Part 1
Obedient Steps of Faith – BT16: Enduring Work of faith to be devoted, faithful, and saved
Enduring Faith or Faithfulness needed for Drumming too!
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See also Only 2 Commandment – BT2.
Like soteria salvation, trusting-relying-faith is not a 1-time event but a process of ongoing work! When the Jews asked what the saving work of God was, Jesus answered “This presently/ongoing is the ergon ‘doing/work’ of/belonging-to God: that you should presently/ongoingly have trusting-relying-faith in Him (Jesus) whom He (God) has sent” (a). However, Jesus emphasized: “The one who has humomeno ‘patiently-endured under trial/persecution’ eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of [the singular] telos completed-end will be saved,” even if we are “hated by all for My name’s sake,” even near the end when “many will fall away, betray and hate one another, led astray by many false prophets, and the unconditional-love of many will grow cold because of increased lawlessness” (b). Jesus warns: “be pistos faithful-trustworthy achri as-far-UNTIL death, and I will give you the crown of zoe genuine-live, conquering UNTIL [singular] end, in order to rule over nations” (c), and again warns: “I am coming soon! Krateo ‘seize-hold-of to carefully-retain’ what you have, so that no one may seize your crown” (d). <Notes> a) John 6:29, b) Matthew 10:22, 24:10, 13; Mark 13:13, c) Revelation 2:10, 26, d) Revelation 3:11.
“We are God’s house, IF indeed we katecho ‘hold-down securely’ our confidence and/couple our boasting in our hope” (a). Paul said, “Now I remind you, brethren, of the gospel I preached to you, which you already paralambano ‘grabbed-hold-of to be close-beside,’ in which you have already [with lasting effects] taken-a-stand, and by which you are presently/ongoingly being saved, IF you presently/ongoingly katecho ‘hold-down securely’ to the logos message I preached to you; otherwise IF not-in-possibility, [then] in vain you have already had trusting-relying-faith” (b). Again, Paul warns Christians to “be routinely/habitually epecho ‘attentively holding forth to observe’ the logos message (gospel) of zoe genuine-life, in order that in the Day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain [in preaching to them the gospel]” (c). <Notes> a) Hebrews 3:6, b) 1 Corinthians 15:1-2, c) Philippians 2:16.
We can’t “be nothros ‘dull, slow, lazy, slothful, or sluggish’ but be imitators of those who dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith and/coupled makrothumia ‘long-suffering-patience before expressing retributive-force from anger’ inherit the promises” (a), like “Abraham, who having makrothumia ‘long-suffering-patience before expressing retributive-force from anger’, obtained the promise” (b). We must “be makrothumia ‘long-suffering-patience before expressing retributive-force from anger’ . . . until the coming of the Lord . . . as the farmer awaits the precious fruit of the earth, being makrothumia ‘long-suffering-patience before expressing retributive-force from anger’ for it until it receives the early and latter rains (c). <Notes> a) Hebrews 6:12, b) v. 6:15, c) an allusion to the Holy Spirit outpouring at the ‘early spring’ beginning and ‘latter autumn’ end of the Church age – Joel 2:23, 29:28; the coming of the Lord: James 5:7, metaphorical of physical rain: Deuteronomy 11:14; Jeremiah 5:24; Hosea 6:3,
You also be makrothumia ‘long-suffering-patience before expressing retributive-force from anger’; strengthen your hearts because the coming of the Lord has already [with lasting effect] drawn near. . . Take as an example the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord, suffering evils and/coupled makrothumia ‘long-suffering-patience before expressing retributive-force from anger.’ Behold, we consider those blessed who have already humomeno ‘patiently-endured under trials/persecutions.’ You have heard of the humomeno ‘patient-endurance under trials/persecutions’ of Job” (a). <Notes> a) James 5:7-11.
Trials are permitted in order to ‘prove/confirm’ the genuineness of our faith: James encourages persecuted Christians: “The dokimion tested/proven/confirmed-genuineness (a) of your trusting-relying-faith produces hupomone ‘patient-endurance under trials/persecutions’ ” (b). Likewise Peter says: “You have been grieved by various trials, so that the dokimion tested/proven/confirmed-genuineness (a) of your trusting-relying-faith – more precious than gold that perishes though it is dokimazo tested/proven/confirmed-to-be-genuine (a) by fire – [it] may be found to result in praise and/coupled glory and/coupled honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (c). <Notes> a) dokimion from the verb dokimazo: “test, examine, or discern to demonstrate or prove something is acceptable, genuine, approved, good, and approved”, b) James 1:3, c) 1 Peter 1:6-7.
Paul says the same thing to saved Christians: “Now if anyone builds on the foundation of gold, silver, precious stones, [or] wood, hay, straw – each one’s [singular] doing/work will become manifest, for the Day [of judgment] will disclose it, because it will be apokalupto ‘revealed to uncover what is currently there but hidden’ by fire, and the fire will dokimazo ‘test-to-prove/confirm as genuine’ each-person’s [the singular] ergon ‘doing/work,’ what sort it presently/ongoingly is” (a). <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 3:12-13.
We have to “echo take-hold-to-have The Trusting-Relying-Faith of/belonging-to our Lord” (a). We must “krateo ‘seize-hold-of to carefully-retain’ the (our) confession” (b) “of our elpis hope without wavering” (c). “You have need of hupomone ‘patient-endurance under trials/persecutions’ so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised” (d). The context and Greek words for the “paideia child-discipline-rearing that we must humomeno ‘patiently-endure under trials/persecutions’ ” (e) has nothing to do with punishing Christians as disobedient children but instead gently and patiently educating them during times of persecution and other hardships – see Least Among You – BT11. <Notes> a) James 2:1, b) Hebrews 4:14, c) Hebrew 10:23, cf. Romans 4:20; Psalms 26:1, d) Hebrews 10:36, e) Hebrews 12:7.
It also takes enduring, trusting-relying-faith to routinely/habitually aiteo “ask or petition NOT from a subordinate position but as a child of God, to willfully crave, call or cry out for, boldly require or demand” the good grace-gift of the Holy Spirit UNTIL it is given in order to abundantly fill you to completion with God’s own abundant-fullness (a). <Notes> a) Luke 11:13; Ephesians 3:19, 5:18.
It also takes enduring, trusting-relying-faith to routinely/habitually zeteo “search diligently in order to find, investigate, desire/crave, aim/strive after” Christ as for silver, gold, or fine pearls UNTIL you find Him (a). There is so much written in the OT and NT about zeteo seeking or ekzeteo seeking-out intensely, diligently, and whole-heartedly the Lord UNTIL you find Him to thus be greatly rewarded (b), often explicitly-stated as in conversational-prayer (c), particularly the idiom for worship that is proserchomai “drawing closely-near to God” (d) even eggizo “extremely close-beside” (e) – see also proseuchomai Conversational-Prayer.
<Notes> a) Matthew 7:7-8; Luke 11:9-10, b) Deuteronomy 4:29; 1 Chronicles 16:10-11, 22:19; 2 Chronicles 7:14, 11:16, 12:14, 14:4, 15:12-13, 16:12, 20:3-4, 19:3, 26:5, 30:19; Job 8:5; Psalm 9:10, 14:2, 27:4, 8, 34:10, 69:32, 77:2, 105:3-4, 119:2, 10; Proverbs 8:17, 28:5; Isaiah 51:1, 6, 45:19, 55:6-7; Ezra 8:22; Jeremiah 29:13, 50:4; Hosea 5:6, 10:12; Lamentations 3:25; Amos 5:4, 6; Zephaniah 1:6, 2:3, 8:21-22; Acts 15:17; 17:27; Romans 3:11; Hebrews 11:6, c) 2 Chronicles 7:14; Daniel 9:3, d) 1 Samuel 14:26; Ecclesiastes 5:1; Isaiah 45:20, 48:16, 58:2; Ezekiel 43:19; Zephaniah 3:2; Hebrews 4:16, 7:25, 10:22, 11:6, e) Hebrews 7:19; James 4:8, cf. physically: Luke 15:1, 18:40.
It also takes enduring, trusting-relying-faith to routinely/habitually krouo “knock, rap, or beat for admittance’ UNTIL the door is opened” and you enter in “to intimately supper with Him,” the custom of koinonia intimate-fellowship (a). <Notes> a) Matthew 7:7-8; Luke 11:9-10, 12:36; Revelation 3:20; cf. Luke 13:25,
The Lord once told me that “seeking the kingdom of God and/coupled His righteousness is not ‘a what and what’ but a ‘who and who’ because the Spirit is the enabling-power of the kingdom ruled by King Jesus, who is our Righteousness” (a). Jesus said that the pagans, even religious ones knowing the ‘What of God,’ who don’t actually know the ‘Who of God’ are the ones “presently/ongoingly epizeteo ‘intensely, diligently seeking after or for the objectives of’ these things (neuter) of ‘what shall we eat, drink, wear, etc.’ ” Likewise, the Jews “presently/ongoingly epizeteo intensely-seek after signs” (b) or “presently/ongoingly epizeteo intensely-seeking after righteousness that it has absolutely-in-fact-NOT been-obtained” (c). <Notes> a) Matthew 6:25-33; Luke 12:22-31; Mark 1:24; Luke 1:35; John 6:69; Revelation 3:7; Hebrews 7:26; Acts 3:14, 22:14; 1 John 2:1, 20, b) Matthew 12:39, 16:4, c) Romans 11:7, e) rare imperfect verb tense,
However, we should be instead “continually-repetitively (e) epizeteo intensely-seek after Jesus” (a) and “definitively/wholly epizeteo intensely-seek after His gospel logos message (b), and “presently/ongoingly epizeteo intensely-seeking after nothing on earth but His country that is to come” (c). <Notes> a) Luke 4:42, b) Acts 13:7, c) Hebrews 11:14, 13:14.
Part 2
Will we diligently-seek after the Holy Spirit? Proverbs 2:2-5 says: “Make your ear attentive to Sophia (feminine) Wisdom . . . your heart to Sunesis (feminine) ‘connect-the-dots’ Understanding-Knowledge . . . If you cry out for Sophia Wisdom and lift up your voice for Sunesis ‘connect-the-dots’ Understanding-Knowledge . . . If you baqash/zeteo diligently seek (a) autos HER (feminine) like silver and/coupled chaphas/exereuneo diligently search out (b) autos HER (feminine) like hidden treasure, THEN you will actually suniemi ‘connect-the-dots’ to understand/know the fear (c) of the Lord and/coupled continually-in-process (d) find/obtain/perceive/discover the genuine, full, experiential, relational da’ath/epignosis knowledge of God” – see also Proverbs 8:1. See Obedient Steps of Faith – BT6 and – BT9.
<Notes> a) Hebrew baqash: seek to find, secure, seek the face/person/audience of, desire/demand, require/exact, ask/request; Greek zeteo: searching diligently in order to find, investigate, desire/crave, aim/strive after, b) Hebrew chaphas in the Qal form: search for, think-out/devise, search/test; Greek exereuneo: search wholly out from, carefully search out with all diligence in an investigative, examining manner of the facts, c) Hebraism: reverential, worshipful awe and respect of, d) rare imperfect tense.
The Hebrew word ruach for the Spirit everywhere in the OT is also feminine. It’s no coincidence that SHE is called “the Spirit of Sophia Wisdom and Sunesis Understanding” (a), and it’s no coincidence that the 4 God-dreams I’ve had with the Holy Spirit in it SHE was a Queen, “SHE was the Ancient of Days, and “God, the Mother, the Nurturer of us as little-children even as nursing-infants.” The Holy Spirit as Parakletos is the “comforter and consoler.” Remember that God said “male and female they are created in OUR image after OUR likeness” (b). <Notes> a) Proverbs 2:2-5, 8:1; Isaiah 11:2; Colossians 1:9, 3:16; Acts 6:3, 10; 1 Corinthians 12:8; Ephesians 1:187, cf. Deuteronomy 34:9; even viewed by pagans: Daniel 5:11, 14 that actually escapes the so-called ‘wise and understanding ones’ Matthew 11:25; Luke 10:21; 1 Corinthians 1:19 citing Isaiah 29:14, cf. Job 5:12-13, Jeremiah 8:9, b) Genesis 1:26-27, 5:1-2, 9:6, Matthew 19:4, Mark 10:6, 1 Corinthians 11:7.
In Proverbs 2:5 above, epignosis is a progressive knowledge you discover only through relationship, not achieved by cramming your head with gnosis informational-knowledge, as before a test! This was obviously written to all the so-called “wise and understanding” bible-scholar scribes & Pharisees of their day that thought they could really know God through understanding their religious book, but Jesus said it didn’t work (a)! Are you going to be like one of them – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT9. However, did you catch the relentless pursuit required for genuine, full, experiential, relational da’ath/epignosis knowledge of God? <Notes> a) John 5:38-40, 7:28, 8:55, 15:21.
We must be relentless! We are constantly admonished to be like little children and the other least among us. Little children are relentless when it comes to “routinely/habitually Asking, Seeking, and Knocking (A.S.K.)” (a) UNTIL they receive, find, and have the door opened! Every little child goes through that phase where they are constantly asking questions from their parents: “why, why, why?” Unlike our inpatient parents who get tired of this, the Lord’s “perfect patience” (b) from the “Father’s perfect heart for caring” (c) will gladly answer all our questions! Little children will pull on your shirt-tail until you take them to the bathroom! I can’t remember how many times I asked for cookies and tried everything to get to the cookie jar, even climbing on shelves until they broke! Prayer should be a habit of devotion of relentlessly asking, seeking, and knocking” – See Conversational-Prayer. <Notes> a) Matthew 7:7-8 and Luke 11:9-10 teaching on the Lord’s Prayer, b) Galatians 5:22; 2 Peter 3:9, 15, c) Jesus personally told me this.
I once had a revelation about relentlessness one night when I was hanging on my inversion table for my back. When I came up each time, I could swear I saw the words “Repentance” on a drum poster but I didn’t have my glasses on and things were blurry. I thought how odd! I thought, “Is there something the Lord wants me to repent of?” When I got off the machine and looked closer I saw that it actually said “Relentless.” Then I understood that God wanted me to repent/turn about my defeatist, grumbling attitude about prayer I was having because I was struggling to make direct contact with Him. Instead He wanted me to be relentless in my pursuit of Him.
Several nights later I was grumbling again to the Lord: “Why do we need to relentlessly pursue You?” As I was drifting off, I heard Him tell me, “You must be like a little child to ‘see’ the kingdom of God” (a). So, I asked the Lord, “Why a little child?” Then the Lord showed me a little child pulling relentlessly on their parent’s clothes, persistently calling out UNTIL their request was granted. Then the Lord said, “That’s what I meant when I said, ‘If you, not being ‘good,’ do give grace-gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father, who is ‘Good,’ give you the Holy Spirit (b) to those who routinely/habitually aiteo ‘ask or petition, NOT from a subordinate position but as a family member, to willfully crave, call or cry out for, require or demand’ Him?” (c).
Then I understood, this is the Way to pray for “Thy kingdom to come, Thy will to be done on earth as it is already in heaven” (a). This is the Way to “routinely/habitually zeteo ‘search diligently in order to find, investigate, desire/crave, aim/strive after’ the kingdom of God first/foremost” (b). This is the Way to routinely/habitually krouo “knock, rap, or beat for admittance’ UNTIL the door is opened to enter into intimately supping with Him,” the custom of koinonia intimate-fellowship (c) – the WAY is relentless like a little child! <Notes> a) Luke 11:2; Matthew 6:10, b) Matthew 7:7-8, c) Luke 11:9-10, 12:36; Revelation 3:20; cf. Luke 13:25.
The early church was only persistently-devoted to 5 things but mostly just 1: The noun proskarteresis means “devoted, perseverance that prevails by relationally interacting with God.” Paul uses it in Ephesians 6:18 when speaking about how to put on the full armor of God, including the shield of trusting-relying-faith (v. 6:16) or breastplate of trusting-relying-faith along with unconditional-love in 1 Thessalonians 5:8 for effective Spirit-kind-of warfare. How? By “routinely/habitually proseuchomai conversationally-praying in every season by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit dia through-the-channel-of pas ALL ‘kinds-of’ proseuche conversational-prayer and/coupled deesis asking-supplication – to that end, routinely/habitually alertly-watching with pas ALL ‘of-a-kind/category/class-of’ proskarteresis persistent-relational-devotion and/specifically pas ALL ‘of-a-kind/category/class-of’ deesis asking-supplication for pas ALL ‘of-a-kind/category/class-of’ the saints.”
The verb form proskartereo correspondingly means: “pros towards-and-interacting-with plus kartereo ‘showing of steadfast strength,’ thus to consistently show strength that prevails in spite of difficulties, thus to endure and stay in a fixed direction, continuing to do something with intense effort despite difficulty, and so be persistently-relationally-devoted to.”
The early Christians in Acts 1:14 “were routinely/habitually being proskartereo persistently-relationally-devoted with one accord [to the direct object of] proseuche conversational-prayer” (a). That should immediately tell us our #1 priority, especially since it’s the only “devotion” that is written as “the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” per Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 and Colossians 4:2, as Jesus taught in Luke 18:1. Good luck on finding such a church!
Then other occurrences of “devotion” is: “Now they were routinely/habitually being proskartereo persistently-relationally-devoted [to the direct object of] the teaching of the apostles and/coupled [to the direct object of] the koinonia intimate-fellowship [that is,] [to the direct object of] the breaking of the bread (a) and/coupled the proseuche conversational-prayers . . . every day routinely/habitually being proskartereo persistently-relationally-devoted with one accord in the temple then at each house breaking bread (b). <Notes> a) agape love feasts per Jude 1:12 where they also celebrated the Lord’s Supper 1 Corinthians 11:17-34, b) Acts 2:42, 46.
Eventually the apostles got too busy with ministry-serving of food to people that they had the people choose deacons to take over that duty so that “NOW we [to the direct object of] the proseuche conversational-prayer and/coupled [to the direct object of] the ministry-serving of the logos message (gospel) THEN we shall actually be proskartereo persistently-relationally-devoted-to” (d). These both are linked to getting revelations from God as we shall see next! See Body Ministry – BT17 and Knowledge – BT6. <Notes> b) agape love feasts per Jude 1:12 where they also celebrated the Lord’s Supper 1 Corinthians 11:17-34, c) Acts 2:42, 46, d) Acts 6:4.
This coupled-together ‘devotion’ is NOT bible study but proseuche listening-to/watching God in conversation-prayer to discern what, when, where, and how they were going to preach the gospel to fulfill the Great Commission to “make disciples of all nations” (a), “going into all the world to proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (b) – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT7. They were never told to “write the gospel” or “write a bible” but to “preach/proclaim the gospel!” <Notes> a) Matthew 28:19, b) Mark 16:15-16.
A key to “being metamorphically-transformed by the renewal of your mind in order that by practice-testing you may dokimazo scrutinize-to-discern what is the will of God (this obviously isn’t studying bible-info) is routinely/habitually being proskartereo persistently-relationally-devoted [to the direct object of] proseuche conversational-prayer” (a), and finally Paul’s final instructions to: “[to the direct object of] the proseuche conversational-prayer be ongoingly proskartereo persistently-relationally-devoted, routinely/habitually alertly-watching in it with eucharistia thanksgiving-prayer” (b). <Notes> a) Romans 12:2, 12, b) Colossians 4:2.
Discernment is NOT acquired by bible-study. Paul explains: “Ongoingly peirazo test/try-to-prove-to yourselves to see whether you are in The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith). Ongoingly dokimazo scrutinize-to-discern yourselves, or do you not eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know this about yourself that Jesus Christ is IN YOU – unless indeed you fail to meet this dokimos scrutinizing-discernment” (a)? Now, you can see why I created an entire BLOG on proseuche Conversation-Prayer and several on prayerful discernment – see Bible Info – BT2, Least Among You – BT8, and New Covenant Ways – BT16. Through this ‘devotion’ everything else grows, especially your trusting-relying-faith! <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 13:5.
Part 3
After documenting so many modern-day revivals around the world, when probed by so many people wanting to write more church-growth books and pastors wanting to create mega-churches, George Otis, Jr. said, “Desperation in prayer is the only common element I could find.” When I heard that while driving, I about drove off the road! Craig Alan Myers on “Prayer and Revival” writes: “Such desperation in prayer is rarely heard today. Prayers are not bold pleas to God for revival, for the reason that many Christians are not interested in having a new visitation of God.” The history of revival bears witness to this! Regarding the 1742 revival at Baldernock and other Scotland towns: “This desperation in prayer led to the conversion of about 90 people in July of 1742 . . .” This was also the conclusion of Mary S. Relfe in Cure for All Ills. Jim Cymbala in Storm says “Desperate and soul-stirring prayers result in answers. When God is sought in desperation, He responds.” Bob Hostetler writes in Guideposts about how God answers desperate prayers: “Desperation can be the soil and seed that bears the fruit of answered prayer.” Past and present revivals of individuals, groups, cities, and even nations depend on how much we really want to enter into the presence of God through proseuche conversational-prayer. Many others are understanding this desperate ‘hunger and thirst’ like Eric Gilmour.
The Lord gave me a vision on 10/24/2021 about ‘pressing in’ that showed me a tap root ‘in the soil below the surface’ causing the problems I was combating ‘above the surface’ Like Martha I was very busy with my own life and even ‘serving the Lord,’ too busy to do “the better thing” of Mary who “became still, stopped moving and shut up in order to yada/ginosko experientially, relationally know the Elohim (the plural God)” (a) at the feet of Jesus (b). The ‘bread that we can alone zoa genuinely-live by” is the directly-spoken/heard, Living, prophetic rhema word that comes from the mouth of God” (c). <Notes> a) Psalms 46:10, b) Luke 10:38-41, c) Matthew 4:4 citing Deuteronomy 8:3.
Then the Lord showed me the desperate woman bleeding from her genitals, having tried everything else for so long, now ‘at the end of her rope,’ was desperately pushing through huge crowds to finally touch Jesus and she was immediately healed (a). The Lord told me, “This is what it takes. There are many people and things in your ‘crowd’ that will try to block you. But if you press thru them and just touch Me, you will be healed. This is what it takes.” <Notes> a) Matthew 9:18-22; Mark 5:25-34; Luke 8:42-48.
Jesus urgently invited the crowds using the Greek imperative exclamatory saying: “You-all duete come-here-NOW pros toward-to-reach-the-destination/interaction-of Me, ALL who toil and/coupled are heavily-burdened-from-toil [from the Law of works], and I will give you peaceful-rest” (a). This certainly implies more than 1 step or 1 event. Pros indicates “extension toward a goal with implied interaction, with presumed contact, even a responsive reciprocity and reaction after making contact. It is often used as a prefix to include the idea of being ‘before’ someone physically or in time, but also of submissive respect by bowing, kneeling, or prostrating oneself.” <Notes> a) Matthew 11:28.
Using the aorist indicative verb tense for “wholly, definitive, actual action,” Jesus tells His disciples to “let the little children erchomai come-from-one-place-to-another pros toward-to-reach-the-destination/interaction-of Me and/coupled do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (a). In fact, Jesus promises “ALL that the Father gives Me shall-indeed heko come-to-reach-the-destination-of pros toward-to-reach-the-destination/interaction-of Me and/coupled the [singular one] routinely/habitually erchomai coming-from-one-place-to-another pros toward-to-reach-the-destination/interaction-of Me I will absolutely-in-fact NOT, in-possibility-NOT cast out” (b). <Notes> a) Matthew 19:14; Mark 10:14; Luke 18:16, b) John 6:37, the rare double negative is so absolute that it’s like shouting with bold face caps!
However, “Absolutely-in-fact-NOT one [person] is dunamis powerfully-enabled to definitively/wholly erchomai come-from-one-place-to-another pros toward-to-reach-the-destination/interaction-of Me unless the Father who sent Me definitively/wholly helko powerfully-attracts-to-draw-in Him” (a) or “unless it is offered-granted him by the Father” (b). <Notes> a) John 6:44, b) John 6:65.
Yet we see Jesus again offering this to the crowds: “If anyone presently/ongoingly dipsao painfully-suffers-the-need-of-thirst, [I strongly urge] let him presently/ongoingly erchomai to–come-from-one-place-to-another pros toward-to-reach-the-destination/interaction-of Me and/coupled presently/ongoingly drink-to-imbibe. The [one] routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of Me . . . ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’ Now this He said this about the Spirit, whom those who already-had trusting-relying-faith in Him were-about to presently/ongoingly actively lambano grab-hold-of-to-receive” (c). <Notes> c) John 7:37-39.
This explains more of what Jesus said earlier: “I presently/ongoingly AM the bread of zoe genuine-life; the [one] routinely/habitually erchomai coming-from-one-place-to-another pros toward-to-reach-the-destination/interaction-of Me shall absolutely-in-fact-NOT, in-possibility-NOT peinao painfully-suffer-the-need-of-hunger, and/coupled the [one] routinely/habitually having-trusting-relying-faith eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of Me shall absolutely-in-fact-NOT, in-possibility-NOT dipsao painfully-suffer-the-need-of-thirst” (a). This is like “as a deer arag/epipotheo pants for flowing streams, so my souls arag/epipotheo pants-in-longing/intensely-craves-possession for you, O God” (b). David continues: “Early in the morning I diligently-seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh faints for You as in a dry and weary land where there is no water” (c). This is that desperation that we must have! <Notes> a) John 6:35, b) Psalms 42:1, c) Psalms 63:1.
This explains why Jesus said to the scribes and Pharisees, the experts at bible-study: “You people have absolutely-in-fact-NEVER heard my Father’s phone Voice nor-absolutely-in-fact-NEVER seen His form at any time, nor-absolutely-in-fact-NEVER do you have His logos message residing in you, because you do absolutely-in-fact-NOT presently/ongoingly have trusting-relying-faith in the One whom He sent. [In contrast] You presently/ongoingly diligently-search/study the graphe scriptures because you suppose/opinionate that in/by/with them you echo will-take-hold-of zoe genuine-life everlasting, kai and/but these present/ongoingly are the ones that routinely/habitually are bearing-witness-as-a-martyr-would’ peri all-around-encompassing-comprehensively-of Me, kai and/but you absolutely-in-fact-NOT presently/ongoingly are willing to definitively/wholly erchomai come-from-one-place-to-another pros toward-to-reach-the-destination/interaction-of Me in order that you may presently/ongoingly echo take-hold-of zoe genuine-life” (a). <Notes> a) John 5:37-40.
Obviously Jesus was criticizing their ‘diligence’ of studying the bible because “they failed to obtain what they were seeking. The elect-chosen obtained it, but the rest were hardened” (a). However, we can see from above that relentless, diligent devotion of seeking proseuche conversational-prayer is always rewarded! <Notes> a) Romans 9:31, 11:7.
2 Timothy 2:15 has absolutely nothing to do with “studying scripture to be an approved workman of God” as too many translations and churches have erroneously taught. Instead the Greek word spoudazo means “to use speed or be prompt; make effort or be earnest, diligent, or zealous” and the context refers to Timothy spoudazo being diligent in using his prophetically-given, grace-gift of evangelism, by the laying on of hands. How dare they distort this verse to promote bible-study – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT7 and Logos Word of God – BT19! That’s not how little children and the least among you, which we are to be like, shall learn from Christ – see Bible Info – BT2, New Covenant Ways – BT16 and Least Among You – BT8, and Least Among You – BT7.
Therefore duete or erchomai “coming to Jesus” NOW is NOT a 1-time event but is to be a present, ongoing, and even routine, habitual lifestyle. It’s all about having a koinonia relationship with the Living God that talks with us, not a mute idol (a). It’s not about bible-study to gather more gnosis informational-knowledge ABOUT God, but about routinely/habitually visiting God in proserchomai ‘drawing near-close’ or eggizo “drawing extremely close-beside’ in proseuche conversation-prayer in order to have a koinonia intimate-relationship with God the Father through-the-realizing-channel-of God the Son by the means or instrument of the God the Holy Spirit for epignosis genuine, full, experiential, relational knowledge of God.
That’s exactly why we don’t need to become like the “wise & understanding’ scribes and Pharisees who learned through bible-study gnosis informational-knowledge only ABOUT God, but instead be like little children who learn from others primarily through koinonia relationships, especially with their parents through direct one-on-one teaching and example! The Parakletos Holy Spirit means “close-beside teacher, like a counselor” (b). That’s exactly why Jesus said, “My sheep akouo hear/listen-to-understand/know My VOICE” (d). Jesus never had bible-study in mind, never having one bible-study with His disciple! You don’t even see Him reading the bible! You have to routinely/habitually make time with the Lord to have a koinonia relationship with him. <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 12:1-3, b) as the subject: John 14:26, 15:26, 16:7 or as the accusative direct object Parakleton: John 14:16; 1 John 2:1, c) John 10:3-4, 16, 27, cf. Psalms 95:7.
The Lord told me once that “the works you did at first” that we are to “repent (turn back to) and do,” written in Revelation 2:5 to an old church are “the works of their early relationship with Him.” Then He showed me my early relationship with my wife 8 years ago, which really convicted me, and I relived how obsessed I was just to listen to her voice, just to look into her eyes, just to reach out to hold her hand, and just to be in her presence. Then, the Lord said, “That’s what I meant, regardless of what you’ve heard others say.” This really brought me back to the most important priority of proseuche patiently-waiting, watching, listening, relational conversational-prayer.
The present participle often used by Jesus is NOT a 1-time event or even describing a present event or somehow an ongoing event as the present indicative form would, but more explicitly describes a “routine action or lifestyle habit.” We’ve already seen both used many times above. In fact, “the tax collectors and sinners were routinely/habitually eggizo drawing-extremely-close-into-one’s-presence to akouo listen-to-understand/know Jesus” (a). Jesus warned: “If anyone would come after Me, let him definitively/wholly deny himself and/coupled definitively/wholly take up his cross daily kai and/subsequently presently/ongoingly follow Me” (b), for “whoever does absolutely-in-fact-NOT presently/ongoingly take his cross and/coupled presently/ongoingly follows Me he is absolutely-in-fact-NOT worthy of Me. Whoever has routinely/habitually found/kept his life shall actually lose it, but/coupled whoever has routinely/habitually lost his life for My sake shall actually find it” (c). <Notes> a) Luke 15:1, b) Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23, c) Matthew 10:38-39.
We are also strongly urged by the present imperative form to “presently/ongoingly steko persistently–stand-erect-and-firm/fast – a double emphasis in endurance – in the trusting-relying-faith; act like men; be strong” (a), because “for freedom [from slavery to the Law of sin and death] Christ has set us free; therefore, ongoingly steko persistently-stand-erect-and-firm/fast and/coupled do absolutely-in-fact-NOT submit again [as Jews] to a yoke/chain/harness of slavery (b)” (c). Rejecting the Law and persecution from the Jewish Law-teachers, we are strongly urged by the present imperative “to presently/ongoingly steko persistently-stand-erect-and-firm/fast in the Lord” (d). <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 16:13, b) context: to the commandments and ritual traditions of the written and oral Law, c) Galatians 5:1, d) Philippians 4:1,
Paul wanted their lives “to be worthy of the gospel of Christ . . . that I may akouo hear/listen-to-understand/know of you presently/ongoingly, actually steko persistently–standing-erect-and-firm/fast in one Spirit with one mind striving side-by-side for The Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) of/belonging-to the gospel” (a). “Timothy has brought us the good news (gospel) of your trusting-relying-faith and/coupled unconditional-love . . . we have been comforted about you through your trusting-relying-faith. For now we zoe genuinely-live IF you are presently/ongoingly, actually steko persistently–standing-erect-and-firm/fast in the Lord” (f). “So then, brethren, [we strongly urge you to] presently/ongoingly steko persistently–stand-erect-and-firm/fast and/coupled krateo ‘seize-hold-of to carefully-retain’ to the paradosis close-beside-given-over-instruction/traditions that you were taught by us” (g). <Notes> a) Philippians 1:27, b) 1 Thessalonians 3:5-8, c) 2 Thessalonians 2:15.
Finally, the “presently/ongoing peripateo walk of trusting-relying-faith that is absolutely-in-fact NOT by sight” (a) is not 1 step because peripateo means to “walk all around, thus comprehensively.” True Christians are those that “routinely/habitually peripateo walk-all-about-comprehensively kata down-from/according-to the Spirit and/coupled in-possibility-NOT kata down-from/according-to the flesh” (b). Yet to Jewish-Christians tempted to return to the Law, Paul had to write: “[I strongly urge you to] presently/ongoingly peripateo walk-all-about-comprehensively by-the-means-of the Spirit and/coupled absolutely-in-fact-NOT, in-possibility-NOT gratify the passionate-longing-desires of the flesh” (c). <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 5:7, b) Romans 8:4, c) Galatians 5:16,
We are to “be routinely/habitually stoicheo walking in the [plural] footsteps of the trusting-relying-faith that our father Abraham had before he was circumcised [and long before any other requirements of obedience like the Mosaic Law]” (a), where stoicheo means “to walk in a line, in strict accordance to a particular pace or cadence, thus to keep in step a commander.” This reminds me of a dream in 2-17-2020 in which I and others were told to closely follow the steps of the Holy Spirit in a complicated maneuver of great importance. The early Church multiplied because it was “routinely/habitually poreuomai journeying in the fear/reverential-awe of the Lord and/coupled in the paraklesis alongside-encouraging-comfort-and-instruction of the Holy Spirit,” the Parakletos, where poreuomai means “to personally move from destination to destination” (b). <Notes> a) Romans 4:12, b) Acts 9:31.
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Spiritual Education, Work of Faith must endure for devotion faithfulness salvation, Jesus warned that salvation is a process that requires Faith to the END, Paul warned that salvation is only IF we ongoingly hold our faith down securely habitually observing it, We must have long-suffering-patience of faith to inherit the promises, Our work of faith and love is what will be judged by Christ, we are to habitually ask seek and knock UNTIL we receive, enduring prayer is how we have a relationship with God, Pagans ask seek knock for Whats but we are for the WHO of the Holy Spirit’s power for God’s kingdom, Relentlessly ask seek knock like a little-child for the Holy Spirit to experience God, The Holy Spirit is the power for God’s kingdom & will to come, Conversational-prayer is the only thing we do for God to work the rest, The comforter Spirit of Wisdom & Understanding may be God the Mother, only 5 early church relational-devotions, the only key devotion as God’s will for Christians is conversational-prayer, Prayer is how we are taught & empowered to preach the gospel, Transformation happens in prayer NOT bible-study, Discerned is learned thru prayer NOT bible-study, Conversational-prayer is how we endure in our faith, Desperate prayer is only common key to ALL revivals, We must press thru our crowded life to come to Jesus to be healed, We come to Jesus to learn directly from Him NOT indirectly by reading old writings, We must desperately desire to drink from Jesus, You can only hear Christ’s voice in conversational-prayer, We are to be like little children who learn directly instead of wise & understanding bible-scholars from books, Following Jesus requires endurance to finish the race of faith, We must persistently stand firm, We must carefully retain, The walk of faith requires habitual steps of obedient faith, The walk of faith is a journey