BT15 – Tongues & Interpretation

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BT15:  Reflection about Cessationism

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Why would you believe in Cessationism Sola Scriptura “Bible-only” that says the miraculous grace-gifts of the Spirit have ceased when there is so much evidence against it?  The New Testament writers “optimally-desire for us ALL to speak in tongues,” particularly to “conversationally-pray and psalm to God from out heart,” and knowing this “builds us up in our most Holy Faith in order to ‘carefully watch/observe to keep guarded’ ourselves in the Unconditional-Love of God.”  Don’t you want to be built up in holiness and trusting-relying-faith in order to experience more of God’s no-strings-attached love?  If tongues express “High Praise” and “eulogizing thanksgiving to God” perfectly “interceding by the will of God” from “the depths of God” why wouldn’t you want to do this?  Why wouldn’t you want to play music with or without words spontaneously composed by the Holy Spirit, even singing in tongues, to create a “completely-different-in-kind, superior New Song” or “Joyful Noise” or “Spirit-kind of ode” from your heart to the Lord, especially requested “to bring in order to speak reciprocally to one another” in church-assemblies?  The writers never indicated this would end!


The New Testament writers say that “even better than” personal tongues is “to zealously-desire to prophecy” as a “proving-sign to believers” because it “more valuable to build up others” unless “the tongues are interpreted,” exactly because such tongues can bring a message of “revelation, gnosis info-knowledge, prophecy, teaching.”  We are warned “not to forbid tongues” and “not to despise prophecy.” The Writers don’t indicate that any of this is no longer needed!


The Writers don’t indicate thattongues as a proving-sign to unbelievers” to authenticate and “confirm the gospel logos message” is no longer needed to God to “work together with us” by “accompanying the gospel with signs, wonders, miracles, and grace-gifts.”  There is no indication that any of the grace-gifts are no longer needed to carry out Body-Ministry to “build us up into the mature stature of Jesus Christ.”  Ceasing any would be like going to the gym and only working out certain body parts – you will end up grossly disproportionate!  All arms with skinny legs and a fat belly!  A freak.  That’s what so much of the Church looks like today, until you realize that just like “All Israel is not true Israel for a remnant shall be saved” applies to the institutional Church also!


I don’t see that The Great Commission requirements of the Church Age to preach/witness the gospel logos message to “the ends of the age or earth” have ever been fulfilled and Jesus said He won’t return until they are.  I don’t see Peter’s restatement of Christ’s “promised gift of the Father to enduringly-wait” in conversational-prayer as they did in the upper-room 2 weeks for, which Peter said was form “all those far off that the Lord will call to Himself” has ‘ceased’ because we have a bible!  “The Perfect Coming” is not the completion of the bible but the return of Jesus Christ, the Perfect, Sinless, Holy, and Righteous One.  The Bible isn’t that we will be “face to face” with when the grace-gifts “pass away” because they are no longer needed in the battle!  What will remain forever is our trusting-relying-faith and hope (future faith) and unconditional-love because this the basis of our relationship with the Lord and actually the very nature of God, for faith/hope are ‘flavors’ of the singular fruit/nature of the Spirit/God that is singularly Unconditional-Love that should thus be the basis of all our actions, even the use of grace-gifts whether “to benefit God” or “to benefit others!”


Since the Writers say that “signs, wonders, miracles, and grace-gifts” were given as “weapons of our warfare” that are “of the Spirit and not of our flesh” to get ‘the marching order’ done, why would the Lord take any of those weapons away from us until He returns?  Cessationists are using pea-shooters when they could be using Big Guns!


Only our doubt and fear keep the enabling-power of the Holy Spirit from flowing “into us, thru us to others, and effectively working in others.”  Mark made it clear that “these signs shall actually follow those who have trusting-relying-faith” and we know even from Christ’s ministry in some places: “He absolutely-in-fact-NOT did-to-make many [plural] dunamis ‘supernatural enabling-powers’ there because of their apistia NOT-having-of-trusting-relying-faith.”


Missionaries on the ‘front-lines’ of the gospel all around the world will tell you that unless you use all the grace-gifts in the battle for The Truth, you are going to lose!  But Paul says that Spiritual warfare is something we all have to fight with “the whole armor of God to take our stand against the schemes of the devil” and the “sword of the Spirit is the directly-spoken/heard rhema Word of God” and directly associates this with “routinely conversationally-praying in/by/with ALL-SEASONS by-the-means-of the Spirit” that Paul has already defined as “by-the-means-of tongues.”  This is why Jude says that this “builds us up in our most Holy Faith in order to ‘carefully watch/observe to keep guarded’ ourselves in the Unconditional-Love of God.”


Throughout the New Testament history, the Church Fathers up until 430 AD, and in every revival since, ALL of the grace-gifts are present and flourishing to accomplish The Great Commission.  The Old Testament wasn’t even finished until 90 AD as political reaction to Christianity.  The New Testament wasn’t even finished until 325 AD also because of political pressures, though many segments of the Church to this day don’t agree.  The more you look into Bible Info, the more you realize there is NO WAY that could be “The Perfect that is coming” in order to justify Cessationism!  The New Testament writers say that “gramma writings are the palaiotes ‘old, antiquated, worn-out, useless, obsolete’ ministry but the ‘completely-different-in-kind, superior’ NEW way is by-the-means-of the Spirit.”


All the promises of the Old Testament about use being “taught by God” directly are fulfilled in the New Testament by The Promise of the “One is Your TeacherHoly Spirit!  The Writers would scream:  “You have the Anointing of the Holy & Righteous One, so you have absolutely-in-fact-NO need of anybody else teaching you.  Remain in Him” but “I am writing this to warn you about teachers that are deceiving you!”  It’s time to get back to “The One Teacher!”  It’s time for “Wisdom and Understanding and Knowledge thru Revelation by-the-means-of The Spirit.”  The Writers tell us this is the “true Milk of the Spirit” and “solid food to become mature on,” not the OLD “milk” of learning writings of the Law that is 97.4% or even prophetic oracles of 2.6% of the Old Testament.  Now we “learn about God’s Will through the gymnasium-like practice of discernment” – it’s no longer spelled out for us like we were still in kindergarten!


This means we must be Christ’s “Sheep who actually listen/hear-to-understand/know My Voice” by His “directly-spoken/heard rhema words that are Spirit and zoe genuine-life” that “come out of the mouth of God that we can zoa genuinely-live by” than “never come back void but accomplish exactly what I send them out to do!”  The New Covenant Way is NO LONGER “reading, writing, and arithmetic” – no longer relying on the “might and power” of reading, analyzing, comprehending, memorizing, and debating gramma writings collected 100s to 1000s of years later into books, even called graphe scripture by religious men, but instead “The Way” of “By-the-means-of My Spirit” says the Lord!  The grace-gifts are that!


And you can’t ‘cherry-pick’ which of them you still are applicable.  It’s ALL or nothing, because when you say NO, you say NO to the Person of the Holy Spirit and that “quenches the Holy Spirit.”  You are saying, “Get out of my house!”  But God “opposes the proud/arrogant but give His grace to the humble/teachable.”  We see Church Fathers realizing this all thru history – if you say NO to any grace-gifts, you kick the Spirit out, you don’t end up with the fruit of the Spirit either!  The flip-side is that if you flourish in grace-gifts, you flourish in the fruit!  It’s because you are saying YES to the Spirit controlling your life.  It’s all about surrendering control and having trusting-relying-faith.


We have been freed or released from the “abolished” old way!  The writers would scream:  “But now that you have come to experientially, relationally ginosko know God, rather however having been experientially, relationally ginosko known by God,  how do you presently/ongoingly turn-back AGAIN to these asthenes ‘weak, impotent, worthless, beggarly-poor’ and/coupled ptochos ‘deeply destitute and helpless like a crouching or cowering beggar’ stoicheion ‘elementary or rudimentary ‘abc’ fundamental principles of the world, even its religions, even Judaism’, whose slaves you want to be once more?”


Watch out for the diabolical doctrine of Cessationism!  It’s in a slew of bibles and churches.  It will rob you of God’s promised genuine-life by-the-means-of the Spirit because these words come directly from the mouth of Christ, not from dusty old letters.  “Living water” must be “fresh, running, and flowing” to be “life-giving.”  Once it sits for very long, it can actually be deadly!  You have to drink from the “living and active Logos Word of God” that is “Jesus Christ, the Logos of God,” but we do this by “listening/hearing His rhema directly-spoken/heard Word of God” that alone “produces trusting-relying-faith.”  We still must be “all taught by God.”


Then we can be like the apostles and prophets who preach/witness the gospel logos message effectively with demonstrable-proofs of signs, wonders, miracles, and grace-gifts that confirm the message,” proving that “God really is among you!”  Otherwise we are NOT “fully preaching/witnessing the gospel” but on your own with a powerless, “form or appearance of godliness but denying its power” message.  Then you will resort to dogma, doctrine, creeds, theology, and apologetics to try to “defend the faith” and convince people into the kingdom.  But the Catholic Church failed because assimilation is NOT conversion and defense is NOT offense, and you can’t win a game with just defense, no matter how strong you try to make it.


Christian water-baptism originally included the expectation that you would be Spirit-Baptized so that you would be “filled to overflowing” with the “grace-gifts of the Holy Spirit” for personal enabling-power but also for Body-Ministry and witness to the end of the ages.  We still have a huge Spiritual battle so why are we refusing to be properly equipped? Once you close the door on the Holy Spirit, you start trying to manufacture the results with your own “might and power” and then you are right back to the religion of the Old Testament.  That is much of Church history after about 200 AD except for revivals.  If we don’t learn from history we are bound to repeat their mistakes.  Just look at our government!



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BT14 – Tongues & Interpretation

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BT14:  Cessationism forbidding of tongues or despising prophecy will Quench the Spirit and retard the gospel’s effectiveness

The Grace-Gifts of Tongues & Interpretation - Spirit Music Meet-Ups


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Paul warns Christians against doing either of these as certain ways toquench the Holy Spirit” instead of “zealously-desiring the Spirit-kind-of grace-gifts” (b) or  “zealously-desiring the meizon ‘greater in value’ (a) grace-gifts” (b) or “de mallon ‘however even-better to prophecy” than even Paul “presently/ongoingly thelo optimally-desired them ALL to speak in tongues” (b), and that those who do so are “meizon more valuable to others” (a) than the ones who speak in tongues unless someone interprets so that [in either case] the church-assembly may be built up” (b) or “[I strongly urge you to] zealously-desire to prophesy and/coupled to in-possibility-NOT forbid tongues” (b).  If tongues is Paul’s optimal desire for them ALL and prophecy even tops that as “greater,” why would Christians not zealously pursue either?  <Notes> a) meizon: ‘more than megas great in size, weight, age, degree, strength, ability, authority, virtue, etc. but here in the importance/value of their grace-gift to others.  Meizon is also used in 1 Corinthians 13:13 of unconditional-love compared to trusting-relying-faith and elpis ‘hope, expectant faith for the future,’ but not as much as megistos ‘ultimate’ used only in 2 Peter 1:4 of God’s promises to us, b) 1 Thessalonians 5:19-20; 1 Corinthians 14:1, 12:31 [later, less reliable manuscripts of the KJV have kreitton ‘more excellent, better’], 14:5, 14:39.


Paul proves that God has appointed for the entire Church Age (a) prophecy and tongues as grace-gifts (b).  Prophecy is a proving-sign that builds up the Body-of-Christ, as also Body-ministry tongues can be if interpreted (c).  However, tongues can also build oneself up in their eulogeo ‘eulogizing prayers of thanksgiving’ and spontaneous psalming to the Lord, just as Paul boasts for himself and desires for them (d), even though tongues regarding ministry is a proving-sign for unbelievers to have trusting-relying-faith in the gospel (e).  Paul is clear that there are 3 major ‘intended audiences’ and thus 3 purposes for the 3 genos ‘families/kinds/sorts of’ glossa tongues/languages with 3 different sets of advice!  See also Tongues – BT4, Tongues – BT6, and – BT7.  <Notes> a) Last days/times, end of the age(s):  1 Peter 1:20; Hebrews 1:2, 9:26; Acts 2:17, 39; 1 Corinthians 10:11; 2 Timothy 3:1; James 5:3; 2 Peter 3:3, until it’s finality at the great harvest when the Church is “raptured/removed” before the Judgement of the earth:  Matthew 13:39-40, 49; 24:3, 28:20, b) 1 Corinthians 12:10, 28, c) 1 Corinthians 14:5-6, 22, d) 1 Corinthians 14:14-16, 18, e) 1 Corinthians 14:22.


Cessationists who say the miraculous gifts of the Spirit ‘ceased’ are breaking every rule of biblical interpretation, and Church history completely invalidates their position – see Spirit-Baptism – BT3.  From Pentecost on, God’s Holy Spirit through the authority of the name of Jesus Christ has never stopped being poured out upon people in order to “work with us, accompany, and confirm” the gospel logos message per Mark’s account of the Great Commission (a).  The apostles never reached “the ends of the earth” in Luke’s account (b) nor “the end of the age” of Matthew’s account (c).  “All the promises of God find their ‘Yes’ in Him” per 2 Corinthians 1:20.  The mission is the same and so are the means to accomplish it! <Notes> a) Mark 16:15-20, b) Acts 1:8, c) Matthew 28:18-20.


Since the mission hasn’t been completed, the need for God to “work with us, accompany, and confirm” His gospel logos message still remains, and since the authority of Jesus’ name hasn’t changed, I can see no reason why the “signs, wonders, and healings” of the early Church shouldn’t be happening wherever the gospel logos message is preached and there is trusting-relying-faith by its preachers, per Mark 16:17.  And in fact, it happens all the time, especially in the mission field where the Church isn’t so much for entertaining the believers as it is in America, but where the mission is still to reach the lost and ‘equip’ the saints for service to reach the lost. These are the “front lines” where God is doing battle to win people’s souls!  Wouldn’t He be there doing His mighty works to give authority to His gospel logos message of The Truth of Jesus being preached?  Sure He would!


Jesus had already told them “I am sending ‘The Promise’ of My Father upon you, but stay in Jerusalem until you are clothed with enabling-power from on high” (a). So Luke further records after the resurrection, “while Jesus was staying with them, He ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to perimeno ‘remain all-around, enduringly even thru difficulty’ for ‘The Promise’ of the Father that you have heard from Me [many times earlier], for although John baptized (b) with water, you shall indeed be baptized (b) by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit not many days from now” (c).  So Peter says in Acts 2:33, 38-39, “Having received ‘The Promise’ of the Holy Spirit, which He has poured out, this is what you yourselves are seeing and hearing (d). . . .Therefore, repent (e) kai and/coupled/thus be water-baptized every one of you in the name/authority of Jesus Christ eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ the forgiveness of your sins (f). And moreover, you shall actually lambano ‘grab a hold of to receive’ the dorea free-gift of the Holy Spirit, for ‘This Promise’ is for you and/coupled for your children and/also for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to Himself.”  That sure sounds indefinite to me!  Furthermore, based on the context, this gift clearly comes with supernatural grace-gifts! <Notes> a) Luke 24:49, b) baptizo: transformational immersion in any liquid, even cucumbers in vinegar changed into pickles – water for water-baptism and “the living water” Holy-Spirit for Spirit-Baptism, c) Acts 1:4-5, d) this isn’t an invisible, quiet ‘deposit’ dropped off to many Christians that churches say that you just have to “take by faith” actually happened.  That’s what the Church of Christ told me.  No!  This is clearly manifested in context by prophecy and tongues, e) metanoia:  turn your mind’s direction back, f) clearly repentance and/coupled water-baptism are required for forgiveness of sins in order to save you – see 1 Peter 3:21.


In 1 Corinthians 13:8-12 Paul doesn’t even hint that any of the “grace-gifts into us, services/ministries thru us, and energetically-effective work in others by-the-means-of the Spirit” of vv. 12:4-6 will “pass away” in v. 13:8 during the Church Age as Cessasionists claim, but Paul is simply emphasizing that agape unconditional-love will “never end,” even after Paul says “the perfect (Christ) comes” in v. 13:10, and so must in v. 13:13 “remain as the meizon greatest, larger, stronger of these [faith-in-the-present, faith-in-the-future-hope, and agape love]” during our Church life throughout the Church Age.


After talking at length in chapter 13 about agape unconditional-love, Paul is NOT pitting “the dioko ‘earnest/zealous pursuit/chase like a hunter’ of agape unconditional-loveagainstzeloo zealously-desiring the Spirit-kind-of grace-gifts, de mallon indeed-now-especially that you might presently/ongoingly prophesy,” just as elsewhere Paul says to “zeloo zealously-desire prophecy as mega greater” or “de mallon ‘however even-better” than even him “presently/ongoingly thelo optimally-desiring them ALL to speak in tongues” (a), and Paul is certainly not saying to despise prophecy at risk of quenching the Spirit (b).  NO, Paul uses a conjunction de between these 2 “zeals” for unconditional-love and grace-gifts, which has a wide range of meaning “but, moreover, rather, indeed now, next, so then, on top of that.”  Paul is simply transitioning to the next subject of chapter 14, not saying that chapter 13 negates chapter 14 but must be incorporated as the main motivation behind all the grace-gifts for effective Body-Ministry, even whether it’s unconditional-love for God in your prayers in tongues directed to God that also build you up, your messages of tongues in the church-assembly to build them up by your service/ministry to them, or your preaching/witness to unbelievers in tongues as a proving-sign.  It’s not an ‘either-or’ but a ‘both-and’ in the mind of Paul with unconditional-love saturating everything.  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 12:31, 14:5, 39, b) 1 Thessalonians 5:19-20.


We see the history of the Church bearing that truth of Continuationism:   Paul lays hands on people, the Holy Spirit comes on them, and they begin speaking in tongues and prophesying (a).  We see woman prophets in the Church (b) as Paul teaches about “every wife who prays or prophesies” (c).  Sure Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13:10 that “We prophesy in part, de however when to teleion the [neuter, singular] perfect ‘completed-end-aim of the parts’ comes, the [neuter, singular] meros ‘part of the complete-whole’ ek out-from [the perfect whole] shall actually [passively] be katargeo ‘cease’ (d).”  The Sola Scriptura “By Scripture Alone” Cessationists say the completed canon of the bible is “The Perfect coming,” But is that really true?  <Notes> a) Acts 19:6, b) Acts 21:9, c) 1 Corinthians 11:5, d) katargeo: down-from/according-to made inactive/idle, emphatically/totally made of no effect/without force/inoperative, done away with, ceased so abolished, invalidated, abrogated, brought to nothing, therefore released from it.


Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 13:11 that now we blepo ‘physically, watchfully or observantly see’ presently dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of a polished-metallic-mirror in/by/with a [singular] ainigma ‘obscure thing, enigma,’ however then-at-an-indefinite-future-time [physical] face pros ‘toward and interfacing with’ [physical] face.”  Paul is not talking about facing pages in a New Testament that wouldn’t be officially voted into place under enormous political pressure the Roman Emperor Constantine over 300 years later, but facing Jesus Christ as Paul will explain!  Paul wrote 51% of the New Testament and even with all his prophetic insight, this was certainly “a polished-metallic-mirror” in comparison with being “face to face” with Jesus!  As a Pharisee expert bible-student, Paul knew exactly what it meant to serve God by-the-means-of God’s gramma writings sporadically collected over 1500 years into graphe scripture and talks often about his previous zeal.  The Old Testament canon wasn’t even finally agreed upon until 90 AD, clearly because of the destruction of the temple, scattering of the Jews, and the threat of Christianity.  Again, political expediency!


But now in Romans 7:6, Paul declares: “Now however we have already been katargeo ‘released from what was abolished’ (a) from the Law, already having died-away-from by-the-means-of that which we were continually bound by, in order for us to presently/ongoingly douleuo ‘serve as a slave, willing like a bond-servant’ by-the-means-of [singular] kainotes ‘completely-different-in-kind, superior newness’ of/belonging-to [singular] Spirit, kai and/but absolutely-in-fact-NOT [by-the-means-of] the palaiotes ‘oldness, antiquatedness, worn-out quality of, uselessness, obsoleteness’ of/belonging to [singular] gramma writing.” <Notes> a) katargeo: down-from/according-to made inactive/idle, emphatically/totally made of no effect/without force/inoperative, done away with, ceased so abolished, invalidated, abrogated, brought to nothing, therefore released from it.


Paul could be referring to just the Law, but 97.4% of the Old Testament is either the Law or based on it, and everything Paul writes about regarding “serving/ministering by-the-means-of the Spirit” has to do with the rhema ‘directly-spoken/heard word’ of God that involves speaking-types-of grace-gifts like tongues, interpretation, prophecy, messages of knowledge, messages of wisdom, and discerning the will of God through ‘gymnasium-like’ practice – not book-learning!  Romans 8 and Galatians 5 is all about the Holy Spirit directly causing you to ‘walk, be led, and keep in step’ with IT, so as 1 John 2:20, 27 says “because of the Anointing, you have absolutely-in-fact-NO need of any teacher” or presumably the gramma writings that ALL rabbis teach from.  Jesus never asked for anything to be written down, which is radically different from any rabbi that has ever lived!


In fact, Paul prays in Colossians 1:9 for God “to fill-to-completion them with the genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of His will by-the-means-of pas all-kinds-of wisdom and/coupled sunesis ‘connect-the-dots’ understanding of [singular] Spirit” and in Ephesians 1:17 that God “may give you the Spirit of wisdom and/coupled of revelation by-the-means-of the genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of Him.”  There is no bible-study here!  See also New Covenant Ways – BT16 and Bible Info – BT2, and Least Among You – BT8.  See Tongues – BT11.


A careful survey of the New Testament clearly indicates the palaiotesoldness, antiquatedness, worn-out quality of, uselessness, obsoleteness’ of relying on any kind of gramma writing to yada/ginosko experientially, relationally know God or His will.  Hebrews 10:17 cites Jeremiah 31:31-34 which makes that exact point – biblical writings and teachers of it never worked produced the desired results for the old covenant, so God went direct for the completely-different-in-kind NEW Covenant with eido ‘mentally ‘seeing’ prophetic vision-type of understanding/knowing’ for all of His people, exactly as Acts 2:17-19 says through prophetic horao visions and dreams!


Paul explains more:  “Currently I presently/ongoingly experientially, relationally ginosko know ek out-from a [neuter, singular] meros ‘part of the complete-whole.’  He is not talking about gnosis informational-knowledge about God from bible-study that he acquired a lot of as a Pharisee of Pharisees nor would he ever want anybody to be bible-students of his writings that make up 51% of the New Testament.  It only makes you a fan!  Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman is a great book!  Furthermore, he knows that regardless of the grace-gift you have from the Spirit, even as valuable as prophecy was, it is just “1 member” of “many members” in the Body-of-Christ to having experiential, relational ginosko knowledge of Jesus, because Christ is the “whole the parts belong to,” and so this earthly stage will always be incomplete.


Paul continues:de however then-at-a-later-time I shall fully & genuinely, experientially, relationally epiginosko know, kathos kai ‘just as, according the manner in which also’ I have already-been fully & genuinely, experientially, relationally epiginosko known” (d).  Paul usually only uses this intensive form of ginosko when arguing against Jewish bible-scholars and Gentile Gnostics to prove they don’t have “the real-thing” genuine relational knowledge, but here he recognizes that when he is “face to face” with Jesus his experiential, relational knowledge of Jesus will be ‘full’ to the same degree as he is already “fully known” by Jesus.


No book can ever give us this knowledge and no amount of prophetic insight either!  We have to wait until we are changed into His likeness!  Until then, Peter quoted the prophet Joel on Pentecost in Acts 2:17-19 that ONLY said that “prophecy, even thru horao ‘envisioning’ visions and dreaming dreams” (a) was the singular way God would speak to His “men and woman servants in the last Days” Church Age.  Nothing else is mentioned!  Now wonder Paul so emphasized this 1 grace-gift as being “even more so” to zealously-desire! <Notes> a) horao horasis: generally to observe with the eyes, implying attention, concern, or heed, sometimes being acquainted through experience, but often emphasizing an eido mental ‘seeing’ to perceive/know with a discerning or ‘weighing-in’ mind.  Eido prophetic knowledge is the uniqueness of the New Covenant per Jeremiah 31:34 cited in Hebrews 10:17.  This is very similar to optanomai: gaze in awe with wide-open eyes upon used in Matthew 5:8; John 16:22; Romans 15:21; Acts 13:31; 1 John 3:2 or katoptrizo that is kataptron mirror + a derivative of optanomai = gaze in awe with wide-open eyes as in a mirror used only in 1 Corinthians 3:18.


We know also from Paul’s other writings that “The Perfect” is Jesus Christ and His coming is our “blessed hope” when prophetic insight is no longer needed (a).  This has nothing to do with the canon of the New Testament coming that wasn’t actually decided upon, even through much disagreement by Catholic Church councils, until 367-397 AD.  So much of the New Testament is about the anticipation of Christ’s Second Coming!  Jesus is the only “The Perfect that is coming” just as Hebrews says (b):  “Being made Perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey Him . . . a Son who has been made Perfect forever. . . But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things that have come, then through the greater and more Perfect ‘tent/tabernacle’ (not made with hands, that is, not of this creation). . . “a High Priest . . . who in every respect has been tempted as we are yet without sin.”  Jesus is “the Holy and Righteous One” (c), “the Holy One of God” (d) or just “the Holy One” (e) or “the Holy One, the True One” (f).  It’s preposterous to think the bible is “The Perfect that is coming” especially after you read Bible Info<Notes> a) Titus 2:13; Ephesians 1:12; Colossians 1:27; Galatians 5:5; Romans 8:11, 23-25, Philippians 3:11, 21; Colossians 3:4, cf. 1 Peter 1:3, b) Hebrew 5:9, 7:28, 9:11, 4:15 c) Acts 3:14, d) Mark 1:24; Luke 4:34; John 6:69, e) Acts 2:27, 13:35; 1 John 2:20; Revelation 16:5, f) Revelation 3:7.


All through the history of revival you see the same pattern: authoritative teacher-leaders criticizing, resisting, and even persecuting the supernatural grace-gifts of the Spirit, carefully ‘cherry-picking the low-hanging fruit’ of what grace-gifts of the Spirit they want to recognize, and pounding home Sola Scriptura “By Scripture Alone” as if the bible is “The Perfect that is coming” in order to justify the exclusion of the supernatural Holy Spirit for their day.  Today is no different!  So how does God react to all this resistance and downright disobedience?


God “opposes/stands-firm against the proud/unteachable but gives unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace to the lowly/teachable” (a). Some of these objectors finally “wake up to smell the coffee,” but many don’t!  The early Church Father Irenaeus around 200 AD said that churches who were rejecting the supernatural manifestations of charismata grace-gifts of the Holy Spirit were also the ones devoid of the Holy Spirit’s fruit, like “a leafless terebinth, and as a garden without an abater (plower) – such men are of no use to God, in that they can bear no fruit.”  The Holy Spirit is the only way the garden of our lives can be cultivated and watered!  To quench or suppress any [singular] meros ‘part of the complete-whole’ of Christ’s “grace-gifts into us, services/ministries thru us, and energetically-effective work in others” by-the-means-of His Spirit is to shut The Person of The Spirit out completely – the very definition of “quenching the Holy Spirit!” <Notes> a) James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5 citing Proverbs 3:34.


The Cessationists, like the Church of Christ that I was saved in, the Baptists, Anglican, Associate Confessional Reformed, Presbyterians, Calvinists, and others don’t believe in the supernatural dunamis enabling-power and ongoing prophetic revelation of the Holy Spirit.  They say that all of that died out with the apostles or with the creation of the New Testament.  The say that the Continuationism of the Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, Moravians, Pentecostals, Charismatics, Four-Square, and Full-Gospel churches is wrong.  See also Wikipedia’s “Cessationism versus Continuationism.


Many other Church Fathers documented the charismata grace-gifts of the Spirit!  The Didache or “Teaching of the Twelve Apostles,” written between 50-120 AD treated prophecy as standard fair, even giving rules to test prophets who “speak in the Spirit.”  Justin Martyr around 155 AD, said the “prophetic gifts formerly belonging to the Jews (i.e, the OT Prophets) are now at work in the Church” as well as other charismata grace-gifts.”


The Shepherd of Hermas, written around 140–150 AD, consists of five prophetic visions, and was considered canon by some of the early Church Fathers, also quoted by Pope Callixtus 1 as having authority, was part of the New Testament’s Codex Sinaiticus and is in the lists of New Testament books in the Codex Claromontanus, having thus had great authority in the 2nd and 3rd centuries.  Here we see that what was considered the Church’s bible varied greatly over time – see Bible Info!


Irenaeus around 180 AD said: “It is impossible to name the number of all charismata, which the church, dispersed throughout the whole world, has received from God, in the name of Jesus Christ.  In like manner, we also hear that many brethren in the Church, who have prophetic charismata, speak in all kinds of tongues through the Spirit and reveal the hidden things of people, for their benefit and explain the mysteries of God.  For some [of Christ’s true disciples] do certainly and truly drive out demons, so that those who are thus cleansed from the evil spirits often believe and join the church. Others have foreknowledge of future things, they see visions and utter prophetic words.  Others heal the sick by laying their hands upon them and let them rise up healthy. Moreover, as we have said, the dead even have been raised up and lived with us for many years.”  Irenaeus continues: “Others do not accept the grace-gifts of the Holy Spirit and cast the prophetic charismata far from their sight, through which man, when he is sprinkled with it, bears the life of God as fruit.  Citing Isaiah 1:30, he continues: “They, like a terebinth tree that has lost all its leaves and like a garden without water’ . . . have no use for God, because they bear no fruit.”  I couldn’t agree more!  The churches I’ve been in that reject the gifts have to “work really hard” to show any signs of life!


Tertullian around 200 AD says the charismata grace-gifts were such common practice in Carthage that at a person’s water-baptism, he suggests they also: “Ask from the Lord, as a special grace-gift of His, the distributions of the charismata.”  Spirit-Baptism or Filling was expected to occur during water-baptism because there is only “One Baptism” per Ephesians 4:5.  Other writings that mention the charismata grace-gifts are those by Firmilian (c. 232), Cyprian (c. 258), Hippolytus (c.170-236), Clement of Alexandria (c.150-215), Origen (c.185-254), Ephraem Syrus (c.306-373), Eusebius (c. 260-340), Chrysostom (c. 347-407), and near the end of St. Augustine’s life (c. 430) he said that some of the grace-gifts of the Holy Spirit such as healing were present during his own lifetime and within his own geographical region of North Africa.


Regarding revivals throughout history, there is much written about the “outpouring of the Spirit, and Spirit possession” in Wikipedia’s article on Christian Revival.  The Encyclopedia Britannica says that spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues has occurred in Christian revivals of every age. In the same vein, Souer’s History of the Christian Church cites a reference to the famed leader of the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century, stating, “Dr. Martin Luther was a prophet, evangelist, speaker in tongues, and interpreter all in one person, endowed with all the gifts of the Spirit.” The history of revivals since then also prove that the miraculous grace-gifts continued throughout the Church Age, making the Cessationists dead wrong – see Cure of All Ills by Dr. Mary Stewart Relfe and Spirit-Baptism-BT3!


The damaging “wind of doctrine” called “Cessationism” that believes “the Holy Spirit’s grace-gifts ceased with the original apostles” obviously can’t be true, yet you will still see this doctrinal bias in the notes of many study bibles, like the Reformation Study BibleThe MacArthur Study BibleScofield III Reference BibleHolman Christian Study BibleRyrie Study BibleNKJV Study Bible, and Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible.


However, some study bibles are more encouraging of the modern experience or “Continuationism” of the charismata grace-gifts such as:  NKJV Spirit-Filled Life BibleKJV Life in the Spirit Study BibleDake’s Annotated Reference BibleModern English Version, Spirit-led Woman BibleMEV Spiritual Warfare BibleNIV Full Life Study Bible, and NIV Word in Life Study Bible.  I particularly like the English Standard Version Study Bible (ESV) because it is a formal-equivalence standard for scholarly interpretation and doctrine, and the notes are neutral concerning the charismata for today.  The Passion Translation (TPT) text and notes are fantastic!


Could this be why Paul warned the Church against such suppression (a), and stressed to “earnestly desire to prophesy, and in-possibility-NOT forbid speaking in tongues” (b)?  How can churches “cherry pick” what they want to obey out of the NT?  <Notes> a) 1 Thessalonians 5:19, b) 1 Corinthians 12:31, 14:1, 5, 39.


Cessationism is actually a “doctrine of demonstaught by powerless men to keep Christians powerless! by quenching the Holy Spirit. 2 Timothy 3:5 was written about them:  “having the form/appearance of godliness but denying the dunamis supernatural, enabling-power of it.  Avoid such people.”


The early Church writers said you can’t separate the grace-gifts or signs & wonders from the fruit of the Spirit, because excluding the former is “cutting yourself off from the Vine so that you cannot bear fruit” (a).  The Holy Spirit is a person of God that you either dechomai ‘warmly welcome’ into your house or don’t.  You can’t take bit and pieces of the Spirit!  The indwelling Spirit wasn’t a doctrine that you had to simply take by trusting-relying-faith – simply confessing the creeds and dogma that a later powerless Church came up with!  When the Spirit came into a new believer, there were overwhelming experiences of unconditional-love, joy, peace, and exuberate worship, most often with proving-signs of supernatural tongues and prophecy, which is simply hearing, seeing, or feeling experiential, relational knowledge of the prophetic rhema words or phone Voice of Jesus, directly-spoken to you by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit, which you can then opt to speak back to God for relationship “eulogizing-thanksgiving, praise, and worship” or to others for Body-Ministry in church-assemblies or to unbelievers to confirm the gospel’s logos message<Notes> a) John 15:4-7.


“Demonstrable proofs by miraculous signs & wonders” was the only confirmation of the gospel logos message that God was “accompanying and working with them” in their preaching.  It was also the only proving-signs that “the Baptism of Filling of the Holy Spirit actually occurred to make a person a “New Creation” and thus saved after their water-baptism.  There wasn’t supposed to be any guessing or “you just have to take it by faith” that you were saved like the Church of Christ told me.  It was obvious to you and everybody else!  It sure was to me at my water-baptism, despite of the Church of Christ’s poor teaching, and has been obvious since with so many subsequent Spirit-Baptisms and prophetic God-messages!  A lot of so-called Christians will eventually find out that are not saved at all, though they may say they are.  The New Testament is full of people saying one thing, but the writers saying these people were tragically deceived.


In 2 Corinthians 10:5 in his gospel ministry, how do you think Paul “routinely was overthrowing arguments and every high thing routinely lifting-itself-up kata down-from/against the gnosis informational-knowledge of/belonging-to God?”  He directly links this by kai to “routinely taking every thought captive eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ the obedience of/belonging-to Christ.”  This is not about quarreling or using argumentative words, which Jesus didn’t even do (a) and that Paul prohibited (b).  The University of Arizona mall preachers from “The Door Church” really turned me off from their arguing with naysayers.  No, Paul didn’t use the world’s “fleshly” weapons back against them!   Instead he uses Spirit-kind-of warfare, “for the weapons of our warfare are not out of the flesh, but have God dunamis enabling-power to demolish strongholds.”  <Notes> a) Matthew 12:19, b) Romans 14:1; 2 Timothy 2:14, 23-24; Titus 3:2, 9.


Ephesians 6:10-20 is all about this Spirit-kind-of warfare, so we all need to learn this!  None of the weapons are used against people but against Satan and demons!  Paul explains his strategy:  “My logos message and preaching were absolutely-in-fact-NOT by plausible/persuasive logos messages of sophia wisdom (a) but instead by demonstrating-proof of the Spirit and/coupled dunamis enabling-power” (b).  It’s really hard to argue against the “signs and wonders” of God that should “accompany those who have trusting-relying-faith . . . speaking in new tongues . . . laying hands on the sick to recover . . . and they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the logos message by accompanying signs” (c).  I suspect the problems and ineffectiveness of most pulpit, street, and mall preaching is that they don’t believe or obey this, leaving them only with a “logos message that may be plausible/persuasive” to play on the same field using the same “fleshly” weapons of their enemy.  Futile!  <Notes> a) like the Gentile philosopher or Jewish Law debaters and mystic Kabbalists, b) 1 Corinthians 2:4, c) Mark 16:17-20.



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BT13:  Worship ‘psalming’ by tongues by the Spirit would be in God’s Will for every Christian

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We know in John 4:23 Jesus said “true/genuine worshippers shall actually worship the Father by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit and/coupled [singular] Truth, for kai and/also the Father is presently/ongoingly seeking such ones to routinely worship Him.”  We also know from 1 Corinthians 14:14-15 that “proseuchomai praying and psalming (a) by-the-means-of the Spirit of/belonging-to us is unique from doing these 2 actions by-the-means-of the mind of/belonging-to us, because in the latter case our mind would be “fruitful/productive” in creating words that are “intelligible” to us, but in the former case our mind produces “unintelligible words” per 1 Corinthians 14:9, thus the need for interpretation if we or others want to know their exact content.  And we know from v. 14:14 that “presently/ongoingly proseuchomai praying by-the-means-of a glossa tongue/language” means “the Spirit of/belonging-to me is presently/ongoing proseuchomai praying not the mind of/belonging-to me.”  Paul applies this to psalming and decides to do both!  Why don’t we?  <Notes> a) instrumentally with or without words.


Psalming is a key term used for the worship of God!  Key passages such as Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 of Body-Ministry during church-assembly that speak of being “filled-to-completion [us] by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit” and also “allowing the [gospel] logos message of Christ [to] dwell in us richly” includes “psalms, hymns (a), and Spirit-kind-of odes (b).”  In Acts 16:25 Paul and Silas routinely proseuchomai conversationally-prayed and were continually singing hymns while in prison and that’s when they were supernaturally released!  According to James 5:13 if we are suffering, then we should proseuchomai conversationally-pray, but if cheerful, then we should psalm.  <Notes> a) Matthew 26:30; Mark 14:26; Acts 16:25; Hebrews 2:12, b) odes: psalms or hymns done spontaneously as completely-different-in-kind “new songs” instead of being pre-composed.


In Romans 15:9 when restating his gospel mission to the Gentile world for them to glorify God for His mercy by including them for salvation, Paul cites Psalms 18:49 about praising God and/coupled psalming to His name!  In Revelation 5:9, 14:3 the throng of Christians before the throne of God will be presently/ongoingly ado ‘psalming or hymning’ a kainos completely-different-in-kind-of ode ‘psalm or hymn.’  This will be like David’s chadash shiyr/atos kainos completely-different-in-kind-of “New songs” (a).  Praise the Lord!  Certainly, this is “worship by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit” that the “Father is presently/ongoingly seeking!”  See also Spontaneous Music-BT5, – BT6, and – BT7 for more about Spirit-kind-of odes and New Songs. <Notes> a) Psalms 33:3, 40:3, 96:1, 98:1, 144:9, 149:1 and Isaiah 42:10.


“The New Song” likely occurred during tehillah/epainos ‘enthusiastic, fitting acknowledgment/recognition for what deserves high praise, adoration, and thanksgiving’ (a), which can also include instruments as with mizmorzamar/psalmos psalms.  Psalms 92:1 relates mizmor-zamar/psallo psalming to shiyr/ode songs (hymns or psalms) so that you can see in this he is referring to spontaneous instrumental worship with singing.  Psalms 150 includes even more Hebrew/Greek words for vocal praise and using various instruments.  Psalms 22:3 says of God:  “You [are] qadosh holy-set apart-pure, [You are] yashab continually sitting-on-a-throne/inhabiting-dwelling-in-a-house, the [plural] tehillah/epainos high praises of Israel.”  Many verses show that God dwells in many places, but evidently was dwelling in this highest of praise!  We see this same promise in the Hebrew idiom for worship of proserchomai ‘draw near’ to God in Hebrews 4:16, 7:25, 10:1, 22, 11:6, 12:18, 22; 1 Peter 2:4, and here in James 4:8 eggizo ‘draw extremely close beside’:  “[I strongly urge you to] definitively/wholly eggizo ‘draw extremely close beside’ to God kai and/then He shall actually eggizo ‘draw extremely close beside’ to you.”  This is where anointed-by-God’s-presence, prophetic, and spontaneous worship music occurs!  <Notes> a) Psalms 22:3, 34:1, 40:3, 66:2, 2 Chronicles 20:22; Ephesians 1:6, 12, 14; Philippians 1:11; 4:8; cf. 1 Peter 1:7.


Tongues are also spontaneous and not pre-composed because they don’t come from a “fruitful/productive mind,” according to Paul in 1 Corinthians 14:14-15, but instead “the Spirit of/belonging-to me is presently/ongoingly proseuchomai conversationally-praying,” and so Paul determines that he will not only “pray and psalm by-the-means-of the mind of/belonging to me,” but also do the same “by-the-means-of the Spirit of/belonging-to me.”  Shouldn’t we do the same?  That means some pre-composed odes (psalms or hymns) can be played/sung “by-the-mind of/belonging-to us” for worship, but we can also play/sing a spontaneously chadash/kainos completely-different-in-kind, superior “New ode” or a “Spirit-kind-of” ode!”  This is exactly why Paul includes all possibilities with the phrase “psalms, hymns, and Spirit-kind-of odes” for what Christians should bring for Body-Ministry to their church-assembly in Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 as we saw above!


Tongues happen “by-the-means-of-the Spiritspontaneously during tehillah/epainos high praise.’  The clear evidence of Spirit-Baptism or Filling of 120 people who were steadfastly waiting in Jerusalem in devoted proseuche conversational-prayer in Acts 1:14, so very likely a key precursor, was that they “began to presently/ongoingly speak in heteros ‘others of a different kind of’ glossa tongues/languages kathos ‘down-from/according-to the extent/degree of, corresponding to fully/exactly as’ the Spirit edidou ‘[continually] was giving/granting-as-a-gift, supplying/furnishing, enduing’ to them to presently/ongoingly apophtheggomai to ‘speak/utter out/forth or pronounce/declare to make a generic/unintelligible sound resembling the whinny of a horse” in Acts 2:4, which for so many Jews from every nation gathered there for the festival turned out to be in Acts 2:11 “we akouo hear-to-understand/know them routinely speaking in/by/with our-very-own glossa tongues/languages the megaleios ‘magnificent, excellent, splendid, wonderful things’ of God.”  Certainly this is like tehillah/epainos ‘enthusiastic, fitting acknowledgment/recognition for what deserves high praise, adoration, and thanksgiving’ above!


The proof to Peter that the Gentiles were being added to the kingdom of God “just as we have” in Acts 10:44-47 was that even during Peter’s preaching of the gospel logos message to them, “the Holy Spirit fell on all . . . they were amazed because the grace-gift of the Holy Spirit had been [with ongoing effects] poured out even on the Gentiles, for they were continually akouo hearing-to-understand/know them routinely speaking by-the-means-of tongues and/coupled megaluno ‘making/declaring as great/conspicuous, magnifying, esteeming-highly, extolling, lauding, celebrating, giving glory/praise’ God.”  This spontaneous megaluno High Praise is what came from Mary after she visited Elizabeth and her baby John the Baptist leaped in her belly and “she was filled by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit.”  The presence of God causes this!


In Acts 19:1-7 after Paul water-baptized 12 men from Ephesus, the time when people normally receive the grace-gift of the Holy Spirit, “when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came epi upon them, then they were-continually speaking by-the-means-of tongues kai and/coupled were-continually prophesying.”  Again we often see these included in “proving-signs,” just as Mark 16:17 does, which only are “accompanying those having routinely had trusting-relying-faith.”  If you are doubter in the supernatural, good luck!  Just a few verses later in Acts 19:11-17 after 7 sons of the Jewish high priest Sceva tried to exorcise demons like Paul was “in the name/authority of Jesus” and the evil spirit leaped out upon them and overpowered them causing them to flee wounded and naked, a great “fear fell upon the residents of Ephesus and the name of the Lord Jesus was-continually-being megaluno ‘made/declared as great/conspicuous, magnified, esteemed-highly, extolled, lauded, celebrated, glorified/praised’.”  More High Praise!


Do you think it’s any coincidence that Jesus connects routinely asking, seeking, and knocking for the “agathos ‘inherently or intrinsically good as excellent, distinguished, salutary, upright, honorable, useful, beneficial, suitable, advantageous’ things from the Father to [be given to] those who routinely aiteo subordinately-ask Him.”  These “good things from the Father” are in parallel with “the agathos ‘good’ doma ‘specific, beneficial bounty/present or gift’ of the Holy Spirit from the Father” in the Lord’s Prayer Model in Luke 11:13 and Matthew 7:11 (cf. James 1:17).  Clearly the final ‘action item’ for the routine ‘asking, seeking, and knocking’ for God’s “kingdom to come and will to be done on Earth as it is in heaven” in Luke 11:2 and Matthew 6:10 is “routinely asking . . . for the gift of the Holy Spirit.”  Every good teacher sums up their message with an ‘action item!’


Routinely being Spirit-Baptized or Filled is the only way to routinely be Spirit-empowered to actually bring “the kingdom to come . . . on earth.”  Otherwise we are only “wishing upon a star!”  But even before our FIRST of many routine requests throughout our lifetime, Jesus tells us to routinely practice worshiping:  “Father of us all, who is in heaven, [I strongly urge You to] Your name/person/authority presently/ongoingly hagiazo “be regarded as hagios special, separate, set-apart, consecrated, sanctified, pure or unmixed, or holy!”  We see this same “qadash/hagiazo sanctifying of God’s name” in Isaiah 29:23.  Certainly, this is also High Praise!  And from all the cases of doing this above, we often see “the agathos ‘crazy-good’ free-gift of the Holy Spirit” indeed being given again and again, and mega-praise with tongues and prophecy are often the proving-signs again and again!


Selah is another word possibly used for spontaneous praise-worship.   Many will tell you it means to pause and reflect.  This word is found in the Psalms of David and the book of Habakkuk.  Scholars have speculated its meaning since 270 B.C., when the Old Testament was translated into the Greek LXX.  Since the Psalms were actually songs set to instrumental music, many conclude that selah are simply directions to musicians, as thus not a sung word at all.  Rather, it told musicians to play louder or faster, reprise a verse, etc.  But a Jewish expert Suzanne Haik-Vantoura, offers a different, more fitting view. Her book, The Music of the Bible Revealed, written in French, states that selah was NOT an instruction to the musicians but to the singers, including the congregation.  In fact, she concludes that it is part of the actual lyrics. Though she gives no formal definition for the word, she believes that, like “Amen” at the close of a prayerselah stressed the importance or reality of what was previously sung, like people exuberantly respond “Praise the Lord!”


Personally, I believe from years of playing as an anointed musician that selah could have been an instruction “to be still/quiet to yada/ginosko experientially, relationally know I AM Elohim ‘the Plural Godhead’.”  This silence/motionless need not be filled with quiet piano playing!  It can interrupt the coming of the Lord’s Presence!  I and many others have witnessed this “in the flesh” directing of and/or playing of musicians that are NOT sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.


However, when the Spirit of the Lord does come, He can spontaneously reveal Himself further thru prophetic lyrics, so others “can say ‘Amen’ to tongues of eulogeo “eulogizing by giving God eucharistia thanks/praise’ after being interpreted” as another case of High Praise (a) or giving someone a “logos message of wisdom or gnosis informational-knowledge” by-the-means-of the Spirit, as encouraged in church-assembly (b).  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 14:16, b) 1 Corinthians 12:8.


In music of the world, the instruction in one’s music to allow for spontaneous, improvised music during a specified section is cadenza in the classical genre and vamp in most other genres, but I’m sure other countries have their own terms like improvvisare in Italian or improvizovat in Czechoslovakian!  Maybe selah is just the same idea but with God providing the music and/or lyrics of the psalm!  We certainly see anointed, prophetic, spontaneous instrumental music by this same kind of musicians throughout David’s collection of musicians and writing down of Psalms (a), so this is very possible!  I sure hope to Meet-Up with more like this!  Some music like Jazz is nearly spontaneously-generated from the beginning to the end, so maybe God has this in mind for us also!  God’s making of music is what this website is moving us to!  See Worship-BT1 for many Hebrew words and Worship-BT2 for many Greek words used in worship. Let’s do them all!  <Notes> a) 1 Chronicles 25:1; cf. Exodus 15:20; 2 Kings 3:15.



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BT12 – Tongues & Interpretation

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BT12:  Tongues is according to the Will of God for our own benefit and others

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The NT says God already knows what we will ask before we pray, and so we shouldn’t repeat phrases like the mantras of the Gentile religions who “believe to have religious, magical, or spirituals powers” such as Buddhism, Hinduism (even Yoga), Jainism, Sikhism, Japanese Shingon tradition, Taoism, and even Catholicism or use chanting prayers/songs to induce a trance-like state as in witchcraft prohibited by God or “supposing that they will heard by their many words” (a).  <Notes> a) Matthew 6:7.


Furthermore, Paul says that we can even groan or sigh without words and the Spirit will still intercede for us when we don’t know how to pray (a).  Nevertheless, Paul sets himself as an example to follow his thelo “optimal-desire” that they even “proseuchomai conversationally-pray and/also psalm” (b) primarily to God and “not hypocritically to be seen by men” (c) but to God by-the-means-of the Spirit of/belonging-to us by-the-means-of supernatural glossa tongues/languages and to do this in addition to regularly praying and/also psalming by-the-means of your mind (d). <Notes> a) Romans 8:26, b) instrumentally with or without words, c) Matthew 6:5-7, d) 1 Corinthians 14:2, 5, 14-15, 18.


In fact Paul says in Ephesians 6:18, “[I strongly urge you’all to] definitively/wholly [reflexively] dechomai ‘warmly-welcome’ the sword of/belonging-to the Spirit – which is presently/ongoingly [singular] rhema ‘directly-spoken/heard word’ of God (not a bible) – dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of pas ‘entirety of’ proseuche prayer and/coupled deesis supplication [by] routinely proseuchomai conversationally-praying in every season by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit kai and/related eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ this-very-thing [by] routinely agrupneo ‘vigilantly watching’ by-the-means-of pas ‘entirety of’ proskarteresis ‘steadfast/prevailing/enduring strength from being pros towards and interfacing with [God]’ kai and/coupled deesis supplication peri ‘all-around-about’ pas ‘entirety of’ the saints” as key to “putting on the whole armor of God that you might dunamia be [reflexively or passively] powerfully-enabled to stand against the schemes of the devil” in v. 6:11.  From 1 Corinthians 14:14-15 we know this is “routinely praying by-the-means-of tongues,” which is related to directly akouo ‘hearing to understand/know’ from God in order to do battle against Satan.  There is nothing here about quoting bible verses back to Satan as I was taught – not wonder it wasn’t effective!


Consequently, just as Paul writes about “speaking by-the-means-of tongues as building oneself up” (a), Jude 1:20 says “[I strongly urge you to] tereo ‘carefully watch/observe to safely-guard, care-for/attend-to, firmly-hold/stand-in/maintain-a-present-state,’ yourselves in the Unconditional-Love of/belonging-to God, [by] routinely building yourselves up in your Most Holy Faith, [by] routinely proseuchomai conversationally-praying by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit,” implying that routinely praying in tongues is integrally involved in routinely building yourself up as the way of ‘carefully-guarding-to-maintain yourselves in the Unconditional-Love of God, which is the presence of God Himself (b).  I would this is a really good reason to pray and psalm in tongues, just as Paul said he would do in 1 Corinthians 14:14-15!  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 14:4, the context is praying with eulogizing-thanksgiving to God per v. 14:16, as does Acts 10:46, b) 1 John 4:8, 16; Galatians 5:22.


Therefore, it is possible Paul had tongues in mind in Romans 8:13-14, “But if by-the-means-of-the Spirit presently/ongoingly you’all-are-putting-to-death the misdeeds of the body, you’all shall actually zoa genuinely-live for as-many-as presently/ongoingly are-being-led by-the-means-of-the Spirit, these-ones presently/ongoingly are-defined-as/exist-as huios ‘mature-sons’ (a) of God.” He is encouraging true Christians from v. 8:9 to go ‘grow up with all its privileges,’ from their birth and childhood who: “presently/ongoingly exists-as/defined-as “absolutely-in-fact-NOT by-the-means-of flesh but-instead by-the-means-of the Spirit in-indeed [singular] Spirit of/belonging-to God dwells/houses within you, because if anyone presently/ongoingly holds-to-have absolutely-in-fact-NOT [singular] Spirit of/belonging-to Christ that one absolutely-in-fact-NOT presently/ongoingly exists-as/defined-as of/belonging-to Him.”  <Notes> a) no longer children no different than slaves, but like their father, and thus ready for their inheritance.


This also may indeed be The Key to the successful “transformed mind” Christian life in order that we may “dokimazo ‘test to prove genuine’ what the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God is” (a), “trying to dokimazo ‘test to prove genuine’ what is pleasing to the Lord” (b).  That’s why we see that in church-assemblies the interpretation of tongues can even “benefit others” by “bringing some revelation or gnosis knowledge or prophecy or teaching” (c).  Certainly this is part of the fulfillment of Jesus saying, “I will give you another parakletos (d) to be with you forever, that is, the Spirit of The Truth . . . You already experientially, relationally ginosko know Him for He dwells WITH you (e) kai and/then shall actually be IN you.”  There are several New Testament verses that say that Christ as the Holy Spirit is ALL of this NOW for us (f)!  The “will of God” is no longer so much explicitly-stated to learn ‘by rote’ as the little-children of the old covenant did, but to discern by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit – see Least Among You – BT8 and New Covenant Ways – BT16.  This angers Sola Scriptura “By Scripture Alone” students like I once was, but it’s still the truth<Notes> a) Romans 12:2, b) Ephesians 5:10, c) 1 Corinthians 14:6, d) Jesus was the first Parakletos: ‘Close-beside’ caller, summoner, or inviter; helper, succorer, or assistant; encouraging teacher, counselor, comforter, or consoler; defense-attorney, judicial-advocate, or court-intercessor, e) as Jesus, the first, f) John 14:16, 26, 15:26, 16:7; 1 John 2:1.


Jesus preached and taught then – and still does – by His Spirit with His directly-spoken/heard rhema words.  The NT writers say much more about examining, discerning, or scrutinizing the will of God by-the-means-of-the Spirit through continual practice in renewing one’s mind via routine watching, listening, and feeling proseuche conversational-prayer than they ever do explicitly stating the will of God as logos messages for Christians to read, study, and memorize.  The Church of Christ was dead wrong – no wonder they are so dead!

g them that were trying to deceive them, saying instead “you’all have been anointed by the Holy One (Christ), and so you’all already [with ongoing effects] eido mentally ‘seen’ to perceive/know (a term for prophetic vision) all-things . . . The anointing that you already have received from God presently/ongoingly meno ‘abides, remains, lives’ IN you (a reference to the Holy Spirit), and/thus you have absolutely-in-fact-NO need that ANYONE should teach you, but-instead just this same anointing actually, presently/ongoingly teaches you peri all-around-concerning ALL things, and/specifically is presently/ongoingly factually-true and/coupled is presently/ongoingly absolutely-in-fact-NOT a lie (directly attacking these deceiving teachers), kai moreover kathos ‘down-from/according-to the extent/degree of, corresponding to fully/exactly as’ it (the anointing) has actually already taught you, presently/ongoing meno ‘abide, remain, live’ in Him.”  That’s what Jesus told them in John 15:4 to do “to produce much fruit!”  It’s that simple!


John wasn’t trying to be their “Teacher” but “I write these things to you” to warn them about teachers they don’t need, teachers that were in fact going to deceive them!  Religious Christianity is all about following “special” pastor-teachers!  So few Christians are actually learning directly from Christ’s Spirit!  This has to change if there is any hope against deception!


If you really want to know the Lord and His will, then you will have to learn how to pray & psalm by-the-means-of the Spirit’s tongues like Paul “thelo ‘optimally-desires” for ALL of us.  And if you want to share God’s will to other Christians, than pray that you or another will get an interpretation, but even more so to prophecy.  And if you are desiring to preach/witness the gospel logos message, then ask the Lord to even interpret tongues directly within the unbelievers so that it will be a “proving-sign” that will produce saving trusting-relying-faith inside them.  Paul’s teachings clearly indicate 3 different audience, purposes, and practices of tongues – see Tongues – BT4..



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BT11:  The gnosis informational-knowledge of God that rabbis studied so hard for is easily revealed prophetically even by tongues

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Ironically the gnosis informational-knowledge of God and His will that Jesus said the Jewish rabbis “diligently-searched the scriptures [erroneously] supposing that in them they could echo hold-to-have zoe genuine-life everlasting” (a) – see New Covenant-BT7, that even Gentiles boast that “all of us possess,” Paul says only “puffs up or swells their heads” (b).  Instead, what Paul prays for Christians to acquire is “to definitively/wholly, experientially, relationally ginosko know the unconditional-love of Christ that is huperballo ‘far-throwing, extremely surpassing’ [that] of/belonging to gnosis informational-knowledge in order that you may be filled-completion eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ ALL the abundant-fullness (the context of our filling) of God . . . [so I strongly urge you to] presently/ongoingly become filled-to-completion by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit,” which is Spirit-Baptism (c).  We must go deeper than bible-study – see Knowledge-BT2 and – BT8. Without this, we will be just as sinful as the scribes & Pharisees were – see Knowledge-BT9<Notes>  a) John 5:39, b) 1 Corinthians 8:1, c) Ephesians 3:19, 5:18.


As a humbled Pharisee of Pharisees, Paul had come to the point where he “counted ALL things [all his “might and power” education] to be a loss because of the huperecho ‘far-beyond holding-to-have’ of The Gnosis informational-knowledge of/belonging-to Christ Jesus my Lord, whom I have lost all things and/coupled counted them as excrement-rubbish” (a).  This is a direct attack of Gentile Gnosticism and the Secret Mystery religions but also of the rabbinical bible-study approach – see Knowledge – BT5.  Oh, that we would have the same epiphany!  See also Knowledge-BT1. <Notes> a) Philippians 3:8.


There is a completely-different-in-kind gnosis informational-knowledge and/coupled wisdom available in the New Covenant – see Knowledge-BT3.  It is “the fragrance of the gnosis info-knowledge of/belonging-to Christ” (a); the “gnosis info-knowledge of/belonging-to salvation” (b); the “every kind of gnosis info-knowledge which we were already made rich in Him”(c); for “IN Him are hidden ALL the treasures of wisdom and/coupled gnosis info-knowledge” (d); the “gnosis info-knowledge of/belonging-to God” that “all arrogant thoughts/arguments raised against this” would be “taken captive of to obey Christ” (e).  <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 2:14, b) Luke 1:77, c) 1 Corinthians 1:5, d) Colossians 2:3, e) 2 Corinthians 10:5.


This “gnosis knowledge” is also closely related to prophetic ‘seeing’ of Christians “presently/ongoingly having prophetic powers and/coupled having had [with ongoing effects] eido ‘mentally ‘seeing’ to perceive/know’ all hidden-mysteries kai and/thus ALL The Gnosis Knowledge” (a) – see Knowledge-BT10.  Now this is related to Christians “coming to others” within church-assemblies “speaking in tongues” to “benefit others” by bringing “a revelation or gnosis info-knowledge or prophecy or teaching” (b), especially since “a logos message of wisdom” and “a logos message of gnosis info-knowledge” are some of the Spirit’s grace-gifts to Christians for Body-of-Christ ministry (c).  This probably drove the bible-scholars crazy enough to mock the apostles and true prophets of God, as Isaiah 28 predicted they would do in Acts 2:13 – see Bible Info-BT2 and New Covenant Ways – BT16 and Least Among You – BT8.  I believe it still drives bible-students crazy enough to do the same! <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 13:2, b) 1 Corinthians 14:6, c) 1 Corinthians 12:8.


Jesus said the “hidden, mysterious secrets of the kingdom,” the heavenly gnosis info-knowledge, wisdom, and sunesis ‘connect-to-dots’ understanding “are kept hidden from the so-called “wise and understanding ones,” whether Jewish or Gentile, but “revealed to little-children,” even those before reading age, or the other “least among you” like them – see Knowledge-BT4, acquired simply through proseuche conversational-prayer in a “yoked” koinonia relationship with the Lord (a) – see Knowledge-BT6. The Holy Spirit is The Revealer and what makes prophecy possible, which we are to “zealously-desire more than any other grace-gift” (b). The entire gospel logos message of trusting-relying-faith for righteousness that was given to the apostles and prophets came into being that way (c)!  <Notes> a) Matthew 11:25, 13:11, 16:17; Mark 4:11; Luke 8:10, 10:21; 1 Corinthians 2:10; Ephesians 1:17; Colossians 1:26, b) Luke 1:67, 2:26; Acts 2:17-18, 19:6, 28:25; 1 Corinthians 2:10, 14:1, 32; Galatians 3:23; Ephesians 1:17, 3:5; Colossians 1:26; 2 Peter 1:21; Revelation 19:10, 22:6, c) 1 Corinthians 2:10; Galatians 3:23; Ephesians 3:5; Colossians 1:26.


If the entire emphasis of the New Testament is leading us away from the failed gnosis info-knowledge of the rabbinical bible-study approach to the Old Testament, and leading us instead to direct, revealed gnosis info-knowledge of God and His will by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit, the very nature of prophecy, even of tongues, then why are any of us putting all this effort into bible-study?  Why are we trying to be like the failed scribes & Pharisees!  This is the revelation that I came to awhile back, as well as others like Mark Virkler in the introduction to his great book 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice.  There is a night & day difference between bible-study and the prophetic ‘seeing, hearing, and feeling’ that God intended – see Knowledge-BT11.


Once I stopped making bible-study my primary source after I had done a comprehensive study on knowledge and realized that experientially, relationally ginosko knowing God, even genuinely as epignosko, thru prophetic eido “mentally ‘seeing’ to perceive/know’ and akouo ‘listening/hearing to understand/know’ was the actual knowledge of the New Covenant to seek in order to have “The Gnosis Knowledge of/belonging to the Lord,” then I realized I had become just like a scribe & Pharisee with my 5 bible colleges of training!  Yuck!  I also realized that I had made a LOT of New Testament writers my “Teacher” and living my life by their experiences of the Lord, but Jesus said “One is Your Teacher” and in context this was clearly the “Spirit of the Lord, the actual “Promise” of the New Covenant that Jesus constantly reminded His disciples – see Knowledge-BT12.


Then I found out thru a comprehensive study on proseuche Conversational-Prayer and another comprehensive study on having a koinonia Relationship with God and another comprehensive study on The Rhema Word of God and Prophecy and how it radically differs from The Logos Word of God, and after reading Mark Virkler’s book, then I had the trusting-relying-faith to start asking, asking, asking, seeking, seeking, seeking, and knocking, knocking, knocking for “the real thing” – that’s what the Greek present participles mean when Jesus tells us to pursue “the incredibly great free-gift of the Holy Spirit!”  That’s when I started getting My God-Messages!  Save yourself a LOT of time – just read those BLOGS and His book and start “Practicing the Presence of God” like Brother Laurence wrote about!



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BT10 – Tongues & Interpretation

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BT10:  Tongues and Prophecy is all about the directly-spoken/heard Rhema Words of Christ

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Video for Part 1 with APSD - BT10 Tongues & Interpretation - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

Part 1 includes Anointed, Prophetic, Spontaneous Drumming (APSD) application


The common element of tongues and prophecy that makes it unique and so “optimally-desirable to zealously-desire” (a) is that it is the directly-spoken/heard rhema Word of God’ that is instructing you DIRECTLY for an experiential, relational ginosko knowledge of God, just as the Old and New Testament prophets learned from God.  They didn’t spend their time like the rabbi scribes and Pharisees studying old, dusty manuscripts of whatever form of the bible they had at that time!  In Jeremiah 31:34 as cited in Hebrews 10:17, God says that in the completely-different-in-kind, superior New Covenant, the distinct difference is “Now ou me ‘absolutely-in-possibility and in-fact NOT or NO LONGER’ (b) should each-one-of-them (God’s covenant people) definitively/wholly teach each-one-of their fellow-citizens/neighbors and/also each-one-of their family-members, [thus] each-one-of-them routinely saying ‘definitively/wholly experientially, relationally yada/ginosko know The Lord’ because ALL [of them] shall actually eido ‘mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know’ Me – from the least of them to the greatest, declares The Lord.”  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 14:1, 5, 39, b) the strongest negative there is.


In contrast, the characteristic of the Old Covenant was that only Moses and the Prophets learned DIRECTLY from the God and all the rest of the people through their writings and teaching.  Regarding the Jews’ rejection of God’s invitation in Exodus 20:18-21 to personally learn from Him DIRECTLY, Hebrews 12:18-21, 25 reminds Jewish-Christians tempted to go back to Judaism of the disobedience of their forefathers at Mt. Sinai when they heard “the sound of a trumpet and/coupled the [singular] phone Voice of rhema ‘directly-spoken/heard words,” which those having heard paraiteomai ‘begged to avert/avoid from being close-beside [God], thus excusing themselves by essentially refusing/rejecting [God’s invitation]’ asking in-possibility-NOT The logos message [of God] to be prostithemi ‘made to stand/placed toward-forward’ to them.”  Only Moses got to be speak “faced to face as a man speaks to his friend” (a) and so only his face shown with the glory of God (b).  <Notes> a) Exodus 33:11, b) Exodus 34:29-30.


Everything had to be written down and taught from a hierarchal system of teachers “from the greatest to the least,” from Moses to Aaron and his sons, to the Levite priests, to the men of every tribe, to the wife and children at home and in schools, and lastly to servants, slaves, and finally Gentile proselytes.  The New Covenant gets rid of ALL of this, because God goes DIRECT, but not to the so-called “wise and understanding ones” first but instead first to the “little children and the least among you.




Video for Part 2 with APSD - BT10 Tongues & Interpretation - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

Part 2 includes APSD application


Now God’s actual people, not religious institutional Christians but His actual Sheep, are “ALL taught by God,” the very reason Paul said there was no reason to write about having brotherly-love (a).  It’s the reason John was writing to warn Christians about the danger of human teachers deceiving them when in fact “The Anointing that you have already lambano ‘grabbed hold of to receive’ from Him (b) actually, presently/ongoingly meno ‘abides, remains-connected-to, dwells’ IN you, kai and/thus you have absolutely-in-fact-NO need that ANYONE should teach you, but just as The Same Anointing actually, presently/ongoingly teaches you peri all-about ALL-things kai and/thus is trustworthy and/coupled no lie – just as IT has already taught you – actually, presently/ongoingly [continue to] meno ‘abide, remain-connected-to, dwell’ in Him.”  The key to constantly being DIRECTLY “taught by God” via the Holy Spirit of Christ is to stay connected to Him, “the branches to the Vine” per John 15:4-5.  There is only “One Teacher and you are ALL brethren” (c), “The Spirit of The Truth” (d), who “shall actually guide you into ALL The Truth” (e), who “shall actually teach you in that very hora ‘literal or figurative hour, but generally a finite, limited, specific time-period or season’ what you ought to say” (f), who “shall actually teach you ALL things and/coupled shall actually bring to your remembrance ALL that I have said” (g).  There was never a hint of referring to ANY bible-writings!  The Spirit of Christ would teach us right when we need it!  <Notes> a) John 6:45; 1 Thessalonians 4:9, b) Christ The Holy One of 1 John 2:20, c) Matthew 23:8, d) John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13; 1 John 4:6, 5:6, e) John 16:13, f) Luke 12:12, g) John 14:26.




Video for Part 3 with APSD - BT10 Tongues & Interpretation - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

Part 3 includes APSD application


Jeremiah 31:34’s New Covenant eido ‘mental ‘seeing’ to perceive, understand, know’ God that ALL His actual people will have IS prophetic ‘seeing’ and is exactly what you see the Old Testament Prophets always calling God’s people toward, like Isaiah 28:10 did away from the childlike gibberish of rabbinical “precept up precept, line upon line, a little here, a little there” expository learning about God from bible writings – see Tongues – BT6.  In Acts 2:17-19 citing Joel 2:28-29, Peter says NOW ALL of God’s doulos servants/slaves whether men or women are the ones who have “God’s Spirit poured out upon them and they SHALL INDEED prophesy, even by horao ‘seeing with the mind or perceiving inwardly’ horasis ‘visions’ or enupniazomai ‘dreaming, seeing vision while asleep’ dreams.”


Who are these people?  They are Christ’s Sheep!  “My Sheep presently/ongoingly akouo ‘listen/hear to understand/know’ My phone Voice kai and/coupled/thus I presently/ongoingly experientially, relationally ginosko know them kai and/coupled/thus they presently/ongoingly akoloutheo ‘follow as a disciple would a rabbi’ Me” (a).  Jesus isn’t talking about just His 12 apostles, because “I have other sheep that are NOT of this fold.  I must bring them ALSO, and they SHALL ACTUALLY akouo ‘listen/hear to understand/know’ to My phone Voice, kai and/thus there shall actually be One Flock, One Shepherd” (b).  There is never a hint in the New Testament about reading old gramma writings from God’s palaios ‘old, ancient, used, worn out’ Testament or any later writings from God collected 300 years later into a New Testament, only DIRECT communication from Pentecost on!  To the bible-students of Christ’s day Jesus said:  “The one who is ek out-from God presently/ongoingly akouo ‘listens/hears to understand/know’ the directly-spoken/heard rhema words of God.  [However,] dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of this [God’s rhema word], you absolutely-in-fact-NOT presently/ongoingly akouo ‘listen/hear to understand/know,’ because you presently/ongoingly are absolutely-in-fact-NOT ek out-from God” (c).  A lot of so-called Christians are in the same boat!  <Notes> a) John 10:3-4, 27, b) John 10:16, c) John 8:47.


Instead of bible-writings, Christians are NOW “the [handwritten] epistle-letters from Christ written absolutely-in-fact-NOT with ink but-instead with the Spirit of the Living God, absolutely-in-fact-NOT on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts” (a).  The promise of the Old Testament is NOT to keep using  palaios ‘old, ancient, used, worn out’ writings that “made nothing perfect” (b) and “were found faulted, thus requiring a second Covenant” (c).  NO!  The promise was “a chadash/kainos completely-different-in-kind-NEW Spirit I will put within them . . . that they may (d) walk/live in My ‘enacted statutes’ and/coupled ‘vigilantly observe as a military guard to protect’ My ‘judicially-approved righteous acts’ and/also do them” (e).  <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 3:3, b) Hebrews 7:19, c) Hebrews 8:7, d) cause you to:  Ezekiel 36:27, e) Ezekiel 11:19-20.




Video for Part 4 with APSD - BT10 Tongues & Interpretation - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

Part 4 includes APSD application


The directly-spoken/heard rhema Words of God are actually the “Word of God” that is “from the mouth of God” (a) that is “the bread that we can alone zoa genuinely-live on” (b).  The “word =bread for life” is NOT the gramma written words collected 100s of years later by mere men into graphe scripture, nor is it even the preached gospel logos message Word of God, but the [singular] directly-spoken/heard rhema Word of God that goes out from My mouth that shall not return to Me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it” (c).  Quoting from English bibles, in this case to erroneously define “The Word of God” as bible verses, without checking the original languages, especially when quoting the 1611 King James Version or Authorized Version that has 300 (2.5%) archaic, obscured, or opposite meanings from today’s English, is very dangerous – see Bible Info<Notes> a) Matthew 4:4, b) Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4, Deuteronomy 8:3, c) Isaiah 55:11.


Commenting on ALL that the Jewish religion had become with all their “might and power,” Jesus declared in John 6:63 “The flesh is absolutely-in-fact-NOT presently/ongoingly opheleo ‘useful, helpful, advantageous, or profitable’ – absolutely-in-fact-NOT one thing [of it],”  but contrasting this, Jesus declared: “The Spirit presently/ongoingly exists-as/defined-as the One routinely zoopoieo ‘making/empowering zoe genuine-life’ . . . The rhema directly-spoken/heard words that I already have [with ongoing effects] spoken to you presently/ongoing exist-as/defined-as [singular] Spirit and/coupled they presently/ongoingly exist-as/defined-as zoe genuine-life.”  The Jews had tons of bible-writings and spent 1500 years becoming bible-experts, but ALL this was worthless!  Bible-Information will NOT give you zoe genuine-life!




Video for Part 5a - BT10 Tongues & Interpretation - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

Part 5a

Video for Part 5b APSD - BT10 Tongues & Interpretation - Spirit Music Meet-Ups

Part 5b APSD application


Even though you may be quite religious and even a faithful bible-student, you will still be powerless if you don’t akouo ‘listen/hear to understand/know’ the phone Voice of Christ DIRECTLY-speak His directly-heard rhema words to you.  After the angel Gabriel announces to Mary that Elizabeth was 6 months pregnant after being barren, he explains it’s because of being:  “para close-beside every rhema ‘directly-spoken/heard word’ of The God – [then] absolutely-in-fact-NO [thing] shall actually be impossible” (a) – This double negative in Greek is not a positive but an emphatic NO!  How powerful is the rhema spoken-word of God?  “The universes were formed [with ongoing effects] by [singular] directly-spoken/heard rhema word of God” (b).  The “[singular] rhema ‘directly-spoken/heard word’ of/belonging-to the [singular] dunamis supernatural-enabling-power dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of Christ” is what “routinely phero ‘brings/carries along, maintains’ ALL things” in creation (c).  <Notes> a) Luke 1:37, b) Hebrews 11:3, c) Hebrews 1:3.


According to Hebrews 6:5, NOW Christians are supposed to “have geuomai ‘tasted, tried out the flavor of, partaken, enjoyed, and experienced’ the kalos ‘beautiful, excellent-usefulness’ (a) of [singular] rhema ‘directly-spoken/heard word’ of God te and/both [plural] dunamis supernatural-enabling-powers of/belonging-to [singular] ’eminently-at hand, ready-to arrive’ Age.”  However, I have met many Christians that have not had 1 supernatural experience, shedding great doubt to their actual identity.  I fear that just as the Gentile pagans were worship-serving “mute idols,” so are a lot of Christians, even of their bibles (b).  Paul would have to say they were agnoeo “being ignorant” (c) or idiotes ‘conspicuously lacking education/instruction’ (d).   <Notes> a) kalos:  1) to make beautiful physically or morally, this is distinctly the ‘beauty’ that comes from harmony or proportional symmetry and thus completeness, or 2) to make excellent in nature or character, thus well adapted for its use, and thus praiseworthy and noble, b) 1 Corinthians 12:2, c) 1 Corinthians 12:1, d) 1 Corinthians 14:16, 23-24.




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Part 6a

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Part 6b APSD application


How in the world will you dunamai be-powerfully-enabled [when putting on the full armor of God] to stand against the schemes of the devil?”  That’s what Paul would ask you in Ephesians 6:10-19 if you refuse to do vv. 6:17-18:  “[I strongly urge you’all to] definitively/wholly [reflexively] dechomai ‘warmly-welcome’ the sword of/belonging-to the Spirit, which presently/ongoingly exists-as/defined-as the rhema directly-spoken/heard word of God, dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of ALL proseuche conversational-prayer and/coupled deesis supplication, [by] being routinely proseuchomai conversationally-praying in every kairos ‘coming-to-head opportune or suitable or right time/season to take full-advantage of,’ by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit kai and/related eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ this-very-thing [that is] routinely agrupneo ‘alertly, attentively, vigilantly watching without unnecessary time-off’ by-the-means-of pas ‘entirety of’ proskarteresis ‘steadfast/prevailing/enduring strength from being pros ‘towards and interfacing with [God]’ kai and/coupled deesis supplication peri ‘all-around-about’ pas ‘entirety of’ the saints.”


Using your ‘sword’ to fight against demons isn’t just for yourself but to fight ‘back-to-back’ or in a team against those coming at your comrades!  Fight like the Spartans!  Fighting against the flesh, the world, and the devil behind it all will take us ALL working together in partnership with the Lord and His angel armies!


We know that this proseuche special kind of conversational-prayer that involves being a channel of God’s directly-spoken/heard rhema words is fully explained by Paul as: “presently/ongoingly proseuchomai conversationally-praying by-the-means-of glossa tongues/languages by-the-means-of The Spirit of/belonging-to him” (a).  Without conversationally-praying in tongues you are fighting without a sword!  That’s why Paul says this “builds yourself up” (b).  That’s why he “thanks God that I speak in tongues more than all of you” (c).  That’s why he determines to conversationally-pray and/also psalm (d) in tongues (e).  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 14:14-15, b) 1 Corinthians 14:4, c) 1 Corinthians 14:18, d) instrumental music with or without singing, e) 1 Corinthians 14:15.




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Part 7a

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Part 7b APSD application


Jesus said in John 15:7 the only way for your prayers to be powerfully answered is if:  1) “you definitively/wholly meno ‘abide, remain-connected-to, dwell’ in Me and/coupled, 2) My directly-spoken/heard rhema words definitively/wholly meno ‘abide, remain-connected-to, dwell’ in you.”  God simply won’t give you something outside of His will.  “We can have confidence when pros ‘toward and interfacing with’ Him that IF we ask anything according to His will, THEN He akouo ‘listens/hears to understand/know’ us, kai and/coupled/consequently IF we have already [with ongoing effects] eido ‘mentally ‘seen’ to perceive/know’ (this is prophetic vision) that He akouo ‘listens/hears to understand/know’ us, then-in whatever we may be asking, THEN we already have [with ongoing effects] eido ‘mentally ‘seen’ to perceive/know’ (a)  that we presently/ongoingly have the requests that we have already [with ongoing effects] asked of Him” (b).  Another way to get this eido prophetic-vision of God’s will is to “ask for wisdom and God will generously give this to ALL without reproach” (c).  <Notes> a) prophetic vision, b) 1 John 5:14-15, c) James 1:5.


Only a few times is “The Will of God” explicitly stated and these are very general statement.  That’s because in the New Covenant, we are supposed to go to God DIRECTLY to learn this from Him, “ALL being taught by God” just as Part 2 above explained.  This is exactly Christ’s invitation to “Take My yoke (a) and/coupled manthano ‘learn the key facts from experience and/or reflection’ from Me” (b).  This is a DIRECT-connection learning, never through bible-writings, “for these things God has revealed to us dia thru-the-realizing-channel of The Spirit, for The Spirit presently/ongoingly ereunao ‘diligently-searches, examines’ ALL things, even the depths of God” (c).  See New Covenant Ways – BT16 and Bible Info – BT2 and Least Among You – BT8.  <Notes> a) harness of instruction for discipleship, a common bar tying an inexperienced animal to its master for training, b) Matthew 11:29, c) 1 Corinthians 2:10.




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Part 8a

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Part 8b APSD application


I was taught that reading and studying the bible daily would make me holy or sanctified, set-apart for God’s special purposes.  Wrong!  It sure didn’t the Jewish bible-experts!  I know a lot of Christians and churches that spend more time in the Old Testament than the New Testament, so how does that give them better results than the Jews?  But you may say, “Not me!  I read and study only the New Testament or just ‘the red letters’ of Christ speaking!”  But nobody in the New Testament asked you to do this either, but in fact steered you away from it!  Paul tells you how to be holy: “Christ already unconditionally-loved the Church and/coupled already gave Himself up for Her, in order that He might definitively/wholly sanctify/make-holy Her, having already cleansed Her by the washing/ablution of the water (a) by [singular] directly-spoken/heard rhema word, in order that He might definitively/wholly present to Himself the Church in [future] glory, without in-possibility spot or wrinkle” (a).  We are ALREADY made holy by Christ’s singular rhema spoken-word<Notes> a) possibly a reference to water-baptism,  especially because how often Paul teaches about it, b) Ephesians 5:25-27.


But aren’t we to read, study, and preach the bible?  Where in the New Testament does it say to do that?  Read Logos Word of God – BT19!  Instead Peter says:  “The directly-spoken/heard rhema Word of the Lord [Jesus] endures forever and/thus this is the directly-spoken/heard rhema Word which was preached” (a).  Early in Church history, after the angel of the Lord freed all the apostles from prison, he said:  “speak in the Temple to the people ALL the directly-spoken/heard rhema words of/belonging-to this zoe genuine-life” (b).  They weren’t doing bible-studies and then going out and preaching what they learned!  <Notes> a) 1 Peter 1:25, b) Acts 5:20.


Even Jesus didn’t preach what He read in some bible.  No, He was noted as different from the other rabbis:  “Jesus is the one who spoke the directly-spoken/heard rhema Words of God, given the Spirit without measure” (a).  He said this Himself:  “The directly-spoken/heard rhema words that I speak to you I do absolutely-in-fact-NOT speak from Myself” (b), but instead Jesus was always giving credit to His Father.  And on the way to His death, Jesus said to His Father:  “The directly-spoken/heard rhema words that you have already given Me, I have already [with lasting effects] given them” (c). <Notes> a) John 3:34, b) John 14:10, c) John 17:8.




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Part 9a

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Part 9b APSD application


But wasn’t the bible meant to give me faith, and won’t preaching it give the unbelievers saving faith?  That’s not what the New Testament says!  Faith isn’t found in the pages of ancient writings, for: “the directly-spoken/heard rhema word of/belonging-to trusting-relying-faith is presently/ongoingly eggus ‘nearest, right next to’ you, IN your mouth and/coupled in your heart – the spoken/heard rhema word of/belonging-to trusting-relying-faith that we presently/ongoingly proclaim/preach (a). <Notes> a) Roman 10:8.


After talking about how important it is to send out preachers of the gospel logos message for people to get saved, Paul humbly admits:  “Therefore, trusting-relying-faith [is] ek out-from [genitive: of] akouo ‘listening/hearing to understand/know’ kai and/coupled this akouo hearing dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of [singular] rhema ‘directly-spoken/heard word’ of/belonging-to Christ” (a).  That’s where faith comes from – not Old or New Testaments, not even our own preaching, but DIRECTLY from Christ’s rhema directly-spoken word!  <Notes> a) Romans 10:17.


That’s why Paul recognizes 3 genos ‘family/kind’ of tongues (a) and that the “#3 intended audience-purpose” of tongues is indeed a “proving-sign” to unbelievers because they will be amazed when they understand every directly-spoken/heard rhema word of Christ thru the missionaries preaching the gospel in an unknown tongue with NO interpretation by the humans, just as on the Day of Pentecost, and 3000 were added to their number!  Many missionaries will tell you that they were in tough spots where they had to preach in their native tongue or in supernatural tongues and trust the Lord to interpret and the Lord did, to the audience’s total amazement and conviction!  When I give prophetic Drum-Declarations in the parks with my drumming, I often do this very thing.  According to Paul in 1 Corinthians 14:14-15, I could also do this while psalming!  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 12:10, 28 – see the introduction of the Tongues & Interpretation page.




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Part 10a

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Part 10b APSD application


Every musician knows that music notation is just another language, symbols representing rhythm and frequencies arranged to convey specific meanings, just as many languages are not only picture-based but also music-based so that tone differences change the meaning of identical-looking words.


So even if a musician is NOT praying or singing in tongues “unto God” verbally or under their breath or in their head while optionally playing their instrument “making music from their hearts,” the Spirit dwelling within them can just as easily be communicating the mind/heart of God “unto God” (audience #1) and even “unto others of the whole church gathered” (audience #2), and especially unbelievers (audience #3), through the arrangements of rhythms & frequencies that the audience’s inward being or ‘spirit’ may indeed understand because of God’s interpretation, regardless of whether their human mind of their flesh is ‘out of the loop’ because it is “unfruitful/unproductive/understanding.”


Thus the psalming instrumentally or including vocals with our without tongues is still an anointed, prophetic, and spontaneous “New Song” or “Spirit-kind-of ode,” because it is still communicating the directly-spoken/heard rhema words of God to minister to them God’s logos message, especially to unbelievers!



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BT9 – Tongues & Interpretation

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BT9:  Unbelievers can only get faith if they hear & understand the directly-spoken rhema words of Christ even by tongues

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Will we agree with Jesus in John 6:63, who said:  “The flesh is absolutely-in-fact-NOT presently/ongoingly opheleo ‘useful, helpful, advantageous, or profitable’ – absolutely-in-fact-NOT one thing!”  Jesus was commenting about their entire religious system of “might & power” works of the old covenant that were to be done away by the “by-the-means-of My Spirit” of the New Covenant per Zechariah 4:6.  But in contrast He said “The Spirit presently/ongoingly exists-as/defined-as the One routinely zoopoieo ‘making/empowering zoe genuine-life’ . . . The rhema directly-spoken/heard words that I already have [with ongoing effects] spoken to you presently/ongoing exist-as/defined-as [singular] Spirit and/coupled they presently/ongoingly exist-as/defined-as zoe genuine-life.”  There is nothing here about accumulating bible-info!


Paul says in Romans 10:13-18 that trusting-relying-faith to “call on the name/authority of the Lord [Jesus] to be saved” because they have “obeyed the gospel” does NOT actually come from akouo ‘listening/hearing to understand/know’ the preaching of the gospel logos message, even from the apostle Paul, as “beautiful as their feet are!”  Our rhema ‘directly-spoken/heard words’ are not good enough, because it is Christ’s “rhema words that are Spirit and zoe genuine-life!”  In fact, here Paul and John 12:38 quotes Isaiah 53:1 that prophesies about the Messiah/Servant’s preaching:  “But absolutely-in-fact-NOT all hupakouo ‘came subordinately-under what was listened-to/heard, attentively-listened and heeded/obeyed it’ the Great-News, for Isaiah says:  ‘Yahweh, who has had trusting-relying-faith-in the akoe ‘verb of akouo: hearing report’ of/belonging to US (The Servant-Messiah and His Father-God from Isaiah 52)?”


If the perfect preacher-Son with a perfect message from Father-God saw many of the masses fail to acquire saving faith, Paul must have recognized this same if not more would occur in his preaching or anybody else’s!  Actually our only success must come from Christ’s “rhema words that are Spirit and zoe genuine-life,” for as Paul says in v. 10:17 “Therefore, trusting-relying-faith [is] ek out-from [genitive: of] akouo ‘listening/hearing to understand/know’ kai and/coupled this akouo hearing dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of [a/the singular] rhema ‘directly-spoken/heard word’ of/belonging-to Christ.”  Wow!


Saving faith must come from listening, hearing, understanding, and knowing the very words of Christ, because “My sheep akouo listen/hear-to-understand/know My phone Voice, their One Shepherd of the One Flock, and I presently/ongoing experientially, relationally ginosko know them and/coupled they presently/ongoing follow [as a disciple] Me” per John 10:16, 27.  There is nothing about understanding the preacher, following him, or getting faith from 2000-3500 year old bible writings read by yourself or the preacher.  Only directly hearing Christ’s voice speaking His rhema words directly to you will give you trusting-relying-faith, resultant salvation, or empower you to follow Him as His disciple.


The Jews should have hupakouoobeyed the message’ as Paul says:  “But I ask in-possibility did NOT they already akouo ‘listen/hear to understand/know’?  Indeed [they have]!”  The heard Jesus and His disciples preach!  Then Paul quotes here and in 1 Thessalonians 1:8 from Psalms 19:4.  Although Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19-20 “to preach the gospel to all nations . . . to the end of the age” and in Mark 16:15 “to preach the gospel to the whole creation after going into all the world” and Acts 1:8 “to be my witness . . . to the end of the earth,” Jesus said this ‘Great Commission’ is only finally completed at the “end of the ages” per Matthew 24:3, 14 as a final “proving-sign of Christ’s coming and/coupled the end of the age.”  By this time Psalms 19:4 will then be completely fulfilled:  “Eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ pas ALL the earth has-gone-out their [singular] phthoggos ‘musical like sound of voice or instrument’ kai and/even eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ the ends of the world the rhema ‘directly-spoken/heard words’ of THEM.”  The evangelist-preachers will have competed their job.


Why is this important regarding tongues?  We know from Tongues – BT4 that 1 of the ‘intended audiences’ is apistos unbelievers, and that no interpretation of tongues is needed because the same Spirit that produces the tongues takes care of interpreting them personally to the audience and so this becomes a “proving-sign” of the authenticity of the gospel logos message, and the result is that many unbelievers come to salvation through trusting-relying-faith and thus “obedience to the gospel.”  Many missionaries have attested to this!  But why is this true?  How does this work?


If this occurred, it would certainly prove their trusting-relying-faith “might in-possibility-NOT be in the wisdom of men but-instead in the enabling-power of God,” the exact reason Paul said “I absolutely-in-fact-NOT came kata down-from/according-to huperoche ‘superior, pre-eminent, elevated, authoritative-sounding’ of speech or wisdom, kataggello ‘declaring/announcing exactly/decisively down to a point’ to you the testimony of God . . . The logos message of mine kai and/coupled the kerugma ‘proclamation, heralding, preaching of fundamentals’ of mine [were to them] absolutely-in-fact-NOT by-the-means-of peithos ‘persuasive to trust, enticing to place confidence in, skillfullogos messages of/belonging-to wisdom but-instead by-the-means-of apodeixis demonstrable-proof of [singular] Spirit kai and/coupled/specifically of dunamis supernatural, enabling-power” per 1 Corinthians 2:2, 4-5.


We know from many verses like Hebrews 2:4 this to be miracles, proving-signs, wonders, and all the grace-gifts of the Spirit including tongues & interpretation.  Without these you don’t have a “full-gospel” and so can’t make Paul’s claim in Romans 15:19 that you have “fully-proclaimed the gospel by-the-means-of [singular] enabling-power of proving-signs and/coupled wonders by-the-means-of [singular] enabling-power of [singular] Spirit of God.”  You essentially have powerless gospel.


Unbelievers understanding the spoken tongues would indeed be a “proving-sign” because these apistos unbelievers are NOT akouo ‘listening/hearing-to-understand/know” the preacher’s words to place their trusting-relying-faith in those words, no matter how eloquent or wise they may have been.  No, the only way they could have acquired trusting-relying-faith is to have akouo ‘listening/hearing-to-understand/know” the “rhema ‘directly-spoken/heard words’ of Christ!   Nevertheless, the obedience of the preachers to preach even in their own unintelligible native tongue or in supernatural glossa tongues, puts the ball in the Lord’s court to do the interpretation to create the trusting-relying-faith!


Therefore if you are witnessing or sharing the gospel in hopes that unbelievers will have trusting-relying-faith, obey the gospel, and be saved, don’t try to do this without miracles, proving-signs – even speaking in tongues without interpretation, wonders, or the grace-gifts of the Spirit – even speaking in tongues without interpretation.  If you do, then you are preaching a powerless gospel and are expecting people to put their trusting-relying-faith in something other than the rhema ‘directly-spoken/heard word’ of Christ.  Even if they understand your native tongue, you still need these “demonstrating-proofs” for the very same reason.  You can boast in your preaching prowess all you want, but you will never get Christ’s results of the Holy Spirit’s enabling-power until you put your trusting-relying-faith in the phone Voice of Christ to do the real preaching, and surrender your “might and power” to the complete control of the Holy Spirit, clearly evidenced by the supernatural.  If you don’t see this in your ministry, chances are in some way you have quenched the Holy Spirit.  Forbidding tongues or despising prophecy are sure fire ways to do this per 1 Thessalonians 5:19-20 and 1 Corinthians 14:39



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BT8 – Tongues & Interpretation

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BT8:  The grace-gift of the Holy Spirit is evidenced by signs, wonders, and grace-gifts given for power and ministry

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See also Spirit-Baptism-BT2:  Spirit-Baptism brings grace-gifts and signs & wonders


The Promised dorea free-gift of the Holy Spirit is given by the unconditionally-loving-favor-of-grace AFTER you have repented (conviction to turn) and/coupled been water-baptized in the name/authority of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, according to Peter on the 1st day of the Church Age (a) in Acts 2:38-39, “For This Promise is for you and for your children and for ALL who are far off, everyone whom the Lord [Jesus] our God calls to Himself.”  “The Promise” in mind is the visible and audible manifestations of the Spirit per v. 2:33 upon 120 disciples praying in the upper-room that were “ALL been filled-to-completion by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit and/coupled continually speaking by-the-means-of heteros other-different-in-kind of glossa tongues/languages as the Spirit edidou ‘[continually] was giving/granting-as-a-gift, supplying/furnishing, enduing’ to them to presently/ongoingly apophtheggomai ‘speak/utter out/forth or pronounce/declare to make a generic/unintelligible sound resembling the whinny of a horse” in v. 2:4.  <Notes> a) Last day/times, end of the age(s):  1 Peter 1:20; Hebrews 1:2, 9:26; Acts 2:17, 39; 1 Corinthians 10:11; 2 Timothy 3:1; James 5:3; 2 Peter 3:3, until it’s finality at the great harvest when the Church is “raptured/removed” before the Judgement of the Earth:  Matthew 13:39-40, 49; 24:3, 28:20.


In Acts 2:11-13, the Jews from every nation who gathered for Pentecost said “we hear them telling in our own glossa tongues/languages the mighty works of God” and pas ‘all of a kind’ (these who spoke) were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, “What does this mean?”  But others mocking said, “They are drunk on gleukos ‘highly-inebriating, fresh-juice, sweet, newly fermented wine’.”   To explain to the mocking Jews what was happening, Peter cites Joes 2:28-29 in Acts 2:17-19 to illustrate thru a series of refining stanzas that the male & female servants of God who are from the Jews’ sons & daughter who are from all mankind will be the ones actually prophesying even by envisioning visions (a) and dreaming dreams during the Church Age exactly as a result of God “pouring out His Spirit.”  So apparently the disciples’ speaking in tongues/language were prophesying the mighty works of God, just as 1 Corinthians 14:6 says tongue can include! <Notes> a) horao horasis: generally to observe with the eyes, implying attention, concern, or heed, sometimes being acquainted through experience, but often emphasizing a vision much like eido mental ‘seeing’ to perceive/know with a discerning or ‘weighing-in’ mind.  Eido prophetic knowledge is the uniqueness of the New Covenant per Jeremiah 31:34 cited in Hebrews 10:17.  This is very similar to optanomai: gaze in awe with wide-open eyes upon used in Matthew 5:8; John 16:22; Romans 15:21; Acts 13:31; 1 John 3:2 or katoptrizo that is kataptron mirror + a derivative of optanomai = gaze in awe with wide-open eyes as in a mirror used only in 1 Corinthians 3:18.


We see in Acts 9:17-18 Paul getfilled by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit” and miraculously healed by a prophet from his blindness after his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus when he was called into ministry by Him.  And so “he rose up and was water-baptized” for salvation!


In Acts 19:1-7, when Paul encountered 12 Jewish men in Ephesus who had been listening to Apollos preach, he must have noticed something was missing because instead of asking them, “So what church do you all go to?” like we would, Paul asked a more important question:  “Did you lambano ‘grab hold of to receive’ the Holy Spirit when you had trusting-relying-faith?”  The Church of Christ never asked me that, even after I got water-baptized!  After finding out they had never heard of the Holy Spirit, Paul asked, “Then of what eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ had you been water-baptized?” This implies there is a purpose for water-baptism that involves the Holy Spirit!  Again the Church of Christ never told me that before water-baptism.  I had zero expectations for the Holy Spirit.


After they responded “John’s Baptism,” Paul reminded them that John had told the people to put their trusting-relying-faith in Jesus.  On hearing this, they were water-baptized in the name/authority of the Lord Jesus . . . and after laying hands on them, then the Holy Spirit came upon them and/then they continually were speaking by-the-means-of glossa tongues/languages and/coupled were continually prophesying.”  Nobody laid hands on me to expect any of this to happen!  It’s very clear that Paul expected there to be apparent signs of the Holy Spirit after being water-baptized and when he didn’t perceive them, he moved them that direction and then they got them, and those signs were tongues and prophecy!  It is very upsetting that the Church of Christ couldn’t read and obey the bible, because it took me 5 years of real struggle before I finally got The Promised grace-gifts from the Holy Spirit of tongues, but it took 40 years to learn how to akouo ‘listen/hear-to-understand/know’ the Voice of Christ, which is that nature of prophecy.  Just think how much I could have grown if churches would just teach the truth?


At the Great Commission account in Mark 16:15-20 of Jesus to “Having routinely poreuomai ‘gone/journeyed port to port’ into all the world, [I strongly urge you to then] kerusso ‘proclaim, herald, or preach’ the ‘good news/message’ gospel [logos message] to the whole creation” after describing the necessary response of “routinely having trusting-relying-faith and/coupled routinely having been water-baptized to actually become saved” to escape “being condemned” with the rest of the world by default in John 3:16-17, Jesus then says:  “Now these semeionmiraculous signs given to confirm, corroborate, or authenticate’ shall actually parakoloutheo ‘follow/join/attend along close-beside as a disciple would their leader’ those who already routinely had trusting-relying-faithIn My name/authority they shall actually cast out demons, they shall actually speak by-the-means-of kainos ‘completely-different-in-kind, unprecedented, unique, superior NEW” glossa tongues/languages, [4 others given including divine healing]. . . [Jesus ascended into heaven] . . .


“Now having routinely exerchomai ‘come out of to another place’ they definitively/wholly preached everywhere, the Lord routinely sunergeo ‘working/doing together-with’ [them] and/coupled routinely begaioo ‘making the ground under them solid, sure, fully reliable, thus confirming, ratifying’ the logos message [of the gospel they preached] dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of the semeion ‘‘miraculous signs given to confirm, corroborate, or authenticate,’ routinely epakoloutheo ‘following/joining/attending along closely fitting/in-connection-to’ [the logos message].”


Clearly glossa tongues/languages was a sure “proving-sign that authenticated a preached gospel message.  Maybe the reason why more churches don’t experience this is that:  1) They are actually don’t have trusting-relying-faith, 2) They really are not disciples or followers of Christ, 3) They aren’t preaching the gospel but just about everything else, and/or 4) They are on their own without “God working with them” or “accompanying their message” because in some way they have quenched the Spirit, so that God’s Spirit won’t ‘show up’ to confirm some other message of theirs.  Since I’ve played in 15 music ministries and been to many more churches than that, I can say that I have seen plenty of all this!  It’s very disheartening to see this, and they are clueless as to why they have had so little effect on the surrounding community.


The New Testament writers never give a complete list or description of grace-gifts in any of their writings, but only include items/descriptions to illustrate the point they are making.  Paul has various incomplete lists with missing Greek connectors that are a dead giveaway the lists aren’t meant to be complete:  “logos message of wisdom, logos message of gnosis informational-knowledge, trusting-relying-faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, distinguishing/discerning spirits (a), various-different-kinds of tongues/languages, interpretation of tongues” (b), “apostles, prophets, teachers, miracles, healing, helping, kubernesis ‘helmsman who steers a ship, pilot or captain, director who guides, administrates, etc.’, various-different-in-kind of tongues/languages, interpretation of tongues/languages” (c), “prophecies, tongues/languages, gnosis informational-knowledge” (d), “revelation, gnosis informational-knowledge, prophecy, teaching” (e), “teaching, revelation, tongue, and interpretation” (f), “prophecy, trusting-relying-faith, service/helping, teaching, exhorting/encouraging, generous-giving, proistemi ‘standing before/in-front as a model/example to direct/supervise/manage/lead others’, acts of mercy” (g), 4 groups of grace-gifts of “apostles, prophets, evangelists (gospel-preachers), shepherds and/coupled teachers to equip (coach & facilitate) the saints to be the working-ministers” (h), “routinely teaching and/coupled routinely noutheteo ‘gently reasoning thru warning, admonishment, exhortation, or counseling’ heautouEACH OTHER reciprocally’” (i), foundation of apostles and prophets (j), Timothy having the gift of evangelism by the laying of hands (k).  We also see those gifted to instrumentally/vocally play spontaneous prophetic Spirit-kind-of odes” or completely-different-in-kind, superior “New Songs” (l) just as Paul purposed in 1 Corinthians 14:14-15 to “psalm by-the-means-of the Spirit” and in context this means in tonguesPeter has a short list:  “speaking the prophetic-oracles of God, serving/helping” (m).


<Notes> a) 1 John 4:1, b) 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, c) 1 Corinthians 12:28-30, d) 1 Corinthians 13:8, e) 1 Corinthians 14:6, f) 1 Corinthians 14:26, g) Romans 12:6-8, h) Ephesians 4:12, i) Colossians 3:16, j) Ephesians 2:20, 3:5, k) 1 Timothy 4:14, l) Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16 – see also Spontaneous Music-BT5, – BT6, and – BT7, m) 1 Peter 4:10-11; 2 Peter 1:21.


ALL of this is about Body-Ministry for people having different praxis functions, not positions or office or titles or prestige or authority over others lest “any many think of himself more highly than he ought to think but with sober judgment” (a).  Jesus said in Matthew 23:8-10 “But you are in-possibility-NOT to be called rabbi (teacher), for you have One Teacher, and you are ALL brethren. And call in-possibility-NO man your father on earth, for you have One Father, who is in heaven.  Neither be called kathegetes ‘master-leading-teachers, those leading ‘down from’ over, leading them down the road of learning’, for you have One Master-Leading-Teacher, the Christ.”  Jesus addressed every position, office, or title of prestige and authority over others in the Jewish religion and He warned His disciples “Don’t go there!”  Jesus alone is “Head over all things to the Church” (b). Then why do we have Head Pastors and every other crazy position, office, and title for so many Church leaders?  Religion! <Notes> a) Romans 12:3, cf. Matthew 20:20-28 paralleled in Mark 10:35-45; Luke 22:24-30, b) Ephesians 1:22, 4:15, 5:23; Colossians 1:18, 2:10, 19; 1 Corinthians 11:3.


The rest of us in the Body-of-Christ are just different members with a metron ‘measuring cup that measures out equal amounts for fair trade/purchase’ even of the grace-gift of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith” (a) and also the grace-gift of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us (b), just as music metronome beats are precisely equal.  What makes the members different is their different praxis functions (c).  All the Spirit’s gifts are given by unmerited, undeserved, unearned, unconditional-loving-favor or grace evidenced by the Greek word for “gifts” that is charismata, derived from the word charis that means grace, thus meaning “gifts given by grace.”  Since we are all viewed as equal metron ‘measuring-cups’ because “God shows no partiality or favoritism” (d), “The One and the Same Spirit is presently/ongoingly are working all these things (i.e., grace-gifts), routinely diaireo ‘dividing, distributing, apportioning’ hekastos ‘to each individual separately/distinctly’ idios ‘as uniquely/peculiarly one’s own’ kathos ‘down-from/according-to the extent/degree of, corresponding to fully/exactly as’ [the Spirit] boulomai ‘resolutely plans, stronger than thelo optimally-desires’.” Finally, there’s absolutely no evidence for ranking of grace-gifts regardless of our poor bible translations – see Coaches & Facilitators-BT12. <Notes> a) Romans 12:3 – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT21, b) Ephesians 4:7, c) not offices, positions, or titles – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT21, d) Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Galatians 2:6; Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 3:25.


Since the lists aren’t complete, the emphasis of the church-assembly passages is like that in Ephesians 5:19 where we are to “routinely be laleo conversationally-speaking to heautouEACH OTHER reciprocally’ psalms, hymns, and Spirit-kind-of odes (a) or like that in Colossians 3:16 “routinely teaching and/coupled routinely noutheteo ‘gently reasoning thru warning, admonishment, exhortation, or counseling’ heautouEACH OTHER reciprocally’ psalms, hymns, and Spirit-kind-of odes (a). It’s sad that so many churches don’t pattern themselves after biblical models but borrow from the world, building The Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit! <Notes> a) odes: psalms or hymns done spontaneously as completely-different-in-kind “New songs” instead of being pre-composed.


However, the emphasis isn’t on just EACH ONE being involved but its benefit on the whole church-assembly: “To hekastos ‘EACH individual separately/distinctly’ is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common-profiting” (a).  “When you come together hekastos ‘EACH individual separately/distinctly’ holding-to-have” a psalm, a teaching, a revelation, a tongue, an interpretation.  [I strongly urge you to] presently/ongoingly ginomai ‘bring-into-being, birth’ all-things pros ‘toward and reaching’ [singular] building-up” (b) of the Church.  This isn’t a self-centered ‘one-man show’ or elite leadership as Paul warns of (c)!  It’s all based on “unconditional-love that builds up” (d), which is actually more important than all the grace-gifts (e).  Thus Paul strong-urges us to presently/ongoingly dioko ‘aggressively chase like a hunter after its catch’ The Unconditional-Love” in addition to “presently/ongoingly being zealous after The Spirit’s grace-gifts, but especially that you may presently/ongoingly prophesy” (f), and finally that “all things (g) of/belonging-to you ginomai ‘come into being, be birthed’ by-the-means-of unconditional-love” (h). <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 12:7, b) v. 14:26, c) Romans 12:3 – see Coaches & Facilitators – BT11, d) 1 Corinthians 8:1, e) vv. 13:1-13, f) v. 14:1, g) context:  grace-gifts, h) v. 16:14.


Paul repeatedly calls us to use EACH of these different grace-gifts as praxis functions to “build up the Body-of-Christ until we all attain to the unity of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith and/coupled of the genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of the Son of God eis ‘toward and reaching to goal of’ a complete man eis ‘toward and reaching to goal of’ the stature of the abundantly-completeness of Christ” (a).  Peter also stresses USING what’s been given you:  “as EACH has already lambano ‘grabbed hold of to receive’ a grace-gift, [now use] them eis “toward and reaching the goal of’ routinely serving/ministering to heautouEACH OTHER reciprocally’” (b).  <Notes> a) Ephesians 4:12-13, b) 1 Peter 4:10-11.


Have churches surrendered their control the Holy Spirit to flow unimpeded through the Body-of-Christ to minister to one another during the church service?  Or do the churches restrict or quench the Spirit’s flow primarily to 1 or 2 paid “professionals” or a “special group” on stage?  Is the “ministry” only from the clergy?  Is the “greet your neighbor, ‘peace be with you’ handshake” or the chat around the coffee and donuts in the foyer the extent of the koinonia fellowship or sharing of each other’s grace-gifts?  Is the “psalming” mostly one-directional:  The “special” band on stage with all the people listening to and watching them from the audience like they were at a concert?  I’ve played in 15 church bands to 1000s of people and in most cases it’s not much different than my secular concerts from 22 secular bands also to 1000s of people!  Where in the New Testament have you ever seen a stage that elevates “special people” and audience that watches them perform?



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BT7 – Tongues & Interpretation

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BT7:  Tongues and others gifts prove that God is accompanying and working with you to preach the gospel logos message of salvation

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At the Great Commission account in Mark 16:15-20 of Jesus to “Having routinely poreuomai ‘gone/journeyed port to port’ into all the world, [I strongly urge you to then] kerusso ‘proclaim, herald, or preach’ the ‘good news/message’ gospel [logos message] to the whole creation” after describing the necessary response of “routinely having trusting-relying-faith and/coupled routinely having been water-baptized to actually become saved” to escape “being condemned” with the rest of the world by default per John 3:16-17.  Jesus then says:  “Now these semeionmiraculous signs given to confirm, corroborate, or authenticate’ shall actually parakoloutheo ‘follow/join/attend along close-beside as a disciple would their leader’ one who precedes those having routinely had trusting-relying-faith:   In My name/authority they shall actually cast out demons, they shall actually speak by-the-means-of kainos ‘completely-different-in-kind, unprecedented, unique, superior NEW” glossa tongues/languages, . . . [Jesus ascended into heaven] . . . Now having routinely exerchomai ‘come out of to another place’ they definitively/wholly preached everywhere, the Lord routinely sunergeo ‘working/doing together-with’ [them] and/coupled routinely begaioo ‘making the ground under them solid, sure, fully reliable, thus confirming, ratifying’ the logos message [of the gospel they preached] dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of the semeion ‘‘miraculous signs given to confirm, corroborate, or authenticate’ routinely epakoloutheo ‘follow/join/attend along closely fitting/in-connection-to’ [the logos message].”


Clearly glossa tongues/languages was a sure “proving-sign” that authenticated a preached gospel message.  The supernatural enabling-power of the Holy Spirit thus produced amazing results because it was not quenched (a).  Maybe the reason why more churches don’t experience this is that:  1) They are actually don’t have trusting-relying-faith, 2) They really are not disciples or followers of Christ, 3) They aren’t preaching the gospel but just about everything else, and/or 4) They are on their own without “God working with them” or “accompanying their message” because in some way they have quenched the Spirit, so that God’s Spirit won’t ‘show up’ to confirm some other message of theirs.  Since I’ve played in 15 music ministries and been to many more churches than that, I can say that I have seen plenty of all this!  It’s very disheartening to see this and they are clueless as to why they have had so little effect on the surrounding community!  <Notes> a) Acts 2:47, 5:14, 9:42, 11:24, 13:12, 16:34.


Hebrews 2:1-4 also says, “It presently/ongoingly behooves us to presently/ongoingly give heed more abundantly to the things that we have been hearing lest ever we should drift away . . . a logos message . . . how then will we escape [just recompense] [if] we-have-been-neglecting such a great salvation, which you’all-having-routinely lambano ‘grabbed hold of for yourselves to receive’ arche ‘from the beginning, chiefly’ spoken [the message] dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of the Lord [Jesus], [then] hupo ‘under the authority of’ those [disciples] having akouo listened/heard-to-understand/know [the message] eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ us, [the message] has been begaioo ‘confirmed/ratified, the ground under them made solid, sure, fully reliable’ [by] God routinely bearing-witness/testifying by-the-means-of [plural] semeionmiraculous signs given to confirm, corroborate, or authenticate’ te kai ‘and/coupled together with them’ wonders kai and/also by-the-means-of poikilos ‘various/diversified kinds of’ miracles kai and/also merismos ‘distribution of parts’ (a) kata down-from/according-to the will of Him (God).”  <Notes> a) compare 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 diairesis ‘distinct-differences, distributed-divisions made dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of personal choice [of God]’ of grace-gifts [into us], services/ministries [thru us to others], and energetically-effective workings [by God inside others].”


Certainly that’s what Hebrews 6:5 is referring to when it says of these Jewish-Christians “having already routinely geuomai ‘tasted the flavor of, eaten for nourishment, partaken of, enjoyed, experienced’ the kalos ‘beautiful, excellently-useful’ (a) of [singular] rhema ‘directly-spoken/heard word’ of God te and-both [plural] dunamis supernatural-enabling-powers of/belonging-to [singular] eminently-ready Age.”  Earlier before, Hebrews 1:3 says the “[singular] rhema ‘directly-spoken/heard word’ of/belonging-to the [singular] dunamis supernatural-enabling-power dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of Christ” is what “routinely phero ‘brings/carries along, maintains’ ALL things” in creation.  None of this is referring to bible verses!  <Notes> a) kalos:  1) to make beautiful physically or morally, this is distinctly the ‘beauty’ that comes from harmony or proportional symmetry and thus completeness, or 2) to make excellent in nature or character, thus well adapted for its use, and thus praiseworthy and noble.


After talking about how important it is to send out preachers of the gospel logos message for people to get saved, Paul humbly admits in Romans 10:17 “Therefore, trusting-relying-faith [is] ek out-from [genitive: of] akouo ‘listening/hearing to understand/know’ kai and/coupled this akouo hearing dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of [a/the singular] rhema ‘directly-spoken/heard word’ of/belonging-to Christ.”  In other words, they have become “sheep who akouo ‘listen/hear-to-understand/know the phone Voice of Christ to follow Him and be His disciple per John 10:3-4, 16, 27.  There is nothing here about reading bible verses!


In the book of 1 Corinthians that focuses so much on the supernatural grace-gifts of the Spirit, Paul says in v. 1:17 “For Christ . . . sent me . . . to preach the gospel:  absolutely-in-fact-NOT by-the-means-of wisdom of/belonging-to a logos message in order that the cross of the Christ in-possibility-NOT be kenoo ‘emptied out, rendered void without recognition of value’ for the logos message of the cross . . . to us presently/ongoing is-defined/exists-as [singular] dunamis supernatural, enabling-power of God.”


In 1 Corinthians 2:1, 4 Paul continues:  “Having come to you brethren, I came absolutely-in-fact-NOT kata down-from/according-to huperoche ‘superior, pre-eminent, elevated, or authoritative-sounding’ of speech or wisdom, kataggello ‘declaring/announcing exactly/decisively down to a point’ to you the testimony of God. . . . The logos message of mine kai and/coupled the kerugma ‘proclamation, heralding, preaching of fundamentals’ of mine [were to them] absolutely-in-fact-NOT by-the-means-of peithos ‘persuasive to trust, enticing to place confidence in, skillfullogos messages of/belonging-to wisdom but-instead by-the-means-of apodeixis demonstrable-proof of [singular] Spirit kai and/coupled/specifically of dunamis supernatural, enabling-power in order that your trusting-relying-faith might be in-possibility-NOT in/by/with [singular] wisdom of men but-instead in/by/with [singular] dunamis supernatural, enabling-power of God.”


Furthermore Paul said in Colossians 2:4, there were plenty of people going around with “pithanologia persuasive speech to delude” others.  But how would they know Paul’s speech was legitimate?  Even in Acts 18:24-26 the Jew named Apollos of Alexandria “was logios ‘eloquently gifted by learning/reason’ and dunatos powerfully-enabled in the scriptures and/also routinely fervent in spirit,” he nevertheless had to be katecheo ‘instructed for conversion purposes’ (a) in the way/road of the Lord . . . by Priscilla and Aquila who took him aside and extremely-accurately-expounded to him the way of God.”  Why did they do so?  Because was routinely epistamai ‘standing upon, grounded by knowledge acquired by close acquaintance, practice, or skill’ only of John-the-Baptist’s water-baptism, likely performing this for others after “speaking and/coupled earnestly teaching the thing concerning Jesus.”  <Notes> a) katecheo:  to sound down from or according to, thus to exactly learn ‘by sounds’ or repetition, to catechize or teach foundational truths for conversion purposes:  Luke 1:4; Acts 18:25, 21:21, 24; Romans 2:18; Galatians 6:6; 1 Corinthians 14:19.


This was NOT good enough, so Priscilla and Aquila catechized Apollos most likely involving water-baptism in the name/authority of Jesus not only for salvation but also for grace-gifts of the Spirit to minister with God’s enabling-power to ‘confirm, corroborate, or authenticate’ the gospel message, just as Tertullian said was still being taught by 200 AD!   John’s Baptism not being good enough to get the “free-gift of the Holy Spirit” had been the emphasis in Acts 1:5, 2:38, 41, 8:12-13, and 16 leading up to this verse and after in Acts 8:36, 9:18, 10:37, 48, 11:16, 13:24, 16:15, 33, 18:8, 19:3-5, 22:16.  Context clearly indicates what they instructed Apollos about!  Spirit-Baptism or Filling was expected to occur during water-baptism because there is only “One Baptism” per Ephesians 4:5. Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 4:20, “For the kingdom of God [exists] absolutely-in-fact-NOT by-the-means-of a logos message [of arrogant people] but-instead by-the-means-of dunamis supernatural, enabling-power.”  In v. 13:2 Paul speaks of “prophetic dunamis enabling-powers.


While supporting his own credentials in 2 Corinthians 12:12, Paul says: “Indeed the [plural] semeionmiraculous signs given to confirm, corroborate, or authenticate’ of the apostolos ‘sent-out, commissioned one’ were already performed among you by-the-means of all hupomeno ‘patient-endurance from remaining/tarrying behind subordinately-under the load/tensions of troubles’ by-the-means-of semeionmiraculous signs given to confirm, corroborate, or authenticate’ and/coupled wonders and/coupled miracles.” But earlier he says in v. 10:4 that “our weapons of warfare . . . have divine dunamis enabling-power to destroy [spiritual] strongholds.”  It sounds like a lot of people today are preaching a powerless gospel because they are Cessationists by denying the dunamis supernatural, enabling-powers of God – see Tongues – BT14.  How so?


In the parallel passage of Ephesians 6:10-19 in order to “dunamai be-powerfully-enabled [by the armor of God] to stand against the schemes of the devil,” Paul includes in vv. 17-18 to “dechomai ‘warmly-welcome . . . the sword of the Spirit, which presently/ongoingly exists-as/defined-as the rhema directly-spoken/heard word of God, thru-the-realizing-channel-of ALL proseuche conversational-prayer and/coupled deesis supplication, be routinely proseuchomai conversationally-praying in every season by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit.”  We’ve seen this emphasis on “the rhema directly-spoken/heard word of God/Christ” above. We also know, this special kind of conversational-prayer that involves a lot of receiving of God’s rhema words is explained in 1 Corinthians 14:14-15, where Paul explicitly equates this to “presently/ongoingly proseuchomai conversationally-praying by-the-means-of glossa tongues/languages by-the-means-of The Spirit of/belonging-to him.”  The same is true of “psalming” with instruments whether lyrics are involved or not, clearly distinguishing either of these 2 practices with instead performing them “by-the-means-of the mind of/belonging-to him,” and furthermore purposes to do ALL of this.  The Cessationists would never do so, and so they preach a powerless gospel!  Paul would have some words with them!


Again in 1 Thessalonians 1:5, Paul says:  “The gospel of/belonging-to us did absolutely-in-fact-NOT come eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ you by-the-means-of a logos message only, but-instead also by-the-means-of dunamis supernatural, enabling-powers kai and/specifically by-the-means-of [singular] Holy Spirit kai and/consequently by-the-means-of [singular] polus much plerophoria ‘FULL coming-to-bear, carry-through assurance/confidence.’  Their great assuredness is the direct result of the supernatural powers of the Holy Spirit, not just the gospel message!  Paul is reminding them where they have placed their faith – not on talk but God’s demonstrable power!


In summing up his gospel ministry to the Gentiles in Romans 15:17-19, Paul makes it clear:  “In Christ Jesus I hold-to-have the kauchesis ‘boasting in achievement’ in the things pros ‘toward and interfacing with’ God, for I will dare absolutely-in-fact-NOT presently/ongoingly speak of anything except what Christ has already accomplished dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of me eis ‘toward and reaching to the goal of’ [singular] obedience of the Gentiles by-the-means-of [singular] logos message and/coupled [singular] ergo work – by-the-means-of [singular] dunamis supernatural, enabling-power of semeionmiraculous signs given to confirm, corroborate, or authenticate’ and/coupled wonders by-the-means-of [singular] dunamis supernatural, enabling-power of the Spirit of God – so that . . . I have already [with lasting results] peplerokenai ‘fully-to-completion proclaimed’ the gospel of the Christ.”  Apparently a lot of people today can’t make that claim because they don’t preach “a full gospel!”  The real work is the supernatural “accompanying, confirming, and authenticating” that God does when He “works with” our preaching.  But do we even have the same message as He wants?  Or the trusting-relying-faith for Him to work?


The proof to Peter that the Gentiles were being added to the kingdom of God “just as we have” in Acts 10:44-48 was that even during Peter’s preaching of the gospel logos message to them, “the Holy Spirit fell on ALL . . . they were amazed because the grace-gift of the Holy Spirit had been [with ongoing effects] poured out even upon the Gentiles, for they were continually akouo hearing-to-understand/know them routinely speaking by-the-means-of tongues and/coupled megaluno ‘making/declaring as great/conspicuous, magnifying, esteeming-highly, extolling, lauding, celebrating, giving glory/praise’ God.”  Tongues was proof they were being chosen for salvation, so we see that Peter had them all water-baptized to insure their salvation!  This also shows us what is in tongues going back to God – High Praise!  Do we want this?


When Peter reports this event to Jerusalem church in Acts 11:15-17, “As I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell on them just as on us at the beginning,” but the only common evidence to that occurrence in Acts 2:4 is “they began to speak by-the-means-of heteros ‘others-of-a-different-kind’ glossa tongues/languages kathos ‘down-from/according-to the extent/degree of, corresponding to fully/exactly as’ the Spirit edidou ‘[continually] was giving/granting-as-a-gift, supplying/furnishing, enduing’ to them to presently/ongoingly apophtheggomai to ‘speak/utter out/forth or pronounce/declare to make a generic/unintelligible sound resembling the whinny of a horse’.”  Again, tongues was the obvious proof they were given the grace-gift of the Holy Spirit.  “Then I remember the rhema ‘directly-spoken/heard [singular] word’ of the Lord, how He said, ‘John baptized by-the-means-of water, but you shall actually be baptized by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit.’  If then God gave the same dorea ‘unmerited, unentitled, free-given gift’ to them as also to us, having had trusting-relying-faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could stand in God’s way?”  It sure seem like a lot of pastors are “standing in God’s way!”


This “gift” isn’t a one-time event throughout the early history of the Church either!  The same Christians get Spirit-baptized again and again (a), just as the apostle Paul was (b).  This was Normal Christianity!  See how much of the Church has fallen away!  In fact, Paul’s strong urgings use the Greek present imperative for being “completely-filled with all the abundant-fullness of God . . . [I strongly urge you to] presently/ongoingly become completely-filled by-the-means-of the Spirit” (c).  And I bet they all expected tongues to ongoingly show up at these ongoing Spirit-Baptisms!  <Notes> a) Acts 1:5, 2:2, 4, 4:8, 31, 10:47, 11:16, 13:52, b) Acts 9:17, 13:9, c) Ephesians 3:19, 5:18.


Jesus used as the concluding ‘action step’ of His Prayer model, as all good teachers leave their students with, the Greek present participle to express ‘routine, lifestyle habits’ for all Christians to “be aiteo asking for in order to receive” the agathos ‘inherently or intrinsically good as excellent, distinguished, salutary, upright, honorable, useful, beneficial, suitable, advantageous’ things from the Father to those who routinely aiteo subordinately-ask Him,” which in parallel definitely starts out with the “agathos ‘good’ doma ‘specific, beneficial bounty/present or gift’ of the Holy Spirit from the Father” (a).  Expanding on this Jesus also uses the present participles for zeteo ‘inquiring by investigating to reach a resolution, searching to get to the bottom of the matter’ until you find and/also knocking until the door is opened” to further emphasize persevering prayer (b).  Without persevering to lambano ‘grab hold for yourself to receive’ this special gift of the Holy Spirit, your previous prayers for “God’s kingdom to come and will to be done” (c) are just ‘wishing upon a star!’  And I bet Jesus expected tongues to regularly show up at these routine occurrences! <Notes> a) Luke 11:13 and Matthew 7:11, cf. James 1:17, b) Matthew 7:8; Luke 11:9-10, c) Matthew 6:9; Luke 11:2.


Now that we have been “instructed in the way of the Lord,” let us stop doubting and instead embracing all free-gift of the Holy Spirit by getting water-baptized in the name/authority of Jesus Christ and expect to lambano ‘grab hold of to receive” His grace-gifts from the Holy Spirit “into us, thru us, and for God’s work in others”  Let’s have the trusting-relying-faith to become empowered so that we can “work with God” by not only preaching His gospel logos message but with demonstrable-proofs of miracles, sign, and wonders, and grace-gifts, including the enabling-power of prophecy and tongues to the 3 audiences-purposes of:  to ourselves to build us up (no interpretation needed), to others in the church-assembly to build them up (interpretation needed), or to unbelievers to witness/preach the gospel (no interpretation needed).



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BT6 – Tongues & Interpretation

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BT6:  How are tongues a sign for unbelievers?

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That’s what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:22 but quotes “the Law” in v. 14:21 as proof.  However, even though bibles indicate this is Deuteronomy 28:49 it would be an obscure reference, except for the last part of not listening to God:  “a nation far away being brought by the Lord against Israel, a nation who phone voice/language/dialect you absolutely-in-fact-NOT akouo listen/hear-to-understand/know.”  More likely Paul is citing Isaiah 28:11-12 “For dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of heteros ‘another of a different kind of’ (a) cheilos  ‘lips that produces languages/dialects’; [plural] heteroglossos ‘another-of-a-different-kind of tongues/languages’ (b) I (God) (c) will speak to these people [d: to whom He (God) (e) has said (f), ‘This is the rest; give rest to the weary; and this is repose,’] yet they would absolutely-in-fact-NOT eisakouo deeply listen/hear-to-understand/know” (g).  Anybody who says we are highly confident in the text of the bible is trying to sell you property in the Florida’s swamps – see Bible Info.


<Notes> a) LXX Greek: phatne  ‘a manger made from a cattle feeding box’ sound off-the-wall, or more likely Hebrew laeg stammering/mocking because of the way Isaiah mocks the future rabbis of Christ’s day and their way of ‘knowing God’ – see New Covenant-BT17,  –BT18, and Least Among You – BT3, b) LXX Greek: dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of heteros ‘another of a different kind of’ [singular] glossa tongue/language, c) LXX Greek: they or Hebrew: He (God), d) this section is missing in Paul’s writing, e) LXX Greek: they – this may be a reference to the Pentecost 120 disciples and others afterwards that spoke God’s message even by tongues, which fits Isaiah’s argument, f) Greek LXX: is presently-routinely-saying, g) Hebrew & LXX simply has akouo listen/hear-to-understand/know, and Paul adds: “Me, says the Lord.”


We also see Jesus and other New Testament writers refer to all parts of the Old Testament as “The Law” – see Logos Word of God – BT5a, but Christians aren’t supposed to have anything to do with the Law – see New Covenant Ways – BT4b.  Jesus is also obviously alluding to Isaiah 28’s “rest and repose” when He said in Matthew 11:28, “Come here now close-beside Me, all who labor and/coupled are heavily-burdened, and I will give you rest” for Hebrews 4:9 indicates that Jesus is “the Sabbath Rest for the people of God.”  This is integral to the gospel logos message that the Messiah and His disciples would preach that Isaiah predicts the teachers would mock.


Now Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:22 that these “different-in-kind-of lips producing different-in-kind-of glossa tongues/languages” from v. 14:21 that Isaiah 28:11-12 prophesied about are actually the Holy Spirit’s grace-gift of supernatural glossa tongues/languages given as “a semeionmiraculous signs given to confirm, corroborate, or authenticate’ to the apistos ones-NOT-having-trusting-relying-faith.”  But this particular grace-gift is coming from people who have trusting-relying-faith (a), who have been given the “grace-gift of the Holy Spirit” (b) that is “promised to you and your children and for all who are far off, all that God calls to Himself” during “the last days/times” or “the end of the age(s)” or Gospel-Church Age from Acts 2:4 Pentecost on until the return of Christ (c) in order to convince the “apistos ones-NOT-having-trusting-relying-faith” from many nations of the validity of the gospel’s logos message (d).  Yet, Paul found that so many Jews refused to have trusting-relying-faith in their Messiah Jesus, just as Isaiah prophesied!  Nevertheless, we saw above that Jesus says He still is the place of “rest and repose” for the weary [in context: of the burden of the Law that the rabbis overburdened them with], just as we see Isaiah and Paul saying. <Notes> a) Mark 16:17, b) Acts 2:38, 10:45; Hebrews 6:4, c) 1 Peter 1:20; Hebrews 1:2, 9:26; Acts 2:17, 39; 1 Corinthians 10:11; 2 Timothy 3:1; James 5:3; 2 Peter 3:3, until it’s finality at the great harvest when the Church is “raptured/removed” before the Judgement of the Earth:  Matthew 13:39-40, 49; 24:3, 28:20, d) Matthew 24:14, 28:19; Mark 13:10; Luke 24:47; Romans 1:5, 16:26; 1 Timothy 3:16.


Indeed Isaiah 28:2-6 speaks of the “Lord having One who is mighty and strong like a storm of hail, a destroying tempest . . . in that DAY Yahweh of angelic armies will be a crown of glory like a diadem of beauty to the remnant of His people and a Spirit of justice . . . a strength to those . . .”  The passage is clearly speaking of the coming Messiah to rescue some from “the Great and Awesomely-Terrifying Day of the Lord” against the faithless, raging nations (a).  But in Isaiah 28:7-8 to the rabbinical “priests and prophets” of Christ’s day:  “they reel with wine, stagger with strong drink, they reel in [prophetic] vision, they stumble in giving judgment, for their tables are full of filthy vomit with no space left [for true prophets to speak at].” <Notes> a) 1 Thessalonians 5:2; 2 Thessalonians 2:2; 2 Peter 3:10; 1 Corinthians 5:5; Acts 2:20 referring to:  Amos 5:18; Joes 1:15, 2:1-2, 11, 31, 3:14; Isaiah 13:6, 9; Jeremiah 46:10, Ezekiel 13:5, 30:3, Zephaniah 1:7-8, 14, Zechariah 14:1f, Malachi 4:5.


We know about these study “tables” from Paul in Romans 11:7-10 to explain why much of “Israel failed to obtain what it was seeking.  The elect (the Church) obtained it, but the rest were hardened, as it is written [in Isaiah 29:10] (a) – ‘God gave them a spirit of stupor (b), eyes that would in-possibility-NOT see and ears that would in-possibility-NOT akouo ‘listen/hear-to-understand/know’, down to this very day’.”  Paul said it was still going on!  Then Paul cites David in Psalms 69:22-23, “Let their table become a snare (c) and a trap (d), a stumbling block (e) and [finally] a retribution (f) for them: [by] letting their eyes be darkened so that cannot eido ‘mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know’ (g) and their backs completely bent (h) continually.”  There’s that key word eido from Jeremiah 31:34 that God promises for ALL His children under the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant, especially to the “least among you.”  <Notes> a) This is a common theme in Deuteronomy 29:4, Isaiah 43:8, Jeremiah 5:21, and Ezekiel 12:2, b) appropriate for the drunks they were, c) for birds, d) for animals, e) trap/snare trigger causing the trap to be sprung, f) vengeful recompense: pay back! g) eido is prophetic vision as prophesied in Jeremiah 31:34 is the key to being able to horao ‘see with the mind or perceive inwardly’ horasis ‘visions’ as prophecy due to Spirit-Baptism in Acts 2:17-19 for ALL of God’s servants, h) also a metaphor of a captive under a securing, burdening yoke of slavery, but also figuratively of hardness of heart from error.


Sola Scriptura “By Scripture Alone” students can really only prove they have gnosis info-knowledge!  Paul says they are cursed!  They are “blind guides, the blind leading the blind so that both fall into the pit [of hell]” (a). All they have to show for all their study is sore, bent backs and they are cursed with “bent backs continually!”  Are we calling Christians to this same failed, cursed approach to knowing God? <Notes> a) Matthew 15:14; 23:16, 24.


So Isaiah 28:9 asks this question “to whom will He (Christ) anagello announce-declare [in detail] tidings (a) or yarah throw out-instruction and/coupled to whom will He make to discern-understand (b) the shemuah/aggelia announced-message (c)?”  Certainly not these rabbinical “priests and prophets” who were still so immature from God’s viewpoint, “just weaned from milk drawn from the breasts.”  The New Testament writers and early Church had a list of about 600 OT verses about the Messiah and New Covenant they used to catechize-‘teach-by-rote as if little children’ Jews to convert them to Christ, about 2.6% of the OT, but these prophetic “oracles of God” was still considered “babies milk” just as Isaiah alluded to, in comparison to the “solid food” of the prophetic discernment of the Holy Spirit (d).


<Notes> a) The term eu + aggelion for good tidings/news is used 76 times for the ‘Great News’ of gospel logos message throughout the New Testament, b) biyn: mentally distinguish for understanding and discernment – see New Covenant Ways – BT16 and Bible Info – BT2 and Least Among You – BT8 – or diligently/eloquently instruct. The Greek is again anagello, c) shemuah: something heard, announcement, news report, rumor, tidings, fame, doctrine; aggelia: thing announced, a precept or message – see logos Word of God, d) 1 Corinthians 3:2; Hebrews 5:12-13, not to be confused with 1 Peter 2:2 milk directly from the Spirit.  I had a vision on 11-21-21 that explain the Spirit’s comforting milk.


Jesus accuse the scribes and Pharisees in John 5:38-40 that “presently/ongoingly diligently search/study the scriptures” as the expert bible-students of the day, although they simply “routinely bear-witness/testify peri all-around-about Me, you are presently/ongoingly absolutely-in-fact-NOT optimally-desiring to come to Me in order that you may presently/ongoing hold-to-have zoe genuine-life.”  The bible-experts just went back to their bible-study of the Old Testament logos ‘Word of God’ instead of the phone Voice of the Lord.  I find myself falling into this “snare, trap, and stumbling block” all too often, ending up with only “a bent back continually.”  The problem is that so many churches and seminaries preach this – they are insuring they will stay in business!  The rabbis made a good living for 1500 years doing this – see Ministry Finances.


Isaiah 28:13 says of these people that the Lord is calling to “rest and repose,” that instead they “absolutely-in-fact-NOT eakouo deeply listen/hear-to-understand/know:   “And/thus the logos message of Yahweh will be to THEM precept (a) upon precept, precept upon precept, line (or rule) upon line (or rule), line upon line, here a little (b), there a little.”  You have to be careful to follow the Hebrew & Greek LXX pronouns to know who is talking to who, something that English bibles do a terrible job of – see Bible Info for more problems with translations.  Many scholars (c) have correctly seen in the Hebrew this to be a gibberish, childish song of mocking those “priests and prophets” who are the so-called “wise and understanding-ones” (d), as did Jeremiah (e) and Jesus (f) and Paul (g).  Isaiah mocks their rabbinical methods of teaching people how to know God through bible-study even as they had mocked the prophets, even Isaiah, and ultimately killing them all, just as Jesus said they did (h), as they planned on doing to the Son (i), and that they would do to Christ’s prophets and apostles (j).  This exactly describes the rabbinical method of “diligently searching/studying the scripture” that Jesus spoke of in John 5:38 to understand God’s will as a series of “precepts, regulations, ordinances” of the Law “taught by humans” by rote (k) – a very slow, difficult, process with comparatively childish results!  Why are so many churches and Christians wanting to follow the same failed methods of the Jewish rabbis?


<Notes> a) command, ordinance, oracle, b) “In this case the Hebrew zeer for “a little” refers to the short syllabic structure of the babbling – cf. CEV “senseless sound after senseless sound,” Revised English Bible and see pg. 1010 of Koehler, L., W. Baumgartner, and J. J. Stamm. The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, c) The NET bible says the repetitive syllables of “indeed a little there, a little here” or “command after command, command after command” are gibberish that resembles baby talk [cf. v. 28:9b] and mimics what the people will hear when foreign invaders conquer the land [v. 28:11], d) Isaiah 29:14, e) Jeremiah 8:9, f) Matthew 11:25; Luke 10:21, g) 1 Corinthians 1:19, h) Matthew 23:37; Luke 11:47, 13:34; cf. Acts 7:52; Romans 11:3; possibly 1 Thessalonians 2:15, i) Matthew 21:38; Mark 8:31, 9:31; Luke 9:22; 1 Thessalonians 2:15, j) Luke 11:49; possibly 1 Thessalonians 2:15, k) Romans 2:26; Colossians 2:20, 22; Hebrews 9:1, 10; Ephesians 2:15.


The Message Bible says:  “We’re not babies in diapers to be talked down to by such as you – ‘Da, da, da, da, blah, blah, blah, blah. That’s a good little girl, that’s a good little boy.’”  The Expanded Bible  notes:  “This may be the people mocking the words of the true prophets as nonsense,” but I find that careful analysis of the Hebrew and Greek LXX shows that it’s actually God through the true prophets like Isaiah who are mocking these false priest-teachers and prophetsThe Living Bible says: “he (wrong pronoun) tells us everything over and over again, a line at a time and in such simple words.”  Names of God Bible says:  “They (correct pronoun) speak utter nonsense.”  Gill’s exposition notes say:  “Signifying, that they (correct pronoun) must be dealt with as children were, when first instructed in the rudiments of a language, first had one rule given them, and then another, and so one after another till they had gone through the whole.”  This is exactly the New Testament’s argument in Paul’s writings and the Book of Hebrews about the Jewish people needing child-like, hand-holding ‘rote’ padagogos or paideuo childlike-training of the stoicheion elementary ‘abc’ fundamentals of the gramma writings of graphe scripture (a) that was baby’s “milk” because the “solid food” was discernment by the Holy Spirit.  The failed rabbinical method of expository teaching is childlike but we have entire church denominations like Calvary Chapel that pride themselves in this – see New Covenant Ways – BT16 and Bible Info – BT2, and Least Among You – BT8<Notes> a) Hebrews 5:12-13; Romans 3:2; Acts 7:38; 1 Peter 4:11.


Matthew Henry notes:  “Those (correct pronoun) that teach are drunk with wine, or intoxicated with false doctrines and notions.”  Barnes notes:  “There is a constant repetition of the command, without ornament, imagery, or illustration; without an appeal to our understanding, or respect for our reason; it is simply one mandate after another, just as lessons are inculcated upon children.”  Keil and Delitzch note: “the short words are intended to throw ridicule upon the smallness and vexatious character of the prophet’s interminable and uninterrupted chidings,” but although this may that the rabbis are mocking God’s prophets, it’s clear from the pronouns and context and New Testament fulfillment that God is throwing this right back in their faces!


It’s all about context!  Isaiah 28:1-9 is a chastisement and a warning by God to Ephraim directed to the false teacher-priests and prophets through the prophet Isaiah about their drunkenness and to stop corrupting the rhema spoken ‘word of God’ through the addition or replacement of these written prophecies with their own words from rabbinical bible-study – where we get The Oral Torah or Traditions of the Elders that Jesus and Paul had great disdain for (a) – who therefore embraced idolatry; thereby contaminating the truths in graphe scripture about the God whom they were commanded to worship (b).  What these false teacher-priests and prophets add with their rabbinical Oral Traditions is childish gibberish!  Why?  Because the written-words were for childlike ‘rote’ learning and now they are adding even more to it!  What they should be doing right now is listening to their true prophets speak, but they go back to writings!  <Notes> a) Matthew 15:2-3, 6; Mark 7:3-13; Galatians 1:14; Colossians 2:8, b) cf. Isaiah 8:19-20.


What was the result of turning away from the person of Jesus and direct revelation from the Holy Spirit through prophesy?  Isaiah goes onto say in v. 28:13:  “That they [these teachers] may go, and fall backward kai and/related be broken kai and/related snared kai and/related lakad/alisgema ‘captured, seized, taken, entrapped/polluted, contaminated, or threshed” – see New Covenant Ways – BT17 and – BT18.


What amazes me is how many bible-scholars and translators get some of the details correct, but then don’t evidently have the discernment of the Holy Spirit, don’t read Isaiah 28 carefully, especially the pronouns and the context, and don’t see how the New Testament repeatedly uses Isaiah 28 to explain Acts 2:5-6 Pentecost-thru-Church-Age glossa tongues/languages as a “proving sign for unbelievers” that Paul also cites in 1 Corinthians 14:21-23 to build an argument for proper Christian use of glossa tongues/languages in church-assemblies, even though Isaiah 28’s “false priest-teachers and prophets” are clearly the scribes & Pharisees of Christ’s day who indeed in Acts 2:13 mocked the 120 upper-room disciples who were the true prophets of that Pentecost, saying: “They (the tongueprophesiers) are mestoo filled-full-with gleukos ‘highly-inebriating, fresh-juice, sweet, newly fermented wine’.”  This is exactly what Isaiah said would happen, but we know from Isaiah and Jesus that these rabbis were drunken hypocrites (a).  The New Testament is the “substance and reality” of the Old Testament “shadows and copies” (b).  You must always interpret backwards for the greater light of the New Testament, but it doesn’t look like some of these commentators bothered to do so! <Notes> a) Matthew 6:2, 5, 16, 7:5, 15:7 citing Isaiah, 22:18, 23:13, 15, 23, 25, 27, 29; Mark 7:6 citing Isaiah; Luke 6:42, 12:56, 13:15, b) Colossians 2:17; Hebrews 8:5, 10:1.


Therefore, tongues is an effective “miraculous proving-sign to authenticate” ‘The Great News” of the gospel logos message for 1 of the 3 ‘intended audiences” Paul addresses in 1 Corinthians – the apistos unbelievers and absolutely NO interpretation is needed because when God interprets His directly-spoken rhema words inside them to produce trusting-relying-faith.  That’s what makes it a “miraculous proving-sign” to them!


Thank the Lord that He gives to some people according to 1 Corinthians 12:6 diairesis ‘distinct-differences, distributed-divisions made dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of personal choice [of God]’ of diakonia ‘services/ministries thru them toward others’ kai and/also diairesis ‘distinct-differences, distributed-divisions made dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of personal choice [of God]” of energema ‘energized, operating, working effects or results.”  In other words, the Lord works thru these people to produce His work in others – here apistos unbelievers!  The Lord gets all the credit because we are only vessels!  All we have to do is surrender to the Lord, open our mouths, and have trusting-relying-faith that He will do the rest!  That’s what I will do in parks as I give prophetic Drum-Declarations!  I know the Lord will people with those sound waves, from my drums and/or lips, amplify them and translate them into what He wants them to understand!



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BT5 – Tongues & Interpretation

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BT5:  If being “ignorant” or an “idiot” doesn’t stop you from experience tongues, likely your pride will

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My pride kept me for a long time from surrendering my control to “let go and let God” take control of my tongue without me understanding what was being said!  However, per 1 Corinthians 14:14-15, it still comes down to offering up your mind’s “fruitfulness or productivity” planning, thinking, scheming, rational understanding, and “might and powerskills to allow the Holy Spirit to instead have mastery/control per Galatians 5:23 of your “bodily members,” whether it’s your tongue to speak tongues, your mouth and breath for wind-instruments, your fingers and arms for stringed-instruments and piano, or arms for snare-drummers, or arms & legs for the drum-set players.  It really comes down to making the choice of Romans 6:13 “presenting yourself (the internal) to God . . . and your members (the externals) to God as instruments for dikaiosune divinely-approved-righteousness.”  And what could be more “righteous or divinely-approved” of than worship when God has your internal and externals, thus your whole self?


A lot of people are proud to be proud, but Jesus said it is one of “evil things that come from within” or “out of the heart of man” that “defiles a person” (Mark 7:21-23, cf. Matthew 15:11, 17-18, 19-20 that don’t include pride in the list).  John warns:  “For all that is in the world – the desires/lusts of the flesh and the desires/lusts of the eyes and/coupled alozoneia ‘vagabond, quack, snake-oil salesman vaunting or making empty boasts’ of life – presently/ongoingly is absolutely-in-fact-NOT out-from the Father but-instead presently/ongoingly is out-from the world, kai and/but the world presently/ongoingly is passing away along and the desire/lust of it.  However, the one routinely doing the will of God presently/ongoingly meno ‘abide, remains, lives’ eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/end of’ the age.  Paul warns Gentiles coming into the kingdom because of the rejection of the Jews:  “So [I strongly urge you to] do in-possibility-NOT presently/ongoingly be hupselos phroneo ‘high/lofty minding in thinking/judgment/opinion’ but-instead presently/ongoingly be reverentially-fearful” (Romans 11:20).  Mary’s ecstatic song of praise to God says “He has scattered the huperephanos ‘over-shining proud’ in the thoughts of their hearts” (Luke 1:51).  Paul warns Timothy that “In the last days . . . men will be self-lovers . . . alazon ‘vagabond, quack, snake-oil salesman vaunting or making empty boasts’, huperephanos ‘over-shining proud’” (2 Timothy 3:2).  James & Peter both cite Proverbs 3:34 “opposes/stands-firm against the proud/unteachable but gives unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace to the lowly/teachable.”


From 1992-2008 I backslid from the Lord in rebellion against what I experienced as hypocritical, worldly churches, but in the process I only became worldly!  I had ‘thrown the baby out with the bathwater!’  I wanted to be the next big Motivational Speaker and wholly embraced the idea of Maslow’s peak of human realization or self-actualization, that we are “the captain of our own ships” and can make our lives into anything we want, even creating a website called “”  Talk about the pride of life!  The Lord started around 2005 showing me what a crock all that was!


However, will we agree with Paul?  “I know that absolutely-in-fact-NOT one thing agathos agathos ‘inherently or intrinsically good as excellent, distinguished, salutary, upright, honorable, useful, beneficial, suitable, advantageous’ dwells in me, that is, in my flesh” (a).


The real limitation is our prideful flesh that places our trusting-relying-faith in the wrong place – on man’s own limited, natural “might and power” abilities or actions instead of on the Spirit’s supernatural enabling-power.  Like Zechariah 4:6 says we must make the transition if we want to live in the New Covenant.  In 1 Corinthians 14:14-15 Paul decides that he will pray and psalm both with his “fruitful, productive mind” and also “let go and let God” but NOT doing so by instead letting the Spirit take over control – in tongues!  Will we take Paul’s strong urgings to speak tongues to God, even though no one, including ourselves understand it, but nevertheless utter hidden-mysteries by-the-means-of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 14:2, 28)?  Don’t we want to give eulogizing-thanks to God (1 Corinthians 14:16)?  Don’t we want to pray for an interpretation from ourselves or someone else so that we can give it to others in church-assemblies so that they will have a revelation, logos message of gnosis knowledge, logos message of wisdom, prophecy, or teaching directly from the mind of God via His Spirit (Romans 8:27; 1 Corinthians 14:5-6, 26-27, 30)?




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BT4 – Tongues & Interpretation

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BT4:  We are NOT to be “ignorant” or “idiots” regarding the Spirit’s gifts including tongues meant for 3 different audiences with 3 different purposes with 3 different sets of advice for use

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Paul dealt with this problem of the Corinthian Christians who were just plain ignorant in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11:  “Now concerning Spirit-kind-of grace-gifts, brethren, I absolutely-in-fact-NOT thelo ‘optimally want’ you to agnoeo ‘be ignorant’ (a):  You have already [with ongoing results] eido mentally ‘seen’ to perceive/known’ that when you continually-were-actively ethnos ‘heathen Gentiles’  pros ‘[bowing/prostrate] toward and interfacing with’ [as worshippers of] the idols, those mute [ones], even as you were continually-being-passively-led-to routinely be-passively-carried-away . . . [then Paul convinces them that being able to say “Jesus is Lord” as the standard surrendering-confession of water-baptism salvation per Romans 10:9, is only possible by the Holy Spirit presumably speaking to/thru you unlike mute idols]. . . Now, there actually, presently/ongoingly are diairesis ‘distinct-differences, distributed-divisions made dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of personal choice [of God]’ of grace-gifts kai and/but the autos same Spirit and/coupled there actually, presently/ongoingly are diairesis ‘God-chosen varieties’ of ministries/services kai and/but the autos same Lord [Jesus] and/coupled there actually, presently/ongoingly are diairesis ‘God-chosen varieties’ of energema ‘energized, operating, working effects or results’ kai and/but the autos same God [Father], the [One] routinely energeo ‘energizingly working within to bring about the next step’ pas ‘all of these types of’ things in/by/with everyone. Now to hekastos ‘each individual separately/distinctly’ is presently/ongoingly given the enlightening-manifestation of the Spirit pros ‘moving toward the goal of’ the sumphero common-profiting.  For to one is presently/ongoingly given dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of the Spirit the logos-message of/belonging-to wisdom, now to allos another-of-a-similar-type a logos-message of/belonging-to knowledge kata down-from/according-to the same Spirit . . . now to allos another-of-a-similar-type prophecy,  . . . to heteros another-of-a-different-kind (b) [plural] genos ‘races, family-groups, kinds, sorts’ (c) of glossa tongues/languages, now to allos another-of-a-similar-type the interpretation of glossa tongues/languages.  Now the one and/coupled the same Spirit actually, presently/ongoingly energeo ‘energizingly working within to bring to the next point’ ALL these-things, diaireo ‘apportioning, assigning, or distributing by a superior’ idios ‘peculiarly to the individual’ hekastos ‘each individual separately/distinctly’ kathos ‘just as, according the manner in which’ He presently/ongoingly [reflexively] boulomai ‘resolutely plans, stronger than thelo optimally-desires’.”  Whew, Paul sure is a long-winded lawyer!  Greek is way more specific than your English bibles!  <Notes> a) where get our word “agnostic” – not a flattering term, though I once claimed to be, b) where we get our word ‘heterosexual’, c) where we get our word “genus” vs. “species.”


Working in 15 worship ministries, I have found a LOT of Christians that are very “ignorant” of ALL of this, often because of terrible bible translations – see Bible Info!  Can you see all the different ways that God wants to speak “in and thru His Body-of-Christ into others?”  God is not a “mute idol,” but many Christians who are Cessationists believing that all this ceased sometime in the 1st century are back to worshipping a “mute idol” – their bible! See Tongues – BT14.


There is NOT just 1 genos ‘family/kind/sort’ of glossa tongue/language given to only 1 group of people in 1 Corinthians 12:10 above, i.e., speaking with their own tongue/language, nor can we assume only 1 genos ‘family/kind/sort of’ tongue/language by-the-means-of the Spirit, as we will see, and this heteros ‘others-of-a-different-kind’ group of people are given these [plural] genos ‘families’ of glossa tongues/languages, which by definition makes these people different than all other allos people that the other grace-gifts are given to.  How so?  Can you see how much is ‘lost in translation’ in our English Bibles – see Bible Info?


Paul will explain that all the OTHER grace-gifts are “varieties of ministry/services” from 1 Corinthians 12:5 above are to “build up the Church” (a) or “to build up the other person,” even the idiotes ‘conspicuously lacking in understanding’ (b) for “the sumphero common-profiting” (c), and even the genos ‘family/kind/sort of’ glossa tongues/languages that are interpreted, so that “if I come to you speaking/uttering” them they are “opheleo beneficially-profitable to you” exactly because they “bring to you either in/by/with [singular] revelation or in/by/with [singular] gnosis informational-knowledge or in/by/with [singular] prophecy or in/by/with [singular] didache teaching” (d), especially because Paul says “in/by/with the church-assembly I would rather speak 5 words by-the-means-of my mind in order to katecheo ‘catechize:  sound-down, teach foundational truths thru repetition’ other-people than 10,000 words by-the-means-of a [singular] glossa tongue/language (e).  Switching from allos to heteros people is because all the other grace-gifts than the plural ‘families’ of tongues is entirely “others-oriented,” but we will find that 1 of the 3 ‘families’ of tongues is “self-oriented.”  This makes those practitioners heteros from the others in this respect. <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 14:12, 26, b) 1 Corinthians 14:16, these idiotes may be ignorant Christians differentiated from unbelievers in 1 Corinthians 14:23-24.  This should not be confused with those “exo outside the Church” in 1 Corinthians 5:12.  Bibles translating different Greek words the same sure can create confusion and wrong doctrine – see Bible Info, c) 1 Corinthians 12:7, d) 1 Corinthians 14:6, e) 1 Corinthians 14:13, 19, 26-28.


Paul uses the term sunerchomai ‘coming/assembling together’ (a) regarding the ekklesia ‘called-out ones, the saints, the church’ as but 1 of the 3 audience-purposes of various grace-gifts – some grace-gifts are “to/into us” but the 2 others are “thru us and then into others” per 1 Corinthians 12:4-6.  The problem of many Christians is their preoccupation with SELF instead of “discerning or preferring” the Lord’s Body-of-Christ, as seen in 1 Corinthians 10:14-22.  So although Paul addresses grace-gifts “into individuals” and directed “to yourself” for “building up oneself” as one audience-purpose, he is more concerned for those given by the Spirit “thru individuals and into others” for “another’s benefit” or “for the common-profiting.”  Therefore, Paul’s emphasis is on words like heautou ‘each other reciprocally’ where hekastos ‘each individual separately/distinctly’ should bring some Body-Ministry grace-gift to their church-assemblies, while focusing on allelon ‘one another, mutual, reciprocal’ unconditional-love, waiting to eat at love-feasts/Lord’s Suppers, equally-caring for Body-of-Christ members and not divisiveness, and greeting one another with a holy kiss (b).  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 11:17, 18, 20, 33, 34, 14:23, 26, b) 1 Corinthians 11:3, 12:25, 16:20.


Although every one of the grace-gifts above that are pros ‘moving toward the goal of’ the sumphero common-profiting” of 1 Corinthians 12:7 above, even when there are diairesis ‘distinct-differences, distributed-divisions made thru-the-realizing-channel-of personal choice [of God],” all these people-types receiving these types of grace-gifts are therefore allos, ‘others-of-the-similar-kind’ because of the “common-profiting” intended-purpose of their grace-gifts.


However, Paul abruptly diverts from allos people and their grace-gifts in 1 Corinthians 12:10 above to [plural] genos ‘families/kinds/sorts’ of glossa tongues/languages given to a heteros ‘other-of-a-different-kind-of’ persons, different because all the other grace-gifts, including interpretation of tongues, are intended for only 1 audience-purpose and that is “to benefit others” for “the common-profiting.”  These ‘families’ of tongues are different!


1 Corinthians 12:27-30 also speaks of these [plural] genos ‘families/groups/kinds/sorts’ of glossa tongues/languages.  Paul reminds us that we are ALL “particular/unique members of the Body-of-Christ, kai and/but hos some-of-these [members] (a) indeed have-been God tithemi ‘put/set, fixed/established, appointed/ordained into place’ en into-the-location-of the Church-assembly: proton firstly/superlatively (b) apostles, deuteros secondly (b) prophets, tritos thirdly (b) teachers, then-to-continue-on miracles, then-to-continue-on grace-gifts of healing, helping, kubernesis ‘helmsman who steers a ship, pilot or captain, director who guides, administrates, etc,’ [plural] genos ‘families/groups/kinds/sorts’ of glossa tongues/languages.  Apostles me pantes in-possibility-NOT [are] ALL [members]; prophets me pantes in-possibility-NOT [are] ALL [members]; teachers me pantes in-possibility-NOT [are] ALL [members]; miracles (d) me pantes in-possibility-NOT [are] ALL [members]; [plural] grace-gifts of [plural] healings­ [are] me pantes in-possibility-NOT ALL [members] presently/ongoingly echo ‘holding-to-have’ (e); me pantes in-possibility-NOT ALL [members] [are] [them] presently/ongoingly speaking by-the-means-of [plural] tongues (f); me pantes in-possibility-NOT ALL [members] [are] [them] presently/ongoingly interpreting.”  No wonder Peter said of Paul in 2 Peter 3:16 “His letters contains some things that hard to understand!”  You have to really take your time even with the Greek, as we will below:


<Notes> a) this may pertain to the first three that are the only ones numbered:  apostles, prophets, and teachers which are part of the 4 ‘equipper’ member-groups (c) of the Church in Ephesians 4:11 that “Christ indeed didomi ‘gave as grace-gifts from v. 4:8, supplied/furnished as necessary’ some [as] apostles, then some prophets, then some evangelists, then some shepherds and/coupled teachers (c) pros ‘toward and reaching’ the katartismos ‘equipping by coaching & facilitating, adjusting down to exactly fit/work, thus enabling/completely-furnishing the parts to work together in correct order’ of the saints [members] eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ [singular] work of service/ministry eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ [singular] building-up of the Body-of-Christ.”  Once again we see this dominant ‘intended audience-purpose’ Paul speaks of frequently.


<Notes> b) these numbers are used as adverbs describing the manner or order in which God tithemi placed praxis ‘functioning’ per Romans 12:4 grace-gifts into the Church – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT21, and are thus not adjectives describing the importance or ranks of individual members as if they were offices, positions, or titles – see Coaches & Facilitators-BT12, especially since this would go against Paul’s careful uses of words like metron ‘measuring-cup to measure equal amounts of something for fair trade/purchase’ in Romans 12:3, 2 Corinthians 10:13, Ephesians 4:7, 13, and 16 [see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT21] to point out God’s equality & impartiality and doctrine about this in Romans 2:11, Galatians 2:6, Ephesians 6:9, Colossians 3:25.  Otherwise, this would also go against Christ’s doctrine about titles in Matthew 23:8-10 and exercising authority over others in:  Matthew 20:20-28 paralleled in Mark 10:35-45 and Luke 22:24-30, because only Jesus is the “Head over” as Paul teaches:  Ephesians 1:22, 4:15, 5:23; Colossians 1:18, 2:10, 19; and 1 Corinthians 11:3.  Nevertheless, Paul does view “apostles and prophets” as the “foundation of the household of God” in Ephesians 2:10 and the “revealers by-the-means-of The Spirit of the [gospel] mystery of/belonging-to Christ previously hidden in previous generations” in Ephesians 3:4-5 making them the evangelist ‘equippers.’  Paul nowhere else elevates teachers, except that he is “a teacher of the Gentiles in addition to being an evangelist and apostle” in 1 Timothy 2:7.  These 3 numbers may also simply be a way of differentiating the 3 “members” of “grace-gifts of Christ” from the rest – see note ‘a.’   Wouldn’t it sound foolish to give positions, offices, and titles to any of these “placed unique members of the Body-of-Christ” as:  Apostle __ , Prophet __ , Teacher __ , Miracle-worker __ , Healer __ , Administrator __ , Tongue-speaker __ , or Tongue-Interpreter __ ?  You can’t cherry-pick with the bible!


None of these nouns are positions, offices, or titles, but members with varying grace-gifts having differing praxis functions!  In fact all these nouns, even “apostles, prophets, and teachers” are more likely verbal-nouns, short-hand ways of saying “members with the grace-gift of apostling, members with the grace-gift of prophesying, and members with the grace-gift of teaching.”  It’s like our use of “Garbage-Collector” for “the one who collects garbage.”  For example, out of 58 uses of “teacher” in the NT only 8 or 14% are used of Christians: 1 Corinthians 12:28-29; 2 Timothy 1:11; 1 Timothy 2:7; Ephesians 4:11; Acts 13:1; Hebrews 5:12, but the others are either positively referring to Jesus, negatively of the Jewish Law-teachers, or very negatively of demonically-inspired teachers!  Most uses are negatively describing teachers within an unbelieving, hostile world!  Concerning the office, position, or title of “teacher” James 3:1 “[strongly urges them] “in-possibility-NOT many routinely ginomai become, having already routinely eido ‘mentally ‘seen’ to perceive/know [with ongoing effects] that a meizon greater krima ‘judgment-verdict’ you shall indeed lambano ‘grab hold of to receive.’”  That’s why I sure don’t want to be your teacher, though I believe in “teaching one another, per Romans 15:14, Colossians 3:16, and other verses.  A key sign of religion is creation of hierarchy, positions, offices, and titles!  See Coaches & Facilitators.  I believe many church’s obsession with titles come from borrowing from the Old Testament and the world, which is exactly what builds The Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit.


<Notes> c) the idea of a “5-fold ministry” is the result of poor bible-study.  Many Greek scholars see “shepherd kai and/coupled teachers” as 1 group because the first 3 nouns of “the apostles, de moreover the prophets, de moreover evangelists (messengers/preachers of the gospel)” are listed without punctuation or kai couplers and the 4th and 5th nouns (shepherds/pastors, teachers) are linked with kai which is normally a coupler when used only 1 or 2 times, as is the case here.  We have to remember from Ephesians 4:7-8, that these 5 nouns are NOT people, offices, or titles but only some of the plural grace-gifts of the singular grace-gift of Christ to the Church from the Father that is the Holy Spirit.  Also, Paul’s gives qualifications of “elders-shepherds-bishops/overseers who are able/skilled to teach” in 1 Timothy 3:2 and 2 Timothy 2:2, 24, giving those evangelizing and/coupled teaching double-honor in 1 Timothy 5:17.  Furthermore, Paul often uses “teacher” as a verbal-noun as in 1 Corinthians 12:28-29 that emphasizes the praxis functioning of it as in Romans 10:7. Teaching is just a praxis function of every member of the Body-of-Christ by-the-means-of the Spirit but especially should occur with the elder/shepherd/overseer group of people – see Body-Ministry and Teach-One-Another pages.  For Paul’s uses of “teacher” as a verbal-noun, see note ‘b’ above.


<Notes> d) Because the noun ‘miracles’ is in the nominative case (subject) like the previous nouns and Paul maintains the same grammatical syntax phrase structure throughout, Paul may be thinking of this as “members who work miracles” as a verbal-noun or “miracle-workers,” because here dunamis is a [plural] noun that normally means “supernatural, dynamite-like, enabling-powers.”


<Notes> e) Although Paul breaks his pattern of Greek phrase syntax here, it’s clear he is still talking about “members placed into the Church” that prefaced the whole conversation, these members here using their grace-gift of healings to obviously benefit others.


<Notes> f) There is no reason to think that Paul is going to start talking about any other ‘intended audience-purpose’ genos ‘family, kind’ of tongues/languages than still those “directed to others to benefit them” as in 1 Corinthians 14:3, 6, 12, 26, because the next on is those members interpreting tongues.  This whole particular conversation is for 1 audience-purpose – others to benefit them.


Even though all these “ministry grace-gifts” are important for the Church-assembly, Paul says in the very next verse 1 Corinthians 12:31:  “However, [I strongly urge you] to zealously-desire the meizon ‘greater in value’ [plural] grace-gifts (a), which he talks about in Chapter 14 as “especially to prophecy.”  It’s clear from that chapter that as valuable as tongues & interpretation are in the Church-assembly, Paul views the others that are higher up on his list more important as he will explain, but “more than all of them, to prophesy!”  Paul would freak out with the disdain many churches and Christians give his highest priority!  <Notes> a) ‘more than megas great in size, weight, age, degree, strength, ability, authority, virtue, etc. as determined by context, but here by the importance/value of their grace-gift to others.  Meizon is also used in 1 Corinthians 13:13 of unconditional-love when compared to trusting-relying-faith and hope (equal to faith for future things), but not as much as megistos ‘ultimate’ used only in 2 Peter 1:4 of God’s promises to us.


In 1 Corinthians 14:10 Paul relates supernatural [plural] genos ‘families/kinds/sorts’ of glossa tongues/languages to natural [plural] genos ‘families/kinds/sorts’ of phone voices/languages/dialects, each with its own meaning, some understood by the listener and others not, unless interpreted.  Therefore, just as with natural languages/dialects there are so many genos ‘families/kinds/sorts’ of, and the same is true of supernatural glossa tongues/languages!  In fact Paul implies in 1 Corinthians 13:1 that we could be “speaking by the [plural] glossa tongues/languages of men and of angels, but without unconditional-love, it is still just noise!”  Again, the context of this is “within the church-assembly” for the sake of others, and NOT what Paul will talk about next!


The OTHER genos ‘family/kind/sort of’ glossa tongues/languages is WITHOUT interpretation according to 1 Corinthians 14:16-17, where the member’s “eulogeo ‘speaking a good, beneficial logos message, thus blessing’ God by-the-means-of the Spirit . . . by your eucharistia thanksgiving . . . your present/ongoing eucharisteo ‘giving of thanks’ is truly kalos ‘viewed as good, advantageous, attractively-beautiful’ NOW has a primary “intended audience” that is NOT anybody in a church-assembly.  However, even in that setting, if tongues are interpreted then others in the church-assembly, even the idiotes ‘idiot, conspicuously-lacking in understanding ones’ (a) could say “Amen to your eucharistia thanksgiving” and so “the other person is being built up.”  So there is an overlap from a private audience of God that requires NO interpretation to a church-assembly that does for them to benefit from them. <Notes> a) these idiotes may be ignorant Christians differentiated from unbelievers in 1 Corinthians 14:23-24.


This OTHER genos ‘family/kind/sort of’ tongues is NOT intended for katecheo ‘catechizing instruction’ to “build up the church-assembly” or “opheleo be beneficially-profitable to you” because the primary ‘intended listener’ is the Lord, “for the one routinely speaking/uttering by-the-means-of a [singular, particular] glossa tongue/language speaks/utters absolutely-in-fact-NOT to men but-instead to God, for absolutely-in-fact-NO-one [man] akouo listens/hears-to-understand/know [what you are saying].  However, by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit [the one] presently/ongoingly speaks/utters mysteries/secret-hidden-things,” to God who does understand (a).  That’s why it take interpretation to “reveal or unhide what was hidden” in order “to benefit others if I come to you speaking/uttering them” (b).  Paul explains further:  “For if/when I presently/ongoingly proseuchomai conversationally-pray by-the-means-of a [singular] glossa tongue/language, The Spirit of/belonging-to me presently/ongoingly proseuchomai conversationally-prays although the mind of/belonging-to me presently/ongoingly is-defined-as/exists-as akarpos ‘without fruit, unfruitful, not producing the fruit it normally would’ ” (c).  My pride kept me for a long time from surrendering my control to “let go and let God” take control of my tongue without me understanding what was being said!  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 14:3, b) 1 Corinthians 14:6, c) 1 Corinthians 14:14.


Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 14:7-9 that the genos ‘family/kind/sort of’ glossa tongues/languages WITH interpretation are like musical notes from flutes or harps that have to be diastole ‘distinct’ in order to experientially ginosko know the music or the sounds from a bugle needing to be delos ‘self-evident’ to be able to prepare for battle.  WITHOUT interpretation, this OTHER genos ‘family/kind/sort of’ glossa tongues/languages are in-possibility-NOT eusemos ‘with clear meaning, so are intelligible or not understood,” so then how will people in the church-assembly “be-able [passively] to experientially ginosko know what was routinely being spoken?  For you will be routinely speaking eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ [singular] air-that-we-breath.”


This whole section is talking about ‘the intended audience’ being the church-assembly and “benefiting others” as in 1 Corinthians 14:3, 6 as Paul’s priority.  So in that mindset, Paul says in vv. 14:12-13 “Since you are presently/ongoingly zealous-ones of [plural] Spirit [things, in context grace-gifts] pros ‘toward and reaching’ the building-up of the church-assembly [I strongly urge you to] be zealously-desiring, in order that you may presently/ongoingly perisseuo ‘abundantly got all-around, above and beyond’ [this].  Therefore, the one who is presently-routinely speaking/uttering by-the-means-of a [singular] glossa tongue/language [I strongly urge you to] presently/ongoingly proseuche conversationally-pray they he/she might interpret.”  However, we can see here that Paul implies they are already “routinely, habitually, as a lifestyle speaking/uttering” glossa tongues/languages, which brings us to his OTHER tongues/languages argument below.  Note that these Christians were already rightfully zealous for the Spirit’s grace-gifts, but Paul is simply trying to direct this zeal toward “the greater grace-gifts but especially prophecy” that “benefit others,” particularly by “building up the church-assembly” as in vv. 12:31, 14:1, 3, 6, 12, 26, 39.  Oh that we would have people more zealous for any of the Spirit’s grace-gifts, especially to prophesy!


Paul already said in 1 Corinthians 14:3-4 that “routine speaking/uttering . . . builds oneself up,” which is distinctly different from “routinely prophesying, presently/ongoing speaking/uttering to men [resulting in their] building-up kai and/related encouragement kai and/related consolation/comfort” of v. 14:3.  These 2 different intended-audiences/purposes of the grace-gifts of “to men” vs. “to God” is what makes the group of Body-of-Christ members in 1 Corinthians 12:10 given the grace-gift of [plural] genos ‘families/kinds/sorts of’ glossa tongues/languages then obviously heteros ‘others-different-in-kind’ than the allos ‘others-similar-in-kind’ members!  All the member-groups but 1 are focused on using their grace-gifts “to benefit others” but the tongues/languages member-group has a dual focus, as Paul will explain further.


Therefore, although ALL grace-gifts are ultimately sovereignly apportioned by God, Paul still encourages ALL Christians in 1 Corinthians 14:5 “Now I presently/ongoingly thelo optimally-desire YOU ALL to actively, presently/ongoingly speak in glossa tongues/languages,” and even boasts in their value to himself in v. 14:18 “I thank God that I presently/ongoingly speak in glossa tongues/languages more than ALL of YOU.”  In every case glossa tongues/languages is plural and Paul is expecting everybody to do get some genos ‘family/kind/sort of’ them, because this “builds them up” and is evidently a key part of their relationshipeulogeo eulogizing by giving God eucharistia thanks/praise,” per 1 Corinthians 14:16.


Prayer and thanksgiving are linked.  We are told in Philippians 4:6 “in every circumstance by proseuche conversational-prayer and/coupled deesis supplication with thanksgiving let your aitema requests be made experientially, relationally gnorizo known to God.”  In Colossians 4:2 Paul strongly urges us to “continue steadfastly in proseuche conversational-prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.”  He tells Timothy in 1 Timothy 2:1, “I urge that deesis supplications, proseuche prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people.”  Finally in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19 Paul strongly urges us to “routinely rejoice always, routinely proseuchomai conversationally-prayer without ceasing, in/by/with all things routinely give-thanks – for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus toward you.” Very few things are explicitly states as “the will of God” – see New Covenant Ways – BT16.  Therefore praying with thanksgiving-praise by tongues is certainly “the will of God” for EVERY Christian, and is thus the reason that Paul will do so in 1 Corinthians 14:15 and optimally-desires others to follow his lead in 1 Corinthians 14:5.  When will we obey?


Now in 1 Corinthians 14:20-21 Paul really wakes these Christians up who are agnoeo “ignorant” or paidion “little-children, even infants in the thinking of their minds” or idiotes ‘idiot, conspicuously-lacking in understanding ones.’  Wake up and smell the coffee!  Paul says he is quoting the Law, but Deuteronomy 28:49 would be an obscure application of “a nation far away being brought by the Lord against Israel, a nation who phone voice/language/dialect you absolutely-in-fact-NOT akouo listen/hear-to-understand/know.”


More likely Paul is citing Isaiah 28:11-12 “For dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of heteros ‘another of a different kind of’ (a) cheilos  ‘lips that produces languages/dialects’; [plural] heteroglossos ‘another-of-a-different-kind of tongues/languages’ (b) I (God) (c) will speak to these people [d: to whom He (God) (e) has said (f), ‘This is the rest; give rest to the weary; and this is repose,’] yet they would absolutely-in-fact-NOT eisakouo deeply listen/hear-to-understand/know” (g).  There is a lot to unpack here!  Anybody who says the bible is easy to understand and so we can know exactly what God’s will is, is trying to sell you property in the Florida everglades – see Bible Info!


<Notes> a) LXX Greek: phatne  ‘a manager made from a cattle feeding box’ sound off-the-wall, or more likely Hebrew laeg stammering/mocking because of the way Isaiah mocks the future rabbis of Christ’s day and their way of ‘knowing God’ – see New Covenant-BT17, –BT18, and Least Among You – BT3, b) LXX Greek: dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of heteros ‘another of a different kind of’ [singular] glossa tongue/language, c) LXX Greek: they or Hebrew: He (God), d) this section is missing in Paul’s writing, e) LXX Greek: they – this may be a reference to the Pentecost 120 disciple and others afterward that spoke God’s message even by tongues, which exactly fits Isaiah’s argument, f) Greek LXX: is presently-routinely-saying, g) Hebrew & LXX simply has akouo listen/hear-to-understand/know, and Paul’s Greek adds: “Me, says the Lord.”


We see Jesus and other New Testament writers refer to all parts of the Old Testament as “The Law” – see Logos Word of God – BT5a, and yet Christians are to have NOTHING to do with the Law – see New Covenant Ways – BT4b. Jesus is obviously alluding to Isaiah 28’s “rest and repose” when He said in Matthew 11:28, “[I strongly-urge you to] duete ‘come here now close-beside’ Me, all who labor and/coupled are heavily-burdened, and I will give you rest,” for Hebrews 4:9 indicates that Jesus is “the Sabbath Rest for the people of God.”


Paul continues in 1 Corinthians 14:22 “So then these (a) glossa tongues/languages are eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of, intended for’ a sign, absolutely-in-fact-NOT [intended for] those presently-routinely having trusting-relying-faith, but-instead [intended for] those not-of-the-trusting-relying-faith-ones, but ‘the prophecy’ (b) [is] absolutely-in-fact-NOT [intended for] those not-of-the-trusting-relying-faith-ones but-instead [intended for] those presently-routinely having trusting-relying-faith.”  Again, we have to remember the present context is about what goes on in the church-assembly “to benefit others,” not privately by a believer in their relationship of eulogeo “eulogizing by giving God eucharistia thanks/praise,” per 1 Corinthians 14:16.  We know this from verse 4:23. <Notes> a) or those I’ve been talking about all along, b) that prophecy I’ve been talking about all along.


Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:23 “Therefore if/when the WHOLE church-assembly gathers-together epi upon the autos same-place kai and/then ALL might speak by-the-means-of [plural] glossa tongue/languages de however-then [if] [plural] idiotes ‘idiot, conspicuously-lacking in understanding ones’ (a) or [plural] not-of-the-trusting-relying-faith-ones might-come-into-reaching [us], will they absolutely-in-fact-NOT say that you-all are mainomai ‘maniacs, raving or senselessly mad, deranged, or insane’?”  However, Paul goes onto say that “if/when they ALL prophesy” (b) a person from these 2 groups could “be convicted by ALL, called to account by ALL, the secrets of his heart disclosed, and so falling on his face, he will worship God and declare that God is really among you-ALL.”  Tongues to the “WHOLE church-assembly” is one of the “heteros ‘others-different-in-kind’ genos ‘families’ of tongues” from v. 12:10 that Paul advise us to interpret in v. 14:27-28 below.  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 14:16-17, these idiotes may be ignorant Christians, unable to say “Amen” to those giving eulogeo “eulogizing by giving God eucharistia thanks/praise,” in tongues, because they don’t have the Spirit’s grace-gift of discernment or interpretation “to eido ‘mentally see to perceive/know what they said” – a word used most often of prophetic ‘seeing’, where idiotes is differentiated from unbelievers here vv. 14:23-24, b) good luck seeing that in a modern church.


So then Paul gives instruction in 1 Corinthians 14:26-33 for orderly worship of God in the church-assembly, where there is a great emphasis that “hekastos ‘each individual separately/distinctly’ has a hymn (a), a teaching, a revelation, a glossa tongue/language, OR an interpretation.”  This is NOT a complete list as we can see from parallel passages of Colossians 3:16 “routinely teaching and/coupled routinely noutheteo ‘gently reasoning thru warning, admonishment, exhortation, or counseling’ heautouEACH OTHER reciprocally’  by-the-means-of psalms, hymns (a), Spirit-kind-of odes (b), always with thanksgivings” or Ephesians 5:19-20 “routinely laleo ‘conversationally-speaking’ to heautouEACH OTHER reciprocally’ via psalms, hymns (a), Spirit-kind-of odes (b), always with thanksgivings.”  As with all Paul’s writings about the church-assembly, the emphasis is on Body-Ministry, not on one-man or small-team ‘shows’ as the modern churches are patterned from (c), which comes from ‘borrowing’ from the Old Testament and the world, building The Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit.  Paul’s main emphasis in this ‘audience-purpose’ context is “[I strongly urge you to] let ALL things be done for building up” (d) the church-assembly. <Notes> a) Matthew 26:30; Mark 14:26; Acts 16:25; Hebrews 2:12, b) odes: psalms or hymns but unique in that they likely spontaneous music completely-different-in-kind “NEW songs” and thus not pre-composed – see also Spontaneous Music-BT5, – BT6, and – BT7, c) see Romans 12:3f, d) 1 Corinthians 14:26, cf. 14:3, 6, 12.


In 1 Corinthians 14:26-33 Paul explains that tongues/languages and prophecies addressed to the church-assembly “for building up” are to be spoken one after another, as this is certainly the loving thing to do, the emphasis of 1 Corinthians 13, and for the sake of love’s harmonious-peace in v. 14:33.  In this ‘audience-purpose’ context, tongues/languages are thus to be interpreted so that everybody can benefit from them and any idiotes uninformed and unbelievers won’t think you are raving lunatics!  Many Pentecostal and Charismatic churches have not heeded this warning!  If nobody can interpret your tongues/languages, implying you know of Christians ahead of time that have practiced this grace-gift or you have asked the group before you want to give it, and you have even prayed but not received an interpretation, only THEN you should NOT address the church but instead “keep silent in the church-assembly, though-instead [I strongly urge] you presently/ongoingly speak [the tongues/languages] to yourself and/coupled to God.”


A lot of churches violate this or go to the other extreme by “forbidding speaking in glossa tongues/languages” as Paul explicitly warns against in 1 Corinthians 14:39 as if he knew churches would do this!  Also, despising prophecy certainly quenches the Holy Spirit just as 1 Thessalonians 5:19-20 warns against!  Was Paul seeing into the future?  See Tongues – BT14.  Instead Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12:31 and 14:39 they should be “zealously-desiring this mega ‘greater gift’ of prophecy and “to especially do” or “even more to do” this in 1 Corinthians 14:1, 5.

Once again we see there are different “intended audiences” and thus the reason for the heteros ‘another-of-different-kind’ member-groups using [plural] genos ‘families/kinds/sorts of’ glossa tongues/languagesonly some who have a grace-gift of tongues/languages “to others” as Body-Ministry to “build others up,” and the OTHER for every Christian’s blessing of God by thanksgiving “to God” that “builds oneself up.”  This is so clear in Paul’s writings that it appears that many just don’t want to obey them.


Even with prophecies that are either clearly understood or interpreted from glossa tongues/languages to bring “this revelation to others,” Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:29-31 of these prophecies and revelations that members “were hekastos ‘EACH individual separately/distinctly’ TO BRING” from v. 14:26, they are still to be treated the same way with his advice for orderly gatherings:  “[I strongly urge you to] let 2 or 3 prophets speak kai and/then the allos ‘others of the same kind’ (a) [I strongly urge to] let them presently/ongoingly diakrino ‘judge thru-the-realizing-channel-of close investigation/reasoning, thus weighing in’ . . . in order that ALL might [actively] manthano ‘learn the key facts from experience and/or reflection’ (b) kai and/coupled ALL might [passively or reflexively] be parakaleo ‘encouraged from close-beside consoling, comforting, gentle instruction’.”  <Notes> a) either the other prophets waiting their turn or the other Spirit-kind-of people who are NOT agnoeo ‘ignorant’ from v. 12:1 or idiotes ‘uneducated’ from vv. 14:16, 23-2, just as Paul calls these 2 ‘like-kind’ groups of “prophets and Spirit-kind-of people” in v. 14:37 to judge/critique his “things he is writing” – see Bible Info-BT5 for testing/judging prophecy, b) Matthew 11:29 the way we ‘learn’ from Jesus if we take His yoke of instruction upon us; Ephesian 4:20 the way we should have ‘learned Christ’.


When is the last time you were allowed to stand up or raise your hand to lovingly take turns in doing any of this?  That shows you how far churches have spiraled down away from the Church models given to us.  They borrow their models from the Old Testament Temple worship and from the world, further building The Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit in the Church.


Christians and churches that don’t understand the clear teaching of Paul are thus agnoeo ‘being ignorant” (a) and idiotes ‘conspicuously lacking in understanding (b), and even “paidion ‘little-children or infants’ in their phren ‘mind-set, insight, understanding . . . instead of teleios ‘developed unto reaching the end-goal of maturity” (b).  It seems a lot of this is the case!  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 12:1, b) 1 Corinthians 14:16, 23-24, c) 1 Corinthians 14:20.


As a Christian now that we are no longer “ignorant” or an “idiot” regarding the Spirit’s grace-gifts even of tongues & interpretation, are we going to take responsibility and be obedient to anything we have just learned from all of this?  Are we going to routinely, habitually pray and psalm by singing and/or playing music in tongues, even under our breath or inside our heads by-the-means-of the Spirit, even while doing anything else out mind is having to naturally be “fruitful or productive” about, in order to be “built up in our most Holy Faith in order to stay in the unconditional-love of God?” Are we going to pray to give a tongue in church-assemblies and pray for an interpretation from us or others before giving it, in order that “others can also be benefited and built up?”  Are we going to share God’s gospel logos-message of unconditional-love to the world thru every avenue possible, even through music and even by tongues if we have to, even using our own native tongue to others that don’t understand us, and have the trusting-relying-faith that God can do the interpretation for us?  Will we simply “trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus” in order to be supernaturally effective in “building up” anybody from these 3 intended audiences by simply praying and psalming in tongues?  As with everything in the Christian walk, “the obedience of faith” is our only limiting factor.



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BT3:  Tongues are completely-different-in-kind “NEW” just as with many actions of God

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New tongues, New song, New thing, New covenant, New king, New commandment, New teaching, New Spirit, New life, New man, New creation, New heart, New name, New heavens, New world, New earth, and New Jerusalem are completely-different-in-kind, because chadash/kainos “NEW” doesn’t mean tsa’iyr/neos “new or younger in time,” but instead:  “fresh, completely-different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior.”  God didn’t just compare a young, green banana in time with an old, brown banana in time, because in time the green banana would become brown and rot too.  When God created these “NEW things” above, He didn’t just do this in time, because as you can see that wouldn’t be good enough!  No, God stepped outside of time to create these completely-different-in-kind “NEW things” so they would remain “NEW” regardless of time, so He made them “completely-different-in-kind and superior to all that came before.”


So what are the “old things” that contrast with God’s “NEW things?”  There are many Hebrew and Greek words God uses, but unfortunately in English they are all translated simplistically as “old” – another of many problems with English bibles – see Bible Info.  The Hebrew word belo means “worn-out things, or rag-like,” which comes from balah meaning “old, worn-out, or decayed.”  The Hebrew word yasha’n means “old in time, dated or no longer used, withered, or flabby like a lifeless plant.”  The Hebrew word attiq means “antique, aged or ancient.”


In the Old Testament, all these Hebrew words are translated into the same Greek word palaios from the verb palaioo for the Septuagint LXX translation.  It means:  “not just old, dated, or ancient in time, but also worn out by use, or worse for wear.”  Did you catch that?  God consistently compares His “completely-different-in-kind “NEW things” with “old in time things,” exactly because they are not just “old in time,” but in fact also “worn-out like rags, withered, and lifeless.”


Can you see why God’s “NEW things” are “superior” by definition?  God isn’t just making micro-evolutionary improvements but creating a “completely-different-in-kind and superior” thing! And with every patented invention, absolutely nothing from the previous inventions can be “borrowed” and used in the “NEW” invention.  In mathematical set theory of 2 circles or sets that contain items or properties, nothing in 1 set can be included in the other, and the 2 sets/circles can’t even touch!  Absolutely nothing in the “old” can be included in the “NEW!”  This is not just a dictionary definition but a fact that is seen in every use of these words!


The completely-different-in-kind, superior “New glossa tongues/languages” of Mark 16:17 that Christians “having definitively/wholly had trusting-relying-faith . . .  shall actually speak” are NOT produced “by-the-means-of the mind of/belonging-to me” but are instead “by-the-means-of The Spirit of/belonging-to me” (a), thus making “[the singular] mind of/belonging-to me unfruitful/unproductive,” just as Paul recognizes in 1 Corinthians 14:14-15.  If they were produced by our mind, then they would be “the same old same old” tongues/languages!  See New Covenant-BT2<Notes> a) “The Spirit” with the definite article always refers to the Holy Spirit as here, and in many places the article is dropped because a previous use with the article or the context makes repeating the article redundant.  “The Spirit” is something Christians possesses in their human spirit, but “The Spirit” here in 1 Corinthians 14:14-15 is clearly not a reference to human spirits or minds in general and certainly not of natural men.  The entire context throughout 1 Corinthians like vv. 2:4, 20, 11-14, 6:11, 7:40, 12:3, 7-8, 14:2, 12, leading up to 14:14-15 certainly gives no reason why Paul would suddenly deviate from this.  The problems with English Bibles are that a lot is “lost in translation” – see Bible Info.



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BT2:  Application of tongues to music & drumming

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Just as with “proseuchomai conversationally-praying and/coupled psalming by-the-means-of a tongue . . . The Spirit of/belonging-to me prays/psalms” (instrumental music with or without lyrics) per 1 Corinthians 14:14-15, it still comes down to surrendering by “offering/presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice” as in Romans 12:1, by “letting go” of our mind’s “fruitfulness or productivity” planning, thinking, scheming, rational understanding, and “might and powerskills to “let God” by allowing His Holy Spirit to instead have mastery/control per Galatians 5:23 of our “bodily members,” whether it’s your tongue to speak in supernatural tongues, your mouth and breath for wind-instruments, your fingers and arms for stringed-instruments and piano, or arms for snare-drummers, or arms & legs for the drum-set players.  It really comes down to making the choice of Romans 6:13 “presenting [internal] yourself to God . . . and your [external] members to God as instruments for dikaiosune divinely-approved-righteousness.”  And what could be more “righteous or divinely-approved” of than our worship when God has both our internal and externals, thus our whole self?


Every musician knows that music notation is just another language, symbols representing rhythm and frequencies arranged to convey specific meaning, just as many languages are not only picture-based but also music-based so that tone differences change the meaning of identical-looking words.  So even if a musician isn’t praying or singing in tongues unto God verbally or under their breath or in their head while optionally playing their instrument, the Spirit dwelling within them can just as easily be communicating the mind/heart of God to other people through the arrangements of rhythms & frequencies that the audience’s inward being or ‘spirit’ may indeed understand even if the human mind of their flesh is “unfruitful/unproductive,” and so the music is still prophetic, and thus still communicating the directly-spoken/heard rhema words of God to minister to them God’s gospel logos message, especially to unbelievers!


Many missionaries have testified of their foreign audience completely understanding the missionary’s native language without any need for interpretation, and even the missionary’s tongues without interpretation perfectly understood by the audience!  Paul recognizes this genos ‘family/kind’ of tongues in 1 Corinthians 12:10, 28 as 1 or 3 “intended audiences & purposes” of tongues, and for them it is indeed a “proving-sign” when their audience is amazed they can indeed understand every rhema spoken-word of God thru the missionaries without any missionary interpretation, just as on the Day of Pentecost!  What really matters is if the anointing of God is there or not, even on the musician and the music to make this possible, just as ALL of David’s 4000 singers & musicians prophesied, even with many instruments in 1 Chronicles 23:5, 25:1.


When people of a church gather/assemble together according to Colossians 3:16 in for “the logos message (gospel) of Christ to presently/ongoing dwell in them richly” as Paul strongly urges them with the imperative, they are to “by-the-means-of pas all ‘kinds of’ wisdom, be routinely teaching and/coupled noutheteo ‘placing in the mind, reasoning & urging by warning, correction, or exhortation’ heautou ‘each other reciprocally’ by-the-means-of psalms (a), hymns (b), Spirit-kind-of odes (c), routinely adontes ‘ode-ing’ by-the-means-of The Grace inside your hearts in/by/with God.”  We know this is an incomplete list (d), but provided simply to further Paul’s argument of the context:  He wants Body-Ministry where each person is involved. No one-man shows or specialized teams!  How far the modern church has digressed. <Notes> a) psalmos, psallo is the verb meaning to “hit, pluck, twang, or twitch,” b) humneo: acapella singing: Matthew 26:30; Mark 14:26; Acts 16:25; Hebrews 2:12, c) odes: psalms or hymns, but adding pneumatikos makes them uniquely no longer pre-composed but spontaneous by the Spirit – see also Spontaneous Music-BT5, – BT6, and – BT7, d) 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, 28-30, 13:8, 14:6, 26; Romans 12:6-8; Colossians 3:16, Ephesians 2:20, 3:5, 4:12, 5:19.


In the parallel passage in Ephesians 3:19, 5:18-19, Paul wants them to “definitively/wholly be filled-to-completion eis ‘toward and reaching the goal of’ pas ‘the whole of’ the abundant-fullness of God . . . [I strongly urge you to] in-possibility-NOT routinely be drunk by-the-means-of wine in/by/with which is presently/ongoingly debauchery, but-instead presently/ongoingly [passively] be filled-to-completion by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit, routinely speaking-to/addressing heautou ‘each other reciprocally’ by-the-means-of psalms and/coupled hymns and/coupled Spirit-kind-of odes, routinely adontesode-ing’ and/coupled routinely psalming [in/by/with] your heart to the Lord.”  Their hearts can be psalming while their hands/mouths are busy performing.


That last phrase is the key!  We know from 1 Corinthians 14:14-15 that Spirit-kind-of psalming is by tongues, which is instrumental music with/without lyrics.  The singer can sing in tongues, or they could only be doing so from their heart in tongues while vocally silent or even while singing in their native language.  There may not even be a singer, but either way the musicians can be giving “praise & thanksgiving” from their hearts in tongues even while they are blowing, hitting, bowing, plucking, strumming, etc.  You really can pray or psalm in tongues while “your mind is fruitful/productive” on something else, because it is the Spirit that performs the tongues from inside you, whether it is verbally expressed or not.  I’ve done all this many times, often even praying or singing in tongues as I am writing.  I enjoy listening to worship music in tongues while working because I know that I am “tereo ‘carefully watch/observe to safely-guard, care-for/attend-to, firmly-hold/stand-in/maintain-a-present-state,’ myself in the Unconditional-Love of God [by] routinely building myself up in the most Holy Faith [by] routinely proseuchomai conversationally-praying by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit” per Jude 1:20-21, because even though my mind is focused on work, I trust my heart is praying & psalming by-the-means-of- the Holy Spirit by-the-means-of the tongues I’m also hearing in the music.  In fact, I’m going to turn it on right now!


The “psalms and hymns” od Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 may have originally been composed spontaneously as “Spirit-kind-of odes” that correspond to the chadash/kainos ‘completely-different-in-kind, superior “New Songs” of Psalms 33:3, 40:3, 96:1, 98:1, 144:9, 149:1; Isaiah 42:10; and Revelation 5:9, 14:3.  But they may not be!  I know many secular artists that wrote Church music just to make money, and I personally knew a big-time New-Ager that he said he was going to California to start a Christian church and make a ton of money because “Christians are so gullible!”


Either way, these “psalms and hymns” as differentiated from “Spirit-kind” or “New Songs” are certainly “pre-composed” music!  Since these were in the people’s language and likely familiar as the Old Testament Psalms were to the early Jewish-Christians, their minds would be “fruitful/productive,” and so as with “praying and psalming by-the-means-of the mind of/belonging-to me” in 1 Corinthians 14:14-15.  For many like Paul being former Jews, this would be natural worship music.

But that simply is NOT enough!  Paul strongly-urged them to go to the next, higher level – spontaneous music, just as with tongues, where their mind is “unfruitful/unproductive” and the Spirit composes the psalm or hymn “on the spot,” and the lyrics very well may be in tongues.  Since Ephesians 5:19 stresses what happens inside individual hearts:  “routinely psalming [in/by/with] your heart to the Lord,” these tongues need not be in unison but very individual.  And that’s exactly what we see happen in anointed, prophetic, and spontaneous worship – the sound is heavenly!  This is the “Joyful Noise” of Psalms 95:1-2, 98:4, 6, and 100:1 – see Joy – BT4.


Since psalming primarily means “hit, pluck, twang, or twitch” an instrument whether sung or not, and we know from the Old Testament at least 22 instruments were used to play Psalms, it may very well be that we are in some way “hitting, plucking, twanging, or twitching our hearts unto the Lord” when we are “psalming to the Lord” as if the real instrument is our heart!  That means the same thing can happen for you while you are playing your instrument, no matter what it is!  You can even be totally focused on ado singing/praising and even “psalming to the Lord from your grateful heart” and not even be thinking about how to play your instrument AT ALL so that “your mind is “unfruitful/unproductive” just as with tongues, and yet the Spirit will play right through you the most kalos beautiful/joyful music you have ever heard in your life!  As you can see from the BLOG Topics I have even spoken in tongues while playing and made prophetic declarations – you just have to take “an obedient step of faith” and surrender by “letting go and letting God!”  And what is produced is absolutely not someone else’s pre-composed hymns or psalms “from the mind of you” but instead spontaneously “from the Spirit of you” and so it’s a completely-different-in-kind, fresh, superior “New song” and a “Spirit-kind-of ode.”


When I play my drums, I can often feel ‘the insides of me’ singing/praising the Lord but it’s in rhythmic grunts/groans for the bass-drum and ticking sounds for the higher pitches, and now that I think about it, it would indeed sound like tongues to a non-drummer!  I even teach a Counting & Singing Method for “If you can say it, you can play it” approach.


I remember a dream I had once of people in front of an anointed, prophetic band practicing spontaneously by the Spirit in the park.  When people got close to the band, they were surrounded by the Unconditional-Love of the Lord as if sandwiched between 2 hot waffles from a toaster, and these people just melted like butter unto salvation as they were each akouo hearing-to-understanding/know the directly-spoken rhema words of the Lord, even though it was only music being translated by the Lord, like tongues are interpreted by the Spirit to be selectively understood by the listener.  Suddenly I understood that one ‘waffle’ was Jesus and the other the Holy Spirit – these people didn’t have a chance!  They had experienced “Irresistible Grace” as John Calvin termed it!


Pride & control puts its trusting-relying-faith in one’s own skills or internal “powerand external resources or “might” derived from them, thus the “might and power” of Zechariah 4:6, whether it is pre-determine church sermons & liturgies, worship-team meetings to determine song selection, or only choosing songs of pre-composed words and music written with “gramma letters in ink on paper” (a) sitting on a music stand or a podium or Ipad for the “equippers” eyes to be glued to, those who mistakenly think they are the “ministers who do the work of ministry” (b).  Instead, doesn’t the New Testament tell us to put our trusting-relying-faith in the chadash/kainos ‘completely-different-in-kind, unprecedented, fresh, superior’ “NEW Song” (c) or “Spirit-kind-of ode” (d) that is clearly anointed, prophetic, and spontaneous, based on “tasting the rhema directly-spoken/heard prophetic words of God and/coupled His Spirit’s enabling-power” (e) to guide or direct (f) the evangelist-preacher, shepherd/pastor, teacher, musician, or any other servant “in that very hour what to say and to do” (g)?  Will we fall back on trying to control everything or surrender-control to the Holy Spirit?  <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 3:3, 7; 2 John 1:12; 3 John 1:13, b) Ephesians 4:11-12, c) Psalms 33:3, 40:3, 96:1, 98:1, 144:9, 149:1 and Isaiah 42:10, d) Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16, e) Hebrews 1:3, 6:5, f) John 16:13, g) Matthew 10:19; Mark 13:11; Luke 12:12.



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I can’t tell you exactly when I first experienced praying or worshipping the Lord in tongues, but I know it was sometime after 1985 when I had my 2nd Spirit-Baptism after 8 hours of looking up the word “Spirit” in a Strong’s Concordance and checking my Greek study-tools to verify the New Testament usage.  I had the same experience from 1983 but now I knew WHO it was!  I soon abandoned the Church of Christ for misleading me with Cessationism – see Tongues – BT14 and I started attending a ‘on-fire’ charismatic church named “Grace Chapel” in Tucson, Arizona.  There I was challenged to seek the Lord for tongues.  I studied a ton to verify that it was legitimate – some of those notes are here.


One night alone in my bedroom I was feeling so very grateful and started praising the Lord, but when tongues started to come out, I immediately was worried that it was from demons as so many Cessationists had told me.  So I told the Lord that I never wanted to be involved in false religions of demons but wanted to “Worship by [singular] Spirit and/coupled [singular] Truth” just as “the Father is presently/ongoingly zeteo ‘seeking-by-inquiry, investigating to reach a binding-resolution’ such people to routinely worship Him” per John 4:23-24.


As I returned to worship more tongues came out of my mouth and lasted a long time, but this time I felt peaceful about it.  I was intrigued over the different pitches, articulation, and rhythm that sounded very musical though I was never good at singing, just drumming.  Then suddenly I started praising the Lord in ornate, flowery, adjective-heavy, poetry that actually rhymed in sound more than Psalms!  This also went for a long time.  This amazed me even more because I absolutely struggled in school with creative writing and especially poetry.  I never liked it and for that reason never really got into Psalms.  I also had approached Christianity from 1980-1985 mostly from a dry, Spock-like, unemotional, intellectual viewpoint, having focused a lot on bible-study gnosis information.  But my 1983 and 1985 Spirit-Baptisms opened deep wells of emotion, and I was again feeling a great unconditional-love, joy, and peace.


In shock as I was feeling all this and saying all this, I asked what had just happened.  Instantly I was aware that the Lord had interpreted for me the tongues, and the reason they had sounded so poetic was because it had indeed been a highly-structured, rhyming poem of adoration & thanksgiving to the Lord, just as in the original Hebrew the Psalms actually are though in English you can’t tell – another reason that bible translation is inadequate – see Bible Info.  With this revealed knowledge I immediately felt so humbled that I had questioned such a beautiful thing as tongues and told the Lord I would never doubt Him again but would have faith that He knew exactly what He was doing with tongues.  Sure enough, there have been many times if I wondered if it was worth spouting off so many unintelligible words when I thought maybe I should just stick with English, and then He reminded me of this amazing event and how humbled I was to have doubted Him.  Tongues really is perfect praise & thanksgiving!


Sometime after 2008, after having been away from the Lord for 15 years, I took a class on the Holy Spirit at that old Grace Chapel now called “Grace for the Nations” from an old friend Gerry Loper.  Before that I was led to read Forgotten God – Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit, by Francis Chan.  There is a whole story about how supernaturally I even found out about this book and another about the class.  During the week we would read and practice praying in tongues throughout the day as we learned from the book The Walk of the Spirit – The Walk of Power by Dave Roberson and then EACH ONE OF US would share our experiences with the class – this was the real church, real Body-Ministry!


Gerry only coached & facilitated the class as “equippers” are actually defined to do in Ephesians 4:12, simply inviting the Holy Spirit to be our “One Teacher” as Jesus said there was in Matthew 23:8.  With the Body-of-Christ allowed to actually be the “saints that do the work of ministering” and surrender to the Holy Spirit “working through us” as in 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 to “teach one another,” I’ve never seen so many manifestations of the Holy Spirit at a church ever!  Almost everybody experienced supernatural tongues, even all throughout the day, signs & wonders and lots of prophecy.


After 12 weeks, we had felt like our churches had hidden the keys to the powerful Christian life – although only 8 had originally signed up for the class, somehow 42 other people from others churches showed up.  We begged to have a follow-up class to go deeper but the :Grace for the Nations” church never did.  How very disappointing!


Later, I remember praying under my breath in tongues while working at the house all day after someone at my “Freedom Fellowship” church gave me a rubber wrist band that interpreted meant “[I strongly urge you to] presently/ongoingly pray unceasingly” – an imperative from Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 as “the will of God in Christ Jesus for you,” one of the few places “the will of God” for Christians is actually stated – New Covenant Way – BT16!  That night and the next day I had so many unexpected miraculous events take place it freaked me out!  I’ve seen this pattern often, soon getting lots of prophetic visions and dreams.


Sometime after this while I was jogging around Reed Park while proseuchomai praying in tongues, when I came to these willow trees by the golf course pond I saw something like a 1000 butterflies come out of the trees that appeared strangely brighter and sparkling.  I thought maybe I was getting heat-stroke!  Then somehow “in the Spirit” I saw a smaller than soccerball-sized fruit, light-ruby-colored-grapefruit-like or light-blood-red-orange-like, between me and the trees and I was told to “reach out, take, and eat.”  All the fruit was the SAME because “a tree is experientially, relationally ginosko known by its [singular] karpos fruit” per Matthew 12:33 and Luke 6:44.  I can’t even find a color that matches it, because somehow it’s a mixture of all 3 primary colors of light, not actually reflected light which paint is.  I used to mix these 3 colors and couldn’t quite get what I saw, being a brighter, clearer version of 50% red (love), 33% yellow (joy) and 17% blue (peace)!  I think Akiane complained about not being able to mix paint to get the colors she saw in heaven – see Unconditional-Love – BT3.


When I bit into this karpos fruit, I was overwhelmed with unconditional-love, but as I started recovering from being ‘plowed’ by this, I then tasted “immense joy” (a) that so “overflowed” (b) that it made me profusely cry with such praise & thanksgiving (c). Then I felt “a peace of tranquility that passed all understanding” like the whole world was a sea of glass (d), and then I had genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of all the other words in the Galatians 5:22-23 list of “joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith/faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” to some degree – very similar to the way a good wine, the “fruit of the vine” (e), gradually ‘opens up’ with more complex flavors after sipping it for a while.   Having taken a couple of wine-tasting classes and helping choose wines for restaurants has helped me to discern the more subtle flavors, which is likely why “discern by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit” (f) requires “gymnasium-like practice,” and is the “solid food” (g) – see New Covenant Ways – BT16. <Notes> a) Matthew 2:10, 28:8; Luke 2:10, 24:52; Acts 15:3; Jude 1:24; 2 Corinthians 8:2, b) 2 Corinthians 7:4, c) 1 Corinthians 14:16 within tongues; Colossians 2:7 abounding; Colossians 4:2 in watchful proseuche prayer, d) Philippians 4:7, e) Matthew 26:29; Mark 12:2, 14:25; Luke 20:10, 22:18 – see New Covenant Ways – BT7 for more about “The New Wine,” f) 1 Corinthians 2:14, g) Hebrews 5:14.


Although there are other ‘special events’ of tongues, I noticed that they ‘well up within me’ like those “a spring/fountain of running water, hallomai ‘leaping, springing, bubbling, gushing up’ unto zoe genuine-life everlasting” as Jesus promised in John 4:14.  In my 1983 Spirit-Baptism I felt this water rushing into my chest to the point I thought I would explode so after 5 minutes I cried out for it to stop.  In my 1985 Spirit-Baptism I fell this water rushing into the top of my head, down my arms, and down my legs to pin my feet to the ground!  This often suddenly occurs during times of personal and world crisis.  More often I feel a “deep groanings alaletos ‘in-utterable, in-expressible, muted sighs” like Paul says in Romans 8:26, and then suddenly out comes tongues, leading me to believe that actually what Paul meant there is that they were not expressible with “words by the [fruitful, productive] mind of me” though the Spirit indeed can when “our minds are unfruitful/unproductive” as he states in 1 Corinthians 14:14-15, so he determined to pray & psalm (instrumental music with/without singing) doing both.


The more I see the Lord accomplish more & more after prolonged periods of tongues, the more trusting-relying-faith I have to just “let go and let God” to do it even more!  I believe our obedient steps of faith by such routine surrender is how we “taste and see that Yahweh is good” per Psalms 34:8.  After writing these BLOGS I am more convinced than ever and plan on doing a LOT more praying & psalming in tongues and also ask more in Christian-assemblies for interpretations of mine or other’s tongues.  Our faith is the only limiting factor because our God is NOT “a mute idol” as 1 Corinthians 12:2, but is repeatedly proved to be impartial, abundant in His giving, and determined to prophetically speak His directly-spoken/heard rhema words by His phone Voice to us.


On 3/6/2022 I was praying in the shower about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and all the suffering.  I was also praying about why so much of Christianity seems difficult and that there had to be a better way to succeed in both of these situations.  Then I saw a classical or medieval catapult launching fire balls like “Greek Fire” over walls of the enemy that were so tall that soldiers were like ants and no ladders or other devices were likely to get over them.  Through dreams, visions, and revelation the Lord revealed to me that the “Fire Balls” were:  “It’s always been the same – My love” which reminded me of other dreams and visions showing enormous power unleashed to supernaturally remedy what seemed like a hopeless situation.


Then I asked the Lord, what is my part in all this that I’ve been praying for and how does it relate to His answers about the enemy camps in the world?  He showed me that whether it’s “the world, the flesh, or the devil” the solution is the same:  “Constantly be launching the catapults of My unconditional-love.”  But how?  Then He showed me the words Jude 1:20-21 and 1 Corinthians 14:14-15 “routinely proseuchomai conversationally-praying by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit” means “by-the-means-of tongues.”  Then I remember an incredibly powerful class at Church I took around 2009 where we read and practiced the book The Walk of the Spirit – The Walk of Power by Dave Roberson, which was all about praying throughout the day in tongues.  For 10 weeks we all shared supernatural stories of power!  We felt like the Church had hidden the keys to the treasure chest!  Thank you Lord for reminding me that I need to do this simple thing throughout the day to do my part in your military campaign against the Russian government, the flesh, the devil, and all other tyranny and sin in this world. For many more details, see the entire post.



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