Obedient Steps of Faith – BT27: Faith thru prayer to start the process of receiving God’s promises




Video:  Obedient Steps of Faith - BT27:  Faith thru prayer to start the process of receiving God's promises



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT27:  Faith thru prayer to start the process of receiving God’s promises



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From the previous BLOGS you can see the key to receiving any of God’s promises for righteous-living holiness/sanctification for God’s “kingdom to come and His will to be done” (a) in our life “as it already is in heaven,” is simply routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith, but the key to having this is to routinely/habitually having a genuine, full, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of the Lord through routinely/habitually having a koinonia communal, sharing relationship of agape unconditional-love with Him, His very nature, but the key to having this is to routinely/habitually be proseuchomai conversationally-praying!  There is definitely a domino-effect chain of events!  See Conversational-Prayer. <Notes> a) Matthew 6:10; cf. Luke 11:2.


But even that takes some small level of trusting-relying-faith as Hebrews 11:6 states: “For whoever would routinely/habitually proserchomai draw near/close-beside to God (a) must definitively/wholly have trusting-relying-faith that He presently/ongoingly exists and/coupled that He presently/ongoingly becomes a Rewarder to those who routinely/habitually earnestly seek Him out.”  I know some people who haven’t prayed to God at all because they don’t even have this much trusting-relying-faith!  A big reason more churches and Christians don’t pray is much is that they don’t believe they will be rewarded for it, that it’s just a waste of time.  I struggle to make it a priority because I still think other things are more important than the Reward of prayer! <Notes> a) a Hebrew idiom closely associated to worshipful proseuche conversational-prayer.


Faith feeds faith just as Paul said:  “For the righteousness of/belonging-to God is presently/ongoingly uncovered-to-be-revealed from [1 step of] trusting-relying-faith eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of [the next step of] trusting-relying-faith, just as it has been written (a): ‘And The righteous [one] shall-actually zoa genuinely-live ek out-from trusting-relying-faith” (b).  The Christian life is birthed and grows from routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith, from one step to the next until our end, and that’s the only way God’s journey of righteousness is accomplished under the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant.  However, faith can feed faith for a snowball effect that can turn into an avalanche of power! <Notes> a) from Habakkuk 2:4, b) Romans 1:17.


We have one part to play to get the ball rolling!  It is to draw close-beside to God through Christ who intercedes for us (a) with a non-doubting single-mindedness of trusting-relying-faith that God will also eggizo ‘draw extremely near/close-beside us’ in response (b), doing so with confidence to the throne of unconditionally-loving-favor-of-grace for help in the time of need (c) with a full assurance of trusting-relying-faith (d) or with hope dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of which we presently/ongoingly eggizo ‘draw extremely near/close-beside’ to God (e) for without trusting-relying-faith it is absolutely-in-fact-NOT possible to please/gratify God (f). <Notes> a) Hebrews 7:25, b) James 4:8, c) Hebrews 4:16, d) Hebrews 10:22, e) Hebrews 7:19, f) Hebrews 11:6.


Proseuche conversational-prayer is “alert or watchful” (a) similar to the OT “watchmen over the house of the LORD” (b) that Jesus said was “God’s house of prayer” (c), where you “wait for Yahweh” (d).  Proseuche prayer most often talked about in the New Testament (e) and commanded “ought to” or “routinely/habitually be earnest” and “constantly” or “continue steadfastly” or “without ceasing” or “at all times” or “always” (f).  That’s not even counting all the times “ask, seek, or knock” (g) are spoken of regarding prayer that are always in the present participle form to stress a routine, habitual lifestyle.  It’s the most-often-spoken devotion of the early Christians (h) that we must create as a habitual lifestyle. How else are we going to discern the will of God – see below?  With all that said, it’s amazing that it’s practically the last priority of many modern churches and Christians.  No wonder we are so powerless!


<Notes> a) Matthew 26:38, 41; Mark 14:38; Colossians 4:2; Ephesians 6:18; cf. Matthew 24:42; Romans 12:12, b) 2 Kings 11:18; 2 Chronicles 23:18, c) Isaiah 56:7; Matthew 21:13; Mark 11:17; Luke 19:46, d) 2 Kings 6:33; Psalms 27:14, 31:24, 33:20, 37:9, 34, 130:5-6; Proverbs 20:22; Isaiah 8:17, 40:31, e) 37 times as the noun proseuche and 86 times as the verb proseuchomai, f) Luke 18:1, 21:36; Romans 12:12; Colossians 4:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:17, g) together in Matthew 7:7-8; Luke 11:9-10, h) Acts 1:14, 2:42, 6:4; cf. 1 Corinthians 7:5.


Speaking in tongues is likely a form of proseuche conversational-prayer by-the-means-of the Spirit as a grace-gift (a) instead of using your ‘producing mind’ – see The Grace-Gifts of Tongues & Interpretation and Conversational-Prayer – BT22. Jude 1:20-21 says: [How by:] “routinely/habitually building-up yourselves in the most holy trusting-relying-faith of/belonging-to you, [how by:] routinely/habitually proseuchomai conversationally-praying by-the-means-of [singular] Holy Spirit.”  Now he explains the reason for this, as an imperative:  [I strongly urge you to] tereo ‘carefully watch/observe to safely-guard as a sentinel, care-for/attend-to, firmly-hold/stand-in/maintain-a-present-state yourself IN [singular] Unconditional-Love of/belonging-to God.”  There is that common coupling of “faith and love!” <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 12:10, 28.


This sounds much like Ephesians 6:17-18 that admonishes us to “put on the whole armor of God” that includes “taking-up the sword of the Spirit, which is the directly-spoken/heard-rhema-word of God, dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of proseuche conversation-prayer and/coupled deesis supplication-prayer, routinely/habitually proseuchomai conversationally-praying in every season by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit and/coupled eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of watching this-very-thing.”


But we also know from Paul in 1 Corinthians 14:14-15 that “if I proseuchomai conversationally-pray in a glossa tongue, The Spirit (a) of/belonging-to me proseuchomai conversationally-prays, o de but-now/thus-the [singular] mind of/belonging-to me (b) is unfruitful-unproductive.  What am I to do?  I will proseuchomai conversationally-pray by-the-means-of The Spirit of/belonging-to me, de kai however also by-the-means-of the [singular] mind of/belonging-to me . . . [and the same for psalming].”  <Notes> a) singular pneuma with the definite article is always a reference to the Holy Spirit, b) no article, also indicates a different party.


This prayer in tongues (a) shouldn’t be confused with addressing the congregation to deliver a logos message in tongues that should then be interpreted in order to build everybody up (b) because it’s actually a sign for unbelievers (c) (d), as with “all Spirit-kind-of grace-gifts should be earnestly-desired” (e). <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 13:8, 14:16, b) 1 Corinthians 12:30, 14:6, 23, c) as missionaries can attest, d) to1 Corinthians 14:22, e) 1 Corinthians 14:1.


Therefore Paul brags:  “I thank God that I presently/ongoingly speak in tongues more than all of you” (a), so he encourages them: “now I presently/ongoingly desire-what-is-best-for you ALL to presently/ongoingly speak in tongues” (b) and “to in-possibility-NOT to presently/ongoingly forbid presently/ongoingly speaking in tongues” (c).  It’s absolutely insane so many churches have blatantly disobeyed Paul’s clear teaching and warnings on praying in tongues and publicly giving logos messages by tongues!  Nevertheless the key signs of the Holy Spirit coming upon Christians was tongues and prophesy (d) that are often related (e).  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 14:18, b) 1 Corinthians 14:5, c) 1 Corinthians 14:39, d) Acts 2:4, 10:44-46, 19:6, e) 1 Corinthians 14:6.


Proseuche conversational-prayer, NOT bible-study is how the apostles discerned what, when, where, and how they were going to preach the gospel to fulfill the Great Commission to “make disciples of all nations” (a) and “going into all the world to proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (b) – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT7.  A key to “being metamorphically-transformed by the renewal of your mind in order that by practice-testing you may dokimazo scrutinize-to-discern what is the will of God is routinely/habitually being proskartereo persistently-relationally-devoted to proseuche conversational-prayer” (c).  Paul also said:  “Ongoingly peirazo test/try-to-prove yourselves to see whether you are in The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith).  Now, you can see why I created an entire BLOG on proseuche Conversation-Prayer and several on prayerful discernment – see Bible Info – BT2, Least Among You – BT8, and New Covenant Ways – BT16.   Through this devotion everything else grows, especially your trusting-relying-faith! <Notes> a) Matthew 28:19, b) Mark 16:15-16, c) Romans 12:2, 12.


In Colossians 4:2 Paul says, “[I strongly urge you to be] ongoingly be earnest towards (a) proseuche conversational-prayer, routinely/habitually watching (b) in it with thanksgiving.”  Why?  Because he understands that if we pray like he did, we can also be filled with the genuine, full, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of God’s will, as Paul said earlier in Colossians 1:9-12, “We have not ceased to proseuchomai conversationally-pray for you and/coupled asking [God] in order that you might be filled-to-completion with the genuine, full, experiential, relational, epignosis knowledge of God’s will by all ‘of a kind/class of’ Spirit-kind-of sophia wisdom and/coupled sunesis ‘connect-the-dots’ understanding/knowledge.”  Clearly this is how we “learn, discern, or understand” God’s will – through revelation by-the-means-of the Spirit!  But the whole process starts with proseuche conversational-prayer! <Notes> a) persevere, diligent, attend assiduously, b) staying awake, alert, attentive, vigilant.


That’s why Paul realizes in 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12, that although the road to the final judgment of God is very long and there is much affliction and suffering expected from persecution meanwhile, the only way these Christians were going to get through it is by God’s enabling-power and this requires proseuche conversational-prayer:  “To this end we always proseuchomai conversationally-pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of His calling and may fulfill every one [of your] heart-delights of/belonging-to God-like-goodness and/coupled [singular] work of/belonging-to [singular] trusting-relying-faith by-the-means-of His dunamis enabling-power, [in a manner so] that the name/reputation of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in/among you, and you in Him, kata down-from/according-to the unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.”  In Romans 15:13, Paul knows how Christians are going to get the things they need:  “May the God of hope pleroo fill-to-completion you with all joy and peace by-the-means-of routinely/habitually having The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith), in order that by-the-means-of the dunamis dynamite-like enabling-power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”



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Spiritual Education, Faith thru prayer required to start the process of receiving God’s promises, Prayer starts the domino effect of holiness, But prayer even requires faith to get started and endure in it, Faith feeds faith for a snowball effect, Only if we draw near to God in prayer does He draw near to us, When God draws near we become holier, We are to routinely/habitually ask seek and knock in prayer, We are to diligently watch in prayer, tongues prayer builds our faith up and keeps us in God’s love, tongues prayer mortifies the flesh, Prayer in tongues is 2nd most sought-after Spirit-gift, Prayer is for ministry direction, Prayer is for discernment of God’s will, Prayer is only early church devotion noted as God’s will, Prayer needed to really know God

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT26:  Gospel ministry work by the Spirit’s power not our wisdom or skill





Obedient Steps of Faith – BT26:  Gospel ministry work by the Spirit’s power not our wisdom or skill



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The whole point of Body-Ministry in the Church is to build up our trusting-relying-faith:  “Christ gave grace-gifts to men . . . He gave [in the Greek: these 4 groups of grace-gifts]:  the apostles, moreover the prophets, moreover the evangelists, moreover the shepherds and/coupled teachers, pros ‘towards and interacting with’ the katartismos equipping: coaching-facilitating of the saints for [singular] work of [singular] ministry, for [singular] building up of the Body-of-Christ UNTIL we ALL attain to the unity of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) and/coupled of the genuine, full, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of the Son of God eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of mature manhood, that is to the metron ‘standardized-size measuring-cup as used in a marketplace to insure trade was equitable’ of the pleroma abundant-fullness of Christ in order that we many no longer be children tossed to and fro by the waves and/coupled carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes” (a). <Notes> a) Ephesians 4:8-14.


This isn’t a “5-fold ministry” as many speak of!   These 4 groups are only coaches and facilitators for Body-ministry because the equippers & saints ALL do the building-up of the Church so that the people wouldn’t be susceptible to deception, most often by one-man-show teaching per Romans 12:3, and it’s not through accumulating bible gnosis-informational knowledge but-instead direct, genuine, full, experiential, relationship epignosis knowledge of Christ!  Nowhere in the NT do you see Christians meeting for bible-study or encouraged to do so!  See Note ‘C’ of Tongues & Interpretation – BT4.


In fact, most doctrinal-error comes from bible-teachers that aren’t ‘checked’ by their congregations when the Holy Spirit says “red alert” inside them and they don’t say, “Wait a minute, what about xyz?”  That “diakrisis weighing in on, or critiquing back-and-forth, what was said by the others” is what the early Church considered part of “orderly worship” (a) – today, many churches would escort you out because you were being “disorderly.”  That is what authoritarians do, the very thing Romans 12:3 denounces!  They are “haughty . . . wise in their own sight” (b).  Likewise, the apostle John’s own disciples were kicked out the church by an authoritarian bishop Diotrephes “who likes to put himself first” (c).  This is part of The Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit in the Church. <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 14:29, 40, b) Romans 12:16, c) 3 John 1:9-10.


So the “work of ministry” by the Body-of-Christ in Ephesians 4:12, or for example the “work of an evangelist” in 2 Timothy 4:5, is not supposed to be a “word-only” preaching-ministry as so many have done today, but a “full-gospel” ministry.  Paul says to the Corinthians:  “For Christ . . . sent me to preach the gospelabsolutely-in-fact-NOT by-the-means-of wisdom of/belonging-to logos messages, lest the cross of Christ should be kenoo ‘emptied of its value . . . I came absolutely-in-fact-NOT kata ‘down-from/according to’ huperoche ‘excellent, elevated, authoritative-sounding’ logos-messages of wisdom, [but] routinely/habitually proclaiming/preaching to you the testimony/witness of God . . . my logos message and/coupled my proclaiming/preaching [were] absolutely-in-fact-NOT by-the-means-of peithos  ‘skillful, plausible, persuasive, enticing’ logos message of wisdom but-instead by-the-means-of the demonstration/proof-manifestation of the Spirit and/coupled of dunamis dynamite-like enabling-power (a) so that your trusting-relying-faith might in-possibility-NOT rest in the wisdom of men (b) but in the dunamis dynamite-like enabling-power of God.”  <Notes> a) The “coupling/linking” means that “enabling-power is the demonstration/proof-manifestation of the Spirit,” b) the preacher/teacher Paul as a Pharisee used to be operating with eloquent and lofty speech.


Paul continues:  “However, we [do] speak [the Spirit’s] wisdom among those who are mature, yet absolutely in-fact-NOT the wisdom of this age, NOR of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing . . . we speak absolutely-in-fact-NOT in human-taught logos messages of wisdom but-instead by-the-means-of [those] [singular] Spirit-taught . . . for the kingdom of God does absolutely-in-fact-NOT consist by-the-means-of logos message but-instead by-the-means-of enabling-power” (a).  Paul said in Romans 15:19 that these “proofs” were “what Christ has accomplished through me to bring the Gentiles to obedience – by logos message and/coupled ergon work/doing by-the-means-of the enabling-power of signs and wonders by-the-means-of the enabling-power of the Spirit of God.” <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 1:17, 2:1, 4-6, 13; 4:20.


It’s really hard to argue against thesigns and wonders” of God that should “accompany those who have trusting-relying-faith:  In My name/authority they shall actually cast out demons; they shall actually speak in completely-different-in-kind-NEW tongues . . . laying hands on the sick to recover . . . and they [all] having-gone-out, preached everywhere, while the Lord (Jesus) routinely/habitually sunergeo ‘working together in symphony with’ [them] and/coupled routinely/habitually begaioo ‘confirming, guaranteeing, or ratifying as solid/sure’ the logos message by-the-means-of routinely/habitually accompanying signs” (a). <Notes> a) The Great Commission in Mark 16:17-20.


I suspect the problems and ineffectiveness of most pulpit and street/campus preaching is that they don’t believe or obey this, leaving them only with a “logos message that may be plausible/persuasive” to play on the same field, using the same “fleshly” “might and power” external resources and internal abilities of every other religion.  Futile!  Furthermore, Peter didn’t want just anybody speaking in churches about anything on their minds, like they do today.  He says in 1 Peter 4:10-11 “As EACH has received a grace-gift [from the Spirit: they assumed every Christian would have one], [I strongly urge you to] USE it to serve one another . . . whoever speaks – do as one who speaks logion ‘prophetic, divine oracles or utterances’ of God . . . by the strength that God supplies.”


Signs and wonders like miracles sure won’t happen without someone having trusting-relying-faith!  We saw above that Paul wondered why Christians would look to rule-keeping instead of the Spirit for holiness/sanctification, but then asks this follow-up question:  “The [one] supplying to you the Spirit and/coupled miracles among you – [is it] ek out-from ergon ‘doings/works’ of/belonging-to [singular] Law ? OR ek out-from [singular] akouo hearing/listening-to-understand/know of/belonging-to [singular] trusting-relying-faith?” (a). <Notes> a) Galatians 3:5.


Mark 16:17-18 lists 5 supernatural things assigns that will accompany those who are have definitively/wholly have trusting-relying faith.”  Jesus said that if you “do not-in-possibility have doubt in your heart but-instead definitively/wholly have trusting-relying-faith that what you say will come to pass, it shall indeed be done for you” (b).  To His disciples Jesus promises:  “Truly, truly, I say to you that the [one] routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith in Me will also do the [miraculous] works that I do; and greater works than these will he do because I am going to the Father. [So] whatever you aiteo ‘ask for, seek or earnestly-desire, even demand’ in My name/authority, this I will do that the Father may be glorified in the Son” (c), and “Truly, I say to you that if you have trusting-relying-faith like a grain of mustard seed . . . absolutely-in-fact-NO thing will be impossible for you” (d). Hebrews 2:4 also says, “God also bore witness/testified by signs and/coupled wonders and/coupled various miracles and/coupled by grace-gifts [ALL these] of/belonging-to the Holy Spirit distributed kata down-from/according-to His will.” <Notes> a) Galatians 3:5, b) Mark 11:23, cf. Matthew 21:21, c) John 14:12-13, d) Matthew 17:20.




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Spiritual Education, Gospel ministry work by the Spirit’s power not our wisdom or skill, Spirit works thru entire Body of Christ to minister, Often leaders hog the ball instead of facilitating & coaching Body-Ministry, Preaching is supposed to be only the gospel, Most preachers are really teachers, Preaching is supposed to be Full Gospel with power of the Spirit by miracles, Wisdom & Understanding teaching isn’t enough, Signs & Wonder miracles needed so faith isn’t in the sermon preacher, ALL of us are to be using our gifts in church NOT just the equippers, ALL of us are actually the ministers, Signs & Wonders are supposed to accompany the gospel to confirm it’s real

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT25:  Without faith, our prayers fail as does our holiness/sanctification




Video:  Obedient Steps of Faith - BT25:  Without faith, our prayers fail as does our holiness/sanctification



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT25:  Without faith, our prayers fail as does our holiness/sanctification



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Our prayers don’t even work for us without faith!  Jesus taught that “all things, as many as you might aiteo ‘ask or petition, NOT from a subordinate position but as a family member, to willfully crave, call or cry out for, require or demand’ in/by/with the proseuche conversational-prayer, routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith, [then] you shall indeed lambano grab-hold-of-to-receive” (a) and “all things whatever you presently/ongoingly are proseuchomai conversationally-praying, also presently/ongoing aiteo asking-petitioning, [I strongly urge you to] presently/ongoing have trusting-relying-faith hoti ‘in these contents:’ you definitively/wholly lambano grab-hold-of-to-receive and-subsequently it shall actually [at an indefinite time in the future] ‘exist’ for you” (b). <Notes> a) Matthew 21:22, b) Mark 11:24.


You also won’t get the enabling-power of the Spirit without faith!  That’s why Paul wrote:  “To this end we ongoingly proseuchomai conversationally-pray always for you, that our God may MAKE you worthy of His calling and/coupled may definitively/wholly pleroo fill-to-completion every one [of your] delights/petitions of God-like-goodness and/coupled [singular] work of [singular] trusting-relying-faith by-the-means-of His dunamis enabling-power, so that the name/person/authority of our Lord Jesus may be glorified IN you, and you IN Him” (a). <Notes> a) 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12.


Paul also prays for them:  “that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory,  give to you [singular] Spirit of wisdom and/coupled revelation by-the-means-of [singular] genuine, full, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of Him, having already had [with last results, now extending into be routinely having] the eyes of their hearts enlightened/illuminated in order that you may eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know what is the elpis hope (faith for the future, the blessed hope) to which He has called you, what are the riches of His glorious inheritance, what is the immeasurable greatness of His enabling-power eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of us, the ones routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith” (a). <Notes> a) Ephesians 1:17-19.


We won’t even get holiness/sanctification without trusting-relying-faith!  Paul asks Jewish-Christians tempted by Law-teachers to go back to Moses:  “Having begun by the means of [singular] Spirit, now are you being perfected/completed by the means of [singular] flesh? (thru circumcision) (a).  Yes, Law-obedience is fleshly, not Spiritual!  <Notes> a) Galatians 3:3.


Jesus told Paul concerning the Gentiles:  “I am sending you to open their eyes . . . so that they may epistrepho turn-oneself-back (like ‘repent’) away-from darkness to light and/coupled from the exousia delegated-power of Satan to God, in order that they may lambano grab-to-receive forgiveness of sins and/coupled a kleros distributed-lot-for-an-inheritance among those already having been [with ongoing effects] sanctified/made-holy by-the-means-of trusting-relying-faith in Me” (a). <Notes> a) Acts 26:17-18.


Elsewhere, with the use of the conjunction kai, Paul coupleshagios holiness/sanctification by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit” coupled to “by-the-means-of trusting-relying-faith of/belonging-to [singular] Truth” as both necessary “eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of soteria salvation” (a), and we know this need for “hagios holiness/sanctification” is written by Paul to Christians as “the will of God” for them to experience not just to stuff into their head (b). <Notes> a) 2 Thessalonians 2:13, b) 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 7; Romans 6:19, 22; 1 Timothy 2:15, cf. Hebrews 12:14.


This is not by OUR ergon ‘doings/works’ butholiness/sanctification of/belonging-to [singular] Spirit” (a) and only because FIRST “Jesus became for us our holiness/sanctification” (b), but it’s clear that like soteria salvation it is NOT a 1-time event but a process – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT16 for enduring faith.  We are “God’s workmanship” (c), for “it is God who works in you, both to desire/will and/couple to do/work for His good pleasure” (d). <Notes> a) 1 Peter 1:2, b) 1 Corinthians 1:30, c) Ephesians 2:10, d) Philippians 2:13.


There is a false holiness:  Concerning religious teaching by “some that will depart from The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith)” who are requiring “abstinence from [particular] foods,” Paul says this comes from “deceitful spirits and/coupled teachings of demons” because such “foods God created to be lambano grabbed-to-receive with thanksgiving by the pistos faithful-ones and/coupled [the ones] already having had [with ongoing results] The Truth, for everything created by God is good kai and/thus absolutely-in-fact-NOT a thing is to be rejected if it is lambano grabbed-to-receive with thanksgiving, for it is made-sanctified/holy by the logos message (Jesus and/or gospel) of God and/coupled enteuxis ‘God-led intercessory prayer’” (a).  The “weak in faith” Jewish-Christians are actually the ones still listening to the Law-teachers about what makes them sanctified/holy, who thus wouldn’t abandon dietary and other lifestyle Laws (b). <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 4:1-5, b) Romans 14:1-23.




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Spiritual Education, Faith required for answered prayer, Faith required for holiness, Faith needed to experience God, Faith needed to experience the Spirit’s power, Salvation and Sanctification/Holiness is a process, False holiness is through old testament works & rituals including fasting

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT24: Faith required for Holy Spirit’s nature of Love with Joy & Peace




Video:  Obedient Steps of Faith - BT24:  Faith required for Holy Spirit's nature of Love with Joy & Peace



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT24:  Faith required for Holy Spirit’s nature of Love with Joy & Peace



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Paul emphatically stated that thekingdom of God is absolutely-in-fact-NOT a matter of eating or drinking but of righteousness and/coupled peace and/coupled joy by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit” (a).  We’ve already seen from Obedient Steps of Faith – BT2 and – BT17, Paul’s many arguments like this that our righteousness comes from Christ’s righteousness.  It doesn’t come from obedience to OT commandments or Traditions of the Elders that expanded on them, but in trusting-relying-faith in Christ, “who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and/also holiness/sanctification and/coupled redemption” (b)“ so that IN Him we might ginomai emerge-and-change-to-become the righteousness of/belonging-to God” (c). <Notes> a) Romans 14:17, b) 1 Corinthians 1:30, c) 2 Corinthians 5:21.


Again, being changed into the righteous nature (right-living) of Christ’s Holy Spirit by holy-sanctification is not a 1-time event but a process just as soteria salvation is – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT16 for enduring faith.  It’s not set in stone, but it “might” happen, because though we “emerge from the waters” as a “New Creations IN Him” the word “might” only implies the possibility of “becoming the righteousness of/belonging-to God.”  Acquiring the holy/sanctified nature of God does require our choice to routinely/habitually have a koinonia relationship with God!  Because the Spirit of the Father and Son is infinitely gentle (a), He will not strong-arm us into living out His nature!  <Notes> a) 2 Samuel 22:36; Psalms 18:35; Isaiah 40:11; Matthew 11:29; 2 Corinthians 10:1; 1 Corinthians 4:21; Galatians 5:23, 6:1.


Also notice from above thatpeace kai and/coupled joy by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit” are also both linked by the coupler kai to “righteousness,” clearly indicating the emphasis on “right-living” that has nothing to do with OT dietary Laws!  However, Paul also clearly indicates that this “peace and/coupled joy” are the principle ‘flavors’ of the “[singular] fruit/essence/nature of the Spirit that presently/ongoingly IS-defined-as/exists-as Unconditional-Love” (a) and thus associates being “pleroo filled-to-completion with pas ALL ‘of a kind/type/class of’ joy and/coupled peace in/by/with The Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) eis ‘toward-reaching-the-goal-of you’ to abound in/by/with The elpis Hope (The Christian Hope of glorification) (b)” to “by-the-means-of [singular] dunamis enabling-power of/belonging-to [singular] Holy Spirit” (c). <Notes> a) Galatians 5:22, b) of the Christian Faith; elpis hope is trusting-relying-faith for future events, c) Romans 15:13.


Therefore, righteousness and/coupled peace and/coupled joy” come ONLY from trusting-relying-faith in The Unconditional-Love of God shown thru-the-realizing-channel-of Christ and only by-the-means-of His Holy Spirit (a).  They come ONLY by the means of unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace of God through Jesus, “no longer on the basis of works” (b).  <Notes> a) Romans 1:17, 3:5, 21-22, 5:5, 10:3; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Galatians 5:22-23, b) Romans 11:6.


You won’t find real peace without the Spirit and only thru trusting-relying-faith!  We saw that above but also in many other verses (a)!  Peace is actually “multiplied-to-capacity to you in/by/with [singular] genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of God and/coupled of Jesus our Lord” (b).  Peace is a “flavor” that comes from tasting the singular fruit of Unconditional-Love after having trusting-relying-faith (c). <Notes> a) Romans 8:6, 15:33, 16:20; Ephesians 4:3; 1 Corinthians 14:33; 2 Corinthians 13:11; Philippians 4:7, 9; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 13:20, b) 2 Peter 1:2; cf. 1 Peter 1:2; Jude 1:2, c) Galatians 5:22; Luke 7:50, 8:48; Romans 5:1, 6:23; 2 Timothy 2:22; Titus 1:4.


Until we have reconciled-peace with God by the death of His Son (a), we remain ungodly sinners and enemies of God, alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, and thus under the feet of God, still under the condemnation of the world (b). The apostle Paul writes, “Therefore, since we have been justified (c) by trusting-relying-faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (d).  If you are a “child in The-Trusting-Relying-Faith” you can also experience “unconditionally-loving-favor-of-grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and/coupled Christ Jesus our Lord” (e).


<Notes> a) Romans 5:10; Colossians 1:22, b) James 4:4; Romans 5:6, 8; Colossians 1:21, Matthew 22:44; Mark 12:36; Luke 20:43; Acts 2:35; 1 Corinthians 15:25; Hebrews 1:13, 10:13; John 3:17-18; Mark 16:16, c) acquitted of the charges of sin against us, declared or made in right standing with God, d) Romans 5:1, e) 1 Timothy 1:2; Titus 1:4.


Christ is our Sabbath Rest, not Saturday or Sunday:  “God rested on the 7th day from all His ergon ‘doings/works’ . . .  Since therefore it remains for some to enter the rest [of God], and those who formerly received the good news failed to enter because of apeithes disobedience . . . So then, there remains a Sabbath Rest for the people of God, for whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his ergon ‘doings/works’ just as God did from His . . . Let us therefore strive to enter that Rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of apeithes disobedience” (a). <Notes> a) Hebrews 4:5-6, 9, 10-11.


That’s why Jesus invited all of us:  “Come to Me, all who toil and are heavily-burdened [from 613 commandments of the Law], and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke (training-harness) upon you and/coupled learn-the-essentials [directly] from Me for I am gentle and/coupled lowly in heart, and/thus you will find rest for you souls, for My yoke is chrestos ‘custom-fit, tailor-made, so comfortable and productive’ and/coupled My burden [of commandments] is feather/cloud-light to carry” (a).  The cart can effectively be pulled by a novice horse yoked to an expert horse, but only if the straps and buckles properly fit – see only 2 commandments integrated into 1 per 1 John 3:23. <Notes> a) Matthew 11:28-30.


“Going in peace” comes after healing which comes after trusting-relying-faith (a).  Peace comes after joy which comes after Unconditional-Love, the [singular] fruit-essence-nature of the Holy Spirit (b).  In fact, we are strongly urged to “presently/ongoingly flee youthful passions; Now [strongly urged to] presently/ongoingly dioko ‘aggressively chase like a hunter pursuing a catch’ righteousness, trusting-relying-faith, unconditional-love, [and] peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a katharos ‘purged, clean, pure, unmixed – similar to holy’ heart” (c). <Notes> a) Mark 5:34; Luke 7:50; 8:48, b) Galatians 5:22; with agape love: Romans 1:7; 2 Corinthians 13:11; 2 John 1:3; Jude 1:2; 1 Peter 5:14; with faith, love:  2 Timothy 2:22; Ephesians 6:23, cf. Psalms 85:10, c) 2 Timothy 2:22.


You won’t find real joy without the Spirit through trusting-relying-faith!  We saw that above, so do you also want to be one of these “disciples that were pleroo filled-to-completion of/belonging-to joy and/coupled [singular] Holy Spirit” (a). “Joy of the Holy Spirit” comes from Unconditional-Love after having trusting-relying-faith (b), but there is also a “joy of/belonging-to The-Trusting-Relying-Faith” (The Christian Faith) (c).  This is how Jesus was able to face the cross:  Jesus “had routinely/habitually ‘placed as substitution before the eyes to see’ Himself joy to humomeno ‘patiently-endure-under-trial/persecution’ the cross, despising the shame” (d). <Notes> a) Acts 13:52, b) 1 Thessalonians 1:6; Galatians 5:22; Matthew 25:21, 23, c) Philippians 1:25, d) Hebrews 12:2.


Likewise, Peter says of the suffering Jewish-Christians in 1 Peter 1:4-9, “God “has given us a new birth into a Living elpis hope (faith for the future) . . . into an inheritance . . . it is reserved in heaven for you, which is kept-guarded by the means of [singular] enabling-power of God dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ salvation to be revealed in the last time.  In/by/with this you presently agalliao joyfully leap/exalt, although you are now having to suffer for a short time in various trials in order that the dokimion ‘tested/proven genuineness’ of your trusting-relying-faith, more precious than gold, this [the impurities] routinely/habitually apollumi ‘being permanently destroyed’ dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of fire de indeed/moreover routinely/habitually being dokimazo ‘refined/purified-to-pass-the-test-as-genuine’ [so that it] may be heurisko discovered-after-investigation/scrutiny [that it is] eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ epainos praise and/coupled glory and/coupled honor when Christ is revealed.”


Peter continues:  [Until then], although you have in-possibility-NOT horao [physically] observed/perceived-known/discerned Him [as many Jews who physically saw Jesus], you actually, ongoingly are unconditionally-loving Him and/coupled although you are in-possibility-NOT now routinely/habitually horao [physically] observed/perceived-known/discerned Him, you nevertheless are routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith, agalliao joyfully leaping/exalting with inexpressible chara joy/delight and/coupled already have been [with ongoing results] routinely/habitually rendered/esteemed glorious, presently/ongoing obtaining the outcome/end-goal of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith), the salvation of your souls (a).”  The Holy Spirit joy was testifying to their obtaining salvation<Notes> a) psyche:  mind, emotions, will – see Identity.


Similarly, after the jailer’s household was water-baptized after hearing the gospel logos message from Paul and Silas, “they agalliao joyfully leaped/exalted having already had [with ongoing results] trusting-relying-faith in God with all his household” (b).  They evidently got Spirit-baptized! <Notes> a) psyche:  mind, emotions, will – see Identity, b) Acts 16:30-34.




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Spiritual Education, Faith required for Holy Spirit’s nature of Love with Joy Peace Faithfulness and Self-Control, Holiness or Sanctification is a process like Salvation requiring enduring faith, Godliness or Holiness comes only by the Holy Spirit thru relationship by habitual faith, We can leap with Joy by the Holy Spirit

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT23: Faith required for the promised seal of the indwelling Holy Spirit




Video:  Obedient Steps of Faith - BT23:  Faith required for the promised seal of the indwelling Holy Spirit



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT23:  Faith required for the promised seal of the indwelling Holy Spirit



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We introduced this in the last BLOG.  Jesus promised the Spirit’s baptism:  To the Samaritan women at the well, Jesus promised “living water” as the “dorea ‘unmerited, unentitled, un-coerced, freely-given gift’ didomi bestowed upon us’ of God” (a).  Later at a great feast of the Jews, Jesus said:  “Whoever has trusting-relying-faith in Me shall absolutely-in-fact-NOT, in-possibility-NOT dipsao painfully-suffers-the-need-of-thirst at-any-time/ever” (b).  Jesus “stood up and cried out, ‘If anyone dipsao painfully-suffers-the-need-of-thirst, let him come to Me and drink.  Whoever has trusting-relying-faith in Me, as the scripture has said, ‘Out of his innermost belly/womb (c) will flow rivers of living water.’  Now this He said about the Spirit, whom those who had trusting-relying-faith in Him were to presently/ongoingly lambano grab-hold-of-to-receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been [given,] because Jesus was not yet glorified [after His resurrection]” (d).


<Notes> a) Koilia physically is the “interior cavity, gullet, or womb” of a man, but translated from the OT Hebrew as “the innermost part, soul, or heart of man as the seat of thought, feeling, and choice.”  This is one of the times Jesus and other rabbis quoted scripture that we do not have today, but have been lost in time.  Contrary to Christian propaganda, the bible we have now is not complete – see Bible Info<Notes> a) John 4:10, b) John 6:35, c) koilia:  a place of reproduction, implying that this is where God’s creative power will now reside and operate, d) John 7:37-39.


Paul promised this in his gospel:  “In Christ you also, when you heard the logos message of/belonging-to The Truth (a) – the gospel of your salvation – in whom [you] also having-had trusting-relying-faith, [you] have been sealed with the Spirit, this of-the-promise [one], the Holy [one], who is the arrabon ‘down-payment/deposit as a guarantee’ of our inheritance” (b).  To Jewish-Christians tempted by Law-teachers to go back to Moses, Paul asks:  “Did you already lambano grab-hold-of-to-receive the Spirit ek out-from the works of [singular] Law or ek out-from akouo hearing/listening to understand/know of/belonging-to trusting-relying-faith?  Are you so foolish?” (c).  <Notes> a) The Truth:  a typical reference to Christ per John 1:14, 17, 14:6, 8:30-32; 1 John 2:27, 5:20; Ephesians 4:21 or His gospel logos message about Himself: Galatians 2:5, 14; Ephesians 1:13; Colossians 1:5 – see Truth page, b) Ephesians 1:13-14, c) Galatians 3:2, 5,


When Paul met some believers in Ephesus is Acts 19:1-7, the first question out of his mouth, which shows His priorities that should be ours is:  “Did you lambano grab-hold-of-to-receive the Holy Spirit when you had trusting-relying-faith?”  But he wasn’t asking about if they prayed ‘the sinner’s prayer,’ because when they said, “No” the next thing out of his mouth was “Into what then were you water-baptized?”  When he found it was only John the Baptist’s, he preached the gospel to them, got them water-baptized, and THAT IS WHEN they got Spirit-baptized with the visible signs of tongues and prophesying.  They expected both baptisms to occur in the “one baptism” of The Christian Faith (a).  <Notes> a) Ephesians 4:5.


Paul also promises: “In Christ, the blessing of Abraham (eternal inheritance) might also come to the Gentiles, in order that we [all] may lambano grab-hold-of-to-receive the promised Spirit (a) dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith” (The Christian Faith) (b), not by obedience to OT commandments.  “The Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same Body, and/thus koinonia partakers of the promise IN Christ Jesus dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of the gospel” (c), “when you heard the logos message of The Truth (d) that is, the gospel of your salvation (e).  Many churches are ripping people off with their bad doctrine of separating the saving, arrabon ‘down-payment/deposit as a guarantee’, and filling/baptizing functions that all occurred in “One Baptism.”  I have separated also the BLOGs because so much is written about the function of each, but they really belong together!


<Notes> c) the logos word/message of God in the NT has radically been redefined from the OT because of a completely-different-in-kind New Covenant.  In the NT 99% of the time it’s either refers to Jesus Christ Himself as with John 1:1 or His gospel message, as here. <Notes> a) Luke 24:49; Acts 2:33, b) Galatians 3:14; cf. v. 3:2, 5, c) Ephesians 3:6, d) The Truth:  a typical reference to Christ per John 1:14, 17, 14:6, 8:30-32; 1 John 2:27, 5:20; Ephesians 4:21 or His gospel logos message about Himself: Galatians 2:5, 14; Ephesians 1:13; Colossians 1:5 – see Truth page, e) Ephesians 1:13.




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Spiritual Education, Faith required for the promised seal of the indwelling Holy Spirit, Living water of the Spirit from our belly comes by faith, Spirit-baptism or filling by the Spirit comes by faith, The Spirit is a guarantee deposit for our inheritance at Christ’s coming, Spirit-baptism grabbed-to-receive during water-baptism so One Baptism for New Creation salvation, Spirit-Baptism evidence by tongues and/or prophecy, Water-baptism was also when Spirit’s gifts given, False doctrines of later churches to separate 5 components of salvation

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT22:  The promises of God come by Faith not by works of righteousness




Video: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT22:  The promises of God come by Faith not by works of righteousness



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT22:  The promises of God come by Faith not by works of righteousness



Please follow the BLOG Etiquette to stay on topic and pass the moderator’s check.  Bold, underlined text below = future links to the BLOG pages.


The Israelites didn’t enter into “The Promised Land” because “they despised the pleasant land, having NO trusting-relying-faith in His promise” (a).  However, likely Barnabas, Paul’s preaching companion, in the book of Hebrews (b) encourages Jewish-Christians to: “be imitators of those who dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith and/coupled makrothumia long-suffering-patience before expressing retributive-force from anger’ inherit the promises,” so therefore “let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful,” giving us many examples:  “By-the-means-of trusting-relying-faith Abraham went to live in the land of promise . . . living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, heirs with him of the same promise . . . by-the-means-of trusting-relying-faith Sarah received enabling-power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered Him faithful who had promised . . . [many other people] all died in trusting-relying-faith . . . by-the-means-of trusting-relying-faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, kai and/specifically he who had received the promises was then in the act of offering up his only son . . . [man other people] dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith . . . obtained promises.” <Notes> a) Psalms 106:24, b) Hebrews 6:12, 10:23, 11:9, 11, 13, 17, 33, 39.


Paul explains promises that go to the remnant who have faith: “They are Israelites, and to them belong the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the Law, the latreia liturgical-worship, and the promises” (a).  But NOT all of the children of Abraham are the children of God:  “it is absolutely-in-fact-NOT the children of the flesh [mankind] who are the children of God, but the children of the promise (b) are counted as offspring” (c), for “only a remnant of them will be saved” (d).  Gentiles “were alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without The God in the world” (e), but “the mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs [of Abraham], members of the same Body, kai and/thus koinonia partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of the gospel” (f).  Just as with the Jews only a “remnant of mankind will seek the Lord” (g), for “so too at the present time there is a remnant chosen by unconditionally-loving-favor-of-grace” (h).  <Notes> a) Romans 9:4, b) context: of Isaac’s birth by Sarah, not Hagar’s child, the father of the Arab nations, c) Romans 9:7-9, d) Romans 9:27, e) Ephesians 2:12, f) Ephesians 3:6, g) Acts 15:17, h) Romans 11:5.


At Christ’s 1st coming and salvation He “showed the mercy promised to our fathers and/thus to remember His holy covenant, the oath that He sword to our father Abraham” (a), for “of this man’s [singular] Sperma ‘Seed-offspring’ God had brought to Israel a Savior, Jesus, just as He promised . . . and we presently/ongoingly euaggelizo preach the gospel of what God promised the fathers, this He has fulfilled to us, their children, by raising Jesus [from the dead] . . . and now I stand here on trial because of my hope in the promise made by God to our fathers” (b).  <Notes> a) Luke 1:69-73; Acts 7:17, b) Acts 13:23, 32-33, 26:6.


Paul explains elsewhere as “a servant of Christ Jesus, . . . set apart for the gospel of God, which He promised beforehand through His prophets in the holy scripture concerning His Son” (a) – see Salvation – BT4.  “Christ became a servant to the circumcised to show God’s trustworthiness/faithfulness in order to confirm the promises given to the patriarchs [of Israel]” (b).  “God is faithful, our logos message to you has not been ‘yes and no.’  For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, whom we proclaimed among you . . . was not ‘yes or no,’ but in Him it is always ‘Yes,’ for all the promises of God find their ‘Yes’ in Him” (c), and “since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and/coupled spirit” (d). <Notes> a) Romans 1:1-3, b) Romans 15:8, c) 2 Corinthians 1:18-20, d) 2 Corinthians 7:1.


Peter also explains:  “The Lord Jesus’ divine enabling-power has granted to us ALL things that pertain to zoe genuine-life and/coupled godliness dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of Him (Christ), who called us to His (Christ) own glory and/coupled excellence, dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of which He (Christ) has granted to us His (Christ) precious and/coupled very-great promises in order that through them you may become koinonia partakers of the divine nature” (a).  <Notes> a) 2 Peter 1:3-4.


One of those “precious promisesfrom above is “the promise of the zoe genuine-life that is IN Christ Jesus” (a), “the hope of eternal zoe genuine-life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began and at the proper time manifested by-the-means-of His logos message through the preaching with which I have been entrusted by the command of God our Savior (b)” (c).  “This is the promise that He (the Son) made to us – eternal zoe genuine-life” (d).  <Notes> a) 2 Timothy 1:1, b) Jesus commanded Paul to preach the gospel: Titus 1:3; 1 Timothy 1:1; Romans 1:1, 5-6, 16:26, c) Titus 1:2-3, d) 1 John 1:25.


James 2:5 assures us: “has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich by-the-means-of trusting-relying-faith kai and/specifically heirs of the kingdom that He promised to those routinely/habitually unconditionally-loving Him?”  2 Peter 1:1-4 speaks “to those who have obtained a trusting-relying-faith . . . by the righteousness of our God and/coupled Savior Jesus Christ . . . His divine enabling-power has granted to us all things that pertain to zoe genuine-life and/coupled godliness dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of the genuine, full, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of the [One] having called us dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of [His] own glory and/coupled excellence, dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of which He has given to us the precious and/coupled magnificent promises in order that dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of these [promises] you might become koinonia partakers of the divine-God nature.”  The promises weren’t meant to give us a bible but God’s very nature – and by the 4 uses of  dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of, you can see exactly how the process works!


We’ve already seen Paul explain this in Galatians 3:12-14, 16, 18, 22-25, “The Law presently/ongoingly is absolutely-in-fact-NOT ek out-from trusting-relying-faith . . . Christ redeemed-by-ransom-payment us from the curse of the Law, having become for us [singular] curse for . . . ‘cursed is everyone hanging on a tree’ in order that the blessing of Abraham might come eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of the Gentiles by-the-means-of Jesus Christ in order that the promise of the Spirit (b) we might definitively/wholly lambano grab-hold-of-to-receive dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith. . . . Now the [plural] promises were made to Abraham and to his [singular] Offspring . . . who is Christ . . . for if the inheritance comes by the Law, it no longer comes by [singular] promise . . . But The [singular] graphe scripture (a) definitively/wholly sugkleio ‘closed/locked up together in prison without a way of escape and thus subjugated to the power of the jailer’ ALL things (context:  the Jews) hupo subjugated-under SIN in order that The Promise (b) from Jesus Christ ek out-from trusting-relying-faith might be given to those routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith . . .” <Notes> a) whole/entirety of OT Law per note A1 of Logos Word of God – BT5, b) of the Spirit as an inheritance from v. 3:14, 18-19.


Paul continues:  ” . . . BEFORE The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) erchomai came-from-one-place-to-another, we were phroureo ‘guarded as with a military sentinel’ (a) hupo subordinately-under the Law, routinely/habitually having been sugkleio ‘closed/locked up together in prison without a way of escape and thus subjugated to the power of the jailer’ eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of The mello ‘surely-about-to-happen’ Trusting-Relying-Faith was to be apokalupto ‘revealed to uncover what is currently there but hidden,’ so that the Law had become [with ongoing effects] our (Jew’s) paidagogos child-guardian (b) eis toward-and-reaching-for-the-goal-of Christ’s coming in order that we might be justified/made-righteous ek out-from trusting-relying-faith .  .  .” <Notes> a) just as the Holy Spirit’s enabling-power now does over our hearts: 1 Peter 1:5; Philippians 4:7, b) paidagogos:  hired servant that would insure minor-aged kids got to school and back safely – see 1 Corinthians 4:15-20.


Paul continues: “. . . BUT NOW that trusting-relying-faith has come, we are absolutely-in-fact-NO LONGER under a paidagogos child-guardian (a), for in Christ Jesus you are ALL huios mature-sons (b) of God, through trusting-relying-faith.”  Why would any Christian want to read or attempt to do any of the 613 commandments of the OT Law when they make you an enslaved prisoner and treats you so strictly as an immature child, but remember that 97.4% of the OT is based on the Law, the very reason that the early Church in no way used most of the OT – see Logos Word of God – BT8.


<Notes> a) paidagogos:  hired servant that would insure minor-aged kids got to school and back safely – see 1 Corinthians 4:15-20 “countless guides in Christ”, b) although Gentile-Christians are adopted, we are also now at the age to receive our inheritance, born not of the slave woman Hagar or Law but of the free woman Sarah, the firstfruit or guarantee of that inheritance being the promised-Spirit that enables us to be led by the Spirit in our freedom:  Romans 8:14, 23; Galatians 3:18, 4:3-9, 30; Ephesians 1:11, 13-14.


Don’t Christians understand the differences between BEFORE, BUT NOW, and NO LONGER?  In Galatians 4:9, Paul questions why these huios ‘mature sons (Jewish-Christians) ready for their inheritance’ from v. 4:7 having “come to experientially, relationally ginosko know God, or rather to be experientially, relationally ginosko known by God [through Christ], how you can [NOW] turn back-again to the [Law’s] asthenes weak-worthless-beggarly-poor and/coupled ptochos destitute stoicheion elementary or rudimentary ‘abc’ fundamental principles [the way little-children have to be simplistically and repetitively taught by strict rules] to which you desire back-again, again to be enslaved?”  Paul would ask the same of many Christians that insist on reading, studying, and trying to do any of the 613 commandments of the Law!  He would freak out that Gentiles are embracing what Jews finally got free from!


Paul also explains this in Romans 4:13-14, 16, 20-24:  “The promise to Abraham and his [singular] Offspring that he would be heir of the world did absolutely-in-fact-NOT come through the Law but-instead through the righteousness of trusting-relying-faith.  For if it is the adherents of the Law who are to be the heirs, trusting-relying-faith is null and the promise is void. . . . That is why it depends on trusting-relying-faith, in order that the promise may rest on unconditionally-loving-favor-of-grace kai and/thus be guaranteed to ALL his offspring – not only to the adherents of the Law but also to the one who shares the trusting-relying-faith of Abraham . . . No apistia lack-of-trusting-relying-faith (i.e., doubt) made Abraham waver concerning the promise of God (a), but-instead endunamoo [passively] was-empowered (b) by-the-means-of the-trusting-relying-faith (c), having already given glory to God, kai and/thus [eventually] fully convinced that God was able to do what He had promised.”  <Notes> a) that despite Sarah’s bareness he would have a son, b) his impregnating of Hagar showed his initial doubt and thus wavering of trusting-relying-faith, c) Yes, faith will empower you.


Paul continues:  “That is why his trusting-relying-faith was ‘counted/credited to him as righteousness.’  But the words ‘it was counted-as-credit to him’ were not written for his sake alone, but for ours also. It will be counted-as-credit to us routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith upon The [One], Jesus our Lord, having already been raised from the dead.”  Clearly “hupomone ‘patient-endurance under trials/persecutions’ of trusting-relying-faith” (a) is called for – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT16<Notes> a) Revelation 2:19, 13:10, 14:12; Hebrews 12:1.


The second “precious promise” from above is “the Father’s promise of the Holy Spirit” (a) that is “also lambano grab-hold-of-to-receive by trusting-relying-faith” (b).  Jesus didn’t just save us for heaven to live like hell meanwhile, because soteria salvation is a “process of being delivered, rescued, and restored to wholeness” and this will require the enabling-power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us to create holiness/sanctification to make the process even possible.  That’s exactly why Paul asks:  “What shall we say then?  Are we to continue in sin that unconditionally-loving-favor-of-grace may [be required] to abound?  By no means!  How can we who died to sin [g] still live in it?” (c)!  <Notes> a) Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4, 2:33, 38-39, b) Galatians 3:14; Ephesians 1:13, g) with Christ in water-baptism per Romans 6:3-4, c) Romans 6:1-2.


“The sealing-to-authorize-ownership of the promised Holy Spirit came “when you heard the logos message of The Truth, the gospel of the salvation of you, in whom [Christ, v. 1:12] you kai specifically had trusting-relying-faith” (a), “putting His seal on us kai and/specifically giving us His Spirit in our hearts as a down-payment/deposit-as-guarantee” (b), where “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God” (c), “sealed for the day of redemption” (d), a reference to our glorifying transformation at Christ’s second coming (e).  <Notes> a) Ephesians 1:13, b) 2 Corinthians 1:22, 5:5, c) Romans 8:16, d) Ephesians 4:30, e) Titus 1:2, 2:12-13; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 2 Thessalonians 1:10; Romans 8:17-18, 29; 1 Corinthians 13:12, 15:42, 52-54; John 5:25, 28; Luke 20:35-36.




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Spiritual Education, Long-suffering-patience & endurance of faith to obtain God’s promises, Promises go to the remnant who habitually have faith, We have to press into to the Presence of God to share His divine nature, Genuine-Life is a promise by faith, Righteousness is a promise by faith, Salvation by grace is a promise by faith, Godliness & Holiness comes by the promise of the Spirit thru relational epignosis knowledge of God

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT21:  Faith & love commandments only possible by the Holy Spirit’s Power




Video: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT21:  Faith & love commandments only possible by the Holy Spirit's Power



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT21:  Faith & love commandments only possible by the Holy Spirit’s Power



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See also Only 2 Commandments – BT7


Paul said:  “Trusting-relying-faith and/coupled unconditional-love are [located] IN Christ (a) and “Peace . . . and/coupled unconditional-love meta ‘changed after being with’ trusting-relying-faith [coming] apo away-from God [singular] Father and/coupled [singular] Lord Jesus Christ” (b).  The NT’s only 2 commandments can only be done by the enabling-power of the Holy Spirit see Only 2 Commandments – BT7.  That’s why Paul proseuchomai conversationally-prays that God would grant Christians the Holy Spirit’s supernatural, enabling-power in our inner man so that Christ might permanently-inhabit in your hearts dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith (c). <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 1:14; 2 Timothy 1:13, b) Ephesians 6:23, c) Ephesians 3:14-17.


We each are given the EQUAL measure of The Christian Faith.  Paul says in Romans 12:3-10: “that everyone among you are NOT-in-possibility to think of themselves more highly than they ought to think, but instead to think with a sophroneo temperate/sound mind, each kata down-from/according-to a [singular] metron measuring-cup of/belonging-to (genitive of possession) [singular] Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) that God has already merizo ‘measured out into a distinguishable portion’.”


In those times the metron “measuring-cup” measured a standard EQUAL portion of grain or whatever that was being sold to insure fairness and equity for all – a quart is a quart for everyone!  It was also a weighting-mechanism used to insure that their scales were “balanced” or fair, one side EQUAL with the other (a).  But that’s not what a lot of churchmen believe – they believe they either got a bigger measure than the cup could hold or maybe they got multiple cups or that there different cup some bigger than others, even though no scriptures support this idea!


Instead God is the One who has distributed to each one of us so that Body-ministry is balanced, EQUAL, and thus fair and equitable – this is the basic idea of dikaiosis “justification” for “God’s krino judgments are always dikaios just/equitable” (b).  He is not measuring out VARIOUS portions of trusting-relying-faith with this metron device as too many translations erroneously imply.  The ‘genitive of possession’ means the metron measuring-cup belongs to a “[singular] Trusting-Relying-Faith,” which up until this verse is Paul’s way of referring to The Christian Faith, those living under the “Law of Faith” rather than any other religion or philosophy’s trusting-relying-faith in their writings, etc. (c), which is akin to Jude 1:3’s “The Trusting-Relying-Faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.”  <Notes> a) Matthew 7:2, 23:32; Mark 4:24; Luke 6:38; John 3:34; Romans 12:3; 2 Corinthians 10:13; Ephesians 4:7, 13, 16; Revelations 21:15, 17, b) Revelation 15:3, 16:7, 19:2; cf. Psalms 111:7 [just-judgment: mishpat, krino], 119:137, c) Roman 1:5, 8, 12, 16-17, 3:21-22, 25-28, 31, 5:1-2, 9:30, 32, 10:6, 8, 17, 11:20.


It is NOT the nature of a dikaios just or “impartial” (a) God to merizo measure-out DIFFERENT portions to each of His people – that’s what the “robbers and thieves” were doing in the Temple that Jesus drove out (b) – but an EQUAL portion to each.  Furthermore, the Holy Spirit’s characteristic/flavor of “faith/faithfulness” (c) is from the whole Person of the Spirit and thus not a force or substance – Christians get the whole Person, not pieces of Him!  That’s the EQUALITY in mind!  <Notes> a) Deuteronomy 10:17; 2 Chronicles 19:7; Luke 20:21; Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Galatians 2:6; cf. 1 Timothy 5:21, b) Matthew 21:13; Mark 11:17; Luke 19:46; John 2:16, c) Galatians 5:22.


That’s why many scholars think, as I do, that in Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace (feminine) you have been saved dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of [feminine] trusting-relying-faith” (feminine), and/coupled THIS (neuter) absolutely-in-fact-NOT ek ‘out-from’ yourselves; [it is] the doron ‘uncaused or un-coerced gift’ of God, absolutely-in-fact-NOT ek out-from [your] ergon ‘doings/works’ in order that in-possibility-NOT one [person] may boast,” it is NOT the faith or the grace that is the gift of God because the genders do not match, but the entire phrase “saved . . . faith.”  The entire soteria salvation “process of being delivered, rescued, and restored to wholeness” is a “doron ‘uncaused or un-coerced gift’ of God” and not the result of us earning favor as a conditional, merited wage due us (a). <Notes> a) Romans 4:4.


The very definition of charisunconditional-loving-favor-of-grace” means “unconditional, unmerited, undeserved, and unearned.”  That’s why we can’t “boast” even of our trusting-relying-faith, and thus the reason Paul says in Romans 12:3 to “NOT-in-possibility think of yourself more highly than you ought to think.”  Body-Ministry grace-gifts all part of God’s “doron ‘uncaused or un-coerced gift’ to us!  And I believe this is because the metron “measuring-cup” merizo measures-out EQUAL portions of the SAME grace-gift of the Spirit belonging-to The-Trusting-Relying-Faith, The Christian Faith, IN Christ to us all EQUALLY, because we all have the SAME whole Person of the Holy Spirit!  With the Spirit, we all have EQUAL access to ‘flavors’ of the Spirit’s Unconditional-Love including faith/faithfulness per Galatians 5:22-23.  That’s not what makes us different!


Additionally, although the AMOUNT of the Spirit’s Grace-Gifts from the whole person of the Spirit doesn’t differ, the praxis FUNCTION in us individually does!  Paul continues in Romans 12:3-10, “For just as in one [physical] body we have many members and/coupled the members do absolutely-in-fact-NOT all have the same praxis function (a), so that we, though many [members], are One Body in Christ, and/thus individually members reciprocally of/belonging to one of another.  Having charismata grace-gifts that are diaphoros different-in-kind (not amount) kata ‘down-from or according-to’ the unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace didomi ‘bestowed upon us’ (as a gift; see note ‘a’) to us, let us USE them:  prophecy kata ‘down-from or according-to’ the unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace didomi ‘bestowed upon us’ (as a gift; see note ‘a’) to analogia ‘move from one point of logical reasoning up to another’ of/belonging-to The-Trusting-Relying-Faith, or service-ministry [then use it] by-the-means-of The Service-Ministry . . . [list of other grace-gifts for Body-Ministry with the same ‘if then use it’ format] . . . [Let] unconditional-love be unupokritos ‘un-hypocritical, thus sincere’ . . . devoted to one another by-the-means-of philadelphia brethren-love, proegeomai ‘leading the way by example’ by-the-means-of honoring reciprocally of/belonging to one another.”  That’s the solution to wanna-be leaders thinking too highly of themselves who want to hog the ball from verse Romans 12:3 above!  <Notes> a) as a gift:  cf. Matthew 4:9, 7:11 19:21; Luke 1:32, 11:13, 12:32; Ephesians 4:8; Psalms 67:19; Acts 24:26.


It’s NOT The-Trusting-Relying-Faith that is different, or even our metron ‘measuring-cup amount’ of it, or even the unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace didomi ‘bestowed upon us’ (as a gift; see ‘a’ above), and neither are the grace-gifts by quantity any different, because by definition they simply kata “come down-from” [singular] undeserved, unmerited, unearned, unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace.  We each get the whole person of the Holy Spirit and the same quantity of the Spirit’s grace-gifts!  What is diaphoros different-in-kind, just as there are diaphoros different-in-kind members in a body, is the praxis function of each of the Spirit’s grace-gift<Notes> a) praxis: functions, implying sustained activities, deeds, and/or responsibilities – see Matthew 16:27; Luke 23:51; Acts 19:18; Romans 8:13; Colossians 3:9.


These different “functions” correspond to the diaphoros different-in-kind charismatagrace-gifts.”  The Greek word charismata comes from charis, which is our word for unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace. These “grace-gifts” are given to us solely by the unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace of God, by the Spirit of God, thus the term “grace-gifts,” to carry out God’s will in His Church.  So much is written about these Spirit’sgrace-endowments” in the NT (a), but one thing is clear about them – they absolutely have nothing to do with our personal “might and power” or fleshly talents, skills, dedication, and service, or that God likes or loves any one of us more or less than another.  If any of this were true, the grace-gift would no longer be unmerited, unearned, undeserved, or unconditional – see Grace-Gifts. <Notes> a) Romans 1:1, 5:15-16, 6:23, 11:29, 12:6; 1 Corinthians 1:7, 7:7, 12:4, 9, 28, 30, 31; 1 Timothy 4:14; 2 Timothy 1:6; 1 Peter 4:10.




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Spiritual Education, Faith & Love commandments only possible by Holy Spirit’s power, Equal measure of Grace and The Spirit of The Christian Faith so God is Impartial, Spirit is a person so everybody gets the whole with it EQUAL access to Faith/Faithfulness, Some people are ambitious to hog the ball but this isn’t Body-Ministry, The amount of Spirit’s grace-gifts doesn’t vary either, The function of the grace-gifts vary, All God’s gifts of Spirit nature & functions are by grace so not based on our merit

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT20:  Faith & Love are the only 2 commandments integrated in New Covenant




Video:  Obedient Steps of Faith - BT20:  Faith & Love are the only 2 commandments integrated in New Covenant



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT20:  Faith & Love are the only 2 commandments integrated in New Covenant



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Only 2 commandments were given in the NT – one to the unsaved as “the Law of trusting-relying-faith” (a) or “work of trusting-relying-faith” (b) – see Logos Word of God – BT15, and the other to the saved as the “labor of unconditional-love” (c) that is the “Law of Christ to carry one another’s burdens” (d) that is Christ’s completely-in-kind-NEW commandment to “unconditionally-love one another just-as I have unconditionally-loved you,” (e) that is “the perfect Law of Freedom/Liberty” [from slavery to the Law of sin & death] where “mercy triumphs over judgment” (f) – see Logos Word of God – BT16.


Really, there are only 2 commandments in the NT to the saved and unsaved and both are inseparably related to each other – see Logos Word of God – BT14 and Only 2 Commandments – BT6. These have nothing to do with any of the old covenant’s 613 commandments either – see Only 2 Commandments – BT4, not even their 2 greatest “to Love God wholly or to Love your neighbor as yourself” despite this common misconception – see Only 2 Commandments – BT3.


<Notes> a) Romans 3:27, cf. John 3:16-18, 36, 40, 6:29, 20:31; 1 John 3:23, 5:10, 13; Acts 18:8, b) 1 Thessalonian 1:3; 2 Thessalonian 1:11, c) 1 Thessalonians 1:3, d) 1 Corinthians 9:21; Galatians 6:2, e) John 13:34-35, 15:12, 17; 1 John 3:23; Romans 12:10, 13:8; 2 Corinthians 13:11; Galatians 5:13; Ephesians 4:2; 1 Thessalonians 3:12, 4:9; 2 Thessalonians 1:3; Hebrews 10:24; 1 Peter 1:22, 4:8, 5:14; 1 John 3:11, 4:7, 11-12; 2 John 1:5-6, f) James 1:25, 2:13.


These are the very things the Father, the Son, and the indwelling Holy Spirit “causes” us by His unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace working within us to “walk/live in, by, or with!” (a). 1 John 3:23 combines each entole universally-binding commandments into 1 commandment from God:   trusting-relying-faith in the name/authority of His Son . . . and/coupled unconditionally-loving one another just as Christ has given us commandment.”  So important are these that Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13:13 that only trusting-relying-faith, hope – faith in future events – and unconditional-love will remain forever.  Why?  Because all 3 are necessarily in relationships to prosper, and eternity will certainly require a relationship with God.  <Notes> a) Ezekiel 36:27; Philippians 2:13; Hebrews 13:21; 1 Corinthians 12:6, 15:10.


Pistis faith and agape love are naturally koinonia relationship words based on epignosis genuine, full, experiential, relational knowledge and not at all on gnosis informational-knowledge words of things like dogma creeds or didache doctrine or theology acquired through reading, study, analysis, debate, or memorization as the Jewish scribes and Pharisees erroneously relied on in order to know God and obviously failed (a).  And much of Protestant teaching as fallen into the same “animal trap and bird snare” – see New Covenant Ways – BT17 and – BT18. <Notes> a) John 5:37-40, 7:28, 8:19, 55, 16:3.


NT writers often integrally connect “trusting-relying-faith and/coupled unconditional-love.”  They are inseparably coupled 6 times (a), combined into 1 commandment from God (b), in reverse in 5 places (c), and closely associated 19 times (d).  See Only 2 Commandments – BT6 page. <Notes> a) 1 John 3:23; 1 Thessalonians 3:6, 5:8; 1 Timothy 1:14, 2:15; 2 Timothy 1:13; Revelation 2:19, b) 1 John 3:23, c) Ephesians 6:23; 1 Timothy 4:12; Titus 3:15; Philemon 1:5; Revelations 2:19, d) 1 Corinthians 13:2, 13; 2 Corinthians 8:7; Galatians 2:20, 5:6, 22; Ephesians 1:15, 3:17; Colossians 1:4; 1 Thessalonians 1:3; 2 Thessalonians 1:3; 1 Timothy 1:5, 6:11; 2 Timothy 2:22, 3:10; Titus 2:2; James 2:5; 1 John 3:23; Revelation 1:5.


“Faith and Love” are integral to the gospel logos message.  Paul strongly-urges his pastor-in-training to “presently/ongoingly echo ‘take hold to possess’ the pattern-example of the hugiaino ‘sound, in-balance, all-parts-working, healthy-condition’ logos messages (gospel) that you have already heard from me, in/by/with the trusting-relying-faith and/coupled unconditional-love that are in/by/with Christ Jesus” (a).  This is the essence of the gospel logos message that they preached and taught to pastors to preach!  Paul tells those he is training:  “the aim of our charge is unconditional-love that issues from an unmixed heart and/coupled a good conscience and/coupled a sincere trusting-relying-faith” (b). <Notes> a) 2 Timothy 1:13, b) 1 Timothy 1:5.


In fact, these 2 commandments are what is supposed to be taught to make disciples, per “The Great Commission” to the 11 apostles, not everything that Jesus taught!  Jesus actually specifically charged them in Matthew 28:20, “to be teaching them [the disciples they just made in v. 28:19] to tereo ‘watch carefully to guard or keep as soldier at his post’ ALL that I have entellomai ‘officially-decreed as universally-binding commandments to’ you,” but again, there were only 2 entole commandments found anywhere in the NT, 1 from the Father (a) and 1 from the Son (b), thus only 1 compound commandment from the Godhead: “having trusting-relying-faith in the name/authority of God’s Son Jesus Christ and/coupled unconditionally-loving one another, just as He (Jesus) has given us an entole commandment” (c).  How beautifully simple for even little children and the other Least Among You<Notes> a) John 6:29, b) John 13:34, 15:12, c) 1 John 3:23.


Our Christian lives or peri ‘comprehensive, walking all arounds’ are begotten or “born again” from “Faith and Love” and continue to grow because of it.  We are called to “walk in the footsteps of the trusting-relying-faith that our father Abraham had” (a), which is “peripateo ‘walking all around, comprehensively’ dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith, absolutely-in-fact-NOT by sight” (b). <Notes> a) Romans 4:12, b) 2 Corinthians 5:7.


We are also to be “stoicheo ‘walking in line, keeping in step, to a particular place’ unconditional-love” (a) “just as Christ unconditionally-loved us (b) and gave Himself up for us” (c) – “this is unconditional-love . . . this is the commandment (d), just as you have heard from the beginning, so that you should peripateo ‘walking all around, comprehensively’ in/by/with it” (e).  For “whoever says he meno abides-remains-lives in Christ ought to definitively/wholly peripateo ‘walking all around, comprehensively’ in the same way in which He was ongoingly peripateo ‘walking all around, comprehensively’ ” (f). <Notes> a) Romans 14:15, b) John 13:34, 15:9, 12, 17:23, c) Ephesians 5:2, d) a completely-different-in-kind New Commandment: John 13:34; My commandment: John 15:12, e) 2 John 1:6, f) 1 John 2:6.


“Faith and Love” are key characteristics of the Holy Spirit (a) and thus supernaturally of Christians (b) who have the indwelling Holy Spirit.  Our trusting-relying-faith is also in God’s unconditional-love for us through Christ (c), having already been rooted and grounded in/by/with Christ’s unconditional-love.”  <Notes> a) Galatians 5:22 – scholars see “pistis trusting-relying-faith or faithfulness” as only one of the adjective-noun descriptions, facets, or ‘flavors’ of “the [singular] fruit of the Spirit being unconditional-love” thus making trusting-relying-faith an expression of unconditional-love, b) James 2:5; 1 Peter 1:8; 1 John 3:23, 4:16, 5:1; Revelation 2:19, c) Galatians 2:20.


Nevertheless, Paul prays for these Christians “to definitively/wholly be strengthened-empowered dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of dunamis dynamite-like enabling-power of Him [Christ] eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of the inner man [for] The Christ to definitively/wholly dwell dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of your hearts in/by/with unconditional-love in order that you might definitively/wholly exischuo ‘be out-from aggressively-strengthened for the difficult task of’ katalambano ‘grasping hold of to receive down from’ [heaven] with all the saints what is the breadth and/coupled length and/coupled and/coupled height and/coupled depth – that is, to definitively/wholly experientially, relationally ginosko know The Surpassing, The Gnosis informational-knowledge (a) of/belonging-to The Christ, in order that you might be definitively/wholly pleroo filled-to-completion eis ‘toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of’ ALL the pleroma abundant-fullness of The God . . . routinely/habitually being filled-to-completion by-the-means-of the Spirit (b). <Notes> a) this is a rare occasion that Paul speaks of gnosis positively, b) Ephesians 3:16-19, 5:18.


Christ’s unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace overflows to us meta ‘changed afterward after being with’ [singular] trusting-relying-faith and/coupled [singular] unconditional-love that are in/by/with Him (a), and thus trusting-relying-faith and/coupled unconditional-love are consequently the definitive aspects of Christian evangelistic witness/testimony (b).  <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 1:14, b) Ephesians 1:15; Colossians 1:4; 1 Thessalonians 3:6.


So Paul rightly “thanks God always when I remember you (Philemon) in my proseuche conversational-prayers, routinely/habitually akouo hearing/listening-to-understand/know of/belonging-to your The Unconditional-Love and/coupled The-Trusting-Relying-Faith that you have toward the Lord Jesus kai and/also for all the saints, [praying] so that koinonia fellowship-sharing of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith of you might become energes ‘active, energized, operational, and effective’ by-the-means-of [singular] genuine, full, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of every agathos ‘God-like-good’ (a) [thing] that [is] in/by/with us eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of Christ” (b).  In other words, evangelism is only effective when you are in a koinonia relationship with Christ, so that’s the priority!  In other words, our horizontal koinonia relationship with each other, even through evangelism, is empowered by our vertical koinonia relationship with God (c) – see Unconditional Love – BT9. <Notes> a) agathos:  “God-like, good-natured, pleasantly joyful, excellent or distinguished and thus useful, upright, or honorable,” b) Philemon 1:3-6, c) 1 John 4:7-8.


Consequently, trusting-relying-faith and/coupled unconditional-love are “the example” to pursue for Christian workers (a), being Paul’s aim in life (b), the aim of his charge against false teachers (c), and the subject of Paul’s greetings (d), blessings (e), kneeling before God (f), and thanksgiving (g). <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 4:12, 6:11; 2 Timothy 2:22, 3:10, b) 1 Timothy 4:12, 6:11; 2 Timothy 2:22, 3:10, c) 1 Timothy 1:5, d) Titus 3:15; Ephesians 6:23, e) Ephesians 6:23, f) Ephesians 3:17, g) 1 Thessalonians 1:3; 2 Thessalonians 1:3.




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Spiritual Education, Only 2 commandments in the New Covenant for obedience, Faith in Christ and Loving One Another so integrated that they are viewed as One, New Covenant commandments are completely different than Old Covenant ones, Faith & Love are relationship-knowledge keys NOT bible-info to study, Faith & Love related 30 times, Faith & Love are the gospel message, Faith & Love are the only commandments that disciples were to carefully-guard per the Great Commission, Faith & Love is the example we are to walk in

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT19:  Faithful obedience & Good Works redefined for New Covenant




Video:  Obedient Steps of Faith - BT19:  Faithful obedience & Good Works redefined for New Covenant



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT19:  Faithful obedience & Good Works redefined for New Covenant



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This has happened to so many words in the New Testament (NT) because of the more complete revelation of the NT writers in the redemptive plan of God – see Bible Info.  The NT writers purposely use terms Jews are familiar with, but they use them in a completely-different-in-kind way for the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant, and they justify this because many verses say that the OT is but “a copy and/coupled shadow of the heavenly things, of the things to come, but the reality belongs to Christ” (a).  <Notes> a) Colossians 2:17; Hebrews 8:5, 9:23, 10:1; 1 Peter 3:21.


Faithfulness is no longer OUR obedience to OT commandments!   The NT’s hupakoe obedience or “hupo beneath another person + akouo to hear/listen-to-understand/know, thus submission to what is akouo heard/listened to” is completely-different-in-kind than the OT obedience, just as the chadash/kainos NEW covenant is by definition “completely-different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior.”


Faithfulness is NOW an “obedience to The Truth” (a) that we know is Jesus (b), thus “obedience to the Son” (c) or “obedience to Jesus Christ” (d), which is NOW our “obedience to God” (e).  By our “obedience to confessing ‘Jesus Christ is Lord/Master-Owner’ . . . for it is God routinely/habitually ergo ‘working/doing’ in you, both to desire/will and to work over-beyond-in-behalf-of His good pleasure” (f).  It is NOW “obedience to the logos message” (g) that is the same as “obedience to the gospel of Christ or God” (h) – see Logos Word/Message of God.


<Notes> a) Romans 2:8; Galatians 5:7; 1 Peter 1:22, b) The Truth:  a typical reference to Christ per John 1:14, 17, 14:6, 8:30-32; 1 John 2:27, 5:20; Ephesians 4:21 or His gospel logos message about Himself: Galatians 2:5, 14; Ephesians 1:13; Colossians 1:5 – see Truth page, c) John 3:36, d) 1 Peter 1:2, 14; 2 Corinthians 10:5; Hebrews 5:9, e) Acts 5:29, 32, f) Philippians 2:11-13, g) 1 Peter 3:1, h) 1 Peter 4:17; Romans 10:16, 15:18-19; 2 Thessalonians 1:8.


This is NOW how tounconditionally-love God and/coupled obey His commandments” (a), which in context is combined into 1 compound commandment by God to “definitively/wholly have trusting-relying-faith in the Son and/coupled ongoingly unconditionally-loving others as Christ unconditionally-loved us” (b) – see Logos Word of GodBT14, even though Paul’s gospel thesis of Romans of “obedience of [singular] Trusting-Relying-Faith” (The Christian Faith) (c) is particularly focused on the unsaved.  It’s all about putting out trusting-relying-faith in “the One Man’s (Christ) obedience that the many will be justified/made-declared-righteous” (d), because “He learned obedience through what He suffered” (e).  <Notes> a) 1 John 5:2, b) 1 John 3:23, 4:21, c) Romans 1:5, 16:26, d) Romans 5:19, e) Hebrews 5:8.


But for our holiness/sanctification, it’s also about “presenting yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, thus being slaves of the one whom you obey, either of Sin (personified), which leads to death, or of Obedience (personified as Christ’s Spirit), which leads to righteousness” (f), “serving our Lord Christ, instead of your own appetites . . . for your obedience” (g), even “destroying strongholds, destroying arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the gnosis informational-knowledge of/belonging-to God, taking every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, until your obedience is complete” (h).  This is spiritual warfare, not bible-study! <Notes> f) Romans 6:16, g) Romans 16:18-19; cf. 2 Corinthians 7:15; Philemon 1:21, h) 2 Corinthians 10:4-6.


In the NT there are only 2 ‘good works’ that we must OBEY and it’s NOT works of the OT Law – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT1These are the very things the Father, the Son, and the indwelling Holy Spirit “causes” us by His own unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace within us to “walk/live in, by, or with” (a).  In Revelation 2:19, the Lord “eido mentally ‘sees’ to perceive/know your ergon ‘doings/works’:  your service/ministry [of] unconditional-love and/coupled hupomonepatient-endurance under trials/persecutions’ [of] The-Trusting-Relying-Faith” (The Christian Faith) – that is what the parallel phrases in the Greek translate to.  The prominent use of the definite article “The” is clearly associating trusting-relying-faith as something Christians should specifically and definitely know – The Christian Faith!  Let’s explore “good works” more below. <Notes> a) Ezekiel 36:27; Philippians 2:13; Hebrews 13:21; 1 Corinthians 12:6, 15:10.


Clearly “the kalos good works” (a) in mind we are called to do in the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant are simply trusting-relying-faith and/coupled unconditional-love.  That’s why 1 John 3:23 takes these 2 entole officially-decreed, universally-binding commandments and combined them into 1 that God has given us – just 1 – see Logos Word of God – BT14.   Kalos has a broad meaning:  “1) to make beautiful physically or morally, this is distinctly the ‘beauty‘ that comes from harmony or proportional symmetry and thus completeness, or 2) to make excellent in nature or character, thus well adapted for its use, and thus praiseworthy and noble.”  <Notes> a) Matthew 5:16; John 10:32; Acts 9:36; Ephesians 2:10; 1 Timothy 2:10, 5:10, 25, 6:18; Titus 2:7, 14, 3:8, 14; Hebrews 10:24.


Paul told his minister-in-training:  “Follow the pattern of the hugianio uncorrupted-healthy-functioning logos messages that you have heard from me – by-the-means-of [singular] trusting-relying-faith and/coupled [singular] unconditional-love that are IN Christ Jesus” (a). <Notes> a) 2 Timothy 1:13.


We must obey the preached gospel logos message of trusting-relying-faith in Christ in order to be saved, which is the only way to eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know God and/thus escape the flaming-fire vengeance of God (a) – see Salvation.  We’ve already spoken of the ergon ‘doings/works’ required for salvation – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT15<Notes> a) Romans 1:5, 10:16, 15:18, 16:26; 2 Thessalonians 1:8; 1 Peter 4:17.


The first thing that Jesus preaches in Mark 1:15 is that: “You all presently/ongoingly repent and/coupled have trusting-relying-faith in the euaggelion ‘Great News’ gospel.”  This is how we “obey Christ” (a) – by your “submission that comes from your confession of the gospel of Christ” (b).  Regarding the Jews, Peter says:  “The one who is routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith shall absolutely-in-possibility-and-in-fact-NOT be put to shame.  Therefore, to you [is] the precious-honor: The Routinely/Habitually Trusting-Relying-Faith.  However, [to those] apisteuo routinely/habitually NOT-having-trusting-relying-faith:  ‘The Stone the builders rejected has become the Cornerstone’ and ‘A Stone of stumbling and a Petra Massive-Bedstone-Rock of offense.”  They stumble because they apeitheo disobey the logos message, as they were destined to do” (c).  <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 10:5; 1 Peter 1:2, b) 2 Corinthians 9:13, c) 1 Peter 2:6-8 also cites Isaiah 8:14, 8:14, and Psalms 118:22.


Similarly Paul says:  “Israel pursued a Law belonging-to righteousness, but eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ [that] Law [to attain righteousness] did absolutely-in-fact-NOT attain [it].  Why?  Because [it was] absolutely-in-fact-NOT ek out-from trusting-relying-faith but instead ek out-from works.  They have stumbled over The proskomma lithos Stumbling-Stone” (a).  Concerning this “Stumbling-Stone” Paul says of Jesus:  “To the Jews indeed a skandalon ‘bait-trigger for a bird snare or animal trap, thus a Stumbling-Stone” (b). <Notes> a) Romans 9:31-33, citing the same OT passages as Peter did, b) 1 Corinthians 1:23.


Apeithes ‘disobedience to God’ or me aresko ‘displeasing God’ or skandalizo ‘setting off the trigger of a bird snare or animal trap’ resulting in sin or harmartia ‘missing the target’ resulting in sin, like so many other words used by the NT writers, have been redefined from the OT based on the fuller revelation of the gospel – see above on the new definition of “obedience” and also Bible Info.


Disobedience is no longer from breaking 1 of the 613 OT Laws, where “every transgression or parakoedisobedience from not having close-beside listening, thus from disinterested, contrary people’ received a just retribution” (a)!  John the Baptist came to “turn . . . the apeithes disobedient . . . to make ready a people prepared for the Lord” (b), “for as by the one man’s [Adam] parakoedisobedience from not having close-beside listening’ (c) the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s (Christ) obedience the many will be justified/made-declared-righteous” (d) – this divine exchange on the cross for atonement is called hilasterion, hilasmos, or hilaskomai “propitiation” (e) – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT14. The devil is “the prince of the exousia delegated-authority of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of apeithes disobedience” (f) that the “wrath of God comes upon” (g). <Notes> a) Hebrews 2:2, b) Luke 1:17, c) Romans 10:21, d) Romans 5:19, e) Respectively:  Romans 3:25; Hebrews 9:5. 1 John 2:2, 4:10. Luke 18:13; Hebrews 2:17, f) Ephesians 2:2, g) Ephesians 5:6.


But NOW that Christ has come, “God rested on the 7th day from all His ergon ‘doings/works’ . . .  Since therefore it remains for some to enter the rest [of God], and those who formerly received the good news failed to enter because of apeithes disobedience . . . So then, there remains a Sabbath Rest for the people of God, for whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his ergon ‘doings/works’ just as God did from His . . . Let us therefore strive to enter that Rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of apeithes disobedience” (a).  The Sabbath is no longer Saturday nor changed to Sunday as more erroneous “traditions of men” have falsely taught!  Peter explains that Christ was “the Stone rejected by the builders that has become The Cornerstone . . . a Stone of stumbling and a Petra BedRock of offense . . . they stumble at the logos message (preached NT gospel), routinely/habitually being apeithes disobedient, as they were destined to do” (b).  <Notes> a) Hebrews 4:5-6, 9, 10-11, b) 1 Peter 2:7-8.


Since NONE of the 613 OT commandments apply to Christians, not even “the sign of circumcision as the seal of the righteousness” from all those ergon ‘doings/works’ under the old covenant Law (a), Paul NOW indicates that only 2 commandments apply to us under the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant:  “For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision nor uncircumcision actually, ongoingly has ischuo ‘inherent human strength/force/power to prevail (b) through trails/resistance’ but instead/only trusting-relying-faith dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of unconditional-love routinely/habitually working” (c).  Both combined together (d) are NOW the only valid [singular] ergon ‘doing/work’ that actually works for Christians!  These are the very things the Father, the Son, and the indwelling Holy Spirit “causes” us by His unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace within us to “walk/live in, by, or with!” (e).


<Notes> a) Romans 4:11 per Genesis 17:10-11, cf. Romans 4:6; Galatians 3:10; Titus 3:5, b) not “avail” as 13 bibles incorrectly translate, c) Galatians 5:6, cf. “Law of trusting-relying-faith” in Romans 3:27, cf. John 3:16-18, 36, 40, 6:29, 20:31; 1 John 3:23, 5:10, 13; Acts 18:8, d) 1 John 3:23, e) Ezekiel 36:27; Philippians 2:13; Hebrews 13:21; 1 Corinthians 12:6, 15:10.


Many churches teach saving ergon ‘doings/works’ other than trusting-relying-faith or it’s components, and Paul warned of this:  “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from The Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teaching from demons through . . . liars . . . who forbid marriage (a) and require abstinence from foods (b) that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who have trusting-relying-faith and/coupled have already-had [with ongoing results] genuinely, fully, experientially, relationally epiginosko known The Truth” (c), which in the NT always refers to Jesus Christ or His gospel logos message (d).


<Notes> a) the Catholic Church, Eastern Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, b) Trappist monks, Franciscans, Benedictines, Carthusians, Cistercians, Seventh-day Adventists, meat-free celebrations of Lent by Anglicans, Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, and Orthodox denominations, c) 1 Timothy 4:1-3, d) The Truth:  a typical reference to Christ per John 1:14, 17, 14:6, 8:30-32; 1 John 2:27, 5:20; Ephesians 4:21 or His gospel logos message about Himself: Galatians 2:5, 14; Ephesians 1:13; Colossians 1:5 – see Truth page.


They are not much different than Jewish teachers of the Law that Paul combatted, so Paul would similarly be writing about them today:  “As I urged you [before] . . . charge certain persons in-possibility-NOT to teach any different doctrine (a), nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies (b), which promote speculations (c) rather than God’s oikonomia redemptive-plan (d) that is by-the-means-of trusting-relying-faith (e).  Certain persons, by swerving from this, have wandered away into vain discussion (f), desiring to be teachers of the Law” (g).  Paul goes on in 1 Timothy 1:8-11 to say they are misapplying the Law to Christians as if they were “ungodly sinners, unholy and profane,” as if Christian behavior would somehow be contrary to “the sound doctrine (h) that is kata down-from/according the gospel of the glory of the blessed God, which I have been entrusted.”


<Notes> a) Jesus is our hope 1 Timothy 1:1 by ‘The-trusting-relying-Faith‘ in v. 1:2, and unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace, mercy, and peace are from the Father and/coupled Jesus our Lord, b) all Jewish tendencies, c) the Jewish scribes and Pharisees prided themselves in controversy and debate – see note ‘f’ below, d) household stewardship, management, or administration, e) opposite of works of the Law, f) craving for controversy and quarrels about words – see 1 Timothy 6:4; debate of the scribes – see 1 Corinthians 1:20; plausible arguments – see Colossians 2:4; arguments and lofty opinions against obeying Christ – see 2 Corinthians 10:5, g) 1 Timothy 1:3-7, h) see also 1 Timothy 6:3; 2 Timothy 1:13, 3:10, 4:3, 6; Titus 1:9-10, 13, 2:1-2.


No more Old Testament ergon ‘doings/works’ to ergo ‘do/work’ to NOT sin!   NOW “we are God’s poiema workmanship created in Christ Jesus for agathos ‘God-like good’ (a) ergon ‘doings/works’ that God prepared beforehand” (b), for “it is God who ergo ‘does/works’ IN you, both to desire/will and to do/work for His good pleasure” (c).  It is God who empowers all the grace-gifts put IN us, ministry-services to others operating through us, and then energema effectual-workings into others, in order to complete the process to care for the entire Body-of-Christ (d).  God will “equip you with everything beneficial that you may do His will, ergo ‘doing/working’ IN us that which is pleasing in His sight” (e).  Even Paul understood:  “I worked harder than any of them [other apostles], though it was not I, but the unconditionally-loving-favor-of-grace that is with me” (f). “I planted . . . but God gave the growth” (g), “not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God” (h).


<Notes> a) ‘good-natured, pleasantly joyful, excellent or distinguished and thus useful, upright, or honorable’, b) Ephesians 2:10, c) Philippians 2:13, d) 1 Corinthians 12:4-25, e) Hebrews 13:21, f) 1 Corinthians 15:10, g) 1 Corinthians 3:6, h) 2 Corinthians 3:5.


And so what is sin as harmartia “missing the target” NOW?  Paul declares that NOW:  “Whatever does is absolutely-in-fact-NOT ek out-from [singular] trusting-relying-faith is harmartia sin” (a) for “without trusting-relying-faith it is impossible to euaresteo please God” (b).  And in context this isn’t believing God wants you to have a Mercedes Benz like false-teachers promise you, but the gospel of trusting-relying-faith in Christ as your Savior and Lord (c), the mission of Paul to the Gentiles and the Church in general to call them to “obedience to The-Trusting-Relying-Faith” (d). <Notes> a) Romans 14:23, b) Hebrews 11:6, c) Romans 10:16; 2 Thessalonians 1:8; 1 Peter 4:17, d) Acts 6:7, Romans 1:5, 16:26.


So what are the “good works” for Christians (a).  The context has nothing to do with any of the 613 OT commandments!  Christ says of the churches:  “I eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know the ergon works of you:  The unconditional-love [of you] and/coupled the trusting-relying-faith [of you] and [respectively] the service [from the unconditional-love] of you and/coupled the patient-endurance [from the trusting-relying-faith] of you . . . The one who routinely/habitually nike conquers-victoriously (b) and/coupled routinely/habitually carefully tereo ‘watches, guards, attends-to-maintain like a soldier at a his post’ My ergon works to the end, to him I will give authority over the nations . . . even as I myself have received authority from My Father” (c).  <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 9:8; Philippians 1:6; Colossians 1:10; 2 Thessalonians 2:17; 1 Timothy 5:10; 2 Timothy 2:1, 3:17; Titus 1:16, 3:1, b) officially, authoritatively, set apart on a mission as an apostle, b) nike: “hold fast trusting-relying-faith unto death”, c) Revelation 2:19, 26-27.


This must also be consistent with Paul’s “the ergon work of/belonging-to the Lord [Jesus], knowing that in the Lord [Jesus] your extreme weariness/fatigue from labor (a) is not in vain” (b), just as with Paul’s “ergon work of trusting-relying-faith” and “extreme weariness/fatigue from labor (a) of unconditional-love” – these are the distinguishing marks of the Christian (c). <Notes> a) kopos:  deep fatigue or extreme weariness from toiling labor, even as if struck by blows, b) 1 Corinthians 15:58, c) 1 Thessalonians 1:3; 2 Thessalonians 1:3, 11; Colossians 1:4; 1 Timothy 1:14, 4:12.


It’s no wonder that 1 John 3:23 integrates “definitively/wholly have trusting-relying-faith in the name/authority of God’s Son Jesus Christ and/coupled ongoingly unconditionally-love one another” as the only 2 NT commandments, the “Law of trusting-relying-faith” (a) and “Law of Christ to carry one another’s burdens” (b) that is Christ’s commandment to “unconditionally-love one another just-as I have unconditionally-loved you” (c), which is “the perfect Law of Freedom/Liberty” [from the slavery of the OT Law] where “mercy triumphs over judgment” (d) – see Logos Word of God – BT14.


<Notes> a) Romans 3:27, cf. John 3:16-18, 36, 40, 6:29, 20:31; 1 John 3:23, 5:10, 13; Acts 18:8, b) 1 Corinthians 9:21; Galatians 6:2, c) John 13:34-35, 15:12, 17; 1 John 3:23; Romans 12:10, 13:8; 2 Corinthians 13:11; Galatians 5:13; Ephesians 4:2; 1 Thessalonians 3:12, 4:9; 2 Thessalonians 1:3; Hebrews 10:24; 1 Peter 1:22, 4:8, 5:14; 1 John 3:11, 4:7, 11-12; 2 John 1:5-6, d) James 1:25, 2:13.


These are certainly the ONLY 2 “good works” of a true Christian!  After all, “Faith and Love” are a coupled 6 times in that order (a) and in reverse in 5 places (b) and otherwise associated in 19 other places (c).  These are the very things the Father, the Son, and the indwelling Holy Spirit “causes” us by His unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace to be within us to “walk/live in, by, or with!” (d).  See Only 2 Commandments page.  <Notes> a) 1 Thessalonians 3:6, 5:8; 1 Timothy 1:14, 2:15; 2 Timothy 1:13, b) Ephesians 6:23; 1 Timothy 4:12; Titus 3:15; Philemon 1:5; Revelations 2:19, c) 1 Corinthians 13:2, 13; 2 Corinthians 8:7; Galatians 2:20, 5:6, 22; Ephesians 1:15, 3:17; Colossians 1:4; 1 Thessalonians 1:3; 2 Thessalonians 1:3; 1 Timothy 1:5, 6:11; 2 Timothy 2:22, 3:10; Titus 2:2; James 2:5; 1 John 3:23; Revelation 1:5, d) Ezekiel 36:27; Philippians 2:13; Hebrews 13:21; 1 Corinthians 12:6, 15:10.




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Spiritual Education, faithfulness by obedience redefined in New Covenant to faith in Christ’s gospel, Obedience to Jesus is obedience to God, obedience by faith repentance confession water-baptism, Obedience to only 2 commandments or ‘good works’ of faith in Christ and loving one another, Only faith working thru love counts, Obedience to Law of faith and Christ’s Law of love, Faith & Love integrated 30 times, Last days deception adds Laws other than faith and love, Obedience is faith in Christ’s perfect obedience, Obedience to complete our holiness is daily carrying our cross to surrender to Christ’s Spirit for His power, Disobeying God is NOW rejecting Jesus as the Messiah resulting in a curse and death-trap, The Sabbath Rest is NOT a day but faith in Christ’s righteous work to rest from your own, Sin redefined as anything outside of faith

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT18:  The Law was only UNTIL the Christ and SINCE preaching of the gospel




Video: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT18: The Law was only UNTIL the Christ and SINCE preaching of the gospel



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT18:  The Law was only UNTIL the Christ and SINCE preaching of the gospel



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The Old Testament (OT) was simply to form the Jews as a “peculiar people” for God (a), holding His children by the hand, as Paul explains in Galatians 3:22-25 “The graphe scripture (b) definitively/wholly sugkleio ‘closed/locked up together in prison without a way of escape and thus subjugated to the power of the jailer’ ALL things (particularly Jews) hupo subjugated-under SIN in order that The Promise (c) from Jesus Christ ek out-from trusting-relying-faith might be given to those routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith . . . ” <Notes> a) 1 Peter 2:9 in KJV, BRG, PHILLIPS, NMB, b) whole/entirety of OT Law per note A1 of Logos Word of God – BT5, c) of the Spirit as an inheritance from v. 3:14, 18-19.


Paul continues:  ” . . . BEFORE The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) erchomai came-from-one-place-to-another, we were phroureo ‘guarded as with a military sentinel’ (a) hupo subordinately-under the Law, routinely/habitually having been sugkleio ‘closed/locked up together in prison without a way of escape and thus subjugated to the power of the jailer’ eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of The mello ‘surely-about-to-happen’ Trusting-Relying-Faith was to be apokalupto ‘revealed to uncover what is currently there but hidden,’ so that the Law had become [with ongoing effects] our (Jew’s) paidagogos child-guardian (b) eis toward-and-reaching-for-the-goal-of Christ’s coming in order that we might be justified/made-righteous ek out-from trusting-relying-faith .  .  .” <Notes> a) just as the Holy Spirit’s enabling-power now does over our hearts: 1 Peter 1:5; Philippians 4:7, b) paidagogos:  hired servant that would insure minor-aged kids got to school and back safely – see 1 Corinthians 4:15-20.


Paul continues: “. . . BUT NOW that trusting-relying-faith has come, we are absolutely-in-fact-NO LONGER under a paidagogos child-guardian (a), for in Christ Jesus you are ALL huios mature-sons (b) of God, through trusting-relying-faith.”  Why would any Christian want to read or attempt to do any of the 613 commandments of the OT Law when they make you an enslaved prisoner and treats you so strictly as an immature child, but remember that 97.4% of the OT is based on the Law, the very reason that the early Church in no way used most of the OT – see Logos Word of God – BT8.  <Notes> a) paidagogos:  hired servant that would insure minor-aged kids got to school and back safely – see 1 Corinthians 4:15-20 “countless guides in Christ”, b) although Gentile-Christians are adopted, we are also now at the age to receive our inheritance, born not of the slave woman Hagar or Law but of the free woman Sarah, the firstfruit or guarantee of that inheritance being the promised-Spirit that enables us to be led by the Spirit in our freedom:  Romans 8:14, 23; Galatians 3:18, 4:3-9, 30; Ephesians 1:11, 13-14.


Don’t Christians understand the differences between BEFORE, BUT NOW, and NO LONGER?  In Galatians 4:9, Paul questions why these huios ‘mature sons (Jewish-Christians) ready for their inheritance’ from v. 4:7 having “come to experientially, relationally ginosko know God, or rather to be experientially, relationally ginosko known by God [through Christ], how you can [NOW] turn back-again to the [Law’s] asthenes weak-worthless-beggarly-poor and/coupled ptochos destitute stoicheion elementary or rudimentary ‘abc’ fundamental principles [the way little-children have to be simplistically and repetitively taught by strict rules] to which you desire back-again, again to be enslaved?”  Paul would ask the same of many Christians that insist on reading, studying, and trying to do any of the 613 commandments of the Law!  He would freak out that Gentiles are embracing what Jews finally got free from!


The Law was like epitropos household-guardians and/coupled oikonomos household-managers [, so the Jews were being] hupo subjugated-under UNTIL the time appointed by [singular] Father” (a) while they were learning their stoicheion rudimentary ‘abc’ fundamentals (b) of the Law but also from the prophetic logion oracle-utterances of God (c), especially NOW 365 or so verses about the Messiah and His completely-different-in-kind New Covenant (d).  This 2.6% of the OT were the verses used to convert early Jews – see also New Covenant Ways – BT13a.  These still may be used for Jewish conversion in today’s church, but certainly never the ‘whole/entirety’ of the OT as many have sadly misinterpreted the Greek of 2 Timothy 3:15-16 – see Logos Word of God – BT7.  Even Jesus said:  “For ALL the Prophets and/coupled the Law prophesied UNTIL John” (e) and SINCE THEN the Good News (gospel) of the kingdom of God is preached” (f) – there is nothing here about writing it down to later be read.


<Notes> a) Galatians 4:2, b) the little-children kind of learning: Galatians 4:3, 9; Colossians 2:8, 20; Hebrews 5:12, cf. 2 Peter 3:10, 12 the building-block-elements of the earth will be destroyed by fire, c) Romans 3:2; Acts 7:38, d) Hebrews 5:12; cf. 1 Peter 4:11 likewise people speaking in church should be utter these oracles NOW, e) Matthew 11:13, f) Luke 16:16.


Christ is the telos consummating-ending-aim of the Law [that is] eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of righteousness to everyone routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith” (a), “having ‘obliterated, blotted or washed out’ the grapho handwriting of dogma ‘authoritative, universally-binding doctrines, precepts, decrees, laws, and ordinances’ that was against us. He has already taken [with ongoing results] it out of the way (or our midst), having definitively/wholly nailed it to the cross” (b). <Notes> a) Romans 10:4, b) Colossians 2:14-15.


Even though there is a big difference between circumcised Jews and uncircumcised Gentiles, “God is ONE – who will justify/make-righteous the circumcised ek out-from trusting-relying-faith (NOT the Law) and/coupled the uncircumcised dia through-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith (a).  “Christ Himself is our peace, who has made us both one (Jew & Gentile) . . . , katargeo having ended, abolished, nullified, and made ineffective’ the Law of commandments expressed in ordinances in order that he might create IN Himself one man in place of the two, so making peace, and/coupled might reconcile us both to God IN one Body through the cross” (b). <Notes> a) Romans 3:30, b) Ephesians 2:14-16.


Paul continues:  “Therefore, since we have been justified ek out-from trusting-relying-faith (NOT the Law), we have peace with God dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of Him we have kai and/also (Gentiles, not just Jews) obtained access by-the-means-of trusting-relying-faith eis toward-and-reaching-for-the-goal-of this unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace in which we stand” (a).  <Notes> a) Romans 5:1-2.


Paul warns Jewish-Christians tempted to return to the Law:  “We know that a person is absolutely-in-fact-NOT justified/made-righteous ek out-from works of the Law but dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith of/belonging-to Jesus Christ, kai and/specifically we [that] have already-had trusting-relying-faith eis toward-and-reaching Christ Jesus, in order to be justified/made-righteous ek out-from trusting-relying-faith of/belonging-to Christ and/coupled absolutely-in-fact-NOT ek out-from ergon ‘doings/works’ belonging-to the Law, because ek out-from belonging-to-the Law absolutely-in-fact-NOT will be justified/made-righteous any flesh (a).” <Notes> a) Galatians 2:16.




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Spiritual Education, The Old Testament imprisoned the Jews under sin UNTIL the promise of Jesus by faith, The Law guarded the Jews in prison UNTIL Faith in Christ was revealed, The Law treated the Jews as little-children highly restricted like slaves by strictly escort-guarding them, After God’s righteousness by faith came the Jews are freed from the Law’s slavery, Jesus came to free the Jews to NOW be mature sons for their inheritance, Only 2.6% of Old Testament that is 365 Messianic Prophecies used to convert Jews, Since Christ only the preaching of Good News so NO more scripture, Jesus ended the Law nailing it to the cross, Christ abolished the Law of commandment, The Law cannot justify you

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT17:  Obedient Work of Faith is NOT WORKS for righteousness




Video: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT17:  Obedient Work of Faith is NOT WORKS for righteousness



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT17:  Obedient Work of Faith is NOT WORKS for righteousness



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The Greek Septuagint Old Testament (OT) uses the noun pistis for trusting-relying-faith only 26 times (0.11%) (a) as compared to 296 times (3.7%) in the NT, or the verb form pisteuo only a 43 times (0.19%) in the OT (b) compared to 222 times (2.8%) in the NT.  Total OT usage is 69 times (0.29%) compared to 518 times (6.5%) in the New Testament (NT).  That means the NT use of “faith” words is 2141% more than the OT!  Clearly the emphasis of the NT is completely-different-in-kind than that of the OT!


<Notes> a) Deuteronomy 32:20; 1 Samuel 21:2, 26:23; 2 Kings 12:15, 22:7; 1 Chronicles 9:22, 31; 2 Chronicles 31:12, 18; 34:12; Nehemiah 9:38; Psalms 32:4; Proverbs 3:3; 12:17; 14:22; 15:27; Jeremiah 5:1, 7:28, 9:3; 15:18, 35:9, 39:41; 40:6; Lamentations 3:23; Hosea 2:20, and Habakkuk 2:4, b) Genesis 15:6, 42:20, 45:26; Exodus 4:1, 8, 14:31, 19:9; Numbers 14:11, 20:12; Deuteronomy 9:23, 28:66; 1 Samuel 3:21, 27:12; 1 Kings 10:7; 2 Kings 17:14; 2 Chronicles 9:6, 24:5, 32:15, Job 4:18, 9:16, 15:15, 31; 24:22, 29:24, 39:12; Psalms 26:13; 77:22, 105:12, 115:1, 118:66; Proverbs 14:15, 24:24; Isaiah 7:9, 28:16, 43:10, 53:1; Jeremiah 12:6, 25:8, 47:14; Lamentations 4:12; Daniel 6:23; Jonah 3:5; and Habakkuk 1:5.


Here’s a more extreme statement from a scholarly work about unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace“There is no word in the Hebrew OT that can represent all the meanings of charis grace in the NT (118 verses), and in the OT Greek Septuagint charis itself is practically used only as a translation of the Hebrew chen (favor) or ratson (acceptance) in such passages as Isaiah 60:10 and Psalms 44:3, or chesed (kindness or mercy) as in Exodus 20:6, etc.  That is because technically, salvation by grace in the NT is opposed to the OT doctrine of salvation by works (a), or what is the same thing, by Law (b) – i.e. men and God are thought of as parties to a contract-covenant, to be fulfilled by each independently.  Most of the legislation seems to presuppose some idea of man as an entity quite outside of God.  But the promise is made that the God who has manifested Himself as a forgiving Father will in due time take hold of His children to work IN them actual righteousness (c).” <Notes> a) Romans 4:4; 11:6, 2 Timothy 1:9, b) Romans 4:16, 6:14; John 1:17 “The Law was given through Moses, but [singular] unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace and [singular] Truth came-into-being through Jesus Christ”, c) Isaiah 1:26; 4:3-4; 32:1-8; 33:24; Jeremiah 31:33-34; Ezekiel 36:25-26; Zechariah 8; Daniel 9:24; Psalms 51:10-12.


Paul said whether you obeyed the Torah Law of conditional-favor or not, it counts (a) for absolutely-in-fact-NO thing (b) because the circumcised Jew or uncircumcised Gentile (c) are both made/declared righteous by pistis trusting-relying-faith alone (d) by “God’s charis unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace as a charismati grace-gift through the redemption…in Christ” (e), having been resurrected into a new creation by trusting-relying-faith (f), and “the promised Spirit (g) is received by trusting-relying-faith” (h).  <Notes> a) is strong, forceful, robust, sound, able, serviceable, b) Galatians 5:6, c) circumcision is the identifying seal of the Law for a Jew, d) Romans 3:30, e) Romans 3:24, f) Colossians 2:12, g) Luke 24:49; Acts 2:33; Ephesians 1:13, h) Galatians 3:14; cf. v. 3:2, 5,


Furthermore, the “free grace-gift of God” is “zoe genuine-life everlasting in Christ” (a) when we are “made/declared righteous by trusting-relying-faith…by His blood …. saved by His zoe genuine-life . . . a free grace-gift …the unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace of God …the free grace-gift by that unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace of the one man Jesus . . . receiving the abundance of unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace and the free grace-gift of righteousness . . . through one man Jesus (b). The “promise relies on trusting-relying-faith that it may rest on unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace” (c), having “obtained access by trusting-relying-faith into this unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace” (d).  You can see that faith and grace go together as unique to the NT.  <Notes> a) Romans 6:23, b) Romans 5:1-17, c) Romans 4:16, d) Romans 5:2.


So the emphasis of the NT is trusting-relying-faith in God’s unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace for righteousness and no longer on the works of the Law for righteousness as was the OT (a):  “The gospel ongoingly exists-as the enabling-power of God for salvation to everyone who is routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith, and only “in/by it the righteousness of God is revealed ek out-from ‘trusting-relying-faith eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of trusting-relying-faith (b) just as it is written, ‘The righteous [ones] shall indeed zoe genuinely-live ek out-from trusting-relying-faith” (c) for “NOW the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the Law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it – the righteousness of God dia through-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith in Jesus Christ [given] for all who have trusting-relying-faith” (d), for “it is evident that absolutely-in-fact-NO one is justified/made-declared righteous before God ek out-from the Law but-instead ek out-from trusting-relying-faith in Jesus Christ” (e).  For more about grace vs. works, see Grace-Gifts – BT2 and about faith vs. works, see Only 2 Commandments – BT1.


<Notes> a) Galatians 2:16, 21, 3:11; Philippians 3:9; Romans 3:20, 28, b)faith to faith” is a common Greek structure for one level to another, from one step to another, like “glory to glory” in 2 Corinthians 13:8, c) Romans 1:16-17, d) Romans 3:21-22, e) Galatians 2:16, 3:11.


Again Paul says in regards to the Law:  “At the present time there is a remnant, chosen by unconditional-loving-favor-of-graceBut if it is by unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace, it is absolutely-in-fact-NO longer on the basis of ergon ‘works/doings;’ otherwise unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace would absolutely-in-fact-NO longer be unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace” (a), exactly because “to the one who ergo ‘does/works,’ his wages are absolutely-in-fact-NOT counted as unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace but as his due.  And to the one who does in-possibility-NOT ergo ‘does/work’ but routinely/habitually is having trusting-relying-faith in Him who justifies the ungodly, his trusting-relying-faith is counted as righteousness” (b).  Here the context is the ergon ‘doings/works’ of the Law as a Jew (c).  Paul says: “You have been saved by-the-means-of unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith – and this is not your own doing; THIS is the grace-gift of God, absolutely-in-fact-NOT a result of ergon ‘doings/works,’ so that no one may boast” (d).


<Notes> a) Romans 11:5-7, cf. Romans 9:27; Acts 15:17, b) Romans 4:4-5, c) Romans 3:20, 27-28, cf. Galatians 2:16, d) Ephesians 2:8-9:  The Greek neuter “THIS” pronoun doesn’t point back to feminine “grace” or “faith” but to the entire phrase “saved by grace dia thru faith” – a common argument of Paul’s – not through our works!


Faith in Jesus is the only saving ergon ‘doing/work’ – see Logos Word of God – BT5.  The Jews asked:  “What must we ongoingly poieo make-to-do/work, in order to ongoingly be ergazomai working-to-accomplish the ergon ‘doings/works’ of God?” (a).  Jesus answered: “This is “the ergon ‘doing/work’ . . . that [does not] perish, the [work] for the food that routinely/habitually meno ‘abides, remains, lives’ [unto] zoe genuine-life everlasting, which the Son of Man will give to you . . .This is the ergon ‘doing/work’ of God:  that you ongoingly have trusting-relying-faith eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of Him (Christ) whom He (God) has sent.”  Compare the first part of a 2-part commandment of God in 1 John 3:23 – see Logos Word of God – BT15<Notes> a) John 6:27-29.


Righteousness only comes from trusting-relying-faith in the “Holy and Righteous One” (a), otherwise there is “none righteous, no, not one . . . all have turned aside . . . for ALL have sinned and/coupled fall short of the glory of God” (b).  However, “Christ Jesus became to us wisdom from God, righteousness – both holiness/sanctification and/coupled redemptive-salvation” (c).  <Notes> a) Acts 3:14, 7:52, 22:14, b) Romans 3:10-23, c) 1 Corinthians 1:30.


Despite Paul having been a leading Pharisee of the Law, Paul “counts pas ALL ‘kinds of a class/portion/kind of’ things [He lists his past training] a complete-loss . . . counting them as excrement-rubbish in order than I may trade-to-gain Christ and/coupled be found IN Him, [thus] in-possibility-NOT having my own righteousness which [is] ek out-from [the singular] Law but instead that [is] dia through-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith of/belonging-to Christ, the righteousness ek out-from God on the basis of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith” (The Christian Faith) (a). In fact, “Christ is the telos consummating-ending-aim of the Law eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of righteousness to everyone routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith” (b).  Now Christians can “be filled-to-completion with the fruit of righteousness that comes dia through-the-realizing-channel-of Jesus Christ eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of the glory and praise of God (c). <Notes> a) Philippians 3:8-9, b) Romans 10:4, c) Philippians 1:11.


We must have faith in Christ’s atonement for our sins:  “We are justified/made-declared-righteous by God’s unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace as a grace-gift through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation (a) dia through-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith in/by His blood eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of [singular] showing-forth of the righteousness of Him (God), because in His divine forbearance He had passed over former sins. [It was] pros motion-toward-to-reach [singular] showing-forth the righteousness belonging-to Him in the present time eis toward-and-reaching-for-the-goal-of Him to-ongoingly-be [singularly] just and/coupled routinely/habitually justifying [the one] ek out-from trusting-relying-faith of/belonging-to Jesus.  Then what becomes of our boasting [as Jews]?  It is excluded!  By what kind of law?  By a Law of works?  No, but by the Law of trusting-relying-faith.  For we hold that one is justified by trusting-relying-faith apart from works of the Law” (b).  By the baptism-immersion of the Holy Spirit during saving water-baptism (c) for “one baptism” (d) we “belong to Him” (e) as “completely-different-in-kind New Creations” (f).


<Notes> a) the nouns hilasterion or hilasmos and verb hilaskomai speak of the atoning-sacrifice that transfers our sin onto the Messiah as the perfect ‘Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world’ so that His righteousness is transferred to us.  This was ritually and symbolically practiced on the Ark of the Covenant’s Mercy Seat on the Day of Atonement each year as conducted by the High Priest, who is now Jesus, b) Romans 3:25-28, c) Romans 6:3-6; 1 Peter 3:21, d) Acts 2:38, 19:1-3; 1 Corinthians 12:13; Ephesians 4:5, e) Romans 8:9, f) 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 6:15.


Jesus is “a merciful and/coupled faithful High Priest in the service of God to make propitiation for the sins of the people” (a).  How?  “He IS-defined-as/exists-as the propitiation for our sins, and/but not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world” (b).  Actually, “This IS-defined-as Unconditional-Love:  absolutely-in-fact-NOT that we have unconditionally-loved [with ongoing effects] God (that’s the OT Law) but instead that He already unconditionally-loved us kai and-specifically already sent the Son of/belonging-to Him, a propitiation for the sins of/belonging-to us (c). <Notes> a) Hebrews 2:17, b) 1 John 2:2, c) 1 John 4:10.




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Spiritual Education, Faith is discussed 2141% more in the New Testament than the Old, Grace is a New Covenant reality the opposite of Law in the Old Covenant, The promises rely on faith in Christ NOT works of righteousness, There is NOW only a Work or Law of Faith for obedient righteousness, There is NOW only a Work or Law of Love for obedient service, Christ is the END of the Law for righteousness received NOW by faith, Righteousness is NOW by grace thru faith in Christ’s propitiation-exchanging our sin for His righteousness

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT16:  Enduring Work of faith to be devoted, faithful, and saved




Video - Part 1: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT16:  Enduring Work of faith to be devoted, faithful, and saved

Part 1



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT16:  Enduring Work of faith to be devoted, faithful, and saved



Enduring Faith or Faithfulness needed for Drumming too!




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See also Only 2 Commandment – BT2


Like soteria salvation, trusting-relying-faith is not a 1-time event but a process of ongoing work!  When the Jews asked what the saving work of God was, Jesus answered “This presently/ongoing is the ergon ‘doing/work’ of/belonging-to God:  that you should presently/ongoingly have trusting-relying-faith in Him (Jesus) whom He (God) has sent” (a).  However, Jesus emphasized:  “The one who has humomenopatiently-endured under trial/persecution’ eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of [the singular] telos completed-end will be saved,” even if we are “hated by all for My name’s sake,” even near the end when “many will fall away, betray and hate one another, led astray by many false prophets, and the unconditional-love of many will grow cold because of increased lawlessness” (b).  Jesus warns: “be pistos faithful-trustworthy achri as-far-UNTIL death, and I will give you the crown of zoe genuine-live, conquering UNTIL [singular] end, in order to rule over nations” (c), and again warns:  “I am coming soon!  Krateo ‘seize-hold-of to carefully-retain’ what you have, so that no one may seize your crown” (d).  <Notes> a) John 6:29, b) Matthew 10:22, 24:10, 13; Mark 13:13, c) Revelation 2:10, 26, d) Revelation 3:11.


“We are God’s house, IF indeed we katecho ‘hold-down securely’ our confidence and/couple our boasting in our hope” (a).  Paul said, “Now I remind you, brethren, of the gospel I preached to you, which you already paralambano ‘grabbed-hold-of to be close-beside,’ in which you have already [with lasting effects] taken-a-stand, and by which you are presently/ongoingly being saved, IF you presently/ongoingly katecho ‘hold-down securely’ to the logos message I preached to you; otherwise IF not-in-possibility, [then] in vain you have already had trusting-relying-faith” (b).  Again, Paul warns Christians to “be routinely/habitually epecho ‘attentively holding forth to observe’ the logos message (gospel) of zoe genuine-life, in order that in the Day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain [in preaching to them the gospel]” (c).  <Notes> a) Hebrews 3:6, b) 1 Corinthians 15:1-2, c) Philippians 2:16.


We can’t “be nothros ‘dull, slow, lazy, slothful, or sluggish’ but be imitators of those who dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith and/coupled makrothumia long-suffering-patience before expressing retributive-force from anger’ inherit the promises” (a), like “Abraham, who having makrothumia long-suffering-patience before expressing retributive-force from anger’, obtained the promise” (b).  We must “be makrothumia long-suffering-patience before expressing retributive-force from anger’ . . . until the coming of the Lord . . . as the farmer awaits the precious fruit of the earth, being makrothumia long-suffering-patience before expressing retributive-force from anger’ for it until it receives the early and latter rains (c). <Notes> a) Hebrews 6:12, b) v. 6:15, c) an allusion to the Holy Spirit outpouring at the ‘early spring’ beginning and ‘latter autumn’ end of the Church age – Joel 2:23, 29:28; the coming of the Lord:  James 5:7, metaphorical of physical rain:  Deuteronomy 11:14; Jeremiah 5:24; Hosea 6:3,


You also be makrothumia long-suffering-patience before expressing retributive-force from anger’; strengthen your hearts because the coming of the Lord has already [with lasting effect] drawn near. . . Take as an example the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord, suffering evils and/coupled makrothumia long-suffering-patience before expressing retributive-force from anger.’  Behold, we consider those blessed who have already humomenopatiently-endured under trials/persecutions.’  You have heard of the humomenopatient-endurance under trials/persecutions’ of Job” (a). <Notes> a) James 5:7-11.


Trials are permitted in order to ‘prove/confirm’ the genuineness of our faith:  James encourages persecuted Christians: “The dokimion tested/proven/confirmed-genuineness (a) of your trusting-relying-faith produces hupomonepatient-endurance under trials/persecutions’ ” (b).  Likewise Peter says: “You have been grieved by various trials, so that the dokimion tested/proven/confirmed-genuineness (a) of your trusting-relying-faith – more precious than gold that perishes though it is dokimazo tested/proven/confirmed-to-be-genuine (a) by fire – [it] may be found to result in praise and/coupled glory and/coupled honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (c). <Notes> a) dokimion from the verb dokimazo:  “test, examine, or discern to demonstrate or prove something is acceptable, genuine, approved, good, and approved”, b) James 1:3, c) 1 Peter 1:6-7.


Paul says the same thing to saved Christians:  “Now if anyone builds on the foundation of gold, silver, precious stones, [or] wood, hay, straw – each one’s [singular] doing/work will become manifest, for the Day [of judgment] will disclose it, because it will be apokalupto ‘revealed to uncover what is currently there but hidden’ by fire, and the fire will dokimazo ‘test-to-prove/confirm as genuine’ each-person’s [the singular] ergon ‘doing/work,’ what sort it presently/ongoingly is” (a). <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 3:12-13.


We have to echo take-hold-to-have The Trusting-Relying-Faith of/belonging-to our Lord” (a).  We must “krateoseize-hold-of to carefully-retain’ the (our) confession” (b) “of our elpis hope without wavering” (c).  “You have need of hupomonepatient-endurance under trials/persecutions’ so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised” (d). The context and Greek words for the “paideia child-discipline-rearing that we must humomenopatiently-endure under trials/persecutions’ ” (e) has nothing to do with punishing Christians as disobedient children but instead gently and patiently educating them during times of persecution and other hardships – see Least Among You – BT11. <Notes> a) James 2:1, b) Hebrews 4:14, c) Hebrew 10:23, cf. Romans 4:20; Psalms 26:1, d) Hebrews 10:36, e) Hebrews 12:7.


It also takes enduring, trusting-relying-faith to routinely/habitually aiteo “ask or petition NOT from a subordinate position but as a child of God, to willfully crave, call or cry out for, boldly require or demand” the good grace-gift of the Holy Spirit UNTIL it is given in order to abundantly fill you to completion with God’s own abundant-fullness (a).  <Notes> a) Luke 11:13; Ephesians 3:19, 5:18.


It also takes enduring, trusting-relying-faith to routinely/habitually zeteo “search diligently in order to find, investigate, desire/crave, aim/strive after” Christ as for silver, gold, or fine pearls UNTIL you find Him (a).  There is so much written in the OT and NT about zeteo seeking or ekzeteo seeking-out intensely, diligently, and whole-heartedly the Lord UNTIL you find Him to thus be greatly rewarded (b), often explicitly-stated as in conversational-prayer (c), particularly the idiom for worship that is proserchomaidrawing closely-near to God” (d) even eggizoextremely close-beside” (e) – see also proseuchomai Conversational-Prayer.


<Notes> a) Matthew 7:7-8; Luke 11:9-10, b) Deuteronomy 4:29; 1 Chronicles 16:10-11, 22:19; 2 Chronicles 7:14, 11:16, 12:14, 14:4, 15:12-13, 16:12, 20:3-4, 19:3, 26:5, 30:19; Job 8:5; Psalm 9:10, 14:2, 27:4, 8, 34:10, 69:32, 77:2, 105:3-4, 119:2, 10; Proverbs 8:17, 28:5; Isaiah 51:1, 6, 45:19, 55:6-7; Ezra 8:22; Jeremiah 29:13, 50:4; Hosea 5:6, 10:12; Lamentations 3:25; Amos 5:4, 6; Zephaniah 1:6, 2:3, 8:21-22; Acts 15:17; 17:27; Romans 3:11; Hebrews 11:6, c) 2 Chronicles 7:14; Daniel 9:3, d) 1 Samuel 14:26; Ecclesiastes 5:1; Isaiah 45:20, 48:16, 58:2; Ezekiel 43:19; Zephaniah 3:2; Hebrews 4:16, 7:25, 10:22, 11:6, e) Hebrews 7:19; James 4:8, cf. physically: Luke 15:1, 18:40.


It also takes enduring, trusting-relying-faith to routinely/habitually krouo “knock, rap, or beat for admittance’ UNTIL the door is opened” and you enter in “to intimately supper with Him,” the custom of koinonia intimate-fellowship (a). <Notes> a) Matthew 7:7-8; Luke 11:9-10, 12:36; Revelation 3:20; cf. Luke 13:25,


The Lord once told me that “seeking the kingdom of God and/coupled His righteousness is not ‘a what and what’ but a ‘who and who’ because the Spirit is the enabling-power of the kingdom ruled by King Jesus, who is our Righteousness” (a). Jesus said that the pagans, even religious ones knowing the ‘What of God,’ who don’t actually know the ‘Who of God’ are the ones “presently/ongoingly epizeteointensely, diligently seeking after or for the objectives of’ these things (neuter) of ‘what shall we eat, drink, wear, etc.’ ” Likewise, the Jews “presently/ongoingly epizeteo intensely-seek after signs” (b) or “presently/ongoingly epizeteo intensely-seeking after righteousness that it has absolutely-in-fact-NOT been-obtained” (c). <Notes>  a) Matthew 6:25-33; Luke 12:22-31; Mark 1:24; Luke 1:35; John 6:69; Revelation 3:7; Hebrews 7:26; Acts 3:14, 22:14; 1 John 2:1, 20, b) Matthew 12:39, 16:4, c) Romans 11:7, e) rare imperfect verb tense,


However, we should be instead “continually-repetitively (e) epizeteo intensely-seek after Jesus” (a) and “definitively/wholly epizeteo intensely-seek after His gospel logos message (b), and “presently/ongoingly epizeteo intensely-seeking after nothing on earth but His country that is to come” (c). <Notes>  a) Luke 4:42, b) Acts 13:7, c) Hebrews 11:14, 13:14.



Video - Part 2 Obedient Steps of Faith - BT16:  Enduring Work of faith to be devoted, faithful, and saved

Part 2


Will we diligently-seek after the Holy Spirit?  Proverbs 2:2-5 says: “Make your ear attentive to Sophia (feminine) Wisdom   . . . your heart to Sunesis (feminine) ‘connect-the-dots’ Understanding-Knowledge . . . If you cry out for Sophia Wisdom and lift up your voice for Sunesis ‘connect-the-dots’ Understanding-Knowledge  . . . If you baqash/zeteo diligently seek (a) autos HER (feminine) like silver and/coupled chaphas/exereuneo diligently search out (b) autos HER (feminine) like hidden treasure, THEN you will actually suniemi ‘connect-the-dots’ to understand/know the fear (c) of the Lord and/coupled continually-in-process (d) find/obtain/perceive/discover the genuine, full, experiential, relational da’ath/epignosis knowledge of God” – see also Proverbs 8:1.  See Obedient Steps of Faith – BT6 and – BT9.


<Notes> a) Hebrew baqash:  seek to find, secure, seek the face/person/audience of, desire/demand, require/exact, ask/request; Greek zeteo: searching diligently in order to find, investigate, desire/crave, aim/strive after, b) Hebrew chaphas in the Qal form:  search for, think-out/devise, search/test; Greek exereuneo:  search wholly out from, carefully search out with all diligence in an investigative, examining manner of the facts, c) Hebraism: reverential, worshipful awe and respect of, d) rare imperfect tense.


The Hebrew word ruach for the Spirit everywhere in the OT is also feminine.  It’s no coincidence that SHE is called “the Spirit of Sophia Wisdom and Sunesis Understanding” (a), and it’s no coincidence that the 4 God-dreams I’ve had with the Holy Spirit in it SHE was a Queen, “SHE was the Ancient of Days, and “God, the Mother, the Nurturer of us as little-children even as nursing-infants.”  The Holy Spirit as Parakletos is the “comforter and consoler.”  Remember that God said “male and female they are created in OUR image after OUR likeness” (b). <Notes> a) Proverbs 2:2-5, 8:1; Isaiah 11:2; Colossians 1:9, 3:16; Acts 6:3, 10; 1 Corinthians 12:8; Ephesians 1:187, cf. Deuteronomy 34:9; even viewed by pagans: Daniel 5:11, 14 that actually escapes the so-called ‘wise and understanding ones’ Matthew 11:25; Luke 10:21; 1 Corinthians 1:19 citing Isaiah 29:14, cf. Job 5:12-13, Jeremiah 8:9, b) Genesis 1:26-27, 5:1-2, 9:6, Matthew 19:4, Mark 10:6, 1 Corinthians 11:7.


In Proverbs 2:5 above, epignosis is a progressive knowledge you discover only through relationship, not achieved by cramming your head with gnosis informational-knowledge, as before a test!  This was obviously written to all the so-called “wise and understanding” bible-scholar scribes & Pharisees of their day that thought they could really know God through understanding their religious book, but Jesus said it didn’t work (a)!  Are you going to be like one of them – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT9.  However, did you catch the relentless pursuit required for genuine, full, experiential, relational da’ath/epignosis knowledge of God?  <Notes> a) John 5:38-40, 7:28, 8:55, 15:21.


We must be relentless!  We are constantly admonished to be like little children and the other least among us.  Little children are relentless when it comes to “routinely/habitually Asking, Seeking, and Knocking (A.S.K.)” (a) UNTIL they receive, find, and have the door opened!  Every little child goes through that phase where they are constantly asking questions from their parents: “why, why, why?”  Unlike our inpatient parents who get tired of this, the Lord’s “perfect patience” (b) from the “Father’s perfect heart for caring” (c) will gladly answer all our questions!  Little children will pull on your shirt-tail until you take them to the bathroom!  I can’t remember how many times I asked for cookies and tried everything to get to the cookie jar, even climbing on shelves until they broke!  Prayer should be a habit of devotion of relentlessly asking, seeking, and knocking” – See Conversational-Prayer. <Notes> a) Matthew 7:7-8 and Luke 11:9-10 teaching on the Lord’s Prayer, b) Galatians 5:22; 2 Peter 3:9, 15, c) Jesus personally told me this.


I once had a revelation about relentlessness one night when I was hanging on my inversion table for my back.  When I came up each time, I could swear I saw the words “Repentance” on a drum poster but I didn’t have my glasses on and things were blurry.  I thought how odd!  I thought, “Is there something the Lord wants me to repent of?”  When I got off the machine and looked closer I saw that it actually said “Relentless.”  Then I understood that God wanted me to repent/turn about my defeatist, grumbling attitude about prayer I was having because I was struggling to make direct contact with Him.  Instead He wanted me to be relentless in my pursuit of Him.


Several nights later I was grumbling again to the Lord:  “Why do we need to relentlessly pursue You?”  As I was drifting off, I heard Him tell me, “You must be like a little child to ‘see’ the kingdom of God” (a).  So, I asked the Lord, “Why a little child?”  Then the Lord showed me a little child pulling relentlessly on their parent’s clothes, persistently calling out UNTIL their request was granted.  Then the Lord said, “That’s what I meant when I said, ‘If you, not being ‘good,’ do give grace-gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father, who is ‘Good,’ give you the Holy Spirit (b) to those who routinely/habitually aiteo ‘ask or petition, NOT from a subordinate position but as a family member, to willfully crave, call or cry out for, require or demand’ Him?” (c).


Then I understood, this is the Way to pray for “Thy kingdom to come, Thy will to be done on earth as it is already in heaven” (a).  This is the Way to “routinely/habitually zeteo ‘search diligently in order to find, investigate, desire/crave, aim/strive after’ the kingdom of God first/foremost” (b).  This is the Way to routinely/habitually krouo “knock, rap, or beat for admittance’ UNTIL the door is opened to enter into intimately supping with Him,” the custom of koinonia intimate-fellowship (c) – the WAY is relentless like a little child! <Notes> a) Luke 11:2; Matthew 6:10, b) Matthew 7:7-8, c) Luke 11:9-10, 12:36; Revelation 3:20; cf. Luke 13:25.


The early church was only persistently-devoted to 5 things but mostly just 1:  The noun proskarteresis means “devoted, perseverance that prevails by relationally interacting with God.”  Paul uses it in Ephesians 6:18 when speaking about how to put on the full armor of God, including the shield of trusting-relying-faith (v. 6:16) or breastplate of trusting-relying-faith along with unconditional-love in 1 Thessalonians 5:8 for effective Spirit-kind-of warfare.  How?  By “routinely/habitually proseuchomai conversationally-praying in every season by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit dia through-the-channel-of pas ALL ‘kinds-of’ proseuche conversational-prayer and/coupled deesis asking-supplication – to that end, routinely/habitually alertly-watching with pas ALL ‘of-a-kind/category/class-of’ proskarteresis persistent-relational-devotion and/specifically pas ALL ‘of-a-kind/category/class-of’ deesis asking-supplication for pas ALL ‘of-a-kind/category/class-of’ the saints.”


The verb form proskartereo correspondingly means:  “pros towards-and-interacting-with plus kartereo ‘showing of steadfast strength,’ thus to consistently show strength that prevails in spite of difficulties, thus to endure and stay in a fixed direction, continuing to do something with intense effort despite difficulty, and so be persistently-relationally-devoted to.”


The early Christians in Acts 1:14 “were routinely/habitually being proskartereo persistently-relationally-devoted with one accord [to the direct object of] proseuche conversational-prayer” (a).  That should immediately tell us our #1 priority, especially since it’s the only “devotion” that is written as “the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” per Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 and Colossians 4:2, as Jesus taught in Luke 18:1.  Good luck on finding such a church!


Then other occurrences of “devotion” is:  “Now they were routinely/habitually being proskartereo persistently-relationally-devoted [to the direct object of] the teaching of the apostles and/coupled [to the direct object of] the koinonia intimate-fellowship [that is,] [to the direct object of] the breaking of the bread (a) and/coupled the proseuche conversational-prayers . . . every day routinely/habitually being proskartereo persistently-relationally-devoted  with one accord in the temple then at each house breaking bread (b).  <Notes> a) agape love feasts per Jude 1:12 where they also celebrated the Lord’s Supper 1 Corinthians 11:17-34, b) Acts 2:42, 46.


Eventually the apostles got too busy with ministry-serving of food to people that they had the people choose deacons to take over that duty so that “NOW we [to the direct object of] the proseuche conversational-prayer and/coupled [to the direct object of] the ministry-serving of the logos message (gospel) THEN we shall actually be proskartereo persistently-relationally-devoted-to” (d).  These both are linked to getting revelations from God as we shall see next!  See Body Ministry – BT17 and Knowledge – BT6. <Notes> b) agape love feasts per Jude 1:12 where they also celebrated the Lord’s Supper 1 Corinthians 11:17-34, c) Acts 2:42, 46, d) Acts 6:4.


This  coupled-together ‘devotion’ is NOT bible study but proseuche listening-to/watching God in conversation-prayer to discern what, when, where, and how they were going to preach the gospel to fulfill the Great Commission to “make disciples of all nations” (a), “going into all the world to proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (b) – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT7.  They were never told to “write the gospel” or “write a bible” but to “preach/proclaim the gospel!”  <Notes> a) Matthew 28:19, b) Mark 16:15-16.


A key to “being metamorphically-transformed by the renewal of your mind in order that by practice-testing you may dokimazo scrutinize-to-discern what is the will of God (this obviously isn’t studying bible-info) is routinely/habitually being proskartereo persistently-relationally-devoted [to the direct object of] proseuche conversational-prayer” (a), and finally Paul’s final instructions to:  “[to the direct object of] the proseuche conversational-prayer be ongoingly proskartereo persistently-relationally-devoted, routinely/habitually alertly-watching in it with eucharistia thanksgiving-prayer” (b). <Notes> a) Romans 12:2, 12, b) Colossians 4:2.


Discernment is NOT acquired by bible-study.  Paul explains:  “Ongoingly peirazo test/try-to-prove-to yourselves to see whether you are in The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith). Ongoingly dokimazo scrutinize-to-discern yourselves, or do you not eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know this about yourself that Jesus Christ is IN YOU – unless indeed you fail to meet this dokimos scrutinizing-discernment” (a)?   Now, you can see why I created an entire BLOG on proseuche Conversation-Prayer and several on prayerful discernment – see Bible Info – BT2, Least Among You – BT8, and New Covenant Ways – BT16.   Through this ‘devotion’ everything else grows, especially your trusting-relying-faith! <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 13:5.



Video - Part 3: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT16:  Enduring Work of faith to be devoted, faithful, and saved

Part 3


After documenting so many modern-day revivals around the world, when probed by so many people wanting to write more church-growth books and pastors wanting to create mega-churches, George Otis, Jr. said, “Desperation in prayer is the only common element I could find.”  When I heard that while driving, I about drove off the road!  Craig Alan Myers on “Prayer and Revival” writes:  “Such desperation in prayer is rarely heard today.  Prayers are not bold pleas to God for revival, for the reason that many Christians are not interested in having a new visitation of God.”  The history of revival bears witness to this!  Regarding the 1742 revival at Baldernock and other Scotland towns:  “This desperation in prayer led to the conversion of about 90 people in July of 1742 . . .” This was also the conclusion of Mary S. Relfe in Cure for All Ills.  Jim Cymbala in Storm says “Desperate and soul-stirring prayers result in answers.  When God is sought in desperation, He responds.”  Bob Hostetler writes in Guideposts about how God answers desperate prayers: “Desperation can be the soil and seed that bears the fruit of answered prayer.”  Past and present revivals of individuals, groups, cities, and even nations depend on how much we really want to enter into the presence of God through proseuche conversational-prayer.  Many others are understanding this desperate ‘hunger and thirst’ like Eric Gilmour.


The Lord gave me a vision on 10/24/2021 about ‘pressing in’ that showed me a tap root ‘in the soil below the surface’ causing the problems I was combating ‘above the surface’  Like Martha I was very busy with my own life and even ‘serving the Lord,’ too busy to do “the better thing” of Mary who “became still, stopped moving and shut up in order to yada/ginosko experientially, relationally know the Elohim (the plural God)” (a) at the feet of Jesus (b).  The ‘bread that we can alone zoa genuinely-live by” is the directly-spoken/heard, Living, prophetic rhema word that comes from the mouth of God” (c). <Notes> a) Psalms 46:10, b) Luke 10:38-41, c) Matthew 4:4 citing Deuteronomy 8:3.


Then the Lord showed me the desperate woman bleeding from her genitals, having tried everything else for so long, now ‘at the end of her rope,’ was desperately pushing through huge crowds to finally touch Jesus and she was immediately healed (a).  The Lord told me, “This is what it takes. There are many people and things in your ‘crowd’ that will try to block you.  But if you press thru them and just touch Me, you will be healed.  This is what it takes.” <Notes> a) Matthew 9:18-22; Mark 5:25-34; Luke 8:42-48.


Jesus urgently invited the crowds using the Greek imperative exclamatory saying:  “You-all duete come-here-NOW pros toward-to-reach-the-destination/interaction-of Me, ALL who toil and/coupled are heavily-burdened-from-toil [from the Law of works], and I will give you peaceful-rest” (a).  This certainly implies more than 1 step or 1 event.  Pros indicates “extension toward a goal with implied interaction, with presumed contact, even a responsive reciprocity and reaction after making contact. It is often used as a prefix to include the idea of being ‘before’ someone physically or in time, but also of submissive respect by bowing, kneeling, or prostrating oneself.”  <Notes> a) Matthew 11:28.


Using the aorist indicative verb tense for “wholly, definitive, actual action,” Jesus tells His disciples to “let the little children erchomai come-from-one-place-to-another pros toward-to-reach-the-destination/interaction-of Me and/coupled do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (a).  In fact, Jesus promises “ALL that the Father gives Me shall-indeed heko come-to-reach-the-destination-of pros toward-to-reach-the-destination/interaction-of Me and/coupled the [singular one] routinely/habitually erchomai coming-from-one-place-to-another pros toward-to-reach-the-destination/interaction-of Me I will absolutely-in-fact NOT, in-possibility-NOT cast out” (b).  <Notes> a) Matthew 19:14; Mark 10:14; Luke 18:16, b) John 6:37, the rare double negative is so absolute that it’s like shouting with bold face caps!


However, “Absolutely-in-fact-NOT one [person] is dunamis powerfully-enabled to definitively/wholly erchomai come-from-one-place-to-another pros toward-to-reach-the-destination/interaction-of Me unless the Father who sent Me definitively/wholly helko powerfully-attracts-to-draw-in Him” (a) or “unless it is offered-granted him by the Father” (b).  <Notes> a) John 6:44, b) John 6:65.


Yet we see Jesus again offering this to the crowds:  “If anyone presently/ongoingly dipsao painfully-suffers-the-need-of-thirst, [I strongly urge] let him presently/ongoingly erchomai tocome-from-one-place-to-another pros toward-to-reach-the-destination/interaction-of Me and/coupled presently/ongoingly drink-to-imbibe.  The [one] routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of Me . . . ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’  Now this He said this about the Spirit, whom those who already-had trusting-relying-faith in Him were-about to presently/ongoingly actively lambano grab-hold-of-to-receive” (c). <Notes> c) John 7:37-39.


This explains more of what Jesus said earlier: “I presently/ongoingly AM the bread of zoe genuine-life; the [one] routinely/habitually erchomai coming-from-one-place-to-another pros toward-to-reach-the-destination/interaction-of Me shall absolutely-in-fact-NOT, in-possibility-NOT peinao painfully-suffer-the-need-of-hunger, and/coupled the [one] routinely/habitually having-trusting-relying-faith eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of Me shall absolutely-in-fact-NOT, in-possibility-NOT dipsao painfully-suffer-the-need-of-thirst” (a).  This is like “as a deer arag/epipotheo pants for flowing streams, so my souls arag/epipotheo pants-in-longing/intensely-craves-possession for you, O God” (b).  David continues:  “Early in the morning I diligently-seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh faints for You as in a dry and weary land where there is no water” (c).  This is that desperation that we must have! <Notes> a) John 6:35, b) Psalms 42:1, c) Psalms 63:1.


This explains why Jesus said to the scribes and Pharisees, the experts at bible-study:  “You people have absolutely-in-fact-NEVER heard my Father’s phone Voice nor-absolutely-in-fact-NEVER seen His form at any time, nor-absolutely-in-fact-NEVER do you have His logos message residing in you, because you do absolutely-in-fact-NOT presently/ongoingly have trusting-relying-faith in the One whom He sent. [In contrast] You presently/ongoingly diligently-search/study the graphe scriptures because you suppose/opinionate that in/by/with them you echo will-take-hold-of zoe genuine-life everlasting, kai and/but these present/ongoingly are the ones that routinely/habitually are bearing-witness-as-a-martyr-would’ peri all-around-encompassing-comprehensively-of Me, kai and/but you absolutely-in-fact-NOT presently/ongoingly are willing to definitively/wholly erchomai come-from-one-place-to-another pros toward-to-reach-the-destination/interaction-of Me in order that you may presently/ongoingly echo take-hold-of zoe genuine-life” (a). <Notes> a) John 5:37-40.


Obviously Jesus was criticizing their ‘diligence’ of studying the bible because “they failed to obtain what they were seeking.  The elect-chosen obtained it, but the rest were hardened” (a).  However, we can see from above that relentless, diligent devotion of seeking proseuche conversational-prayer is always rewarded!    <Notes> a) Romans 9:31, 11:7.


2 Timothy 2:15 has absolutely nothing to do withstudying scripture to be an approved workman of God” as too many translations and churches have erroneously taught.  Instead the Greek word spoudazo means “to use speed or be prompt; make effort or be earnest, diligent, or zealous” and the context refers to Timothy spoudazo being diligent in using his prophetically-given, grace-gift of evangelism, by the laying on of hands.  How dare they distort this verse to promote bible-study – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT7 and Logos Word of God – BT19!  That’s not how little children and the least among you, which we are to be like, shall learn from Christ – see Bible Info – BT2, New Covenant Ways – BT16 and Least Among You – BT8, and Least Among You – BT7.


Therefore duete or erchomai “coming to Jesus” NOW is NOT a 1-time event but is to be a present, ongoing, and even routine, habitual lifestyle.  It’s all about having a koinonia relationship with the Living God that talks with us, not a mute idol (a).  It’s not about bible-study to gather more gnosis informational-knowledge ABOUT God, but about routinely/habitually visiting God in proserchomai ‘drawing near-close’ or eggizo “drawing extremely close-beside’ in proseuche conversation-prayer in order to have a koinonia intimate-relationship with God the Father through-the-realizing-channel-of God the Son by the means or instrument of the God the Holy Spirit for epignosis genuine, full, experiential, relational knowledge of God.


That’s exactly why we don’t need to become like the “wise & understanding’ scribes and Pharisees who learned through bible-study gnosis informational-knowledge only ABOUT God, but instead be like little children who learn from others primarily through koinonia relationships, especially with their parents through direct one-on-one teaching and example!  The Parakletos Holy Spirit means “close-beside teacher, like a counselor” (b).  That’s exactly why Jesus said, “My sheep akouo hear/listen-to-understand/know My VOICE” (d).  Jesus never had bible-study in mind, never having one bible-study with His disciple!  You don’t even see Him reading the bible!  You have to routinely/habitually make time with the Lord to have a koinonia relationship with him.  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 12:1-3, b) as the subject:  John 14:26, 15:26, 16:7 or as the accusative direct object Parakleton:  John 14:16; 1 John 2:1, c) John 10:3-4, 16, 27, cf. Psalms 95:7.


The Lord told me once that “the works you did at first” that we are to “repent (turn back to) and do,” written in Revelation 2:5 to an old church are “the works of their early relationship with Him.”  Then He showed me my early relationship with my wife 8 years ago, which really convicted me, and I relived how obsessed I was just to listen to her voice, just to look into her eyes, just to reach out to hold her hand, and just to be in her presence.  Then, the Lord said, “That’s what I meant, regardless of what you’ve heard others say.”  This really brought me back to the most important priority of proseuche patiently-waiting, watching, listening, relational conversational-prayer.


The present participle often used by Jesus is NOT a 1-time event or even describing a present event or somehow an ongoing event as the present indicative form would, but more explicitly describes a “routine action or lifestyle habit.”  We’ve already seen both used many times above.  In fact, “the tax collectors and sinners were routinely/habitually eggizo drawing-extremely-close-into-one’s-presence to akouo listen-to-understand/know Jesus” (a).  Jesus warned: “If anyone would come after Me, let him definitively/wholly deny himself and/coupled definitively/wholly take up his cross daily kai and/subsequently presently/ongoingly follow Me” (b), for “whoever does absolutely-in-fact-NOT presently/ongoingly take his cross and/coupled presently/ongoingly follows Me he is absolutely-in-fact-NOT worthy of Me.  Whoever has routinely/habitually found/kept his life shall actually lose it, but/coupled whoever has routinely/habitually lost his life for My sake shall actually find it” (c).  <Notes> a) Luke 15:1, b) Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23, c) Matthew 10:38-39.


We are also strongly urged by the present imperative form to “presently/ongoingly steko persistentlystand-erect-and-firm/fast – a double emphasis in endurance – in the trusting-relying-faith; act like men; be strong” (a), because “for freedom [from slavery to the Law of sin and death] Christ has set us free; therefore, ongoingly steko persistently-stand-erect-and-firm/fast and/coupled do absolutely-in-fact-NOT submit again [as Jews] to a yoke/chain/harness of slavery (b)” (c).  Rejecting the Law and persecution from the Jewish Law-teachers, we are strongly urged by the present imperative “to presently/ongoingly steko persistently-stand-erect-and-firm/fast in the Lord” (d). <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 16:13, b) context: to the commandments and ritual traditions of the written and oral Law, c) Galatians 5:1, d) Philippians 4:1,


Paul wanted their lives “to be worthy of the gospel of Christ . . . that I may akouo hear/listen-to-understand/know of you presently/ongoingly, actually steko persistentlystanding-erect-and-firm/fast in one Spirit with one mind striving side-by-side for The Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) of/belonging-to the gospel” (a). “Timothy has brought us the good news (gospel) of your trusting-relying-faith and/coupled unconditional-love . . . we have been comforted about you through your trusting-relying-faith.  For now we zoe genuinely-live IF you are presently/ongoingly, actually steko persistentlystanding-erect-and-firm/fast in the Lord” (f).  “So then, brethren, [we strongly urge you to] presently/ongoingly steko persistentlystand-erect-and-firm/fast and/coupled krateo ‘seize-hold-of to carefully-retain’ to the paradosis close-beside-given-over-instruction/traditions that you were taught by us” (g). <Notes> a) Philippians 1:27, b) 1 Thessalonians 3:5-8, c) 2 Thessalonians 2:15.


Finally, the “presently/ongoing peripateo walk of trusting-relying-faith that is absolutely-in-fact NOT by sight” (a) is not 1 step because peripateo means to “walk all around, thus comprehensively.”  True Christians are those that “routinely/habitually peripateo walk-all-about-comprehensively kata down-from/according-to the Spirit and/coupled in-possibility-NOT kata down-from/according-to the flesh” (b).  Yet to Jewish-Christians tempted to return to the Law, Paul had to write:  “[I strongly urge you to] presently/ongoingly peripateo walk-all-about-comprehensively by-the-means-of the Spirit and/coupled absolutely-in-fact-NOT, in-possibility-NOT gratify the passionate-longing-desires of the flesh” (c). <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 5:7, b) Romans 8:4, c) Galatians 5:16,


We are to “be routinely/habitually stoicheo walking in the [plural] footsteps of the trusting-relying-faith that our father Abraham had before he was circumcised [and long before any other requirements of obedience like the Mosaic Law]” (a), where stoicheo means “to walk in a line, in strict accordance to a particular pace or cadence, thus to keep in step a commander.”  This reminds me of a dream in 2-17-2020 in which I and others were told to closely follow the steps of the Holy Spirit in a complicated maneuver of great importance. The early Church multiplied because it was “routinely/habitually poreuomai journeying in the fear/reverential-awe of the Lord and/coupled in the paraklesis alongside-encouraging-comfort-and-instruction of the Holy Spirit,” the Parakletos, where poreuomai means “to personally move from destination to destination” (b). <Notes> a) Romans 4:12, b) Acts 9:31.




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Spiritual Education, Work of Faith must endure for devotion faithfulness salvation, Jesus warned that salvation is a process that requires Faith to the END, Paul warned that salvation is only IF we ongoingly hold our faith down securely habitually observing it, We must have long-suffering-patience of faith to inherit the promises, Our work of faith and love is what will be judged by Christ, we are to habitually ask seek and knock UNTIL we receive, enduring prayer is how we have a relationship with God, Pagans ask seek knock for Whats but we are for the WHO of the Holy Spirit’s power for God’s kingdom, Relentlessly ask seek knock like a little-child for the Holy Spirit to experience God, The Holy Spirit is the power for God’s kingdom & will to come, Conversational-prayer is the only thing we do for God to work the rest, The comforter Spirit of Wisdom & Understanding may be God the Mother, only 5 early church relational-devotions, the only key devotion as God’s will for Christians is conversational-prayer, Prayer is how we are taught & empowered to preach the gospel, Transformation happens in prayer NOT bible-study, Discerned is learned thru prayer NOT bible-study, Conversational-prayer is how we endure in our faith, Desperate prayer is only common key to ALL revivals, We must press thru our crowded life to come to Jesus to be healed, We come to Jesus to learn directly from Him NOT indirectly by reading old writings, We must desperately desire to drink from Jesus, You can only hear Christ’s voice in conversational-prayer, We are to be like little children who learn directly instead of wise & understanding bible-scholars from books, Following Jesus requires endurance to finish the race of faith, We must persistently stand firm, We must carefully retain, The walk of faith requires habitual steps of obedient faith, The walk of faith is a journey

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT15:  Faith requires certain works to grab the gift of salvation




Video - Part 1: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT15:  Faith requires certain works to grab the gift of salvation

Part 1



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT15:  Faith requires certain works to grab the gift of salvation



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There is many unbiblical church traditions about saving faith!  There is in fact an ergon “work of faith” to ergo ‘do/work’ (a) and it must patiently-endure to the end for us to hear from Jesus “Well done, good and faithful servant.  In previous BLOGS we’ve seen this need to ‘suffer long in patience” or to “patiently endure thru trials” coupled to trusting-relying-faith in order for us to have God’s promises, but also see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT16.  Jesus continues:  “You have been pistos faithful-trustworthy over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your Master” (b).  The work of enduring is built into the very definition of pistos faithfulness/trustworthiness that pistis often also refers to – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT2.  Let’s explore this more fully here!  <Notes> a) 1 Thessalonians 1:3; 2 Thessalonians 1:11, b) Matthew 25:21, 23; cf. Matthew 24:45; Luke 19:17.


We are also urged to excel in trusting-relying-faith (a), pursue trusting-relying-faith (b), be healthy or sound in trusting-relying-faith (c), and fight the good fight of trusting-relying-faith (d).  But we are also called to steadfastly-endure in The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) (e) as we will now further explore. <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 8:7, 10:15, b) 1 Timothy 6:12; 2 Timothy 2:22, c) Titus 1:13, 2:2 d) 1 Timothy 6:12; 2 Timothy 4:7, e) Acts 11:23; Colossians 1:23; 1 Thessalonians 1:3; 2 Thessalonians 1:4; 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 3:10; Titus 2:2; James 1:3; Hebrews 11:27, 12:1-2; Revelation 2:19, 13:10, 14:12.


Salvation requires a response to hearing the preached, not written, gospel!  In fact, the “akouo hearing/listening-to-understand/know must be ‘mixed together, co-mingled, united with’ trusting-relying-faith” (a) in order to actually “benefit” the person (b).  When “Paul saw a crippled-from-birth man who was akouo hearing/listening-to-understand/know to Paul speaking, Paul atenizo ‘strained in fixing his eyes in an intense, fixed gaze at’ him and/coupled horao ‘spiritually saw/perceived within’ that he presently had trusting-relying-faith to be sozo healed (c), said in a loud voice, ‘stand upright on your feet.’  And he sprang up and began walking” (d).  Just hearing/listening-to, even to the Law, didn’t help the Jews either (e)!  <Notes> a) some manuscripts have “it did absolutely-in-fact-NOT meet with trusting-relying-faith in the hearers,” b) Hebrews 4:2, c) sozo is the verb for soteria salvation that also includes healing restoration to wholeness, d) Acts 14:9-10, e) Romans 2:13.


James doubts whether trusting-relying-faith can even save you without some kind of ergon “doing/working” (a).  In referring to Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac to obey God, James argues: “You see that [his] trusting-relying-faith was continually-repetitively (b) sunergeo ‘working-together [like a symphony] to-partner’ with his ergon ‘doings/works’ [of obeying God], kai and/thus trusting-relying-faith was made telos fulfilled-completed by his ergon ‘doings/works’” (c), and so “you see that a person is justified/made-declared righteous by ergon ‘doings/works’ and/coupled absolutely-in-fact-NOT by trusting-relying-faith ALONE” (d). Notes> a) James 1:22, 2:14, 17-10, cf. Matthew 7:24-27; John 13:17, b) rare imperfect tense used, c) James 2:22, d) James 2:24.


However, we also have to keep in mind that James’ immediate context for ‘the obedience of works’ is the showing of “mercy that triumphs over judgment” (a) by impartially, unconditionally-loving the brethren, which is the “perfect Law of liberty” (b) or what Paul calls “The Law of Christ” (c), Christ’s “New Commandment I give to you:  that you unconditionally-love one another just as I have unconditionally-loved you” (d). <Notes> a) James 2:13, b) James 1:25, c) 1 Corinthians 9:21; Galatians 6:2, d) John 13:34, cf. 1 John 3:23.


However, our “ergon (a) work of faith” while NOW “under the Law of faith” (b) can’t be anything like that of the heavy burden of the OT Law imposed by the Law-teachers (c).  That’s why Christ’s invitation was unique from the other demanding, haughty rabbis:  “Come to Me, all who toil and are heavily-burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and/coupled learn-the-essentials [directly] from Me for I am gentle and/coupled lowly in heart, and you will find rest for you souls, for My yoke is chrestos ‘custom-fit, tailor-made to be pleasantly-comfortable to be beneficial, productive’ and/coupled My burden [of commandments] is feather/cloud-light to carry” (d).  <Notes> a) where we get our English words:  ergo, ergonomics, ergometry, and ergotism, b) Romans 3:27; 1 Thessalonians 1:3; 2 Thessalonians 1:11, cf. John 3:16-18, 36, 40, 6:29, 20:31; 1 John 3:23, 5:10, 13; Acts 18:8, c) Matthew 23:4; Luke 11:46; 1 John 5:3, d) Matthew 11:28-30.



Video - Part 2: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT15:  Faith requires certain works to grab the gift of salvation

Part 2


We MUST ergo “do/work” by responding to the offered gift in order to receive salvation!  Mark states:  “Whoever has had trusting-relying-faith and/coupled has been water-baptized shall indeed be saved” (a).  Jesus said “Have trusting-relying-faith in Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me, or at least have trusting-relying-faith on account of the [plural] ergon works/doings (b) themselves” (c), which many people did (d), because “the ergon works/doings that the Father has given me to accomplish, the very ergon works/doings that I am doing, bear witness about Me that the Father has sent Me” (e), with dire consequences for rejecting this (f). <Notes> a) Mark 16:16, b) context: signs & wonders Christ performed, c) John 14:11; cf. John 10:38; Matthew 11:4, d) John 2:23, 11:45, e) John 5:36; cf. John 10:25, f) John 15:24.


Repentance is also a required ergon “doing/work” for salvation!   Peter’s first sermon of the Church Age gives the first ‘alter call’:  “Repent (a) and/coupled be water-baptized every one of you in the name/authority of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and/subsequently you will receive the grace-gift of the Holy Spirit” (b).  Later he preached “therefore repent and/coupled epistrepho ‘turn back, return’ (a) that your sins may be blotted out” (c).  Paul “testified both to Jews and to Greeks of repentance eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ God and/coupled trusting-relying-faith in our Lord Jesus Christ” (d).  Paul had declared everywhere practically “that they should repent and/coupled epistrepho ‘turn back, return to’ (a) God, [explained as] routinely/habitually prasso ‘regularly-practice performing’ ergon [external] ‘doings/workings’ axios ‘that are worth-to-worth on God’s balance-scale’ with their [inward] repentance” (e).


There is also the required ergo “doing/work” of confession:  “If you confess (d) with your mouth that ‘Jesus is Lord/Master-Owner’ and/coupled have trusting-relying-faith in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall indeed be saved for with the heart one has trusting-relying-faith and/thus is justified/made-righteous and/coupled with the mouth one confesses eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of salvation” (a).  Confession (d) is actually part of the definition that Hebrews 11:1 gives of pistis trusting-relying-faith: “Now pistis ongoing IS-defined-as/exists-as [the singular] inward-confident-trusting-assurance of [plural things] routinely/habitually being elpizomenon ‘hoped-for, like having faith for future promises,’ [the singular] elegchos ‘conviction-confession (b) of things absolutely-in-fact-NOT routinely/habitually being seen.”  The “confession of our elpis hope . . . [is] because He who promised is faithful” (c).


<Notes> a) Romans 10:9-10, b) elegchos:  an inner conviction/persuasion that proves/confirms with solid/compelling evidence [i.e., confession] of God’s in-birthing of faith, thus an internal persuasion or ‘reproof’ from God per 2 Timothy 3:16 regarding Jewish prophetic ‘portions of’ scripture regarding the Messiah being useful in the NT Church – see Logos Word of God – BT6 and – BT7.  In court, it is a charge that is shown to be true, often confessed by the accused. In this case it is a confession of The Truth about Jesus, c) Hebrews 10:23, d) homologeo:  To the speak the same logos message.


This is “the good confession or “Request-for/pledge-of a good conscience” of “Jesus is Lord or Christ in the flesh as our Apostle and High Priest” (a) to “have the Father also” (b) that was also traditionally done during water-baptism in front of at least 2-3 witnesses (c), which was always viewed as “saving you . . . through the resurrection of Jesus Christ” (d), which indicated/proved WHO you “followed as a disciple” (e), and was where “you receive the grace-gift of the Holy Spirit” (f), especially with visible signs of Spirit-baptism for those having trusting-relying-faith (g).  There is a lot at stake if you haven’t been water-baptized!  More on that below. <Notes> a) John 9:22, 12:42; Romans 10:9; 1 Corinthians 12:3; Philippians 2:11; Hebrews 3:1, 4:14; 1 John 4:2-3, 15; 2 John 1:7 – see Salvation – BT9 for historical confessions of faith, b) 1 John 2:23, c) Matthew 3:6; Mark 1:5; 1 Timothy 6:12, d) 1 Peter 3:21 – see Water-Baptism, e) 1 Corinthians 1:12-16, f) Acts 2:38; 1 Corinthians 12:13; implied in Acts 18:24-26, g) Mark 16:16-20; Acts 19:2-7.


“This is the confession of our hope” (a) that is “the good confession in the presence of many witnesses” as we saw above that started the “good fight of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith” (b), but this doesn’t refer to trusting-relying-faith in general but specifically by the use of the definite article to “The Christian Faith once for all delivered to the saints” (c). “For the Gate is narrow and/coupled the Way is routinely/habitually compressed/constricted/confined that is routinely/habitually apago ‘lead, bring, guide away’ eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ zoe genuine-life and/thus those who are routinely/habitually finding it are few” (d), because Jesus is “The Way and/coupled The Truth (e) and/coupled The zoe Genuine-Life – Absolutely-in-fact NO one comes to the Father if in-possibility-NOT dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of Me” (f).  All roads do NOT lead to God!  Jesus is “The Door” (g) and any other way into the sheepfold makes that man a “thief and a robber” (h).  Ultimately if you don’t make it through “The Door” of Christ, you will be “in outer darkness and in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (i).


<Notes> a) Hebrews 10:23, b) 1 Timothy 6:12, c) Jude 1:3, Acts 6:7, 13:8, 14:22; 16:6; 2 Corinthians 13:5; Galatians 1:23; Ephesians 4:13, Philippians 1:25; Colossians 1:23, 2:7; 1 Timothy 1:2, 3:9, 3:13, 4:1, 6, 5:8, 6:10, 12, 21; 2 Timothy 3:8, 4:7; Titus 1:13, 3:15; James 2:1, d) Matthew 7:14, e) The Truth:  a typical reference to Christ per John 1:14, 17, 14:6, 8:30-32; 1 John 2:27, 5:20; Ephesians 4:21 or His gospel logos message about Himself: Galatians 2:5, 14; Ephesians 1:13; Colossians 1:5 – see Truth page, f) John 14:6, g) John 10:9, cf. Revelation 3:20, h) John 10:1, i) Matthew 8:12, 13:42, 50, 22:13, 24:51, 25:30; Luke 13:28.


Even throughout the Christian life, there is a ‘doing/work’ of confessionThe confession of sins not only occurred publicly during water-baptism to become a Christian (a), but routinely/habitually afterwards for healing: “The euche requesting-prayer of trusting-relying-faith will sozo save/heal the one who is sick . . . and/coupled if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.  Therefore confess your sins to one another and/coupled euchomai requesting-praying for one another so that you may be iaomai healed-to-wholeness [because sin can create disease via demons]” (b). <Notes> a) Matthew 3:6; Mark 1:5, cf. Acts 19:18, b) James 5:15-16.


But why is the ergon “doing/work” of confession required for salvation and ongoing forgiveness & cleansing from sin?  It’s actually the only way to “receive” these free gifts-by-grace from God!  The passive word dechomai  means “welcoming in a warm, receptive way” and is used 56 times in the NT, especially of welcoming Christ (a), welcoming the unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace of God (b), or God or Christ welcoming us (c).  If you never let someone that is standing at your door knocking to come into your house, you simply cannot benefit from what they are freely offering!  Jesus’ standing invitation to enter into your life is:  “Behold, I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone akouo hears/listens-to-understand/know My Voice and/coupled [does the work to] opens the door, I will come into Him and/coupled dine with Him, and He with Me” (d).  In those days, this “dining” meant a long night of feasting and intimate koinonia fellowship!  <Notes> a) Matthew 25:35; John 4:45, b) 2 Corinthians 6:1, c) Romans 14:3, 15:7; Luke 8:40, d) Revelation 3:20.


Water-baptism is this external ‘doing/work!’ of internal repentance!  Christ’s Great Commission states:  “that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in His name/authority to all nations” (f).  This is part of the gospel logos message!  “Grief kata down-from/according-to God ergazomai ‘does/works’ repentance eis ‘towards and reaching the goal of’ salvation without regret” (g), but what’s really involved in repentance?  We’ll see below much more about water-baptism! <Notes> a) metanoia: turn the direction of your conviction, from self to Jesus as Lord/Master-Owner – Matthew 3:2, 4:17; Mark 1:15; see also strepho “turn/convert by changing the direction/course of our mind – Matthew 18:3, 19:14; Mark 10:15; Luke 18:17; 1 Peter 2:2, b) Acts 2:38, c) Acts 3:19, d) Acts 20:21, e) Acts 26:20, f) Luke 24:47; Acts 8:22; cf. John’s baptism: Luke 3:3, g) 2 Corinthians 7:10; cf. Acts 5:31.


Video - Part 3: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT15:  Faith requires certain works to grab the gift of salvation

Part 3


Additionally, the active word lambano means “active, aggressive grabbing or laying hold for yourself to accept or receive” and is used 261 times in the NT, not to mention the many forms of it.  It is used especially:  to actively paralambano ‘grab-hold-of to be close-beside’ the preached gospel (a), to actively paralambano ‘grab-hold-of to be close-beside’ Christ Jesus the Lord (b), to actively receive mercy and unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace and the free grace-gift of righteousness (c), to actively receive the forgiveness of sins through Christ’s name (d), to actively receive the inheritance [of eternal life] as your reward (e), to actively receive the promised grace-gift of the Holy Spirit dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying faith (f), and finally to actively receive the grace-gifts from the Holy Spirit (g). <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 15:1; Galatians 1:9, b) Colossians 2:6, c) John 1:16; Romans 1:5, 5:17; Hebrews 4:16, d) Acts 10:43, 26:18, e) apolambano receive-back in Colossians 3:24 and Luke 18:30; lambano in Matthew 19:29; Mark 10:30; Hebrews 9:15, 11:8, f) John 7:39; Acts 2:38; Galatians 3:14, g) 1 Peter 4:10.


Lambano “receiving” is not a passive, mindless, unconscious action like ‘receiving’ something in the mailbox.  No!  It means going out of your house to take it out of the hand of the postman before they are about to put it into the mailbox!  It’s an active, mindful, conscious acquisition!  God offers His free grace-gifts in His open hand, by unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace without work or merit asked of you, but until you lambano reach out and grab it for yourself by trusting-relying-faith, even to paralambano ‘grab-hold-of to be close-beside’ you, those grace-gifts will still be sitting in His hand and not be in your life.  God does not throw any His grace-gifts at anybody, in their faces, or down their throats, nor by twisting their arms to receive it. That’s because His unconditionally-loving nature is infinitely gentle (a). You have to take them from His hand!  See a 12-23-21 Revelation on Lambano receiving God’s gifts to experience them WITH God. <Notes> a) Galatians 5:22-23; 1 Corinthians 4:21; Ephesians 4:2; 1 Timothy 6:11.


In your Christian life, you also have to routinely lambano ‘grab to receive’ the grace-gift of continual forgiveness and cleansing as 1 John 1:5-10 says:  “This is the announcement (a) we have heard from Him (Jesus) and proclaim to you, that God is light and in Him is absolutely-in-fact-NO darkness at all.  1) If we say we have koinonia intimate-fellowship with Him while we presently/ongoingly walk/live in darknesswe lie and/coupled do not practice The Truth (b).  A) However, if we presently/ongoingly walk/live in the light as He is in the light, then we actually have koinonia intimate-fellowship with one another, and/coupled/subsequently the blood of Jesus His Son actually, presently/ongoingly cleanses (c) us from all sin.”  <Notes> a) in context:  of the gospel logos message of The Truthb) The Truth:  a typical reference to Christ per John 1:14, 17, 14:6, 8:30-32; 1 John 2:27, 5:20; Ephesians 4:21 or His gospel logos message about Himself: Galatians 2:5, 14; Ephesians 1:13; Colossians 1:5 – see Truth page, c) katharizo: purify us from all admixture, filth.


John continues:  2) If we say we presently/ongoingly have absolutely-in-fact-NO sin [missing the target of God’s holy character], we planao ‘wander off-course into deception/error’ ourselves and/coupled The Truth (b above) is absolutely-in-fact-NOT in us.  B) If we presently/ongoingly confess our sins, then He is actually, presently/ongoingly trustworthyfaithful and/coupled righteouslyjust in order to definitively/wholly forgive us our sins and/coupled definitively/wholly cleanse (c above) us from ALL (a) unrighteous-injustice (b).  <Notes> a) this is one of the fewer times pas means “the whole of” instead of “every of a kind/class of/portion of” as in 2 Timothy 3:15-16, “pas scripture [the portion that is] God-breathed is profitable for instruction” in the context of v. 15 is referring to Messianic prophetic “oracles of God” [as in Hebrews 5:12 and 1 Peter 4:11] that were able to make Timothy and others “wise unto salvation through trusting-relying-faith in Christ Jesus” – see Logos Word of God – BT7.  In no way would Paul permit the reading of the 5 books of Moses per 2 Corinthians 13:4-18 – see Logos Word of God – BT8, b) violation of God’s justice that brings divine disapproval.


John continues:  3) If we say we have already [with lasting results] absolutely-in-fact-NOT sinned, we make Him a liar and/coupled His logos message (gospel) is absolutely-in-fact-NOT in us.”  There are 3 “If we say” lies or deceptions going on, but 2 parts ‘A & B’ of 1 “The Truth” (b) that is discussed deeper in Surrender Control – BT10.


So many people quote Paul in Romans 10:8-13 about confession for salvation to say the ‘sinner’s prayer’ is enough for salvation, but fail to mention the many other things Paul says, even in the same book of Romans that are REQUIRED for salvation thru justification like Romans 1:16, 2:4, 13:11 but especially earlier in Romans 6:3-11 where Paul explained to his Gentile audience how the Jewish mikvah ritual of water-baptism NOW applies to Christian water-baptism absolutely REQUIRED for salvation by actually participating/uniting in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ in order to receive the promised Spirit (a) dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith” (The Christian Faith) (b).  <Notes> a) cf. Luke 24:49; Acts 2:33, 38; Colossians 2:12-15, 3:1; Ephesians 1:13, 2:5-6, 4:5; 1 Corinthians 1:13-17, 12:13; 1 Peter 3:21, b) Galatians 3:14; cf. v. 3:2, 5, 27.


The NT and early Church do NOT try to separate out the salvation components of:   surrendering control through repentance, proving/confirming confession of sins and of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith that “Jesus is Savior and Lord”, and receiving Spirit-baptism during water-baptism, so that there was “One Baptism” per Ephesians 4:5.  Instead the early Church simply did them, believing they were inseparably integrated and therefore all REQUIRED for salvation.  We already saw many verses in Part 2 above about water-baptism.


It’s all based on the Jewish Tevilah baptism ritual in a Mikveh pool for gerim Gentiles to be converted:  They were made ceremonially “clean” through whole-body self-immersion to wash Hebrew rachatz or Greek louo sins away.  They would first make a “confession of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith” of Judaism before 2-3 witnesses, and then would totally immerse themselves by sitting or getting into a fetal position under the water with a witness or ‘baptizer’ doing the officiating. They would then stretch themselves back into a standing position (a), reciting another blessing as they rose from the water.  See Wikipedia’s History of Baptism and Essene Baptism and Mikveh & Baptism. There is much written about the disappearance of the Essenes after John the Baptist and Jesus arrived – they became Christians!  <Notes> a) just as Jesus went “straightaway out of the water” in His water-baptism in Matthew 3:16; Mark 1:10.


Therefore it is irrelevant to debate whether water-baptism is asaving work” after you read so many verses that couple it with repentance and confession of trusting-relying-faith of “Jesus as Lord” ALL “for the forgiveness of sins” so that “you may receive Spirit-Baptism” and was the core of the Great Commission “to make disciples of all nations, [how? by . . .] routinely/habitually water-baptizing them in the name/authority of the Father and/coupled of the Son and/coupled of the Holy Spirit” as practiced routinely/habitually in the early Church (a), so “now why do you wait?  Rise kai and/coupled be water-baptized kai and/subsequently wash away your sins, calling on His name” (b) – see Water-Baptism<Notes> a) Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38, 41, 8:12-13, 16, 36, 9:18, 10:47-48, 16:14-15, 33, 18:8, 19:5; Ephesians 4:5; Colossians 2:12; 1 Corinthians 12:13, b) Acts 22:16.


As we’ve seen water-baptism has always been a Jewishobedience step of faith” as an external public proving/confirming testimony of a person’s internal trusting-relying-faith.  Neither ‘step’ is saving by itself because they are integrally and inseparably connected.  The unique Christian difference is the NOW “water-baptism is in the name/authority of Jesus Christ” or “Father and/coupled Son and/coupled Spirit” and during it we NOW get “Spirit-Baptism” as the “promised grace-gift of the Father” to receive the Spirit’s grace-gifts (a).  <Notes> a) Matthew 3:11, 16; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; John 1:33; Acts 1:5, 2:38, 10:47, 11:16; 1 Corinthians 12:13; Hebrews 2:4; Mark 16:16-18.


Only later Greek philosophers and western Christian denominations influenced by them would try to separate all these components and say one is saving and one isn’t.  The Anabaptist created the false-teaching of “Believer’s Baptism” as a knee-jerk-reaction to Catholic infant-baptism who were then followed by the Baptists and Dunkards.


However, the NT and early Church kept ALL the components together and so should we!  None of these by themselves are saving:  our “dechomai receiving by warmly-welcoming and lambano grabbing-hold-of” the gospel logos message by a repentant ‘inward turn’ by our ‘inward conviction’ of trusting-relying-faith in Christ by our proving/confirming external confession of sins, or our proving/confirming external confession of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith by our proving/confirming external confession of “Jesus as Lord,” or our water-baptism.  Furthermore, ALL together this saves us ONLY because of Christ’s resurrection, but again it ONLY saves if we FULLY participate by uniting with Christ in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ via water-baptism to get Spirit-Baptized for “One Baptism,” but the only way to do that is to ergo “do/work” ALL the components together as the early Church did (a) – see also Surrender Control, Water-Baptism, and Spirit-Baptism pages.  <Notes> a) see also Matthew 3:11, 28:19; Mark 1:4, 16:16; Luke 3:3, 24:47; Acts 2:38, 41, 8:12-13, 16, 36-38, 9:18, 10:47-48, 16:15, 33, 18:8, 19:3-5, 22:16, Romans 6:3-4, 8, 8:15; 1 Corinthians 13-17, 12:13; Galatians 3:27, 4:5-7; Ephesians 4:5; Colossians 2:12; and 1 Peter 3:21.


In summary, the 5 simple steps of salvation are:  1) akouo hearing/listening-to-understand/know [in your heart] the gospel logos message of Jesus Christ who is The Truth, 2) the routine/habitually having of trusting-relying-faith in Jesus as your Messiah-Savior, the “Anointed-One” Christ, and Supreme-Lord-Master of your life, 3) repenting or turning from your self & sin to the Lord as your Master-Owner that certainly takes surrendering-control, 4) publicly confessing your sin and confessing “Jesus is the Christ as Savior” and “Lord/Master,” 5) and then being water-baptized to “warmly-welcome and grab-hold-of” the Spirit’s baptism.  These are the 5 required ergon “doings/works” for your salvation – see Salvation.  Leave any out and don’t bet on being saved when you stand before the Father at the Great White Throne Day of Judgment.




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Spiritual Education, Work or Law of Faith requires works of repentance confession water-baptism to receive salvation, Faith must do the work of enduring to be faithful and reward with salvation, It takes work to respond to the gospel, Hearing the gospel to understand it is not enough work for salvation, James says saving faith is NOT alone but accompanied by the Law of merciful-love, Paul says all that counts is faith working thru the Law of Love that is Christ’s Law, Christ’s commandments are light because only 2, Internal & External works of salvation were holistically obeyed, None separately can save us, Together it saves us only because of Christ’s work, In One Baptism of water & Spirit people repented & confessed sin & Jesus as Lord, In One Baptism people united with Christ’s death burial resurrection to be born above, Public confession of sin & Jesus as Lord is the external aspect of internal faith & repentance, Routine confession of sins cleanses us, All gifts of God require work to warmly-welcome or grab-hold-to-receive, public confession is part of the definition of faith, There is a work of grabbing the gift of ongoing forgiveness of sins through confession, Christian baptism was an extension of Jewish baptism for salvation with a few changes, Christian baptism was in Christ to receive Spirit-Baptism and Spirit’s Gifts, 5 works of salvation that must be wholly obeyed to be a saving faith

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT14:  Faith in God’s faithfulness for Jesus to be Lord for our salvation




Video:  Obedient Steps of Faith - BT14:  Faith in God's faithfulness for Jesus to be Lord for our salvation



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT14:  Faith in God’s faithfulness for Jesus to be Lord for our salvation



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Obedient Steps of Faith – BT2 we touched on the fact that pistis faith is never in a THING but in the pistis/pistos faithfulness or trustworthiness of God, but especially of Jesus Christ as the Messiah.  We know that “God ongoingly IS-defined-as/exists-as [singular] agape Unconditional-Love” (a) period, just as “the [singular] fruit/essence/nature of the Spirit ongoingly IS-defined-as/exists-as [singular] agape Unconditional-Love” (b), but then Paul lists adjective-nouns without punctuation or conjunctions that further describe this agape Unconditional-Love like flavors of wine that ‘open up’ in the mouth over time:  “joy, peace, makrothumia long-suffering-patience before expressing retributive-force from anger’, kindness, goodness, pistis faith/faithfulness, gentleness, self-control/mastery” (c).  Paul expounds on the characteristics of agape Unconditional-Love in his other letters (d).  <Notes> a) 1 John 4:8, 16; 2 Corinthians 13:11, b) Galatians 5:22; cf. Colossians 1:8; Romans 5:5, 15:30; 1 Corinthians 4:21; 2 Corinthians 6:6, 13:14; Philippians 2:1; 2 Timothy 1:7, c) Galatians 5:23, d) 1 Corinthians 4:21, 8:1, 13:4-7; Romans 12:9-10, 13:10, 14:15, 15:30 unconditional-love of/belonging-to the Spirit”; Ephesians 4:2, 15-16; Philippians 2:1.


Notice that “long-suffering, patience” is associated with pistis trusting-relying-faith (a), even through long-suffering (b) that turns our faith into faithfulness that brings reward (c), and also associated with agape Unconditional-Love as we’ve seen above (d)!  Therefore, ‘long-suffering, patiently-enduring’ pistis faith/faithfulness is the nature of unconditional-love that is the nature of God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!  It saves us from the wrath of God wiping us out in “retributive-force from anger” for our sin – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT16 about enduring faith. <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 1:16; 2 Timothy 3:10; Hebrews 6:12; Revelation 2:19, b) Philippians 1:29; 2 Timothy 1:12; 1 Peter 5:9, c) Revelation 2:10 versus Numbers 14:33, d) cf. 1 Corinthians 13:4; 2 Corinthians 6:6; Ephesians 4:2; 2 Timothy 3:10; Revelations 2:19.


It also makes sense that if we have more of the Holy Spirit’s nature manifesting Himself in us, we will not only have more faith in the Faithful or “Trustworthy One,” but be more faithful to the Lord simply because we will be more “full of faith” – one of the meanings of pistos faithful, as we will explore next.


We saw in Obedient Steps of Faith – BT2 that the Greek word pistos can emphasize “those who have fullness of pistis trusting-relying-faith or loyalty to pistis trusting-relying-faith, thus having faithfulness or trustworthiness.”  This is especially true of Father-God keeping His promises, even to Sarah to have a child in her old age (a), just as we should keep our promises (b), in Father-God calling us (c) into the fellowship of His Son (d), in giving us unwavering public confession of hope [traditionally at water-baptism] for the Day of Christ’s return for us (e), not letting us be tempted beyond our ability to find the way of escape that He has provided (f), establishing and/coupled guarding us against the evil one (g), and so we should entrust our souls to a faithful Creator, even while long-suffering as we do good (h).  <Notes> a) Hebrews 11:11, b) 2 Corinthians 1:18, c) 1 Thessalonians 5:24, d) 1 Corinthians 1:9, e) Hebrews 10:23, f) 1 Corinthians 10:13; g) 2 Thessalonians 3:3, h) 1 Peter 4:19.


Jesus is the “witness to the peoples, a leader and commander” (a) or “faithful witness” (b) or “faithful and true witness” (c) of Father-God, “bearing witness to The Truth” (d), “to what WE have seen” (e) and “heard” (f), accurately conveying God’s logos gospel message by “specific words and sayings” (g).  Even “if we are faithless, Christ remains faithful for He cannot deny Himself” (h) <Notes> a) Isaiah 55:4, b) Revelation 1:5, c) Revelation 3:14, 19:11, d) John 18:37, e) John 3:11, 8:18,  cf. 5:31, 8:13-14, f) John 3:32, g) John 8:26, 40, 12:49-50, 15:10 [10:18], 15:15, 17:8, 14, h) 2 Timothy 2:11-13.


This enduring-faith doesn’t mean we deny we have sinned or will again sin, but that “if we presently-ongoingly confess our sins [that’s the condition to meet, then] He is actually, presently-ongoingly pistos trustworthy-faithful in order to definitively-wholly forgive us our sins and/coupled righteous-just to definitively-wholly cleanse/purify us from ALL unrighteous-injustice” (a), because Jesus is a “merciful and/coupled pistos trustworthy-faithful high priest in the service of God presently/ongoingly to-make-propitiation (b) for the sins of the people” (c).  Who are these people?  John says about Jesus: “He ongoingly IS-defined-as/exists-as the propitiation for our sins, and/but not for ours only but/also for the sins of the whole world” (d).  <Notes> a) 1 John 1:9, b) atoning-sacrifice transference of our unrighteousness for His righteousness by His blood,  c) Hebrew 2:17, d) 1 John 2:2.


But does this propitiation get applied to ALL the people of the world?  Peter tells the God-fearing Gentile-proselytes to Judaism:  “Everyone routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of the name/authority of Christ [they are the ones that] lambano ‘grabs to receive’ forgiveness of sins” (a).  Sure Jesus was sent to the world to be its Savior by taking away its sins and drawing pas ‘all/every of a kind/class/category of’ people to Himself by His crucifixion (b), but “not all obeyed the gospel” (c), and so “all may be condemned who did in-possibility-NOT have trusting-relying-faith-in The Truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (d), for “those who are of self-interest and/coupled routinely/habitually are disobeying The Truth but instead routinely/habitually obeying unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury” (e).  The Universalist and Unitarian churches will be ‘dead in their sins’ wrong on Judgment Day.  <Notes> a) Acts 10:43, b) 1 John 4:14; John 1:29, 4:42, 12:32, c) Romans 10:16, d) 2 Thessalonians 2:12, e) Romans 2:8.


Everybody loves to quote Jesus’ preached gospel in John 3:16 about “God so unconditionally-loved the world that He gave His only Son” but they forget to quote verse 18 that gives only 1 condition to EXPERIENCE God’s saving love:  “Whoever is routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of Christ is absolutely-in-fact-NOT presently/ongoingly judged, but the [one] in-possibility-NOT routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith already has been [with ongoing results] judged because he has in-possibility-NOT already had [with ongoing results] trusting-relying-faith eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of The Name/Authority/Person of the only-begotten (a) Son of God.”  You must meet that 1 condition to be saved – see Salvation.  <Notes> a) monogenes: one-of-a-kind, unique child.


Saving faith is found only in God’s pistos faithfulness through Christ.  King David hoped for it:  “O God, in the abundance of your steadfast unconditional-love answer me in Your saving faithfulness” (a).  But it’s Jesus that says: “Your trusting-relying-faith has saved you” (b), and “makes you well” (c).  James 5:15 also recognizes that “the euche wishing/vowing-prayer of The Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) shall indeed save the one who is sick.”  Paul says we are “saved dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith” (d). <Notes> a) Psalms 69:13, b) Luke 7:50, c) Mark 10:52; cf. Mark 5:34; Matthew 15:28; Acts 3:16; 1 Corinthians 12:9, d) Ephesians 2:8; cf. Acts 15:11, 16:31; Romans 10:9-10; 1 Corinthians 1:21.


Since by definition soteria salvation is “a process of being delivered, rescued, and restored/healed to wholeness,” Peter says that Christians are being “guarded by God’s enabling-power through trusting-relying-faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the Last Time . . . they obtain the outcome of their trusting-relying-faith – the salvation of their souls” (a). Yet Jesus speaks of situations that akouo hearing/listening-to-understand/know the logos message of the gospel does NOT result in “faith that can save you” (b).  Clearly not ALL people in the world will be saved<Notes> a) 1 Peter 1:3-5, b) Luke 8:12; cf. John 12:47.


Paul’s mission is to preach the gospel, not write the New Testament, even though 51% are Paul’s writings:  “God made a choice among you that dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of my mouth the Gentiles should akouo hear/listen-to-understand/know  the logos message of the gospel kai and/moreover (a) to have trusting-relying-faith” (b).  He preached it even in prison, and when his jailor asked ‘Sirs, what must I do to be saved?’ Paul answered: ‘[I strongly urge you to definitively/wholly] have trusting-relying-faith in the Lord Jesus and/thus you shall indeed be saved, you and your household. . . . and they all were water-baptized’” (c). <Notes> a) kai has other meanings than “and/coupled” like “still, besides, also, moreover, likewise, even, indeed, namely, specifically”, b) Acts 15:7, c) Acts 16:31-33,


Paul confirms it:  “For by the means of unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace you have been saved thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith” (a), since “the gospel is [singular] enabling-power of God eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of salvation to everyone who routinely/habitually has trusting-relying-faith” (b). Thus “we preach to save those routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith” (c).  Clearly you need routine/habitual trusting-relying-faith in Christ in order to be saved!   The whole world isn’t going to be saved<Notes> a) Ephesians 2:8, b) Romans 1:16, c) 1 Corinthians 1:21.


The “people of God” (a) are “absolutely-in-fact-NOT of the [whole] world” (b), just as Christ “is absolutely-in-fact-NOT of the world” (c), just as His “kingdom is absolutely-in-fact-NOT of this world” (d), just as “not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel” (e).  As with mankind, “only a remnant of them will be saved” (f).  They are those having “salvation by the means of [singular] holiness/sanctification of/belonging-to the Spirit and/coupled [by the means of] trusting-relying-faith of/belonging-to [singular] Truth” (g). <Notes> a) Matthew 1:21; Luke 1:68, 77; Hebrews 4:9, 11:25; 1 Peter 2:10; Revelation 21:3, b) John 15:19, 17:14-16, c) John 17:14, 16, cf. 8:23, d) John 18:36; Satan owns the world’s kingdoms: Matthew 4:8; Luke 4:5; but in the end Christ owns them:  Revelation 11:15, e) Romans 9:6, f) Romans 9:27, 11:5; Acts 15:17, g) 2 Thessalonians 2:13.


Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:15 that “the sacred gramma writings” (see note ‘2B’ of Logos Word of God – BT4 that limits the writings in mind) that Timothy “from childhood was acquainted with . . .[are limited to] the ones that are able to make you wise eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of salvation dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith in Christ Jesus.”  This is only 2.6% of the OT used to convert Jews and keep Jewish-Christians from lapsing back to the Law, absolutely not all of the OT as many pastors misinterpret the pas graphe “All scripture” in v. 3:16, because pas most often means ‘every/all of a portion/category/kind/class/group of,” just as I showed above, as also the case here by understanding the Greek meaning of vv. 3:15-16  – see Logos Word of God – BT5,  – BT6 and –BT7.




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Spiritual Education, Faith in God’s faithfulness for Jesus to save us, God’s love includes faith & faithfulness, long-suffering patience of Love needed for faith to produce faithfulness for reward, Christ is faithful to us even if we falter because He lives in us by His Spirit, As a faithful High Priest Jesus ongoingly makes atonement for us, When we confess our sin Jesus cleanses us, Jesus’ death was sufficient to save the world but those who don’t have faith in Him remain condemned, Wide is the road that leads to destruction, Jesus is the narrow way to salvation thru faith, Only 2.6% of the Old Testament was used and ONLY to convert Jews to Jesus

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT13:  Being good isn’t enough, Only Jesus makes us Right enough




Video - Part 1: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT13:  Being good isn't enough, Only Jesus makes us Right enough

Part 1



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT13:  Being good isn’t enough, Only Jesus makes us Right enough



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If we try to obey the commandments of the Law to work for our righteousness in order to ‘be good enough,’ we will end up failing miserably and die in our sins unless we instead have trusting-relying-faith in Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah (a), “for the Law made absolutely-in-fact-NOT one thing perfect” (b) and “can in-possibility-NOT perfect the conscience of the worshiper” (c), for “the Law is but a skia ‘shadow, shade, outline, thick darkness’ of the agathos ‘God-like good’ things routinely/habitually coming, absolutely-in-fact-NOT themselves (the good things) the eikon ‘representative-form’ of the [good] things, thus it (the Law) can absolutely-in-fact-NEVER, by the same sacrifices that are continually offered every year, make perfect those who draw near-close-beside [God]” (d), because “by-the-means-of Christ everyone who is routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith is justified/made-righteous from EVERYTHING from which you were absolutely-in-fact-NOT able to be by-the-means-of [singular] Law of Moses” (e).  Since the Law failed on every point, unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace succeeds on every point – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT1 and Obedient Steps of Faith – BT17. <Notes> a) John 8:21, 24, 11:25-26; Romans 7:9, b) Hebrews 7:19, c) Hebrews 9:9, d) Hebrews 10:1, e) Acts 13:39.


Once Christ came, Hebrews 11:6 could NOW state that: “Without trusting-relying-faith it is impossible to please God, for whoever would routinely/habitually proserchomai draw near-close-beside (a) to Him must have trusting-relying-faith that He presently/ongoingly exists (b) and that He becomes a Rewarder for those who routinely/habitually ekzeteo diligently-seek-out-to-find (c) Him.”


<Notes> a) proserchomai:  a Hebraism for “seeking an audience with, approaching, inquiring of, calling on to visit, or be heard by” God, thus closely akin in spelling and meaning to proseuche conversational-prayer and proskuneo worship, b) that He’s really THERE to have a relationship with, c) ek + zeteo for the Hebrew darash: search out diligently in order to find, investigate, desire/crave, aim/strive after – another Hebraism throughout the OT for diligent worship in order to find God:  Proverbs 8:17; Isaiah 58:2; Jeremiah 29:13; Amos 5:4.  Jesus used this common OT phrase “You will seek Me” to rub it into the Pharisees and scribe that they will NOT find God this time and die in their sins for their rejection of Him:  John 6:26, 7:34 36, 8:21, 13:33, cf. Proverbs 1:28; Romans 10:20 citing Isaiah 65:1.


Paul makes it clear in Romans 8:2-3 that Christians should have absolutely NOTHING to do with the old covenant or Law, or teachers of it – we are to be freed from its yoke of slavery:  “The Law of the Spirit of zoe genuine-life has set you free [from slavery] in Christ Jesus from the [OT] Law of sin and death, for God has done what the Law [of commandments], [which is] asthenes ‘beggarly-poor, weak, feeble, and impotent’ by the flesh, was adunatos absolutely-powerless-to-accomplish” (a), just as we saw above!


Paul continues: “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (a), which in context is liberty from the slavery of the Law of sin and death, and warns of “those (false brothers) who have slipped in to spy out our freedom [from the slavery of the Law] that we have in Christ Jesus, so that they might bring us back into slavery [to the Law of sin and death]” (b), especially warning about them Law-teachers (c).  Romans 14 is written about how to handle Jewish-Christians who were “weak in faith” because they still feel compelled to follow Jewish dietary Laws to be more ‘right’ with God. <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 3:17, b) Galatians 2:4, c) Romans 2:20-21.


Paul warned his preachers-in-training to:  “charge certain persons in-possibility-NOT to teach any different doctrine (a) nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies (b), which promote speculations (c) rather than God’s oikonomia household-management-plan that is by-the-means-of trusting-relying-faith . . . Certain persons, by swerving from this, have wandered away into vain/fruitless discussion, desiring to be teachers of the Law” (d).  Paul also said: “put these things before the brethren, being a good servant of Christ Jesus, ongoingly being entrepho nourished/educated by the logos messages of/belonging-to The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) and/coupled the [singular] kalos ‘beautiful, harmonious, excellent, praiseworthy’ teaching that you have followed” (e).  Faith-teaching is what’s beautiful!  Even Peter says, “Live as people who are free [from the Law of sin and death]” (f).


<Notes> a) Paul taught:  Jesus is our hope in 1 Timothy 1:1 by ‘The-trusting-relying-Faith‘ in v. 1:2 that unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace, mercy, and peace are from the Father and/coupled Jesus our Lord, b) a Jewish tendency: 1 Timothy 1:4; Titus 3:9, c) for debate and arguments: 1 Timothy 1:7, 6:4; 1 Corinthians 1:20; Colossians 2:4; 2 Corinthians 10:5, d) 1 Timothy 1:3-7, cf. 1 Timothy 6:3; Galatians 1:6-7; cf. Romans 16:17 that says “watch out for them . . . avoid them,” e) 1 Timothy 4:6, f) 1 Peter 2:16.


“The Law is holy, . . . righteous and/coupled kalos ‘beautiful, harmonious, excellent, praiseworthy’ good” (a), but NOT if used unlawfully, that is against Christians who are “freed from the Law” (b), as Paul explains in 1 Timothy 1:8-11, because Christians are no longer “unjust, lawless, disobedient, ungodly, sinners, unholy and profane/unclean,” for the Law was for such as these and those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, practicing homosexuals, enslavers, liars, perjures and whatever else that is contrary to the sound doctrine [of Jesus] (c) that is kata down-from/according the gospel of the glory of the blessed God, which I have been entrusted.”  Instead, Christ has made Christians justified, law-abiding, obedient, godly, saints, holy, clean, so the Law doesn’t apply to them, so it would be “unlawful” to do so!  Yet so many Christians and churches insist on adding at least 1-10 of the Law’s commandments back in, thus creating The Great Wall quenching the Spirit in the Church. <Notes> a) Romans 7:11, 16, b) Romans 6:14, 18, 7:3-4, 8:2, c) see also 1 Timothy 6:3; 2 Timothy 1:13, 3:10, 4:3, 6; Titus 1:9-10, 13, 2:1-2.


Later in 1 Timothy 4:1-3, Paul warns Timothy:  “Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from The Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and/coupled teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage (a) and require abstinence from foods (b).”  Later in 1 Timothy 6:20-21, Paul warns:  “Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called ‘gnosis informational-knowledge’, which some routinely/habitually are professing – [they] have gone astray from The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith).” <Notes> a) as does the Catholic Church, Eastern Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox, b) as do the Trappist monks, Franciscans, Benedictines, Carthusians, Cistercians, and Seventh-day Adventists, with meat-free celebrations of Lent by Anglicans, Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, and Orthodox denominations.



Video - Part 2: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT13:  Being good isn't enough, Only Jesus makes us Right enough

Part 2


Similarly Paul warns Timothy about the Law-teachers in 2 Timothy 2:14-16 “do not quarrel about words . . . avoid irreverent babble for their talk will spread like gangrene,” and in 2 Timothy 3:1-11 “In the last days . . . people will be . . . having the ‘outward appearance or external form’ of godliness, but denying the [Spirit’s] dunamis enabling-power of it – avoid such people . . . some men (a) are always learning (b) but never able to arrive at the genuine, full, experiential, relational epiginosko knowing of The Truth, (c) . . . men who oppose The Truth (c), men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith). . . You, however, have followed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my trusting-relying-faith, my patience, my unconditional-love, my steadfastness, my persecutions, and sufferings.” <Notes> a) or the ‘weak women’ certain men taught, b) to increase rational gnosis knowledge or sunesis understanding, c) these were the teachers of the Law, who opposed Jesus Christ who is The Truth.


Similarly Paul warns Titus to be:  “avoiding foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and/coupled quarrels [all these] about the Law for they are anopheles ‘unprofitable or useless’ and/coupled mataios ‘purposeless, groundless, or baseless” (a).  Nevertheless Jewish scholarly debate is still encouraged to ‘unlock’ the scriptures through all these methods, and the Jews still see it as “loving God with their minds” to obey the Law (b). <Notes> a) Titus 3:9, b) Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27.


Paul says that:  “Whatever the Law says it speaks to THOSE who are UNDER the Law” (a), but “All who are out-of/from the works/doings of/belonging-to the Law are UNDER a curse” (b).  The Jews ‘belong to’ the Law!  However, Peter says Christians are to instead be living as “bond-servants (c) of/belonging-to God” (d).  In fact, Christians are to “absolutely-in-face no longer be UNDER the Law but under unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace” since it should be true of them that they “are being led by the Spirit” (e), for “BEFORE The Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) erchomai ‘came from one place to another’ (i.e., hidden to be revealed) we were held captive subjugated-under the Law, imprisoned, [until the] eis toward-and-the-reaching-the-goal-of The ‘About-To-Happen’ Trusting-Relying-Faith was revealed” (f), but “when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His son, . . . to ‘fully out and out buy to redeem/purchase [as with slaves]’ those who were under the Law” (g).  See Logos Word of God – BT5a and – BT8. <Notes> a) Romans 2:12; Jews – 1 Corinthians 9:20, b) Galatians 3:10, c) freed slaves who chose to still serve their masters, d) 1 Peter 2:16, e) Roman 6:14-15; 1 Corinthians 9:20-21; Galatians 5:18, f) Galatians 3:23, g) Galatians 4:4-5.


Thus righteousness thru Christ ALONE is the NT’s gospel logos message:  “The righteousness of God is revealed (a) – from [one step of] trusting-relying-faith to [another step of] trusting-relying-faith” (b), “manifested apart from the Law, although the Law and Prophets bear witness/testify to it – the righteousness of God dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith in Jesus Christ for all who routinely/habitually have trusting-relying-faith . . . made/declared-righteous by His unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace as a free grace-gift, thru-the-realizing-channel-of the redemption (c) that is by the means of Christ Jesus, whom God publicly displayed at His death [to be] a propitiation (d) dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith by the means of His blood toward-reaching demonstrable-proof of His righteousness dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of the remission of sins . . . that God might be just/righteous and the justifier/righteous-maker of the one who has trusting-relying-faith in Jesus” (e).  <Notes> a) uncovered from being hidden, b) a common Greek idiom meaning step by step to the end:  Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38, c) by ransom payment as for freeing as slave being auctioned, d) substitutional atonement – our unrighteousness transferred to Christ and His righteousness transferred to us, e) Romans 3:21-22, 26.


We are to be just like with Abraham, having “trusting-relying-faith counted/credited to us as righteousness as well . . .the righteousness of trusting-relying-faith . . . a righteousness that is by trusting-relying-faith . . . the righteousness based on trusting-relying-faith” (a), “absolutely-in-fact-NOT having a righteousness of my own that comes from the Law, but that which comes through trusting-relying-faith in Christ, the righteousness from God epi rests-upon-the-basis-on The-Trusting-Relying-Faith” (The Christian Faith) (b), “the righteousness [that is] kata down-from/according-to trusting-relying-faith” (c). You would think after the NT says it so many times Christians would believe it, but many don’t, so they go back to at least 1-10 of the 613 OT commandments or start making up their own from various teachings of Christ – the Internet erroneously says there are are least 1,050 of them! <Notes> a) Romans 4:9, 11, 13, 22, 9:30, 10:6, b) Philippians 3:9, c) Hebrews 11:7.


If you don’t have trusting-relying-faith that Jesus is the prophesied Messiah-Christ of the OT even after reading 61 prophecies, then you are defying the astronomical statistical odds and thus highly irrational, or just plain hard-hearted and defiant against God.  If you can still be an agnostic or atheist after reading 365 prophecies, then you are either unconscious, mentally disabled, insane, or just really pissed off at God – see Salvation – BT4:  Jesus fulfilled 365 Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah.




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Spiritual Education, Good deeds isn’t enough, Only Jesus can make us righteous, The Law failed at every point so faith in Christ’s grace succeeds at every point, Faith requires diligent seeking of God, Following the Law in any way makes you ‘weak in faith,’ Paul prohibited Law-teachers in the Church, Paul prohibited any commandment of the Law in the Church, Many churches have some part of the Law so have fallen from Grace, bible-students are often ever-leaning but never relationally knowing Jesus The Truth, Christians are no longer under Law but under Grace that is the opposite, We are credited with righteousness by faith like Abraham before the Law came, Jesus defied astronomical odds to fulfill 365 Messianic prophecies so it’s logical to have faith

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT12: Faith comes from seeing Jesus NOT limited to bible verses about him




Video: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT12: Faith comes from seeing Jesus NOT limited to bible verses about him



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT12: Faith comes from seeing Jesus NOT limited to bible verses about him



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Paul makes it clear in 2 Corinthians 3:1-18, since Jewish-Christians are NOW the “epistole handwritten letters of God, written absolutely-in-fact-NOT by-the-means-of ink but by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit of the Living God on human hearts (a) . . . we are ministers of a completely-different-in-kind New Covenant, absolutely-in-fact-NOT of [singular] gramma writing (b) but instead of [singular] Spirit, for the gramma writing (b) kills, but the Spirit gives zoe genuine-life. . . . but their (Jewish people’s) minds were hardened for to this very day, whenever they read the old covenant, the same veil (c) remains unlifted . . . yes, to this very day whenever Moses is read a veil lies over their hearts . . . Now the Lord [Jesus] is the Spirit and/coupled where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom [from the slavery to sin and the Law of sin and death]. . . but we [Christians] with unveiled faces, as we are routinely/habitually katoptrizo ‘gazing with wide-open eyes as into a mirror’ the glory of the Lord [Jesus] are presently/ongoingly being metamorphically-transformed-into the same image [in the mirror, reflected from within you], from [one level of] glory to [another level of] glory, just-as away-from the Lord [Jesus], [singular] Spirit.”  Transformation doesn’t come from bible-study, especially of Moses’ writings or anything based on the Law, but from the Spirit by staring at Jesus within us, which is prophetic vision – see Prophetic-Rhema and Obedient Steps of Faith – BT7 and – BT11.


<Notes> a) cf. Romans 2:15, 10:8-9; Jeremiah 17:1, 31:33 cited in Hebrews 8:10, 10:16, b) in context, not just the Mosaic writings of first 5 books of the OT or the Pentateuch, but particularly the old covenant or Law – see Logos Word of God – BT4, c) the veil over Moses’ face hide God’s glory at the giving of the Law from the people because they were afraid, but also because Moses didn’t want them to see that it was “fading away,” I believe because he had trouble leading them all along.


The bible is something that you can ‘see,’ but didn’t Paul say we are to be “in-possibility-NOT to routinely/habitually skopeo ‘attentively observe, contemplate, or take heed with scrutiny’ the things routinely/habitually blepo ‘physically seen with our eyes’ but-instead the things in-possibility-NOT blepo ‘physically seen with our eyes,’ for the things routinely/habitually blepo ‘physically seen with our eyes’ are temporary.  However, the things in-possibility-NOT routinely/habitually blepo ‘physically seen with our eyes’ [are] eternal” (a) . . . for we presently/ongoingly walk-all-around dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith, absolutely-in-fact-NOT dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of eidos ‘outward, visible appearance of what is physically seen” (b)” (c).  We are NOT supposed to be “routinely/habitually aphorao ‘attentively looking away from all else to fix our distinct gaze upon in order to correctly discern” the bible, but upon “Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our trusting-relying-faith” (d). <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, b) although derived from eido, eido is most often used of prophetic, visionary, mental ‘seeing’ to perceive/understand/know, c) 2 Corinthians 5:7, d) Hebrews 12:2.


So, if you read the bible like I do, don’t get stuck with what you physically ‘see’ – ask the Lord to show you what is NOT visible, for ‘a picture is worth a 1000 words,’ and based on the last BLOG on hearing, ask the Lord to akouo hear/listen-to-understand/know what He PRESENTLY has to say instead of just reading what 2000-3500 year old writers said in a bible loosely collected hundreds of years after the fact by mere men.  You do know that many of the writers claim no inspiration or even mention when they are interjecting their opinions?  However, when I am “in the Spirit,” the Lord ‘downloads’ volumes to me between words and lines, and He will for you if you ask with trusting-relying-faith!  Only your faith limits your experience!


You get from the Lord pretty much only what you have trusting-relying-faith to handle – if just the bible, then that’s only what you get!  We have already seen in Obedient Steps of Faith – BT5, that elpis hope or “expectant trusting-relying-faith for future events” is based on the level of your trusting-relying-faith NOW.


Is your trusting-relying-faith limited to trusting, relying, depending on God to speak to you ONLY through a bible of men’s writings who once had first-hand contact with God, but long after this fact were loosely collected by many other men, many who were no longer directly in contact with God, especially if you read the early Church writings to see that many were very politically motivated?  Then that is YOUR limitation.


If you can still do this after finding out thru Bible-Info that countless manuscripts having been lost or destroyed by the ravages of time and warring invasions, and that scholars are still arguing over what the actual text is from those that we have found, let alone an accurate translation of them, then that’s YOUR limitation and you get what your trusting-relying-faith can accept!  Your reality is limited by your faith!


If you simply don’t believe these facts I’ve stated, start using Wikipedia and other scholarly resources to dig into these topics:  Bible Manuscripts, Textual Variants, Textual Criticism, Bible Translation, and Bible Canon.  You will be absolutely shocked that many of YOUR views of the bible gathered from pulpit and Christian book tidbits are not based on much fact!  Of course, God can always make a rock, a donkey, the hard-hearted high priest Caiaphas speak for Him, even from a 2000-3500 year old bible – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT7.


However, God’s PREFERENCE is for us to have trusting-relying-faith and by that to relentlessly ask, seek, and knock, looking with eager expectation for His answer.  He wants to koinonia partner with us!  If you have trusting-relying-faith in God’s promised-Spirit that you can akouo hear-to-understand/know first-hand prophetic rhema words just as much as the original writers did, even from such verses about “the promises” of the Spirit (a), then that’s exactly what you will get also!  Our trusting-relying-faith is the only thing that limits us having a genuine, full, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of God! <Notes> a) Acts 1:4, 2:17-18, 33, 39.


So instead of all this complicated study, you COULD take amazingly easy, childlike, obedient step of faith to better understand The Truth  – see also Bible Info – BT2:   You can go “boldly before the throne of unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace” (a) and “routinely/habitually be asking, seeking, and knocking UNTIL you receive, UNTIL you find, and UNTIL the door is opened” (b), in order that “the eyes of your heart to be enlightened/illuminated, that you may eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know ” (c) in order that “you might definitively/wholly be filled-to-complete with the genuine, full, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of His will by-the-means-of all-kinds-of Spirit-kind-of sophia wisdom and/couple sunesis ‘connect-the-dots’ understanding-knowledge” (d).  That is really the ‘easy button!’  The way of the bible scholar is extremely difficult!  The NT does not have much positive to say about bible-students of their day but does much about being like a little-child before reading age to see & know God (e) – see Least Among Us – BT8. <Notes> a) Hebrews 4:16, b) Matthew 7:7-8; Luke 11:9-19, c) Ephesians 1:18, d) Colossians 1:9, e) Matthew 11:25, 18:3, 19:14; Luke 10:21; John 5:39-40.




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Spiritual Education, Faith comes from seeing Jesus NOT limited to bible verses about him, Transformation comes from prophetically gazing upon Jesus as the Spirit within us, Christians are NOW the writings of God, We are to fix our gaze upon Jesus NOT a bible, We are to look beyond the physical at the invisible by the Spirit, Easier than bible study is childlike boldness to ask seek knock before God’s throne

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT11:  The Spirit’s Promise for direct Prophetic learning of Christ




Video - Part 1: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT11:  The Spirit's Promise for direct Prophetic learning of Christ

Part 1



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT11:  The Spirit’s Promise for direct Prophetic learning of Christ



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See also Prophetic Rhema Word of God.  The real promises of supernatural, zoe genuine-life are through the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words of Christ’s Holy Spirit (a), which is God’s singular “Word” (b) spoken faithfully by Jesus (c) because He had the Holy Spirit without measure (d). This sure isn’t reading bible verses but humbly opening your eyes, ears, and heart to “every directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word that comes from the mouth of God that man shall zoe genuinely-live on” (e). <Notes> a) John 6:63, 68, b) John 8:47, c) John 17:8; 14:10, d) John 3:34, e) Matthew 4:4 citing Deuteronomy 8:3.


Many preachers hold up a thick bible and proclaim: “The bible is God’s Word that will never come back empty-handed, but accomplish what it was sent out to do.”  However, God actually says:  “My [singular] directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word that goes out of My mouth that … shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it for” (a).  It is ONLY directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words of God that make nothing impossible for Him (b).  It is ONLY them that have the Spirit’s power to create universes (c).  It is Christ’s powerfully-enabling Voice that His sheep actually akouo hear/listen-to-understand/know (c), the same Voice that sustains all things (d).  It is ONLY God’s rhema word endures forever and it is ONLY this that originally made up the content of the preached gospel logos message (e).  This verbal preaching, NOT writing, is the apostles’ witness/testimony (f).  Their gospel logos message of rhema words ALONE can save us (g), because it is ONLY Christ’s rhema words that will judge all people on the last day (h).  <Notes> a) Isaiah 55:11, b) Luke 1:37, c) John 10:27, d) Hebrews 1:3, e) 1 Peter 1:25; Acts 5:20, f) Acts 5:32, g) Acts 11:14, h) John 12:47-48.


The phrase “preach the gospelis used at least 26 times and so naturally “trusting-relying-faith comes from akouo hearing/listening-to-understand/know de and/moreover akouo hearing/listening-to-understand/know through-the-realizing-channel-of [singular] directly-spoken rhema word of Christ” (a), “but how are they going to akouo hear/listen-to-understand/know [Christ call them to Himself] without someone preaching” (b)?  Many have testified hearing so many words from a preacher, but gravitating to 1 word they are hearing inside them, and it was this word that compelled to trusting-relying-faith in Christ!  <Notes> a) Romans 10:17, b) Romans 10:14.


Again, “We heard of your trusting-relying-faith in Christ Jesus  . . . Of this you have heard before in the logos message of The Truth (a) – the gospel – which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing, just as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and/coupled understood the unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace of God in/by/with [singular] Truth” (b).  Therefore, Paul asks: “Proseuchomai conversationally-pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the logos message, to laleo ‘speak with voice’ the mystery of Christ” (c), “the mystery of the gospel” (d).  <Notes> a) The Truth:  a typical reference to Christ per John 1:14, 17, 14:6, 8:30-32; 1 John 2:27, 5:20; Ephesians 4:21 or His gospel logos message about Himself: Galatians 2:5, 14; Ephesians 1:13; Colossians 1:5 – see Truth page, b) Colossians 1:4-6, c) Colossians 4:3, d) Ephesians 3:6, 6:19.


Finally, Paul concludes:  “For Christ . . . sent me to preach the gospel, absolutely-in-fact-NOT by-the-means-of wisdom of/belonging-to logos messages, lest the cross of Christ should be made of no effect.  For the logos message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are routinely/habitually being saved (a) it is the enabling-power of God.  For it is written:  ‘I will destroy the sophia wisdom-knowledge of the wise, and bring to nothing the sunesis connect-the-dots rational, inductive-reasoning understanding-knowledge of the understanding ones.’  Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the sophia wisdom of this world? For since, in the wisdom of/belonging-to God, the world through [human] sophia wisdom did absolutely-in-fact-NOT experientially, relationally ginosko know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the kerugma proclamation/heralding-preaching to save those who routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith (b).  <Notes> a) soteria salvation is “a process of being delivered, rescued, and restored to wholeness”, b) 1 Corinthians 1:17-21.


There simply isn’t anything in the New Testament about reading ancient bible writings!  From 1980 to 2008 I only knew about God through gnosis-informational-knowledge via bible study, but once I learned how to actually akouo hear/listen-to-understand/know from God I really started to genuinely, fully, experientially, relationally epiginosko know Him – see About-My Story, My Spirit-Baptisms, and My Prophetic Words.


If you still insist on reading the bible, as I am doing to write this, you have to realize that NT trusting-relying-faith doesn’t come from reading or studying its 2000-3500 year-old words interpreted by mere men to translate into our many languages – and there are 900 English versions alone and most differ quite a bit – see Bible Info.  Instead, according to Paul in Romans 10:6-9, “The righteousness [of God] based on trusting-relying-faith says . . . ‘The directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that is, the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word of trusting-relying-faith that we proclaim [in their gospel logos messages], because if you [traditionally, publicly before 2-3 witnesses at water-baptism] confess with your mouth that ‘Jesus is Lord/Master’ and/coupled have trusting-relying-faith in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall actually be saved.


Thus in Romans 10:17,  “So The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) [is] ek out-from akouo hearing/listening-to-understand/know de and/moreover this akouo hearing/listening-to-understand/know dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of [singular] directly-heard/spoken rhema word of/belonging-to Christ.”  Yes, there needs to be a gospel logos message preached about Jesus for people to put their trusting-relying-faith in Jesus, but it is NOT read, as Paul explains in verse 10:14, “How then will they call on Him [for salvation from v. 13] in whom they have not had trusting-relying-faith?  And how are they to have trusting-relying-faith in Him of whom they have never akouo heard-to-understand/know?  And how are they to akouo heard-to-understand/know without someone preaching?”  Paul never envisioned the gospel heard by reading the bible!  The Voice of Christ is akouo heard during the preaching of the gospel logos message of/belonging-to Christ.



Video - Part 2: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT11:  The Spirit's Promise for direct Prophetic learning of Christ

Part 2


This is how we really GET the gospel:  “Their voice that has gone out to all the earth, their directly-spoken/heard rhema words to the ends of the world” (a) – not by reading about any logos messages in a bible 2000-3500 years later!  When people akouo heard-to-understand/know Jesus speak His gospel logos message, that’s when they could experience trusting-relying-faith (b).  Rhema words need to “be near us, that is, in our mouths” (c) and “written on the tablets of our hearts” as was promised, “absolutely-in-fact-NOT on stone or with pen and ink” (d).  Rhema words are what we are to “treasure up and ponder” (e).  Christ’s directly-spoken/heard rhema words are what is to meno “remain/dwell in us,” and if they do, then our prayers are answered (f).  Rhema is the voice of the Holy Spirit spoken through the apostles and prophets (g), thus it is the very nature of prophecy (h) – see Prophetic-Rhema.


<Notes> a) Romans 10:18 cited from Psalms 19:14, b) John 2:22, 4:42, 50, 5:24; Luke 8:12-15), just as in the NT Church (Acts 4:4, 13:48, 15:7, 18:8, 21:20; Romans 10:14, 16; Ephesians 1:13, c) by the public confession of our faith, traditionally done at water-baptism: 1 Timothy 6:12; Hebrews 10:23, d) Romans 2:15, 10:8-9; 2 Corinthians 3:2-3; Jeremiah 17:1, 31:33 cited in Hebrews 8:10, 10:16; not our writing on our hearts as in Proverbs 3:3, 7:3, e) Luke 2:19, 51; Job 23:12; Hebrew emer  ‘My utterance’ Proverbs 2:1, 7:1, cf. Psalms 4:4, 101:2; Proverbs 15:28, f) John 15:7, g) Acts 28:25; Romans 10:18, h) nebuah, propheteia: a discourse emanating from divine inspiration.


This is because Jesus said in John 10:16, 27, 18:37  “My sheep that are not of this fold, I must bring them in also, and they shall indeed akouo hear/listen-to-understand/know My phone Voice . . . My sheep presently/ongoingly are akouo hearing/listening-to-understand/know My phone Voice. . . Everyone who is of/belongs-to The Truth (a) presently/ongoing akouo hears/listens-to-understand/know My phone Voice.”  Yes, the Greek word phone is where we get our English word “telephone” – you don’t read and study rhema words on a phone but listen to them spoken directly to you!  <Notes> a) The Truth:  a typical reference to Christ per John 1:14, 17, 14:6, 8:30-32; 1 John 2:27, 5:20; Ephesians 4:21 or His gospel logos message about Himself: Galatians 2:5, 14; Ephesians 1:13; Colossians 1:5 – see Truth page.


Directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words are revealed/un-hidden by the Holy Spirit’s prophecy thru visions and dreams as ‘The Promise’ for the entire Church age (a), for the “testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy” (b). “Akouo hearing/listening-to-understand/know with trusting-relying-faith, absolutely-in-fact-NOT the works of the Law” is how we “receive the promised Spirit” (c) and how we are “perfected/completed to maturity” (d).  Encountering Jesus directly is what transforms us, not reading about Him in an old, dusty bible – 2 Corinthians 3:1-18! <Notes> a) Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4, 2:17-18, 33, 39, b) Revelation 19:10, c) Luke 24:49; Acts 2:33; Ephesians 1:13, d) Galatians 3:2-3, 5, 14, 22.


The gospel logos message was preached everywhere by the early Church and its ministers (a) as a logos message of their testimony/witness, even to the end of the ages despite persecution (b).  It was also taught as the “sound doctrine of trusting-relying-faith, of unconditional-love, and of godliness” to preachers-in-training of high moral character to correct those who would contradict it (c).  It is the “logos message of/belonging-to Christ that is to dwell in us richly” (d), but how does that happen?  <Notes> a) Acts 4:31, 6:2, 7, 8:14, 25, 40, 10:36, 11:1, 12:24, 13:5, 7, 46, 14:7, 21, 15:17, 16:10, 17:13, 18:11; Romans 1:15, 20, 16:25; 1 Corinthians 1:17, 9:14, 16, 18, 15:1; 2 Corinthians 2:12, 8:18, 10:16, 11:4, 7; Galatians 1:8-9, 11, 2:2, 3:8, 4:13; Ephesians 6:19; Philippians 1:14; Colossians 1:23, 25; 2 Timothy 2:8-9; 1 Thessalonians 1:6, 8, 2:9, 13; 2 Thessalonians 3:1; Titus 2:5; 1 Peter 4:6; Hebrews 13:7; Revelation 14:6, b) Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:9; Luke 21:13; John 15:27, 21:24; Acts 8:25, 20:24; Philippians 1:13-14; 2 Timothy 1:8; Revelation 12:11, c) Galatians 6:6; 1 Timothy 1:10, 6:3; 2 Timothy 1:13; Titus 1:9, 2:1, 5.


It is thelogos message of/belonging-to God” that NOW dwells [by the Holy Spirit] IN Christians to overcome the evil one (a).  It is the “logos message of/belonging-to God” that makes all things (b) holy, but this isn’t the OT scriptures but-instead the gospel logos messages of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) (c).  It is the “kalos ‘beautiful, inspiring, praiseworthy goodness’ (d) of the gospellogos message of/belonging-to God and/coupled the dunamis enabling-power [of the Holy Spirit] of the age to come,” which in context is signs, wonders, and miracles, that Jewish-Christians had already “tasted” (e), but they were urged to go on ‘gobbling’ it up!  <Notes> a) Colossians 3:16; 1 John 2:14, b) even that forbidden by the OT, c) 1 Timothy 4:5-6, d) see ‘good grace-gifts’ of Matthew 7:11; Luke 11:13, e) Hebrews 6:5.


The Church is “sanctified/made-holy by cleansing her with the washing of the water (a) by the prophetic rhema word of Christ” (b) – not bible verses!  Christians are meant to “taste the good directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word of God and/coupled the dunamis enabling-power [of the Holy Spirit] of the age to come of the coming age” (c) and ‘gobble up’ more – not bible study!  Spiritual warfare is to be fought with “the sword of the Spirit, which is the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word of God” (d), not bible verses!  <Notes> a) likely a reference to the Spirit in water-baptism, b) Ephesians 5:26, c) Hebrews 6:5, d) Ephesians 6:17.


Jesus told us the secret of answered deesis supplication-prayer:  “If you definitively/wholly meno remain-connected in Me and/couple My directly-spoken/heard [singular] prophetic rhema word definitively/wholly meno remains in you, ask and it will be done for you” (a) – not bible verses!  We’ve already said all this, but it bears repeating!  <Notes> a) John 15:7.


There’s 77 promises of the rhema ‘Word of God’ in the NT, but not that much about logos ‘Word of God” except the power of the preached gospel logos message when it is akouo heard/listened-to-understand/know!  It is the power of God for salvation only if in that preaching you akouo hear the Voice of Jesus to get trusting-relying-faith.  Our 900 English bibles really are covering up the truth – see Bible Info.


As important as logos messages of God are as Jesus Christ, the Living Word/Message (a) or His gospel (b), most of the promises of supernatural, zoe genuine-life, even as the preached gospel, are through the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema word of Christ that are by nature Holy Spirit (c), which is God’s singular rhema “Word” (d) spoken faithfully by Jesus (e), because Jesus had the Holy Spirit without measure (f). This sure is NOT about gramma writings of the bible but “every rhema word that comes from the mouth of God that man shall zoe genuinely-live on” (g). <Notes> a) John 1:1; 1 John 1:1; Hebrews 4:12; 1 Peter 1:23, b) Acts 8:25, 15:7, 18:5, 20:35; 1 Corinthians 1:17; Ephesians 1:13, 6:19; Colossians 1:5; 1 Thessalonians 1:5; 1 Timothy 6:3; 2 Timothy 1:13; Hebrews 12:24; Revelation 1:2, 9; 20:4; Philippians 2:16 implied by context, c) John 6:63, 68, d) John 8:47, e) John 17:8; 14:10, f) John 3:34, g) Matthew 4:4 citing Deuteronomy 8:3.


Many preachers hold up their fat bible and claim: “This bible is God’s Word that will never come back empty-handed, but accomplish what it was sent out to do.”  However, God actually says:  “My [singular] rhema word that goes out of My mouth that … shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it” (a).  Rhema words of God make nothing impossible for Him (b).  They have the Spirit’s enabling-power to create universes (c).  It is Christ’s powerfully-enabling Voice that sustains all things (d).  God’s rhema word endures forever and it is this that originally made up the content of the preached gospel logos message (e) as discussed above.  This verbal preaching is the apostles’ witness (f).  Their gospel logos message of rhema words alone can save us (g), because it is Christ’s rhema words that will judge all people on the last day (h).  Logos messages must get us to hear Rhema or it is useless!   <Notes> a) Isaiah 55:11, b) Luke 1:37, c) Hebrews 11:3, d) Hebrews 1:3; Colossians 1:17, e) 1 Peter 1:25; Acts 5:20, f) Acts 5:32, g) Acts 11:14, 18:8, h) John 12:47-48; Romans 2:16; cf. Deuteronomy 18:18-19 of Jesus as The Prophet who will judge those that don’t listen to Him.


Is it any wonder that of all theSpirit-kind-of grace-gifts to earnestly-desire” Paul strongly urges Christians in 1 Corinthians 14:1 to “especially that you may prophesy,” and then after summing up 38 verses in 1 Corinthians 14:39, Paul again urges:  “so my brethren, [I strongly urge you to] earnestly-desire to prophesy, and in-possibility-NOT to forbid speaking/praying in tongues.”  Yet, many churches disobey both!




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Spiritual Education, The real New Testament promises are about spoken rhema word NOT writings, There are no promises given about the bible as we have it today, Great Commission is about a preached gospel NOT writings, Faith comes from hearing preaching NOT reading scriptures, God’s plan is for people to hear 1 word from Christ, God’s plan is for a preach gospel so Christ can be heard, Christians are supposed to hear the voice of Jesus, Prophetic rhema word gives faith and is the power of the Christian life, Prophetic rhema word is for Spiritual warfare, Prophecy is the Spirit’s gift we are to zealously pursue the most

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT10:  Our faith is the limiting factor to learning from God by the Spirit




Video: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT10: Our faith is the limiting factor to learning from God by the Spirit



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT10:  Our faith is the limiting factor to learning from God by the Spirit



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See also Obedient Steps of Faith – BT6


I can say from personal experience that if you stay in the limited paradigm/mindset of trusting-relying-faith in bible-study to only know gnosis information ABOUT God, no matter how sure you are of it as I once was, it will keep you “snared and trapped with a payback/retribution with your eyes staying darkened and your backs bent forever” (a), also with “a veil that will remain un-lifted to harden your heart” (b)  – see New Covenant Ways – BT17 and – BT18.  Being trapped by a religious book, your stubbornness will keep you from experiencing zoe genuine-life ‘by-the-means-of-the Spirit” (c).  <Notes> a) Romans 11:9-10 citing Psalm 69:22, b) 2 Corinthians 3:14, c) Zechariah 4:6.


Many Christians simply have not grasped the complete difference between the old covenant WAY of obedience FOR God that puts your trusting-relying-faith in your own “might and power” of Zechariah 4:6 and the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant “Living WAY” that puts your trusting-relying-faith  in “by-the-means-of My Spirit, says Yahweh of hosts” – see New Covenant Ways.


If you can’t get out of putting your trusting-relying-faith in the external resources and internal skills & intellectual prowess of your “might and power” or flesh, you simply can’t get into the realm of “by-the-means-of My Spirit resources and abilities (a).  You have to surrender control of the former to embrace the latter because the flesh and Spirit oppose each other (b)!  If you want the Apostle Paul’s experience, you have to make the same trade:  “Whatever gain-profit I had, I have already [with ongoing effects] counted as detrimental-loss dia through-the-realizing-channel-of The Christ.”  <Notes> a) Zechariah 4:6, b) Galatians 5:16-17, 25-26.


Paul continues:  “Therefore indeed I also presently/ongoingly count ALL things as detrimental-loss dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of the surpassing excellent-worth of the gnosis informational-knowledge (a) of/belonging-to Christ Jesus my Lord, dia through-the-realizing-channel-of Whom I have already experienced-the-loss of ALL things kai and/now presently/ongoingly count-as skubalon ‘garbage thrown to dogs’ in order that I may gain Christ and/coupled be found in Him, in-possibility-NOT having my-own righteousness that [is] ek out-from the Law, but instead that which [is] dia through-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith of/belonging-to Christ, the righteousness ek out-from God [that is] upon [the base of] The Trusting-Relying-Faith” (The Christian Faith) (b).  In context, Paul had listed all His accomplishments as a dedicated student and teacher of the scriptures, but it was worthless to him now! <Notes> a) a rare moment that Paul ever speaks positively of gnosis, b) Philippians 3:7-11.


What keeps you stuck in “might and power” is pride, conceitedness, or arrogance, but “God opposes the proud but gives unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace to the humble” (a) who “reverentially-fear-with-awe Him” (b).  Otherwise you will “become puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil” (c), becoming “arrogant people” (d), just as are all false-teachers (e).  “The pride of life . . . is from the world” (f) and is an “evil thing that comes from within to defile a person” (g), and such people God “scatters” (h).  The unconditional-love of the Spirit (i) simply is not arrogant (j).  Thus overseers-bishops-elders “must in-possibility-NOT be arrogant” (k).  However, the last days will see many people who are “lovers of self, . . . proud, arrogant . . . swollen with conceit” (l).


<Notes> a) James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5 citing Proverbs 3:34 and Isaiah 54:7; cf. Philippians 2:3, b) Romans 11:20, c) 1 Timothy 3:6, d) 1 Corinthians 4:19, e) 1 Timothy 6:3-4, f) 1 John 2:16, g) Mark 7:22-23; cf. James 4:16, h) Luke 1:51, i) Galatians 5:22; Romans 15:30; Colossians 1:8; 2 Timothy 1:7, j) 1 Corinthians 13:4, k) Titus 1:7, l) 2 Timothy 3:2-4.


Is your trusting-relying-faith limited to God only being able to speak to you through a bible of men’s writings who once had first-hand contact with God, but hundreds of years after this fact, were loosely collected by many other men, many who were no longer directly in contact with God, especially if you read the early Church writings to see that many were very politically motivated?  Then that is YOUR limitation.  If you can still do this after reading Bible Info and finding out that countless manuscripts have been lost or destroyed by the ravages of time and warring invasions, and that scholars are still arguing over what the actual text is from those manuscripts that we have found, let alone an accurate translation of them, then that’s YOUR limitation and you get what your trusting-relying-faith can accept!  Your reality is limited by your faith!


If you simply don’t believe these facts I’ve state, start using Wikipedia and other scholarly resources to dig into these topics:  Bible Manuscripts, Textual Variants, Textual Criticism, Bible Translation, and Bible Canon – see Bible Info – BT1.  You will be absolutely shocked that many of YOUR views of the bible gathered from pulpit and Christian book tidbits are just not based on much fact!


The NT writers didn’t intend for their letters to be collected into a book, which took 300 years!  There’s absolutely no evidence of this!  They spent most of their time preaching the gospel (a), as they were commissioned to this (b), not be a scribe (c) or teacher (d), even to bear-witness/testifying to the end of the ages, even despite persecution (e), not writing the bible!  When people akouo heard-to-understand/know Jesus speak/preach His gospel logos message, not read about Him in a book, that’s when they could respond with trusting-relying-faith (f), just as in the NT Church (g).


<Notes> a) Acts 4:31, 6:2, 7, 8:14, 25, 40, 10:36, 11:1, 12:24, 13:5, 7, 46, 14:7, 21, 15:17, 16:10, 17:13, 18:11; Romans 1:15, 20, 16:25; 1 Corinthians 1:17, 9:14, 16, 18, 15:1; 2 Corinthians 2:12, 8:18, 10:16, 11:4, 7; Galatians 1:8-9, 11, 2:2, 3:8, 4:13; Ephesians 6:19; Philippians 1:14; Colossians 1:23, 25; 2 Timothy 2:8-9; 1 Thessalonians 1:6, 8, 2:9, 13; 2 Thessalonians 3:1; Titus 2:5; 1 Peter 4:6; Hebrews 13:7; Revelation 14:6, b) Matthew 24:14, 26:13; Mark 13:10, 14:9, 16:15; Luke 24:47-48; Acts 1:2, 10:42; Titus 1:3; 1 Corinthians 9:14, c) 1 Corinthians 1:20, d) Matthew 23:8, e) Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:9; Luke 21:13; John 15:27, 21:24; Acts 8:25, 20:24; Philippians 1:13-14; 2 Timothy 1:8; Revelation 12:11, f) John 2:22, 4:42, 50, 5:24; Luke 8:12-15, g) Acts 4:4, 13:48, 15:7, 18:8, 21:20; Romans 10:14, 16; Ephesians 1:13.


However, the preached gospel was also taught as the sound doctrine of trusting-relying-faith, unconditional-love, and godliness to preachers-in-training of high moral character to correct those who would contradict it (a).  THIS is the “logos message of/belonging-to Christ that is to dwell in us richly” (b).  It is the “logos message of God” that dwells [by the Holy Spirit] in Christians to overcome the evil one (c).  The “logos message of God” that makes all things (d) holy isn’t the OT but the preached gospel logos messages of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) (e); the “goodness (f) of the preached gospellogos message of God and/coupled the dunamis enabling-power [of the Holy Spirit] of the age to come” that early Jewish-Christians had already “tasted” (g), and in context that was signs, wonders, and miracles. <Notes> a) Galatians 6:6; 1 Timothy 1:10, 4:6, 6:3; 2 Timothy 1:13; Titus 1:9, 2:1, 5, b) Colossians 3:16; 1 John 1:10, c) 1 John 2:14, d) even that forbidden by the OT, e) 1 Timothy 4:5-6, f) see ‘good grace-gifts’ of Matthew 7:11; Luke 11:13, g) Hebrews 6:5.


But when the disciples did write, it usually was to individuals (a), individual churches (b) or individual groups within churches (c) to address specific issues like combating deception from teachers (d), rarely to explain the gospel (e), and often because they couldn’t speak in person (f).  <Notes> a) Philemon 1:19, 21; 2 John 1:1, 12; 3 John 1:1, b) 1 Corinthians 4:14; 2 Corinthians 9:1; Philippians 3:1; Colossians 4:18; 2 Thessalonians 3:17; 1 John 2:13-14; Revelation 1:11, c) Gentiles in Acts 15:19-20, d) 1 John 2:21, 26; Jude 1:3; 1 Timothy 1:3-4, cf. 1 John 3:7, 2 John 1:7, e) Luke 1:3; Acts 1:1, f) 2 Corinthians 13:10; 3 John 1:13.


If the NT writers did write something for a general audience, their stated purpose sure wasn’t for later analysis, study, dogma, creeds, apologetics or theology as religious men later have treated them!  They would be appalled we have done with their writings!  Case in point is the stated purpose of John’s gospel to the general public:  “Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are absolutely-in-fact-NOT written in this book; but these things are written so that you might presently/ongoingly have trusting-relying-faith that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and/thus in order that you’all routinely/habitually have trusting-relying-faith [then] you’all might take-hold-to-have zoe genuine-life in His name/authority” (a) and ends with “This is the disciple who is bearing witness about these things, and who has written these things,  . . . Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.”  Evidently, that was NOT their mission! <Notes> a) John 20:30-31.


Furthermore in his later letter to Christians, John said:  “I write these things to you’all in order that you might presently/ongoingly eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know (a) that you presently/ongoing have zoe genuine-life everlasting, those who are routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith in the name/authority of the Son of God” (b).  Paul’s treatise to the Roman world states his purpose for his preaching in the beginning:  “to bring about the obedience of trusting-relying-faith for the sake of Christ’s name/authority among all the nations” (c) and at the end says:  “made known to all nations . . . to bring about the obedience of trusting-relying-faith (d).  Jude says:  “I found it necessary to write to you parakaleo close-beside-encouraging to focus-on-contending for The Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) that was once for all delivered to the saints” (e). <Notes> a) based on a past action: perfect tense, b) 1 John 5:13, c) Romans 1:5, d) Romans 16:26, e) Jude 1:3.


However, if you have trusting-relying-faith in God’s promised-Spirit that you can akouo hear first-hand just as much as the original writers did, even from such verses about “The Promise” as Acts 1:4, 2:17-18, 33, 39, then that’s exactly what you will get also!  Our trusting-relying-faith is the only thing that limits our ability to have genuine, full, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of God thru proseuche conversational-prayer.




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Spiritual Education, Faith in only bible-study to know God is a trap of darkened eyes & bent backs, Paul was an expert bible-student but counted it as LOSS compared to personally knowing Christ, Pride of bible-knowledge is opposed by God, Bible-knowledge is fraught with SO MANY inaccuracies so it’s not the basis of solid faith, Apostles commission to preach the gospel NOT write, Limited specific reasons that anything was written, New Testament writers never envisions a bible, Faith to know God the same way the early disciples did – by the Spirit thru prayer

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT9:  Faith in bible-knowledge versus intimate relationship with Christ




Video: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT9:  Faith in bible-knowledge versus intimate relationship with Christ



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT9:  Faith in bible-knowledge versus intimate relationship with Christ



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Paul’s view of the world’s “wisdom and understanding” is shown in 1 Corinthians 1:17-31: “For Christ . . . sent me to preach the gospel (Great News) absolutely-in-fact-NOT by-the-means-of wisdom of/belonging-to logos messages, lest the cross of Christ should be made of no effect.  The logos message (gospel) of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us . . . the dunamis dynamite-like enabling-power of God, for it is written, ‘I will destroy/thwart the wisdom of the ‘wise ones,’ and/coupled the sunesis rational, inductive-reasoning ‘connect-the-dots’ understanding of the ‘sunetos understanding ones’ I will hide/conceal’ (a). Where is the wise one, the scribe (b), the debater of this age (c)? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? (d). <Notes> a) Isaiah 29:14, b) grammateus: not just professional writers or copiers of gramma writings of graphe scripture, but ‘expert’ interpreters and teachers of it, c) Jew and Gentile religions prided themselves in all of this, d) Yes, the study of scripture for wisdom is just as foolish.


Paul continues:  “For since . . . the world did absolutely-in-fact-NOT experientially, relationally ginosko know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the ‘folly’ of what we preach to save those who have trusting-relying-faith. . . but we preach Christ crucified, a skandalon ‘bait-trigger-for-a-snare, trap, thus a stumbling-stone that sets a trap/snare’ to the Jews, and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called [by God], Christ – the dunamis dynamite-like enabling-power and/coupled wisdom of God.”


Paul continues:  Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is mightier (e) than men.  For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise kata down-from/according-to the flesh, not many mighty (e), not many noble, are called.  But God has chosen the foolish things (f) of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things (f) of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty (e); and the base things (f) of the world and the things which are despised (f) God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that in-possibility-NO flesh might glory in His presence.  But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God – and righteousness and sanctification/holiness and redemption – that, as it is written, ‘He who glories, let him glory in the Yahweh‘.”  <Notes> e)might and power” is the external and internal resources of the flesh – see Identity, f) see Least Among You.


Instead, according to Paul in Ephesians 1:17-19 we get from God “the Spirit’s wisdom and/coupled revelation by-the-means-of the genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of God, having routinely/habitually had the eyes of our hearts enlightened/illuminated in order to eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/understand/know:  1) what is the elpis hope of His calling, 2) what are the riches of His glorious inheritance (a) in the saints, and 3) what is the surpassing greatness of His dunamis dynamite-like enabling-power eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of us, those routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith.


Similarly in Colossians 1:9-12 Paul says: “We have not ceased to proseuchomai conversationally-pray for you and/coupled aiteo ‘asking for, seeking or earnestly desiring for in prayer’ [God] in order that you might be pleroo filled-to-completion with the genuine, full, experiential, relational, epignosis knowledge of God’s will by-the-means-of all [kinds of] Spirit-kind-of sophia wisdom and/coupled sunesis ‘connect-the-dots’ understanding/knowledge.”  The grace-gifts of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12:8 are to be exercised for Body-Ministry include “a logos message of wisdom” and “a logos message of gnosis informational-knowledge (b).  God’s wisdom comes by the Spirit thru prayer – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT27.


<Notes> a) this is “the blessed hope” of glorified transformation into Christ’s likeness for eternal zoe genuine-life with Him: Titus 1:2, 2:12-13; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 2 Thessalonians 1:10; Romans 8:17-18, 29; 1 Corinthians 13:12, 15:42, 52-54; John 5:25, 28; Luke 20:35-36, b) the only times Paul speaks positively of gnosis is if it comes from God:  Romans 2:20, 11:33, 15:14; 1 Corinthians 1:5, 13:2, 8, 14:6; 2 Corinthians 2:14, 4:6, 6:6, 8:7, 10:5; Philippians 3:8; Colossians 2:3.


Proverbs 2:2-5 tells us to diligently seek and listen with our hearts: “Make your ear attentive to Sophia (feminine) Wisdom   . . . your heart to Sunesis (feminine) Understanding . . . If you cry out for Sophia Wisdom and lift up your voice for Sunesis Understanding  . . . If you baqash/zeteo diligently seek (a) HER (e) like silver and/coupled chaphas/exereuneo diligently search out (b) HER (e) like hidden treasure, THEN you will actually suniemi ‘connect-the-dots’ to-understand/know the fear (c) of the Lord and/coupled continually-in-process (d) find/obtain/perceive/discover the genuine, experiential, relational da’ath/epignosis knowledge of God” – see also Proverbs 8:1. The Hebrew word ruach for the Spirit everywhere in the OT is also feminine. <Notes> a) Hebrew baqash:  seek to find, secure, seek the face/person/audience of, desire/demand, require/exact, ask/request; Greek zeteo: searching diligently in order to find, investigate, desire/crave, aim/strive after, b) Hebrew chaphas in the Qal form: search for, think-out/devise, search/test; Greek exereuneo:  search wholly out from, carefully search out with all diligence in an investigative, examining manner of the facts, c) Hebraism: reverential, worshipful awe and respect of, d) imperfect tense, e) the pronoun autos is feminine.




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Spiritual Education, Faith in bible-knowledge versus intimate relationship with Christ, God destroys the world’s wisdom & understanding that couldn’t know God, Christ is the wisdom righteousness and holiness of God, The gospel of the cross is folly to Gentiles and a trap’s stumbling block to Jewish bible-students, wisdom & understanding now given by the Spirit via revelation thru faith, true knowledge is not studied but prophetically seen heard and felt, Knowing God & His will now not read but discerned by practice thru prayer, Christ’s Spirit of Wisdom & Understanding is feminine acquired not by bible-study but by seeking in prayer

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT8:  Faith in Christ is the ONLY point of the bible




Video:  Obedient Steps of Faith - BT8:  Faith in Christ is the ONLY point of the bible



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT8:  Faith in Christ is the ONLY point of the bible



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The Old Testament was written ultimately just to point the Jewish people to “Come to” Jesus/Yeshua – to have pistis trusting-relying-faith in THE PERSON of Jesus Christ who alone perfectly obeyed God to take away our unrighteousness in exchange for His righteousness, which is called “propitiation.”  Paul declared:  “Dia through-the-realizing-channel-of the obedience of the One the many will be ‘authoritatively brought-down to-stand-in-place as righteous” (a), by “a Son that learned obedience through what He suffered” (b), so “being found in human form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross” (c).  We don’t place our trusting-relying-faith in the bible or our own obedience to the Law for righteousness but in Christ’s obedience – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT17 on works of righteousness.  <Notes> a) Romans 5:19, b) Hebrews 5:8, c) Philippians 2:8.


John 20:30-31 explains why John waited until nearly the end of his life to write his gospel logos message account: “Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are absolutely-in-fact-NOT written in this book.  However, these things have already been [with lasting results] written in order that you might have trusting-relying-faith that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith you might have everlasting zoe genuine-life in His name/authority.” And later in John 21:25 he says: “Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.”


All the gospel logos message accounts were written fairly late (68-100 AD), so apparently it was more of an after-thought by the apostles, because only 4 of the 13 wrote anything down at all – Paul writing 51% of the NT – since Mark, Luke, Barnabas (book of Hebrews), and James weren’t even apostles.  And Mark and Luke were Gentiles that didn’t even know Jesus, disciples of Paul’s that simply collected information to later report, with no mention that the Holy Spirit was even guiding them.  So until this time, apparently the early Church simply relied on the Holy Spirit to be sufficient as “The One Teacher” for Christians!  If they had this confidence, maybe it’s a good idea to place our trusting-relying-faith there also!  Are we pointing others to the “Who” of Christ’s Spirit or a “What” of ancient writings that came much later and not even collected into a bible for another 200 years!


In John 5:37-40, we see Jesus scolding the bible-student scribes and Pharisees:  “You people have absolutely-in-fact-NEVER heard my Father’s phone Voice nor-absolutely-in-fact-NEVER seen His form at any time, nor-absolutely-in-fact-NEVER did you have His logos message residing IN you, because you do absolutely-in-fact-NOT presently/ongoingly have trusting-relying-faith in the One whom He sent. [In contrast] You presently/ongoingly diligently are searching/studying the scriptures because you [erroneously] suppose/opinionate in/by/with them you presently/ongoingly take-hold-to-have zoe genuine-life everlasting, and-but these are presently/ongoingly they that routinely/habitually bear-witness/testify comprehensively-all-around-about Me, and-yet you absolutely-in-fact-NOT are willing to definitively/wholly erchomai ‘come-from-one-place [their bible study] to-another’ pros towards-and-interacting-with Me in order that you may presently/ongoing take-hold-to-have zoe genuine-life.”  The bible students missed the entire point of the bible!


Jesus told the people early in His ministry:  “For ALL the Prophets and the Law prophesied heos ‘UNTIL the ending point of’ John the Baptist” (a) and “The Law and the Prophets were heos ‘UNTIL the ending point of’ John – SINCE THEN the great news (b) of the kingdom of God is preached” (c), indicating the end of the OT era and beginning of the NT era!  After Jesus resurrected he had to even open the eyes of His disciples “and beginning with Moses (d) and ALL the Prophets, He thoroughly-explained to them in ALL the scriptures the things concerning Himself” (e).  Some of the early disciples recognized this:  “Philip found Nathanael and said to him, ‘We have found him of whom Moses in the Law, also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth.’” (f).  See Logos Word of God – BT6 for those scriptures used to converts Jews to Christ.  See also Salvation – BT4 for 365 prophecies about Jesus. <Notes> a) Matthew 11:13, b) gospel logos message, c) Luke 16:16, d) Jesus is “The Prophet” in the Law: Deuteronomy 18:15, 18-19, cf. John 1:21, 25, 5:46 and especially Acts 3:22, 7:37, e) Luke 24:27, f) John 1:45.


Paul explains in Galatians 3:19, 21-26 the limited purpose of the Law:  “Why then the Law?  The Law was added for the sake/cause of (a) transgressions [from specific commandments] heos ‘UNTIL the ending point of’ the ‘Offspring’ should come to Whom (b) the promise (c) had been made . . . For if the Law had been given that could give zoe genuine-life, then righteousness would indeed be by the Law.  But the scripture imprisoned everything under sin (d), so that the promise [to Abraham for the nations] ek out-from trusting-relying-faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those routinely/habitually are having trusting-relying-faith.”  <Notes> a) adverb charin from charis unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace that furnishes the reason to take action of, b) Jesus, the Christ from Galatians 3:16, c) to Abraham and his singular offspring Jesus that ‘In you shall all the nations be blessed’ v. 8, 16, so that the inheritance comes by the promised Spirit through trusting-relying-faith v. 2, 5, 14, 18, d) because 97.4% of the OT is Law-based – see Logos Word of God – BT5a.


Paul continues:  “However, BEFORE trusting-relying-faith [in Christ] came, we were held captive under the Law, imprisoned eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of the coming trusting-relying-faith [in Christ] would be revealed. So then the Law was our paidagogos ‘legally-appointed child-educator/superintendent-guardian’ (e) eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of Christ coming in order that we would be made/declared righteous/justified by trusting-relying-faith [in Christ].”  <Notes> e) paidagogos:  servants hired by the upper class to take their little boys to/from school UNTIL the age of manhood, cf. ‘the 10,000 supervisor-guardians’ of 1 Corinthians 4:15.


Paul continues:  “However NOW that trusting-relying-faith [in Christ] has come, we are no longer under a paidagogos legally-appointed child-educator/superintendent-guardian, for in Christ Jesus you are ALL [mature] sons (a) of God through trusting-relying-faith [in Christ].”  Paul clarifies our mature sonship:  “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are mature-sons of God” (b).  Our inheritance we can claim only when we are free, mature “sons” didn’t come by the “slave children” under the Law (c).  Mature-sonship inheritance only came through Jesus as the “mediator of a New Covenant” (d).  <Notes> a) huios: although we are adopted sons, we are NOW under the New Covenant made to share the same nature as their Father, able to receive their inheritance, b) Romans 8:14, c) Galatians 3:18, 4:30; Ephesians 1:11-18, d) Hebrews 9:15, 10:36, 11:8; Acts 20:32; Exodus 32:13; Colossians 3:23-24; 1 Peter 1:4.


Paul explains in Romans 16:25-26 that the “unhiding-revelation of the secret/mystery [of Christ] that was kept silent for long ages has NOW been brought-to-light-to-openly-manifest (a) and/also through the [OT] prophetic writings has been made known to all nations . . . to bring about the obedience of trusting-relying-faith.”  In Romans (b) Paul says:  “The gospel of God that He promised beforehand through His [OT] prophets in the Holy scriptures (c) concerning His Son . . . The righteousness of God is unhidden-revealed – from [one step of] trusting-relying-faith to [another step of] trusting-relying-faith, . . . manifested apart from the Law, although the Law and Prophets bear witness/testify to it – the righteousness of God dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith in Jesus Christ. <Notes> a) by Christ’s appearing: 2 Timothy 1:10, Christ’s gospel logos message about Himself:  Titus 1:3, and then to the saints:  Colossians 1:26, b) Romans 1:1-3 (cf. Luke 1:70), 3:17, 21-22, c) graphe never referred to anything other than the OT until the Catholics tried to apply it to NT writing in 225 AD – see Logos Word of God – BT5.


Peter preaches in Solomon’s Portico in Acts 3:17-18, 24 “Now brethren, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did also your rulers, but what God foretold by the mouth of ALL the prophets – that His Christ would suffer – He thus fulfilled/completed. . . . ALL the prophets who have spoken from Samuel and those who came after him also proclaimed these days.”  Peter tells the God-fearing Gentile-proselytes to Judaism in Acts 10:43:  “To Jesus ALL the prophets bear witness that everyone who has trusting-relying-faith in Him lambano grabs-hold-of-to-receive forgiveness of sins dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of His name/authority.”  Even Jesus said:  “For ALL the Prophets and/coupled the Law prophesied heos ‘UNTIL the ending point of’ John” (a) and SINCE THEN the Great News (gospel) of the kingdom of God is preached” (b).  Only 2.6% of the OT was ever used by the early Church to convert Jews to Christ – see Logos Word of God – BT6, not all of the OT as many mistranslate 2 Timothy 3:15-16 – see Logos Word of God – BT7.  Nevertheless, Jesus is found in every OT book – see Salvation – BT3. <Notes> a) Matthew 11:13, b) Luke 16:16.




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Spiritual Education, Faith in Christ is the ONLY point of the bible, Our faith is NOT in a bible but the obedience of Jesus for our righteousness, Much of the New Testament not even written by apostles or people who knew Jesus, Jesus scolded the bible-students for missing the whole point of Scripture to Come to Him, Old Testament was only UNTIL the end-point of John-the-Baptist, The Old Testament was finished with Jesus, Old Testament was only UNTIL Abraham’s Offspring Jesus came, Old Testament imprisons everybody under sin, Jews were little-children slaves under Law until Christ’s came to make them mature sons for inheritance, Gospel is the revelation of Christ hidden in the Old Testament NOW all by faith

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT6:  Faith is NOT belief in gnosis info-knowledge but epignosis intimacy




Video:  Obedient Steps of Faith - BT6:  Faith is NOT belief in gnosis info-knowledge but epignosis intimacy



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT6:  Faith is NOT belief in gnosis info-knowledge but epignosis intimacy



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We touched on this in Obedient Steps of Faith – BT2.  “Faith” and “believe” in English are 2 different words with 2 DIFFERENT English meanings, albeit with some overlap as “the assent/agreement of the mind to the truth of a proposition or statement” and “to accept as true or real, respectively.”  However, in Greek the respective noun pistis and verb pisteuo mean the SAME thing, which has little to do with mere “mental assent/agreement” in a THING, even the bible, but instead means “experiential, relational inward conviction of trusting dependence or reliance upon a PERSON who is trustworthy/faithful.”  You can’t have biblical trusting-relying-faith in a THING, only a PERSON, and it’s a “deep inward conviction” that grows from our experiential koinonia relationship with that PERSON!  I would never give the keys to my car or house to a PERSON that I did not really trust because of my relationship with that PERSON.


We also saw that despite the erroneous preaching from too many pulpits, pistis faith is NOT a “mental assent/agreement” about some THING, like “accepting as true or real” that the chair behind you will hold your weight even though you may have never seen the chair before so that you have “no complete evidence” of it being able to do so, nor is pistis faith believing in 2000-3500 year-old bible verses that talk ABOUT biblical events and people you have never seen, but you are told to believe them “as true or real . . . with no complete evidence,” nor that you have ever personally known.  Sure, we’ve been told this is faith or believing, but this is NOT the biblical definitions!


Gnosis head-knowledge doesn’t require a relationship because it’s just factual information ABOUT God!  However ginosko, epiginosko, and epignosis knowledge absolutely does require a relationship with a PERSON because by definition this experiential, relational knowledge requires pistis or pisteuo trusting-relying-faith with that PERSON!  Bible-scholars are rich in gnosis but often poor in epignosis, as the scribes & Pharisees always proved, that Jesus pointed out often!  I have struggled with this for a long time as you can see from the Bible Info page.  However, little children and the other uneducated Least Among You are likely poor in gnosis but can be rich in epignosis.  That’s why Jesus said “the last shall be first” in Matthew 19:30, 20:16; Mark 9:35, 10:31; Luke 13:30.


Do you want to be effective and fruitful as a Christian?  2 Peter 1:2-8 tells you how, but it’s NOT through bible study:  “May unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace and peace be lavished on you by-the-means-of the genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of God [Father] and/coupled of Jesus our Lord just-as His divine dunamis dynamite-like enabling-power has already routinely/habitually granted to us all things that pertain pros ‘towards and interacting with’ zoe genuine-life and/coupled godliness dia ‘thru-the-realizing-channel-of’ the genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of Him . . . dia ‘thru-the-realizing-channel-of which He has already granted to us His precious and/coupled very great promises, in order that dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of’ them you may become koinonia relational-partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire. . . . For IF these qualities  – The-Trusting-Relying-Faith . . . then philadephia The-Brethren-Family-Love, then agape The-Unconditional-Love.  . . . are routinely/habitually are ‘already under your possessed-discretion’ and/coupled are routinely/habitually abounding-in-quantity, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of the genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”


Notice how one thing leads to another by the 3 uses of dia leading up to reaching the eis goal of “the genuine, full, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ?”  But also notice the 3 uses of epignosis, 1 that starts the process, 1 more that continues the process, and 1 to end the process!  The successful Christian life is all about epignosis relationshipknowledge, from beginning to end, not acquiring bible-study gnosis informational-knowledge.




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Spiritual Education, English Faith & Believe are NOT the Greek & Hebrew meanings of trusting-dependence in Christ’s faithfulness, Biblical faith is NOT in a thing like writings, Faith is not trust in gnosis bible head-knowledge, Faith is a trusting depending epignosis relationship-knowledge, Grace and peace don’t come by bible-study but relationship-knowledge, Promised Spirit’s power is WAY to life godliness thru relationship-knowledge, Increasing in faith-in-Christ and love for others is what makes us fruitful

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT7:  Faith does NOT come just from reading bible verses




Video: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT7:  Faith does NOT just come from reading bible verses



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT7:  Faith does NOT just come from reading bible verses



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All of us will end up putting our trusting-relying-faith in some THING (this is non-biblical) or some PERSON (this is biblical).  The Jews still trust in Moses and his Law of works for righteousness.  The Gentiles trust and depend on gods, philosophy, other people, their own good deeds, or their possessions.  Bible-students like the Jewish scribes & Pharisees that didn’t really eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know God (a), rejected even God’s Son their own Messiah (b), and cursed themselves because “they did absolutely-in-fact-NOT experientially, relationally ginosko know the season of their visitation” (c), repeating what they did to all their own prophets (d).  These bible-students put their trusting-relying-faith in gramma writings collected into graphe scriptures, which Jesus implied they were erroneously “supposing/opinionating that in/by/with them they would take-hold-to-have zoe genuine-life everlasting,” but they missed the whole point of the OT as Jesus continues: “kai and/but these [scriptures] are-they that are routinely/habitually bearing-witness/testifying all-around-about Me, and yet you presently/ongoingly refuse to come to Me that you might take-hold-to-have zoe genuine-life” (e).  They were looking for zoe genuine-life in all the wrong places!


<Notes> a) a term for prophetic vision:  John 7:28, 8:19, 55, 15:21, b) Matthew 21:38, 42; Mark 8:31, 9:31, 12:10; Luke 7:30, 9:22, 10:16, 12:48, 17:25, 20:17, 24:20; Acts 4:11, Romans 11:15; 1 Peter 2:4, 7; Hebrews 12:25; 1 Thessalonians 2:15, c) Luke 19:44, d) Matthew 21:35, 23:37; Luke 11:47, 49, 13:34; Acts 7:52; Romans 11:13; 1 Thessalonians 2:15, e) John 5:37-40.


If you place your trusting-relying-faith in the accuracy of what has survived time as our bible, then your faith is misplaced – see Bible Info.  For example, instead of using long tables to roll out all the manuscript scrolls out on for comparative study as the early Jewish scribes & Pharisees did – see New Covenant Ways – BT17 and – BT18, nowadays they don’t want to expose the scrolls to degrading air or light.  Instead scholars piece together manuscripts under UV-safe air-tight glass and use digital, high-resolution satellite cameras and computer analysis to aid the lengthy process of determining copying-scribe insertions in margins, erasures, corrections, and even previous underlying text because materials were often washed of the older writings.  They labor intensely using computers to put the fragments together to form their best guess of the original text. It’s very complicated and time consuming!


There are “around 400,000 textual variants of the NT, a staggering number when coupled with the fact that there are only 138,000 words in the Greek NT, meaning there are almost 3 variants per word.  However, “less than 4000 (2.8% of the NT) have a good chance of being authentic and changing the meaning of the text,” writes Tim Barnett 5/24/2016. And many of those 4000 variants change Christian doctrine radically!  Furthermore, if you read the scholarly papers, there is much ongoing debate just about everything in this process of “textual criticism.”


That’s what these scholars do for a living:  “craving debate, arguing over words, and controversies about the manuscripts that breed quarrels” – exactly what the NT repeatedly says not to be involved in (a) because Jesus didn’t (b), and to avoid the scribes and Law-teachers like the plague who stir up divisions (c), a terrible leaven to beware of that we know is spread throughout the loaf (d).  That’s what the scholarly approach to Christianity has indeed done!  They make lots of money doing this also, and there is so much illegal buying/selling of ancient manuscripts!  <Notes> a) Titus 3:2, 9; Romans 13:13, 14:1; 1 Corinthians 1:11; 2 Corinthians 12:20; 1 Timothy 2:8, 3:3, 6:4; 2 Timothy 2:14, 23-24; James 4:1-2, b) Matthew 12:19-20 citing Isaiah 42:2, c) Romans 16:17; 1 Timothy 4:7, 6:4, 6:20; 2 Timothy 2:16, 23, 3:5; Titus 3:10; Jude 1:19, d) Matthew 16:6, 11-12; Mark 8:15; Luke 12:1.


When you stop buying into Christian propaganda and really look at the manuscript evidence and Church history of the OT and NT Canon, what’s supposed to be in the bible, it’s easy to have your trusting-relying-faith seriously shaken – if you have wrongly placed it in bible accuracy!  A lot of people go to seminary and after learning all this, lose their trusting-relying-faith, so these schools have the nickname “cemetery” for a reason! Many people have abandoned their trusting-relying-faith, because it is based on traditions of men that rely on manuscript accuracy!  That’s all they had to stand on!  And when they actually see 400,000 textual variants and 4000 cases that “change the meaning significantly and meaningfully,” they are blown away!  And that’s just in the NT, which albeit was copied much more loosely than the Jews did of their OT.  I was one of those Christians, taught by the Church of Christ from 1980-1983 to be really good at bible study – see Bible Info.  Can’t you tell?


What you really need to ask yourself is this:  “Did God really want us to work this hard just to know Him and His will, by make this gnosis informational-knowledge accessible and understandable only to ‘the wise and understanding ones’ or is there a much easier way?  See Bible Info – BT2, New Covenant Ways – BT16, and Least Among You – BT8 for the answer!  Many manuscript scholars often sit on their findings for many, many years before the public ever gets to see their translations!  What are they afraid of?  I think most of it has to do with securing publishing rights, more grant money, and selling books!




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Spiritual Education, Faith does NOT come from just reading bible verses, Bible-students often are looking for life in the scriptures instead of coming to the Messiah, Bible-students put their faith in the thing of the bible instead of seeking a relationship with Jesus, Bible-students have historically despised prophecy, Prophets are never found focusing on bible-study, It takes crazy faith to believe the bible is accurate because experts know better, scholars are still debating significant portions of manuscripts and the canon, It’s easier to have faith in an experiential relationship with Jesus thru the Spirit, The way of the scholar to know God and His will show partiality against the uneducated, New Covenant Way is direct relationship epignosis knowledge

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT5: Hope is faith for future inherited glorification & promises




Video - Part 1: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT5: Hope is faith for future inherited glorification & promises

Part 1



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT5: Hope is faith for future inherited glorification & promises



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Hebrews 11:1 written to Jewish-Christians integrally connects our public confession of faith at water-baptism to hope:  “Now pistis trusting-relying-faith ongoing IS-defined-as/exists-as [the singular] confident-trusting-assurance of [plural things] routinely/habitually elpizo hoping for (a), [the singular] elegchos ‘inwardconviction with public expression as confession’ of things absolutely-in-fact-NOT routinely/habitually being seen.”  So certain is this, that this confession is “an inner conviction that proves/confirms God’s in-birthing of faith, thus an internal persuasion or ‘reproof’ from God (b), especially in context regarding the Jewish prophetic ‘portions of’ scripture concerning the Messiah, these alone being useful in the NT Church to produce trusting-relying-faith for salvation in Jesus Christ – see Logos Word of God – BT6 and – BT7.  Paul says Jesus will “present you holy and/coupled blameless and/coupled above reproach before Him, IF indeed you continue in The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith), stable and/coupled steadfast, not shifting from the elpis hope of the gospel” (c) – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT16 For endurance of faith.


Paul remembers Christians “work of trusting-relying-faith (d) and/coupled labor of unconditional-love and/coupled/thus steadfastness of elpis hope in our Lord Jesus Christ” (e) because they “put on the breastplate of trusting-relying-faith and/coupled unconditional-love and/coupled the helmet as the elpis hope of salvation” (f).  The same grouping is in 1 Corinthians 13:13 that “Only pistis trusting-relying-faith [in the present], elpis hope [faith for future events], and unconditional-love will remain” for eternity because they are the basis for our koinonia relationship with God now and always will be!


<Notes> a) elpizo is the verb of  elpis hope, which is “trusting-relying-faith in future things, a confident, expectation of future events you have trusting-relying-faith for with surety, thus actively waiting for fulfillment of future things based on the trusting-relying-faith surety you have NOW in the trustworthy-faithfulness of the One who promised them to you,” b) 2 Timothy 3:16, c) Colossians 1:22-23, d) 2 Thessalonians 1:11, e) 1 Thessalonians 1:3, f) 1 Thessalonians 5:8.


In a court of law, elogchos is “a charge that is shown to be true, often publicly confessed by the accused.”  In our case it is a public confession of The Truth about Jesus that He is our Lord – see Surrender Control, “the good confession in the presence of many witnesses” (a), likely “the confession/reproof of sins” and/coupled confession of “Jesus as Lord” (b) being “the eperotema ‘response to any inquiry’ [likely from the baptizer] of/belonging-to an agathos God-like-good (c) suneidesis ‘together-with [the Spirit’s] eido mental seeing-to-perceive/knowingeis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of God” (d), which happens during “water-baptism that now saves you dia ‘thru-the-realizing-channel-of’ the resurrection of Jesus” (e).  When you come out of the waters of baptism, you are resurrected with Christ to be a completely-different-in-kind New Creation (f).  “Let us hold fast the confession (g) of our elpis hope without wavering, for He who promised is pistos faithful/trustworthy” (h).  “We are God’s house, IF indeed we hold fast our parresia ‘bold, confident resolve that leaves a witness’ and/coupled our kauchema ‘positive boasting, glorifying, exulting’ in our elpis hope” (i) – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT16 on endurance of faith.


<Notes> a) 1 Timothy 6:12, b) Romans 10:9; 1 Corinthians 12:3, c) agathos:  inherent or intrinsic goodness, a unique quality or condition, excellent or distinguished in quality, respect, uprightness, honor, useful, beneficial, salutary, suitable, pleasant, kind, benevolent, agreeable, joyful, d) In our public confession of our sinfulness and need for Jesus to be our “Savior and Lord” per Philippians 3:20; 2 Peter 1:11, 2:20, 3:18; Jude 1:25, we are agreeing-together-with [the meaning of confess] our ‘mind’s eye perceived-knowing’ of the Holy righteousness of Christ’s Spirit of “conviction of our sin/unrighteousness, Christ’s righteousness, and judgment to come for rejection of Christ, like Satan’s judgment” per John 16:8-9 – see Surrender Control, e) 1 Peter 3:21; Matthew 3:6; Mark 1:5, f) 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatian 6:15; Romans 6:3-6, g) cf. Hebrews 4:14, h) Hebrews 10:23 –  This is Christ, the mediator of a New Covenant that we may receive the promised eternal inheritance:  Hebrews 9:15; Jesus the Son of God our great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, i) Hebrews 3:6.


Jesus is our ONLY promised hope of resurrection to eternal life:  “Of Abraham’s human offspring God has brought to Israel a Savior, Jesus, as He promised . . . we bring you the Great News (gospel) that what God promised to the fathers, this He has fulfilled to us, their children, by raising Jesus . . . Now I, Paul, stand here on trial because of my elpis hope in the promise made by God to our fathers, to which our 12 tribes elpizo hope to attain . . . and for this elpis hope I am accused by Jews, O king!  Why is it thought incredible by any of you that God raises the dead?” (a).  “God [is] our Savior and/coupled Christ Jesus – the elpis hope of us” (b).  We should have hupomone ‘patient-endurance under trials’ of the elpis hope of/belonging-to our Lord Jesus Christ” (c).


“If ‘in/by/with or for the sake of’ this zoe genuine-life (context:  here on earth only) we are presently/ongoing having elpis hope by-the-means-of Christ (the Anointed King) ONLY, [then] we presently/ongoingly are to be pitied more than all men” (d) – in other words, much of our Christian elpis hope lies in what happens after our death, not just hope for a Messiah-King to rule on earth like the Zealots did!  The early disciples were “the first to elpizo hope in Christ” (e).  Christ “introduced a kreitton ‘more useful, serviceable, helpful, better’ elpis hope [than the old covenant’s] dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of which we presently/ongoingly eggizo ‘draw extremely close-beside’ to God” (f). <Notes> a) Acts 13:23, 32-33, 26:6-8, b) 1 Timothy 1:1, c) 1 Thessalonians 1:3, d) 1 Corinthians 15:19, e) Ephesians 1:12, f) Hebrews 7:19.



Video - Part 2: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT5: Hope is faith for future inherited glorification & promises

Part 2


God gives us eternal comfort, good hope, joy, and peace by grace thru faith in Christ’s resurrection by the Spirit’s power:  Paul’s blessing says:  “May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and/coupled God our Father, the [One] who already [or viewed as a whole] has routinely/habitually unconditionally-loving us and/coupled already [or viewed as a whole] has routinely/habitually given us eternal paraklesis comforting-encouragement and/coupled agathos God-like-good (a) elpis hope by-the-means-of unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace” (b).  Another of Paul’s blessings says:  “May the God of the elpis hope pleroo fill-to-completion you of/belonging-to pas all-kinds-of joy and/coupled peace by-the-means-of:  to-be-presently/ongoingly having trusting-relying-faith, to presently/ongoingly abound eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of you by-the-means-of the elpis hope by-the-means-of [singular] dunamis enabling-power of [singular] Holy Spirit” (c).  Can you see the chain reaction of events? <Notes> a) agathos:  inherent or intrinsic goodness, a unique quality or condition, excellent or distinguished in quality, respect, uprightness, honor, useful, beneficial, salutary, suitable, pleasant, kind, benevolent, agreeable, joyful, b) 2 Thessalonians 2:16, c) Romans 15:13


This is Paul’s typically complicated way of saying that hope belongs-to God who can fill-us-to-overflowing from His own Joy and Peace (a) to then be-the-means for us ongoingly to have trusting-relying faith that then becomes-the-means to reach us with abounding Christian hope, and this is all by-the-means of the Holy Spirit’s dynamite-like enabling-power.  It’s a chain reaction of God’s Holy Spirit enabling-power filling us with the Spirit’s overflowing Joy and Peace that then powerfully-enables us to have trusting-relying-faith that then powerfully-enables us to have abounding hope!  What starts it is getting filled with God’s Spirit (b) – see Spirit-Baptism<Notes> a) flavors of the singular fruit/essence of the Spirit that is Unconditional-Love, per Galatians 5:22, b) Ephesians 3:19, 5:18.


Peter’s blessing of hope in eternal life all depends on Christ’s resurrection:  “God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for according to His great mercy, He has caused us to be born-again/from-above (a) eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of a Living elpis hope dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead . . . “dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of Christ you are pistos ones-full of-trusting-relying-faith (i.e., the faithful) in God, who having raised Christ ek out-from the dead and/coupled having given Him glory, so that The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) of you and/coupled elpis hope presently/ongoingly are eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal-of God” (b).  It shouldn’t be hard to “always be prepared to make an apologetic-defense to anyone who asks you for a logos message all-about the elpis hope that is IN you” (c).  It’s not about sharing bible-info from our head, but about sharing what’s IN our hearts!  We have “[singular] elpis hope of eternal zoe genuine-life, which God, who never lies promised before the ages began” (d). <Notes> a) see the previous BLOG about “born-again” or “born from above,” b) 1 Peter 1:3, 21, c) 1 Peter 3:15, d) Titus 1:2.


No hope of glorification for the world!  “The world is “alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, [are] having in-possibility-NO elpis hope and/coupled [are] without God in the world” (a).  When Christians die, they “should in-possibility-NOT grieve as others do who have in-possibility-NO elpis hope . . . through Jesus [His return] God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep . . . the dead in Christ will rise first.  Then we who are alive that are left, will be raptured (snatched up) together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air (b),” particularly “when Jesus comes on that day to be glorified IN His saints” (c), when we are “glorified with Him . . . the glory that is to be revealed IN us . . . and those whom He predestined He also called . . . also justified . . . also glorified” (d), when “Christ comes on that Day to be glorified in His saints and/coupled to be marveled at among all who have had trusting-relying-faith” (e). <Notes> a) Ephesians 2:12, b) 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, c) 2 Thessalonians 1:10, d) Romans 8:17-18, 30, e) 2 Thessalonians 1:1.


Then when “we see face to face . . . to then genuinely, fully, experientially, relationally epiginosko know just as we have already been genuinely, fully, experientially, relationally epiginosko known (a) when at “the resurrection of the dead . . we are raised to be imperishable” (b) “in a moment, in the twinkling of any eye . . . the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed . . . putting on immortality . . . death is swallowed up in victory” (c) when “the dead will akouo hear/listen-to-understand/know the Voice of the Son of God, and those who akouo hear/listen-to-understand/know shall indeed zao genuinely-live, . . . even those in the tombs” (d), “and they cannot die anymore because they are equal [in that way] to angels and/specifically are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection” (e). <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 13:12, b) 1 Corinthians 15:42, c) 1 Corinthians 15:52-54, d) John 5:25, 28, e) Luke 20:36.


Christians get all the glory!  “The riches of the glory of the mystery made known among the Gentiles [by the gospel] is Christ IN you, the elpis hope of glory” (a).  In fact, “we boast upon [singular] elpis hope of/belonging-to the glory of God” (b).  Therefore, Paul wisely prays to God for their revelation-awareness: “having the eyes of your hearts enlightened/illuminated, that you may eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know what is the elpis hope to which He has called you, what are the riches of/belonging-to the glory of/belonging-to the inheritance of Him IN the saints” (c).  That’s what Christians will have! <Notes> a) Colossians 1:27, b) Romans 5:2, c) Ephesians 1:18.


Like faith in the unseen, hope waits patiently for what we don’t yet see:  We are to “be prosdexomaiwaiting-towards warmly welcoming’ the blessed elipis hope, kai and/specifically the appearing of the glory of the great God and/coupled Savior of us, Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and/coupled to purify for Himself a people for His own possession” (a).  “But if we elpizo hope for what we do absolutely-in-fact-NOT blepo physically-see, we apekdechomai ‘completely look away from the present to warmly-welcome the future’ for it [what we are hoping for] with hupomone ‘patient-endurance under trials/persecution’ ” (b), “for by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit, ek out-from trusting-relying-faith, we ourselves apekdechomai ‘completely look away from the present to warmly-welcome the future’ [singular] elpis hope of righteousness [at our glorification at Christ’s return]” (c).  The Christian’s “hope for righteousness” is nothing like that of “the teachers of the Law” who put their hope in 613 commandments of the Torah Law of conditional-favor! <Notes> a) Titus 2:13-14, b) Romans 8:25, c) Galatians 5:5.



Video - Part 3: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT5: Hope is faith for future inherited glorification & promises

Part 3


97.4% of the OT gives us NO hope – see Logos Word of God – BT5a and – BT8:  Romans 15:4 states: “hosos whatever [few or many] (a) that was written in the past was written eis toward-and-reaching-the-goal/purpose-of our-own (b) instruction in order that dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of The hupomeno patient-endurance and/coupled dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of The Paraklesis ‘close-beside encouraging, comfort, counseling, help, advocacy’ (c) of/belonging-to the graphe [plural] scriptures we might presently/ongoingly have The elpis hope.”  According to Logos Word of God – BT5 note “B”, the plural ‘scriptures’ with the article “the” can refer:  B1) to the OT as a whole only in John 5:39, B2) to various books or larger portions of the OT, B3) just the Messianic portions from the Jewish prophetic oracles and Moses used to convert Jews, B4) to a group of verses, or B5) a group of “difficult-to-understand” verses that can be twisted by false-teachers.


<Notes> a) hosos doesn’t mean ‘all’ but can mean ‘a little’ or ‘a lot’ as defined by context, b) “our-own” is emphatic of Paul as a Jewish-Christian but also His readers as fellow Jewish-Christians that Paul was sent to at first [Romans 1:16, 2:9-10] then to the Gentiles, since Romans was written in 57-58 AD after he said in Acts 13:46 he would go to the Gentiles in 38 AD.  Some of Romans is clearly written to circumcised Jews as with verse 15:4 – see verses 2:17, 25-29, 3:1-2, 9, 29-30, 4:9-12, 9:24, 10:12, 11:4, 15:8, c) Paraklesis is most often of the Holy Spirit: Acts 9:31, because the Spirit is our Parakletos as the subject: John 14:26, 15:26, 16:7 or as the Accusative direct object Parakleton:  John 14:16; 1 John 2:1.  This is another indication that the prophetic ‘kind, class, category’ of scripture is in mind here, NOT all of it.


The context and notes above tells us that ‘B3’ is the right choice!  From Logos Word of God – BT9  you can see from the context discussion there that B3) the prophetic scriptures about Christ’s servant-suffering and ultimate rule for our hope are what was in view here in Romans 15:4 by Paul to instruct Jewish-Christians like himself and his evangelistic team to endure all kinds of suffering for the sake of Christ, and to maintain their trusting-relying-faith and unconditional-love specifically through The Paraklesis ‘close-beside encouraging, comfort, counseling, help, advocacy’ of the Holy Spirit that they can get from a relatively-few (365) specific prophetic scriptures concerning Christ and His sufferings – see Salvation – BT4, and all of this so that they would patiently-endure long enough to realize their Christian hope, a hope the Gentiles now even have, something that these prophetic scriptures also promised!  However, these scriptures weren’t primarily intended for Gentiles to understand but for Jewish-Christians!  Only 2.6% of the OT actually gives Jewish-Christians hope and thus was the only pas “every/all of kind/class/category” used by the early NT Church to convert/catechize Jews or to keep Jewish-Christians from listening to Law-teachers and going back to putting their trusting-relying-faith in Moses’ Law instead – see Logos Word of God – BT6.


The first 200 years of Church history confirms that early Jewish-Christians used only pas “every/all of kind/class/category” the OT scripture that were “routinely/habitually, powerfully-enabling to make you wise eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ salvation thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith in Christ Jesus,” clearly defined by the context of 2 Timothy 3:14-16 of what:  “you already learned and/coupled have already firmly had trusting-relying-faith by, having already [with ongoing results] eido mentally ‘seen’ to perceive/know from whom (a) you already learned it, even how from infant-childhood you had already [with ongoing results] eido mentally ‘seen’ to perceive/know the sacred gramma writings (b)” – not pas “the entirety/whole of” the OT graphe scripture but clearly as it most often means pas “every/all of kind/class/category” (c), but only “this [prophetic Messianic portion] that routinely/habitually is powerfully-enabling to make you wise eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ salvation thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith in Christ Jesus.”  <Notes> a) ‘whom’ is plural: not just Paul but Timothy’s grandmother Louis and mother Eunice – see 2 Timothy 1:5 and Acts 16:1, b) this is plural with the definite article = a specific ‘portion of’ OT being the prophetic portions – see ‘2B’ of Logos Word of God – BT4, c) see  Logos Word of God – BT5.


Only the prophetic pas “every/all of kind/class/category” 2.6% of OT scripture are what Paul now considers in 2 Timothy 3:16 to be “profitable for instruction,” which is learning/teaching doctrine regarding godliness (a), “profitable” in what is the “Savior’s goodness, unconditionally-loving kindness, Christ’s appearing, salvation and justification by unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace because of Christ’s works” (b), along with “devotion to good works” that “accords with godliness” (c), but certainly NOT “the unprofitable and worthless quarrels about the Law” (d) – see Logos Word of God – BT7. In 2 Corinthians 3:1-18, Paul prohibits the reading of Moses!  He prohibited the teaching of the Law! <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 4:8, b) Titus 3:8-9, c) 1 Timothy 6:3; Titus 1:1, d) 1 Timothy 1:10, 6:3; 2 Timothy 4:2; Titus 1:9, 13, 2:1.




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Spiritual Education, Our public confession of faith in Jesus as Lord at Water-baptism gives us hope only if we keep our faith, faith hope love often linked and eternal, we only have hope because Jesus resurrected, Jesus is the promised singular Offspring of hope from Abraham, Christ is a better hope than the old covenant, God’s love gives us comfort hope joy peace by Grace thru faith by the Spirit, Filling by the Spirit starts the process, Our hope comes from Christ’s resurrection for our resurrection to glory, Our hope is in Christ’s return to glorify us into His image, At our glorification we shall fully know as we are fully known, Our glorification is part of our inheritance, We must endure in faith to be saved, We must endure in hope to be fully righteous by our glorify-transformation, Our hope is not righteousness by the Law that is 97.4% of the OT, Only 2.6% of scripture was messianic and these 365 verse are that give Jews hope, Once the early church was mostly Gentile they stopped using the Old Testament, Paul prohibited us of the Law or Law-teachers in church

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT4:  Born Above for a FULL cup of Genuine-Life & Living Water




Video - Part 1: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT4:  Born Above for a FULL cup of Genuine-Life & Living Water

Part 1



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT4:  Born Above for a FULL cup of Genuine-Life & Living Water



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Christ wants to pour into your ‘cup’ His healing presence, His “Living Water” as the Holy Spirit (a) so you can “never be in pain from thirst, again” (b) but have super-abundant zoe genuine-life now and forever (c).  Jesus promises: “Every individual person who routinely/habitually theoreo ‘gazes, contemplates for the purpose of analyzing/discriminating’ the Son and/coupled routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ Him should [if you meet this condition] have eternal zoe genuine-life” (d).  “So must the Son of Man be lifted up [on the cross], in order that every individual person who routinely/habitually has trusting-relying-faith in Him may have [if you meet the condition] eternal zoe genuine-life.  For [the reason is] in-the-manner God unconditionally-loved the world:  He gave His one and only-one-of-kind Son, so that every individual person who routinely/habitually has trusting-relying-faith in Him in-possibility-NOT should-perish [if they meet the condition] but-instead should-have [if they meet the condition] hold-to-have eternal zoe genuine-life (e).”  <Notes> a) John 4:10-11, 7:37-38; Revelation 7:17, b) John 4:14, 6:35, c) John 4:14; Revelation 21:6, 22:1, 17, d) John 6:40, e) John 3:14-16.


Again, “The individual person who routinely/habitually has trusting-relying-faith eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ the Son presently/ongoingly holds-to-have eternal zoe genuine-life.  However, the individual person who routinely/habitually apeitheo ‘refuses to be persuaded, thus disobeying’ the Son will absolutely-in-fact-NOT horao ‘see with the mind, perceive’ zoe genuine-life, but-instead God’s wrath presently/ongoingly meno ‘abides, remains’ upon him (a).”  Again, “I tell you the solemn truth, the one who routinely/habitually akouo hears/listens-to-understand/know My [gospel] logos message and/coupled routinely/habitually has trusting-relying-faith in the One [the Father] who sent Me presently/ongoingly hold-to-have eternal zoe genuine-life and/coupled eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ judgment absolutely-in-fact-NOT erchomai ‘come from one place to this place,’ but-instead has already [with lasting effects] ‘have passed over/out-of one place [judgment] to another’ – out-of The Death eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ zoe genuine-life (b).”  Again, “I tell you the solemn truth, the individual person who routinely/habitually has trusting-relying-faith presently/ongoingly holds-to-have eternal zoe genuine-life.  I presently/ongoingly am the bread of zoe genuine-life (c).”  <Notes> a) John 3:36, b) John 5:24, c) John 6:47-48.


Again, “the individual person who routinely/habitually has trusting-relying-faith in Me, even if he should die, he shall actually zoa genuinely-live” (a).”  John’s only reason for writing his letter to a house church:  “I have written these things to you in order that you may eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know that you presently/ongoingly hold-to-have eternal zoe genuine-life, to those routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith in the name/authority of the Son of God (b).”  Finally, “And we eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know that the Son of God has come and has given us dianoia ‘insight or thorough, balanced reasoning of intellect’ to experientially, relationally ginosko know  Him who is True, and we are in Him who is True, in His Son Jesus Christ. This One is the True God and/coupled eternal zoe genuine-life (c).”  <Notes> a) John 11:25, b) John 5:11-13, k) 1 John 5:20.



Video - Part 2: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT4:  Born Above for a FULL cup of Genuine-Life & Living Water

Part 2


We must all come to the point in our unfaithfulness as disobedience to God, to NOW make a choice to pisteuotrust in and depend or rely on” Jesus, who is Pistis “The Trustworthy One” as Messiah/Christ Savior, who alone was faithful by His perfect obedience to God and thus become “born again” for salvation to have zoe genuine-life now and for an eternity.  That is the light switch turned ON and the glass filled to FULL – see Salvation.


John makes it clear:  “EVERY individual person who is routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith that Jesus is the Christ (a), ek out-from God this [person] has already been [with routinely-occurring results] (c) gennao begotten/come-into-being” (c).  Remember that Jesus warned:  “Unless one is gennao begotten/come-into-being anothen again/from-above he can absolutely-in-fact-NOT horao mentally observe/perceive-to-know/discern the kingdom of God . . . You’all must be gennao begotten/come-into-being anothen again/from-above again” (d).  Thus Peter notes:  “He has caused us to be anagennao “above/again begotten/come-into-being” and “you have been anagennao “above/again begotten/come-into-being” (e).  In both cases the meaning most likely means “born from above” – see the next paragraph.  <Notes> a) “The Anointed One” or “Messiah” in Hebrew, b) perfect participle singular, c) 1 John 5:1, d) John 3:3, 7, e) 1 Peter 1:3, 23.


“Born again” or “born from above,” which is it?  Here’s some translator notes from the Net BibleThe Greek word anothen has a double meaning, either “again” (a) or “from above.”  This is a favorite technique of the author John of this gospel, and it is lost in almost all English translations – see Bible Info on this common problem in many English translations.  John uses anothen 5 times and in the latter 3 cases (b) the context makes clear that it means “from above.” Here, however, in John 3:3, 7 it could mean either, but the context lends toward the primary meaning of “from above.” Nicodemus apparently understood it as “born again,” which explains his reply, “How can a man be born when he is old?  He can’t enter his mother’s womb a second time and be born, can he?” Jesus uses the technique of the “misunderstood question” often to bring out a particularly important point:  Jesus says something which is misunderstood by the disciples (c), which then gives Jesus the opportunity to explain more fully and in more detail what He really meant.  <Notes> a) in which case it is synonymous with palin, b) John 3:3, 7; 3:31; 19:11, 23, c) or, as here, a Pharisee.



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Spiritual Education, Jesus wants our cup to run over with Living Water of the Spirit, Jesus wants our cup full of genuine life eternal, Jesus wants us to be forever free of painful spiritual hunger & thirst, Doubt stops all of this, Only faith in Jesus births us out-from God to be born above that is born again, Faith in the faithful obedience of Christ is the only way to be saved for genuine life eternal

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT3:  Faith is like a Light-Switch, the opposite of doubt, fear, and worry




Video: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT3:  Faith is like a Light-Switch, the opposite of doubt, fear, and worry



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT3:  Faith is like a Light-Switch, the opposite of doubt, fear, and worry



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Trusting-relying-faith in the Lord Jesus “that comes from akouo hearing/listening-to-understand/know His phone Voice” (a) of directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words is like having ‘The Light’ Switch as Jesus (b) turned ON:  When it is ON, then God’s dunamis dynamite-like enabling-power of ‘electricity’ can flow from the Father as ‘The Original Power Source’ (c) ‘by the means, instrument’ (d) or ‘interface wire’ of the Holy Spirit to you.  When ‘The Light’ switch is OFF, the ‘electricity’ cannot flow – this is “doubt, fear, and worry.”  The switch can’t be half on or half off.  It’s is not a fader switch!  As we’ve seen in the previous BLOG, “faith” in Hebrew and Greek is “a deep-conviction that has the strength of certainty.” <Notes> a) John 10:27, b) Jesus: John 1:4, 9, 3:19, 8:12, 9:5, 12:46, cf. 2 Corinthians 4:4; 2 Timothy 1:10, c) pater:  father “is the senior, ancestor, elder, author, source, or originator,” d) en pneumati in the dative case takes on the ‘dative of means or instrument’ meaning per Douglas Petrovich in The Meaning of En Pneumati and Daniel B Wallace in Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the NT.


Luke says in 1:4 that asphaleiacertainty or non-tottering firmness that equates to security” is the goal that he collected the facts about Jesus’ ministry and wrote Luke and later the book Acts as the history of the early Church.  He wanted 1 man Theophilus to know “for certain the things you have been taught” – he must have been a very influential man because we have copies of his personal writings!  So trusting-relying-faith is ON when you are certain, and OFF when you aren’t.  No political fence-straddling or ‘hedging of your bets’ will do!  If you doubt, “you should not suppose/opinionate that you will receive anything from the Lord – you are a double-minded man” per James 1:7-8.


Worry, dreadful-fear, and panic result from doubt but trusting-relying-faith produces elpis “confident-expectation of hope,” a childlike curios-bold-strength (a), and peaceful-rest.  Isaiah 28:16 says in reference to the Messiah that God has “laid a Foundation in Zion (Jerusalem), a Stone, a tested Stone, a precious Cornerstone, of a sure Foundation: whoever has trusting-relying-faith will absolutely-in-fact-and-possibility-NOT chuwh/kataischuno ‘hurriedly panic, resulting in dishonor, disgrace, and shame’.”  The pre-incarnate Christ came to Daniel:  “Again One having the appearance of a man touched me and/coupled strengthened me.  And He said, ‘O man greatly loved, fear in-possibility-NOT, restful-peace be with you; be strong and/coupled of good courage/boldness.’  And as He spoke to me, I was strengthened” (b). <Notes> a) Ephesians 3:12; Hebrews 4:16, 10:19; 2 Corinthians 3:4; 1 John 2:28, 3:21, 4:17, 5:14; Proverbs 14:26, b) Daniel 10:18-19.


We have to press in to akouo hear/listen-to-understand/know the rhema words of Christ!  Paul encouraged Timothy for his task of an evangelist in a hostile Roman world:  “God gave us a Spirit absolutely-in-fact-NOT of timid-fearful-cowardice but-instead of dunamis dynamite-like-enabling-power and/thus unconditional-love and/specifically sophronismos ‘moderation-like reasoning/persuasion that accurately fits the situation – as God sees it’” (a).  God’s perspective on our hostile world gives us powerful signs, wonders, and miracles along with God’s unconditional-love to effectively-persuade others with the gospel!  God is in control<Notes> a) 2 Timothy 1:7.


John warns about fear in 1 John 4:18:  “There is absolutely-in-fact-NO fear in The Unconditional-Love [of/belonging-to God], but-instead [the] telos consummating-ending-aim-of [this] Unconditional-Love casts out the fear, because this fear presently/ongoingly possesses/holds kolasis ‘punishment by beating’; but-on-the-other-hand, the [one] routinely/habitually fearing absolutely-in-fact-NOT has already had [with ongoing results] [the] telos consummating-ending-aim-of The Unconditional-Love [of God]” (a).


In context, John is saying, as little children of God (a), we can certainly have confidence for the Day of Judgment because the telos consummating-ending-aim for God’s Unconditional-Love is that we are like Him in this world in that His nature of Unconditional-Love (b) is meno abiding-remaining-alive IN US by His Spirit of Holiness (c) AND reciprocally-coupled we are meno abiding-remaining-alive IN HIM by our confession of trusting-relying-faith in His Son as the Savior of the world.  This is the ONLY door/way to the Father’s nature of Unconditional-Love (d).  Doubt and resulting fear is the switch OFF, resulting in NO enabling-power for The Light to shine.  <Notes> a) 1 John 2:28, 3:1, 10, 5:2, cf. John 1:12, 11:52; Romans 8:16, 21, 9:8; Philippians 2:15 – see Least Among You, b) 1 John 4:8, 16; Galatians 5:22, c) whose very nature is unconditional-love per Galatians 5:22, d) John 10:7, 14:6; Hebrews 10:20; Ephesians 2:18, .


Trusting-relying-faith is like a glass of water that is pleroma completely-full.  When your glass is completely-full – not 99.99% with 0.01% doubt – then you will have a ‘certainty’ of what He wants for you.  James 1:6-7 says “Ask in trusting-relying-faith, with in-possibility-NO doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven [by the wind] and then tossed back by the wind.  That person must in-possibility-NOT suppose/opinionate that he will receive anything from the Lord.”


Trusting-relying-faith and doubt and worry are thus opposites – if you have some doubt you have no trusting-relying-faith and vice-versa!  Jesus said answered prayer and miracles only happen “if you have trusting-relying-faith and/coupled DO in-possibility-NOT doubt” (a).  Paul redefines sin, missing the target of God’s holiness, from transgressing any of the OT commandments to:  “now any thing that [is] absolutely-in-fact-NOT ek out-from trusting-relying-faith is sin,” since “whoever is routinely/habitually doubting has already been condemned [with lasting effects] because it is absolutely-in-fact-NOT ek out-from trusting-relying-faith” (b).  We don’t want to be flicking the Light switch ON and OFF, nor be deceived that a partially-full glass is really “full” so it’s OK to doubt a little.  This is what leads to sin and condemnation! <Notes> a) Matthew 21:21; Mark 11:23, b) Romans 14:23.




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Spiritual Education, Faith is opposite of doubt fear worry, Faith is the light-switch on, Faith is the glass full, Faith has the strength of certainty, doubt is double-minded and results in nothing, Jesus gives us faith hope boldness and peace, Jesus gives us a Spirit of power, God’s love casts out fear

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT2:  Faith or Faithful defined in the Hebrew & Greek




Video - Part 1:  Obedient Steps of Faith - BT2:  Faith and Faithful defined in the Hebrew & Greek

Part 1



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT2:  Faith and Faithful defined in the Hebrew & Greek



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The apostle Paul builds his gospel message in Romans 1:17 from the prophetic Habakkuk 2:4, “[Singular] just/righteous [one] out-from faith shall-actually zao genuinely-live”  The Hebrew for “faith” is the feminine emunah which means “firmness, steadiness, steadfastness” but also “fidelity/faithfulness, and trust” not just by humans (a) but especially of God (b), which is closely associated to divine mercy (c), righteousness (d), and thus salvation (e).  The shorter masculine noun emun means “trusting or faithfulness” (f), which comes from the verb aman meaning “to confirm, nourish, foster, support,” especially of God’s word as in 1 Kings 8:26, or “to be firm, sure, stable, faithful, lasting, or trusty/trustworthy toward God” or “to trust in God” (g).


<Notes> a) Psalms 37:3; Proverbs 12:22; Jeremiah 5:3, 7:28, 9:2; 2 Kings 12:16, 22:7; 2 Chronicles 19:9, 31:12, 34:12; Proverbs 28:20, b) Psalms 33:4; 36:6, 88:12, 89:2-3, 6, 9, 34, 50, 100:5, 119:75, 86, 90; Isaiah 25:1; Hosea 2:22; Lamentations 3:21; Deuteronomy 32:4, c) Psalms 89:25, 92:3, 98:3; Hosea 2:22, d) Psalms 96:13, 143:1; Isaiah 11:5, e) Psalms 40:11, f) Deuteronomy 32:20; Proverbs 13:17, 20:6; Isaiah 26:2; Psalms 31:24, g) Deuteronomy 9:23; Isaiah 43:10; Genesis 15:6; Exodus 14:31; Numbers 14:11, 20:12; 2 Kings 17:14; 2 Chronicles 20:20; Psalm 78:22; Jonah 3:5.


The Net Bible notes for Habakkuk 2:4:  The Hebrew word emunah has traditionally been translated “faith,” but the term nowhere else refers to “belief” as such.  When used of human character and conduct it carries the notion of “honesty, integrity, reliability, faithfulness.”  The antecedent (referent) of the Hebrew suffix (emunah) has been understood in different ways. It could refer to God’s faithfulness, but in this case one would expect a first person suffix (but the original form of the LXX has “my faithfulness” here). Others understand Habakkuk’s “vision” to be the antecedent (referent). In this case the faithfulness of the prophecy in Habakkuk is in view.  For a statement of this view, see J. J. M. Roberts, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah (OTL), 111-12.


However, the NET translation of “the person of integrity shall live because of his faithfulness” assumes that the preceding word in the Hebrew “[the person of] integrity” is the antecedent (referent). In this case the Lord is assuring Habakkuk that those who are truly innocent will be preserved through the vision of coming oppression and judgment by their godly lifestyle of faithfulness, for God ultimately rewards this type of conduct. In contrast to these innocent people, those with impure desires (epitomized by the greedy Babylonians; see v. 5) will not be able to withstand God’s judgment (v. 4a).


However, Paul makes it clear that what is in view is NOT a person’s faithfulness that warrants God’s favor, which is certainly a Jewish idea, especially if faithfulness is defined as obedience to the Law.  Paul’s emphasis in Romans 1:16 is that “the gospel is presently/ongoingly [the singular] dunamis dynamite-like enabling-power of/belonging-to God eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ salvation to every-single-one, the [one] routinely/habitually pisteuo having-trusting-relying-faith.”


We see from Bible Info that the New Testament speakers and writers have radically redefined many Old Testament terms and verses to reach Jews for Jesus, because the OT is but “a shadow/outline of things to come, but the substance/reality belongs to Christ,” only “servings as a copy and/coupled shadow of the heavenly things,” especially “the Law has but a shadow of the good things that were to come instead of the true from of these realities” that “have now been revealed to Christ’s holy apostles and/coupled prophets by the Spirit” per Colossians 2:17, Hebrews 8:5, 10:1, and Ephesians 3:5.


The corresponding Greek word for “faith” is the noun pistis in both the OT and NT, from the verb pisteuo and thus means: “a moral conviction, persuasion, or assurance/confidence from a relational trust and dependence or reliance IN God’s faithfulness or trustworthiness.”  Can you see how both meanings of the Hebrew are still present?  The standard scholarly Lexicon BDAG notes that faith is “on the basis of the reliability of the one trusted.”  The Greek god Pistis was “The Trustworthy One.”  Certainly the OT LXX Septuagint translators and New Testament writers were using their audience’s knowledge of this to their advantage, as stated above!  In a later BLOG, we will see that “The Trustworthy One” of the bible is God as revealed by His Son, Jesus Christ, the Messiah!  Obedient Steps of Faith – BT14 will explore this aspect of God’s faithfulness more fully.


That’s why the same Greek word pistis for “faith” CAN be used in place of pistos faithfulness,” so only the context can help you figure whether faith or faithfulness is being emphasized, or if both aren’t in mind (see below)!  As we will see from other words used in conjunction with pistis/pisteuo, faithfulness really is just the “long-suffering, patient-endurance of trusting-relying-faith while under trial/persecution, even before expressing retributive-force from anger.”  In other words, you can be full of faith to keep from having a knee-jerk reaction of retaliation to trials or persecution that could make you so angry!


In Revelation 2:19 Jesus’ speaking of “ministry/service and/coupled hupomonepatient-endurance under trials/persecution’” is by literary parallelism of metonymy equated to “unconditional-love and/coupled trusting-relying-faith” so that it rightly is read “ministry/service of unconditional-love and/coupled hupomonepatient-endurance under trials/persecution’ of trusting-relying-faith.”  It’s about holding onto your trusting-relying-faith under trials/persecutions – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT16 for the endurance of saving faith.  We see the only 2 NT commandments of having trusting-relying-faith in Christ and unconditionally-loving everybody just-as Jesus unconditionally-loves us integrally related in at least 30 verses (a) – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT20.


<Notes> a) “Faith and Love” are a coupled 6 places in that order:  1 Thessalonians 3:6, 5:8; 1 Timothy 1:14, 2:15; 2 Timothy 1:13, and in reverse in 5 places:  Ephesians 6:23; 1 Timothy 4:12; Titus 3:15; Philemon 1:5; Revelations 2:19, and otherwise associated in 19 other places: 1 Corinthians 13:2, 13; 2 Corinthians 8:7; Galatians 2:20, 5:6, 22; Ephesians 1:15, 3:17; Colossians 1:4; 1 Thessalonians 1:3; 2 Thessalonians 1:3; 1 Timothy 1:5, 6:11; 2 Timothy 2:22, 3:10; Titus 2:2; James 2:5; 1 John 3:23; Revelation 1:5.



Video - Part 2:  Obedient Steps of Faith - BT2:  Faith and Faithful defined in the Hebrew & Greek

Part 2


Paul also makes connections between trusting-relying-faith, the endurance/steadfastness of faithfulness, and unconditional-love!  In 2 Timothy 3:10, Paul says to Timothy:  “You, however, have followed the teaching of mine, the conduct [of mine], the setting-forth-predetermined-purpose [of mine]:  the trusting-relying-faith [of mine], the makrothumia long-suffering-patience before expressing retributive-force from anger’ [of mine], the unconditional-love [of mine], the hupomonepatient-endurance under trials/persecutions’ [of mine] – the persecutions [of mine], the sufferings [of mine] that happened to me in Antioch, in Iconium, in Lystra – what manner of persecutions I hupophero ‘carried-under safely-to-endure.”  Here, by Greek parallelism, trusting-relying-faith and unconditional-love viewed as a unit (a), is parallel to ‘long-suffering-patience before expressing retributive force from anger’ and ‘patient-endurance under trials/persecutions’ as a unit.  <Notes> a) see note ‘a’ above.


Likely Barnabas (a) in Hebrews 6:12 written to Jewish-Christians also does this coupling: “trusting-relying-faith kai and/coupled makrothumia long-suffering-patience before expressing retributive-force from anger’ of what we see in those Jewish people of the past we are to NOW be “imitators of these who are the ones routinely inheriting the promises.”  In context, his prescribed action:  You have to bite your tongue to your persecutors and sit on your hands while holding onto your trusting-relying-faith in order to inherit the promises.  Don’t be persuaded by the Jewish Law-teachers<Notes> a) Paul’s preaching companion wrote in much better classical Greek than Paul’s cruder koine Greek.


Just as pistis can have a dual meaning of faith and/or faithfulness, the NT also uses the Greek adjective pistos not just ordinarily for “faithful, trustworthy, reliable” but also for “those being persuaded, confiding, or trusting” just as the verb pisteuo “to have trusting-relying-faith” conveys:   Just as Abraham did of God’s promises to him (a), Jesus being raised from the dead (b), of Jesus as the Messiah and author of salvation (c), thus as Christians as believers (d) who have shown this by being water-baptized (e).  However, ordinarily the Greek word pistos describes “those who have fullness of pistis trusting-relying-faith or loyalty to pistis trusting-relying-faith, thus having faithfulness or trustworthiness.”  This is often used of people being faithful even unto death to receive the crown of zoe genuine-life, conquering unto the end to rule over nations (f), but especially of Father-God keeping His promises (g) and of Christ (h).


<Notes> a) Galatians 3:9, b) John 2:27; 1 Peter 1:21; cf. 1 Corinthians 15:14 our pistis faith is void without Christ’s raising, and Colossians 2:12 our pistis faith in the Holy Spirit’s enabling-power raising Christ raises us with Christ as we rise up after water-baptism, c) Acts 16:1; 2 Corinthians 6:15; 1 Timothy 5:16, d) Acts 10:45; Ephesians 1:1; Colossians 1:2; 1 Timothy 4:3, 10, 12, 6:2; Titus 1:6; Revelation 17:14; 3 John 1:56, e) Acts 6:15, f) Matthew 24:45, 25:21, 23; Luke 12:42; 1 Corinthians 4:2, 7:25; Ephesians 6:21; Colossians 1:7, 4:7; 2 Timothy 2:2; Hebrews 3:2; Revelation 2:10, 13, 26, g) 1 Corinthians 1:9, 10:13; 2 Corinthians 1:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:24; 2 Thessalonians 3:3; Hebrews 10:23, 11:11; 2 Timothy 2:13; 1 John 1:9; 1 Peter 4:19, h) Revelation 1:5, 3:14, 19:11; Hebrews 2:17.


The NT itself explicitly defines pistis faith in Hebrews 11:1 for Jewish-Christians tempted to go back to Moses:  “Now pistis ongoing IS-defined-as/exists-as [the singular] hupostasis confident-trusting-assurance of [plural things] routinely/habitually being elpizo hoped for (a), [the singular] elegchos ‘inward-conviction expressed in outward-confession’ (b) of things absolutely-in-fact-NOT routinely/habitually being seen.”  Notice the ‘doing/work’ of confession is closely associated to ‘doing/work’ or trusting-relying-faith, so that the “good confession of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) in the presence of many witnesses” (c) that is likely at their water-baptism, is thus a “work of trusting-relying-faith” (d), which is explored in Obedient Steps of Faith – BT15.  In the context of the verses before and after Hebrews 11:1, again this is a patient-enduring faith that does not “shrink back to be destroyed,” which THEN “preserves their souls” – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT16.


<Notes> a) elpizo is the verb of  elpis hope, thus “faith in future” things, a confident expectation of future events, b) elegchos:  an inner conviction that proves or confirms God’s in-birthing of faith, thus an internal persuasion or ‘reproof’ from God per 2 Timothy 3:16 regarding Jewish prophetic ‘portions of’ scripture about the Messiah.  These are what are useful in the NT Church – see Logos Word of God – BT6 and – BT7.  In court, it is a charge that is shown to be true, often confessed by the accused.  However, in our case it is a confession of The Truth about Jesus “in the presence of witnesses,” that is the confession of “Jesus as Lord” because of the confession/reproof of sin during water-baptism:  Matthew 3:6; Mark 1:5; 1 Peter 3:21 – see Surrender Control, c) 1 Timothy 6:12, d) 1 Thessalonians 1:3; 2 Thessalonians 1:11.


One of the worst things bibles have done is translate noun pistis as “faith” and the verb pisteuo as “believe,” as if they meant 2 different things, but in Greek they are just different grammatical forms of 1 thing!


English dictionaries definefaith” as “the assent/agreement of the mind to the truth of a proposition or statement for which there is NOT complete evidence, thus belief in general.”  This is NOT the definition of the Greek pistis nor Hebrew emunah, as we have seen in Part 1 above!


English dictionaries also definebelieve” as “to accept as true or real.”  This is NOT the definition of the Greek pisteuo or Hebrew aman, as we have seen in Part 1 above!  It is simply the verb form of the noun – it means to have “a moral conviction, persuasion, or assurance from a relational trust and dependence or reliance in God’s faithfulness or trustworthiness,” NOT merely “to accept as true or real” or to have “mental assent/agreement!”


Can you see how English bibles can be totally misleading – see Bible Info for many other ways!   Therefore, to be consistent and accurate, I always translate pistis as the noun “trusting-relying-faith” and pisteuo as the verb “have trusting-relying-faith.”  Simple and consistent!


Helps Word-Studies correctly notes:Pistis/pisteuo does involve belief as agreement, but it goes far beyond human believing because it involves the personal ‘in-working’ of revelation from God, ‘a divine persuasion’ with the weight of a guarantee or warranty, NOT just having human confidence as a work of man but always as a work of God inside of us,” thus NOT simply the product of man’s rational, intellectual, reasoning “might and powerfleshly efforts but instead comes from “by My Spirit” says the Lord, as Zechariah 4:6 predicted for the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant!


It certainly takes pistis faith to surrender control of your “might and power” in exchange for “by My Spiritcontrol of your life!  Many Christians simply have not grasped the complete difference between the old covenant “way” of obedience FOR God that puts your trusting-relying-faith in your own “might and power” FOR God and the completely-different-in-kind chadash/kainos New Covenant “Living Way” WITH God that puts your trusting-relying-faith  in “by the means of My Spirit, says Yahweh of hosts” who is the Faithful and Trustworthy One – see New Covenant Ways.


Pistis faith is NOT a “mental assent or agreement” about some THING, like “accepting as true or real” that the chair behind you will hold your weight even though you may have never seen the chair before so you have “no complete evidence” of it being able to do so.  I’ve heard pastors actually erroneously define faith as this!


Nor is pistis faith believing in the “THING” of 2000-3500 year-old bible verses loosely collected over very long periods of time but mere men, many very politically motivated, that talk ABOUT biblical events and people, who you have never seen, but consider “as true or real . . . with NO complete evidence” and have never personally known.


Pistis faith goes way beyond agreeing with gnosis informational-knowledge you read or studied in a book, even the bible – more on this in Obedient Steps of Faith – BT6.  For example, the Jews have a mantra that “God is One” (a), for “Hear, O Israel:  Yahweh our God, the Lord is One” (b).  Saying this and ‘mentally agreeing’ with it doesn’t mean much, as James points out:  “You presently/ongoingly pisteuo believe that ‘God is One’ – Well you are doing well, but even the demons presently/ongoingly pisteuo believe [in that] and shudder” (c).  No, genuine, saving pistis faith goes far deeper than reciting doctrinal creeds, but so many Christian religions are quite stuck in this – see Creeds of the Faith<Notes> a) Romans 3:30; Galatians 3:20, b) Mark 12:29 citing Deuteronomy 6:4, c) James 2:19.


Pistis faith is a deep, lasting conviction put into your understanding mind and caring heart by the Triune-God that then puts our trust and dependence or reliance in THE PERSON of a faithful, trustworthy Father-God NOW within a completely-different-in-kind New Covenant because it puts it in THE PERSON of The Father’s representative Son – of Jesus being “in the Father and the Father in Him” (a) so that “I and the Father are One” (b), which implies Jesus was “the [only truly] good God” (c), and finally THE PERSON of the Father and Son’s Holy Spirit as “the Spirit of trusting-relying-faith” (d) who are ALL in the Triune-God by nature/essence simply as Unconditional-Love. <Notes> a) John 14:10-11, 20, 38, 17:21, cf. John 8:29, b) John 10:30, 17:11, 22, 14:9, c) Mark 10:17-18; Luke 18:18-19, d) Acts 6:5, 11:24; 1 Corinthians 12:9; 2 Corinthians 4:13; Galatians 5:22.


THIER unconditional-love for us desires to save us and bring us into a genuine, full, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of THEM that hyperbolically-surpasses gnosis informational-knowledge ABOUT THEM from any book – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT6!




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Spiritual Education, Faith defined from Greek and Hebrew is NOT our English definition, Faith is trust dependence reliance in the Faithfulness Trustworthiness of God NOT a thing, Faith can often imply our Faithfulness through trails or persecution, Faith and Believe are poor translations, Faith is not in a thing but a person because it is trust in their trustworthiness, Endurance of Faith and serving of Love are integrally connected, Enduring faith needed to inherit the promises, Enduring faith needed for salvation, work of faith is linked to confession and water-baptism, Faith is NOT in our own might & power abilities but the Spirit’s power, Faith is NOT in information even if religious, God’s love desire our faith to bring us into relationship-knowledge with them NOT a book like the scribes & Pharisees had

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT28: Faith needed for anointed musicians of prophetic, spontaneous music




Video: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT28:  Faith needed for anointed musicians of prophetic, spontaneous music



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT28:  Faith needed for anointed musicians of prophetic, spontaneous music



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As Christian musicians, do we want to be limited by what we already know or can know through acquiring more skill through study or lessons FOR God, OR tap into the unlimited enabling-power of the Spirit for God’s skill to play through us as we play WITH God?  The old covenant is all about the former and the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant is all about the latter!  What are we putting our trusting-relying-faith in and what are we communicating to the congregation through our worship music?  Do we want to be like reasoning bible-expert scribes?  Or do we want to be like trusting, relentless-asking little children to see, hearing, and feel God’s knowledge directly?  Are we depending on our own “might and powergnosis information-knowledge or the Spirit’ prophetic revelation of wisdom and understanding?


Anointed musicians “let go and let God” – they totally surrender control of their might and powerskill-set and performance mindset FOR God, which is the essence of religion, and instead they have trusting-faith-to-rely on the “by-the-means-of My Spiritprophecy of the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant in Zechariah 4:6, which is accomplished by being in a koinonia intimate-relationship with the Lord, and they sing/play para ‘close-beside or WITH’ the Lord “so that all things are now possible” (a). <Notes> a) Matthew 19:26; Mark 10:27,


They come to the Lord in proseuche conversational-prayer and they “present their bodies as a living sacrifice, set-apart or holy kai and/thus acceptable to God, which IS their logikos logical-rational-reasonable latreia liturgical-worship-service” (a) to God, even “presenting themselves to God . . . and/coupled their bodily-members to God as hoplon instruments-of-warfare for righteousness” (b).  Hoplon in classical Greek meant “any tool or implement for preparing a thing.”  <Notes> a) Romans 12:1, b) Romans 6:13.


The Lord made it really clear that He used King David’s harp to play to heal King Saul of tormenting spirits many times (a), but the Lord has also told me many times while playing my drums in churches that I was driving out evil spirits that were in churches, with people coming up to be after and said they either ‘saw’ this or felt a ‘release of heaviness.’  While listening to my friend Shawn Laughlin play a prophetic drum solo at Freedom Fellowship, a woman stood up and prophesied that she saw demons fleeing.  Yes, there are many demons in churches because they oppress Christians!  <Notes> a) 1 Samuel 16:23, 18:10, 19:9.


The Lord has told me many times while playing my hand-drums or practice pad prophetically in parks that He was sending waring angels out to defeat demons in the park, surrounding neighborhoods, city, state, country, and world.  I had wondered why the sound suddenly turned to galloping (1_+a) and trotting horse (1e+_) rhythms along with a military, marching, patriotic, and rudimental sounds!  I was told the Bonanza and Rawhide galloping sound is that of stampeding horses while the William Tell Overture trotting/cantering is what you see in official, royal processionals in England – that’s when the Lord Jesus comes out “on a white horse and is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war” (a). I saw His black boots that came over His calf with His uniform pants tucked in – they were so shiny they reflected His image, the sun, and the clouds perfectly!  When I asked why such shiny black boots, He said they reflect Me and my glory – all of creation, and they fit my stirrups perfectly.  That made me laugh but then I saw His boots fit the pure shiny silver stirrups on His white horse perfectly.  <Notes> a) Revelation 6:2, 19:11, 14.


Anointed, prophetic, spontaneous musicians don’t put their trusting-relying-faith in anything they ‘bring to the table’ nor do they dictate to the Lord what songs, the order of songs, arrangements, road-map navigation, the keys, the chord progressions, length of time for worship, or any other plan, schedule, or program. I know this absolutely wrecks most church services today because they simply have NOT surrendered-control to the leading of the Holy Spirit.


I’ve been lectured by worship leaders for surprising them by the direction the Lord took me during service, and scolded by musicians because I didn’t bring my charts that I created during my personal practice – they thought I was unprofessional and dishonoring to God, but little did they realize I am a paid professional who is an expert at making charts, memorized my charts, but then let God know that He can take me anywhere He wants, even way off the charts, though I kept perfect metronome time.  After the service, people came up to me and said how moved they were, but not to any of the ‘glued-to-the-stand’ musicians!  You can only go as far as your trusting-relying-faith will take you!


Anointed, prophetic, spontaneous musicians do NOT tell God what their plan is and expect Him to bless it and actually show up.  These people believe the quality of their performance FOR God is what is honoring and pleases God.  Wrong!  This is the essence of the Jewish religion that you see the OT prophets and Jesus consistently denounce.  It is repulsive to God, like “our righteous deeds being like a polluted garment” (a). <Notes> a) Isaiah 64:6.


The Lord showed me a dream on 6-26-2017 of church leaders all wrestling to control the Holy Spirit, but He left their dog-pile and left their churches, saying that “I will NOT be controlled by men, even if they say they ‘invited Me’ and that they ‘want to be led by Me’ – Instead I will go to the ‘least among them’ no matter what you think of them.”  God’s musicians dump everything at the feet of King Jesus and say, “Whatever, Whenever, Wherever, and However (WWWH) You want to play, I offer my mind, my heart, my ears, my voice, my feet, my hands, and my instrument(s) for You to possess to do as You will for as long as You want.  I give you complete control and put ALL my trusting-relying-faith in You!  I will simply “Jump in the current of Your Living Water and Go with Your flow of the Holy Spirit.”


After playing in 25 or so secular bands and 15 worship bands, I’ve only met 3 musicians who even know what I am talking about, but I was so grateful to experience the night and day difference with them!  I also talked with 1 youth band that was doing this and I could barely stand up because the Spirit was pushing the guitar player from my band and I over.  They said they tried to be like other worship bands they had been in but they just fought with each other and/or struggled to be prepared for services, which had been my experience in all 15 bands.  They finally surrendered instead to worshipful-prayer for up to an hour, then pick up their instruments with NO PRACTICE or PLAN, stayed in adoration, and just let God take it WWWH!  It was the most beautiful music I have ever heard, with NO MUSIC stands!  The result was everybody was either insanely worshipping or on the floor crying!  They didn’t play one song I had ever heard anybody pre-compose, because this was all directly from the Lord.


Paul called these special spontaneous songs “Spirit-kind-of odes” (a), which are differentiated from pre-composed psalms that are instrumental-accompanied music, and hymns that are only vocal.  An ode can be either, but “Spirit-kind-of” ode makes this purely from the Holy Spirit, and the effect of this is night and day over man-made odes, unless of course the Spirit possesses the musicians, but when this happens don’t expect the music to follow the page!  We are limited only by our trusting-relying-faith.  King David speaks of these as completely-different-in-kind “New Songs” – See Spontaneous Music. <Notes> a) Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16, b) Psalms 33:3, 40:3, 96:1, 98:1, 144:9, 149:1 and Isaiah 42:10.



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Spiritual Education, Faith needed for Anointed Prophetic Spontaneous music, Our skill or God’s skill, Our Might and Power or God’s Spirit power, Surrender in prayer is first step, Let go and Let God, Summon the Spirit, Music ministry by the Spirit not flesh, Surrender your schedule and music-charting to Spirit’s control, Spirit quenched by leaders trying to control it, Spirit songs in tongues are ultimate in surrendering control

Obedient Steps of Faith – BT1:  Obedience in the New Covenant is completely different-in-kind than in the Old one




Video:  Obedient Steps of Faith - BT1:  Obedience in the New Covenant is completely different-in-kind than in the Old one


Obedient Steps of Faith – BT1:  Obedience in the New Covenant is completely different-in-kind than in the Old one



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Obedience to commandments in the completely-different-in-kind New (a) Covenant is completely different-in-kind than obeying any of the 613 commandments in the old covenant, just as the definition of New (a) is: “fresh, completely different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior.”  Let’s see how these 613 relate to the “obedience of faith.”  Jesus said in John 14:15, “If you unconditionally-love Me, then keep (b) entole My officially-decreed commandments.”  But just what are these? <Notes> a) chadash, kainos, b) certainly attend to carefully or guard that which you already possess.


I realize this study will be quite a shock to many Christians because of years and years of “the traditions of men” being drilled into us as valid Christian doctrine, but if you wade through this comprehensive, exhaustive study, you will not only become as convinced as I was after hundreds of hours of detailed research, but also extremely excited in your new-found freedom.  There are only 2 commandments to be obedient to in the New Covenant:




Any more than that is the bondage/slavery of the Law!  Remember, “The Lord is the [Holy] Spirit, and where the [Holy] Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (a)” (b), and “for freedom (a) Christ has set us free (a); stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke/chains of slavery (a)” (c), but “you were called to freedom (a), brothers” (d).  In the context of these verses, it’s clearly talking about freedom from the Law of commandments and the traditions of the Fathers that is the Oral Torah/Law (a). <Notes> a) the Greek word means freedom from slavery, in context to the Law of sin and death, b) 2 Corinthians 3:17, c) Galatians 5:1, d) Galatians 5:13.




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Spiritual Education, New versus Old Covenant Obedience, 613 old commandments versus 2 new of faith in Christ and love one another, Christians are to be free from the slavery of the Law of sin & death