have caved in.  A pit collecting rainwater is a “broken cistern,” because it isn’t being fed by a spring, and stagnant water is not “living” – in fact, it will make you really sick and take your life!  So the prophet cries out in Jeremiah 17:13, “O Yahweh, the hope of Israel, all who forsake You shall be put to shame . . . for they have forsaken Yahweh, the fountain/spring of living water.”  <Notes> a) mayim chay, hudor zao, b) Jeremiah 2:13.


In Zechariah 14:1-8 God says: “Behold, a day is coming for Yahweh . . . I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle . . . Then Yahweh will go out and fight against those nations . . . On that day His feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives . . . and it shall be split in two . . . And you shall flee as you fled from the earthquake in the days of king Uzziah . . . then Yahweh, my God will come, and all the holy ones with Him. . . . On that day living waters shall flow out from Jerusalem [through the valley that was created by the splitting] . . . And Yahweh will be King over all the earth.  On that day Yahweh will be One and His name One.”


Jesus refers to His second coming as “coming on the clouds of heaven with enabling-power and great glory, coming with His angels in the glory of His Father to gather out of His kingdom all causes of sin and throw them into the fiery furnace . . . but the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father” (a).  This is Christ’ millennial kingdom, but meanwhile during the Church age, in Song of Solomon 4:1-15, Jesus woos His Bride (the future Church) saying, “You are beautiful, My love . . . you are altogether beautiful, My love; there is no flaw in you.  Come with Me from Lebanon, My bride . . . You have captivated My heart, My sister, My bride . . . A locked garden is My sister, My bride, a locked spring, a sealed fountain . . . a garden fountain, a well of living water, and flowing streams from Lebanon.”  <Notes> a) Matthew 13:41, 16:27, 24:30, 26:64; Mark 13:26, 14:62; Revelation 1:7.


So in the New Testament, the Bridegroom who is Jesus uses the same language He did before, offering the Samaritan woman at the well, “If you knew the grace-gift of God . . . you would have asked Him (a) and He would have given you [that grace-gift of] living water . . . whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be dipsao desperately-suffering-from-being-thirsty again.  The water that I will give him will become in him a fountain/spring/spring-fed well (b) of water leaping/gushing/springing up (c) to eternal, zoe genuine-life” (d).  Certainly Jesus is using Old Testament wording to help Jews make the connection!  Jesus said, “I AM the zoe genuine-life” (e), but earlier (f) said, “The directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words that I have spoken to you are [singularly] Spirit and [singularly] zoe genuine-life.”  <Notes> a) Jesus, to be recognized as Christ, b) pege, c) hallomai, d) John 4:10-14, e) John 14:6, f) John 6:63.


Later on at the great feast of the Jews, Jesus “stood up and cried out, ‘If anyone dipsao desperately-suffering-from-being-thirst, let him come to Me and drink.  Whoever has trusting-relying-faith in Me, as the scripture has said, ‘Out of his innermost belly/womb (a) will flow rivers of living water.’  Now this He said about the Spirit, whom those who had trusting-relying-faith in Him were to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified [after His resurrection]” (b).  Koilia (a) physically is the “interior cavity, gullet, or womb” of a man, but is translated from the OT Hebrew as “the innermost part, soul, or heart of man as the seat of thought, feeling, and choice.”  This is one of the times Jesus and other rabbis quoted scripture that we do not have today, but have been lost in time.  Contrary to Christian propaganda, the bible we have now is not complete – see Bible Info. <Notes> a) koilia:  a place of reproduction, implying that this is where God’s creative power will now reside and operate, b) John 7:37-39.


Finally, Revelation 7:1-17 describes “a great multitude . . . from every nation . . . standing before the throne and the Lamb, clothed in white robes . . . crying out with a loud voice, ‘Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the Lamb!’ . . . They shall peinao desperately-suffering-from-being-hunger no more, neither dipsao desperately-suffering-from-being-thirsty . . . For the Lamb . . . will be their Shepherd, and He will guide them to springs of living water, and God will wipe every tear from their eyes.”


“Living water” is physically brand-new and fresh, just as chadash and kainos describe the completely different-in-kind New Covenant!  It is a fresh outpouring of rain or the resulting streams/rivers on the surface of the earth or the fountains/springs under it.  Therefore, it never refers to water that has sat for long in a pit, pond, or well.  The Levitical laws for cleansing, physically or ceremonially, would prohibit the use of this stagnant water.  We know biologically that this water can make you sick and kill you!  But fresh dew and running/flowing water can give you physical life!  However, even dew, snow, or ice that has sat for very long can harm you, as many will attest to, so few animals can live through freezing winters.  Once winter snow or ice melts and starts ‘springing’ or flowing, the earth can dilute and filter out the harmful substances to once again make it “living.”


Symbolically,living water” is the fresh breath of the Father or Son’s Spirit blowing zoe genuine-life into our innermost being/belly/womb cavity, for God is actually zoe genuine-life as are His directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words, “which man can live (zao) on alone” (a).  Man’s sinfulness is looking for zoe genuine-life everywhere but WHO it is!  However, if we look anywhere else, we will remain dipsao desperately-suffering-from-being-thirsty – we won’t be satisfied, but always restless.  The indwelling Holy Spirit, Jesus and the Father living within us, is the only source of zoe genuine-life.  This is the “promised grace-gift of God” through trusting-relying-faith in Jesus – see Genuine-Life page.  <Notes> a) Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4 citing Deuteronomy 8:3; cf. John 6:51-58.


I was proseuchomai conversationally-praying with a prophetic counselor once named Elizabeth Brown and she initially prophetically saw something I saw 2 days later:  a long winter of snow and ice and very few animals were able to live on this old water – they either migrated or hibernated.  But once spring came and water was once again running, life emerged!  So it is with the Word of God.  A logos message written with gramma letters thousands of winters ago, collected into books as graphe scripture, which was highly debated then and even now as to what exactly belongs in the canon, will not sustain you – you just can’t live on it!  We can only live on the fresh breath or “living water” of God, and by definition this is directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words.  Now I admit that “once in a blue moon” while reading the bible, the Lord has personally spoken fresh words or phrases, and even between the bible lines, which was certainly prophetic rhema because it radically affected me, far exceeding 1000s of hours of previous bible study!


I had a dream once of a stagnant, murky, stinky pond fed by a trickling spring flowing into it.  I was told to work with a black missionary friend to take the boards and debris out of the pond that were damming it up.  Once it could flow out, the smell went away, and life came back to it.  When I looked back, a river was flowing into what was now a lake.  This dream told me that the Church was “stopped up” because it was pre-occupied with itself by collecting money to build bigger buildings to keep up with Church growth.


In the early 1990’s I was led to challenge John Casteel of Grace Chapel that the Spirit was calling the church to support native missionaries worldwide, like the singer/evangelist Keith Green was also hearing and expressing in the “Last Days Newsletter.”  I explained that other organizations like Gospel for Asia were feeling this call and doing something about it, but He just said, “I can see you are not happy here.  Maybe you should look for another place.”  That really hurt because I was their worship drummer for 5 years!  He didn’t seem to really care.  Well, it’s sad to say that his continual insistence to preach sermons about tithing and giving to build a Christian school with a gymnasium and basketball courts, etc. apparently ruined the church.  He lost most of 100 elders when he stopped listening to them, insisting that it was “his church,” and soon hundreds of people left along with the revival.  It never did recover until he left, and still nothing like it was in the 70s and 80s!


The Church cannot live on graphe scripture as a collection of gramma writings from “thousands of winters ago” as a means of communicating the content of God’s logos message, even if that is the logos gospel message of The Truth in New Testament gramma writings.  Only the living Logos of Christ speaking to us freshly through His directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words by the means of the “Living Water” of the Holy Spirit, only by this can we experience zoe genuine-life.




As Christian musicians, will we drink the stagnant waters of old songs, playing them with old flesh in the same old way, or instead drink the fresh, running water of “A New Song” spontaneously and prophetically by the anointing of the Holy Spirit just as David’s musicians did?  Anybody can do the former “same old same old,” but only surrendered musicians can do the latter.  The former may indeed be done “FOR God” but the latter can only be accomplished “WITH God.”  The former is no different than the Jewish religious system of worship, year after year for thousands of years, and they grew no closer to God but instead killed all their prophets and finally their Messiah.  Little good this kind of worship did for them!  We must return to David’s worship by singular Spirit and singular Truth, which is total surrender to Jesus Christ, The Truth, and His Holy Spirit.  We cannot find the presence of God in ancient writings, only by entering through prayer and worship!



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Spiritual Education, Living Water of the Holy Spirit, Living water is always fresh never old, Living water gives life, cisterns with no fountain can make you sick, broken cisterns don’t hold water, Prophecy, Worship, Spirit-Baptism, Prophecy is rhema word in the present moment, You can’t live on old bible writings unless God speaks NOW through them

Categories: Prophetic Rhema

Prophetic Rhema – BT11:  Our control versus God’s prophetic control in worship




Video: Prophetic Rhema - BT11:  Our control versus God’s prophetic control in worship


Prophetic Rhema – BT11:  Our control versus God’s prophetic control in worship



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Worship by the [singular] Spirit” that the Father seeks in John 4:23-24 (a) eclipses our own self-control/mastery of our own “might and power” of Zechariah 4:6 because that’s when the Holy Spirit begins to exercise His self-control/mastery (b) over us.  We may even become like King David dressed as a king but he was dancing in a twisting, rollicking manner in front of mere commoners in Jerusalem’s streets while others like his slave-girl Michal were very upset about such a king acting in such an undignified manner in the biggest parade of his kingship (c). <Notes> a) See the Intro to Promised-Spirit for “Worshipping by [singular] Spirit and [singular] Truth, b) Galatians 5:23 – 1 of 8 ‘flavors’ of the singular fruit of the Spirit that is unconditional-love, c) 2 Samuel 6:1-23.


Why didn’t David care about being “decent and in order,” as so many church-people have misconstrued Paul’s advice to the exuberant Corinthians (a)?  Why was David willing to look so foolish?  Because the Ark of the Covenant was being carried down the streets, and David and all of Israel were celebrating before Yahweh with songs, lyres, harps, tambourines, castanets, and cymbals. <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 14:40.


However, because a priest reached out to catch the ark from falling when the cart hit a rut and died as a result of the Ark’s holiness, it took 3 months before David had the courage to bring it back into Jerusalem.  He sacrificed in front of it.  David danced before Yahweh with abandonment and they shouted and sounded the horns.  David was going crazy but it didn’t bother him.  Why?  Because when you are in the presence of God, you are under God’s control/master and He captivates your attention, causing you to take your eyes off yourself and what others will think of you!  You have lost your self-control/mastery because you are under God’s self-control/mastery.  This is where our worship must take us!  <Notes> a) Galatians 5:23 – 1 of 8 ‘flavors’ of the singular fruit of the Spirit that is unconditional-love, b) 2 Samuel 6:1-23, c) 1 Corinthians 14:40, d) See also Intro to Promised-Spirit for “Worshipping by [singular] Spirit and [singular] Truth.”


God intends to control us, but are we willing to “let go and let God?  God doesn’t want servants or slaves (a), but bond-servants by our own free-wills because of our love and gratitude for the Lord!  Ezekiel prophesied about the Everlasting New Covenant to come:  “I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall have zoe genuine-life . . . and you shall experientially, relationally yada/ginosko know that I AM Yahweh,” for “a completely different-in-kind New (b) Spirit I will put within them . . . that they may progressively (c) walk/live in/by/with My statutes (d) and progressively (c) guard/protect [against outside threat] My judicial decrees and ultimately do (e) them, and/thus they shall be My people, and I will be their God . . . I will put My Spirit within you, and completely (e) cause/make/fashion you to progressively (c) walk/live in/by/with My statutes/enactments and progressively (c) guard/protect [against outside threat] My judicial decrees and ultimately do (e) them” (f).  <Notes> a) His angels serve that purpose, b) chadash, kainos: fresh, completely different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior, c) Hebrew imperfect tense, d) ordinances, prescribed manners, customs, e) Hebrew perfect tense, f) Ezekiel 11:19-20, 36:27, 37:5-6.


There is the radical difference between our own might and power” FOR God in the old covenant and His “will being done in/by/with Him in the New Covenant.  Praise the Lord!  The “mighty hand that compelled the king of Egypt” (a)!  Paul new this control:  “For The Unconditional-Love of/belonging to Christ actually, ongoingly sunecho ‘seizes, constrains, confines, controls, compels’ us” (b).  This Greek word sunecho means to “completely ‘hold with hands’ together, constrain, hard-press in from every side, and to impel” us.  This intense pressure was how Christ felt about His “baptism (c) to undergo . . . until it is finished” (d).  Sunecho describes the smothering pressure of large crowds surrounding and pressing against Jesus (e).  It’s how Paul felt about the decision to die and be with the Lord or continue His ministry for others (f), because “Paul became continually (g) seizes, constrains, confines, controls, compels’ with proclaiming the logos gospel message, testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ” (h).  <Notes> a) Exodus 3:19, b) 2 Corinthians 5:14, c) baptismo means to be changed by immersion into something, in this case into extreme suffering – see Water-Baptism and Spirit-Baptism, d) Luke 12:50, e) Luke 8:45, f) Philippians 1:23, g) Greek imperfect tense, h) Acts 18:5.


Paul reminds us that “God saves us through our trusting-relying-faith in Christ, but this ‘saving through trusting-relying-faith’ is not our own doing and thus not a result of our works, but is a grace-gift of God so that nobody can boast.  In fact, we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus” (a), for “it is God who works in you, both to desire/will and to work/do for His good pleasure” (b).  It is God who empowers all the grace-gifts in us, service/ministry through us, and effectual workings into others (c).  God will “equip you with everything beneficial that you may do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight” (d).  God wants control, but are we willing to “let go and let God” by giving our “might and powerself-control/master up to Him freely?  Doesn’t that take trusting-relying-faith in God? <Notes> a) Ephesians 2:8-10, b) Philippians 2:13, c) 1 Corinthians 12:5-6, d) Hebrews 13:21.




As Christian musicians, the worship that God is looking for doesn’t come from our flesh’s “might and power” but surrenders all of this to Christ, The Truth, for God’s Holy Spirit to assume full control.  This is “worship by singular Spirit and singular Truth.”  When we “let go and let God” we will lose self-conscientiousness and likely will act very “un-decently and dis-orderly” in the sight of those outside of God’s presence.  In order to please God we will have to stop pleasing men.  We must get to the point that “the unconditional-love of Christ seizes us and impels us” and our actions “are caused by the Lord!”




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Spiritual Education, Worship by the Spirit is surrender to His control, Worship by The Truth who is Jesus is surrender to His Lordship control, Surrender control, New Covenant where God’s controls us to do His will by His Spirit, FOR God versus WITH God service, We are God’s workmanship, God desires to work in us to desire will and do His will, Faith is the limiting factor

Categories: Prophetic Rhema

Prophetic Rhema – BT10:  Prophesying is the greatest grace-gift to zealously pursue to build the Church




Part 1- Prophetic Rhema - BT10:  Prophesying is the greatest gift to zealously pursue to build the Church

Part 1



Prophetic Rhema – BT10:  Prophesying is the greatest gift to zealously pursue to build the Church



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Paul talks at length about the use of the Spirit’s grace-gifts in church meetings in 1 Corinthians 14:19-25:  “But instead in church [assembly of mostly believers] I would rather speak 5 logos messages by the means of my mind (a) in order to instruct others, rather than 10,000 logos messages (b) in a [supernatural] tongue . . . [which is] a [confirming, authenticating] sign [of the gospel logos message] for unbelievers not believers, while prophecy is a sign for believers not unbelievers . . . if, therefore, the whole church comes together and all speak in tongues, and idiotes outsiders (d) or unbelievers enter, will they not say that you are out of your minds?  But if ALL prophesy . . . that [outsider or unbeliever] person will be convicted by ALL, called to account by ALL, the secrets of his heart being disclosed, and he will worship God and declare that God is really among you.” <Notes> a) context: by prophecy, b) context: by the means of the Spirit: 14:2, 14.


Doesn’t it sound like Paul hoped they would ALL prophesy in church and that this would have a profound affect, even on outsiders or unbelievers that prophesy isn’t even a [confirming, authenticating] sign for?  Paul did say in v. 14:5, “I presently/ongoingly supremely-want (a) you ALL to speak in tongues, but more so [ALL] to prophesy . . . so that the church [assembly] may be built up!” <Notes> a) thelo:  desiring the best or optimal for another.


How does Paul “top” even his “supreme desire” for them ALL to speak in tongues?  By his “more so” desire for them to [ALL] prophesy!  Could it be that so few outsiders and unbelievers nowadays come to realize “God is really among” Christians in church services exactly because so many churches forbid prophecy?  Could this be another reason churches aren’t being built up much?  It sure seems that the “supreme ‘more-so’ desire” of many churches is NOT the same as Paul’s!  <Notes> a) context: by prophecy, b) context: by the means of the Spirit: 14:2, 14, c) thelo:  desiring the best or optimal for another, d) believers ignorant/uninformed of Spiritual gifts because of not regular attenders.


Moses had the same desire as Paul but also the same problem with obstinate Jews.  In Number 11:1-30, the people complained about not having the foods they ate back in sinful Egypt now that they had followed the Lord through Moses.  The dew and manna wasn’t enough for them!  So Moses complains to the Lord that he can’t handle the responsibility of listening to their complaints.  So the Lord has Moses gather 70 elders to represent the people, bring them into the Tent of Meeting, and God will “take some of the Spirit that is on you and put it on them and/thus they shall bear the burden of the people with you.”  And for their grumbling, the people were made to eat bird meat for a month until they were sick of it!  “And as soon as the Spirit rested on them (the 70), they prophesied.”


That’s what you will often see in every Spirit-baptism!  “But they did not continue doing it.”  However, 2 men hadn’t gone into the Tent, but still “the Spirit rested on them. . . and so they [continued to] prophesy outside in the camp.”  Another young man reported this to Moses and a “leader” called Joshua the son of Nun, a long-time assistant to Moses told Moses to stop the 2 men from prophesying.  Can you believe that!  But you see that in today’s churches all the time!  The “leaders” are the first to try to stop the move of the Holy Spirit because “it is out of order!”  Nevertheless, Moses nailed it, saying:  “Are you jealous?  Would that all the Lord’s people were prophets, that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them!”


Well, Moses got his wish:  The completely different-in-kind New Covenant promises that ALL of God’s people can now be prophets!  That’s what Peter declared in Acts 2:17-19 citing Joel 2:28-29 and what Paul declared in 1 Corinthians 14:5 as his “more so than his supreme desire” for Christians, and in verse 14:1 where Paul charges them in the imperative case that is a strong urging:  “Presently/ongoing boil over with zeal (a) for the Spirit-kind-of [things], but especially/more so that you might prophesy.”  Paul even tells them to “ALL prophesy one by one, so ALL might learn [the essentials] and/coupled ALL might be parakaleo encouraged-from-being-close-beside [the Holy Spirit who is the Parakletos]” in v. 14:31.



Part 2- Prophetic Rhema - BT10:  Prophesying is the greatest gift to zealously pursue to build the Church

Part 2



Just in case, anybody doesn’t understand Paul’s emphasis, he summarizes with another imperative urging:  “So, my brethren, presently/ongoing boil over with zeal (a) to prophesy and/coupled do not in possibility forbid speaking in tongues.”  <Notes> a) zeloo: be deeply committed to something, completely intent on.


We see the history of the Church bearing that witness:  Paul lays hands on people, the Holy Spirit comes on them, and they begin speaking in tongues and prophesying (a).  We see woman prophets in the Church (b) as Paul teaches about “every wife who prays or prophesies” (c).  Paul teaches “We prophesy in part, but when [the possibility] the perfect comes, the partial will pass away,” but this happens when “we see face to face” and when we “shall genuinely, fully, intimately, relationally, experientially epiginosko know, even as I have been genuinely, fully, intimately, relationally, experientially epiginosko known” (d). <Notes> a) Acts 19:6, b) Acts 21:9, c) 1 Corinthians 11:5, d) 1 Corinthians 13:9-12.


We know from Paul’s other writings that “The Perfect” (teleios:  mature, consummate, complete, end-goal of a process/journey) is Jesus Christ (a) and His coming is our “blessed hope” (b) when prophecy is no longer needed!  This has nothing to do with the canon of the NT that wasn’t decided by constantly-disagreeing Catholic Church councils until 367-397 AD.  <Notes> a) Ephesians 4:13, b) Titus 2:13.


Paul taught that Christ gave the grace-gift of prophets to the Church to equip/coach/facilitate the saints for the work of the ministry (a), and in fact the prophets the foundation of the Church along with the apostles (b), as the gospel is primarily made know by the “sent-out missionaries” (apostles) and prophets (c).  Paul and Barnabas were among many prophets (d).  Cessationists who deny the grace-gifts for today have to twist the NT writings and ignore Church history!  Clearly prophesy was the dominant way God intended to make His will be known to individual Christians and to the Church in their assemblies, especially to equip the saints for ministry of the gospel.  When we ignore or contradict God, we end up using our own “might and power” instead of the “by My Spirit” tools and people God has given us to get the job done!  The modern Church has really handicapped themselves.  <Notes>  a) Ephesians 4:7-12; 1 Corinthians 12:28, b) Ephesians 2:20, c) Ephesians 3:5, d) Acts 13:1, 15:32.




As Christian musicians, if the NT and early Church history make it crystal clear that prophecy was the most important gift of the Spirit for the Church individually and in assembly, then why are we trying to minister with less than this?  Why are we treating it as an oddity or only for a “special” few or for those “crazy Pentecostals or Charismatics” when it is supposed to be normal Christianity?  How is prophecy less important than “shepherds/pastors who teach” when I counted 8 verses where prophecy is listed next to the grace-gift of apostle, which is a church-planting gift?  Apostles and prophets are the foundation of the the Church per Ephesians 2:19-20.




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Spiritual Education, Prophecy, Prophetic Rhema Word of God, Prophecy is the greatest gift next to tongues with interpretation in Church assembly, Prophecy is to be zealously desired by ALL Christians, Tongues is Paul’s strong desire for ALL Christians, Moses wanted all God’s people to be prophets, New Covenant promise is for ALL God’s servants to prophecy by visions & dreams, Don’t forbid tongues, The Perfect that comes is not the formation of the Bible in 325-397 AD, The Perfect that comes is the second coming of Christ or “blessed hope,” Spirit’s gifts all equip the saints to be ministers

Categories: Prophetic Rhema

Prophetic Rhema – BT9:  Gazing at Christ with wide-open eyes is how we are transformed into His likeness




Video: Prophetic Rhema - BT9: Wide-open eyes gazing at Christ to be transformed into His likeness



Prophetic Rhema – BT9: Wide-open eyes gazing at Christ to be transformed into His likeness



Please follow the BLOG Etiquette to stay on topic and pass the moderator’s check.  Bold, underlined text below = future links to the BLOG pages.


In 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 Paul says concerning the Torah Law of conditional-favor, “Now if the ministry/service of death, engraved by gramma letters (a) on stones, came with such glory that the Israelites could not gaze at Moses’ face because of its glory (b), which was even then being brought to an end, will not the ministry/service of the Spirit have even more glory?  For if there was glory in the ministry/service of condemnation, the ministry/service of righteousness (c) must far exceed it in glory.  Indeed, in this case, what once had glory has come to have no glory at all, because of the glory that has surpassed it.  For if what was then being brought to an end came with glory, how much more will what is permanent have glory!  Since we have such a hope, we are now very bold, not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face so that the Israelites might not gaze at the outcome of what was even then being brought to an end.  But their minds were hardened.”


Paul continues:  For to this very day, whenever they read the old covenant, that same veil remains un-lifted, because only through Christ is it taken away.  Yes, to this very day whenever Moses is read a veil lies over their hearts.  But when one turns around/converts towards (d) the Lord [Jesus], the veil is removed.  Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of/belonging to the Lord is [context:  in Christian hearts & minds, their inner being], there is freedom (e). But we all, with unveiled faces, habitually, reflexively, gazing with wide-open eyes as upon yourself’s reflection in a mirror (f) upon the glory of the Lord, are being metamorphically-transformed into that same image [of Christ who is the Spirit they see within themselves] from glory to glory (g). For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”  This is really eido mentally ‘seeing’ to perceive to understand/know prophetic vision that Jeremiah 31:34 God promises for His people to know Him.


Here are the many Notes from above: a) gramma alphabet and any writings created by it, b) this occurred in the Tent of Meeting where Moses spoke face-to-face with God to write with ink the many scrolls of the 5 books of the Law, c) by the Spirit because of Christ’s righteousness, d) epistrepho: context implies a ‘face-to-face’ contact with, e) in context: from the slavery to the inferior Mosaic Law of condemnation and death, f) katoptrizokataptron mirror + a derivative of optanomai gazing with wide-open eyes as derived from horao observing/perceiving-knowing/discerning when in the present middle/reflexive form means gazing with wide-open eyes of oneself as a reflection in a mirror, but since the object of the verb is given as “the Lord,” it is not only “of oneself” who is actually the Spirit [who is the glory of the Lord] dwelling within oneself, but also “for oneself,” that is, “for one’s own transformation!”  For more about discernment – see New Covenant Ways – BT16, g) an idiom for “one level of glory to another level of glory.”


Wow, Paul is really condemning the reading of Moses, the first 5 books of the bible, the Torah Law of conditional-favor, which makes up 97.4% of the essence of the entire Old Testament (OT) – see Logos Word of God – BT5a, because only 600 verses of 23,145 refer to New Testament (NT) realities, but that is the subject of the completely different-in-kind New Covenant.  Why are so many Christians enamored with the OT that “has no glory left” and “has been brought to an end?” – Ephesians 2:15.


However, Paul’s focus here is this habitual gazing/staring at Jesus’ Spirit with wide-open eyes.  This is when that cocoon-to-butterfly metamorphic transformation occurs – absolutely not by staring at Moses’ face by reading his OT writings, because his face-to-face encounter with God was fading away even then, the very reason he was wearing the veil.  He wasn’t wearing it just to keep people from freaking out, but to hide the fading glory – this would certainly erode his authority and their confidence in him as a leader!  He had enough problems getting people to follow him as it was!


But Paul says that “glory” finally faded away long ago!  It’s history!  So why are we trying to “see God” by reading Moses’ writings?  This path to the knowledge of God to transform us is a waste of time!  It actually hardens our heart/mind/inner-being!  Paul’s argument isn’t that with “the veil removed” that Christians are somehow NOW immune to this effect and should embrace Moses’ writings anyway, but I’ve heard many Christians tell me this to defend their reading of Moses – that with the Holy Spirit it’s somehow different!


But Paul has the Holy Spirit and yells, “Don’t do it!”  Instead the answer to going from “glory to glory” in godly transformation is to make it a habit of staring at Jesus’ face as the Holy Spirit that dwells within them with wide-open eyes, just like people love to see themselves in a mirror!  Watch people’s eyes when they see a picture of themselves – they get bigger!  Although this is the only use of this complex word, the more common word optanomai is used many times elsewhere.


The Lord confirmed the context of 2 Corinthians 3:18 to me in a dream:  Only when we meet with Jesus face-to-face by the means of the Spirit, will His glory transform us – and this time it won’t fade away like Moses!  It’s a “permanent” ministry of glory!  Reading most of the OT will just keep hiding this glory, keeping the veil of Moses in place over our hearts/minds/inner-being, keeping them calloused, precisely because most of the OT is based on the conditionally-loving favor of the old covenant’s Torah Law of conditional-favor based on obedience to 613 commandments.


This optanomai type of staring/gazing with wide-open-eyes at Jesus is very similar to Hebrews 12:2 where it says we should be “habitually fixing our eyes (a) toward/at Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our trusting-relying-faith,” which in context means “turning our eyes away from every weight of the worldly concerns that lug us down and every sin that clings so closely to us, like wet clothes, that slow us down from running with endurance the race of trusting-relying-faith in Christ that is set before us.  Jesus kept His eye on the finish line, the joy of His resurrection to come, and that helped Him get through the suffering ahead of Him.  We need to keep our eye on our “blessed hope,” our glorification and eternal life with Christ! <Notes> a) aphorao for apo away/off + horao observing/perceiving-knowing/discerning = thus turning the eyes/observation away from something to another.


Optanomai vision is supernatural!  The God of glory was ‘seen’ this way by Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia (a). This was like Moses ‘seeing’ of the angel in the flame of the burning bush (b). This was the way Zechariah ‘saw’ the angel of the Lord in the temple who told him that his son was to be named John (c). During Christ’s earthly ministry, Peter, James, and John ‘saw’ Jesus, Moses, and Elijah when they were transfigured on the mountain (d).  Near the end of His ministry, after bleeding from the strain of Christ’s prayer before His death, an angel was ‘seen’ by the disciples this way to strengthen Him (e). <Notes> a) Acts 7:2, b) Acts 7:30, 35, c) Luke 1:11, d) Matthew 17:9; Mark 9:4; Luke 9:31, e) Luke 22:43.


Nathaniel likely ‘saw’ Jesus this way, just as Jesus predicted (a).  Paul may be referring to this “seen of angels’ event (b).  Before Jesus left, He said He would depart, but when He returned after His resurrection they would “see” Him this way (c).  Indeed, Peter, then James, and then other apostles ‘saw’ Jesus after His resurrection (d).  There was fear ‘seeing’ Jesus this way that He did acknowledge would occur (e).  In fact, more than 500 hundred Christians thus ‘saw’ Jesus for 40 days after the resurrection (f).  Paul even did this ‘seeing’ of Jesus on the way to Damascus years later around 35-37AD (g). <Notes> a) John 1:51, b) 1 Timothy 3:16, c) John 16:16-17, 19, 22, d) 1 Corinthians 15:5, 7; Matthew 28:7; Luke 24:34, e) Matthew 28:10; Mark 16:7, f) Acts 1:3, 13:31; 1 Corinthians 15:6, g) Acts 9:17, 26:16; 1 Corinthians 15:8.


Optanomai vision is the key way to prophetically ‘see’ in the Church.  People thus ‘saw’ the tongues of fire that landed on 120 at the Day of Pentecost when they were Spirit-baptized (a).  Paul stood up on that day and declared that the Church Age or Last Days started, will continue, and will finish as a result of the promised Spirit through Spirit-baptism as evident by prophecy, particularly by visions (b) and/coupled dreams (c and d), promising this to ALL those who come to the Lord, even to the end of the ages (e). There is no mention of any other way God would teach us but through this eido mentally ‘seen’ to perceive type of knowledge.  In fact, Paul ‘saw’ such a vision (f) of a Macedonian urging him to come there and preach (g).  Such visions are throughout the NT (h).  Many Gentiles who never were told about the coming Messiah through the Jews will ‘see’ and get connect-the-dots sunesis understanding through their 5 senses” but especially by the Spirit (i and j).


<Notes> a) Acts 2:3, b) horasis from horao: generally to observe with the eyes, implying attention, concern, or heed, sometimes being acquainted through experience, but often emphasizing a mental ‘seeing’ to perceive/know with a discerning or ‘weighing-in’ mind – see Revelation 4:3, 9:17; See also optanomai: gaze in awe with wide-open eyes upon used in Matthew 5:8; John 16:22; Romans 15:21; Acts 13:31; 1 John 3:2 or katoptrizo that is kataptron mirror + a derivative of optanomai = gaze in awe with wide-open eyes as in a mirror, which is used only in 1 Corinthians 3:18, c) enupnion: in-sleep vision, d) Acts 2:17-19, citing Joel 2:28, e) Acts 2:38-29, f) horama plural from horasis singular from horao: observing/perceiving-knowing/discerning, g) Acts 16:9, h) Acts 9:10, 2, 10:3, 17, 19, 11:5, 12:9, 18, i) suniemi – see Knowledge, j) Romans 15:21.


Indeed, even many Muslims have ‘seen’ Jesus appear to them!  Jesus taught how we will indeed ‘see’ God and be “blessed, to be envied” – if we “are the pure/unmixed in heart” (a), a singularity of focus, not double-minded as James 1:8, 4:8 speak of.  Again, in context Jesus is preaching to Jews under the Torah Law of conditional-favor, laying the foundation for them to turn over their trusting-relying-faith inn the Law to instead trusting-relying-faith in Jesus as their Messiah who would free them from the Law and it’s condemnation.  However, the unbelieving Jews and Romans who crucified Him won’t ‘see’ Christ again (b) until it’s too late!  See the Prophetic page for much more about ‘seeing’ from the Lord through revealed knowledge!  <Notes> a) Matthew 5:8, b) Acts 20:25.


Optanomai vision will be glorious at the end for Christians. John the Baptist preached from Isaiah that ultimately “all mankind will ‘see’ the salvation of God” (a).  For sure, everyone on the earth will ‘see’ Christ’s glorious coming on the clouds with His great army to assume control of the earth (b) and to deliver salvation only for the Christians (c).  When Christians ‘see’ Him it will be glorious because Christ’s name/authority is on their foreheads (d).  That’s when Christians will ‘see’ Him just as He actually is (e) and the metamorphic-transformation is completed.  Only those who had trusting-relying-faith in Christ will ‘see’ zoe genuine-life after Judgment Day.  Otherwise, the wrath of God remains on people (f).  But it’s going to get so bad with lawlessness at the end that before Christ’s coming the surviving Christians will ‘crave’ to ‘see’ just 1 day of Christ’s return (g)! <Notes> a) Luke 3:6, b) Mark 13:26; Luke 21:27, c) Hebrews 9:38, d) Revelation 22:4, e) 1 John 3:2, f) John 3:36, g) Luke 17:22.


Optanomai vision will be terrifying at the end for non-Christians.  The end will be a terrible time for many others!  Terrifying signs will be ‘seen’ by the earth’s people right before Christ’s coming (a).  Hebrews 12:14-15 says that “without holiness (b) no one will ‘see’ the Lord.  Habitually episkopeo look-with-focus-with-real-care/interest that no one comes short of the unconditional-favor-of-grace of God.”  We know that this “grace” only comes through trusting-relying-faith in Christ!  At the Day of Judgment, all people will ‘see’ the Lord at the right hand/authority of God, even the Jews and Romans that crucified Christ (c) – way too late for them for they will be mourning/weeping!  They will be thrown out of the kingdom when they ‘see’ their believing forefathers (d).  <Notes> a) Revelations 12:1, 3, b) consecration/purification to be made holy, c) John 19:37 citing Zechariah 12:10, Matthew 26:64; Mark 14:62, 24:30; Revelation 1:7, d) Luke 13:28.


The Lord showed me that this wide-open-eyed optanomai gazing, is what lovers naturally do, staring into each other’s eyes.  This is how He looks at us and wants us to look at Him that way, by the means of the Spirit.  This is the koinonia fellowship He desires in proseuche conversational-prayer!  He has told me often about the attentiveness of the watchmen on the walls, keenly looking for their enemy with wide-open eyes especially at night.  He has told me to direct this attentiveness to Him.  When Jesus said “Watch in prayer,” He is saying “Be alert and observant!”  When I go into my drum room to learn from the Lord, He tells me to “Carefully watch your hands and feet, because I will show you many things.”  So I also use a mirror!  I tell my students that a picture is worth more than a 1000 words but more like 10,000, so try to picture what you want to accomplish before setting out to do it.





As Christian musicians, why if the NT speaks so negatively about the first 5 books of the bible, the books of Moses or Law, even warning us not to read it, are we disobeying by reading and studying it?  And all Jews, even the NT ones, regard the entire OT as “The Law.”  Why are we glorifying that “which has faded and now has no glory at all?”  Why are we treating prophetic vision as an esoteric exception for some mystics to enjoy when it was the ONLY way for normal Christians to become holy?  Shouldn’t our obsession be of Jesus Christ, yet many churches preach far more from the OT than the NT – just count the references to Jesus compared other biblical figures!




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Spiritual Education, Prophecy, Prophetic Rhema Word of God, Transformation does NOT come from reading 97.4% of the Old Testament that is Law-based, Transformation comes from staring at Jesus within us as the Spirit, Reading the Old Covenant Law will harden your heart, Reading the Old Covenant Law hides God’s glory from you, Fix your eyes on Jesus not readings about Him, Optanomai vision, Lovers stare into each others eyes

Categories: Prophetic Rhema

Prophetic Rhema – BT8:  What is prophecy and how does this relate to Christian music?




Video:  Prophetic Rhema - BT8:  What is prophecy and how does this relate to Christian music?



Prophetic Rhema – BT8:  What is prophecy and how does this relate to Christian music?



Please follow the BLOG Etiquette to stay on topic and pass the moderator’s check.  Bold, underlined text below = future links to the BLOG pages.


“Prophetic” is the adjective form of the verb “to prophesy,” which comes from the original Hebrew naba’ that means “religious ecstasy under divine influence with/without singing and/or instrumental music” (a).  The Greek verb apophthengomai means “to prophesy:  to utter or declare oneself, not of everyday speech, but belonging to dignified or elevated discourse.”  Oftentimes the Greek verb propheteuo is used instead, meaning “to prophesy:  to assert by elevating one statement over another, thus Spirit-empowered forth-telling.”  When words are prophetically spoken by God directly to you so that you directly akouo hear to understand them, these are prophetic rhema words.


Once they are passed on second-hand verbally or through writings, they are no longer rhema words but fall under the term logos, which is used for general communication with the focus on message content instead of the method of delivery.  Logos messages can certainly be directly-spoken/heard via rhema words, but rhema words by themselves are not a logos message, especially since the latter can simply be written gramma letters collected into graphe books called scripture. <Notes> a) Spirit-kind-of odes in Ephesians 3:19 and Colossians 3:16 are spontaneous psalms or hymns, respectively with or without vocals, spoken by the Spirit.


Any skilled worldly musician can play an ode (a psalm or hymn) and even play it spontaneously as extemporaneously or improvisationally, but it takes God’s Spirit to make it a “Spirit-kind-of ode” (a), which then makes it anointed, prophetic, and spontaneous!  It doesn’t matter if you are a Christian musician or not, unless it’s “spoken” by the Holy Spirit, it’s simply not anointed or prophetic.  And if it’s not co-created spontaneously right then and there in the moment by the Holy Spirit, then it’s certainly not anointed, prophetic, spontaneous music.  In either case, no matter how much you want to dedicate your skill FOR God, it’s still just a product of the flesh’smight and power,” and so it is simply not prophetic<Notes> a) Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16.


Church people can prophesy, cast out demons, and do mighty works in Christ’s name/authority, yet on Judgment Day Christ will say to many “I never experientially, relationally ginosko knew you; depart from Me you workers contrary to the law” (a).  What?  Is Jesus teaching the Mosaic Torah Law of conditional-favor?  No!  Remember that torah or nomos generally refers to “principles of instruction.”  There were Law-teaching Jewish false prophets then (b), even itinerant exorcists invoking Christ’s name/authority to drive out evil spirits (c), and there will be more in the future even near the end of the ages (c).  None of them were then or will be in relationship with Christ, so they were then and will be workers contrary to Christ’s “law” – ‘the law of trusting-relying-faith’ in the Son sent from the Father (e) and the ‘law of Christ’ given by Jesus (f) to unconditionally-love one another as I have unconditionally-loved you (g) – these are the only 2 entole official decrees or commandments in the law of the New Covenant (h).  <Notes> a) Matthew 7:23, b) Matthew 7:15; 2 Peter 2:1; 1 John 4:1, c) Acts 19:13, d) Matthew 24:11, 24; Mark 13:22, e) John 6:29, f) 1 Corinthians 9:21; Galatians 6:2, g) John 13:34, 15:12, h) 1 John 3:23.


The distinctive ministry of the New Covenant to and through people to others is absolutely not gramma writings collected into books called graphe scripture, which never referred to anything but the Old Testament until 208 AD when the Catholic theologian Tertullian referred to the NT writings as graphe scripture in order to desperately prove to the Jews that Christians also a “bible” but he was also arguing against Catholics heretics that there were “authoritative NT scriptures.”  No Jew in the NT, including Jesus and Paul, or after ever referred to NT writings as graphe scripture.


When the apostle Peter stood up on the first day of the Church when the Holy Spirit was given, just as Jesus told them that the Father had promised (a), Peter didn’t talk at all about “old scripture” or even more “new scripture,” but He did quote the prophet Joel 2:28-29 in Acts 2:16-18 “‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I shall actually pour out My Spirit on ALL (b) flesh and/thus:  Your sons and/coupled your daughters shall actually prophesy and/coupled [related phrase introduced:] your youth shall actually envision visions and/coupled your elders shall dream dreams – EVEN (ge = qualifying emphasis) on MY male servants and/coupled MY female servants in those days I will actually pour out MY Spirit and/thus they shall actually prophesy.”  <Notes> a) Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4, 2:33, b) As here, pas rarely means “the whole of” but more often “each of a kind or category of” – the context “whittles down” the meaning through coupling/relating phrases and qualifying emphasis to God’s “male and female servants.”


The Greek structure of Acts 2:16-18 is written in a series of qualifying phrases, as Hebrew poetry is:  “Your sons coupled with your daughters” qualifies “all flesh”  – the whole world didn’t get the Spirit that day, but only “each of a certain kind/category,” just as pas translates in many cases.  For example, Paul’s saying: “All (pas) scripture, God-breathed [ones], these are useful for teaching, etc.” in 2 Timothy 3:16 is not “the whole of” as many erroneously assume, but “each of a kind/category of,” which is clearly defined in v. 3:15, the “sacred gramma writings from childhood you [Timothy] have been acquainted with,” which is further qualified by the next phrase:  “which are able to make you wise for salvation through trusting-relying-faith in Christ Jesus.”  See Logos Word of God – BT7.  The Torah Law of conditional-favor never accomplished any of this, and so Paul forbid teaching of the Mosaic Law in churches per Romans 16:17; 1 Timothy 6:20; 2 Timothy 2:16; Titus 3:9; and 2 Corinthians 3:7-15.  They did use 2.6% of the OT that were prophetic “oracles” concerning the Messiah to convert Jews to Christianity – Logos Word of God – BT6.


The next qualifying phrases of Acts 2:16-18:  “Your neaniskos youth shall actually envision visions and/coupled your presbuteros elders shall actually dream dreams” qualifies “Your sons coupled with your daughters,” clearly allowing men and women to be “youth and elders” since these terms only refer to age and experience.  The final phrase would poetically be the narrowest qualification, and it is emphasized with the Greek particle ge:  “My male servants and/coupled female servants.”  It qualifies “your youth . . . your elders,” made even more obvious by the change in pronouns from “your” to “MY.”  So God systematically refines “All flesh” to “your sons and/coupled daughters” to “your youth and/coupled elders” and finally emphasizes “MY male servants and/coupled MY female servants.”


There are only 3 active voice verbs that God’s servants shall ACTUALLY do during the Church Age:  [actively] prophesy, envision [passively] visions, and dream [passively] dreams.  The first and last statements of Joel 2:28-29 are the main point – like a thesis statement and its re-statement – see Romans 1:5 and 16:26 “Obedience of Faith”:  “I shall actually pour out MY Spirit,” and in both cases God identified how we will know this for sure: “they shall actually prophesy.”  “Envisioning visions or dreaming dreams” is a further description of what happens to us, showing how we get the ideas to thus prophesy for God.  We will either ‘see’ them during the day or at night.  There is an excellent study of this subject by Jim W. Goll in his book The Seer – The Prophetic Power of Visions, Dreams, and Open Heavens.


A careful study of prophesy throughout the bible and today reveals that receiving God’s revelation is primarily through visually ‘seeing’ in your mind’s eye what God wants to say, either words or pictures, and this happens either during the day or at night.  Even akouo hearing-to-understand directly-spoken rhema words through our ear drums are just signals processed into mental pictures in our brain that we eido ‘see’ to perceive either as words of letters or more often as word-pictures.


The Greek word eido for mentally ‘seeing’ to perceive/know is most often the word used for a prophet’s means of understanding or acquiring knowledge, which is highly favored over ‘connect-the-dots’ inductive sunesis understanding that comes from rationally understanding gnosis info-knowledge through “much study that is a weariness of the flesh” according to Solomon in Ecclesiastes 12:12.  Furthermore, when Jesus often says as in Matthew 11:15: “Let the one who has ears, let him akouo hear/listen-to-understand,” this Greek word akouo speaks of mental understanding through the ears into the brain, not just the physical act of receiving sound.


And this “listening” understanding is an action of the mind, just as all languages are processed as word-pictures.  In fact some languages like Hebrew, Egyptian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese are picture-based.  Nevertheless, there can be a lot “lost in translation” going from physically blepo seeing or akouo hearing gramma letters read to actual mental understanding, which relies heavily on the “might and power” comprehension skills of the flesh.


Since God doesn’t show favoritism or partiality, it’s no wonder there is no mention of continuing the knowledge of God through the reading, study, and comprehension of gramma letters collected as graphe scripture, and we’ve seen many verses that say God had abandoned that “old plan” because of its utter failure to communicate Him accurately to His people.  A great book about understanding directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words is 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice by Mark & Patti Virkler.





As Christian musicians, don’t we want “religious ecstasy under divine influence” and thus “to prophesy” even through our instrument and/or voice?  Isn’t what God has to say through us so much more “dignified and elevated” over anything our flesh’s “might and power” could produce FOR God?  It always comes back to whether we have an intimate relationship with Christ so that we can hear-to-understand His Voice or see it in “a picture worth a 1000 words” in order to communicate this to others.  Without this trusting-relying-faith, all we have is “flesh that profits nothing.”  The “promise” was never to continue learning ABOUT God through scripture or to do this with “new” scripture, but for ALL “MY male and female servants to prophesy!”  There is no other “instructions” given for the Church Age.  This is the unique, unprecedented, completely different-in-kind New Covenant “promise” spelled out so clearly in Jeremiah 31:31-34, quoted throughout the New Testament!




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Spiritual Education, Prophecy, Prophetic Rhema Word of God, Christian music, Prophetic Christian music, Second-hand Logos messages are no longer the original Rhema words, improvisation versus Spirit’s spontaneous music, religious works FOR God versus relationship WITH God, New Covenant ministry is NOT by writings but by Prophecy thru the Spirit, Prophecy is God’s Plan for teaching His servants in the Last Days Church Age, Eido mental seeing knowledge, Hearing requires the seeing mind to understand, We can’t show favoritism by insisting on reading comprehension

Categories: Prophetic Rhema

Prophetic Rhema – BT7:  Can God use Christian music that isn’t prophetic?




Video:  Prophetic Rhema - BT7:  Can God use Christian music that isn’t prophetic?



Prophetic Rhema – BT7:  Can God use Christian music that isn’t prophetic?



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Christian music that is not prophetic really only contains man’s music and words, no matter how well-intentioned “FOR God” it is, but remember that Jesus said in John 6:63: “the flesh is absolutely-in-fact-no real help (a) to God.”  Jesus went on to say in contrast:  “My directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words are [singular] Spirit and [singular] zoe genuine-life.”  That’s where the Spirit-power of God is to accomplish what God says!  Christians have to make a choice between THEIR music FOR God or GOD’S music THROUGH them back up to Himself or to others.  <Notes> a) opheleo: to be useful, advantageous, profitable, helpful, beneficial.


Remember that by definition, directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words are always spoken and heard in the present moment.  When a Christian musician re-tells God’s directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words in music and/or lyrics, although they now have become their own human directly-spoken/heard rhema words, by themselves they are no longer the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words of God and so no longer have the original impact – they often fall flat!


For example, Handel’s Messiah was originally anointed – the accounts of its composition and performance are truly supernatural!  However, since then many musicians have played it and people listened to it but nothing supernaturally occurred.  However, I watched it performed by a secular orchestra and choir, and sang along to it with a 1000 others at Grace for the Nation church.  People all around me sang it like any other Christmas song, but SOME of us who were “in the Spirit” beforehand, now were actually filled by the Spirit during it!


That’s because God can spontaneously speak AGAIN through those old directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words and SOME people will pick up on this.  Certainly God can speak through even rocks in a wall, even secular musicians and singers, but it may not be His “first pick or perfect will” (a) as He states:  “in the last days, God declares that I will pour out My Spirit . . . on MY male SERVANTS and female SERVANTS, in those days I will pour out My Spirit, and they shall actually prophesy” (b).  This is His first choice!  Nevertheless, all through the bible you see God working around the “free-will choices” of man!  This is called God’s “permissible will.”  <Notes> a) Luke 19:40, b) Acts 2:17-18.


God longs to freshly speak to us directly and through HIS people!  Sure God can speak through HIS old music and words, and even through unbelievers, inanimate objects like rocks, and Balaam’s donkey (e), but it’s not His “first choice or perfect will.”  Even when God does choose an alternative path called “His permissible will” to accomplish His will, despite our poor choices, God loves to add new and deeper directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words each time, because that’s what “living water” is!  It’s the FRESH, running water of a garden fountain (a) that we can truly live on, the presence of God as a fountain of living waters (b), the presence of the Holy Spirit that can flow out of our hearts through trusting-relying-faith in Christ (c).  This water isn’t snow or an ice pack from a cold winter that few animals can live on!  It’s not found in a puddle or a pond or “hewn-out cisterns for ourselves” (d), which can actually make a person sick.  Anointed, directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema music is what God makes because this is how He speaks!  <Notes> a) Song of Solomon 4:15, cf. Revelation 7:17, b) Jeremiah 2:13, 17:13, cf. Zechariah 14:8, c) John 4:10-11, 7:38, d) Jeremiah 2:13, e) Numbers 22:22-29.


As Christian musicians, shouldn’t we long for the Lord to speak directly to us and through us to others, even musically?  Isn’t this the fresh, “living water” that will refresh us and others?  If we do play an “old song” shouldn’t we prefer those that were demonstrably anointed originally?  But more importantly, shouldn’t we desire for the Lord to freshly anoint it NOW?  Shouldn’t we be anointed while playing it?  Otherwise, all we are left with is religious “flesh that profits absolutely-in-fact nothing!”




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Spiritual Education, Prophecy, Prophetic music, Prophetic Rhema Word of God, Christian music, FOR God versus With God music, Flesh-made versus Spirit-made music, Prophetic rhema words are Spirit and Genuine Life, Originally anointed music but no longer, anointed music versus anointed musicians, God’s Perfect Will versus Permissible Will for Christian music, Living water is fresh spontaneous music

Categories: Prophetic Rhema

Prophetic Rhema – BT6:  God is talking, but are we listening?




Video:  Prophetic Rhema - BT6:  God is talking, but are we listening?



Prophetic Rhema – BT6:  God is talking, but are we listening?



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The problem isn’t that God’s isn’t speaking directly to Christians His directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words, but that most of us aren’t listening or haven’t tuned into the right ‘frequency’ on the dial to akouo hear-to-understand Him.  A powerful prophetess from Alaska found out about a Holy Spirit class that just started at Grace for the Nations in Tucson where I live, and she prophesied over the class – you could hear a pin drop as I was sitting on my hands shaking under the holiness of God in that room!  The Lord said through her to “Keep the clear channel open.”  Afterwards, we asked her what this meant.  Evidently in Alaska many people communicate via Hamm radio and the “Clear channel” is a special frequency nobody is supposed to broadcast on unless there is an Emergency Broadcast.


You wouldn’t even get any important information unless you knew about this channel and how to tune into it, or you would be getting the information second-hand from someone who did, which then opens you up to re-telling error.  What reporter hasn’t embellished the story?  That is exactly the issue of prophetic-rhema versus retelling of it that came much later in gramma writings.  You either take the trouble of learning how to listen yourself or you hope you find out most of it through someone else, but God’s intention in the New Covenant is for the former because the latter is very untimely and unreliable, because much will likely be lost in translation.


I think most Christians and churches are more like Martha, busy running around trying to serve Jesus with their “might and power!”  This is just like the Old Covenant – busy working FOR God.  I actually heard a preacher at Vineyard Connections in Tucson say that Martha was more mature in her trusting-relying-faith than Mary, and that mature Christians are busy DOing for Jesus.  But that’s not what Jesus said:  “Mary sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to His teaching, but Martha was distracted with much serving . . . The Lord answered Martha’s grumbling why Mary wasn’t helping:  ‘Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but only one thing is necessary.  Mary has chosen the better (a) portion, which will not be taken away from her” (b).  I’d say that preacher was a false teacher, but the problem with the modern-Church format is that nobody is allowed to “weigh in on what was said” as was the practice in 1 Corinthians 14:29.  They would throw you out because you were “disorderly and disrespectful of authority.”  <Notes> a) comparatively good, beneficial, useful, excellent, b) Luke 10:41-42.


Certainly, supernatural results will occur when you are actually in God’s presence akouo listening to the Lord speak His directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words to and through you!  One of the best books I’ve read on this subject is 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice by Mark & Patti Virkler.  It has worked tremendously for my dad, wife, and myself.  We all have many journals full of God’s direct words to us.  Kathryn Kuhlman said that we will have as much difficulty hearing God if our mind is too busy, as is an ocean reflecting the image of the moon if it is not still!


Psalms 46:10 says:  “[Definitively] be still (a) and/coupled (b) experientially, relationally know (c) that I AM the Supreme God Elohim.”  These are coupled/related ideas, or very likely one “thusly” leading to the other.  If we stop moving and stop talking and draw near (c), wait, watch, and listen in proseuche conversational-prayer for God, then He will “show up” and “draw near alongside us” (d) and we will be connected to the Vine of Christ for zoe genuine-life and fruitfulness (e).  So I was again reminded to “Come near to Me, all you who labor and are heavily-weighed down (burdened by the Law of 613 commandments), and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke (f) upon you and/coupled learn from Me . . . and you will find rest for your souls (g).  For My yoke [harness of teaching] is well-fitted to you (h) and My burden is feather-light to carry (i)” (j).


<Notes> a) raphah, scholazo: take a vacation, cease motions, be quiet, b) kai can also be cumulative meaning ‘and/thus,’ c) yada, ginosko mean “to experientially, relationally know,” d) James 4:8, Proserchomai:  a Hebraism for “seeking an audience with, approaching, inquiring of, calling on to visit, or be heard by” God, thus closely akin in spelling and meaning to proseuche conversational-prayer and proskuneo worship e) John 15:1-8, f) a harness between experienced animals and novices to train them, g) chrestos: comfortable, useful, beneficial, h) elaphros: easy to carry or move with, i) mind, emotions, will, j) Matthew 11:28-30.


The subject of akouo hearing/listening to understand will be covered at length in the Knowledge page and in the proseuche Conversational-Prayer page, because that’s what makes this dialogue unique from the monologue of deesis supplication!


As Christian musicians, we especially need to “tune into God’s frequency” and receive directly from Him what He wants to play through us.  Otherwise, we are just playing from our own flesh’s “might and power” FOR God, which is the essence of all religion.  Staying busy FOR God isn’t as important as waiting for the Lord to speak and move through us.




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Spiritual Education, Prophecy, Prophetic music, Prophetic Word of God, Rhema Word of God, Spoken Word of God, New Covenant Way of communicating God’s message to His people, Hamm radio clear channel, Tune into the God channel to hear Him, Tune into God’s frequency, Martha is the busy church-goer, Mary does the one thing necessary – listen to Jesus, 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice by Mark & Patti Virkler, Kathryn Kuhlman, Be still & quiet to relationally know the Godhead, Draw near to God and He will draw near to you, Come near to Jesus to learn from Him directly

Categories: Prophetic Rhema

Prophetic Rhema – BT5:  Rhema word is our “daily bread” we should pray & listen for




Video:  Prophetic Rhema - BT5:  Rhema word is our “daily bread” we should pray & listen for



Prophetic Rhema – BT5:  Rhema word is our “daily bread” we should pray & listen for



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Do you think the “daily bread” that we are to proseuchomai conversationally-pray for in the Lord’s Prayer Model (a) is actually about God just meeting our physical food needs?  Why pray for our physical needs at all, because Jesus just said 3 verses earlier (b), “Do not be like them (c), for your Father already knows what you need before you ask Him?”  Is asking for our physical needs logically flow from asking for “Thy will to be done on earth as it is in heaven” (d)?  And how does asking for physical food logically flow into what comes right after it (e):  “And/coupled forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors” and the next verse: “And/coupled lead us not into testing, but deliver us from the evil [one]?”  Since the conjunction kai couples/relates two similar things together, how is asking for food coupled/related to asking for forgiveness within relationships in order to re-establish fellowship, or how is asking for food coupled/related to deliverance from the evil [one]?” <Notes> a) Matthew 6:11-13; cf. Luke 11:3, b) Matthew 6:8, c) Matthew 6:7 – the pagans idolaters who think they’ll be heard by their many words, d) Matthew 6:10, e) Matthew 6:12-15.


Remember there are no verse numbers in Greek – Jesus is speaking in 1 long sentence conveying 1 idea, linking all the parts together with kai, and He continues with the same idea in the next 2 verses, giving us the reason why to ask for this:  “For if you forgive others . . . your Father in heaven will also forgive you, but if you do not . . . your Father in heaven will not forgive your trespasses.”  It’s very likely that “the evil” we want to be delivered from is unforgiveness or “the evil [one] the accuser of the brethren” who wants us to hold onto unforgiveness to further his agenda, but then how does this logically flow from asking for physical food?  It doesn’t!   Everything in Matthew 6:11-15 explains our asking for God’s kingdom and will to be done from verse 10 – everything!  That’s how people speak – supporting their main point or “thesis” with details!  Have we become blind to what “daily bread” we should actually be asking for, the bread that makes the kingdom and God’s will possible, that makes forgiveness possible in order to be delivered from the agenda of ‘the evil one,’ the one who causes unforgiveness in the first place?


“Our daily bread” is obviously Jesus Christ who speaks His directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words into us to give us zoe genuine-life.  Remember what Jesus said when starving in the wilderness and Satan tempted Him to command that the stones be turned into loaves of bread?  “Man (humanity) absolutely in fact cannot actually, in the future, zoa genuinely-live (a) by the means of bread alone, but instead resting upon/by (b) every directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word that is ongoingly proceeding out thru-the-realizing-channel-of the mouth of God (c).  Now where else has Jesus talked about zoe genuine-life and associated it with directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words?  Jesus said: “It is the Spirit who is ongoingly giving zoe genuine-life; the flesh (g) actually, ongoingly profits (d) absolutely in fact nothing; the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words that I actually, ongoingly speak to you are actually, ongoingly [singular] Spirit and/coupled zoe genuine-life” (e).  Zoe genuine-life is linked directly to the Spirit, which is linked directly to Christ’s directly-spoken/heard rhema words!  Only Jesus does “have the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words of zoe genuine-life everlasting” (f)!  <Notes> a) zao from the noun zoe, b) dative case: resting on, or by the means of, c) Matthew 4:3-4 citing Deuteronomy 8:3, d) is useful for, e) John 6:63, f) John 6:68, g) in context, the entire Jewish religious system.


Also, we know the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words of Jesus were the exact directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words of God, because Jesus said this:  “For I have NOT in fact spoken on My own authority, but the Father who sent Me has Himself given Me a commandment (a) – what to say as a message (b) and/coupled what to speak in words (c).  And I know that His commandment is zoe genuine-life everlasting. What I speak in words (c), therefore, I speak in words (c) as the Father has told me” (d).  Therefore, Christ’s directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words that make up His logos gospel message of The Truth are the Father’s directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words and these are the true Bread of life that makes up God’s Logos Message to man – not a bible full of ancient gramma letters!  <Notes> a) entole: official decree – see Only 2 Commandments, b) epo: “talk about something, emphasizing the message or topic, which creates a logos message,” c) laleo: “uttering words to people, emphasizing the creation of words and the social element of conversation,” d) John 12:49-50.


This also fits the larger context of John (a), because there Jesus said: “to not work for the food that perishes (b), but for the food that lasts unto zoe genuine-life everlasting, which the Son of Man will give to you . . . for the Bread of God is He who comes down-from/according-to heaven and gives zoe genuine-life to the world . . . I am the Bread of zoe genuine-life . . . I am the Bread of zoe genuine-life . . . I am the zao genuinely-living Bread that came down-from/according-to heaven . . . and the Bread that I will give for the zoe genuine-life of the world is My flesh.”  Isn’t it much more logical and reasonable that Jesus and His directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words are “the Bread” we can truly live on?  So, maybe, just maybe, that’s what Christians should be asking to receive daily instead of their next meal at McDonalds?  <Notes> a) John 6:27, 33, 35, 48, and 51, b) then why are we praying for it?


Certainly the anointed musician needs to be praying daily for Christ’s directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word to be spoken to them, through their instrument and/or voice, and into the lives of the listeners!  Otherwise, they and their audience are just eating “Big Macs!”




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Spiritual Education, Prophecy, Prophetic music, Prophetic Word of God, Rhema Word of God, Spoken Word of God, New Covenant Way of communicating God’s message to His people, Lord’s prayer, Our daily bread isn’t physical bread, Our daily bread is Jesus Christ the Bread from heaven, Our daily bread is every rhema word that comes from the mouth of God, Our daily bread is the preached gospel, Christian musicians need the fresh rhema words of God

Categories: Prophetic Rhema

Prophetic Rhema – BT4:  My prophetic rhema experiences illustrate the need for faith to prophecy



Video:  Prophetic Rhema - BT4:  My prophetic rhema experiences illustrate the need for faith to prophecy



Prophetic Rhema – BT4:  My prophetic rhema experiences illustrate the need for faith to prophecy



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Many times visions and messages came during my Spirit-baptisms so I’ve logged those on the Spirit-baptism page.  But there have been so many prophetic rhema words since and most haven’t been recorded except the early ones when I thought it was so unusual.  I’ve included many on the My Rhema & Logos Message page and Mike’s Drum Declarations.  Here are some examples of others:


In June 2012 while watching Tyler Perry Good Deeds movie, I heard the Lord call me to missions in Africa, but although I contacted Unite4Africa and took a missionary prep class at Pantano Christian Church, no church or organization in Tucson was going, so I stopped pursuing this.  Instead I continued supporting Unite4Africa and then Gospel for Asia missionaries.  In November I got very long dreams about God’s unconditional-love for His bride, the Church, and He showed me His interpretation of Song of Solomon – it’s all prophetic of Christ and His Church.  I wrote a prophetic commentary!  Amazing!


Later He showed me in another long dream that all knowledge of Him that is written down would be only be second-hand, especially after 1452.  Well, that turns out to be when the Gutenberg Bible was printed.  He told me that people were trying to climb up Christ’s cross like a ladder to reach the oldest books on top of the library, but that this was “trampling on the Son of God.”  The true theology of God was found at the foot of the cross and angels descended on it and then ascended – just as with Jacob’s Ladder.


Later on at the Gospel Rescue mission nobody but 2 out of 5 of us showed up to preach one night.  We were terrified, so the 2 of us worshipped in tongues for 15 minutes, surrendered control to “let go and let God,” and then we became very aware that God spoke right through us that night, drunks got healed and saved, and 1 kid had a prophetic vision.  Our meetings never were like this!


Then I had a series of dreams about Christ’s unconditional-love being the cure for all ills and setting people free, but the organized “church” had many rooms to captivate people’s various appetites and interests.  The Highway home just ended at this “church,” but realizing that this was to keep people distracted, I went out the back door to find a trail back to the Highway and many tired, poor, ragged, injured people were walking it.  When I walked with them I felt unconditional-love, joy, and peace as they helped each other – this was actually the kingdom and we were heading home.  I also had a prophetic dream about the demonic lies spoken to black people to continue hating white people, but the Lord was telling them: “Rise above it.”  Some of my best friends were black.  I had a dream about churchmen adding different colors to a bucket of pure white paint thinking they were improving it, but the Lord said it was then no longer His logos gospel message of The Truth.


Then the Lord finished healing me of pancreatic and adrenal issues just in time for me to get married.  After 53 years of not being married, in 2013 the Lord got me married to Charlotte who is fluent in receiving directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words from the Lord and even writing a book called What One Sheep Heard the Shepherd Say.  What’s the chances of that?  Well since then I’ve had so many prophetic dreams and visions I can hardly keep up recording them!


What’s the point?  You get from the Lord pretty much only what you have trusting-relying-faith to handle – if just the bible, then that’s only what you get!  If prophetic words, then that’s what you will get!  Of course, God can always make a rock, a donkey, or a hard-hearted high priest speak for Him, but His preference is for us to have trusting-relying-faith and relentlessly ask, seek, and knock, looking with eager expectation for His answer in proseuche conversational-prayer.  He wants to partner with us!


As Christian musicians, what are some of your prophetic rhema experiences and is there any advice you have for others to grow in this area, especially regarding anointed, prophetic, even spontaneous music?




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Spiritual Education, Prophecy, Prophetic music, Prophetic Word of God, Rhema Word of God, Spoken Word of God, New Covenant Way of communicating God’s message to His people, my history of prophetic messages, Mike’s God Messages, true theology of God is before 1452, true theology of God received at the foot of the cross, My wife has a longer history of prophetic messages, our faith is the only thing that limits us, faith in the bible only versus faith in God speaking today

Categories: Prophetic Rhema

Prophetic Rhema – BT3:  “The Promise” is for more rhema Words of God not written logos messages, gramma writings, or graphe scripture




Video: Prophetic Rhema - BT3:  “The Promise” is the rhema Word of God not logos, gramma, or graphe writings




Prophetic Rhema – BT3:  “The Promise” is the rhema Word of God not logos, gramma, or graphe writings



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Do your own homework with Wikipedia’s “Rhema (doctrine).  Rhema words are always directly-spoken/heard first-hand in the here and now, never heard or read or learned second-hand.  As we’ve seen in the previous BLOGs, logos is the common word for “communication that focuses on message content rather than on the delivery method as rhema does.” Thus “the logos of God” is best translated “Message of God” instead of “Word of God,” which not one English bible consistently does!


The relationship of rhema to logos is seen in Hebrews 12:18-21, 25 that recounts from Exodus 20:18-21 God attempting to speak personally to all of the Jews on Mt. Sinai by His “Voice whose directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words made the hearers beg that no further logos message be spoken to them.”  Isn’t that what ultra-conservative, bible-only Christians are doing when they discount modern-day prophecy in exchange for bible study?  They really are no different than the Pharisees who “diligently search the graphe scriptures supposing that you may take hold of genuine-life everlasting by-the-means-of them, but it is they that witness/testify about Me, yet you refuse to come to Me for genuine-life” per John 5:39-40.  Coming to Jesus is not the same as coming to the bible!  They opted for the bible!


Gramma “letters” or “written code” literally means “alphabet or words formed from such,” and is where we get the word “grammar.” Graphe is a collection of these “letters” into a book, in this case, translated “scripture” that strictly speaking makes up ONLY the Old Testament, according to all Jews and even all Christians until 208 AD when a Roman Catholic theologian named Tertullian starting applying the term to New Testament writings in order to brag to the Jews and Christian heretics that Christians had authoritative “scripture” also!


It just breaks my heart to see so many English translations obscure the radical difference – even Wikipedia states there is “a substantial distinction” – between these completely different-in-kind Greek words of rhema and logos, mistakenly translating them both as the “Word of God.”  What the NT says about each of these is completely different-in-kind, but you will never know any of this from reading many English bibles that obscure this essential truth – see Bible Info!


Every promise of God comes through trusting-relying-faith, just as “the promise to Abraham and his offspring . . . [obviously] came not through the [much later] Mosaic Law of conditional-favor but through the righteousness of trusting-relying-faith” (a).  So we are to be “imitators of those through trusting-relying-faith and patience to inherit the promises” (b), who “through trusting-relying-faith . . . obtained promises” (c), so “remember your leaders….imitating their trusting-relying-faith” (d), even that “we might receive the promised Spirit through trusting-relying-faith” (e).  How does this relate to prophetic rhema words? <Notes> a) Roman 4:13, b) Hebrews 6:12, c) Hebrews 11:33, d) Hebrews 13:7, e) Galatians 3:14.


Is your trusting-relying-faith limited to relying on God to speak to you only through a bible of men’s writings who once had first-hand contact with God, but long after this fact, were loosely collected by many other men, many who were no longer directly in contact with God, especially if you read the early Church writings to see that many of these men were very politically motivated?  Then that is YOUR limitation.  If you can still do this after finding out that countless manuscripts having been lost or destroyed by the ravages of time and warring invasions, and that scholars are still arguing over what the actual text is from those we have found (textual criticism), let alone an accurate translation of them (hermeneutics), then that’s YOUR limitation and you get what your trusting-relying-faith can accept!  Your reality is limited by your faith!


If you simply don’t believe these facts I’ve state, start using Wikipedia and other scholarly resources to dig into these topics:  Bible Manuscripts, Textual Variants, Textual Criticism, Bible Translation, and Bible Canon.  You will be absolutely shocked that many of YOUR views of the bible gathered from pulpits and Christian book tidbits is not based on much fact!  However, if you have trusting-relying-faith in God’s promised-Spirit that you can hear first-hand just as much as the original writers did, even from such verses about “the promise” as Acts 1:4, 2:17-18, 33, 39, then that’s exactly what you will get also!  Our trusting-relying-faith is the only thing that limits our genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of God!


The real promises of supernatural, zoe genuine-life are through the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words of Christ’s Holy Spirit (a), which is God’s singular “Word” (b) spoken faithfully by Jesus (c) because He had the Holy Spirit without measure (d). This sure isn’t scripture but “every directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word that comes from the mouth of God that man shall zoe genuinely-live on” (e).  Many preachers claim: “The bible is God’s Word that will never come back empty-handed, but accomplish what it was sent out to do.”  However, God actually says:  “My [singular] directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word that goes out of My mouth that … shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it” (f).  Directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words of God make nothing impossible for Him (g). <Notes> a) John 6:63, 68, b) John 8:47, c) John 17:8; 14:10, d) John 3:34, e) Matthew 4:4 citing Deuteronomy 8:3, f) Isaiah 55:11, g) Luke 1:37.


Rhema words have the Spirit’s power to create universes (a).  It is Christ’s powerfully-enabling Voice that sustains all things (a).  God’s rhema word endures forever and it is this that originally made up the content of the preached logos gospel message (b).  This verbal preaching is the apostles’ witness (c) and ordinary Christians preaching the logos gospel message of God with boldness that God gave them by the Spirit (d).  Their logos gospel message of rhema words alone can save us (e), because it is Christ’s rhema words that will judge all people on the last day (f). <Notes> a) Hebrews 1:3, b) 1 Peter 1:25; Acts 5:20, c) Acts 5:32, d) Acts 11:14, e) John 12:47-48, f) Acts 4:31.


Furthermore, it is the “directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word that is near you, in your mouth, and in your heart, that is, the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word of trusting-relying-faith that we proclaim” (a) that produces trusting-relying-faith by hearing the directly-spoken prophetic rhema word of Christ (b).”  But how?  By their preaching:  “Their voice that has gone out to all the earth, their directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words to the ends of the world” (c) – not by reading about any logos messages in a bible thousands of years later!  Rhema words need to be near us, that is, in our mouths (d) and on the tablets of our hearts as was promised (e), for this is God’s real desire (f). <Notes> a) Romans 10:8, b) Romans 10:17, c) Romans 10:18, d) by the confession of our faith: 1 Timothy 6:12; Hebrews 10:23, e) Romans 2:15, 10:8-9; 2 Corinthians 3:2-3; Jeremiah 17:1, 31:33 cited in Hebrews 8:10, 10:16, f) Proverbs 3:3, 7:3.


God’s rhema words are what washes, ceremonially ‘cleans,’ or sanctifies (a) the Church (b), not a logos messages in a bible canonized 367-397 years later!  Rhema words of God are the ‘goodness’ Christians are to have tasted and/coupled tasted the Holy Spirit’s miracles of the coming age (c).  It is what we are to treasure up and ponder (d).  Christ’s directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words are what is to abide/remain in us, and if they do, then our prayers are answered (e).  Rhema is the voice of the Holy Spirit spoken through the apostles and prophets (f), thus it is the very nature of prophecy (g). <Notes> a) makes holy or pure, b) Ephesians 5:26, c) Hebrews 6:5, d) Luke 2:19, e) John 15:7, f) Acts 28:25; Romans 10:18, g) n@buw’ah, prophetei: a discourse emanating from divine inspiration.


I bet you didn’t know that the “sword of the Spirit that we are to use in spiritual warfare is absolutely not bible verses?  But I was taught that!  Despite what you have heard from the pulpit and so many fluff Christian books, quoting bible verses against the devil isn’t what Paul was talking about! Paul strongly urges:  “Take up . . . the sword of the Spirit, which is the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word of God, thru-the-realizing-channel-of all proseuche conversational-prayer and/coupled deesis supplication-prayer, [that is,] at every time routinely, proseuchomai conversationally-praying by the means of the Spirit” (a). <Notes> a) Ephesians 6:17-18.


The NET bible correctly sees this last present participle phrase “proseuchomai conversationally-praying by the Spirit” as the HOW-to step of “take up . . . the sword of the Spirit.” Hearing God speak to us directly doesn’t come from bible study but through patiently-waiting, listening, and watching conversational-prayer, and that’s how we do spiritual warfare – not memorizing scripture so we can shotgun them back to Satan!  I used to have 100s of bible-verse index cards just for this reason and I struggled even more with sin, because “the gramma letter kills, but the Spirit gives zoe genuine-life” (ba). <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 3:6.


Once during a spiritual counseling session, my counselor-friend Elizabeth Brown had a clear vision of “a cold winter with lots of pure white snow that had become as hard as glacier ice. It once was “living/fresh water” in that it rained from the heavens and flowed upon the lands, but over a long winter it had become so hard that few animals could live from it.


God’s directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words were actually “fresh, running, and life-giving” water when they were first given thousands of years ago, but once it was written and communicated second-hand to others and collected by men into a canon by 367-397 AD and now read thousands of years later from copies of copies of copies of manuscripts (the number of such is unknown) now removed further from the original intent by translations into 3,324 other languages, they are certainly by definition no longer “fresh, running, and life-giving.” Do you think God meant for us to live off this “glacier ice?” Maybe if you are an Emperor Penguin!  See Spirit-Power-BT3.


When you READ written information as logos messages gleaned from gramma letters or graphe books of scripture, whether you later then speak these as directly-heard rhema words to others or write them down with even more gramma letters into a personal letter or epistle or collect them into graphe books like “scripture” for others to read, any of this reading in this long process requires rational, left brain cognition of the logos message’s content to be sunesis understand by rationally ‘connecting the dots’ in order to benefit from it. However, this largely relies on your eyesight and reading ability (or finger sensitivity for brail) and concentration skills, vocabulary comprehension, and mental prowess of IQ, cognitive skills, etc.


All of this certainly favors the “wise and learned/understanding” people but excludes the little children – whom the kingdom actually belongs to (a).  It also excludes the blind (b) or dyslexic (c), the uneducated, the poor (d), and the mentally impaired – the other “least among you.” <Notes> a) Matthew 18:3, 19:14; Mark 10:14; Luke 18:16, b) unless they can read brail, c) if they haven’t been retrained to read, d) who often can’t afford to be educated in order read.


However, God “shows no favoritism or partiality” (a), so why would God rely on a written bible in multiple ancient languages, which even the scholars are still debating about, to convey His nature and will to others?  Furthermore, shouldn’t we “speak and teach rightly, showing no partiality, but truly teach The Way of God,” like Jesus did (b)?  Did Jesus make it His ministry to teach their bible, the Old Testament?  Some Christians believe so, but Jesus only cites the Old Testament to answer trick questions and to point out its incompleteness and their utter need for a Him as a Messiah to save them from their sin!  Should our ministry of preaching and teaching show partiality to the “wise and learned” by expecting bible reading and intelligent comprehension?  Aren’t Christians to show no partiality in everything we do (c)?  Wasn’t the New Covenant Way supposed to do away with reliance on all forms of man’s “might and power,” especially that of the Jewish religion, and rely solely on the New Covenant’s Spirit of enabling-power (d)?  <Notes> a) Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11, Galatians 2:6, Ephesians 6:9, b) Luke 20:21, c) 1 Timothy 5:21; James 2:1, d) Zechariah 4:6.





As Christian musicians, are you looking to the wrong “word” like the Pharisees did for the promises of God?  Are you trying to fight Satan with bible verses?  Are you trying to live off of 2000 year-old water, supposing this is still “living water?”  Or will you also become a prophet and actually know God and receive the enabling-power of the prophetic-rhema words of God?  Or will you remain duped by the Catholic theologian Tertullian that the New Testament is just more scripture to read, study, memorize, and do as more Christian rules?  If our faith keeps us stuck in the OT way of understanding scripture, than that will limit our experience of God.  Are you studying to hear God when you were told to pray?  Doesn’t requiring the reading comprehension of the bible show favoritism to the “smarty-pants” people, when we are repeatedly told that God doesn’t require this, so neither should we?




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Spiritual Education, Prophecy, Prophetic music, Prophetic Word of God, Rhema Word of God, Spoken Word of God, New Covenant Way of communicating God’s message to His people, Wikipedia rhema versus logos, gramma writings collected in to graphe scripture was meant only for the Old Covenant, The promise of the New Covenant is direct rhema communication by received by faith, Bible-study way to know God has LOTS of difficult problems, The power of God is in rhema words, The Christian’s sword of the Spirit is the rhema Word of God, Spiritual Warfare, reading the bible, bible-study shows partiality against those unable to read

Categories: Prophetic Rhema

Prophetic Rhema – BT2:  Rhema words of God versus logos, gramma, and graphe Word of God




Video:  Prophetic Rhema - BT2:  Rhema words of God versus logos, gramma, and graphe Word of God



Prophetic Rhema – BT2:  Rhema words of God versus logos, gramma, and graphe Word of God



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Rhema words in the original Greek are distinct from a logos messages because the former focuses on the method of delivery and/or receiving information, being 1st person direct utterance of speech in the present moment, whereas the latter focuses on the content of a message, where the information is often received verbally second-hand or in writing with gramma letters, even collected into graphe scripture.


The exceptional case of logos message in the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant is that it primarily refers to Jesus as the personified Logos Message of God, similar to Wisdom & Understanding as the Spirit being personified in the Old Testament (OT) Proverbs.  Jesus is the Logos Message of God who faithfully speaks the logos gospel message of The Truth of God about Himself to us directly, then making it also prophetic rhema.


Not only is rhema the prophetic words from the mouth of God that is the “bread” that man can alone live on (a), it is this prophetic rhema that goes out from God’s mouth that will not return to Him empty but shall accomplish all that it was purposed for (b). <Notes> a) Jesus citing Deuteronomy 8:3 in Matthew 4:4 is NOT citing gramma writings of graphe scripture but citing Himself who said this originally to Moses, b) Isaiah 55:11.


In the OT Hebrew the word dabar can mean “of the talking of a word or words” and thus naturally corresponds to the Greek word rhema in the OT Septuagint (a).  But when dabar focuses on a “message, saying, sentence or section of discourse, report, counsel, charge, reason, a way or manner, or events explained in words” it is naturally translated logos in the OT Septuagint because it is focusing on message content, especially if it is written (b).  Only by the context can you tell how dabar is used, but you can always look at the different Greek words used because they are more specific!  <Notes> a) Jeremiah 1:1, 13:12, 14:17, 23:38, 31:23; Psalms 17:4, 30:8, 33:6; Isaiah 36:5; 1 Kings 1:7; 2 Kings 18:20; Proverbs 14:23; 1 Samuel 9:10, 9:10; 2 Samuel 3:17, and many other verses, b) Jeremiah 1:2; Exodus 33:4; 1 Kings 6:11, 10:6, 16:1, 13:20, 20:12; 2 Chronicles 9:5; 1 Samuel 15:10; 2 Samuel 7:4, 15:28; Jonah 3:6, and many more verses.


Prophetic rhema is distinct from any other word for our English “word.”  Jesus declares “the flesh is no help at all (a); the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words that I have spoken to you are Spirit and/coupled zoe genuine-life” (b).  Jesus was commenting on ALL of the religious gnosis info-knowledge and activities of man – all its “might and power” – even that of the Jewish religion!  There is no other place but Jesus to hear “the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words of eternal genuine-life” (c).  The “bread that we can live alone on, is nothing but the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema from the mouth of God” (d).  This sure isn’t recitation from the bible.  Again, Jesus wasn’t quoting scripture but quoting Himself, the living, active, abiding Logos Message of God<Notes> a) is of no advantage or profit, and is useless and worthless, b) John 6:63, c) John 6:68, d) Matthew 4:4, e) Hebrew 4:12; 1 Peter 1:23.


Graphe scripture is never referred to as directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words in the New Testament!  The gospel isn’t about preaching scripture, but “speaking to the people all the prophetic rhema words of this zoe genuine-life” (a).  The apostles preached to people “a directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word by which you will be saved” (b).  “For absolutely in possibility or in fact no directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word is impossible WITH/alongside God,” (c) and we know this is about having a close koinonia relationship with God that gives us His Spirit’s enabling-power. “The directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word of the Lord endures forever, that is what has been preached to you” (d). <Notes> a) Acts 5:20, b) Acts 11:14, c) Luke 1:37, d) 1 Peter 1:25.


Furthermore,trusting-relying-faith comes from akouo hearing-to-understand the directly-spoken prophetic rhema word of Christ” (a) and this “directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word is near you, even in your mouth and in your heart, that is, the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word of trusting-relying-faith which we preach” (b) – not bible verses!  The Church is “sanctified by cleansing her with the washing of the water (c) by the prophetic rhema word of Christ” (d) – not bible verses!  <Notes> a) Romans 10:17, b) Roman 10:8, c) likely a reference to water-baptism, d) Ephesians 5:26,


Christians are meant to “taste the good directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word of God and the miracles of the coming age” (d) – not bible study!  Spiritual warfare is to be fought with “the sword of the Spirit, which is the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word of God” (e), not bible verses!  Jesus told us the secret of answered deesis supplication-prayer:  “If you remain in Me and My directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word remains in you, ask and it will be done for you” (f) – not bible verses! <Notes> d) Hebrews 6:5, e) Ephesians 6:17, f) John 15:7.


We can’t be like the Jewish leaders, who “don’t listen and respond to God’s directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word, because they don’t belong to God” (a).  Paul didn’t just come to preach a logos gospel message of The Truth with “words of eloquent wisdom” or “plausible words of wisdom” but “in demonstration of the Spirit, that is, of enabling-power . . . lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its enabling-power” (b), but “our gospel message came to you not only by logos message but also by enabling-power, that is, by the Holy Spirit” (c).  See Wikipedia’s Rhema (doctrine)” for more on all this. <Notes> a) John 8:47, b) 1 Corinthians 1:17-18, 2:4, c) 1 Thessalonians 1:5, cf. Mark 16:16-20.






As Christian musicians, isn’t the gospel message about Jesus Christ as the living, active, and abiding Logos Word of God, instead of scriptures?  Isn’t that the point of the New Covenant and that now we “eido mentally ‘see’ to know God” directly per Jeremiah 31:34 so that “you absolutely in fact have no need that any man teach you” per 1 John 2:20-27?  Isn’t “the promise” that now all God’s people should prophecy per Numbers 11:29, Joel 2:28-29, Acts 2:17-19, and 1 Corinthians 14:5?  All the “promises” of enabling-power have to do with prophetic-rhema, never gramma written letters collected into graphe scripture.  Will we be just like the bible students of Christ’s day who were experts at sacred writings but were clueless about prophesy, and thus didn’t actually know God?  Are we going to be Christ’s sheep who do akouo hear-to-understand His Voice in John 10:3-4, 16, 27.




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Spiritual Education, Prophecy, Prophetic music, Prophetic Word of God, Rhema Word of God, Spoken Word of God, New Covenant Way of communicating God’s message to His people, Definitions of rhema logos gramma and graphe Word of God, dabar communication of God, Graphe scripture is only Old Testament writings, Rhema Word of God meant for Christians, Jesus is the living active abiding Logos Word of God not bible writings, Prophecy is the promise for Christians not bible writings, Christians hear the voice of Christ

Categories: Prophetic Rhema

Donations – BT8






A divine dream and prophetic rhema word about the nature of God’s work.



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On 12/6/2020 I woke up from a very disturbing dream, and it turns out to be about this “Donations” page I had planned the night before to work on!  God sure does know how to “make straight and smooth your paths” as Proverbs 3:5-6 says!


In my dream I was a new hire as an IT guy in hydrology – see About Us page for my 15 years total experience in these 2 fields.  I had my suit and tie on and was carrying my briefcase – a typical experience in white-color corporations in the 1990’s – and was escorted in through security down a hall past a lot of cubicles and workers into a small break room with a coffee pot, 1 cheap hard plastic chair, and a copy machine.  I was told to wait there, and I waited and waited and waited for almost an hour.  I thought “What kind of company is this that are not even ready for me on my start date?  But then I thought how many companies actually were?  Almost every one I’ve worked at was missing some aspect of readiness!  In some cases I sat around for a week doing busy work while “the left hand caught up with the right hand” so somebody could actually tell me what I was supposed to be doing.  My other IT friends have told me crazy stories with their companies and the Veterans Administration, which is total inept!  My job with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management was a joke – people just moved one stack of papers from one side of the desk to the other and collected a good paycheck and pension!  Now in my dream, I felt worse and worse about how I was being treated and I was about to stand up and just walk out.  I felt completely devalued as a human being.  Then I woke up!


The first thing I did was say, “Lord, why did I have such a horrible dream?  It was so demeaning and depressing!  I asked, “How does that have anything to do with my life now?  I feel blessed to be working on this BLOG website and teaching my drum students.  My IT and hydrology careers were 10 years or more ago!  Why should I remember those days so long ago?”  I just laid there feeling depressed about all the years that I put up with so many demeaning people and impossible situations, so many self-serving bosses and employees, and so many manufactured crisis that just stressed people literally to death.  I laid there for 15 minutes wondering why I would have that dream now?  You can see from my About Us page, I’ve had some long career paths and a lot of small jobs between to get money for several degrees, a house, various cars, and my share of recreation.  Well I was about to leave the dream a mystery, get up, and get on with my day.


Then the Lord said, “You will never have another ‘job’ again.”  Well, I was shocked and worried.  I said, “I’ve never been without a job.  I need money.  I have to work!”  Then He said, “Remember how many times I’ve said that I wanted you to share something with Me, whether it was the joy, creativity, and exploration of drumming, the many colors of a beautiful sunset, the comfort of sleeping in under warm covers on a cold morning, showering your yard plants with water, or feeding the birds in your backyard?  Remember I told you that I was sharing My love for truth and justice in law with My servants fighting in courts and before legislative hearings to expose 2020’s extensive election fraud, and that I’ve shared this with 1000s of witnesses?  Don’t be afraid; I’m in control!  Remember how I told you that by sharing in these things with Me that the feelings you were feeling were a small fraction of My feelings that I have when I did, do, and will again do those things?  And that those feelings are not something separate from Me, thus not creations of Mine but are all facets of who I AM, My nature, My identity?  They are like facets on the diamond that I AM, like the subtle flavors of the complex fruit of the vine that I AM, or the many exotic flavors in a that soccer-ball-sized grapefruit you saw in the Spirit one day that I said to take a bite of?  Remember what happened?  You were filled with overwhelming unconditional-love, then tears of joy, that incredible peace, and as the day went on, I showed you even more aspects of Me.  Remember that I said you feel them, you feel Me, because I’m sharing Me with you in order that you will come closer to know Me?  You have already studied a lot about this genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge and its koinonia sharing/partnership.  When I tell you that you will never have another job, it’s not to depress or worry you, but to give you something much better – ME!  Yes, you have always worked hard at every one of your ‘jobs,’ but that is over now!”


Now I’m really starting to worry!  I said, “I actually need more students and gigs, times are more uncertain than ever because of the COVID-19 and election frauds.  Who knows what more chaos BLM and Antifa have in store for us to disrupt our economy?  Who knows how much more aggressive China and North Korea will be?  And I don’t know how much more I can “cut back” to make things “stretch” before having to look for even more work!”  The Lord knows I’ve always had fears about not having enough, but He keeps working on me!  Then He says, “It’s always been about your work and your job, but that is over because I want you to share in My work, My job.  This is not work I’m assigning or ordering you to do like so many bosses you have had – I’ve shown you before the demonic spirit of the “taskmaster” that whipped My people Israel for 400 years, cruelly whipping them to make more bricks with less.  Haven’t you seen that in almost every business, that: “The love of money is the root of all evils” (a).  These are not more commandments, rules, regulations, and rituals to work on – that’s religion (b)!  No, this is My work that I want to do inside and through you to help the others I unconditional-love and want to share Myself with.  I want to share My work with you so that you will know My feelings about it and then know Me more genuinely.  You will never learn this in a book no matter what book it is.  You can only learn this by doing it WITH Me.” <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 6:10, b) See New Covenant Way and Only 2 Commandments.


Wow, what do you do with that?  I immediately understood many NT verses more deeply like: “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for great works, which God (the Father) prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (a), for “it is God who is routinely working in you both to will/desire/purpose (d) and to ongoingly do/work for the sake/benefit of [His] good pleasure/delight” (b), “equipping you with everything good that you may do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ – to whom be glory forever and ever” (c).  And I suspect that it has something to do with His October declaration to me (see “My Story” on the About Us page):  “You are an anointed musician, who knows what it means to be filled by My Spirit, who knows what it is to play by My Spirit, and one day you will play in My courtyards with many others that I have chosen.”  Tonight while deeply sharing in the sunset with the Lord He said, “Do you think I really need billions of angels to work for Me to accomplish My will?  Remember with 1 thought and 1 word by My Son We created the universe and I am still creating the same way.  Do you think I really needed Adam to name all the animals in the garden?  I made them all, so I certainly can name them!  No, I include others in My work so they can share in My feelings, so they can share in Me.” <Notes> a) Ephesians 2:10, b) Philippians 2:13, c) Hebrews 13:21, d) thelo.


And I suspect it has something to do with the BLOG website which He led me to create.  But neither of these will be anything like my old ‘jobs’ because they will be completely New in kind and far superior since they will be His ‘jobs’ that He will share with me – see the New Covenant Ways, Anointing, Might and Power, and Promised Spirit pages for how “New” is “completely different in kind.”


I would really be interested in hearing your conversation with God about the nature of work, jobs, what ministry really is!




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Categories: Donations

Donations – BT7






“Paid ministry” was actually a sign of false prophets/teachers in the early Church!



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Seeking “gain or profit” was another sign of false teachers:  “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions” (a). Paul says, “They must be silenced, since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for the sake/favor/pleasure/cause (b) of shameful (c) profit (d) – what they ought not to teach” (e).  “Teaching for profit” is what is “shameful” – the adjective describes the phrase “teaching for profit,” not just the noun “profit” as too many like to read it!  We also know this from the context and other verses about this “error” of Balaam!  <Notes> a) 2 Timothy 4:3, b) charin, c) aischros: base, filthy, disfigured, dishonorable, disgraceful, of indecorum, d) kerdos: advantage, profit through the trading ‘might and power’ assets for trusting-relying-faith in Christ: Philippians 1:21-25, 3:7-9.


These “false teachers” use “words of flattery as a pretext (a) for greed” (b), “showing favoritism for advantageous profit (c)” (d). “In their greed they will exploit you with false logos messages” (e).  I witnessed this first hand!  The godly pastor of a little inner-city church I played on the Worship-Team for was near to dying and there were rumors that his wife wanted to take over for him when he died.  She had never come to one of our rehearsals, but now she non-expectantly shows up one night and wants to pray with us.  Something clearly was up!  During our prayer to God, she was actually eloquently preaching a logos message (f) to us and flattering members of the band as our heads were bowed.  It was very obvious!  <Notes> a) prophasis: outward show as a cloak, b) 1 Thessalonians 2:5, c) opheleia:  advantage, usefulness, profit, d) Jude 1:16, e) 2 Peter 2:3, f) It sure wasn’t the logos gospel message of The Truth.


Well I looked up as she was doing this and I saw in the spirit a yellow wasp flying around the room looking for various members of the band to land on to sting with its poison, and I instantly knew the demonic spirit of greed and cunning flattery to secure allegiance to her.  I couldn’t take her long-winded ‘prayer’ any longer and I boldly said, “Are you praying or are you preaching?  Because it sure sounds like you are preaching!”  And she stopped immediately.  She never spoke to me again!   Soon after, it was confirmed that she did try to take over the church to get at its finances, and when the main denomination they belonged to heard about this, they sent in a team to depose her!  She wasn’t the only one that came out of nowhere to assume control of the church – people I’ve never seen before just showed up and offered their valuable advice!  And wow, were they smooth talkers!


Paul warns Timothy of these false teachers in 1 Timothy 1:3-10: “If anyone teaches a different doctrine [than what Paul taught Timothy] and/coupled does not absolutely in fact agree with the sound logos gospel messages of our Lord Jesus Christ and/coupled the teaching that accords with [true] godliness . . . He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words (c) . . . who are depraved in the mind and/coupled deprived of The Truth (d), imagining that godliness is a means of gain (a), but great gain (b) is godliness with contentment, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world.  But if WE have food and clothing, with this WE will be content. But those (the false teachers) who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people (like them) into ruin and destruction.  For the love of money is a root of ALL kinds of evils.  It is through this craving that some (e) have wandered away from The-trusting-relying-Faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.” a) porismos: acquisition, source/means/route of procuring/furnishing gain, especially money, b) porismos, c) this was characteristic of the Jewish scribes and Pharisees, experts in the wording of the Mosaic Law, always comparing manuscripts and writing commentaries on the words, teaching endless genealogies of names, and rabbinic speculations/controversies/arguments/quarrels about the Law – see Acts 8:15; 1 Timothy 1:4; 2 Timothy 2:14, 23; Titus 3:9, d) Jesus and His sound logos gospel message, e) implies that these “false teachers” weren’t just Jewish teachers of the Law but actually Jewish-Christian teachers who fell away.


This was the ‘error’ of the false prophet/teacher Balaam “who loved pay/wages for service (b) of/belonging to unrighteousness” (c).  “Woe unto them for they have . . . run greedily, liberally, or rushed headlong out after (d) the error of Balaam for pay/wages for service (b)” (e).  Clearly the “error” of ministry is doing it for “pay/wages for service” to “suit your own passions,” “teaching for profit, [which is] shameful” – again, that adjective describes “teaching for profit,” not just “profit” as too many like to read!  The “unrighteousness” of Balaam belonged to (genitive case) that fact he “loved pay/wages for service!”  <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 6:5-6, b) misthos, c) 2 Peter 2:15, d) ekcheo, e) Jude 1:11.


Therefore, Church’s shepherd-overseers were explicitly warned “to do so not in possibility in compulsion, force, or constraint (a) but instead willingly and eagerly and not in possibility in eagerness for gain [, this being] base, sordid, or filthy (b) but willingly with passion/enthusiasm/spontaneous generosity” (c), “not in possibility eager for gain [, this being] base, sordid, or filthy (d)” (e).  Furthermore, the same was required of deacons (f).  In Acts 20:17-35, Paul gathers the elders/overseers/shepherds, . . . for from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away disciples after them, so be alert . . .”  Paul then says:  “I worked by my own hands to take care of my necessities and those with me.  In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak/feeble/impotent ….remembering Jesus, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”  It seems a lot of pastors nowadays sure want to “receive” money, submission to their authority, and even fame!  I knew a well-known internet New Ager named “Shadow” that said he was going to start a Christian church in California and teach his New Age stuff in it to become filthy rich and said that Christians and Californians were so gullible that they will believe anything!  I couldn’t believe how he boasted of this! <Notes> a) anagkastos, b) aischrokerdos, c) 1 Peter 5:2, d) aischrokerdes, e) Titus 1:7, f) 1 Timothy 3:8.


We can see above that Church leadership likely wasn’t even supposed to get paid any more than serving deacons were, and that a clear sign of the “fakes” were those who were eager for pay!  This was Balaam’s error!  The fact that they were “in it for the money” is what made it “base, sordid, and filthy,” because the Greek word is simply an adjective modifier describing “the gain they were eager for” or the “gain they were teaching for!”  In other words, these verses aren’t saying that there is “good gain” and “bad gain” to be eager for and to “choose wisely,” but that “choosing to teach for gain is what is bad!”  Well, that rules out most churches today.  SpiritMusicMeetups will follow Paul’s ministry team’s example!


“Paid Ministry” was a common “sign” of a false teachers:  Paul “headed this objection off at the pass” by saying he and his staff worked to provide their own needs (a), not making use of any so-called “right of support” (b) or “demands as apostles/missions” (c), but instead “preaching free of charge” (d), so as to be “no burden to them or the gospel” (e), telling Christians “to keep away from the brother who is walking . . . not in accord with the tradition that you received from us.  For you yourselves know how you ought to imitate us . . . with toil and labor we worked night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you. It was not because we do not have the [so-called] ‘right’ (f) but to give you in ourselves an example to imitate.  For even when we were with you, we would give you this charge:  If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. . . . Now such persons we charge and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly that they may eat their own bread” (g). <Notes> a) Acts 18:3, 20:35; 1 Corinthians 4:12, 9:15; 1 Thessalonians 2:9, b) 1 Corinthians 9:12, c) 1 Thessalonians 2:6, d) 2 Corinthians 11:7, e) 1 Corinthians 9:12; 2 Corinthians 11:9, 12:13; 1 Thessalonians 2:9, f) to eat and drink, to take along a wife, to refrain from working for a living: 1 Corinthians 9:3-6, g) 2 Thessalonians 3:6-12.


Evidently, these Corinthians were eager to give money to so-called “super-apostles” (a), likely a reference to false apostles (b), for Paul says of himself and Barnabas in 1 Corinthians 9:12-15, “If others be partakers of this ‘rightful claim’ from you, should not we even more?  Nevertheless, we have not made use of this ‘right,’ but we endure everything rather than put an obstacle in the way of the gospel of Christ. . . . The Lord (c) prescribed (d) that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel.  However I have made no use of any of these rights, nor am I writing these things to secure any such provision.” <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 11:5, 12:11, b) 2 Corinthians 11:13, c) Kurios: Master, rightful owner.  We know from Donations-BT4 that this likely is a reference to Yahweh from Oral Torah teachings, d) arranged through appointment.


Now it’s possible that Paul is referring to Matthew 10:10, “Deserving is the workman for his food,” quoting from the OT.  However, it is here that Jesus also said in v. 10:8: “Freely (without pay) you received, so freely (without pay) give.” Many commentaries rightfully point out that there were many travelling “preachers for pay” like the Cynics, so Christ’ prohibition to carry a “bag (a) for your journey” would certainly distinguish His disciples from MANY others. <Notes> a) for clothes and money.


The first century “Teaching (Didache) of the 12 Apostles” Church-order document, contemporary with Paul’s writings, warned about those “that don’t teach that which has been said before” (a), but “a different doctrine” (b) than that which “increases righteousness and the knowledge of the Lord [Jesus]” (c).  Furthermore, “concerning prophets and apostles, they shall not dwell more than a single day or second, but if three days, he is false (d), receiving upon departure nothing but bread, but if he asks for money he is false (e), and if they prophesy that a table be laid for food, if he eats of it, they are false (f), and if they say in the Spirit to receive money or anything else, you shall not listen to him unless he orders it be given to others (g). Boy, the modern Church’s requirement for “paid ministry” staff sure has departed from the NT and early Church model! <Notes> a) 11:1, b) 11:2, c) 11:3, d) 11:4-7, e) 11:8-9, f) 11:14-15, g) 11:20-21.




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Categories: Donations

Donations – BT6






The arguments for pastor compensation all fall apart when carefully examined.



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The “right to pastor compensation” folks will also say 1 Timothy 5:17 proves that the “double honor (diplous time)” we are to give “elders who stand-before-others (superintend) well, especially those who labor in preaching and/coupled teaching” obviously means “verbally and financially” or hopefully “twice as much money” because of them having to do 2 tasks!  But the Greek word time simply means “giving perceived value, worth, or honor,” but in many verses it never means money (a), and in fact it’s clearly not money in Romans 13:7.  It’s only used of money for the silver Judas took (b), the money from the sale of houses that some Christians were deceptively withholding (c), the tomb that Abraham bought (d), and the value of the books that Christians burned regarding sorcery (e).  That’s it!  The “right to pastor compensation” folks once again have twisted bible verses out of context to support their so-called “right.” <Notes> a) John 4:44; Acts 28:10, 1 Corinthians 6:20, 7:23, 12:23-24; Romans 2:7, 10, 9:21; 1 Timothy 1:17, 6:1, 16; 2 Timothy 2:20-21; 1 Thessalonians 4:4; Colossians 2:23; Hebrews 2:7, 9, 3:3, 5:4; 1 Peter 1:7, 2:7; 2 Peter 1:17; and Revelation 4:9, 11, 5:12-13, 7:12, 21:26, b) Matthew 27:6, 9, c) Acts 4:34, 5:2-3, d) Acts 7:6, e) Acts 19:19.


The “right to pastor compensation” folks will also say that Galatians 6:6’s “The one who has been catechized (a) the logos gospel message must share all good things with the one who catechizes (b)” is obviously talking about monetary compensation, but the context is actually of “bearing one another’s burdens to fulfill the Law of Christ” (v. 6:2).  Doesn’t that mean giving money to the pastor?  No!  We know from early Christian writings, that these “catechizers” were people training others for water-baptism, people that many mistakenly idolized and became followers of (c)!  Verse 1 talks about gently restoring a brother in sin – that’s the burden to carry!  If anything the so-called catechizing “leader” of v. 6:3 is more in the spotlight, the one that needs to gently help the sinners he is instructing, for “if anyone thinks he is something, when actually is nothing, he deceives himself.”  This is exactly the “leader-follower” problem that Paul speaks disdainfully of in so many letters of his (d).  We still have this problem – see Coaches and Facilitators!  Now in v. 6:5 Paul talks about his work ethic again, “For each will have to bear his own load.”  That’s the context of v. 6:6!  Paul is simply qualifying or balancing out v. 6:5’s personal “work ethic and responsibility” by saying that the water-baptism disciple should share “all good things” with these so-called “somethings” who are the water-baptism catechizers. <Notes> a) katecheo: repetitive instruction of foundational truths, b) katecheo, c) 1 Corinthians 1:10-17, d) 1 Corinthians 1:10-17, 3:1-23.


What is the “burden” that this water-baptism instructor has that needs to be “sharedby their pupil?  How about understanding how much work it is to instruct so many people who want to get water-baptized – the Church was exploding!  It is tough “being in front of others” so much, water-baptizing so much, and it’s easy just to be grudgingly stuck in a sense of duty.  That’s why Paul says these “leader-teachers” should use that grace-gift with zeal (a), and Barnabas adds: “Let them do this with joy and not with groaning” (b), in addition to Peter saying:  “Exercising oversight not under compulsion but willingly” (c). Well it certainly helps “lighten the load” when the pupils are encouraging the instructors instead of giving them a hard time!  <Notes> a) Romans 12:8, b) Hebrews 13:17, c) 1 Peter 5:2.


But it’s a big leap to say that the water-baptism pupils needed to pay their instructors to water-baptize them!  In fact, there’s so many warnings about “leaders” in it for the “gain, which is dishonest and greedy and shameful.”  The Greek phrasing isn’t saying there is “honest, non-greedy, and shameless” gain that was okay for “leaders” to pursue, but that if they are in ministry for “gain,” then this is dishonest, greedy, and shameful (d). <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 3:8, 6:5; Titus 1:11; 1 Peter 5:2; 2 Peter 2:3, 15; Jude 1:11.


Romans 12:2-10 is absolutely not talking about offices, positions, and titles as the Catholic Church and many Protestant churches have interpreted it, which is simply “borrowing” from the ungodly world – these are the worldly stones building The Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit!  The Greek makes it clear that this is talking about praxis “functions, sustained activities, deeds, and/or responsibilities” based on the charismata grace-gifts that God alone “measures out” without any consideration of our merit, thus it is by unconditional-favor-of-grace.  Paul warns in Philippians 2:3 to “Do nothing in possibility from eritheia selfish ambition or empty self-glorifying pride, but instead each of you should in self-humility be motivated to treat one another as more important than yourself.”  This Greek word literally means “work for hire, work done merely for money, acting like a mercenary for one’s own gain regardless of the strife it causes, placing your own self-interest ahead of the Lord’s good for others.  The NT usage is the seeking of followers as a self-seeking pursuit of office for gain, which is worldly.”  These worldly methods were actually seeping into the Church, and sadly we see this continued through Catholic and later Protestant church history!  See the Body-of-Christ ministry and Teach One Another pages.


This word eritheia is listed in Paul’s “works of the flesh that are evident” (a), and Paul was afraid to find this when he revisited an unrepentant church:  “I’m afraid that somehow when I come I will not find in you what I wish . . . but . . . eritheia selfish-ambition . . .” (b).  God’s “wrath and anger are to those who live in this eritheia selfish ambition” (c).  Paul said there were “some, to be sure, who are preaching Christ through envy contention strife (eris comes from eritheia) . . . proclaiming Christ from eritheia selfish ambition, not sincerely, because they think they can cause trouble for me during my imprisonment” (d).  There were also so-called “wise and understanding” Jewish teachers in the early Church, who were actually against “The Truth” (e), that James had to deal with:  “If you have bitter jealousy and eritheia selfish-ambition in your hearts, do not go about boasting and tell lies against The Truth.  Such ‘wisdom’ does not come from above but is earthly, soulish (f), demonic.  For where there is jealousy and eritheia selfish-ambition, there is disorder and every evil practice” (g).  <Notes> a) Galatians 5:19-20, b) 2 Corinthians 12:20, c) Romans 2:8, d) Philippians 1:17, e) Jesus and His gospel, f) the adjective of psyche – see the Identity page, g) James 3:13-16.


In summary, people who want to get paid to share the gospel and minister for God, will find some way to interpret some verse in their favor.  They will use the verses above and miss the main points and obvious contextual meaning.  This is nothing new!  The 1st century had Greek “Cynics” and other groups that were paid to preach their religions and philosophies, often requiring this from who they delivered it to.  Jesus sure wasn’t asking His disciples to be anything like them!  The Canaanites, the ones in the temple that Jesus drove out, were the merchants at peddling religion and anything else that could make a buck.  The last martyred OT prophet Zechariah in his last verse (Zechariah 14:21) says “there shall no longer be a Canaanite in the house of Yahweh of hosts on that Day [of His great return].”  The early church’s “Teaching of the 12 Apostles” or Didache, circulating at the time of Paul, strictly prohibited churches from paying any teacher, preacher, or prophet if they settled down for more than 3 days, but to send them on their way.  If they insisted, they were to be quickly judged as “false prophets and teachers.”  This was a real problem in the early Church because there were lots of people “in it for the money,” which the NT makes clear such “gain is dishonest, greedy and shameful.”  And it sounds like they really took Paul’s advice, a contemporary!  The modern church sure hasn’t!


SpiritMusicMeetups is following Paul’s ministry team example – we aren’t exercising any so-called, “rights to a living because of ministry for the Lord.”  So be free in your giving to the Lord and His work.  It simply will be a blessing to share together with you in all aspects of this ministry.




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Categories: Donations

Donations – BT5






Paul’s approach to Christian support of NT ministry



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Maybe the answer is in Philippians 4:9-19 where we really see Paul’s understanding of Christians sharing in support of NT ministry:  “What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me – practice these things . . . You were actually concerned for me, but you had no opportunity [to show it].  Not that I am speaking of presently being in need – Paul isn’t subtly begging, as we’ve all heard all too often from the pulpit – for I have learned in whatever situation I am, to be content. . . . Yet it was kind of you to presently share/partner (a) [in] my trouble.  And you Philippians yourselves know [that] in the beginning of the [preaching of the] gospel when I left Macedonia, absolutely in fact, not even one church shared/partnered (a) with me in giving and receiving, except you only.  Even in Thessalonica you sent me help for my needs once and again.  Not that I seek the gift [now], but I seek the fruit (b) that increases to your credit.  I have already received full payment and more!  I am presently well supplied, having already received from Epaphroditus the gifts you already sent, a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God.  Moreover my God shall actually supply your every need down-from/according-to His riches in glory in Christ.”  <Notes> a) koinonia, b) karpos: by-product of their one’s nature.


Some will say that Paul is still cleverly asking for even more money, despite what he says, but I believe he is being very grateful, even bragging in them, and wants them to experience even more fruit from the money they have already given.  He reassures them that God will take care of them, despite their previous sacrifices.  Once again, Paul uses his own life as an example – he isn’t asking them to do anything that he doesn’t do himself.  Notice the emphasis on sharing/partnering with Paul’s ministry trials, needs, and in giving and receiving!  That is exactly my emphasis in this SpiritMusicMeetups ministry – it’s all about sharing together every aspect of the ministry!




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Categories: Donations

Donations – BT4






Paul continues to defend his ministry finances model.



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Paul continues his “defense” in 1 Corinthians 9:7-10, 13-14 using more analogies, essentially saying:  “Don’t soldiers get paid for their service?  Don’t vineyard planters get to eat some of the fruit from it?  Don’t shepherds get some of the milk?  This isn’t just my authoritative words!  The Law of Moses talks about not muzzling the ox when it treads out the grain, but God’s not talking about oxen, but about plowman and threshers both having hope in sharing in the crop.  Don’t the temple and sacrifice workers get their food from a portion of these sacrifices?”  The Torah Law of conditional-favor specifies this!  Not only that, but Paul adds: “The Lord had authoritatively ordered (a) that those who are routinely proclaiming the ‘Great News’ gospel to be living of/from the Great News” (b).  Remember from the context Paul is absolutely not arguing for this “order” to be applied to NT ministers such as their team.  Remember he is saying all this to drive home his main point – that they are inconsistent in their freewill giving to others and worse – selfish! <Notes> a) diatasso: fully, thoroughly, systematically, authoritatively ordered, b) 1 Corinthians 9:14.


Furthermore, there is no record of this diatasso “authoritative order” being made by Jesus.  Also, the only time Jesus used the word diatasso is when He ordered a family to feed the little girl he raised from the dead (a).  So, then where did Paul hear this?  Was Paul paraphrasing his great understanding of the Torah Law of conditional-favor and adapting it to his unconditional-favor “Great News” gospel, since he talked about this right after quoting Moses’ Law?  Was it part of the Oral Law, the traditions of the elders?  Can we be so quick to assume that the “Lord who had authoritatively ordered” compensation here refers to Jesus Christ, since Paul just referred to the Law of Moses?  I’ve seen too many Christians say just that!  <Notes> a) Luke 8:55.


Fortunately we know the answer, because Paul is in the habit of repeating himself.  He already said nearly the exact same thing to his evangelist trainee in 1 Timothy 5:17-19 regarding “doubling the honor” of “elders who stand-before-others (superintend) well, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching.”  Here Paul again quotes the Law of Moses about “muzzling the ox” and couples to it (using kai) “the laborer worthily deserves his wages.”  Now, this is significant because both parts are coupled together implying that they both come from the OT Law of Moses.  Furthermore, Paul is not quoting in 56-57 AD what the Lord Jesus had said in a completely different writing of Luke 10:7 later in AD 80.  It’s impossible, but it doesn’t stop too many bibles and commentators from implying this.  It’s much more likely that the same “Yahweh ‘LORD’ of scripture” in 1 Timothy 5:19 is the “Lord” in 1 Corinthians 9:14!


In both of these verses, Paul uses the OT scripture to argue for a current practice under the New Covenant.  This is nothing new!  Everywhere Paul cites OT scripture in his writings, he does so to prove how they were actually written for us in a future time, and particularly the topic that he is presently discussing (a).  But even though his partner Barnabas recounts all of the trusting-relying-faith of the OT forefathers in Hebrews 11:1-40 as an example to us, he concludes: “Though commended because of their trusting-relying-faith, they did not receive what was promised, since God had provided something better for us.  Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us . . . look to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our trusting-relying-faith.”  So, once again, we see OT scripture and examples used to point us forward to what is better, and so never to go backwards – this is a foundational problems many Christians and churches have that is building The Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit! <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 9:10; 10:6, 11; Romans 4:23-24, 15:4.


Then why did Luke 10:7 record in AD 80 what Paul said years earlier around 56-57 AD in 1 Timothy 5:19?  Jesus said in Luke 10:1-8 when He sent 72 out in front of His own ministry: “Carry no moneybag, no knapsack, no sandals, and greet no one on the road (being shrewd as a snake) . . . remain in the house (the ones you find peace in), eating and drinking what they provide, for the laborer worthily deserves his wages, but do not go from house to house.  Whenever you enter a town and they receive you, eat what is set before you.  Heal the sick in it and say to them, ‘the kingdom of God has come near to you.’”  Similarly Jesus said this to 12 apostles in Matthew 10:5-10, written in 70AD, again long after 1 Timothy writing:  Jesus sent the 12 apostles out to only the Jews to preach that the kingdom of heaven is at hand, heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, and cast out demons.  He told them to not fill their money-belts or bring a lot of extra clothing, “for the laborer worthily deserves his food” per Matthew 10:10.


Paul simply can’t be quoting either Luke or Matthew’s gospel because Paul wrote long before they wrote their gospel accounts.  It’s possible in 48 AD when Paul met the other disciples in Jerusalem that he heard about Christ’s teaching on this, but Paul in Galatians 2:6 said they “added nothing to me,” so that rules that theory out!


It’s much more likely that 1 Timothy, Luke 10:7, and Matthew 10:10 all are either quoting a Greek OT Law that we simply don’t have a manuscript of, or more likely are quoting the Oral Torah.  The latter is what I’m seeing the scholars saying: “‘The laborer worthily deserves his wages’ appears to have been the prevailing interpretation of Deuteronomy 24:14-15 according to the Oral Traditions of the Jews during the 1st c. and beyond” citing the 1st c. Jewish historian Flavius Josephus who made the same connection of the “ox” to “workers wages.”  In the Babylonian Talmud several hundred years later that codified the Oral Torah, add the stipulation that they must be “full-time” employees to be entitled to these “fringe benefits,” saying that “He may eat the produce on which he is working only if he works with both his hands and his feet:  The worker is analogous to an ox.  Just as an ox is entitled to nibble only if he is working with forelegs and hind-legs, so the worker may eat only if he is engaged in work that requires both hands and feet.”  Leviticus 19:13 and Malachi 3:5 also talk about compensating the worker fairly and in a timely manner, which James 5:4 also refers to.  So both Jesus and Paul are likely quoting from the Oral Torah.  Therefore, the “Lord” who diatasso “authoritative orders” this is none other than Yahweh of the OT, and all this is simply OT tradition!  Since this is likely the case, is Paul then telling future Gentile pastors to follow OT Law and Oral Traditions that were written for Jews or Gentile converts to Judaism?  That’s what we will explore next.




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Categories: Donations

Donations – BT3






Paul’s financial approach to ministry is unconditional-love



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In 1 Corinthians 9:19-20, Paul really gets to his point:  “Though I am free from all (a), I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them.  To the Jews I became as a Jew in order to win Jews.  To those under the Torah Law [of Moses for conditional-favor] I became as one under the Law [of Moses] – though not being myself under the Law [of Moses] (c) in order that I might win those under the Law [of Moses].  [Now] to those outside the Law [as Gentiles would be] I became as one outside the Law [thus like a Gentile] – not being outside the Law of God [this is certainly not the Law of Moses], that is, under the Law of Christ (b) – that I might win those outside the Law [of Moses, thus to win Gentiles].  To the weak I became weak [in faith, thus the Jews], that I might win the weak.  I have become all things to all people that by all means I might save some.  I do it all for the sake of the gospel.” <Notes> a) OT commandment, rules, etc. and even their ‘rights’ in Christ, b) “to unconditionally-love one another as I have unconditionally-loved you” – see Only 2 Commandments, c) as Christians aren’t per Romans 6:14.


Paul adapts himself to his audience, motivated by Christ’s unconditional-love, to win them to Christ:  “I try to please everyone in everything I do, not seeking my own advantage, but that of many, that they may be saved” (a).  This is the main point of the 1 Corinthians 9 passage above, not whether pastors should be compensated, or even apostles like Paul!  Now we can start to see why Paul’s ministry team won’t exercise an OT “right” to ministry support!  Sure, it would “be to his own advantage,” but he wanted absolutely nothing to hinder the gospel!  Paul sure isn’t buying into applying OT compensation of priests to supporting NT apostles or any workers of the gospel, but if some claim to have that right, he and Barnabas sure won’t.  He doesn’t speak for others, only themselves.  They will operate solely out of unconditional-love for others.  They won’t take the risk of being accused of “pay for play” as many traveling speakers in that day were!  And from the Thessalonians passage, he drives home the point that it is actually the Lord’s command to follow their example. <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 10:33.



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Categories: Donations

Benefits – BT9: Supernatural skill and confidence comes from anointed music




Video:  Benefits - BT9:  Supernatural skill and confidence comes from anointed music



Benefits – BT9:  Supernatural skill and confidence comes from anointed music!



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Christian musicians should become like the anointed craftsmen in Exodus 35:31-35 who were “filled with the Spirit of God, with ability and intelligence, with knowledge and all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold, silver, and bronze, in cutting stones for setting, and in carving wood to work in every craft” for every single detail for the Tent of Meeting, the Ark of the Testimony, the holy garments of the priests, oils, incenses, lamps, etc.  The Lord is into details!


Should our confidence come from our own “might and poweror from Spirit-empowerment?  King Solomon says, “Yahweh will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught” (a) and “In the reverential awe of Yahweh one has strong confidence” (b). Paul says:  “Such is the confidence that we have thru-the-realizing-channel-of Christ toward God (the Father).  Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God, who has caused to be ministers of a completely-different New Covenant, absolutely not in fact of the gramma sacred letter but of the Spirit, for the gramma letter kills but the Spirit gives zoe genuine-life” (c).  Finally, “in Christ Jesus our Lord we have boldness and access with confidence through trusting-relying-faith in Him” (d).  <Notes> a) Proverbs 3:26, b) Proverbs 14:26, c) 2 Corinthians 2:4-6, d) Ephesians 3:11-12.


Paul rattled off a whole list of credentials for having “confidence in the flesh” and bragged that he “had even more” than the Christians he was writing to, but then concluded: “Whatever gain I had, I counted as complete loss for the sake of Christ.  Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of the gnosis info-knowledge of/belonging to Christ Jesus my Lord.  For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in Him” (a).  This is one of the rare times Paul uses gnosis positively (b).  As a Pharisee under the great teacher of the Torah Law of conditional-favor, Gamaliel, he was an expert at gnosis info-knowledge of the gramma sacred letters that make up the graphe scripture of the old covenant.  That was high in his list of impressive credentials.  But he considered this scriptural gnosis info-knowledge to be pure rubbish!  He threw this scholarly expertise into the filthy trash where many “unclean” things were put!  Why?  Because the gramma sacred letters killed us – it’s called “the Law of sin and death” (c) for a reason!  Clearly, the gnosis info-knowledge that “belonged to Christ” was exceedingly superior but this is only found in the New Covenant ministry in/by/with the Spirit.”  If you are looking for confidence anywhere else but Christ it’s not the paper it is written on!  <Notes> a) Philippians 3:3-9, b) 1 Corinthians 8:1, c) Romans 8:2; 1 Corinthians 15:56.  See the Knowledge, Surrender Control, Letting go and Letting God, and New Covenant Ways pages.


As an anointed musician playing by-the-means-of the Spirit, you may actually find yourself watching yourself in the 3rd person with wondrous awe wondering how you could possibly be playing so well, making such beautiful music, and doing all this without really thinking much about it or whether it sounds good or not.


Professional musicians are always thinking about and preparing for what they need to do next, whether they are reading music or not, and working hard to make sure their instrument interacts with the other musicians well, and so they are usually very self-conscious.  This can lead to performance anxiety, mistakes, and post-playing criticalness and depression.  I’ve seen it in hundreds of musicians and myself!  There is a lot of alcohol and drugs used to calm nerves or psych performers up.  Christians aren’t exempt – they may just pound coffee or smoke cigarettes to get pumped, and drink a couple of beers or wine afterwards to come down.


But none of this is needed when you give the Holy Spirit complete control of your playing!  He takes you along for the ride and you are just left in awe, inspired, and filled up with joy.  Also, there is no need to be nervous before stepping out on the stage, because the Lord has flowed through you during your Spirit-practice.  He will do it again as you surrender control!  Also, there is no need to brag in your ability because you know that you were just being used.  There is no need for arrogance because you know your identity is “in Christ” and that He has chosen to use you out of pure unconditional-favor-of-grace, with no consideration for your so-called “talent” whatsoever!


I would be interested in hearing your experiences with supernatural skill and confidence while playing in/by/with the Spirit.




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Spiritual Education, Music Education, Music Teaching, Drum Education, Drum Teaching, Benefits of Anointed Prophetic Spontaneous Music, Not by Might or Power but by My Spirit Zechariah 4:6, Going beyond Gnosis Head-Knowledge to Epignosko Experential-Knowledge of God, Supernatural skill or ability from God for music, Supernatural confidence from God for music, Eliminating musician ego arrogance, Eliminating music performance anxiety, Eliminating music self-consciousness, Eliminating music post-performance depression, Eliminating music alcohol & drug abuse, Supernatural Joy of God in music, Surrendering control to God’s Spirit to play music

Categories: Benefits

Benefits – BT8: Supernatural wisdom comes from anointed music




Video:  Benefits - BT8: Supernatural wisdom comes from anointed music!


Benefits – BT8: Supernatural wisdom comes from anointed music!



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King David says in Psalms 49:4, “I will stretch out my ear to a parable (a); I will open up wide (b) my insightful saying (c) by/with the lyre/harp,” which likely produced the rest of this divinely inspired psalm!  In other words, David was really listening for God to directly speak prophetic rhema words to him.  God initially gave him a wise saying that was difficult to understand, so he “unpacked” it by playing his instrument.  That’s when God gave him the rest of the revelation!  Man, God is good! <Notes> a) parable in Greek, but Hebrew means: a pithy or wise maxim, simile as an adage/proverb, poem, or parable, b) reveal, explain, c) the riddle, puzzle, problem, or conundrum behind the parable or proverb.


I can attest to getting bits of revelation from God that puzzled me greatly.  I pondered it for a long time.  Then He would give me more, but I never tried going into my drum room to hear more!  However, I can attest to going into a trance-like state (zoning out) while drumming and “seeing” visions and directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words from the Lord that I then wrote down, and as I played more I received even more.  I keep a notebook in my drum room for that very reason!  Sometimes He shows me insights into drumming and sometimes He tells me about His original creation of music and His feelings while playing it, which He wants to koinonia share with me in order to reveal Himself more so that I can get to genuinely, experientially, relationally epiginosko know Him.  Later God has shown me His thoughts during the playing of drums in parks doing Drum Declarations.




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Spiritual Education, Music Education, Music Teaching, Drum Education, Drum Teaching, Benefits of Anointed Prophetic Spontaneous Music, Not by Might or Power but by My Spirit Zechariah 4:6, Supernatural wisdom & understanding comes by the Spirit’s anointing even in music, Prophetic insight comes through relationship not religion

Categories: Benefits

Benefits – BT7:  Supernatural healing from demons comes from anointed music





Video: Benefits - BT7:  Supernatural healing from demons comes from anointed music



Benefits – BT7:  Supernatural healing from demons comes from anointed music!



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When King David was younger, he played his lyre to drive out a spirit from King Saul:  “And whenever the harmful spirit from-beside/near (f) Elohiym (g) was upon Saul (a), David took the lyre and played it with his hand.  So Saul was revived (b) and made well (c), and/coupled the harmful spirit departed from him (d), and this became a daily habit of David’s (e).  <Notes> a) 1 Samuel 16:14 says a “choking & strangling” (Greek) or “tormenting & injurious” (Hebrew) spirit replaced God’s Spirit that had departed from Saul because he got involved with a witch to see into the future.  We cannot believe that God directly sent an “evil” spirit into Saul for his disobedience.  Who is always in the courts of heaven “near/beside Elohiym” that accuses the brethren day and night?  Satan and/or his demon lawyers in the courts of God!  That’s who always comes to replace God’s Holy Spirit!  b) to again breathe deeply, c) better unto goodness and cheer, d) 1 Samuel 16:23, e) 1 Samuel 18:10, 19:9, f) para, g) plural: Supreme Triune Godhead.


Let’s look into this much closer:  In 1 Samuel 16:15-17 “And [King] Saul’s servants said to him, ‘Behold now, an injurious/choking spirit from God is tormenting you. Let our king now command your servants who are before you to seek out a man who mentally-perceives-to-understand/know (Greek eido) or experientially/relationally-understands/knows (Hebrew yada) how to psalm (a) the lyre, and when the injurious/choking spirit near/beside Elohiym is upon you, he (the musician) will psalm it, and you (Saul) will be well.’  So Saul said to his servants, ‘Find me a man who is rightly/correctly (Greek: orthos) or rightly/thoroughly/beautifully/gladly (Hebrew: yatab) in psalming/strumming and bring him to me.’”  <Notes> a) psallo:  “hit, twang, pluck, or twitch” out a song with/without singing.


The servants used the Hebrew word yada in the Qal form, meaning “acquainted with or understands or is wise by learning or experience acquired through the senses.”  However, instead of the usual Greek word ginosko normally used, the Greek word used was eido was used (see above).  And one of the servants added that David was agathos, which means “God-like good-natured, pleasantly joyful, excellent or distinguished and thus useful, upright, or honorable.”  At least one of the servants were looking for a godly, good-natured, morally upright, musician who knew from learning or experience how to cheer up the king!   However, the king used the Hebrew word yatab in the Hiphil form, meaning “to make glad or to rejoice, to deal with or do well or rightly with, to do thoroughly, to make a thing good or right or beautify.”  Does this word only mean “do well” as too many translations imply?


However, the context always defines the choice of word meaning!  The Septuagint translation selected the Greek word orthos to emphasize that the chosen musician was to literally be: “horizontally level or straight or direct,” or figuratively be: “straight up, erect, or upright in character,” as if to say the king wanted more than just another “qualified well-playing, knowledgably, happy musician to make happy music to make the himself happy” – like the servants thought he wanted!  The servants reached for “the low-hanging fruit” – cheerful musicians that play good music to cheer you up, who were then, are now, and always will be “a dime a dozen.”  No!  The king was disparately sick and knew he needed something far more powerfully-enabling!  He needed Spirit-power!


Instead, the king wanted an “upright (godly), wise musician to help him become right with God.”  1 Samuel 16:18 continues:  “One of the young men answered, ‘Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse [David] the Bethlehemite, who is experientially, relationally yada knowing or eido mentally ‘seeing’ to perceive/know (a) and/coupled one who has sunesis connect-the-dots rational understanding (b) in psalming (c), a man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a man of God-like good (agathos) presence/handsome, and the Lord is with (e) him.’”  O yes, the servants understood the king – sure they said David was “experientially, relationally knowledgeable or mentally ‘seeing’ to perceive/know” (a) and “rationally understanding” (b) when it came to “psalming” like the other Levites would be, who David as king would later establish (d) to worship God regularly.  However, David was also a courageous warrior, wise speaker, and handsome or God-like good in presence, and more importantly “God was with him!”  I bet that’s exactly what helped king Saul make the final decision!  None of those others things would help with his sickness – see Signs, Miracles, Healing. <Notes> a) yada, eido: mentally ‘seeing’ to perceive/know b) sunetos, c) psallo, d) see the word suniemi in 1 Chronicles 15:16-22 and 25:1-8, e) The Greek meta means more than just “with,” but looks towards the after-effect, change, or result that is only defined by the context.


It should also be noted in 1 Samuel 16:23 that as soon David played, the injurious/choking spirit left Saul and he was refreshed and made well.  Again, it is very unfortunate that many translations have misled readers to think that king Saul wanted just a noble, experienced, well-playing, and knowledgeable musician to cheer him up, like the servants originally suggested as they consistently focused on worldly traits that would impress a king.  It’s a crying shame these translations think that the king was just looking for someone who could play “good” or “well.”  If that was the case, why would the king state the obvious – why would he even consider a novice?  It’s a given he would be looking for a skilled musician, so why would he ask for this?  These translators have really diverted the reader from the main point – that the king needed “a good-natured, God-like man, upright, cheerful, wise, understanding, noble, musician who is with (affected-by) the Lord” to help him get back on his feet and find peace with God!  He need a man who has God’s presence with him.


As Christian musicians, even if we are “happy, skilled, professional musicians to help make others happy with happy music” as many worldly musicians are, or even if we are “good-natured, upright, cheerful, wise, understanding, and noble” as many Christians musicians are, unless it is also true that we are “with (affected-by) the Lord,” then we simply will not be able to drive out demonic spirits to heal people!




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Spiritual Education, Music Education, Music Teaching, Drum Education, Drum Teaching, Benefits of Anointed Prophetic Spontaneous Music, Not by Might or Power but by My Spirit Zechariah 4:6, Supernatural power to tear down Satan’s walls can come from Anointed music, Anointed music will drive out demons, Anointed music can be used for Spiritual warfare, David drove demons out of King Saul and healed him, 1 Samuel 16:14-18, To heal with music you have to carry the presence of God, To heal with music you have to have been with & affected by God, To heal with music you have to be anointed

Categories: Benefits

Benefits – BT6:  Spirit-power against the enemy comes from anointed music





Video: Benefits - BT6:  Spirit-power against the enemy comes from anointed music



Benefits – BT6:  Spirit-power against the enemy comes from anointed music!



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When did God’s Spirit-power tear down the walls of Jericho?  Joshua 6:15-20 tells us:  “On the 7th day they . . . marched around the city in the same manner 7 times.  And at the 7th time, when the priests had blown the trumpets, Joshua said to the people, ‘Shout, for Yahweh has given you the city . . . As soon as the people heard the trumpet, the people shouted a great shout, and the walls fell down flat.”  Yahweh’s battles against the Assyrians weren’t accomplished just by “brandishing His arm” or “striking them with terror by His voice,” but “every stroke of His staff that Yahweh lay on them will be to the sound of tambourines and lyres” (a).  The Lord timed percussion and melody to every one of His blows!  King David who “struck down ten thousands” in battle (b) knew how important music was:  “Let the godly exult in glory; let them [even] sing for joy from their beds.  Let the high praises of God be in their throats and two-edged swords in their hands” (c). <Notes> a) Isaiah 30:31-32, b) 1 Samuel 18:7-8, 21:11, 39:5, c) Psalms 149:5-6.


How can anointed, prophetic music be like a warrior’s “two-edged sword?”  Because this directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word comes from the MOUTH of God who is all powerfully-enabling!  Isaiah 55:11 says this:  “My directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word that goes out of My MOUTH – it shall not return to Me empty, but it shall actually succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”  Out of the “MOUTH of Jesus Christ comes the sharp two-edged sword, His face like the sun shining in full strength” (a).  How does the Lord’s slashing sword work?  The ‘Living, … active Logos Message of God is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul (b) and of spirit (c)  . . . and critically, skillfully judging (d) the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (e). <Notes> a) Revelation 1:16, 2:12, 16, 19:15, b) the hidden part of ‘the flesh’ – see Identity, c) the hidden 3rd part of man that comes from God – see the same link, d) kritikos, e) Hebrews 4:12.


However, this “Logos” is absolutely not referring to a bible, which is at best second-hand information!  This “Living and Abiding Logos Message of God” is clearly referring to Jesus Christ, since He is the “Imperishable Sperma Seed” of whom “you have been born again” (a).  And when God speaks His directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word from the MOUTH of Christ, this alone is zoe genuine-life:  “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word that comes from the MOUTH of God” (b), and Jesus further clarifies:  “It is the Spirit who gives zoe genuine-life; the flesh absolutely in fact is useless or profits nothing – the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words that I speak to you:  Spirit they ongoingly are and/coupled zoe genuine-life they ongoingly are” (c).  <Notes> a) 1 Peter 1:23, b) Matthew 4:4; Deuteronomy 8:3, c) John 6:63.


I’ve witnessed that “two-edged sword” during worshipRemember the drummer Shawn Laughlin at Freedom Fellowship from the Benefits-BT2 post?  People in the congregation saw demons flee when he broke out into a drum solo by-the-means-of-the Spirit and the church would explode in praise.  Remember the “revival cowbell” did the same thing?  I’ve had people come up to be after playing by-the-means-of-the Spirit and said that they felt like prison doors opened while I was playing – and these were non-charismatic, nearly-dead churches!  So when I read these verses above, I don’t doubt the Spirit-power of God can do this!


I once attended a little church that featured a traveling Spanish evangelist named “Jose” from Chile whose wife “Andrea” was a Messianic Jew.  There were gang members there tattooed from head to toe.  He powerfully preached the gospel like I’ve rarely heard in church, and there was great praise for the Lord released.  However, when his wife came over and blew a Jewish shofar (a ram’s horn) into a gang woman’s chest, they barely had time to catch her before hitting the floor.  That hardened woman got delivered of demons and cried like a baby and the people praised the Lord even louder!  What a night that was!  Now that’s what I call, “Church!”


I’d be interested to hear from you about how you have seen anointed, prophetic, even spontaneous music used in spiritual warfare.




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Spiritual Education, Music Education, Music Teaching, Drum Education, Drum Teaching, Benefits of Anointed Prophetic Spontaneous Music, Not by Might or Power but by My Spirit Zechariah 4:6, Supernatural power to tear down Satan’s walls can come from Anointed music, Anointed music will drive out demons, Anointed music can be used for Spiritual warfare, Prophetic rhema word gives us supernatural power, Prophetic rhema word is the sword of the Spirit, Jesus Christ is the Logos Gospel Message of God that is living active and sharper than any 2-edged sword

Categories: Benefits

Benefits – BT5:  The Lord is bringing the Church back to “the prophetic” of King David





Video:  Benefits - BT5:  The Lord is bringing the Church back to “the prophetic” of King David


Benefits – BT5:  The Lord is bringing the Church back to “the prophetic” of King David!



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God showed me that King David’s 288 anointed musicians prophesied with lyres, with harps, and with cymbals . . . who prophesied with the lyre in thanksgiving and praise to Yahweh” (a), and there wasn’t even a mention of a singer or a preacher!  God doesn’t need human words to create prophecy – to reveal His thoughts!  And later in 2 Chronicles 5:12-14, these same people along with 120 priest-trumpeters with a multitude of Levitical-singers “made themselves heard in unison in praise and thanksgiving to Yahweh, and WHEN the song was raised with trumpets and cymbals and other musical instruments in praise to Yahweh, the house of Yahweh was filled with a cloud, so that the priests could not stand to minister because of it, for the glory of Yahweh filled the house of God.”  Whole-hearted surrender in the worship music is what brought the physical manifestation of the presence of God – not a sermon!  We see this in every revival in history!  <Notes> a) 1 Chronicles 25:1-3.


Look at the list of instruments that were used to praise Yahweh:  trumpet, shofar hors, lute, harp, 10-string harp, tambourine, strings, pipe, cymbals, and castanets (a), and Amos 6:5 says that King David even invented instruments for worship music!  To think that the Church of Christ had me convinced that God disapproved of instrumental music in worship services, and that instruments were of the devil!  In the other extreme, this Davidic worship is not the smoke-machines and fans that some churches use today “create an atmosphere” of the Lord’s presence!  Churches won’t get the real thing if they continue to use the “stones of the world” to build the Church – this is exactly part of The Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit. <Notes> a) Exodus 15:20-21; Psalms 33:1-22, 49:4, 68:25, 71:22, 81:1-2, 92:3, 98:4-6, 144:9, 149:3, 150:3-6; Amos 6:5; 1 Chronicles 13:8, 15:16, 16:5-6; 2 Chronicles 9:11, 29:25-30; 1 Samuel 18:6; 2 Samuel 6:5; Nehemiah 12:27; Job 21:11-12; Isaiah 38:20; Habakkuk 3:19; Revelation 14:2-3, 18:22.


Furthermore, “companies of prophets” often travelled WITH their “harp/guitar, tambourine, flute and lyre before or ‘at the face/front of’ them, THEY prophesying” (a).  Here the Hebrew naba’ and Greek word propheteuo are used for prophecy as a “Spirit-powered forth-telling.”  Also, the original text isn’t clear whether the instruments belonged to a separate group of prophets, which are not mentioned, “at the face/front of” them, or the instruments were being carried “at the face/front of” each of the prophets who either were prophesying while playing or the instrument was prophesying itself or a combination, because “THEY prophesying” is not specific. <Notes> a) 1 Samuel 10:5.


It’s also no coincidence that the “the hand of the Lord came upon the prophet Elisha WHILE the harpist was playing and Elisha began prophesying” (a).  Anointed music can obviously spur verbal prophecy because the instrument that is prophesying is leading the way!  Is it any wonder that near the end of his life, King David charged that 4,000 of the Levite priests for Solomon’s future temple be DEDICATED to “offer praises to Yahweh with the instruments that I have made for praise” (b)?  Man, I wish I could have been in that band!  <Notes> a) 1 Samuel 10:5, a) 2 Kings 3:14-20, b) 1 Chronicles 23:5.




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Spiritual Education, Music Education, Music Teaching, Drum Education, Drum Teaching, Benefits of Anointed Prophetic Spontaneous Music, King David’s 288 anointed musicians all prophesied with their instruments even without singers, King David’s anointed musicians also accompanied prophets, Anointed music can release prophecy

Categories: Benefits

Benefits – BT4:  God will speak His prophetic rhema words directly thru anointed musicians





Video:  Benefits - BT4:  God will speak His prophetic rhema words directly thru anointed musicians



Benefits – BT4:  God will speak His prophetic rhema words directly thru anointed musicians



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God directly speaks His prophetic rhema words directly into the hearts of the musicians and hearers during the playing of anointed, prophetic, even spontaneous music, whether a singer prophetically utters a word or not!   See the Prophetic Rhema page to fully understand these direct messages from God!  See Links & Resources Critique and Media for other people who have discovered this!  I used to believe that an evangelist or prophet had to be present at the park while playing such music if you wanted people to get saved, until God gave me several dreams and visions to tell me that I was “boxing Him in” based on “traditions of men” taught to me for years in various churches.  Then He opened my eyes, ears, and mind to so many verses that said otherwise!  These “prophetic rhema words” are strewn throughout this website for you to “hear” as well!  See Mike’s God-Messages and Drum Declarations.


In one dream I saw Christians warming up on stage at Reed Park near me, but being “by-the-means-of-the Spirit,” the “warmup” sound was so sweet traveling throughout the park that many people were strangely drawn to it.  As they got closer and closer they became more curious.  But once they got right in front of the stage, they were overtaken or “waffled” by-the-means-of-the Spirit and God spoke directly into their hearts and they were saved, and many were even divinely healed.  Nobody had preached a word and the band was just warming up!  Why “waffled”?  Because like two waffles heating up in the toaster at my house, the intoxicating aroma filled the house, and even flowed out into my yard.  Just like this, these people will be drawn to this “smell of the Spirit” – this is not the worldly song “Smells like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana.  When they go near the stage, once they tasted the “golden melted butter” of the Holy Spirit on those two “waffles,” then they were trapped in between those two waffles.  They were “constrained from every side by The Unconditional-Love of Christ,” just like Paul talks about in 2 Corinthians 5:14.  Many will get immediately saved, but some will go away very hungry, still smelling that sweet aroma, and so God will come to them in many ways, even through His Body-of-Christ, to satisfy their insatiable hunger.


When I told this to my friend Tony Balda, he told me of 2 actual instances that really confirmed my dream.  First around 1971-72, a band was warming up for their concert.  They were playing an old church hymn but at double the tempo and he didn’t recognize it.  However, as he stepped up to the front of the amphitheater with his bumper stickers and posters he sold at concerts, the Spirit’s presence of the Lord was so heavy it almost pulled him over, but all they were doing was warming up!


Second in 1982, Tony’s youngest daughter was an infant.  It was in the middle of the night and his wife just finished nursing and the baby was lying between them in the bed and they were all sleeping.  Tony woke up for some reason, and within a few minutes it was like the curtains of heaven were pulled back and he heard an orchestra of only violins playing in perfect unity.  It was the most beautiful sounding music he ever heard, playing a song that he recognized from church in the 1970s. At one point the baby started to change position and just the rustling of her clothes was enough to drown out the violins.  As soon as she became totally silent again, the violins could be heard playing that same song.  And after a short period of time Tony just fell asleep again.  He couldn’t understand what was happening at that time, but later he believed the Lord was instilling in his daughter the ability to sing and bring forth praise and worship with her voice.  She’s the only one in their big family that has that kind of singing voice, and at a very young age she became a part of a Worship Team at another church they went to.  The name of that song was: “Thy name is as ointment poured forth.”  Evidently, this is an “anointed song” that is played in heaven!


As for myself, shortly after I started this Spirit Music Meetups ministry, a prophetic friend named Dylan Cornelius who was helping me with the website coding, said this on 11/19/2020:  “I see outdoor worship jams in Tucson drawing people near.  I see people interceding for believers and unbelievers alike.  People are getting saved by the thousands!  The Spirit is falling outdoors – no more walls!  It’s the frequencies and sounds of heaven that are going to manifest through this worship and awaken people’s spirits to the idea of Jesus.  Their ears will be opened and they will hear!


On 11/20/2020, Dylan had another vision of a group of musicians playing the Spirit’s music at the University of Arizona mall – no words, just playing!  People of all ages, especially students, were drawn to the music.  It’s like they were hypnotized and couldn’t look away.  The Lord had drawn them there.  There are people on the outskirts interceding while the musicians play, and they also move as they are led to.  Some approach individuals and speak with them, others just proseuchomai conversationally-pray or intercede off to the side.  Once this is over, many will walk away because their “trance-like conversation with the Lord” is over, but many will also stay and want to know more.  It is there that the Lord will unlock the treasure chests that He has put into their hearts during the worship.  Many will come to the Lord!


I would be interested in hearing about any prophetic dreams, visions, or directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words you received about the future of evangelistic worship music in and outside the 4 walls of churches.




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Spiritual Education, Music Education, Music Teaching, Drum Education, Drum Teaching, Benefits of Anointed Prophetic Spontaneous Music, Anointed musicians can hear God’s prophetic rhema words, Anointed musicians can transmit God’s prophetic rhema words into others even without singers, Anointed music doesn’t need a preaching evangelist to save people, Anointed music doesn’t need a prophet because it can be prophetic itself, visions Mike Burris and Tony Balda had about anointed prophetic music, prophecy from Dylan Cornelius about anointed music in Tucson Arizona

Categories: Benefits

Benefits – BT3






Video:  Benefits - BT3:  Anointed musicians and students become filled by the Spirit to overflowing



Benefits – BT3:  Anointed musicians and students become filled by the Spirit to overflowing



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This happens because of the presence of the Lord – see the Anointing page.  This will happen during their private practice sessions, during their private groups sessions with other anointed musicians and students, and during their public playing to the saved and unsaved.  This happens from the Meet-Ups page!


In Psalms 22:1-5, after King David had sinned with Bathsheba, after days and nights of groaning and crying, he was feeling like God had forsaken him because of God’s silence.  He was used to feeling God’s presence and now he was terribly alone.  He knew there was nobody else to cry out to or to trust for deliverance, but he knew he couldn’t stop praising the Lord.  It certainly would be natural to do so, but he also knew that God “is holy, inhabiting (a) the praises (b) of Israel,” His people.  By this David is saying that these “praises” are specifically “hymns or songs of praise, adoration, and thanksgiving given to God” (b), which God in turn “sits down with quietness” or “settles down within [Himself] so as to permanently dwell, reside, inhabit, or abide within [Himself] as with a home” (a). <Notes> a) yashab, katoikeo, b) t’hillah, epainos.


So no matter how bad David felt, He knew that God would come back to him if he continued to sing/play “praise, adoration, and thanksgiving to God.”  God’s very presence will come during these times!  So when you are feeling lost and abandoned because of sin, this is the perfect time to sing/play to the Lord!  See Surrender-Control.


They will also profoundly experience more of the [singular] “fruit” or supernatural character/nature/essence of the God’s Spirit, which is overwhelming agape unconditionally-loving acceptance, but then they will experience other facets as with a diamond, or other flavors as with a piece of fruit or wine made from it, that are described by Paul in a short list of adjective-nouns in Galatians 5:22-23:  incredible joy, a sea of tranquil peace, God’s boundless patience, infinite kindness and true goodness, totally loyal commitment, feather-like gentleness, and sovereign control over everything.  Paul adds to this list in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, “agape unconditional-love does not envy others or arrogantly boast, so it is not arrogant or rude because it is ‘elegant, decent, and appropriate;’ it does not force one’s way on others to serve oneself because it is gentle; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing but rejoices with The Truth; it bears all things; it has trusting-relying-faith in all things; it hopes all things; and it endures all things.”  Boy, the Greek is rich compared to English!  Look at Bible-Info.


The Lord has shown me many times that these are infinite qualities of Him just as He is infinite in all aspects.  These “facets or flavors” are the very character/nature/essence of agape unconditional-love, which is God’s very definition as the apostle John wrote in 1 John 4:8, 16:  “God exists presently, ongoingly as unconditional-love.”  The Lord desires us to share these qualities with Him in order that we may genuinely, experientially, relationally epiginosko know Him.  As Christians and musicians are Spirit-baptized, they will experience more of God’s very nature.  They will experience more of “the Kingdom of God, which is righteousness, peace, and joy by-the-means-of-the Holy Spirit” as Paul explains in Romans 14:17.  I have experienced these profound correlations time and time again, and desire it to become a routine experience as Ephesians 5:18 strongly urges us to have happen to us:  “Be routinely filled by-the-means-of-the Spirit.”


The bold confidence that comes from the Holy Spirit’s filling or Spirit-baptism will astonish others, which only comes from “having been with Jesus” (a).  We can receive this boldness to declare the logos gospel message of God when we start proseuchomai conversationally-praying for this (b) and are consequently filled by-the-means-of-the Holy Spirit and His boldness!  When this happens, it may actually be “bringing down the house” (c).  <Notes> a) Acts 4:13, b) Ephesians 6:18-19, c) Acts 4:31.


Confident boldness comes from experiencing “such a hope” that we can’t contain it, and this happens only as we are “beholding the glory of the Lord and being transformed into His image from one degree of glory to another, because this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit” (a).  Confident boldness isn’t just useful for preaching the logos gospel message, even through evangelistic Christian music, but is actually necessary for coming INTO God’s presence as little children.  However, this can only occur if we have a pistis trusting-relying-faith in Jesus (b).  But watch out when this happens!  You cannot stop a person that is Spirit-empowered – they shall actually “conquer by the blood of the Lamb and by the logos message (gospel) of their testimony/witness” (c). <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 3:12, 17-18, b) Ephesians 3:12, c) Revelation 12:11.




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Spiritual Education, Music Education, Music Teaching, Drum Education, Drum Teaching, Benefits of Anointed Prophetic Spontaneous Music, Anointed musicians get filled by the Spirit in God’s presence, They Meet-Up with God and then others to practice and then perform, Coming into God’s presence with sincere truthful hearts instead of faking it until you make it, worshipping the Lord when you feel separate by sin from Him, Surrender control to God, God inhabits the praises of His people, Anointed musicians will experience more of the singular fruit of the Spirit that is unconditional-love, Anointed musicians will overflow with joy peace patient kindness goodness faith faithfulness gentleness self-control, Be habitually filled by the Spirit, Bold confidence to share the gospel comes from anointing of the Spirit, the anointing gives us boldness to approach God, the anointing gives us hope, the anointing teaches us all things, the anointing transforms us from the inside out

Categories: Benefits

Benefits – BT2: “By the flesh” music is radically different than “By the Spirit” music





Video: Benefits - BT2:  “By the flesh” music went right into the Church, but some musicians know the radical difference of "By the Spirit" music



Benefits – BT2:  “By the flesh” music went right into the Church, but some musicians know the radical difference of “By the Spirit” music!



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It’s sad that after playing for 40 years in 15 churches, I’ve played with only a few musicians that know the radical difference between playing “by-the-means-of the flesh” (“might and power” natural resources and abilities) and playing “by-the-means-of the Spirit.”  This has been a heavy burden to carry, but I passionately desire that you will experience that difference that is almost beyond words!  These rare “few musicians” really loved the Lord, were passionate about worshiping Him, but had come to the “end of their rope” and simply surrendered control of their skill & professionalism, self-consciousness, worries, and pride. They let go and let Godto instead put their trusting-relying-faith in the Holy Spirit to guide their minds, hearts, hands, and feet to play absolutely beautiful music WITH Him, no longer just FOR Him.  They are filled with loving adoration and gratitude, and in many cases without ever looking at their music stands!


This reminds me of a Christian open-jam night that would occur once a month at a Vineyard church in Tucson.  Most of the musicians struggled to find songs they all could play from a large file of music or that they could play by memory.  They also struggled playing in the same key, staying in tune, and playing rhythmically together.  Every week there would be some people who would try to be a “leader” to dominate the others.  There was a lot of friction in those meetings, and gradually people stopped coming.  It was rather sad from my perspective of having played on 15 Worship Teams but also at least 25 secular groups, which in many cases had far fewer social problems and tension.  Still I couldn’t wait to go, because at the end of the night when everybody else left except myself and the keyboardist Steve Kimbell (he started the meetings but was just as frustrated as I was about its worldliness), we would start playing!


And wow, would we play!  We each put “our hand of cards down on the table” – all our plans, programs, schedules, skills & professionalism, and expectations – desiring only to be moved by the Holy Spirit.  The result was absolutely breathtaking!  We didn’t decide beforehand what genre, style, rhythmic feel, song, key, chart, structural form, tempo, or anything else!  Our conversational-prayer was adoration, worship, and thankfulness.  We basked in this peaceful waiting state.  Then we started playing and just stayed in that same frame of mind, always watching and listening to what was happened, sometimes even “watching” ourselves play as the “3rd person,” which we suspected was the Lord helping us to “see” through His eyes!


We would ebb and flow, meander here and there, swell up high and dip down low, sometimes so softly and sometimes with a roar, and sometimes as if we were crying through the music and sometimes soaring with joy.  We moved so subtly together as if we were both taking our cues from an Unseen Conductor that was moving our limbs in perfect synchronicity and harmony.  This is where “unity” comes from – the Holy Spirit!  How else could we both suddenly move in a different direction, neither of us getting there before the other?  We had never heard or played this music before, so there was no memory to fall back on!  We played as with shouts of joy with all of our hearts!


This went on for an hour or more, segueing from one melody to another, one rhythm to another, and one meter to another!  It raptured our souls!  Afterwards, we were high as a kite, realizing we had been part of some of the most beautiful music we had ever heard.  This high lasted for days!  We were amazed our bodies could even do it and that we did this together like a Swiss watch!  We would talk about our amazing experience for another 20 minutes and it was really hard to leave, sometimes near midnight!  Time just flew by!  I could count on my hands the number of musicians I know who can do this.  It’s really not our skill & professionalism that will make the difference in worship music – it is the Lord’s!


I’ve also seen a group of amateur kids totally wrapped up in worshipping the Lord at a Friday-night church service, and my guitar player-friend and I had to grab the pew in front of us as we were literally being blown backwards.  Another time I saw a great drummer named Shawn Laughlin just start soloing by-the-means-of the Spirit at Freedom Fellowship and the band just stopped to watch this.  A lady in the Spirit said she could see in the spirit realm demons fleeing.  And the congregation went absolutely nuts with praise!  Another time, I saw a pastor question whether he should take the time to play a “revival cowbell” given to him from a couple from Texas, but he was absolutely shocked by the immediate shouts of glory that eclipsed everything their fancy Worship Team achieved after 30 minutes of playing!  But after 2 minutes the pastor stopped, as did the revival, and it never returned no matter how loud they shouted or played their instruments!  The “special” revival preacher even played a tape of music made during a revival in Canada, but although I agreed it was “the real thing,” no matter how much she encouraged us to sing along and “enter in,” it was dismally pitiful.  Frustrated she turned the music up, which only made it worse!  It only drowned out the “by the means of the flesh” weakness of the congregation.  It was that night the Lord physically showed me “The Great Wall” that I already knew was in the Church that is quenching the Holy Spirit.


I would be very interested in hearing about your amazing experiences playing “by-the-means-of the Spirit” and how that differs from “by-the-means-of the flesh.”  By your testimony we will learn more about how to be led more by the Spirit and less by our flesh.




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Spiritual Education, Music Education, Music Teaching, Drum Education, Drum Teaching, Benefits of Anointed Prophetic Spontaneous Music, Few Christian musicians know how to play Anointed Prophetic Spontaneous Music, Most Christian music is FOR God but in the flesh not by the Spirit, Most Christian music is by their might and power not by the Spirit, Most Christian musicians are not fully surrendered to the leading of the Spirit, It takes faith to let go and let God, Vineyard open mic night experience, There is a radical different in Spirit music versus Flesh music

Categories: Benefits

Biden driving the USA backwards into Harm’s Way



3-14-21 Dream of Joe Biden driving the USA backwards into Harm’s Way to himself and many others, but forgiving him as deluded sinner like the rest of fallen mankind

Biden driving the USA backwards into Harm's Way - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


Biden driving the USA backwards into Harm's Way - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


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America's Masked Wonder, Joe Biden

America’s Masked Wonder, Joe Biden



In this God-dream, I was driving down the road at the posted speed limit of 40 mph on a residential area’s main thoroughfare and I approached a sky-blue, tree-hugger’s Prius car in the oncoming left-lane.  Foolishly, it actually uses more net-Carbon footprint to produce the batteries than you would ever save from not driving a gas vehicle, and man are they expensive.  Tesla is even crazier!  Naturally the white-masked driver was facing me, so of course I thought he was driving toward me.  When I came up closer to him, however, I discovered he was actually only going about 25 mph – NOT toward me but in reverse, and his engine was topped out!


I also noticed that periodically his masked face would just disappear and I wondered who was driving the car – it was when he fell asleep and fell over into the passenger seat!  Maybe the car was specially-rigged to be self-driving like the Tesla’s can be or more likely was being remotely-driven like a drone is!  I did notice a strange-looking antennae on the roof like a Google car!  Periodically he would drift slightly into on-coming traffic (my lane) when he fell over asleep, but then the car would correct itself, leading me to believe it was being remotely controlled.



Looking and driving the wrong way!

Looking and driving the wrong way!



He had a large windshield with a rear-view mirror that took up 1/3 of the top portion of his windshield.  He would just blindly staring into this rear-view mirror in order to drive backwards, completely oblivious that I was nearly right in front of him motioning him to pull over and get fully out of the way so I could pass him, especially since he would periodically cross the center-line into my lane!  When I did get around Him I noticed that his rear quarter-panel and bumper were missing, indicating that this isn’t the first time he has driven backwards.  It also exposed the true underlying ugliness of his car!


When I passed him, I recognized it was Sleepy Joe Biden and his mask was a white Depends diaper strapped around his face to catch all the c… and s… that comes out of his mouth on a regular basis.  I yelled out my window:  “Joe, you know you are driving backwards into my lane – that’s why your engine is maxed out!”  He looked bewildered and stuttered, “I am?”


Eventually we both entered into a busy intersection and traffic was coming at us.  All I could do is hope that he understood me and got turned around in time.  If not, there would be a big, bad accident where he most likely would die.  But I couldn’t wait around to see because I had to turn RIGHT away from him and and get on with my own journey.  I looked in my rear-view mirror and saw that he went right across traffic into the median and was going to turn LEFT still going backwards!  God help them!  RIGHT IS RIGHT AND LEFT IS WRONG – especially when you insist on driving backwards!



World Leaders watching Sleepy Joe Biden

World Leaders watching Sleepy Joe Biden



When I woke from this dream I felt real sadness and pity for Joe Biden.  This feeling was definitely from God because at the gym when I see Joe’s face and hear the “c… and s… pile” of deceit that comes from his mouth, I visibly give him ‘a double-thumbs down’ and loudly pronounce, “Pure garbage!” at the TV – I want everybody to know what a loser this guy is, even if I have to make a little scene.  I am hoping that if 80 million people speak out publicly, even if it means making “a little scene,” that the other dim-witted sheep will see his approval rating go to 20% where it really should be, and then maybe the military will have the guts to end this charade, bring out the volumes of truth of the election fraud that Director of National Intelligence Radcliff promised he would report but never did, and that the National Security Administration is sitting on of which Durham was also supposed to report on, and finally get off their duffs and hold a fair & just military-run re-election for all ballet issues & candidates.  Pie in the sky dream, I know!  Miracle of God stuff!


I have the Spirit of DISCERNMENT when I watch the news and hear God loud and clear on the bunch of bull coming from Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer!  The bible makes it clear in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12:  The coming of the lawless one (anti-Christ) is by the activity of Satan (Lucifer) with all [kinds and qualities of] power and/related false signs and/coupled wonders, and/related with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love The Truth (Jesus, John 14:6, and the truth His sheep hear directly from Him – John 10:27) and so be saved, meaning ‘to be rescued from harm coming our way, having a repaired relationship with Him, and fully restored to health/wholeness.’  Therefore to them God [presently] permits [from The Deceiver, Satan] a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who were in-possibility-NOT routinely having trusting-relying-faith in The Truth but-instead were routinely having pleasure in unrighteousness.”


However, after that dream I felt God’s sadness and pity, like when I watched my mom slip away with dementia into Alzheimer’s.  I felt deep pity.  Biden is in the process of dying and this is what’s naturally happening to a body starting to shut down.  The political LEFT knows it and is remote-controlling him like a drone or puppet!  He even reads out loud the instructions to him!  Biden’s pride (like my mom’s) keeps him in delusional denial, and the LEFT uses this to further control Biden, just like I saw some of the nursing home staff do to my mom.  It was so sad to watch the manipulation of my mom, who was only sometimes aware of it and would then get cranky (like Joe often does).



Joe Biden is clueless!

Joe Biden is clueless!



Joe doesn’t even know that he is driving the country backwards, even though he has caused accidents before, and likely more will happen, and that some of these will be even life-threatening to others as to himself.  But the LEFT knows this!  I believe it is their plan – he is dispensable to achieve their real plans.  He is a pawn in a chess game and a puppet.  They want a radical progressive squad-member, socialist, woman president who had only 1% popularity in the primaries, Kamala Harris (how is that the people’s choice?), or more likely Pelosi who may be pulling all the strings anyway, who go has already got the 25th amendment into the Mass Media awareness.  It was never intended to be used against Trump, but to get it into America’s ‘sheep’ consciousness to use later on Biden.


Now, this dream is even more powerful because last night before bed, God powerfully moved me to tears in the shower after I was complaining about evil & injustice in the world.  After my rant, God clearly said:  “Yes, Adam and Eve left Me, then sin entered the world, and since then every man and woman is sinning.”  I felt that the sad pity of God, not anger or judgment.  He told me to open up my fists of anger and control that hold onto fault and blame (judgment for sin or for failure), even within myself, for too many of my grand efforts, despite all my research, planning, and work, still fail.


After that God said to do the same for everybody else’s failures, especially those that I feel have wronged me in some way over 61 years – there have been many if I could remember them!  There are a lot of people who never studied to get A’s and never worked hard at work, but they were street-smart, knew how to cut in line, how to buy grades, how to cheat or take credit for others work, who knew how to brown-nose with the boss on the golf course, and who know how to play politics – and they really got ahead.  If you look at the history of Biden, his schooling, and his track record in government, you can see that he is one of them.  Ever since grade-school these people have figured how to work the system!  And they are the ones running our country now!  They are incompetent “Peters” that all want to be Pope, thus “the Peter principle.”  They are NOT the smart “Paul’s” at all or compassionate Christ-like “John’s” either!  Instead, they are hypocritical, virtue-signaling, morally bankrupt, and godless people that are still playing their grade-school games to con people.




It doesn’t look like they believe him, do you?  Our Representative couldn’t even quote the Declaration of our Independence!



But God told me to open my fists and let it ALL go, and let God carry this heavy burden of “fairness and justice” that I am always complaining about – that there seems to be so little in this world.  That’s why the Lord told me these things:  “Sin is here in the world” – and so is “The ‘man’ of sin, the evil one, the father of lies, the master of delusion & deception, the prince & power of our air, the god of this world – Lucifer,” as Jesus reminded us often.  And “all are sinning and thus falling short of the ‘mark or target’ of God’s glorious character,” just as Paul reminded us in Romans 3:23.


I UNDERSTOOD the Lord, so I let it ALL go last night!  It’s no wonder that God gave me this dream of Joe Biden!


God is sharing with me His pitiful, sorrowful feeling about this sinful man Joe Biden, a sinner among a world of sinners.  This is how God feels about us ALL – with great tears of sadness!  He reserves His judgment for The Last Day of time, right before eternity is decided THEN for each man. UNTIL THEN God has only unconditional love toward ALL men and wants all men to repent (turn around, pointing our ‘car’ in the RIGHT direction toward the Lord and His ways) in order to be saved by this same unconditional love thru His own sacrifice for our sins (by His Son) for all that “sin that has come into the world,” into our lives, that causes us ALL to be delusional enough to drive backwards.




God help us all !



Now God has me praying for this pitiful Joe Biden (and his sinful staff) to wake up, see The Truth, and turn around (repent) before he/they hurt any more people and get himself/themselves and ourselves killed too!


What a dream!  It’s so important to akouo hear, listen, and understand the prophetic rhema words of God!



Thank YOU for visiting:  Biden driving the USA backwards into Harm’s Way




Share your blessings to help others - Biden driving the USA backwards into Harm's Way - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

Drums – Notation – BT6 – Swung, Rounded, or Ternary Notation Rhythms





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How Ternary Rhythms (3, 6, 9, etc. parts) relate to Binary Rhythms (2, 4, 8, etc. parts) and other artificial Tuplets (5, 7, etc. parts):




PDF doc:  Counting artificially-notated “Tuplets” (Duplets, Triplets, Quadruplets, Pentuplets/Quintuplets, Sextuplets, etc.)  –  While you watch Video



“Swung-Time” Rhythm Charts:





Drummers can play these charts on snare drum only to improve their reading and concert band/orchestra skills!


Drummers can play them as drum-set fills around their kit.


Drummers can play them as crashes + bass drum, as if they were Big Band ensemble figure “kicks”, optionally adding setup fills – see Rhythmic Figures Notation & Interpretation.


Drummers can play them as accents (see “Accents” Notation above) with one hand as rim shots or rim clicks or as crashes/Time-keeper + bass, while filling-in the other subdivisions on the snare softly as ghost notes, or more loudly around the toms, or both!


Drummers can keep 1-3 limbs playing a steady Time-keeping Ostinato, while playing these charts as a “Melody Line” with a remaining limb (e.g., snare, bass, hi-hat foot, or even Time-keeper hand) – see Melody versus Ostinato while you watch the video.

Drummers can play 1 measure (bar) as a “Call/Question” with one limb (e.g., snare) and then repeat this “Melody Line” as a “Response/Answer” with another limb (e.g., bass) for 1 bar in to create an internal “Dialogue/Conversation,” thus creating a 2-bar phrase.  Or “Respond/Answer” by reading a different chart rhythm for the 2nd bar.  You can even change what limbs “Call/Question” and what limb will “Respond/Answer.”


Drummers can also play 1/2 bar (counts 1 & 2 columns) of “Call/Question” and “Respond/Answer” with the 2nd half (counts 3 & 4 columns).


Drummers can also play Count 1 column “Call/Question,” Count 2 column “Response/Answer,” Count 3 column “Call/Question,” and finally Count 4 column “Response/Answer.”




Please consider donating to help cover the 100’s of hours required to produce such exhaustive works like this.  Thank you!




2/4 March Meter:



PDF doc:  Every combo of 1/8-note Triplet Jerk “e,” Lazy “a,” and “e a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 1-13




PDF doc:  Combining each Jerk “e” chart above with every Lazy “a” combo for charts 38-49, which overlaps some with 14-25


PDF doc:  Combining each Lazy “a” chart above with every Jerk “e” combo for charts 14-25, which overlaps some with 38-49




PDF doc:  Combining each Jerk “e” chart above with every “e a” combo for charts 62-73, which overlaps some with 26-37


PDF doc:  Combining each “e a” chart above with every Jerk “e” combo for charts 26-37, which overlaps some with 62-73




PDF doc:  Combining each Lazy “a” chart above with every “e a” combo for charts 74-85, which overlaps some with 50-61


PDF doc:  Combining each “e a” chart above with every Lazy “a” combo for charts 50-61, which overlaps some with 74-85




3/4 Waltz Meter:



PDF doc:  How to apply these charts



PDF doc:  Every combo of 1/8-note Triplet Jerk “e,” Lazy “a,” and “e a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 1-25




PDF doc:  Combining each Jerk “e” chart above with every Lazy “a” combo for charts 138-193, which overlaps some with 26-81


PDF doc:  Combining each Lazy “a” chart above with every Jerk “e” combo for charts 26-81, which overlaps some with 138-193




PDF doc:  Combining each Jerk “e” chart above with every “e a” combo for charts 250-301, which overlaps some with 82-137


PDF doc:  Combining each “e a” chart above with every Jerk “e” combo for charts 82-137, which overlaps some with 250-301




PDF doc:  Combining each Lazy “a” chart above with every “e a” combo for charts 302-357, which overlaps some with 194-249


PDF doc:  Combining each “e a” chart above with every Lazy “a” combo for charts 194-249, which overlaps some with 302-357




4/4 Common Meter:



PDF doc:  How to apply these charts




PDF doc:  Every combo of 1/8-note Triplet Jerk “e” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 1-17


PDF doc:  Another version to play with a Swing Time-Keeping beat (on top)




PDF doc:  Every combo 1/8-note Triplet “Lazy “a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 498-514


PDF doc:  Another version to play with a Swing Time-Keeping beat (on top)




PDF doc:  Combining each Jerk “e” chart above with every Lazy “a” combo for charts 515-754, which overlaps some with 18-257


PDF doc:  Combining each Lazy “a” chart above with every Jerk “e” combo for charts 18-257, which overlaps some with 515-754




PDF doc:  Every combo of the 1/8-note Triplet “e a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 995-1011


PDF doc:  Another version to play with a Swing Time-Keeping beat (on top)




PDF doc:  Combining each Jerk “e” chart above with every “e a” combo for charts 1012-1251, which overlaps some with 258-497


PDF doc:  Combining each “e a” chart above with every Jerk “e” combo for charts 258-497, which overlaps some with 1012-1251




PDF doc:  Combining each “e a” chart above with every Lazy “a” combo for charts 755-994, which overlaps some with 1252-1491


PDF doc:  Combining each Lazy “a” chart above with every “e a” combo for charts 1252-1491, which overlaps some with 755-994




5/4 Odd Meter:



PDF doc:  Every combo of 1/8-note Triplet Jerk “e” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 1-33



PDF doc:  Every combo of 1/8-note Triplet Lazy “a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 34-66



PDF doc:  Every combo of 1/8-note Triplet “e a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 67-99



To get other combos, use the 2/4 March Meter and 3/4 Waltz Meter charts and combine them together for (2-3) or (3-2) phrasing.




6/4 Afro Meter:



PDF doc:  How to apply these charts



PDF doc:  Every combo of 1/8-note Triplet Jerk “e” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 1-64



PDF doc:  Every combo of 1/8-note Triplet Lazy “a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 65-128



PDF doc:  Every combo of 1/8-note Triplet “e a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 129-192



To get other combos, combine the 2/4 March Meter charts for (2-2-2) phrasing or use the 2/4 March Meter and 4/4 Common Meter charts for (2-4) or (4-2) phrasing, or use the 3/4 Waltz Meter charts for (3-3) phrasing.




7/4 Odd Meter:



PDF doc:  How to apply these charts



PDF doc:  Every combo of 1/8-note Triplet Jerk “e” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 1-129



PDF doc:  Every combo of 1/8-note Triplet Lazy “a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 130-258



PDF doc:  Every combo of 1/8-note Triplet “e a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 259-387



To get other combos, combine the 2/4 March Meter and 5/4 Odd Meter charts for (2-5) or (5-2) phrasing or combine the 3/4 Waltz Meter and 4/4 Common Meter charts for (3-4) or (4-3) phrasing.




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Categories: Drums - Notation

Drums – Notation – BT5 – Straight, Flat, or Binary Notation Rhythms





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PDF doc:  Counting artificially-notated “Tuplets” (Duplets, Triplets, Quadruplets, Pentuplets/Quintuplets, Sextuplets, etc.)  –  While you watch the Video



“Straight-Time” Rhythm Charts:





Drummers can play these charts on snare drum only to improve their reading and concert band/orchestra skills!


Drummers can play them as drum-set fills around their kit.


Drummers can play them as crashes + bass drum, as if they were Big Band ensemble figure “kicks”, optionally adding setup fills – see Rhythmic Figures Notation & Interpretation.


Drummers can play them as accents (see “Accents” Notation above) with one hand as rim shots or rim clicks or as crashes/Time-keeper + bass, while filling-in the other subdivisions on the snare softly as ghost notes, or more loudly around the toms, or both!


Drummers can keep 1-3 limbs playing a steady Time-keeping Ostinato, while playing these charts as a “Melody Line” with a remaining limb (e.g., snare, bass, hi-hat foot, or even Time-keeper hand) – see Melody versus Ostinato.


Drummers can play 1 measure (bar) as a “Call/Question” with one limb (e.g., snare) and then repeat this “Melody Line” as a “Response/Answer” with another limb (e.g., bass) for 1 bar in to create an internal “Dialogue/Conversation,” thus creating a 2-bar phrase.  Or “Respond/Answer” by reading a different chart rhythm for the 2nd bar.  You can even change what limbs “Call/Question” and what limb will “Respond/Answer.”


Drummers can also play 1/2 bar (counts 1 & 2 columns) of “Call/Question” and “Respond/Answer” with the 2nd half (counts 3 & 4 columns).


Drummers can also play Count 1 column “Call/Question,” Count 2 column “Response/Answer,” Count 3 column “Call/Question,” and finally Count 4 column “Response/Answer.”




Please consider donating to help cover the 100’s of hours required to produce such exhaustive works like this.  Thank you!




2/4 March Meter:



PDF doc:  Every combo of the 1/16th-note “e, +, a, e+, +a, e    a, and e + a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 1-29




3/4 Waltz Meter:



PDF doc:  Every combo of the 1/16th-note “e, +, a, e+, +a, e    a, and e + a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 1-57




4/4 Common Meter:



PDF doc:  How to apply these charts


PDF doc:  A quick way to create 1/16-note rhythms


PDF doc:  Every combo of the 1/16th-note “e” count with the 1/4-note counts for charts 1-17


PDF doc:  Every combo of the 1/8th-note “+” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 18-34


PDF doc:  Another version of this + The Rhythmic-Energy Contours each creates


PDF doc:  Every combo of the 1/16th-note “a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 35-51


PDF doc:  Every combo of the 1/16th-note “e +” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 52-68


PDF doc:  Every combo of the 1/16th-note “+ a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 69-85


PDF doc:  Every combo of the 1/16th-note “e   a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 86-102


PDF doc:  Every combo of the 1/16th-note “e + a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 103-119




5/4 Odd Meter:



PDF doc:  Every combo of the 1/16th-note “e” count with the 1/4-note counts for charts 1-33


PDF doc:  Every combo of the 1/8th-note “+” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 34-66


PDF doc:  Every combo of the 1/16th-note “a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 67-99


PDF doc:  Every combo of the 1/16th-note “e +” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 100-132


PDF doc:  Every combo of the 1/16th-note “+ a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 133-165


PDF doc:  Every combo of the 1/16th-note “e   a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 166-198


PDF doc:  Every combo of the 1/16th-note “e + a” counts with the 1/4-note counts for charts 199-231


6/4 Afro Meter:


Use the 3/4 Waltz Meter charts and combine them together for (3-3) phrasing.  Use the 2/4 March Meter charts and combine together for (2-2-2) phrasing.




7/4 Odd Meter:


Use the 3/4 Waltz Meter and 4/4 Common Meter charts and combine them together for (3-4) or (4-3) phrasing.  Use the 2/4 March Meter and 5/4 Odd Meter charts and combine together for (2-5) or (5-2) phrasing.




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Categories: Drums - Notation

Drums – Notation – BT4 – Form, Structure, Navigation




Click on Pic for an Introduction







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Categories: Drums - Notation

Drums – Notation – BT2 – Section & Ensemble Rhythm Figures – Longs vs. Shorts interpretation






Click on Pic to start video!



YouTube Playlist







Video:  Pataflafla Fill – Flams as Flat Flams on the Snare + Crash – great for Figure Transition Fills




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Categories: Drum - Figures

Back up a bit from too steep of a mountain


2-5-21 Dream of having to back up a bit from too steep of a mountain

Back up a bit from too steep of a mountain - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


ALL of Mike’s God-Messages – YouTube Playlist


Learn about Prophecy of the Rhema Words of God


Learn how that differs from Logos Messages of God


Video – Intro to Spirit Music Meetups


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I had a dream of 2 friends that took a lower, flatter, and safer dirt road on a tall mountain.  I took a higher, steeper dirt road and when I started down the back side of the peak I realized I would likely lose my footing, fall and die.  So I had to crawl back up that little portion on my belly, covered in dirt, clawing my way back up. ON the other side I could hear my friends below on the other road, so I backed up very carefully on my knees until I could find that turn off and join them.  I woke up before I did.


I didn’t get a chance to ask the Lord what this meant because I had to rush off to my chores.  I really should have!  Usually He tells me everything while I’m still trying to wake up, but I jumped out of bed to fast!



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Categories: My Rhema & Logos

God will move His people forward


1-21-21 Prophecy that God will take His people forward even as they reject the prophets

God will move His people forward - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


Intro video - God will move His people forward - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


ALL of Mike’s God-Messages – YouTube Playlist


Learn about Prophecy of the Rhema Words of God


Learn how that differs from Logos Messages of God


Video – Intro to Spirit Music Meetups


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I lingered in bed this morning, hearing the Lord’s reminders to rest and find peace in Him.  Yesterday was a day of intense, tiring, warfare against evil spirits masquerading in Washington, putting on their show with a crowd of dark-minded cohorts and gullible people (“there is a sucker born every minute” – PT Barnum of circus fame) who are easily deceived, people “who are deluded and thus perishing because they do not love The Truth” per 2 Thessalonians 2:10.


That 74 yr old Kat Kerr prophet is exactly correct about what’s going on!  She is a seer of God as 10,000 or more have also seen The Truth.  But not all Christians, like not all Israelites, listened to their prophets either, but went back to their “Linus blanket” of their Pharisee teachers of their bible information.  In fact they rebelled against Moses and 10,000 were destroyed in a matter of minutes!  Hint!  The rest of the unbelievers died in the desert over 40 years.  Yes, God “left them behind” just like the movie series!  They did NOT enter into the promised land!


Yes, Jesus said many are called, but few are chosen.  Many will say, “Lord, Lord, didn’t we do this, that, and the other thing in your name?” And He will say I never genuinely, experientially, relationally epiginosko knew you. My sheep hear My voice and they epiginosko know me.”  The bible student scribes and teachers who did not listen to the prophets, even John the Baptist who was the last human prophet, instead found ways to kill or “cancel” ALL their prophets.  John said “Though they were in the church, they never were of US, so when push comes to shove, they left US.”


That’s why Paul said to “NOT in possibility despise prophecies” (a) but instead to “earnestly/zealously desire/crave the higher gifts” (b), then clarifies:  “earnestly/zealously desire/crave the Spirit’s gifts, especially that you may prophesy” (c), and concludes his discussion on the Spirit’s gifts with his final recommendations:  “So, my brothers, earnestly/zealously desire/crave to prophesy and/coupled do not in possibility forbid speaking in tongues” (d). <Notes> a) 1 Thessalonians 5:20, b) 1 Corinthians 12:31, c) 1 Corinthians 14:1, d) 1Corinthians 14:39.


Why? Because in Acts 13:1 Paul/Saul was a prophet too, along with his preaching partner Barnabas.  Paul knew that Christians, like the Jews, would have problems with the supernatural, prophetic rhema words of God.  So he made it really clear:  “Now I ongoingly thelo optimally-desire you ALL to ongoingly speak in tongues, but even more to ongoingly prophesy” per 1 Corinthians 14:5.


Yet, you have Christians that will not obey Paul, even though Acts 1:2 says “Jesus had given commands through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen,” and Paul says in 1 Timothy 2:7 says:  “I was appointed a preacher and an apostle (I am telling the truth, I am not lying), a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.”


Paul says this is your highest priority!  Still some Christians would rather believe “the lying, frying news” and what their eyes see 6 feet in front of them than what 10,000-plus prophets have said for the last 4 years – Trump sits in 2 terms!  Clear as day!  Doubt is the opposite of faith!  Maybe you have NOT even searched for these – this should reveal some truth!  I have had 10 prophetic dreams and visions at least.  Many more prophecies!  And so have my prophetic friends!  If there is a bandwagon to jump on – Jump on The Holy Spirit of prophecy one, not what your limited 5 senses are telling you!  You need to be “taught by God!” (a), instead of listening to the mainstream media teach you or other “blind guides leading the blind” in OUR assemblies (b).  I know more unsaved people interested in hearing/seeing from God than those in churches. Another sign of what is coming!  <Notes> a) John 6:45, 1 Thessalonians 4:9, Jeremiah 31:34, b) 1 John 2:20-27.


In bed resting, I asked/seeked/knocked “How did Your church allow all this evil usurpation to occur?  What is wrong with us?”  This is an exact repeat of the powerful Lutheran Church of Germany not standing up against and defeating the very gradual, systematic growth of the politician Hitler’s propaganda, persecution of the Jews, takeover of the media, hiring of brown-shirt youth to bully/ oppose political parties and even the public, and eventually Hitler’s election to take over and oppress every area of culture.  It took WW2 and 70-85 million deaths to get rid of 1 man and his evil ideas that he initially deceived his country with until he was in power – then he shoved it down their throats until they gagged or died.  Mark my words – that is what is planned by the people behind the puppet Biden!  Just like Hitler did, he immediately went after all the churches (He used some churches to help him) and all the Jews!  Just watch!


Don’t be deceived.  Do your homework!  Pray for the Holy Spirit gift of discernment and your eyes will be opened to see past the optics being carefully scripted and presented!  All dictator regimes have the same pattern – infiltrate the media and then start shaming, canceling, and bullying dissenters.  Study history!


Here is what the Lord showed me:  Christians in churches looking forward at their preachers/teachers for answers. They are WAITING for God to answer their prayers while the walls of the churches are being burned down and crumbling.  But some Christians, who actually have the Spirit within them, were glowing with gold light.  They simply got up and walked out.”  My wife saw something like this once, too!


I asked/seeked/knocked once again and listened/watched for awhile longer. Then suddenly I was made to just knew this:  “My people are looking to the wrong people, but I am changing this.  My people are waiting for the wrong things but I am changing this.  They already have The Truth and they already have The Answer but they don’t know this.  I am changing this.  My people, who have My Spirit within them, they have The Teacher who will lead them into ALL the truth.  Have I not already said this?  But they have not trusted Me, so they listen to others.  I have given My people by My Spirit of My Son all His authority to bind in the spiritual realm what they bind on earth and to let loose in the spiritual realm what they let loose on earth.  I have given them keys to open and close mighty gates in the spiritual realm.  I have given all this to them in the name and authority of My Son.  Have I not said this?  But many have not believed Me.  Instead they look to others to solve problems on this earth.  Instead they pray for what I have already given them.  Discouraged they resort to their own “might and power” or that of others, but did I not say, ‘No longer by might nor power but by My Spirit‘?  All of this must change.  I am moving My people forward to where they should have been.  I am progressing them.  I will speak again, but now they will listen.  Then their light will shine brighter and they will speak and use My authority so My kingdom will come and My will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Rise up, o you sleeper!  Rise up!  And seize the promised land!”


And so I got out if bed, wrote this up, and am doing what He tells me to do. I encourage you to do the same. Praise the Lord!



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Categories: My Rhema & Logos