Obedient Steps of Faith – BT4:  Born Above for a FULL cup of Genuine-Life & Living Water




Video - Part 1: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT4:  Born Above for a FULL cup of Genuine-Life & Living Water

Part 1



Obedient Steps of Faith – BT4:  Born Above for a FULL cup of Genuine-Life & Living Water



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Christ wants to pour into your ‘cup’ His healing presence, His “Living Water” as the Holy Spirit (a) so you can “never be in pain from thirst, again” (b) but have super-abundant zoe genuine-life now and forever (c).  Jesus promises: “Every individual person who routinely/habitually theoreo ‘gazes, contemplates for the purpose of analyzing/discriminating’ the Son and/coupled routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ Him should [if you meet this condition] have eternal zoe genuine-life” (d).  “So must the Son of Man be lifted up [on the cross], in order that every individual person who routinely/habitually has trusting-relying-faith in Him may have [if you meet the condition] eternal zoe genuine-life.  For [the reason is] in-the-manner God unconditionally-loved the world:  He gave His one and only-one-of-kind Son, so that every individual person who routinely/habitually has trusting-relying-faith in Him in-possibility-NOT should-perish [if they meet the condition] but-instead should-have [if they meet the condition] hold-to-have eternal zoe genuine-life (e).”  <Notes> a) John 4:10-11, 7:37-38; Revelation 7:17, b) John 4:14, 6:35, c) John 4:14; Revelation 21:6, 22:1, 17, d) John 6:40, e) John 3:14-16.


Again, “The individual person who routinely/habitually has trusting-relying-faith eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ the Son presently/ongoingly holds-to-have eternal zoe genuine-life.  However, the individual person who routinely/habitually apeitheo ‘refuses to be persuaded, thus disobeying’ the Son will absolutely-in-fact-NOT horao ‘see with the mind, perceive’ zoe genuine-life, but-instead God’s wrath presently/ongoingly meno ‘abides, remains’ upon him (a).”  Again, “I tell you the solemn truth, the one who routinely/habitually akouo hears/listens-to-understand/know My [gospel] logos message and/coupled routinely/habitually has trusting-relying-faith in the One [the Father] who sent Me presently/ongoingly hold-to-have eternal zoe genuine-life and/coupled eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ judgment absolutely-in-fact-NOT erchomai ‘come from one place to this place,’ but-instead has already [with lasting effects] ‘have passed over/out-of one place [judgment] to another’ – out-of The Death eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ zoe genuine-life (b).”  Again, “I tell you the solemn truth, the individual person who routinely/habitually has trusting-relying-faith presently/ongoingly holds-to-have eternal zoe genuine-life.  I presently/ongoingly am the bread of zoe genuine-life (c).”  <Notes> a) John 3:36, b) John 5:24, c) John 6:47-48.


Again, “the individual person who routinely/habitually has trusting-relying-faith in Me, even if he should die, he shall actually zoa genuinely-live” (a).”  John’s only reason for writing his letter to a house church:  “I have written these things to you in order that you may eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know that you presently/ongoingly hold-to-have eternal zoe genuine-life, to those routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith in the name/authority of the Son of God (b).”  Finally, “And we eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know that the Son of God has come and has given us dianoia ‘insight or thorough, balanced reasoning of intellect’ to experientially, relationally ginosko know  Him who is True, and we are in Him who is True, in His Son Jesus Christ. This One is the True God and/coupled eternal zoe genuine-life (c).”  <Notes> a) John 11:25, b) John 5:11-13, k) 1 John 5:20.



Video - Part 2: Obedient Steps of Faith - BT4:  Born Above for a FULL cup of Genuine-Life & Living Water

Part 2


We must all come to the point in our unfaithfulness as disobedience to God, to NOW make a choice to pisteuotrust in and depend or rely on” Jesus, who is Pistis “The Trustworthy One” as Messiah/Christ Savior, who alone was faithful by His perfect obedience to God and thus become “born again” for salvation to have zoe genuine-life now and for an eternity.  That is the light switch turned ON and the glass filled to FULL – see Salvation.


John makes it clear:  “EVERY individual person who is routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith that Jesus is the Christ (a), ek out-from God this [person] has already been [with routinely-occurring results] (c) gennao begotten/come-into-being” (c).  Remember that Jesus warned:  “Unless one is gennao begotten/come-into-being anothen again/from-above he can absolutely-in-fact-NOT horao mentally observe/perceive-to-know/discern the kingdom of God . . . You’all must be gennao begotten/come-into-being anothen again/from-above again” (d).  Thus Peter notes:  “He has caused us to be anagennao “above/again begotten/come-into-being” and “you have been anagennao “above/again begotten/come-into-being” (e).  In both cases the meaning most likely means “born from above” – see the next paragraph.  <Notes> a) “The Anointed One” or “Messiah” in Hebrew, b) perfect participle singular, c) 1 John 5:1, d) John 3:3, 7, e) 1 Peter 1:3, 23.


“Born again” or “born from above,” which is it?  Here’s some translator notes from the Net BibleThe Greek word anothen has a double meaning, either “again” (a) or “from above.”  This is a favorite technique of the author John of this gospel, and it is lost in almost all English translations – see Bible Info on this common problem in many English translations.  John uses anothen 5 times and in the latter 3 cases (b) the context makes clear that it means “from above.” Here, however, in John 3:3, 7 it could mean either, but the context lends toward the primary meaning of “from above.” Nicodemus apparently understood it as “born again,” which explains his reply, “How can a man be born when he is old?  He can’t enter his mother’s womb a second time and be born, can he?” Jesus uses the technique of the “misunderstood question” often to bring out a particularly important point:  Jesus says something which is misunderstood by the disciples (c), which then gives Jesus the opportunity to explain more fully and in more detail what He really meant.  <Notes> a) in which case it is synonymous with palin, b) John 3:3, 7; 3:31; 19:11, 23, c) or, as here, a Pharisee.



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Spiritual Education, Jesus wants our cup to run over with Living Water of the Spirit, Jesus wants our cup full of genuine life eternal, Jesus wants us to be forever free of painful spiritual hunger & thirst, Doubt stops all of this, Only faith in Jesus births us out-from God to be born above that is born again, Faith in the faithful obedience of Christ is the only way to be saved for genuine life eternal