New Covenant Ways – BT2: God’s “New Things” are completely-different-in-kind and superior





Video:  New Covenant Ways - BT2:  God’s “New Things” are completely-different-in-kind and superior



New Covenant Ways – BT2:  God’s “New Things” are completely-different-in-kind and superior



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The New covenant, New king, New thing, New commandment, New teaching, New Spirit, New life, New man, New creation, New heart, New name, New heavens, New world, New earth, New Jerusalem, New tongues, and New song are completely-different-in- kind, because “NEW” (chadash, kainos) doesn’t mean “new or younger in time” (tsa’iyr, neos), but instead:  “fresh, completely-different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior.”  God didn’t just compare a young, green banana in time with an old, brown banana in time, because in time the green banana would become brown and rot too.  When God created these “NEW things” above, He didn’t just do this in time scale, because as you can see that wouldn’t be good enough!  No, God stepped outside of time to create these completely-different-in-kind “NEW things” so they would remain “NEW” regardless of time, so He made them “completely-different-in-kind and superior to ALL that came before.”  Wow!


So what are the “old things” that contrast with God’s completely-different-in-kind “NEW things?”  There are many Hebrew and Greek words God uses, but unfortunately in English they are all translated simplistically as “old.”  See Bible-Info for “lost in translation” issues. The Hebrew word belo means “worn-out things, rag-like” which comes from balah meaning “old, worn-out, or decayed.”  The Hebrew word yasha’n means “old in time, dated or no longer used, withered, or flabby like a lifeless plant.”  The Hebrew word attiq means “antique, aged or ancient.”  In the OT, all these Hebrew words are translated into the same Greek word palaios from the verb palaioo for the Septuagint LXX translation for the Greek-speaking world.  It means:  “not just old, dated, or ancient in time, but also worn out by use, or worse for wear.”


Did you catch that?  God consistently compares His “completely-different-in-kind NEW creations with “old in time” stuff, because it’s just not old in time, but it is “worn-out like rags, withered, and lifeless.”  Can you see why God’s “NEW things” are superior?  God isn’t just making micro-evolutionary improvements but creating a “completely-different-in-kind and superior” thing!  And with every patented invention, absolutely nothing from the previous inventions can be “borrowed” and used in the “NEW” invention.  In mathematical set theory of 2 circles or sets that contain items/properties, nothing in 1 set can overlap with the other to share any common items/properties, and in fact, the 2 sets/circles don’t even touch!  Absolutely nothing in the “old” can be included in the “NEW!”  This is not just a definition of words but fact that is seen in the use of the words in every scripture!  Context defines words!





As Christian musicians, shouldn’t we be more interested in the completely-different-in-kind NEW things God wants to do, especially New Songs?  Why are we holding on to “old, worn-out, decayed, rag-like, withered, lifeless” things?





Lord, give us the courage to “let go of the old in order to receive the completely-different-in-kind and superior NEW.”  We say, “Yes, Lord, Yes!”




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Spiritual Education, Music Education, Music Teaching, Drum Education, Drum Teaching, Old covenant or Testament replaced by New covenant or Testament, New things of God are completely-different in kind not just time, Old things to God are not just old in time but worn-out ragged withered decayed out-of-use lifeless, God replaces old things with New different things

Categories: New Covenant Ways