11-3-20 Waking revelation that the Massive Rock Fortress of restful peace is within me





Video:  11-3-20 Revelation:  The Massive Rock Fortress of restful peace is within me


11-3-20 Revelation: The Massive Rock Fortress of restful peace is within me



Throughout the night after each waking I would try to go back into the Rock Fortress sea-cave the Lord showed me before in a dream to find real REST in on 10-24 and 10-27 and 10-31.  I had fallen asleep in there before.  I was struggling the last 2 nights falling asleep in there despite my efforts.


When I woke, I was told that trying to find the cave “out there” will just keep me awake – it’s just more ‘works!’  Then the Lord reminded me that “The Kingdom of God is within you because THAT IS WHERE My Holy Spirit came to dwell when you received Me and were water-baptized in 1980.  Do you remember coming out of the water filled with joy and that feeling of a great weight or burden  taken off your shoulders?  That was Me when you obeyed My calling.”  I said, “Yes, I remember.”  Then it made sense that I was ‘working’ hard to find the ‘Fortress of Solitude’ outside of myself and this was keeping me awake.  Instead, I just needed to look within, and be at REST with Jesus living inside me, His massive mountain (kingdom) Fortress made out of solid Rock dwelling within me!




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Spiritual Education, Rhema Word of God, Revelation, Messages from God, Prophecy, Hearing God, Will of God, Dreams, Visions, The Kingdom of God of peaceful-rest is within you, Sleeping well

Categories: My Rhema & Logos