Logos Word of God – BT20




Christians are NOW the holy writings of God



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They are absolutely no longer written scriptures under the New (a) Covenant!  The New (a) Covenant’sholy writings” are also completely-different-in-kind NEW (a) than gramma writings of graphe scriptures that recorded God’s will for the old covenant, for Paul says in 2 Corinthians 3:3, 6, “YOU-all are a Letter (b) from Christ (c) delivered by us, eggrapho written-inscribed-engraved absolutely in fact not with ink (d) but by the means of the Spirit of the living God, absolutely in fact not on tablets of stone (e) but instead on tablets of human hearts . . . However, WE are ministers/servants of a completely-different-in-kind New Covenant, absolutely in fact NOT of [singular] gramma writing but of the Spirit, for the gramma writing apokteino kills-to-death, but the Spirit gives zoe genuine-life.” <Notes> a) chadash, kainos: fresh, completely-different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior, b) epistle: any written communication or official dispatch, c) the Anointed One, d) an obviously slap at the OT scrolls, e) an obviously slap at the OT 10 commandments tablets.


This sounds just like the New Covenant’s prophecies in the OT (a), and the “zoe genuine-life of the Spirit” that “is the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words of Christ” (b), the “Spirit of zoe genuine-life that has set you free in Christ from the Law of sin and death” (c), “the Spirit is zoe genuine-life because of [Christ’s] righteousness” (d). Again, there isn’t any indication that more “holy writings” on paper or stone were ever intended!  Quite to the contrary! <Notes> a) Jeremiah 31:31-34 cited in Hebrews 8:10, 10:16, Ezekiel 11:19-20, 36:25-27, b) John 6:63, c) Romans 8:2, d) Romans 8:10.


Continuing in 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 about the Law, Paul says: “Now if the ministry-service of death, entupoo imprinted-engraved by gramma writing-of-letters on stones, came with such glory that the Israelites could not gaze at Moses’ face because of its glory (a), which is presently-routinely being katargeo thrown-down-to-be-inactive-useless, will not the ministry-service of the Spirit have even more glory?  For if there was glory in the ministry-service of condemnation, the ministry-service of righteousness (c) must far exceed it in glory.  Indeed, in this case, what once had glory has come to have no glory at all, because of the glory that has surpassed it.  For if what is presently-routinely being katargeo thrown-down-to-be-inactive-useless came with glory, how much more will what is permanent have glory!  Since we have such a hope, we are now very bold, not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face so that the Israelites might not gaze at the outcome of what is presently-routinely being katargeo thrown-down-to-be-inactive-useless. But their minds were hardened. For to this day, whenever they (Israelites) read the old covenant, that same veil remains unlifted, because only through Christ is it taken away. Yes, to this day whenever Moses is read (d) a veil lies over their hearts. But when one turns to [be face-to-face with] the Lord [Jesus], the veil is removed. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (e).  But we all, with unveiled faces, katoptrizo wide-open-eyes-as-in-a-mirror-awed-gazing upon the glory of the Lord, are being metamorphically-transformed into the same image from glory to glory. For this comes from [the] Lord [Jesus] [the] Spirit.” Yes, it’s Jesus as the Spirit doing this within us! <Notes> a) this occurred in the Tent of Meeting where Moses spoke face-to-face with God to write with ink the many scrolls of the 5 books of the Law, b) thrown down to be inactive and useless, terminated, destroyed, voided, annulled, and thus released from – see Ephesians 2:15, c) not “righteousness by the Law” but by the Spirit because of Christ’s righteousness – Romans 8:4, 10, 14:17; Galatians 5:5, d) The 5 books of Moses is the Law or the old covenant, but actually 97.4% of the OT is based on this – see Logos Word of God – BT5 and  – BT5a, e) in context: from the Law, f) katoptrizo that is kataptron mirror + a derivative of optanomai = gaze in awe with wide-open eyes as in a mirror.


Do you want a ministry of death and condemnation to continue to veil your heart from the glory of God in Christ?  Then just keep reading Moses’ Law or old covenant that saturates 97.4% of the OT.  Or you can turn your face away from gramma writings of graphe scripture that have long ago been katargeo thrown-down-be-inactive-useless and put your katoptrizo wide-open-eyes-as-in-a-mirror-awed-gazing upon the glory of the Lord and that’s how you will get metamorphically-transformed into the same image from glory to glory.  Paul is pointing us away from writings to the Holy Spirit of Jesus!


The OT did have holy writings on tablets and then on scrolls, but the NT says God’s writings are NOW directly on human hearts, so that now Christians, not the graphe scriptures, are the ‘holy writings’ of God, just as a “church” is not a building but the Christians in it!  Christians are NOW the physical logos message of God – Christ, the “living Logos message of God” NOW living in us!  The anointing of the Holy Spirit makes ALL Christians the ‘holy writings’ of God, “so that we have absolutely no need that any man teach us, for we ALL have the anointing that teaches us all things” – see Anointing – BT2.  So why are we still lugging around our bible of holy writings?  It really makes no sense!


The Lord confirmed the context of 2 Corinthians 3:18 to me in a dream: Only when we meet with Jesus face-to-face, will His glory transform us – and this time it won’t fade away like Moses!  Reading 97.4% of the OT will just keep the hiding the glory of God in Christ, keep the veil of Moses in place over our hearts, keeping them hard, precisely because 97.4% of the OT is based on the conditionally-loving favor of the old covenant’s Law of commandments.  Only 2.6% of it pointed people to Jesus, the whole point of scripture – see Logos Word of God – BT6.





As Christian musicians, why are we re-reading palaios “old, antiquated, worn-out, weak, worthless” contracts with God’s people that long ago were katargeo thrown-down-to-be-inactive-useless, of which 97.4% of the OT is based on?  Don’t we realize that God created a completely-different-in-kind, superior New Covenant to completely replace the old?  Why are we trying to mix them when we are warned so many times not to?  If we even read Moses, which is 97.4% of the OT, the ministry of death and condemnation, you can guarantee “sin to multiply, the power of sin to come alive, and sin to become exceedingly sinful, and a veil to cover and harden your heart from actually seeing the glory of God in Christ.”  You will not become holier that way, only more fallen from grace and more sinful – see New Covenant Ways – BT5b!  This is what the NT says WILL happen!  Aren’t we aware that NOW every Christian is be taught directly by “the One Teacher” Holy Spirit as His writings are NOW in our hearts, no longer on stone or paper?  We are NOW called “the holy writings of God!”  God never envisioned us walking around with bibles, because WE are His bible!





Lord, we praise Your name that you freed us completely from ALL the “old, antiquated, worn-out, weak, worthless” gramma writings that could never reveal Yourself to us directly like Your Holy Spirit does NOW.  We surrender totally to hearing and seeing from You directly, just as you promised in Jeremiah 31:34 and so many verses.  No more writings, only coming before You and being filled with all Your abundance by the means of the Holy Spirit just as Ephesians 3:19 and 5:18 exhort us to routinely do.  And we will!  We will gaze upon Your glory with wide-open-eyes as when we do looking into a mirror, because as we see ourselves, we know where Your glory now resides – the kingdom is within us – see Kingdom – BT1.  And as we do, thank You for transforming us from glory to glory!  No longer by reading writings but through prophetic vision!



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Categories: Logos Word of God

Logos Word of God – BT5a:  97.4% of the Old Testament graphe scripture is Law-based



Video: Logos Word of God - BT5a:  97.4% of the Old Testament graphe scripture is Law-based



Logos Word of God – BT5a:  97.4% of the Old Testament graphe scripture is Law-based




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For a detailed discussion of the Greek word Nomos and Hebrew word Torah used for the Old Testament (OT) or old covenant “Law” see Logos Word of God – BT8.


According to Wikipedia, the OT Law or Torah has a range of meanings:


1) It can most specifically or technically mean the first 5 books, Pentateuch, or Books of Moses of the 24 books that make up the Tanakh or Mikra text of the entire OT.  In Galatians 3:21-23 Paul says that “the graphe scripture [that] imprisoned all under sin” likely refers to the Law of commandments in context.  See also definitions 1A, 1B but sometimes 2A of Logos Word of God – BT4 in the use of gramma writings that also means this.


2) It can mean #1 plus the rabbinical called Perushim commentaries on the Tanakh, also known as the Oral Torah or “Traditions of the Fathers” or Traditions of the Elders.”


3) It can mean the continued narrative of the entire Tanakh text of the OT, thus ALL gramma writings – see Logos Word of God – BT4 that make up graphe scripture – see Logos Word of God – BT5.  This is supported by many other sources, including The Bible Background Commentary of the New Testament by Craig S. Keener. Also, according to Strong’s Lexicon, Torah can also include the “body of prophetic teaching” called “The Prophets,” thus “The Law and The Prophets” being a typical division of the OT scripture.


That’s why in actual Jewish usage ALL of the 2 ‘kinds/classes/categories’ of Torah/Nomos Law (see #1 above) and Nevi’im Prophets, or “Moses and Prophets” (a), or ALL of the 3 ‘kinds/classes/categories’ of Law, Prophets, and Ketuvim Writings (b) or abbreviated to “Law, Prophets, Mizmor Psalms” (c), or ALL of the 4 ‘kinds/classes/categories’ of Law, Prophets, Psalms, and Writings of the sacred gramma writings collected together into graphe scripture are often referred to by Jesus, the NT writers, and ALL Jews to this day, collectively as Torah or “the Law.”  The NT speakers often quote from the Prophets and Psalms, yet refer to these citations as “the Law or old covenant” (d)


<Notes> a) Luke 16:29, 31, 24:27; Acts 26:22, b) Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, c) Luke 24:44, d) The prophet Isaiah 28:11-12 cited in 1 Corinthians 14:21 as “Law” by Paul; Jesus citing “Law & Prophets” in Matthew 5:17-19, Luke 16:16-17, Matthew 22:40 but calls it “Law”; Jesus in John 10:34 citing Psalms 82:6, and in John 12:34 citing Psalms 18:4, 110:4, and in John 15:25 citing Psalms 35:19 or 69:4 but in all cases calling them “the Law”; Jesus cites Prophets but calls them Law in John 12:34 citing Isaiah 9:7 and Ezekiel 37:25; the chief priests & Pharisees in John 7:40-49 citing Psalms 89:3-4 but calling “the Law.”


4) It can even mean “the totality of Jewish teaching and practice.The Free Dictionary explains how inclusive the Torah really can be viewed as an: “Entire body of religious law and learning, including not just sacred literature but also oral tradition.” It really is bewildering that so many Gentile-Christians don’t see how “Jewish” it is for them to be reading, studying, memorizing, and trying to do the OT scriptures!


5) It can vaguely mean “that passage or portion of graphe scripture which gives an account of” what is spoken of, as with Elijah appealing to God kata ‘down-from/according-to’ Israel in Romans 11:2 where graphe scripture is singular WITH the definite article to indicate specificity and NOT the whole/entirety of.  Could this refer to 1 Kings 18:30-46 where he interceded & sacrificed AGAINST the current state of Israel but also FOR the restorations of the 12 tribes of Israel, slaughtered the prophets of Baal, and brought rain to the land again?  Contrast this to singular gramma writing WITH or WITHOUT the definite article that always refers to entire OT covenant or Law – see 1A and 1B definitions in Logos Word of God – BT4.


The OT conditions for God’s blessing, favor, and love through man’s “works of righteousness” dependent solely on man’s obedience of 613 commandments are strewn throughout every book of the OT, and much of the historical narrative and personal dialogues are based on it because they are “under the dominion/slavery of the Law” (a), making it often very difficult to distinguish this paradigm/mindset from the prophetic ‘kind/class/category’ of graphe scripture concerning the Messiah, the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant, or the righteousness and salvation that is instead through Christ’s unconditional-love based on unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace that depends instead on man’s obedience of trusting-relying-faith<Notes> a) Romans 6:14-15; 8:15; Galatians 2:4, 4:24.


The OT is full of Law “land mines” waiting to kill you and send you straight to hell!  That’s the reason it’s called “the Law of sin and death” (a) because “the graphe scripture imprisoned everything under sin . . . Now before trusting-relying-faith came, we were held captive under the Law, imprisoned UNTIL the coming trusting-relying-faith would be revealed” (b), so it’s a “ministry of condemnation” (c) and a “ministry of death” (d) because “the gramma writing kills” (e).  Gentile-Christians just don’t see how dangerous it is to be involved with the most of the OT, despite so many warnings by the NT writers!  It’s like playing with hand-grenades after the pins have been pulled! <Notes> a) Romans 8:2, b) Galatians 3:22-23, c) 2 Corinthians 3:9, d) 2 Corinthians 3:7, e) 2 Corinthians 3:6.


As we’ve seen in #3 definition above, the whole of scripture can be viewed as the Law:  As mentioned above, Paul says in Galatians 3:22-23:  “The graphe scripture (a) imprisoned ALL [people] under sin, so that “The Promise” by trusting-relying-faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who are routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith.  Now BEFORE trusting-relying-faith came, we were held captive under the Law, imprisoned UNTIL the coming trusting-relying-faith (The Christian Paul) would be revealed.”


<Notes> a) singular with article can refer to the whole of scripture: cf. John 10:35, 19:28-30 – see definition A2 of graphe in Logos Word of God – BT5.  Nevertheless, in context of Galatians 3:22-23 it appears that Paul is speaking of the Law ‘kind/class/category’ scripture, but remember that can be quite large.  The is just like the singular gramma writing WITH or WITHOUT the definite article always referring to the entire OT Law – see definitions 1A & 1B in Logos Word of God – BT4 and Note 2A for the plural form WITH the definite article sometimes narrowed to the OT Law but sometimes the entire OT.


The OT gramma writings of graphe scripture are sometimes equated to the Law, based on the context: “He who is physically uncircumcised but keeps the Law will condemn you who are circumcised and have the [singular] gramma writing, but then break the Law . . . but a Jew is one inwardly and circumcision a matter of the heart – by-the-means-of the Spirit, absolutely-in-fact-NOT by-the-means-of [singular] gramma writing” (a).  The “completely-different-in-kind New (b) Covenant [is] absolutely-in-fact-NOT of/belonging-to the gramma writing [of the old covenant, or Law] but-instead of/belonging-to the Spirit, for the gramma writing kills, but the Spirit gives zoe genuine-life” (c).  When God’s will was written down because of the disobedience of the Israelites to learn from God directly on Mt. Sinai in Exodus 20:18-21, it instantly condemned mankind.  Do we really want to go back to this boxed-in, imprisoned, life of child-likestoicheion rudimental ‘abc’ fundamentals of the world . . . why do you submit to regulations of ‘do not handle, do not taste, do not touch’ . . . although they have an appearance of wisdom . . . they are absolutely-in-fact-NO value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh” (d)?  <Notes> a) Romans 2:27, 29, see definition 1A & 1B in Logos Word of God – BT4, b) chadash, kainos: fresh, completely-different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior, c) 2 Corinthians 3:6, d) Colossians 2:20-23.


However, Paul promises: “Now we are released from the Law, having died to that which held us captive, so that NOW we serve/minister in the completely-different-in-kind kainotes New (a) Way of/belonging-to the Spirit and/thus absolutely-in-fact-NOT by-the-means-of paliotes ‘old, antiquated, worn-out, useless’ WAY of/belonging-to the gramma writing” (b)?  Can you see that the “completely-different-in-kind kainotes NEW Way of the Spirit” is being pitted against the paliotes ‘old, antiquated, worn-out, useless’ “Way of the gramma writing” or “the Law” or “old covenant?”  One is written, the other isn’t!  Why would we go back to the child-like abc-fundamentals, milk-like education and the slavery of gramma writings (c), collected as late as 90 AD into graphe scriptures? <Notes> a) chadash, kainos: fresh, completely-different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superiorb) Romans 7:6, c) 1 Corinthians 3:2; Hebrews 5:12-13; Galatians 4:1, 24-25, 31.


The sign of the old covenant was circumcision, so you couldn’t be a Jew to be “right with God” without it. Yet Paul says it’s absolutely pointless whether you get circumcised to obey the Law, which is 97.4% of the OT, or not ALL:  “For IN Christ, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts (a) for absolutely-in-fact-NO thing, except trusting-relying-faith thru-the-realizing-channel-of unconditional-love routinely/habitually, actively, energetically, and effectively being worked.”  That’s the ergon ‘work/doing’ that counts!  It seems that “trusting-relying-faith in Christ and unconditionally-loving one another” have over-ruled the entire OT or at least 97.4% of it!   <Notes> a) is strong, forceful, robust, sound, able, serviceable.


The first 5 books of the bible, the Torah Law of conditional-favor, makes up 97.4% of the essence of the entire OT, because only 600 verses of 23,145 refer to New Testament (NT) realities – see Logos Word of God – BT6!  But remember that most Jews view the entire OT and their Oral writings and their practices as The Law!





As Christian musicians, do we really want to involve any part of the Law, which is the basis of 97.4% of the OT scripture, in our ministry?  Aren’t we playing with ticking time-bombs?  If the scripture imprisoned the Jews, why are we locking Gentiles up in it?  It was only written to be used UNTIL Christ could come and the gospel of kingdom could be preached!





Lord, keep us from playing around with fire as little children because it can burn us and kill us.  We choose to NOW put all our focus on Christ and His completely-different-in-kind NEW Spirit and NO LONGER on the ministry of gramma writings that kill.




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Spiritual Education, 97.4% of the Old Testament graphe scripture is Law-based, The early Church only used the other 2.6% that was Prophetic about the Messiah, Torah or Law isn’t just the 5 books of Moses but the entire OT to every Jew including Jesus, The Jews include the Oral Torah & practices as Law, The Law is a paradigm mindset of conditional favor with God, The Law is opposite of Grace, The New Covenant of grace is the opposite of the old covenant of Law, Indiscriminate reading of the Old Testament can bring you into slavery, Reading Moses can harden you heart, New Covenant is about direct God teaching, Old covenant is about indirect God teaching by writings, Old Testament writings is the result of Jewish disobedience to meet with God directly

Categories: Logos Word of God

Logos Word of God – BT19




But doesn’t 2 Timothy 2:15 tell us to study the bible?



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But what about the King James Version (KJV) translation of 2 Timothy 2:15 that says:Spoudazo study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly cutting-straight-along-a-pattern-of (a) the logos message of [singular] Truth.”  Doesn’t this tell ALL Christians to be bible students?  Or at least “serious Christians” and for sure those who want to “serve the Lord?”  After all, haven’t we heard so many pastors tells us this?  We will find out No!  Paul has already told Timothy what “pattern” to “cut-straight-along” in 2 Timothy 1:13 “Follow the hupotuposis pattern (b) of the hugiaino sound logos messages that you have already heard from me:  in/by/with [singular] trusting-relying-faith and/coupled unconditional-love that are in/by/with Christ Jesus,” but more about this below. <Notes> a) cutting a straight road, without deviation, thus handling or teaching straight along ‘pattern’ given to you, b) hupotuposis:  pattern, outline, form, sketch, example, sample, c) hugiaino: sound, in-balance, all-parts-working, healthy condition.


First, we know that Timothy was the “workman” or “man of God” (a) that Paul is addressing this to – a pastor-in-training, not the average Christian as so many have erroneously applied this to as is often the problem when you don’t discern the intended audience!  <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 3:17.


Second, “the logos message of [singular] Truth” in context has absolutely nothing to do with biblical writings!  Paul clearly defines “the logos message of The Truth” as “the gospel of the salvation of you” (a), “the logos message of The Truth, the gospel” (b), “to us the logos message of this salvation has been sent” (c), just as Peter does:  “God made a choice among you that through-the-realizing-channel-of my mouth the Gentile should hear the logos message of the gospel and/coupled to have trusting-relying-faith” (d). This is particularly obvious when you understand that “The Truth” is gnosis informational-knowledge of the bible at all, but a special NT term used for Jesus Christ as the perfect revelation of the Father (e) and His Spirit (f) – see The Truth page.  Thus the gospel logos message is about Jesus Christ who is The Truth about the Father, and remember that very little of this was even written down for so many years!  The phrase “preach the gospel” is used at least 26 times and so naturally “trusting-relying-faith comes from akouo hearing-to-understand and akouo hearing-to-understand through-the-realizing-channel-of [singular] directly-spoken rhema word of Christ” (g), “but how are they going to akouo hear-to-understand [Christ call them to Himself] without someone preaching” (h)?  There simply isn’t anything here about reading ancient bible writings! <Notes> a) Ephesians 1:13, b) Colossians 1:5, c) Acts 13:26, d) Acts 15:7, e) John 1:14, 17, 8:31, 36, 14:6; Ephesians 4:21, f) John 14:17, 15:26, 16:13; 1 John 4:6, 5:6, g) Romans 10:17, h) Romans 10:14.


As we saw in Bible Info – BT1, the NT writers purposely use terms Jews are familiar with, but they use them in a completely-different-in-kind way, almost redefining them based on New Revelation, and they justify this because many verses say that the OT is but “a copy and/coupled shadow of the heavenly things, of the things to come, but the reality belongs to Christ” (a).  The redefinition of “logos Word of God” has been the subject of all these BLOGs, and so this is just another case of it. <Notes> a) Colossians 2:17; Hebrews 8:5, 9:23, 10:1; 1 Peter 3:21.


Third, Paul did this so Timothy “won’t neglect his prophetically-received grace-gift” (a) of evangelism or preaching the logos gospel message of trusting-relying-faith in/by/with The Truth, who is Jesus Christ (b) and/coupled Christ’s only entole commandment to unconditionally-love one another as He did us.  As stated earlier in 2 Timothy 1:13, this IS the same as Paul’s advise to “Follow the hupotuposis pattern of hugiaino sound logos messages (c) that you have already heard from me” – not the indiscriminate preaching or teaching of OT scriptures – see also Only 2 Commandments!  Paul would be “having some words” with many pastors today! <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 4:14, b) 2 Timothy 4:2, 5, c) 1 Timothy 1:10, 4:6, 6:3.


Fourth, this has nothing to do with “studying” any writings!  The Greek word spoudazo means “endeavor or be so diligent or zealous that it causes you to rush forward.” Www.spoudazogroup.com defines spoudazo as “zealous concentration, earnest, diligent effort – to give maximum effort, do your best, spare no effort, and be eager when pursuing something or carrying out tasks.” Paul was simply telling Timothy to get off his duff and get out there to preach the gospel, to not neglect his grace-gift of evangelism/preaching, lest he “get entangled in civilian pursuits” (a) – preaching the logos gospel message of The Truth based on Paul’s “sound teaching,” not “the irreverent babbling” or “quarreling about words” or “ignorant or foolish controversies” about the Law or “endless genealogies” like the Jewish false teachers did (b)!  <Notes> a) 2 Timothy 2:4, b) 1 Timothy 1:4, 6:4, 20; 2 Timothy 2:14, 16, 23; Titus 3:9 – see Logos Word of God – BT8.


Out of 54 (a) bible translations, only 10 (b) got it wrong by saying spoudazo means “study.” So, why did the KJV start a bad precedence for the other 9?  In 1611, when the KJV was written, the 3rd most common definition of “study,” actually the least common, did mean “to endeavor diligently,” so the translators weren’t completely dishonest in choosing “study” for spoudazo.  However, they still were very misleading to even the readers of their day, because the more common meanings were at that time: “1) to fix the mind closely upon a subject; to muse, to dwell upon in thought; and 2) to apply the mind to books.”  Why then would the translators purposely mislead their readers?  Could it have something to do with the fact that their livelihoods as professors and scholars in universities employed under King James relied on students “hitting the books, learning, analyzing, investigating, examining, scrutinizing, and earnestly contemplating?”  Since this is also our modern definition for “study,” can you see how misleading that this would be to a modern reader? <Notes> a) Such as: ASV, CSB, DARBY, DLNT, EXB, HCSB, MOUNCE, NASB, NKJV, NMB, WEB, and YLT, b) KJV, KJ21, AKJV, AMP, AMPC, BRG, DRA, GNV, JUB, and MEV.


It seems many translators and Christians have fallen into the same ‘trap’ as the scribes and Pharisees.  They were the expert bible students of Christ’s day, but look what Jesus said of them in John 5:39-40:  “You diligently search/study (a) the scriptures (b) because you suppose (c) that in them you will lay hold of zoe genuine-life everlasting, but instead it is they that bear witness of Me, yet you refuse to COME TO ME that you may have zoe genuine-life.”  Clearly their “supposing” was wrong!  They missed the point of the scriptures – to prepare them for Christ!  In fact, their “tables” for rolling out their scrolls to compare and study them had become a “snare, trap, and stumbling block” and God had cursed their efforts with a “retribution – bend backs forever!” (d) – see New Covenant Ways – BT17. Smart people can really get stuck – bent over!  Paul also warns of people “always learning but never able to arrive at a genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of The Truth” (e). That’s why Paul rhetorically asks about who really was in the Church:  “For it is written, ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the sunesis ‘connect-the-dots’ understanding of the understanding-ones I will thwart.’  Where is the wise one?  Where is the scribe?  Where is the debater of this age?  Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world” (f)?  Being a bible student wasn’t the answer!  <Notes> a) ereunao:  diligently search, inquire, seek, examine, or investigate in order to sunesis ‘connect-the-dots’ to understand, a major step for gnosis info-knowledge, b) the bible of their day, c) dokeo:  have the opinion of, seem to think, suppose what seems to be, make a subjective mental estimate, which directly reflects the personal values of the person making this a subjective judgment call.  In other words, it may not be the truth at all, d) Romans 11:7-10 quoting Isaiah 28:13, cf. Romans 11:7-10; 1 Corinthians 3:19; Job 5:13, e) 2 Timothy 3:7, f) 1 Corinthians 1:19-20





As Christian musicians, we have to be careful that we aren’t perpetuating wrong doctrines by preaching/teaching from our English bibles, many of which “mishandle” the original texts.  We need to “cut along the pattern” that was actually given us in the NT, not the traditions of the Catholic and Protestant churches that came much later.  Even if we don’t know how to use the many online tools to access more accurate meanings of Greek and Hebrews words, just reading verses carefully in context can keep you from get side-tracked into error.  Just using www.biblegateway.com to read several more modern accurate translations (see Bible Info) can alert you to a possible problem with the text.  But the best way is still to learn how to really eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know and/or akouo listen/hear-to-understand the prophetic-rhema words of God from the “One Teacher” of the Holy Spirit, and this happens in proseuche conversational-prayer.


Clearly the Logos Word of God has been redefined from the old covenant scripture to the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant’s Jesus Christ, who is completely The Truth about the Father, and His preached gospel message of unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace which have absolutely nothing to do with even 1 of the 613 commandments, not even the 2 greatest one of “loving God and neighbor” that “sum up The Law and The Prophets.”  The only 2 commandments we have NOW of trusting-relying-faith in Christ and unconditionally-loving others as Christ have absolutely nothing to do with the old covenants commandments.  Christians are set free from “the imprisonment of scripture” to “belong to another – the person of Jesus Christ.”  Now “trusting-relying-faith comes from hearing the prophetic-rhema words of Christ, especially during the preached logos gospel message” – no longer learning about God by reading and studying ancient scrolls as the scribes and Pharisees were “trapped” by.  Let us not fall into the same trap!  We have the promise of the OT – the Holy Spirit Parakletos along-side “One Teacher.”




Lord, keep us from being “snared and trapped” by the study “tables” of the Jewish scribes and Pharisees, “every leaning but never coming to genuine, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of The Truth” who is Your Son.  We don’t want their punishment for being so stubborn – “bent backs forever.”  We heed to the purpose of ALL biblical writings and that to be as simple little child or other “least among you” to humble and simply “Come close-beside You so that You will come close-beside us.”  Thank You that we no longer need to read and study in order to sunesis ‘connect-the-dots’ to understand and become wise.  All we need to do is “Come to You and take Your yoke of instructions upon us to learn directly from You” by the “One Teacher” of the Holy Spirit.  Thank You that You have simplified the logos Word of God now to Your Son and His gospel message of only 2 commandments to carefully guard to do:  Ongoing trusting-relying-faith in You and unconditionally-loving others the way You do.  Thank You so much for keeping it simple for us!



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Categories: Logos Word of God

Logos Word of God – BT18




Early Church writings validate my research about the use of the Old and New Testaments



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You can also validate my previous BLOG conclusions about OT usage in the NT church if you research early Church practices before 200 AD.  For example, in the The Didache or Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (parts written in 48-50AD, but most within 1st century) included in church services:  “break bread and give thanks” using orthodox Jewish forms for prayer before and after the meals that began with thanksgiving over the cup and the loaf. When offering the cup, the worship leader would give thanks for the “holy vine of David,” likely a reference to the Messianic community in Psalm 80:8, following up with a doxology, “To you be glory forever.”  After the doxology, the worship leader would give thanks over the broken loaf, thanking God “for the life and knowledge You have revealed through Jesus, Your Child,” concluding with another doxology.  That was followed by a community meal called the agape (love) feast.  Not that this early Church service makes no mention of either ‘the body or the blood of Christ?’  Instead, the emphasis is on the gathering of the church Body per 1 Corinthians 10.17.  The worship service as practiced by the first Christians was a “praise-celebration” of the congregation of God’s people, an event where prayers and thanksgiving, interwoven with doxologies, were offered to God. Do you see how simple the early Church was?  Notice the Jewish Orthodoxy in part.


We know from early Clement I of Rome (a) around 92-99 AD that he quotes the OT scriptures ONLY to support the Christian’s resurrection of the dead, to support a Christian’s virtuous life, to cite Messianic prophecies, and to use typology (antitypes and types) to support Christian doctrines. Clement I of Rome, like Ignatius Theophorus of Antioch (b) and Polycarp (c), who were both disciples of Apostle John, looked at Jesus as being the pleroo completed-fulfillment or teleo fulfillment-accomplishment-completing-finishing of the OT scriptures. Bishop Clement of Alexandria (d) used an “open canon, since he seemed practically unconcerned about canonicity,” including many books that had local acceptance such as:  Barnabas, Didache, 1 Clement, Revelation of Peter, The Shepherd of Hermas, Gospel according to Hebrews, Gospel of Egyptians, Preaching of Peter, Traditions of Matthias, Sibylline oracles, and the Oral Gospel. <Notes> a) the 1st Apostolic Father, consecrated by Apostle Peter, 2nd or 3rd Bishop of Rome after Peter, b) 35/50 – 98/107 AD, c) 69-155 AD, d) 150-215 AD.


Later in Justin Martyr’s First Apology (155-157 AD) writes:  “And on the day called Sunday, all who live in cities or in the country gather together to one place, and the memoirs of the apostles OR the writings of The Prophets are read, as long as time permits; then, when the reader has ceased, the president (elder-overseer) verbally instructs, and exhorts to the imitation of these good things. Then we all rise together and pray, and, as we before said, when our prayer is ended, bread and wine and water are brought, and the president in like manner offers prayers and thanksgivings, according to his ability, and the people assent, saying Amen; and there is a distribution to each, and a participation of that over which thanks have been given, and to those who are absent a portion is sent by the deacons. And they who are well to do, and willing, give what each thinks fit; and what is collected is deposited with the president, who succors the orphans and widows and those who, through sickness or any other cause, are in want, and those who are in bonds and the strangers sojourning among us, and in a word takes care of all who are in need. But Sunday is the day on which we all hold our common assembly, because it is the first day on which God, having wrought a change in the darkness and matter, made the world; and Jesus Christ our Savior on the same day rose from the dead. For He was crucified on the day before that of Saturn (Saturday); and on the day after that of Saturn, which is the day of the Sun, having appeared to His apostles and disciples, He taught them these things, which we have submitted to you also for your consideration.”  Wow, that’s pretty simple!  You can still see some use of the prophetic OT but it’s now an option!


Around 200 AD, Hippolytus of Rome, a mostly Gentile church, describes in a manual of church order and worship known as the Apostolic Tradition typical church services that consisted only of water-baptisms, consecrations of bishops with the laying on of hands, greetings or kisses of peace, introductory blessings and congregational responses, thanksgiving for Christ’s coming, a narrative of Christ’s suffering, Christ’s words about the Lord’s Supper, recollection of Christ’s death and resurrection, invocation of the Holy Spirit upon the assembly – see Body-Ministry – BT14, and a doxology.  Can you see how the religion of Christianity starts adding more, but not that there are no more OT readings?


That is because by 200 AD the Church was decidedly Gentile, so why would there be any reading of OT scripture prophecies about Jesus?  There were so few Jewish-Christians in the Church!  After 70 AD when the Jerusalem Temple was destroyed and the Jews scattered, there were many Jewish uprisings and wars in the Roman Empire, making it dangerous to even be associated with the Jews.  What’s more important is that the Church was “practicing and persisting in . . . the parklesis summoning, calling near, or invocation” of the Parakletos Holy Spirit (a) as the One who “comes close beside” us to be our “One Teacher” (b) just as 1 Timothy 4:13 was correctly interpreted in Body-Ministry – BT14<Notes> a) Parakletos: ‘Close-beside’ caller, summoner, or inviter; helper, succorer, or assistant; encouraging teacher, counselor, comforter, or consoler; defense-attorney, judicial-advocate, or court-intercessor, b) Matthew 23:8-10.


However, it wasn’t long before a Catholic theologian Tertullian in 208 AD, started calling NT writings “graphe scripture.” Nobody before then referred to the NT writings as “sacred or holy gramma letters” let alone graphe scripture, and certainly not Peter as some erroneously twist 2 Peter 3:15-16 to say – see Logos Word of God – BT11.  “The remaining ‘portions of’ scriptures” in context refers to non-prophetic ‘portions of’ scriptures concerning Christ’s coming judgment that these scoffers were also known for twisting/distorting, the actual emphasis in the text, just as they often twisted the prophetic passages in the OT.  They were doing the same with Paul’s prophecies of end times (a) – so “hard to understand” that Paul was forced to write another letter (b) to clear up the confusion!  Paul’s very long arguments, side-tracking, leaving of words out to save space (ellipsis), pronouns ambiguity, and relatively-poor Greek indeed make many things Paul said “hard to understand!”  However the teachers that Paul and Peter speak of were often profiting off the confusion, often financially taking advantage of confused Christians. I question how many people read verses in their context or really study passages from the original languages before building doctrine from them?  Many commentators and translators including the NET Bible correctly note that this “twisting/distorting” is what all cults, denominational sects, and scoffers do, focusing on the more difficult, obscure passages of the bible, often the prophetic and the supernaturally miraculously – not on its plain teachings!  However, Mark Twain correctly noted:  “Most people are bothered by those passages in scripture which they cannot understand.  However, as for me, I have always noticed that the passages which troubled me most are those which I do understand.” <Notes> a) 1 Thessalonians 1:10, 2:19, 4:16-17, 5:2-9, 23, b) 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10, 2:1, 8, 12-14.


We also know that the Catholic theologian Origen between 233-254 AD, according to one well-known historian, “single-handedly fixed the place of the Old Testament in the Catholic Church” through ground-breaking publications: 375 sermons as a commentary on the entire OT based his immense, word-for-word comparison in 240 AD of the Greek OT Septuagint/LXX version, the Hebrew Masoretic text, a Greek transliteration of the Hebrew text, and the other Greek translations Aquila of Sinope, Symmachus the Ebionite, and Theodotion.   He went from relative insignificance to wealth and fame very quickly!  He indeed brought the OT back into the Church for study, preaching, and doctrine!


By then the Church had already become corrupted with power, money (a), inventing the priesthood (b), inventing the mono-episcopacy or “one-bishop” rule (c), a time when all of the bishops were trying to rule larger and larger (richer and richer) cities ultimately to get to become the Bishop of Rome (the Pope), who would receive many favors with the Emperor, thus inventing the division of the Body-of-Christ into “clergy” vs. “laity” (d), and reinstating one OT commandment after another despite all the warnings of the NT, and creating more rules – all to exercise control over the Church. It’s also no coincidence that at this time there had also been a systematic stamping out the charismata grace-gifts, especially prophecy, by labelling it heretical, even though Irenaeus and Tertullian argued for them by giving many proofs. <Notes> a) reinstating OT tithing to pay for a priesthood, b) patterned after the OT, c) patterned after the high-priests of the OT, d) based on the OT idea of the Levites.


It wasn’t until around 300 AD that we have anybody seriously interested in determining the NT canon or “list of official books,” but especially after Emperor Constantine decriminalized Christianity in 313 AD, the writing of Church History by Eusebius in 330 AD, Constantine’s First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, and Constantine’s commissioning of 50 bibles for his Church of Constantinople in 331 AD. It wasn’t until the Council of Laodicea, made up of 30 clergymen in 363 AD, did they “set out of judge which books were to be read aloud in churches,” which excluded Revelation. In 367 AD, Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria gave us the current 27 book canon of the NT.  One guy!  Other canon lists that came after disagreed.  It took Pope Damasus I in 383 AD to fix the canon in the Roman Catholic Church.  Still there were many challenges to it. The Eastern Church, “had a weaker feeling for the necessity of making a sharp delineation with regard to the canon. Similarly the canons of the Syriac, Armenian, Georgian, Egyptian Coptic, and Ethiopian Churches all have minor differences.” Again, if you really dig into this, you will see that there was many political and financial motivations at work here, and there was little agreement that wasn’t somehow forced upon the Church.


According to www.EarlyChristianWritings.com, there were at least 167 early Christian writings that millions of Christians enjoyed reading, but never considered as a “bible” for the first 200 years, and many of the early Church Fathers didn’t even agree on what NT books were “authoritative.” Additionally, 49 more writings came in the next 100 years. And these are just the ones we have found!  Many manuscript experts, historians, theologians, and segments of Judaism and the Christian Church still disagree as to exactly what belongs in the bible – check out Wikipedia’s Biblical Canon  and also Development of the New Testament Canon.”


This isn’t even dealing with the many debates about the integrity of the text – see Bible Info and Wikipedia’s “Textual Variants in the New Testament.”  If you think everybody agrees what the actual text of the bible, guess again!  There are “around 400,000 textual variants of the NT, a staggering number when coupled with the fact that there are only 138,000 words in the Greek NT, meaning there are almost 3 variants per word.  However, less than 4000 (2.8% of the NT) have a good chance of being authentic and changing the meaning of the text,” writes scholar Tim Barnett 5/24/2016.  There are also 3,415 languages translated into and numerous versions within each of these, even 900 English bibles.  If you don’t think much is “lost or modified in translation” you need to compare them – see Wikipedia’s “List of English Bible translations” and at www.biblegateway.com I last counted 63 NT versions and I’ve seen radical differences in meaning in so many passages!


It wasn’t until 1611 when the Protestant King James decided to call the bible a “Holy Bible” though the idea of “sacred or holy books” (biblia sacra) or a “bible” (biblia) for short was first coined in the Middle Ages (465 – 1500 AD) by a Latin Catholic theologian.  However, it wasn’t until 1611 that King James decided to call the OT and NT collection “The Holy Bible.” 1 king gets to make this decision for everybody!


The more you dive into this, the more you realize that only “wise and learned/understanding” men can even start to scratch the surface of making any sense from all this. This certainly can’t be God’s plan for knowing Him or His will?  Is this a perfect God’s plan, or imperfect man’s attempts to get around God’s perfect plan?





Since the NT and the early Church before 200 AD didn’t use more than the OT prophecies concerning Christ and His completely-different-in-kind New Covenant to convert Jews to Christ or keep Jewish-Christians from lapsing back to the Law of Moses as the Logos Word of God – BT6 page and subsequent BLOGs pointed out, then why are we so quick to include OT scripture, even the Law, even writings that have nothing to do with Christ or His New Covenant or His gospel logos message of saving trusting-relying-faith or His cross and resurrection or His supper’s celebration, or His only 2 commandments of having trusting-relying-faith in Him and unconditionally-loving each other like He does?  If you think that the text and canon of scripture is solid, you just haven’t looked into this very deeply.  If you think that the Church always used the OT, then you haven’t studied history.  If you think any of this is God’s idea, then you must have a very imperfect view of a perfect God.




Lord, call us back by Your Holy Spirit to the simplicity of the early Church that You were in control of before legalistic religious men came into to borrow old covenant ideas and drag them forward into your completely-different-in-kind New Covenant to build The Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit in the Church.




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Categories: Logos Word of God

Logos Word of God – BT17




The New Testament doesn’t promise more gramma writings or teachers to learn from



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There is nothing in the NT about studying Christ’s or anybody else’s “saying” or logos messages in order to live on this as our “daily bread,” for unlike every other famous rabbi teacher who always kept scribes nearby to write his words down in order to teach other disciples, Jesus never asked anybody to record His words.  Instead Jesus said to His disciples, “Do not be anxious about how you should defend yourself or what you should say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say” (a), and “Do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour.  For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you” (b). <Notes> a) Luke 12:11-12, b) Matthew 10:19-20.


Jesus explains why:  “Nevertheless, I tell you the truth:  It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Parakletos Alongside-Helper (a) will not come to you.  But if I go, I will send Him to you. . . When the [Holy] Spirit of The Truth comes, He will guide you into ALL the truth” (b).  Earlier Jesus said:  But the Parakletos Alongside-Helper (a), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you ALL things and bring to your remembrance ALL that I have said to you” (c).  So you can see there was absolutely no need for new writings! <Notes> a) Parakletos:  ‘Close-beside’ caller, summoner, or inviter; helper, succorer, or assistant; encouraging teacher, counselor, comforter, or consoler; defense-attorney, judicial-advocate, or court-intercessor, b) John 16:6-7, 13, c) John 14:26.


Thus Jesus explains why we shouldn’t follow others: “However you are absolutely in fact not to be called ‘rabbi’ (a) for you have ONE Teacher (b) and/but/thus you are ALL brethren (c); and/coupled call in possibility no man your ‘father’ (d) on earth, for you have ONE Father, who is in heaven; moreover not in possibility be called leader (e), for you have ONE Leader, the Christ (f)” (g) – see Coaches and Facilitators page.  It wasn’t soon before the Catholic Church disobeyed all 3 emphatic teachings of Christ, but the Protestants perpetuated the disobedience! <Notes> a) rabbi in Hebrew means esteemed teacher, b) didaskalos: instructor, c) the point is clear that the “brethren” weren’t to be called “teachers,” d) originator, e) kathegetes: literally “to lead down-from,” used of a leader as someone who brings other ‘down the road of learning’ by giving needed instruction, thus a master-teacher-leader; used in Greek literature of educator-facilitators, f) Christ means Anointed Messiah, g) Matthew 23:8-10 – see Teach One Another – BT10.


The Apostle John also reminds ALL Christians in 1 John 2:20, 27 in answer to teachers coming into the Church confusing and deceiving them: “You’all have been anointed by the Holy One [Christ] and/thus you’all had [with ongoing results] eido ‘seen’ to understand/know . . . I write these things to you about those who are trying to deceive you.  However, the anointing that you have already received from Him ongoingly abides/lives in you and/thus you have absolutely in fact no need than anyone should teach you, but just as His anointing ongoingly teaches you about ALL things and is trustworthy and indeed no lie, just as it has already taught you, ongoingly abide/live in Him.”  Clearly the apostle wasn’t expecting his readers to blindly follow him and his teaching either, but to follow the “One Teacher” of the anointing – and we know that to always be the promised Holy Spirit!


Paul also speaks out against following teachers, even himself (a).  After all, wasn’t it Jesus that said: “Follow Me” so many times (b)?  Thus even Paul qualified “Follow/imitate me” with “as I also [follow/imitate] Christ” (c).  We have to remember that Jesus said:  “The sheep [of His] hear His (d) Voice, and He calls His own sheep by name/authority and leads them out [to pasture].  When He has brought out all His own, He goes before them, and the sheep follow Him, for they eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know His Voice. A stranger they will not follow, but they will flee from him, for they absolutely in fact do not eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know the voice of strangers. . . . My sheep listen/hear-to-understand My Voice, and I experientially, relationally ginosko know them, and they follow Me” (e). There simply isn’t anything here about reading ancient logos messages written with gramma letters into a bible, but everything here about prophetic-rhema words which we know is ‘seen’ and ‘heard’ only by the means of the Holy Spirit. <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 1:12, 3:4, b) Matthew 4:19, 8:22, 9:9, 10:38, 16:24, 19:21; Mark 1:17, 2:14, 8:34, 10:21; Luke 5:27, 9:23, 59, 18:22; John 1:43, 12:26, 21:19, 22, c) 1 Corinthians 11:1, d) the Good Shepherd’s, e) John 10:3-5, 27.


The Holy Spirit of The Truth” is spoken about often by the Apostle John (a), and since “The Truth” is NT shorthand for “Christ” (b), John could have just as easily said: “The [Holy] Spirit of the Christ,” which is exactly what the other apostles did (c).  Another variation is: “The [Holy] Spirit of the Lord [Jesus]” (d).  Clearly the NT expected “the Holy Spirit of Lord Jesus Christ” to be the ONLY teacher to “follow or imitate” for Christians of the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant, never again putting their trusting-relying-faith in others, and certainly not to an authoritative, top-down hierarchy of teacher-leaders we see enacted in the OT Law.  That didn’t mean that Christians shouldn’t because of Christian love consider heeding the advice of other (e), or “Unconditionally-love one another with devoted family affection, that is, esteeming one another in/by/with perceived-honor/value” (f), but in context the caveat is:  “Let unconditional-love be genuine:  Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is agathos good” (g).  In other words, you shouldn’t follow in man, and only follow their example if they are following Christ so that it’s indeed “good” – inherently the “good” that originates from God alone (h). <Notes> a) John 14:17, 15:26; 1 John 4:6, 5:6, b) see The Truth page, c) Romans 8:9; Philippians 1:19, 1 Peter 1:11, d) Acts 5:9, 8:39; 1 Corinthians 6:17; 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, e) 2 Thessalonians 3:7-9; 1 Corinthians 11:1, Hebrews 13:7, f) Romans 12:10, g) Romans 12:9, h) Mark 10:18; Luke 18:19.


John 20:30-31 explains why John waited until nearly the end of his life to write his logos message gospel account: “Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are absolutely in fact not written in this book.  However, these things have already been [with lasting results] written in order that you might have trusting-relying-faith that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by having trusting-relying-faith you might have everlasting zoe genuine-life in His name/authority.” And later in John 21:25 he says: “Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.”  All the logos message gospel accounts were written fairly late (68-100 AD), so apparently it was more of an after-thought by the apostles and only 2 of the 12 wrote anything down, because Mark and Luke we’re even part of the 12 and Gentiles at that, disciples of Paul’s that simply collected information to later report, with no mention that the Holy Spirit was even guiding them.  So until this time, apparently the early Church simply relied on the Holy Spirit to be sufficient as “The One Teacher” for Christians.  If they had this confidence, maybe it’s a good idea to place our trusting-relying-faith there also!  Are we pointing others to the “Who” of Christ’s Spirit or a “What” or ancient writings that came much later and not even collected into a bible for another 200 years!





As Christian musicians, if the early Church for 300 years didn’t have a bible to rely on, and only a few scattered letters after 50-100 years, but instead was taught directly by “The One Teacher” of Christ’s Spirit, and since all the NT writings point to the latter with absolutely no mention of intended writings, let alone a study of them, maybe we should also have that simple childlike faith that learns directly from being “yoked to Jesus”?





Lord, I praise Your name that “You have kept the secrets of the kingdom hidden from the so-called ‘wise and understanding ones’ – the scribe writers/copiers of biblical texts and teacher-leader Pharisees who study and teach them and the philosopher debaters of this world – but instead un-hidden them for little children and the other ‘least among you’ for certainly then “You show no partiality” and “destroy the wisdom of the so-called wise and thwart the understanding of the so-called understanding ones.”  Praise Your name that you eliminated the need for a top-down hierarchy of teacher-leaders under the old covenant to teach us to know You, but under the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant per Jeremiah 31:31-34, there is absolutely in fact and possibility NO NEED that any man teach us, because of the Anointing of the Holy Spirit so that NOW you teach us ALL directly, so that we might ALL eido mentally “see” to perceive/know You and Your will.  What an incredible simple plan that eliminates all sources of error – You taking over complete control of the process!




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Categories: Logos Word of God

Logos Word of God – BT15




The New Testament has only 1 commandment to the UNSAVED



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Even obedience to God has radically changed from the old covenant’s obeying commandments of the Law in order to be “right and pleasing” to God to the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant’sobedience of trusting-relying-faith” (a) in “Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord” (b), thus NOW simply “obedience to Jesus Christ” (c) and “obeying the gospel” of God about His Son (d).  The UNSAVED have 1 thing to work or do to NOW be “right and pleasing” to God.  <Notes> a) Romans 1:5, 16:26, b) 1 Corinthians 12:3; Romans 10:9; Philippians 2:11, c) 1 Peter 1:2; 2 Corinthians 10:5, d) 1 Peter 4:17; Romans 10:16; 2 Thessalonians 1:8.


To the UNSAVED, Christ gave only 1 entole commandment (a), a word used very infrequently in the NT because of its universally-binding status.  Jesus said:  “The Father who sent Me has Himself given Me a [singular] entole commandment – what to speak.  And I know that His [singular] entole commandment is zoe genuine-life everlasting (b).  So what was it that Jesus said to the UNSAVED Jews?  “Then they said to Him, ‘What must we do, to be doing the [plural] works (aka OT commandments) of God?’ Jesus answered them, ‘This is the [singular] work of God, that you have trusting-relying-faith in Him (the Son) whom He (the Father) has sent’” (c).  Notice that Jesus diverted their attention away from OT plural “works of commandments” to 1 NT commandment.  Paul also speaks of the “work of God” (d) being the “work of trusting-relying-faith” (e).  Jesus also told unbelieving Jews:  “Have trusting-relying-faith in Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me, or at least have trusting-relying-faith on account of the works [of miracles Jesus performed] themselves” (f).  <Notes> a) entole: official-decree, all-authoritative, universal orders – see Only 2 Commandments page, b) John 12:49-50, c) John 6:29-30, d) In the context of Romans 14:20 this is trusting-relying-faith versus obedience to dietary Laws, e) 1 Thessalonians 1:3; 2 Thessalonians 1:11, f) John 14:11.


In other words, the 1 entole official, all-authoritative, universally-binding decree given to Jesus by the Father to give to the UNSAVED Jews who followed the Law of commandments was to “put their trusting-relying-faith instead in Jesus as the Son of God, their Messiah, the Christ or Anointed One and their Lord.”  Similarly, Paul’s logos gospel message to the UNSAVED Athenian intellectuals: “But now He (God) commands-as-over-troops (a) all people everywhere to repent (b), because He has fixed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by [one] Man [Jesus] whom He has appointed” (c), so the gospel message was one of repentance to turn to Christ (d).  In 14 places where “trusting-relying-faith and unconditional-love” are associated, they are in that order (e), 6 places directly coupled as such (f).


In 5 places the order is reversed to “unconditional-love and trusting-relying-faith” (g).  So as the previous BLOG states, 1 John 3:23 aptly describes GOD’s single entole commandment under the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant, one part to the UNSAVED and one part to the SAVED:  1) that we have trusting-relying-faith in the name/authority of His (the Father’s) Son Jesus Christ, and/coupled 2) unconditional-love one another – just as He gave a [singular] entole commandment to us.” <Notes> a) paraggello: orders or charges, as a commander his troops, b) metanoeo: turning your heart/mind to trusting-relying-faith in Christ, c) Acts 17:30, d) Matthew 3:2, 4:17; Mark 6:12, e) Ephesians 1:15, 3:17; Colossians 1:4; 1 Thessalonians 1:3, 3:6, 5:8; 2 Thessalonians 1:3; 1 Timothy 1:14, 2:15, 6:11; 2 Timothy 1:13; 2 Timothy 2:22, 3:10; 1 John 3:23, f) 1 Thessalonians 3:6, 5:8; 1 Timothy 1:14, 2:15; 2 Timothy 1:13, g) Ephesians 6:23; 1 Timothy 4:12; Titus 3:15; Philemon 1:5; Revelations 2:19.


Salvation through the total surrender or repentance, confession, and water-baptism is the “obedience of trusting-relying-faithPaul preached to the UNSAVED, obedience to 1 commandment.   Repentance, confession, and water-baptism into Christ were closely linked in the Great Commission passages (a) as with: “Whoever has trusting-relying-faith and is water-baptized will be saved, but whoever does not in fact have trusting-relying-faith will be condemned” (b).  Really simple but religious people always try to get around simplicity!  This was integral to the Church’s evangelistic preaching, starting with the first logos gospel message by Peter that concludes in Acts 2:38-39, “Repent and/coupled be water-baptized every one of you in the name/authority of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the grace-gift of the Holy Spirit – for this promise [of the Holy Spirit] is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to Himself.”  If that’s not clear, try Peter later on in 1 Peter 3:21, “Water-baptism, which corresponds to this (c), now saves you – not as a removal of dirt from the body but [saves you] as a pledge/confession/appeal to God for a good/clear conscience – thru-the-realizing-channel-of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”  Nothing saves us unless Jesus rose from the dead, but because He did the same Holy Spirit will raise us from the dead into glorified bodies to be with Christ forever.  This is the blessed hope Paul preached (d).  <Notes> a) Matthew 28:19-20, Luke 24:47, b) Mark 16:16, c) Noah and his family saved through the flood waters, v. 20, d) Romans 8:23-25; Titus 2:13; 1 Peter 1:3.


The outward act of water-baptism, also a common Jewish practice for Gentile conversion that resulted in them being “born-again” Jews, was also viewed during the first 30 years of the mostly Jewish-Church as a person’s public confession or pledge of “trusting-relying-faith in Jesus as Messiah and Lord,” and “appeal” to be cleansed by the blood of Christ for their “conscience to be made good,” but only possible because of “the resurrection of Christ.”  This is just as Paul says in Romans 10:9, “If you homologeo confess (a) that ‘Jesus is Lord’ (b) and/coupled have trusting-relying-faith in your heart that God resurrected Him from the dead, [then] you will be saved.”  Confession was a person’s audible reciprocation of the logos gospel message that was just evangelistically shared or preached to them that “Jesus was Lord,” indicating verbally that they were in total agreement, like when we say “Amen” to mean “so be it.”  See Surrender Control page. <Notes> a) homologeo: literally, to declare the homo same logos message, b) 1 Corinthians 12:3.


The NT and the early Church Christians didn’t try to separate confession from repentance, or separate these from trusting-relying-faith, or separate any of this from “receiving/embracing/welcoming” the logos gospel message, or from water-baptism, or from salvation, or from Spirit-baptism for godly enabling-power and grace-gifts of ministry.  Instead they are ALL intimately and inseparably connected as so many verses show, even in the Great Commission (a). <Notes> a) Matthew 3:11, 28:19; Mark 1:4, 16:16; Luke 3:3, 24:47; Acts 2:38, 41, 8:13, 16, 36-38, 9:18, 10:47-48, 16:15, 33, 18:8, 25, 19:3-5, 22:16; Romans 6:3-4; 1 Corinthians 1:13-17, 12:13; Galatians 3:27; Ephesians 4:5; Colossians 2:12; and 1 Peter 3:21.


It’s irrelevant to debate whether water-baptism is asaving work” after so many verses that integrate it with repentance and confession of trusting-relying-faith of “Jesus as Lord” all “for the forgiveness of sins” so that “you may receive Spirit-Baptism.”  Water-baptism has always been a Jewish “act of obedience” as an external public testimony of a person’s internal trusting-relying-faith.  Neither is saving by itself because they are integrally and inseparably connected.  The unique Christian difference is the NOW “water-baptism in in the name/authority of Jesus Christ” and we get “Spirit-Baptism” as the “promised grace-gift of the Father.”  Only the later Greek philosophers and western Christian denominations influenced by them would try to separate all these components and say one is saving and one isn’t.  The NT and early Jewish-Church kept them together and so should we!  Neither our repentant turn to trusting-relying-faith in Christ, our Confession of The Faith, or our water-baptism by itself has any ability to save.  It only saves because of Christ’s resurrection and it only saves if we fully participate in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ to get Spirit-Baptized and the only way to do that is to do all components (a) – see also Surrender Control, Water-Baptism, and Spirit-Baptism pages. <Notes> a) see also Acts 2:41, 8:12, 16, 36, 9:18, 10:47-48, 16:33, 18:8, 19:4-5, 22:16, Romans 6:3-4, 8, 8:15; 1 Corinthians 12:13; Galatians 3:27, 4:5-7; Ephesians 4:5; and Colossians 2:12.





Thank You God that Your Son Jesus met ALL the conditions of obedience, and did ALL the “works of commandments” of the OT, so that NOW Your unconditionally-loving-favor-of-grace towards ALL the UNSAVED is to DO only 1 work, 1 rule, 1 law, 1 commandment – to repent or turn their hearts/minds to put their trusting-relying-faith on the finished work of Christ and/coupled publicly confess this through water-baptism so that they can receive Your saving Holy Spirit.  We will not add anything to Your perfect plan!




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Categories: Logos Word of God

Logos Word of God – BT14




The New Testament only has 2 commandments combined in 1



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Jesus gave only 2 entole commandments (a) for the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant.  For even more details, see Only 2 Commandments – BT4.  All of the other OT commandments belong to the palaios old covenant or Law – “old, antiquated, worn-out, and useless.”  And we know from so much negative written in the NT about the Law that absolutely NONE of it carries over into the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant.  In fact, that is what the definition of “New” means (b), and here’s just a few things the NT says about the old:  “filled to completion, fulfilled, accomplished, completed, finished, ended, violently put to death, nailed to the cross, nullified, abolished, set aside, done away with, vanished, passed away, is no longer binding, so we are no longer under it, and freed from it” – see Logos Word of God – BT8<Notes> a) entole: official-decree, all-authoritative, universal orders – see Only 2 Commandments page, b) chadash, kainos: fresh, completely-different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior.


The NT says there are only 2 commandments for Christians to obey well articulated in 1 John 3:22-23: “We tereo carefully-watch/keep-guard-over the entole commandments of His (Father-God) and/coupled do the things pleasing before-the-watch-of Him, and/coupled this is His entole commandment [compound-singular]:  1) that we have trusting-relying-faith in the name/authority of His (the Father’s) Son Jesus Christ, and 2) unconditional-love one another – just as He gave a [singular] entole commandment to us.”  Jesus says prophetically of the Church, “I know your works – your  unconditional-love and/coupled trusting-relying-faith, and/coupled [in parallel] service and patient-endurance” (a).  The Apostle Paul writes extensively on the Christian’s unique no-strings-attached, unconditional-love that goes far beyond the OT command to “love your neighbor,” and he routinely combines “trusting-relying-faith and unconditional-love” together (b).  Because of these verses and others, and early Church writings, many theologians and historians believe, like myself, that the early Church’s “good works” or “obedience to commands” was indeed that simple, simple enough for “little children” and other “least among you” to get – simply to tereo “carefully-guard” only 2 commandments of Christ until He returns.  It’s no coincidence that Matthew 28:20 Great Commission uses the same 2 key words: “the whatsoever I have entellomai commanded (c) you” to “teach the made-disciples” to “tereo carefully-guard.”  That’s it, just 2!  It wasn’t until much later around 200AD that the Catholic Church started pulling more and more of the OT commandments back in.  Are we complicating our lives and those of others by adding more to what Christ commanded? <Notes> a) Revelation 2:19, b) Ephesians 1:15, 3:17, 6:23; Colossians 1:4; 1 Thessalonians 1:3, 3:6, 4:9, 5:8; 2 Thessalonians 1:3; 1 Timothy 1:14, 2:15, 4:12, 6:11; 2 Timothy 1:13; 2 Timothy 2:22, 3:10; Titus 3:15; Philemon 1:5 c) entellomai is a verb form of entole commandment that emphasizes the end-objective, purpose, or consummation of an officially-decreed, universally-binding charge.





As Christian musicians, why are trying to continue the OT commandments when there are so many NT verses that say that every one of them was “fulfilled, completed, nailed to the cross, nullified, finished, so that we are no longer obligated to it, having been replaced with only 2 NT commandment of trusting-relying-faith in Christ and unconditionally-loving one another universally as Christ did?  Remember it’s supposed to be simple enough for the little children and other “least among you” so that nobody, including God, is showing partiality.





Lord, keep us from showing favoritism by complicating the NT logos message to more than trusting-relying-faith in You and unconditionally-loving others like You did us, the only “good works” You have for us now.  Praise Your name for such simplicity!




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Categories: Logos Word of God

Logos Word of God – BT13




Shouldn’t the 2 greatest OT commandments be included in what is “profitable for teaching?”



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What about the 2 greatest OT commandments of “love God and love your neighbor as yourself?”  Shouldn’t these be included in the “profitable for teaching, etc.” scriptures of 2 Timothy 3:16?  Well we know from early BLOGs (a) that the Law was NOT included in Paul’s instructions to Timothy.  After all, didn’t Jesus teach them to His disciples?  Aren’t these to be included in the Great Commission by Jesus to His apostles:  “teaching the disciples you have made to carefully-watch/guard ALL (b) as-much-as-this (c) that I have already definitively/wholly commanded-for-an-end-purpose (d) you” (e)?  Did Jesus ever entellomai command these 2 OT entole commandments to be taught?  Nope! <Notes> a) see Logos Word of God – BT7 and BT8, b) pas typically used for ‘every of a portion of’ as is here – every of the kind that Jesus commanded, c) hosos is a comparative or correlative pronoun meaning: “as/so great a space as, as many whatsoever as of, as/so long time as, as much as this, so much more, in so far as”, d) entellomai is a verb form of entole commandment that emphasizes the end-objective, purpose, or consummation of an officially-decreed, universally-binding charge, e) Matthew 28:20.


The ONLY places you see these 2 OT commandments mentioned by Jesus is when He simply responded to a trick question posed by scheming Pharisaical lawyer-scribes (a).  Jesus never expounds on either one of these to His disciples.  As much as Jesus loved the Father and as important as the “loving God with your whole being” OT entole commandment, Jesus never expounded on it to His disciples.  And the only time He talked about the “love your neighbor” OT entole commandment was to point out to the unbelieving Jews, not His disciples, the deficiency of that command, because “neighbor” in Hebrew and Greek means “those of like status, location, religion, etc.” giving way for the Pharisees to conveniently have another “Tradition of the Elders” entole commandment to “Hate your enemy.”  This allowed the Jews to hate Gentiles, especially the Roman occupiers and half-breed Samaritans.  However, Jesus countered these Jews with: “Love your enemies and proseuchomai conversationally-pray for those who persecute you” (b).   <Notes> a) Matthew 22:38-39 Mark 12:30-31, Luke 10:25-28, b) Matthew 5:43-44, Luke 10:27-36.


What about Paul’s use of these OT entole commandments?  Most of Paul’s citations from the OT are from the prophetic ‘portion of’ scripture to prove that Jesus was the Messiah in order to convert Jews to Christ or to bolster Jewish-Christian’s trusting-relying-faith in Christ instead of the Law that ‘spying’ teachers were pushing.  He would never teach any portion of the Law due to his strong negativity towards it and its teachers (see Logos Word of God – BT8).  He warns Christians to not keep even the smallest part of the Law unless you want to be obligated to keep ALL of it (a).  James says:  “For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it” (b).  It’s ALL or nothing with the OT Law, and the NT writers consistently say “nothing or you are obligated to do it ALL.”  <Notes> a) Galatians 5:3, b) James 2:10.


So why does Paul resort to quoting the “love your neighbor” entole commandment?  In one place a frustrated Paul resorts to this particular Law only to make a point to stubborn Jewish-Christians to stay out of debt to avoid conflict with civilians and arbitrating governing authorities in Romans 13:9-10. However, Paul has already appealed to Christian unconditional-love coming from God poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (a), that which comes from Christ dying for us (b) that we can’t be separated from (c).  Paul has already told them to unconditionally-love other genuinely, even with brotherly affection, outdoing each other in the showing of honor, as part of the transformed life (d).  So Paul has already laid the ground-work for Gentile and Jewish Christian love, but now he frustrating appeals to the Jewish-Christians who revered the Law, essentially reminding them that what he asking them to do in Romans 13:9-10 was also said in their revered Law, so really they have no excuse!  However, once Paul deals with this appeal to stubborn Jewish-Christians he goes right back to Christian’s real reason to unconditionally-love – Christ’s death (e) and so his final appeal is “by the unconditional-love of the Spirit” (f).  Why are so many Christians so quick to pull Romans 13:9-10 out of the context of Paul’s many verses in Romans about NT Christian universal unconditional-love just to expound 2 verses on OT Jewish neighborly-love<Notes> a) Romans 5:5, b) Romans 5:8, c) Romans 8:35-39, d) Romans 12:9-10, e) Romans 14:15, f) Romans 15:30.


In the only other place Paul frustrating uses this particular OT Law of “love your neighbor” is in Galatians 5:13-14, again only to Jewish-Christians.  He tells them NOT to use their newfound freedom from the OT Law as an opportunity for the flesh to be nasty to each other, but through unconditional-love serve one another.  But Paul already had appealed to the only 2 NT entole commandments (a) of trusting-relying-faith in Christ working through unconditional-love for one another as Christ did for us (b), and Paul tells us where this ability to unconditionally-love like Christ comes from – from His Holy Spirit (c), not ourselves trying to obey the Law!  So once again, Paul returns to the Holy Spirit!  Christ and His Spirit is always the context of unconditional-love for a Christian, not the Jewish Law.  Again, why are so many Christians willing to take isolated appeals to stubborn Jewish-Christians, ignore the larger context that appeals to all Christians, and then try to apply the isolated appeals to all Christians, even Gentiles? <Notes> a) 1 John 3:23 – see Only 2 Commandments. Paul frequently couples faith and love:  1 Thessalonians 3:6, 5:8; 1 Timothy 1:14, 2:15; 2 Timothy 1:13, as Jesus did:  Revelation 2:19.b) Galatians 5:6, c) Galatians 5:22-23.





Why is it that so many Christians are so quick to latch onto OT commandments as their rules for successful Christian living?  Could this be because of “a different spirit” (a) that leads people to “another ‘Great News” gospel” or a “different gospel” (b)?  Or to “itch their ears” away from the “sound teaching” (c) of the Christ’s gospel that accords with godliness (d), that is by trusting-relying-faith (e), with our sanctification/holiness not by the Law but by the Holy Spirit (f) and empowered by Holy Spirit (g) not our only “might and power” to obey the Law?   <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 11:4, b) Galatians 1:6-7; 2 Corinthians 11:4, c) 2 Timothy 4:3-4; 1 Timothy 1:10; Titus 1:9, 2:1 d) 1 Timothy 6:3, e) Romans 1:16; Philippians 1:27; Colossians 1:23; 1 Thessalonians 3:2, f) Romans 15:16; 1 Corinthians 6:11; 2 Thessalonians 2:13; Hebrews 10:29; 1 Peter 1:2, g) Acts 1:8, 8:19; Romans 15:13, 19; 1 Corinthians 2:4; Ephesians 3:16; 1 Thessalonians 1:5; 2 Timothy 1:7.





Lord, keep me from being distracted from the simplicity of the gospel, so simple that even a little child can live it.  Let me not take verses out of context, miss the point, and build doctrines that cause me to live in the old covenant instead of the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant of “trusting-relying-faith in You and universally unconditional-loving others that way You did.”  Thank You for only giving us these 2 commandments to faithfully watch-over and guard carefully, and that’s what it means to be a disciple of Yours!




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Categories: Logos Word of God

Logos Word of God – BT12: Scripture was elementary abc’s for Jews as children, slaves, & prisoners UNTIL Christ



Video - Part 1:  Logos Word of God - BT12: Scripture was elementary abc's for Jews as children, slaves, & prisoners UNTIL Christ

Part 1



Logos Word of God – BT12: Scripture was elementary abc’s for Jews as children, slaves, & prisoners UNTIL Christ



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In Galatians 4:1-5 the apostle Paul regarding the OT Law, as with ALL religious writings of “commandments, legal demands, precepts, regulations, ordinances, works” (a), refers to these gramma writings of the Old Testament (OT) Law as stoicheion “elementary or rudimentary ‘abc’ fundamental principles” for the Jews as nepios ‘minors, not of age, or even as infant children, thus childish, untaught, and unskilled,’ [treated] absolutely-in-fact-NO different from a slave, even-though they-are the owner of everything . . . under-subjugation-to these stoicheionelementary or rudimentary ‘abc’ fundamental principles’ of/belonging-to the world, being CONTINUALLY (b) already-having-been [with ongoing effects] enslaved.”  That’s because the Jews were “born under-subjugation-to the Law . . . who are under-subjugation-to the Law” . . . “under-subjugation-to epitropos ‘household little-child-guardians’ (c) and/coupled oikonomos household-managers (d).”  Why do Gentile-Christians want to put themselves in the original slavery of the Jews?


<Notes> a) Colossians 2:14, 20, 22; Hebrews 9:1, 10; Ephesians 2:15, Romans 3:27, b) rare imperfect tense, c) epitropos:  household steward, manager, curator, guardian, or overseer for the care and tutelage of minors, d) oikonomos were freed slaves that functioned as stewards or household managers that put forth and enforced the nomos law of the home.


Was this intended forever?  No, Paul continues:  Only “achri ‘unto, as far as, to the extent of, or UNTIL the time/season that’ THE-specific beforehand-appointed-time by-their Father . . . When-at-which-time the pleroma ‘abundant, complete fullness’ of-the chronos ‘duration of time/seasons’ HAD come, [when] God sent-forth His Son . . . having-been ginomai ‘brought into existence’ under-subjugation-to [singular: The] Law (Jesus was Jew), in-order-that those under-subjugation-to [singular: The] Law He (the Son) might exagorazo ‘buy-back out-from the slavery of the auction-block in the marketplace.” Again, why do Gentile-Christians want to put themselves in the original “abc’s” mess of the Jews that was ONLY UNTIL Christ came?


Earlier Galatians 3:22-25, Paul made a similar point:  “The graphe scripture (a) sugkleio ‘closed/locked up [them] together in prison without a way of escape and thus subjugated under the power of the jailer’ ALL-things under-subjugation-to sin, in-order-that The Promise out-from trusting-relying-faith of/belonging-to Jesus Christ might-be didomi given-as-a-gift to-those routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith . . .


. . . Now-moreover pro ‘BEFORE in time or before others in public view’ THIS THE-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) had erchomai ‘come from one place to THIS place’, we-were CONTINUOUSLY (b) phroureo ‘held-under or watched-over like a military guard/sentinel’ routinely/habitually been sugkleio ‘closed/locked up together in prison without a way of escape and thus subjugated under the power of the jailer’ eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ THE mello about-to-happen Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) to-be-revealed/unhidden hoste ‘inevitably resulting in that’ The Law, [singular: the] paidagogos little-child-guardian (c) of-us, has already [with ongoing effects] ginomai ‘come into existence as” eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ Christ, in-order-that out-from trusting-relying-faith we-might-become dikaioo ‘made or declared righteous/justified.’ . . .


. . . erchomai ‘having already COME from one place [The Law] to this place’ NOW of/belonging-to The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) [we are] absolutely-in-fact-NO LONGER under-subjection-to [singular: the] paidagogos little-child-guardian (c) presently/ongoingly we (Jewish-Christians) eimi ‘are, exist-as, defined-as.’  For-the-reason-is presently/ongoingly you’all (Jewish-Christians) eimi ‘are, exist-as, defined as’ ALL huios ‘mature sons ready for their inheritance as NOW owner of the household’ of God dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) IN Christ (The Anointed One, Messiah) Jesus.”  Again, why do Gentile-Christians want to put themselves in the original childlike state of slavery of the Jews that had NOT yet received their inheritance to then be owners of the household?


<Notes> a) context: The Law ‘portion’, b) the rare imperfect tense, c) paidagogos: servants/slave hired by the upper class to strictly oversee their little boys to/from school UNTIL the age of manhood. They also may be involved in discipline, correction, and instruction.  cf. ‘the 10,000 supervisor-guardians’ 1 Corinthians 4:15.


But now in in Galatians 4:9, Paul questions as “huios ‘mature sons,” having already “come to experientially, relationally ginosko know God, or rather to be experientially, relationally ginosko known under-subjugation-to God [through Christ] (no longer to the Law or to sin), [how can you] presently/ongoingly epistrepho ‘turn BACK or return to/upon’ palin ‘back AGAIN in action’ upon the asthenes ‘weak, infirm, without vigor or strength, depleted, lacking in necessary resources, insufficient, frail, and sick’ and/coupled ptochos ‘crouching/cowering like a beggar, deeply destitute/helpless, insufficient in resources, poor like a pauper’ stoicheion elementary or rudimentary ‘abc’ fundamental principles of/belonging-to the world, to-which palin ‘back AGAIN in action’ anothen ‘over AGAIN in time’ to presently/ongoingly be-enslaved you presently/ongoingly strongly-desire?”   Now you can see why Paul was stoned and beaten by the Jews so many times!  Why are Gentile-Christians embracing what Paul warned Jewish-Christians NOT to go back to AGAIN to be once AGAIN enslaved?


Now in Colossians 2:8, Paul says: “[I strongly urge you to] see to it that in-possibility-NO one routinely/habitually sulagogeo ‘carries you off like a predator with its prey or as spoils of war’ dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ The-philosophy (a) and/coupled empty/vain deceptiveness, kata down-from/according-to human tradition, kata down-from/according-to The stoicheion elementary or rudimentary ‘abc’ fundamental principles of/belonging-to the world kai and/thus absolutely-in-fact-NOT kata down-from/according-to Christ.”  At this point Paul is attacking the philosophical writings of the Greek and Romans and warning Gentile-Christians about this.  However, evidently Jewish Law-teachers had been trying to convince Gentile-Christians that they needed Moses by what comes next.


<Notes> a) this is a direct slap in the face of the Greek philosophers, Gnostics, and Roman Mystery Religions that loved and prided themselves in their human wisdom, but Paul has already said in Colossians 2:2-3 that “ALL the treasures of wisdom and/coupled gnosis information-knowledge are hidden IN Christ” and from v. 1:9 thus requires proseuche conversational-prayer thru full, genuine, intimate, relational, experiential epignosis knowledge of God and His will to acquire from Christ – see Least Among You – BT8 and New Covenant Ways – BT16.


In Galatians 2:11-13, Paul assures these doubting Gentile-Christians that “in Christ you also were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the flesh, by the circumcision of/belonging-to Christ, having been buried with Him in water-baptism, in which you were also raised with Him through trusting-relying-faith in the powerful working of God, who raised Him from the dead.  Kai and/subsequently you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh (not being Jews), God made alive together with Him (Christ), having forgiven us all our trespasses.”  How some Christians and churches can’t see the saving nature of water-baptism is beyond me!


Now Paul in Galatians 2:16-18 turns his attention to other Jewish practices that the Gentile-Christians were also likely being pressured to observe, and it’s very likely there were Jewish-Christians also being pressured to continue them.  “Therefore [I strongly urge you to] let no one pass judgment on you in questions of [Jewish] food and drink, or with regard to a [Jewish] festival or a [Jewish] new moon or [Jewish plural] Sabbaths. These [Jewish rules & rituals] are a skia ‘shadow, outline, sketch,’ (a) of the things to come (b), but the soma ‘body or reality’ [is of/belonging to] The Christ (Anointed One).  [I strongly urge you to] let in-possibility-NOT one katabrabeuo ‘call you down/out like an umpire’ (Jews judging that they are rejected by God), routinely/habitually strongly-desiring/willing in/by/with tapeinophrosune ‘self-humbling or depreciating practices like fasting’ (c) and/coupled worship of angels (d), which he-has-already [with ongoing effects] horao ‘seen/perceived with the mind, similar to eido and optanomai prophetic vision’ routinely/habitually embateuo ‘frequently come into possession of and deeply investigated or speculated about,’ eiki purposelessly being routinely/habitually phusioo ‘inflated, swelled up by arrogant, puffed-up thoughts’ under-subjugation-to the mind of their flesh.”


As you can see from the notes below, these ‘activities’ were Jewish commandments reinforced by the Oral Torah being pushed on Gentile & likely Jewish-Christians to continue!  Why are modern Christians trying to bring these back into the Church?  In verse 19, Paul says these people are “absolutely-in-fact-NOT habitually/routinely holding-fast to-the Head out-from WHOM ALL the Body [of Christ] . . . is routinely/habitually being-supplied and/coupled routinely/habitually being-knit-together, presently/ongoingly causing-to-increase/grow with-the increase/growth of/belonging-to God.”  The whole passage is saying Christ and our abiding-connection to Him by trusting-relying-faith IS ALL WE NEED – read John 15:4.


<Notes> a) skia: the shade cast backward from a standing body, Hebrews 8:5, 10:1, b) see ‘copies’ of Hebrews 9:23-24, ‘type’ of Romans 5:14, ‘symbol’ of Hebrews 9:9, ‘corresponds to’ of 1 Peter 3:21, c) the Essenes who followed John the Baptist disciplined the body harshly as the strictest of Jews.  See Mark 9:29 – “and fasting” was added in after “this kind of demon only comes out after prayer,” later by Catholic monks who practiced this OT “tradition of the elders” that is not even specified in OT Law – see Conversational-Prayer – BT4 on fasting but see also Net Bible note.  When Paul’s team appointed elders in every church in Acts 14:23 they did so with proseuchomai conversationally-praying.”  The addition of “and fasting” is not found even in textual variants nor is it warranted because in 3 of the 4 other uses of that form in Acts 1:24 choosing of the 12th apostles, Acts 6:6 laying hands on the 7 chosen deacons, and Acts 21:5 departing of Paul fellows, there is no implication of fasting.  However, the common rabbinical phrase “fasting and prayer” is found in Acts 13:3 of the early Jewish-Christian church of Antioch prophets and teachers gathered together to OT leitourgeo liturgical-worship-serve the Lord and/coupled fasting.  While doing so the Holy Spirit told them to set apart Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.  Then after again ‘fasting and praying’ they laid their hands on them [likely for anointing, blessing, and ordination] they sent the off.  Clearly the limited use of leitourgeo liturgical-worship-serving indicates that these Christians were Jewish still following many of the OT “traditions & rituals of the elders” like fasting.  As the church became more Gentile you see this fade away until the Catholic Church resurrected many of them after 200 AD, d) In intertestamental Judaism, developed angelology, hierarchies, and invocation is found.  The Jewish Midrash & Talmud laws were enacted to prohibit the worship of angels because it was clearly going on – see Wikipedia “Worship of Angels in Judaism,”.



Video - Part 2:  Logos Word of God - BT12: Scripture was elementary abc's for Jews as children, slaves, & prisoners UNTIL Christ

Part 2


Now Paul really drives it home in Galatians 2:20-23:   “If you-already-have apothnesko ‘died away-from [something]’ together-with Christ away-from the stoicheion elementary or rudimentary ‘abc’ fundamental principles of/belonging-to-the world, [then] why, as if you routinely/habitually were-genuinely-living in [singular: this] world, presently/ongoingly dogmatizo ‘do-you submit to dogma:  authoritative, universally-binding entole commandments of doctrines, precepts, decrees, laws, and ordinances’ (a):  in-possibility-NOT you-should-handle, in-possibility-NOT you-should-taste, in-possibility-NOT you-should touch – which presently/ongoingly are-defined-as/exist ALL eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ phthora ‘deterioration, decay, or rot’ by-the-means-of their use – kata down-from/according-to the entalma ‘result of following the OT entole universally-binding commandments to the end’ and/coupled teachings of/belonging-to men, which presently/ongoingly are-defined-as/exist-as a logos message (b) men is-affirmed-as routinely/habitually holding-to-have of/belonging-to-wisdom by-the-means-of 1) ethelothreskeia ‘self-desired/willed religion via liturgical services & rituals and religious disciplines for righteous holiness & godliness’ kai and/subsequently (c) 2) tapeinophrosune ‘self-humbling or depreciating practices like fasting’ kai and/coupled (c) 3) apheidia ‘unsparing severity of the body to create self-control‘ for righteous holiness & godliness’  – [they are] ouk absolutely-in-fact-NOT with time perceived-value/worth tini THIS (d) pros ‘toward and reaching/accomplishing’ [singular: the] [create self-control over the] indulgence/satisfaction of the flesh.”


<Notes> a) dogma: used negatively in Luke 2:1; Acts 17:7; Colossians 2:14; Ephesians 2:15, and positively only in Acts 16:4, b) a logos message need not be true as in Matthew 28:13 vs. 15, and so many believe here this “reputation/affirmation of excellence is unmerited” as scholars Lightfoot and Liddell & Scott note.  That seems the case because Paul’s argument is that it actually is of “absolutely-in-fact-NO certain honor/value,” c) kai often couples 2 things together as likely the case with #2 and #3 as obviously being related, but #1 is the broader category that contains the #2 & #3 elements, which is the emphasis due to the repetition of similar words, d) tini THIS is an indefinite pronoun moved quite a bit out of position in the phrase to instead place the emphasis on ouk “absolutely-in-fact-NOT.”  It’s in the dative feminine singular, which matches up to the nouns of #1, #2, and #3 so THIS is referring to a “self-desired/willed religion of 2 coupled bodily disciplines of righteousness . . . that despite their “affirmed message of wisdom” and thus “perceived value” actually are “ouk absolutely-in-fact-NOT with perceived-value-worth . . . toward accomplishing self-control over the indulgence of the flesh.


That’s right!  The OT logos message that the Law of commandments and follow-up Oral Law “Traditions of the Elders” “indeed have been affirmed” by Jews for a long time to be “of/belonging-to wisdom” and in this particular case, in applying the “might and power” external resources and internal abilities of man of Zechariah 4:6 under the old covenant to developing self-control over the indulgence of the flesh through many disciplines of the body as with various types of fasting, but Paul says it’s ALL ultimately non-productive.  Zechariah 4:6’s solution is the “By-the-means-of My Spirit” of the completely-different-in-kind chadash/kainos NEW Covenant.


That’s Paul’s solution also in Colossians 1:9Spirit-kind-of wisdom and/coupled ‘connect-the-dots’ understanding that is the means/instrument-of being filled-to-the-full by-the-means-of epignosis genuine, full, experiential, relational knowledge of God’s will.”  It’s NOT the “self-desired/willed religion” of the OT, Oral Law, or any other Gentile philosophy or world religion that will work.  Everything come from the dunamis dynamite-like enabling-power of the Holy Spirit of Christ who is the only HEAD, per Colossians 1:11, 29, 2:12!  That’s why Jesus and His disciples didn’t fast even though the disciples of John the Baptist and every other rabbi there has ever been did.  We saw the reasons why in note ‘c’ above for Galatians 2:16-18.


That’s why the Book of Hebrews similarly says “For-the-reason-that The Law routinely/habitually is-holding-to-have a skia ‘shadow/outline/sketch’ of-the routinely/habitually mello ‘about-to-happen’ agathos ‘God-like good, upright/honorable, excellent, beneficial/useful, or praiseworthy’ things, absolutely-in-fact-NOT themselves the eikon ‘prototype image, statue, bust’ of-the pragma ‘regularly/habitually practiced deeds . . . sacrifices each year . . . absolutely-in-fact-NOT ever they-are presently/ongoingly dunamis dynamite-like powerfully-able teleioo to make mature/complete/perfect them-who are-routinely/habitually proserchomai ‘coming from one place to close beside’ [God]” (a), for “The Law absolutely-in-fact-NO thing teleioo was made mature/complete/perfect” (b). <Notes> a) Hebrews 10:1 regarding prayerful worship in approaching God, b) Hebrews 7:19.


Therefore, Paul declares: “The Law (nomos: principle rule) of/belonging-to the Spirit of zoe genuine-life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the [Mosaic] Law of/belonging-to sin and/coupled of/belonging-to death.  For-the-reason-that the powerlessness of/belonging-to the Law in that it was asthenes ‘weak, infirm, without vigor or strength, depleted, lacking in necessary resources, insufficient, frail, and sick’ dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ the flesh, God sent His Son to condemn sin in the flesh (a).  The gospel logos message of the Spirit’s dynamite-like enabling-power is NOT the logos message of the Law – the first is God acting FOR the sake of man and the second is man acting FOR the sake of God!  The first is Christ’s obedient work on the cross giving us Christ’s righteousness by unearned and undeserved unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ our trusting-relying-faith, and the second is our works of righteousness to earn or deserve God’s favor. <Notes> a) Romans 8:3-4.


Hebrews 5:11-14 really blasts Jewish-Christian thinking about going back to obeying the OT scriptures:  “You have become dull of hearing.  For though by this time you ought to be [Christian] teachers (a), you need someone to teach you again the stoicheion elementary or rudimentary ‘abc’ fundamental principles of/belonging-to the arche ‘FIRST in time or importance‘ (b) of/belonging-to-the logion prophetic-oracles/utterances of God (b).  You need ‘milk’ [c], not ‘solid food’ [d], for everyone who lives on ‘milk’ is un-skilled in the [gospel] logos message of righteousness [e], since he is an infant-child.  But ‘solid food’ is for the teleios ‘mature, complete, perfect,’ for those who have their enabling-powers of discernment gymnastically-trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.”  Paul says that discernment is a progressive grace-gift of the renewing, light-giving Holy Spirit received during genuine, full, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of Christ (f) that Hebrews 4:12 says comes from hearing the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words of God, these “being sharper than any two-edged sword, discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”  This is NOW the WAY little children of God are to learn directly from Him – see Least Among You – BT8 and New Covenant Ways – BT16.


<Notes> a) in context, this is certainly not of the Law but instead the ‘solid food’ of Christ’s gospel logos message of The Truth of saving trusting-relying-faith, b) context:  concerning the Messianic and New Covenant promises, used in early Church writings to convert Jews to Christ, used to encourage struggling Jewish-Christians to resist the Law-teachers, used by evangelist-preachers to elegcho/s rebuke-convict Law-teachers per 2 Timothy 3:16, 4:2; 1 Timothy 5:20; Titus 1:13, 2:15; Ephesians 5:11; cf. Jude 1:15, that only make up 2.6% of the OT – see Logos Word of God – BT6.  Hebrews 5:12 “arche ‘first in time or importance’ of-the logion oracles/utterances” make up the “arche ‘first in time or importance’ logos message of the Christ (Anointed One, Messiah) in Hebrews 6:1, and the things mentioned in vv. 6:1-2 ALL have to do with OT Jewish doctrines or practices that are preparatory to the NT gospel logos message to Jews, though many Christians and churches mistake these for Church doctrines and practice because they don’t know Greek and read verses out of context and the intended audience, c) as new-born Jewish-Christians, that’s what the OT prophetic-oracles/utterances about Christ as Messiah were, d) context:  of the gospel logos message and the Holy Spirit’s means of revelation NOW through discernment, not through rote-learning of the Law as with ‘abc’ writings and rules to strictly control the Jews as little-children, e) context: our source of righteousness is Christ, no longer from obedience to the OT Law, f) 1 Corinthians 2:14, Romans 12:2, Ephesians 5:8-10, Philippians 1:9-10.



Video - Part 3:  Logos Word of God - BT12: Scripture was elementary abc's for Jews as children, slaves, & prisoners UNTIL Christ

Part 3




The OT scripture served its purpose to “bear-witness or testify about Christ” per John 5:39 and lead-by-the-hand ‘the immature, infant-like, little children‘ Jews to Christ.  However, NOW that we have Christ, His gospel logos message of The Truth WHO is Jesus and the enabling-power of the “One Teacher” of Christ’s Holy Spirit WHO is the actual “Promise” of the New Covenant.   Therefore we have NO LONGER any need for the OT scripture, especially 97.4% that is conditional, Law-based favor God – see Logos Word of God – BT5a!  Especially if you are a Gentile!  The remaining 2.6% that consists of the Messianic prophecies can still convert Jews to Christ and encourage new Jewish-Christians to resist the Law-teachers!


NOW let us put our trusting-relying-faith in The Promised Holy Spirit to “guide us into ALL The Truth” (a), and that “His anointing teaches us about EVERY single thing so we have absolutely NO need of any other teacher” (b), and that the ‘solid food’ of the Holy Spirit’s prophecy and revelation to us TODAY is enough with His enabling-power for a life of righteous holiness and godliness.  Let’s grow up and get off bottle feeding from the “milk” of biblical gramma writings.  <Notes> a) John 16:13, b) 1 John 2:27.


And for sure let us NOT ever embrace the Jew’s or any other world philosophy or religious slavery to the “asthenes ‘weak, infirm, without vigor or strength, depleted, lacking in necessary resources, insufficient, frail, and sick’ and/coupled ptochos ‘crouching/cowering like a beggar, deeply destitute/helpless, insufficient in resources, poor like a pauper’ stoicheion elementary or rudimentary ‘abc’ fundamental principles of/belonging-to the world” of gramma writings of self-determined religious disciplines of obeying dogma as ‘authoritative, universally-binding commandments of doctrines, precepts, decrees, laws, and ordinances” and self-humbling bodily-severity of dietary laws & fasting.  You see this in every world religion and cult, even in Christianity!  Borrowing from the OT and the world creates The Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit in the Church.





Lord, praise Your name for freeing us from the “guardian-manager imprisonment” of the OT scriptures that were only meant to get the “little children” Jews ready to come to Christ so they could be mature sons of God to receive their inheritance, of which the Holy Spirit was the first-fruits “deposit, guaranteeing what was to come.”  Thank You for getting us past the weak & destitute “rote ‘abc’ learning” of biblical writings and their slavery, but NOW teaching us through the discernment of the Holy Spirit, the actual promise of the New Covenant, so we have absolutely-in-fact-NO need of any other form of teaching – no more indirect learning through biblical writings or their teachers, but NOW directly by You.


Thank You for helping us see what the NT writers said about this and why they fought so hard to set us free from writings ABOUT God.  We will grab a hold of “the clear bodily reality and substance of Christ” NOW as His Holy Spirit, instead of the “fuzzy-shadows and copies” projected backward into biblical writings.  Thank You for showing us that “disciplines of the body,” especially Jewish rabbinical practices like fasting, don’t make us righteously holy or godly, but ONLY intimate koinonia fellowship with the Spirit of holiness can!  Dogma expressed in gramma ‘abc’ writings is the ‘bad news’ of every religion, even the OT one, and that which “enslaves and imprisons” so many legalistic Christians.


Every religion has a book of dogma, but even the ritual “form/appearance of godliness” of institutional Christianity does NOT have the bodily-reality of genuine, full, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of Christ thru the Spirit of discernment.  This is the “Great News” of the gospel:  that we shall “all be taught by God” and “All my men and women servants shall prophecy!”  Show us more about this Lord!



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Spiritual Education, Scripture was the elementary abc’s to prepare Jews for Christ, Scripture treated the Jews as little children & slaves & prisoners, Scripture imprisoned Jews under sin, Law of sin and death, Scripture purpose was to testify about Christ so Jews would come to Him when He arrived, Scripture no longer needed ONCE Christ came, Writings about God and rules to live by are for kids, Holy Spirit discernment is for mature sons of God, Old Testament has been replaced with New Covenant, Jesus replaced Moses Prophets and all Jewish Writings

Categories: Logos Word of God

Logos Word of God – BT11:  Paul’s writings were NOT called “scripture” in 2 Peter 3:15-16



Video - Part 1: Logos Word of God - BT11:  Paul’s writings were NOT called “scripture” in 2 Peter 3:15-16

Part 1



Logos Word of God – BT11:  Paul’s writings were NOT called “scripture” in 2 Peter 3:15-16



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Some say that Peter referred to Paul’s writings as “scripture” in 2 Peter 3:15-16.  However once again, upon close scholarly examination, it turns out to be a terrible translation or interpretation, but it actually argues for the use of ONLY the Messianic ‘portion of’ of graphe scripture and reliance on New Testament (NT) prophecy all the more!  Remember “A text without a context is a pretext for a proof-text,” as the great professor & author D. A. Carson once stated!


We’ve already seen from the previous BLOGS Logos Word of God – BT6, – BT7, – BT8, and – BT9, that the NT writers most often quote from the ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ the graphe scriptures that were Messianic prophecies to convert Jews to Christ and to encourage immature Jewish-Christians being tempted by Law-teachers to return to Moses.  The ‘portion of’ of the OT they used in either case ONLY had to do with prophecies about the kreisson/kreitton ‘so much better’ “NEW covenant, possession of things, speaking of things, logos message, sacrifice, resurrection, life, promises, heavenly country, and hope” (a), particularly of Jesus Christ for salvation dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ trusting-relying-faith in Him alone. <Notes> a) Hebrews 1:4, 6:9, 7:19, 22, 8:6, 9:23, 10:34, 11:16, 35, 40, 12:24.


Likewise, Peter has previously taken this same approach in 1 Peter 2:6 concerning Jesus being the “Cornerstone in Zion/Jerusalem” citing the OT Prophet Isaiah 28:16, using graphe scripture in the singular WITHOUT the definite article. From Logos Word of God – BT5, we saw that there are only 4 places in the NT that [singular] graphe scripture is used WITHOUT the definite article and in all 4 cases (a), and 2 cases of the [plural] graphe scripture WITHOUT the definite article (b) , the context makes it clear that the writer is thinking about a specific ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ OT graphe scripture, specifically the prophetic, and NOT ‘the whole/entirety of’ graphe scripture.


<Notes> a) John 19:37 prophecy of Christ’s piercing at the cross; 1 Peter 2:6 prophecy of Christ’s coming; 2 Peter 1:20-21 of all prophecy of graphe scripture produced by the Holy Spirit, the breath of God ; 2 Timothy 3:16 of the specific prophetic Messianic OT verses about Christ and His New Covenant salvation by trusting-relying-faith – see Logos Word of God – BT7, b) Romans 1:2 of Christ’s coming promised by The OT Prophets; Romans 16:26 of the gospel revelation of Christ promised by prophetic scriptures.


Now in this 2nd letter Peter takes this same approach to OT scripture in 2 Peter 1:20-21 “this-specific-one-of pas ‘each/every of a kind/class/category/portion of’ prophecy of/belonging-to-graphe-scripture (a) idios ‘of/belonging-to-it’s-own [person’s efforts of]’ epilusis ‘unloosing, unpacking, untying of interpretation knots to discern the true meaning’ absolutely-in-fact-NOT ginomai ‘comes into existence.’ For [the reason is that] absolutely-in-fact-NOT thelemati ‘by-the-means-of the strong desire or preferred will’ of man phero ‘was carried along to bring forth’ prophecy at-any-time, but-instead by-the-means-of [singular] Holy Spirit routinely/habitually was-being phero ‘carried along to bring forth – men spoke from God.”  Again, the Messianic prophetic ‘portion of’ singular graphe scripture WITHOUT the definite article is in mind (see note “a” above).


Even though 2 Peter 3:16 uses plural graphe scriptures WITH the definite article, and there are cases of this remotely referring to ‘the whole/entirety of’ OT scripture (a), the context earlier of 2 Peter 2:1-2, 12 indicates that is NOT the case.  There Peter warns about the “false prophets” in those OT days, “just as there will be among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master [and Christ’s teaching about His return] who bought them,” who also “blaspheme about matters of which they are ignorant.” <Notes> a) John 5:39 that is the study habits of scribes & Pharisees; Matthew 22:29 though resurrection from the dead is mostly spoken of by the OT Prophets; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 though this likely refers only to Messianic prophecies like Isaiah 53, Daniel 9:26, Zechariah 13:7, Hosea 6:2, Psalms 16:10.


The more immediate context of 2 Peter 3:2-3, 9 reinforces this:  “You should remember the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words hupo ‘subordinately under the authority of’ the [OT] holy Prophets and/coupled of-the [singular] entole ‘officially-decreed, universally-binding commandment’ (a) of-the Lord-Master-Owner and/coupled Savior-Messiah of/belonging-to-your the-apostles, knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. They will say, ‘Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.’ . . . The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” <Notes> a) God’s only singular entole commandment in the New Covenant in 1 John 3:23 actually consists of only 2 entole commandments of trusting-relying-faith in Christ and unconditionally-loving one another – see Logos Word of God – BT14.


Clearly the authoritative Messianic prophecies of the OT are being coupled to the authority given to the apostles in the Great Commission to be the Messiah’s witnesses to preach/proclaim the gospel and particularly to make disciples/followers of Christ in all nations by them definitively/wholly having trusting-relying-faith in Christ and being water-baptized for salvation eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ the forgiveness of sins in order to receive the promised grace-gift of the Holy Spirit and/also teaching them to tereo ‘guard/watch, attend carefully, to keep or maintain, hold firmly, observe or keep’ pas ‘the whole/entirety of’ what I have entole ‘officially-decreed as a universally-binding commandment to’ you . . . to the ends of the world/ages,” that is until Christ returns for them (a). <Notes> a) Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:14-20; Luke 24:46-48; John 20:21-23; Acts 1:8, 2:38-39.


This context leads up to 2 Peter 3:15 from the Greek: “And [I strongly urge you to] presently/ongoingly hegeomai ‘lead the way by your thinking, or make as your leading thought’ the makrothymia ‘long-waiting patient-restraint’ (a) of our Lord [not having already returned] as-salvation, kathos ‘just as in the manner in which’ (adverb) kai also our beloved brother Paul, kata down-from/according-to the wisdom, having-already been given to him, [he] already-wrote to you (b) . . .”


<Notes> a) makrothymia:  long-tempered waiting to express anger to avoid short-tempered premature, reactive use of force, b) since 2 Peter was written about 65-68 AD, this could be referring to Paul’s writings about Christ’s coming and His ‘patient’ delay in 1 Thessalonians 1:10, 2:19, 4:13-5:11; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-2:14 written between 51 and 53 AD.


Peter continues in 2 Peter 3:16  “hos ‘in the same manner as’ (adverb) kai also in pas ‘entirety/whole of’ the epistles ‘letters’ [of his], routinely/habitually speaking in them peri ‘all around about or concerning’ these-things (the return of Christ for judgment), en hais ‘within which is demonstrative of this, that’ (pronoun) presently/ongoingly are dusnoetos ‘difficult to understand/grasp by the mind’ some-things (a), ha which (pronoun) the amathes ‘ignorant, not informed of the essentials’ and/coupled asteriktos ‘not confirmed/established, thus unstable, unsteady’ [people, likely men] strebloo ‘twist/turn to torture, put to the rack, or pervert the truth’ hos ‘in the same manner as (adverb)’ kai also tas the-specific-ones loipos (b)remaining or left-over or left-behind kind-of-ones’ (adjective) [plural] graphe scriptures (accusative: direct object), pros ‘toward and reaching’ their [these people/men] own destruction.”


<Notes> a) actually many, because Paul’s Greek is poor and has very long sentences that can get you easily lost, b) loipos: the rest, residue, remnant, or remaining of whatever has been previously spoken of, in this case is the prophetic ‘portion of’ graphe scripture, NOT the ‘entirety/whole of’ OT graphe scriptures.  We have to remember the context and other uses of graphe scripture by Peter in 1 Peter 2:6, 2 Peter 1:20, which all have to do with the prophetic!


Peter did NOT write that these “twisters/torturers of The Truth” do this to Paul’s writings as if doing this “hos kai ‘in the same manner as also’ [the] loipos (d)remaining or left-over or left-behind ones of’ tas the-specific-ones [plural] graphe scriptures,” which could then be interpreted that Paul’s writings are other ‘kinds/classes/categories/portions of’ The graphe Scriptures, something that NO NT writer nor Jew nor Christian would dare think until the Catholic theologian Tertullian dared to introduce this idea in 208 AD to try to win some arguments against Jews and 2 so-called heretics – see Logos Word of God – BT5.  Furthermore, that’s not the correct way to apply the adjective loipos NOR where the definite article tas is!  This is actually “twisting” of difficult writings!  We’ll unpack this below!


First, in 51 occurrences of graphe scripture, most of which have the definite article, NONE have the definite article any place other than immediately in front of graphe scripture.  Clearly the emphasis of the definite-article is NOT being applied to graphe scripture but to loipos “the remaining others.”  That would leave [plural] graphe scriptures without the definite-article, only seen elsewhere in Romans 1:2 regarding the Son of God promised dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ God’s prophets in [plural] graphe scriptures, [the kind that is] holy.”  Again, the Messianic prophecies are in mind!


By using the definite-article in front of loipos, Peter is referring back to something he had spoken of in previous verses concerning graphe scriptures, but NOW specifically of “those other than” the ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ the Messianic prophecies from the OT general category of the Prophets he also always had been referring to, in other words, the general categories of the OT like the Law & Writings – see Logos Word of God – BT5.  The TLB version got this right with “the other parts of the Scripture.”  The WE version also was close with “other things in the holy writings.”  It’s a big leap to suppose that Peter is calling Paul’s writings “other scriptures” as we will see.


Peter really isn’t saying that Paul’s writings are equal to “scripture,” as some would have you believe, who admit that this is their only “proof text!”  Instead Peter is simply saying these false-teaching scoffers don’t just stop with trying to twist/torture the prophetic ‘portions of’ OT Prophets ‘portion of’ scripture about the “Great and Terrible Day of the Lord’s” coming judgment by Christ, but they scoff and twist/torture for their own greedy gain (a) even the loipos ‘remaining kind/classes/categories/portions-of’ OT graphe scriptures,” which again in context are the other kinds/classes/categories/portions-of OT graphe scriptures, particularly the torah/nomos Law and Writings. <Notes> a) 2 Peter 2:3.


Another clue is the Greek word order:  “hos ‘in the same manner as (adverb)’ kai ALSO tas the-specific-ones loipos (d)remaining or left-over or left-behind kind-of-ones’ (adjective)” is an adverbial explanation of the EXTENT at which “the amathes ‘ignorant, not informed of the essentials’ and/coupled asteriktos ‘not confirmed/established, thus unstable, unsteady’ [persons, likely men will] strebloo ‘twist/turn to torture, put to the rack, or pervert the truth’.”  We know WHY they twist OT scriptures – “for their own greedy gain,” but now Peter tells HOW far they will go to ‘twist/torture’ ‘difficult-to-understand’ writings.


The target of “twisters to turn people from The Truth, who is Jesus Christ is the “dusnoetos ‘difficult to understand/grasp by the mind’ ‘portions of’ ALL writings, not just the OT Prophets, but the Law and Writings, and even Paul’s letters, which Peter uses as an illustration/demonstration of the extent which these scoffers will go!  Even the scribes & Pharisees were false-teachers in the mind of God because they routinely used the OT graphe scriptures, particularly The Law ‘category/portion’ to try to trick and trap Jesus, and there are so many verses by the NT writers about them trying to deceitfully drag Christians away from The Truth of Jesus Christ and His gospel logos message – see Logos Word of God – BT8.



Video - Part 2: Logos Word of God - BT11:  Paul’s writings were NOT called “scripture” in 2 Peter 3:15-16

Part 2


Peter’s point is simply that “twisters/torturers” are using the same method on Paul’s prophetic “difficult-to-understand” writings concerning the return of Christ as Judge.  After generally introducing “the wisdom of Paul’s letters,” Peter then focuses on the Messianic ‘portion of’ these, that Peter’s entire context is arguing for by next saying,”[Paul] routinely/habitually speaking in them [letters of wisdom] peri ‘all around about or concerning’ THESE-things (context:  the return of Christ for God’s judgment).”


Then Peter uses the words en hais to say that “within which is demonstrative/illustrative of” “THESE things” concerning the scoffers of the Messianic judgment coming that Peter has been speaking about.  And WHAT is ‘demonstrative/illustrative’ of this is:  THAT “some-things [within Paul’s wise writings] “presently/ongoingly are dusnoetos ‘difficult to understand/grasp by the mind.’  That’s the target of the scoffers!


It is exactly THIS MAIN POINT that Peter uses Paul as an ‘demonstrative/illustrative’ example of:  “which the amathes ‘ignorant, not informed of the essentials’ and/coupled asteriktos ‘not confirmed/established, thus unstable, unsteady’ [persons, likely men]” are going to target particularly the things that “presently/ongoingly are dusnoetos ‘difficult to understand/grasp by the mind,” and in Peter’s context “THESE things” concerning the return of Christ for God’s judgment.


THAT WAS Peter’s MAIN POINT, but Peter NOW adds a further adverbial phrase to expound on the word strebloo ‘twist/turn to torture, put to the rack, or pervert the truth’ that is the EXTENT of their targeting:  hos ‘in the same manner as (adverb)’ kai ALSO tas the-specific-ones loipos (b)remaining or left-over or left-behind kind-of-ones’ (adjective) [plural] graphe scriptures (accusative: direct object).”


The emphasis is on the manner or EXTENT of “the twisting/turning” – NOT just what Peter has been primarily talking about, that is Messianic prophecies about coming judgment from the general ‘portion of’ graphe scriptures called The Prophets, but “kai ALSO tas the-specific-ones loipos (b)remaining or left-over or left-behind kind-of-ones’,” that is from The Law and The Writings – see Logos Word of God – BT5 on the general ‘portions of’ graphe scripture.  The ‘difficult to understand/grasp by the mind’ ‘portions of’ these are ALSO the target of the “twisters/torturers,” just as they ALSO have done with the “difficult to understand/grasp by the mind’ ‘portions of’ Paul’s writings!


In context, Peter has been speaking exclusively of the Messianic prophetic ‘portion of’ graphe scriptures of the general ‘portion’ called The Prophets, particularly of eternal judgment, already speaking of the “swift destruction” of those “false teachers bringing in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them” in 2 Peter 2:1.  Again “in their greed they will exploit you with false words.  Their condemnation from long ago is NOT idle, and their destruction is NOT asleep” in 2 Peter 2:3.  Again, “blaspheming about matters of which they are ignorant, they will also be destroyed by their destruction” in 2 Peter 2:12, “being kept until the Day of Judgment and destruction of the ungodly” in 2 Peter 3:7.


NOW, finally Peter speaks of “the destruction” of these “twisters/torturers” who have scoffed at the Lord’s coming who follow their own sinful desires in 2 Peter 3:3, but NO longer for just “twisting/torturing” the “difficult to understand kinds of’ Messianic prophetic ‘portion of’ graphe scriptures in The Prophets, but ALSO of the “other kinds/classes/categories/portions of’ the OT graphe scriptures like the Law and Writings, just as they “twist/torture” the “difficult to understand kinds of’ Paul’s “wise letters,” but particularly in mind, the ‘portions of’ pertaining to Christ’s coming judgment!  I already said this above, but it bears repeating to see the logical flow of Peter’s argument.


Peter’s only real point concerning Paul’s writings is that “SOME things in them are ‘difficult to understand/grasp by the mind,'” which is a very diplomatic way of saying this.  Note how Peter introduces Paul as the “BELOVED brother Paul, kata down-from/according-to the wisdom, having-already been given to him.”  This is very diplomatic, considering how Paul publicly condemned Peter in Galatians 2:11-14 (Acts 15:1).  Maybe Peter was attempting to mend the rift between them and set a good example of Christian unity.


However, every Greek scholar will tell you that ALL of Paul’s writings are complicated and ‘difficult to understand/grasp by the mind,’ especially because of his very long run-on sentences without punctuation in the original manuscripts, difficulty in sorting out his grammatical structure, complex vocabulary, unique revelations, deep theology, and his learned legal-ease style as a Pharisaical lawyer where his arguments can get so long that you can ‘lose the forest through the trees.’ His Greek wasn’t as good as other writers, and nothing like the polished Greek of the book of Hebrews, likely written by his travelling companion Barnabas.  Peter likely was being soft on Paul to keep the focus on these scoffers!


The real issue Peter is addressing concerning Paul is the controversy that was created by Paul’s teaching on the Lord’s return and how these ‘twisting/torturing scoffers’ have had a hay-day with it, for their own personal gain, leading to their own destruction. Paul’s teaching in 1 Thessalonians 1:10, 2:19, 4:13-5:11 created such confusion and misunderstanding that Christians were doing absolutely crazy things, like selling their houses and waiting on mountain tops, which the false prophets and teachers, maybe even Jewish Law-teachers, certainly took advantage of.  It was so bad that Paul had to write another letter to try and correct this in 2 Thessalonians 1:5-2:14.  And the confusion and controversy continues to this day!


Many commentators/translators (including the NET Bible) correctly note that this “twisting/torturing of truth” is what all cults and scoffers do, focusing on the difficult, obscure passages of the bible – not on its plain teachings.


However, the emphasis in 2 Peter 3:15-16 is clearly on these scoffers and their twisting/torturing of OT scripture, particularly the ‘difficult to understand/grasp by the mind” ‘portions of’ it, whether the Prophets, Law, or Writings.  Peter’s argument isn’t that Paul’s writings are ALSO scripture, for he sure doesn’t give you any reasons to support that argument.  If anything Peter is criticizing Paul’s writings to ALSO be ‘difficult to understand/grasp by the mind” and thus easy prey for the “twisters/torturers of The Truth.”


Peter’s point is that these “twisters/torturers of The Truth” don’t just do this to ‘the difficult, hard-to-understand ‘portions of’ the Messianic prophetic ‘portions of’ OT scripture found in the general ‘portion’ call The Prophets, specifically about Christ’s coming judgment at His return, but also to ‘the difficult, hard-to-understand ‘portions of’ the ‘remaining, left-over’ kinds/classes/categories/portions of’ graphe scriptures that Peter had NOT previously referenced, that is, the Law and Writings – again see Logos Word of God – BT5 for the broad subdivisions of the OT.


But the “twisters/torturers of The Truth” don’t stop with the OT, but ALSO do the same with other ‘the difficult, hard-to-understand ‘portions of’ Paul’s prophetic writings, but the context makes it clear that Peter is talking about the Messianic prophetic ‘portions of’ about Christ’s coming judgment at His return.  Modern-day scoffers that are still in it for fame and fortune use the same methods!





Hopefully after clearing up the “muddy waters” in the last few BLOGS that some “twisters/torturers” have created over the years with their “proof-texts” for the unrestricted use of the OT scripture and even treating the NT as “holy scripture,” this will help you take one more step to understanding how completely-different-in-kind the New (a) Covenant and New (a) Way are of pistis trusting-relying-faith in Christ and His Holy Spirit. <Notes> a) chadash, kainos: fresh, completely-different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior.


Did you know that the term “Holy Books” was created by the Catholic Church sometime between 465 – 1500 AD, and the term “Holy Bible” was created in 1611 by the authors of the King James Bible.  Can you see how the “traditions of men” get started?  They don’t have any early Church precedence!





Lord, I thank You that we don’t have to be “wise and understanding” Greek scholars to genuinely, experientially, relationally epiginosko You or Your will – see Bible Info – BT2, because You have given us ALL impartial access to You by the means of the Holy Spirit, the “One Teacher” for us to be “guided into ALL The Truth, so that “by Your anointing we ALL have eido mental ‘seeing’ to perceive knowledge, and so we have absolutely-in-fact-NO need that any man teach us” per 1 John 2:20, 27 including the “difficult-to-understand writings” of Paul or his differences of doctrinal opinion from that of Peter or James.  We don’t have to follow any of these “so-called pillars of the Church” per Galatians 2:9, because we can learn directly from You under the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant.




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Spiritual Education, Paul’s writings were NOT called “scripture” in 2 Peter 3:15-16, Peter called Paul’s writings hard to understand, Scoffers of Christ target difficult writings to twist for their own gain, Twisters target the Prophets but ALSO other scriptures categories like Law & Writings, Twisters targeted Paul’s prophecies about Christ’s coming also because difficult to understand

Categories: Logos Word of God

Logos Word of God – BT10:  “The Reading” in 1 Timothy 4:13 was NOT The Law ‘portion of’ scripture



Video: Logos Word of God - BT10:  “The Reading” in 1 Timothy 4:13 was NOT The Law ‘portion of’ scripture



Logos Word of God – BT10:  “The Reading” in 1 Timothy 4:13 was NOT The Law ‘portion of’ scripture



Please follow the BLOG Etiquette to stay on topic and pass the moderator’s check.  Bold, underlined text below = future links to the BLOG pages.


For another detailed breakdown of this, see Body-of-Christ-Ministry – BT13.  In 1 Timothy 4:13 Paul says: “Until I erchomai ‘come from one place to this place,’ [I strongly urge you to] presently/ongoingly prosecho ‘hold attention toward and reaching/accomplishing’ (a) the reading (b), the paraklesis exhortation (c), the didaskalia doctrine/teaching (d).”  The 3 “the” definite articles imply these are specific congregational practices that Timothy would be familiar with, which Paul would take back control of when he arrived.  They are integrally related as you can see in:


Body of Christ – BT14:  “THE EXHORTATION” of 1 Timothy 4:13 is Summoning of the “One-Teacher” Spirit to encourage & instruct us close-beside


Body of Christ – BT15:  “THE TEACHING” of 1 Timothy 4:13 is the Sound Doctrine of the gospel Truth about Christ’s love and salvation by grace thru faith but also godly loving of each other


<Notes> a) prosecho: ‘hold toward and reaching/accomplishing,’ set and keep a course toward to accomplish, b) ana + gnosis = again knowing gnosis information, c) paraklesis:  ‘alongside-calling, urging, exhortation, encouraging, comforting, consolation, counseling, instructing, teaching,or from early Church history it can mean: invocation of the Holy Spirit to be “the One Teacher” of Matthew 23:8 – see Romans 15:4 that regards the Messianic ‘portion of’ OT scripture and NOT the whole/entirety of it, d) didaskalia – see also Romans 15:4 that also talks about the specific kind of instruction/teaching for Jewish-Christian paraklesis encouragement.


Just as with 2 Timothy 3:16 and Romans 15:4, there are too many people that try to also make 1 Timothy 4:13 be a “proof-text” that ALL Christians are to use ALL of the OT graphe scripture in their lives. However once again, upon close scholarly examination, it turns out to be FAR from a “proof text,” a terrible translation to do so, and it actually argues for the use of ONLY the Messianic ‘portion of’ of graphe scripture!  Remember “A text without a context is a pretext for a proof-text,” as the great professor & author D. A. Carson once stated!


“THE READING” in the immediate context and that of everything else Paul has written to his evangelist-preacher-in-training Timothy, has absolutely nothing to do with “the reading” of the books of Moses.  In context, it’s very possible Paul was simply referring to in 2 Timothy 1:13 the “sound doctrine/teaching . . . in/by/with [singular] trusting-relying-faith and/coupled [singular] unconditional-love” that are combined into one idea, just as 1 John 3:23 combines these same 2 commandments into 1 compound commandment from God, because the next definite article in 2 Timothy 1:13 is in the singular “the-ONE in Christ Jesus.”  This the same “sound logos words/messages of the Lord of us, Jesus Christ” to be entrusted to other men like Timothy (a). <Notes> a) 2 Timothy 1:13, cf. Titus 2:2.  See also 1 Timothy 6:3; 2 Timothy 4:3; Titus 1:9, 2:1.


Acts 15:31 is a case where a letter was READ by Gentile-Christians that was written from Jewish-Christians in consensus with each other and the Holy Spirit, and when it was read this resulted in the SAME paraklesis ‘alongside-calling, urging, exhortation, encouraging, comforting, consolation, counseling, instructing, teaching and consequently rejoicing, joy being a ‘flavor’ of the singular fruit of the Spirit that is singularly unconditional-love per Galatians 5:22.  This should give us a clue about what Timothy was to READ and the nature of his “the paraklesis exhortation, the didaskalia doctrine/teaching.”


Therefore, Timothy’s temporary “reading UNTIL Paul’s arrival” could indeed simply be of the things Paul wrote to him previously or left with him, whether we have a record of them or not, because we know other letters of Paul’s have been lost.  But look what that was!  Body of Christ – BT15:  “THE TEACHING” of 1 Timothy 4:13 is the Sound Doctrine of the gospel Truth about Christ’s love and salvation by grace thru faith but also godly loving of each other.


However it’s much more likely that Paul was referring specifically with the definite-article to a collection of Messianic prophetic passages from the OT graphe scriptures that Paul and Barnabas often quoted from to convert Jews to Christ, just as Timothy was converted by!  That’s because we know from 2 Timothy 3:14-16, that these were the “hois ‘the specific things’ you-have-already manthano ‘learned the essentials from’ and/coupled you-have-already-become pistoo ‘persuaded/assured-of as faithful/trustworthy, because of where you have placed your trusting-relying-faith‘,  . . . that from childhood ta ‘the-specific-ones’ sacred gramma writings you-have-already [with ongoing effects] eido ‘mentally seen to perceived/knownta ‘specifically-the-ones’ routinely/habitually [NOW also] are-being-powerfully-able to-make-you-wise eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ salvation dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ [singular] trusting-relying-faithtesspecifically the one that is’ IN Christ (The Anointed One) Jesus.”  Look at the 4 definite-articles (bolded) used!  Paul is very specific, as with his teaching that he has left Timothy as we have seen above in Body of Christ – BT15.


We saw from Logos Word of God – BT7 that THIS IS the ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ pas graphe scripture that is also for Timothy as Paul’s “the man of God” evangelist-preacher per 1 Timothy 6:11 NOW “profitable/useful for teaching/instruction, for rebuking and correcting [Jewish Law-teachers], etc.”  This interpretation would also be consistent with everything Paul previously wrote or spoke to Timothy about above in Body of Christ – BT15, and was exactly the way Paul preached/taught to Jews, and rebuked or corrected Jewish Law-teachers.  Paul did often say to imitate his/his-team’s example (a), especially to Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:10.  We also saw that to translate “pas graphe scripture” in 2 Timothy 3:16 as “the whole/entirety of OT writings” is a violation of Greek rules, Pauls’ use of Greek, and the context.  It’s just plain bad translation and interpretation!  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 4:16, 11:1; Philippians 3:17, 4:9; 1 Thessalonians 1:6; 2 Thessalonians 3:9.


We also know from early Church writings that this list of prophetic logion ‘oracles/utterances of God’ (d) existed in the predominantly Jewish Church to continue to paraklesis ‘close-beside encourage, instruct, counsel’ converts to stick with Christ and not be tempted by “the teachers of the Law,” which is a theme throughout Paul and Barnabas’ teaching since they travelled as an evangelistic team and would sound very much like each other.  This 2.6% of the OT were the verses used to convert early Jews – see also New Covenant Ways – BT13a. There are at least 365 Messianic prophecies – see also Salvation – BT4 .<Notes> d) Acts 7:38; Hebrews 5:12; 1 Peter 4:11.


It’s absolutely shameful that 30 bible translators (a) have actually inserted the words “of scripture” and one bible inserted the “Word of God” (b) at the end of the “Until I ‘come from one place to this place,’ [I strongly urge you to] presently/ongoingly ‘hold attention toward and reaching/accomplishing’ THE-specific-kind-of READING” phrase in 1 Timothy 4:13.  They based this on pure conjecture, and often with no footnoting to justify their decision!  This is abhorrent, especially when nothing in the immediate context would lead you to do this as we’ve clearly seen above and will see below!  Can you see how “winds of doctrine” get started in the Church!  Thank God 30 translations did NOT commit such a crime (c)!




The context of 1 Timothy 4:13 actually proves that “THE READING of ‘the entirety/whole of’ scripture” is absolutely NOT what’s in mind!  From 1 Timothy 4:3, the “logos message (a) of God” and the “prayer of thanksgiving” that makes “everything God has created, which is good” now “ongoingly holy (b)” has absolutely nothing to do with the OT Law!  It was Jewish “teachers of the Law” that were “requiring abstinence from foods that God has created” (c)!  But Paul is telling Jewish-Christians otherwise: They should be “received with thanksgiving by-the pistos ‘faithful/trustworthy one – those who have trusting-relying-faith in The Faithful/Trustworthy One’ and/coupled have already [with ongoing results] genuinely, fully, experientially, relationally epiginosko known The Truth” (c), who is Jesus Christ per John 14:6.  But “we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior (Jesus) of all (d) people – particularly those belonging to trusting-relying-faith. Paraggello ‘inform/notify close-beside, authoritatively charge, solemnly entreat’ and/coupled teach THESE things” (e)!  Can you see what Paul is telling Timothy to ‘READ to gnosis informationally-know again’ only “UNTIL Paul arrives?”  This is certainly not the food Laws of the OT, which are many!


<Notes> a) We saw in the Intro page that logos in the NT in all but 4 cases refers to Jesus Christ or His gospel message, b) hagios: sanctified, consecrated, separated, dedicated, made ceremonially ‘clean’ or pure, c) 1 Timothy 4:3, d) pas: often means ‘each/every of a kind/class, category/portion of’ as is clear here by the qualifying adverbial phrase following – see pas graphe scripture in 2 Timothy 3:16, e) 1 Timothy 4:10-11.


We also know from the context that “THE READING” indeed has something to do with Timothy’s grace-gift of evangelism-preaching of the gospel (a) that he should “practice, be immersed in” (b), and that he is to “carefully watch for himself and his teaching, persist in/by/with” (c). This absolutely cannot be ‘the whole/entirety of’ OT scripture because Paul says “by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers” (c).  The OT Scripture won’t save anybody, certainly not the Torah Law of conditional-favor that makes up 97.4% of it – see Logos Word of God – BT5a, no matter how much you read it!  <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 4:14, b) v. 15, c) v. 16.


We can’t forget:  “For if that first [OT] covenant had been NOT memphomai faulted-blameworthy-rejectable-condemnable, there would have been no occasion to look for a second [NT covenant]” (a) and “For on the one hand, a former [OT] commandment is set aside because of its asthenes ‘weak, infirm, without vigor or strength, depleted, lacking in necessary resources, insufficient, frail, and sick nature’ and/coupled anopheles ‘unprofitable uselessness’ – for the Law made absolutely-in-fact-NO-thing perfect – but on the other hand, a kreitton ‘so-much-better’ [NT] hope is introduced, through which we presently/ongoingly draw near to God” (b).  Why would Paul have Timothy read the Law after says that? <Notes> a) Hebrews 8:7, b) Hebrews 7:18-19.


We also know from Paul’s writings thatThe Truth” (a) that these Christians “have already [with ongoing results] genuinely, fully, experientially, relationally epiginosko known” sure is NOT gnosis informational-knowledge ABOUT anything, not even OT scripture, so why would Paul have Timothy just “READ to gnosis informational-know again.”


Instead,The Truth” actually is Jesus Christ (b) and the “logos gospel message of/belonging-to The Truth of God of/belonging-to the Lord [Jesus] (c). “The logos gospel message of The Truth” that Timothy was to “preach as an evangelist, carefully watch for himself and his teaching, practice or be immersed in, and persist in/by/with” of 1 Timothy 4:14-16 is that which can ALONE “save him and his hearers.”  Again, THIS certainly is NOT the ‘whole/entirety of’ the OT scriptures and certainly not the Torah Law of conditional-favor that makes up 97.4% of it that condemns men to death (d).


<Notes> a) 1 Timothy 4:3, b) Ephesians 4:21; Titus 1:1; 2 Corinthians 11:10, cf. John 14:6, c) Acts 8:25, 15:7; 1 Corinthians 1:17; Galatians 2:14; Ephesians 1:13; Colossians 1:5, d) John 7:51; Romans 5:16, 18; 2 Corinthians 3:9; cf. Romans 8:1 NOW for Christians.


Then why would Paul tell Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:13 to thenprosecho ‘hold attention toward and reaching/accomplishing’ himself to THE READING” of “the ‘whole/entirety of’ scripture” as so many translations have erroneously inserted?


As we’ve seen, Paul already had told Timothy what NOT to thus be devoted to:  NOT Jewish-teacher things, but faith things: 1 Timothy 1:4, and NOT teaching of deceitful spirits/demons that cause some to depart from The-Christian-Faith, even concerning abstinence from foods:  1 Timothy 4:1-3!  How could “READING the Law ‘portion of’ the scriptures,” the very ones the Jewish-teachers were using to enforce food laws, be “The Truth” that will “save both yourself and your hearers?” <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 4:3, b) Ephesians 4:21; Titus 1:1; 2 Corinthians 11:10, cf. John 14:6, c) Acts 8:25, 15:7; 1 Corinthians 1:17; Galatians 2:14; Ephesians 1:13; Colossians 1:5, e) 1 Timothy 4:13.


The “THE READING of [every/whole of] scripture” translations also ignore the context of Paul’s other writings concerning “pas ‘each/every of a kind/class/category/portion of’ graphe scripture,” particularly 2 Timothy 3:16.  There they believe that pas always means “the whole/entirety of” and thus here that “the whole/entirety of graphe scripture . . . is profitable/useful for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, etc.” but Paul uses pas often as ‘each/every of a kind/class/category/portion of’ and particularly regarding scripture!  It also violates the context and everything Paul says about the Law and teachers of the Law in the Church!  They believe Paul is including the Torah Law of conditional-favor based on obedience to 613 commandments, which are strewn throughout most of OT scriptures, making for 97.4% of the verses, though they were certainly concentrated in the 5 books of Moses.  See Logos Word of God – BT7 for many other violations necessary to prove “the whole/entirety of scripture . . . is profitable/useful for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting . . .”


However, THE READING of the Law seriously violates many things Paul wrote about NOT using the Law – see Logos Word of God – BT8, but especially 2 Corinthians 3:14-18 where Paul criticizes Jewish-Christians for listening to the Jewish teachers of the Law who continue to press Jewish-Christians to “read Moses” or the old covenant.  Paul says “to this very day,” it causes the hearer’s hearts and minds to be hardened and blocked from seeing God’s glory that is alone in the face of Jesus Christ.  Do you want this to happen to you?


The way to metamorphic transformation is to turn your face, heart, and mind away from Moses to the Lord.  As we fix/gaze our wide-open eyes on Jesus, then this “cocoon to butterfly” change can happen but ONLY by the Spirit, who is the Lord!  Paul’s argument is that this will never come from THE READING of the Torah Law of conditional-favor.  In fact, the exact opposite will happen, because “the enabling-power of sin is the Law” (a) for the “Law came in [time] to increase the trespass” (b).  It’s called “Law of sin and/coupled death” (c) for that very reason! <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 15:56, b) Romans 5:20, c) Romans 8:2.





As Christian musicians, do we really want to keep taking verses out of context and ignoring their specific vocabulary from the original languages to prove our “pet doctrine” that churches should be READING from the entire OT scripture?  Biblical exegesis is getting the meaning from the Greek text, NOT 1 of 900 English translations, and then insuring the context supports our translation and interpretation.  This how you build your doctrine, NOT by reading into the text our English definitions, cultural understanding, and Church traditions to then create an interpretation of the text that now supports our pretext for our “proof-text.”


1 Timothy 4:13 “public READINGS” in predominantly Jewish-Christian church gatherings were once again specifically the ‘portions of’ the OT scripture that are prophetic discussing the Messiah and His preached gospel logos message for salvation through trusting-relying-faith in Christ within the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant.  This is the same 365 or so verses that the early Church used to convert Jews, about 2.6% of the OT, which the NT writers use liberally but especially Paul and Barnabas.  This “public READING” would never include the 5 books of Moses or old covenant, for much is written to prohibit this – see Logos Word of God – BT8.  It’s possible that Paul is asking Timothy to read portions of his “sound-doctrine/teaching” that he has already communicated to Timothy, but again much of this is based on Paul building arguments from these select OT Messianic prophetic verses to rebuke Jewish Law-teachers and to close-beside-encourage young Jewish-Christians still feeding off this ‘milk’ of the OT logion prophetic oracles-utterances concerning the stoicheion elementary ‘abc’ fundamentals about Jesus as their promised Messiah per Romans 3:2, Hebrews 5:12, 6:1.





Lord, thank You for keeping the Law out of our lives, because we died to the Law when we were water-baptized into Your death.  I pray that You will free other deceived Christians who still read “scriptures that imprisoned ALL under sin” with so many “regulations and commandments and rituals” for Jews to “guard them like prisoners, no different than slaves” when their entire purpose was to bring the “child-like” Jewish people to mature sonship through trusting-relying-faith in You as their Messiah.


Even the Messianic prophecies used to convert Jews to Christ in the early Church are still “milk” and the “ABC fundamentals” compared to the “solid food of discerning good and evil by the Holy Spirit” – see New Covenant Ways – BT16, which is the actual grace-gift “promise” You have for Christians.  None of the OT was meant for Gentiles!


Lord, free confused Christians from looking to palaios “old, antiquated, worn for wear, worn-out” scripture with it rules & regulations and “skia shadows/outline-sketches that are not the body/reality of Christ” per Colossians 2:17.  Free confused Christians about the ‘new scripture,’ as Catholic traditions erroneously named the NT writings 208 years after the apostles.  Free us from the traditions of men, so that You alone become our One Teacher by Your Holy Spirit.




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Spiritual Education, “The Reading” in 1 Timothy 4:13 was NOT The Law ‘portion of’ scripture, The Reading was select Messianic portions of OT scripture used to convert Jews & encourage Jewish-Christians, Paul used this prophetic milk ABC’s often to encourage Jewish-Christians NOT to listen to Law-teachers, Paul used these Messianic portions to argue against Jews, These are the same being referred to in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, THE READING is about The gospel Truth of Christ as savior that gives the Holy Spirit to encourage & instruct us into all The Truth

Categories: Logos Word of God

Logos Word of God – BT9:  Roman 15:4 does NOT teach Christians to use ALL scripture



Video - Part 1:  Logos Word of God - BT9:  Roman 15:4 does NOT teach Christians to use ALL scripture

Part 1



Logos Word of God – BT9:  Roman 15:4 does NOT teach Christians to use ALL scripture



Please follow the BLOG Etiquette to stay on topic and pass the moderator’s check.  Bold, underlined text below = future links to the BLOG pages.


Some Christians will say, “Well what about Romans 15:4 as a supposed “proof-text” like 2 Timothy 3:16 that ALL Christians should use ALL of the Old Testament (OT) graphe scripture.  Again, upon close scholarly examination, it turns out to be FAR from a “proof text,” a terrible translation, but it actually argues for the use of ONLY the Messianic ‘portion of’ of graphe scripture!


The Greek text from Bible Hub says:Gar for hosos whatever-things were-already prographo ‘written before [in time] or depicted/portrayed openly before the public’s eyes’ [these] pas ‘every/each of a kind/class/category/portion of things’ were-already prographo ‘written . . . public’s eyes’ eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ ten ‘the specific’ didaskalia instruction/teaching [emphatic:] that-is-OUR’s, in-order-than dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ THE-specific-kind-of hupomone ‘patient, steadfast endurance’ and/coupled THE-specific-kind-of paraklesis ‘alongside-calling, urging, exhortation, encouraging, comforting, consolation, counseling, instructing, teaching’ of/belonging-to-the graphe scriptures [plural with the definite article], THE-specific-kind-of elpis [Christian] Hope we’all MIGHT presently/ongoingly hold-to-have.”


Doesn’t that mean ‘the whole/entirety of’ scripture is meant for ALL Christians to read & study?   Only if you take it completely out of context!  Only if don’t understand the normal use of pas for ‘every/each of a kind/class/category/portion of things’ in the “distributed or portion of” sense instead of “the whole/entirety sense” – which is also the case for “pas graphe scripture” [here in the singular but without the definite article] as in 2 Timothy 3:16 in Logos Word of God – BT7, and that [plural] graphe scriptures often refers generally ONLY of the OT Prophets but more specifically of the Messianic prophecies as in Matthew 26:56 where it also uses the definite article to narrow it down even further to the persecution & suffering of the Christ – see definition B2 of Logos Word of God – BT5.


Only if you don’t understand that [plural] graphe scriptures are often even more narrowed down to be the prophetic “oracles/utterances of God” that are Messianic, used by the early Church to convert Jews that consists ONLY of 2.6% of the OT – see definition B3 of Logos Word of God – BT5, and also with the definite article to narrow it down even further to the Messianic ‘portion of’ OT Prophets that Christ fulfilled as in Matthew 26:54, Mark 14:49, Luke 24:25-27.  So in Roman 15:4 we have the same use of graphe scriptures in the plural with the definite article, so the meaning is the same!  Remember  “A text without a context is a pretext for a proof-text,” as the great professor & author D. A. Carson once stated!


However, it was THIS Messianic ‘portion of’ the definite-articled plural graphe scriptures that Paul reasoned with the Jews per Acts 17:2, that the Berean Jews checked Paul out on in Acts 17:11, that Apollos likely preached Jesus to be the Christ from in Acts 18:24 to even publicly refute-down-from in Acts 18:28, which is the same root elegcho meaning of rebuttal that Paul tells Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 that ‘portion of’ scripture that “is profitable/useful for. . . rebuttal.”  Jesus also refuted the Jews who persecuted Him appealing to the same ‘portion of’ the graphe scriptures that spoke about His rejection and exaltation to become “the chief cornerstone” in Matthew 21:42.


It was also  THIS ‘portion of’ the definite-articled plural graphe scriptures about Christ dying & His resurrection for our sins that Paul delivered as foremost per 1 Corinthians 15:3.  The resurrection ‘portion of’ the graphe scriptures is also what Jesus had in mind in Matthew 22:29 and Mark 12:24.  Clearly the gospel is referencing specific ‘portions of’ gramma writings collected in specific ‘portions of’ graphe scripture as in Romans 1:2 and 16:26 – see Logos Word of God – BT4.


There are also key words in Romans 15:4 that refer back to the context that help to define what is in mind in: “Gar for hosos whatever-things were-already prographo ‘written . . . for OUR’s.”  The Greek conjunction gar is “used to express cause, explanatory reason, or inference/continuation of the previous statement,” which is Romans 15:3 “Gar for Christ did not please Himself, but as it is grapho written, ‘The reproaches (a) of those who reproached You (Christ) fell on Me (God).’”  The context of Psalms 69:9 make it clear king David was speaking prophetically of the Messiah and His Father God, again this ‘portion of’ being what the NT cites from the OT graphe scripture (b). <Notes> a) insolent, abusive, insulting language and treatment, b) Matthew 3:17, 12:18, 17:5; Mark 1:11; John 5:19; Luke 3:22; Romans 5:19.


Paul used a specific prophetic ‘portion of’ the OT graphe scriptures, specifically about the persecution of Christ being actually against God, especially since we know that Jesus lived ONLY to please God in perfect obedience, thus whatever was being brought against Christ was actually being brought against God the Father.  Therefore, the specific gar ‘explanatory reason’ for Paul writing Romans 15:4 points back to Romans 15:3, but this is clearly indicating the ‘portion of’ “the graphe scriptures” in mind in v. 15:4 is the Messianic ‘portion of’ introduced in v. 15:3 and thus v. 15:4 is a gar “continuation of this previous statement” in v. 15:3.  It is THIS Messianic ‘portion of’ the graphe scriptures” that has to do with the Christian “OUR specific-kind-of teaching/instruction” that has to do with “THE-specific-kind-of patient-endurance and/coupled THE-specific-kind-of encouragement, for hopefully having THE-specific-kind-of [Christian] Hope” that we see later in v. 15:4.  This is Paul’s argument style of flowing from one idea to another to prove his point.


There’s more though!  But even that statement of Romans 15:3 “Gar for Christ did not please Himself, ….” is linked back again using gar to the “causal reason” for Paul’s main point in v. 15:2:  “[I strongly urge you to] presently/ongoingly you’all please-by-serving the plesion ‘neighbor, fellow Jewish-Christians in context’ of each of us eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ the agathos ‘God-like, excellent, distinguished, upright, pleasant, useful, salutary, good,’ pros ‘toward and reaching  [singular: the] building-up-of [of your fellow Jewish-Christians].  In Greek, verses 2-4 are one big sentence, not 3 as your English bible erroneously shows – see Bible Info for other translation problems!  In context, the reason for Jewish-Christians to please ‘others of like kind’ in order to build them up, even if we have to personally suffer, is because that’s how Jesus lived to please His Father.


The bigger context is Romans Chapter 14 where strong Jewish-Christians, those who broke free from the Law’s many regulations even of dietary rules, free NOW because of their trusting-relying-faith in Christ, shouldn’t use their freedom to eat prohibited food in front of ‘weak-in-faith‘ brethren still enslaved to the Law, because this may cause the weak-brethren to end up sinning because their actions are “not-coming-out-of-faith” when they violate their conscience. The strong Christian’s freedom caused the weaker brethren to sin.  This is not unconditional-love for others.  Instead of ‘the strong’ just ‘pleasing’ themselves, they should have thought about pleasing’ the weaker.



Video - Part 2:  Logos Word of God - BT9:  Roman 15:4 does NOT teach Christians to use ALL scripture

Part 2


In addition, the Greek word hosos in Romans 15:4 Gar for hosos whatever-things were-already prographo ‘written before . . . for OUR’s teaching/instruction.”  Hosos is a comparative or correlative pronoun meaning: “as/so great a space as, as many whatsoever as of, as/so long time as, as much of this as, so much more, in so far as.”  Paul is comparing or correlating his statement:  “were-already prographo ‘written before . . . publicly’ [these] pas ‘every/each of portion of things’ were-already prographo ‘written . . . ‘ eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ ten ‘the specific’ didaskalia instruction/teaching [emphatic] that-is-OUR’s” to his previous statement in v. 15:3 that quotes Psalms 69:9 as we saw in Part 1 video, just as the conjunction “for (gar)” in v. 15:4 is the “causal reason” for the statement in v. 15:3.  Paul is consistent!


Thus Paul is saying, I cited Psalms 69:9 in v. 15:3 for “as much of this as [comparatively] “was-already written before . . . publicly” about Christ’s pleasing others instead of just Himself, so NOW you can comparatively apply THIS to your current situation.”  That is ‘the portion’ that is NOW “eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ ten ‘the specific’ didaskalia instruction/teaching [emphatic] that-is-OUR’s . . . [for a Christian’s] . . . THE-specific-kind-of patient-endurance and/coupled THE-specific-kind-of encouragement for hopefully having THE-specific-kind-of [Christian] Hope.”


Again, there is a SPECIFIC reason it can be COMPARED/CORRELATED to them NOW, because the gospel logos message NOW has only 2 commandments in it combined into 1, 1 to the unsaved about trusting-relying-faith in Christ, and 1 to the saved about unconditionally-loving others, and both are part of Paul’s main argument of Christian “God-like good works” that we also saw in the previous BLOG Logos Word of God – BT8.


Romans 15:1-4 is all about this 1 subject!  We must not miss this larger context!  Seeking the good of others over oneself (a), insuring that one’s own liberty is NOT becoming a stumbling block for others (b), and here that “we who are strong in trusting-relying-faith in Christ have an obligation to bear the failings of the weak in faith, and/thus not to please ourselves . . . but to build them up” (c).  ALL this IS about building up the body through unconditional-love (d), all about “bearing one another’s burdens and so fulfilling the Law of Christ” (e), and all about “being transformed by the renewing of the mind . . . so let everyone among you in-possibility-NOT to think of himself more highly than he ought to think” but instead think of “the members of 1 body that do absolutely-in-fact-NOT have the same praxis function” (f).  From an impartially-loving God, none of us is ‘more special’ than another, because we are all equally ‘special.’  What differs is NOT the amount of God’s grace-gifts to us, but the way they praxis function “for the building up of the whole” body-of-Christ (g).  This is so important that it’s Christ’s only commandment to the saved:  to “unconditionally-love one another just as I have you” (h).


<Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 10:24, b) 1 Corinthians 8:9, c) Romans 15:1-2, d) Ephesians 4:16; 1 Corinthians 8:1, e) Galatians 6:2, f) Romans 12:1-4, g) 1 Corinthians 12:7, 14:12, 26; 2 Corinthians 12:19, 13:10; Ephesians 4:12, 29, h) John 13:34, 15:12; 1 John 2:7; 2 John 1:5.


Here’s more context leading to “us hopefully having The [Christian] Hope” of Romans 15:4.  The elpis hope Paul is speaking about is uniquely Christian:  “hope of the glory of God” as a result of “obtaining access to peace with God through Jesus Christ into this unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace in which we stand and rejoice” (a), a “hope that does not put us to shame, because God’s unconditional-love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us” (b), “For I consider the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.  For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God . . . the children of God . . . we wait eagerly for adoptions as sons, the redemption of our bodies (c) for in this hope we were saved. . . we wait for it with hupomone patient-steadfast-endurance” (d).  So we “rejoice in hope, be patiently-steadfastly-enduring (verb of hupomone) in tribulation/persecution” (e). This is the same hupomone patientsteadfastendurance that Paul associates to elpis hope in Romans 15:4. <Notes> a) Romans 5:1-2, b) Romans 5:5, c) Romans 7:24, d) Romans 8:18-25, e) Romans 12:12.


In fact, the hope Paul has in mind throughout Romans is our patiently waiting through suffering-tribulation-persecution with the endurance/steadfastness of trusting-relying-faith in Jesus Christ UNTIL our bodies are redeemed when we glorified with Christ because we suffered with Christ (a).  Paul speaks of this bodily transformation often (b) at Christ’s return, what Paul calls “our blessed hope” (c).  This “hope is in Christ” (d), “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (e), and “through the Spirit, by trusting-relying-faith, we ourselves eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness” (f).  This is when even our sinful bodies are made righteous! <Notes> a) Romans 8:17, b) 1 Corinthians 15:52; Philippians 3:21, c) Titus 2:13, d) Ephesians 1:12, e) Colossians 1:27, f) Galatians 5:5.


This is NOT the righteousness that comes from obedience to 613 commandments of the Torah Law of conditional-favor, because: “the graphe scripture imprisons ALL under sin” (g) for “the gramma letter kills” (h), exactly because 97.4% of the OT is Law-based – see Logos Word of God – BT5a, and so “when the Law came I died” (i), so Paul sure wasn’t asking Christians to find much hope in 97.4% of the OT.  No, the context makes it clear that it’s the prophetic ‘portions of’ scripture that Paul has in mind that gives us hope! <Notes> a) Romans 8:17, b) 1 Corinthians 15:52; Philippians 3:21, c) Titus 2:13, d) Ephesians 1:12, e) Colossians 1:27, f) Galatians 5:5, g) Galatians 3:22, h) 2 Corinthians 3:6, i) Romans 7:9.


Therefore the pas “whole/entirety of graphe scriptures” translations or interpretations of Romans 15:4 doesn’t give us any hope!  Most of Paul’s writings argue that 97.4% ‘portion of’ the graphe scriptures that are of the paradigm/mindset of The Law condemn us, giving us NO hope!  Paul tells us in Romans 15:4 the ‘portion of’ the graphe scriptures that DO are those that “might give us [Christians] hope.”  This is written in the subjunctive mood because it’s still up to the Jewish-Christians to consider these ‘portions of’ concerning Christ.  The problem they always had was listening more to the Law-teachers!


We’ve already seen that “THE-specific-kind-of hope” in mind has to do with “THE-specific-kind-of patient-steadfast-endurance” of trusting-relying-faith in Christ.  Only if we “endure to the end” shall we be considered devoted, faithful, or saved – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT16. We see this close link between elpis hope and pistis trusting-relying-faith in Jesus often (a).  That is because hope is trusting-relying-faith for future events – see Obedient Steps of Faith – BT5<Notes> a) Hebrews 11:1, Romans 5:2; 1 Corinthians 13:13; Galatians 5:5; Colossians 1:23; 1 Thessalonians 1:3, 5:8; 1 Peter 1:21.


However, “THE-specific-kind-of patient-steadfast-endurance” in Romans 15:4 of trusting-relying-faith in Christ, is integrally coupled by the conjunction kai to “dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ THE-specific-kind-of paraklesis encouragement of/belonging-to-the graphe scriptures.”  The Messianic ‘portion’ of/belonging to the OT is what is actually encouraging, and this is directly linked to “THE-specific-kind-of patient-steadfast-endurance” of trusting-relying-faith in Christ.


It is also no coincidence that Paul speaks so much about this special-kind of paraklesis encouragement as that which comes through salvation directly by God (a), specifically by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit’s paraklesis “alongside-calling, urging, exhortation, encouraging, comforting, consolation, counseling, instructing, teaching” (b), that comes from intimate koinonia relationship with the Spirit (c).  Jesus spoke often of the Holy Spirit as the Parakletos or Paraklete (d)!  The Holy Spirit is what makes the prophetic ‘portion of’ prophetic – see Rhema Word of God! <Notes> a) Romans 15:5, b) Acts 9:31, c) Philippians 2:1, d) John 14:16, 26, 15:26, 16:7; 1 John 2:1.


The context after Romans 15:4 also gives us more clues.  In Romans 15:9-12 Paul cites other OT Messianic prophecies, to explain that although “Christ became a servant to the circumcised (Jews) . . . to confirm the promises given to the [Jewish] fathers” (v.8).  Christ also did this “in order that the Gentiles might glorify God for His mercy” (v. 9), Paul specifically citing the Prophet Isaiah: “the root of Jesse will come, even . . . to rule the Gentiles; in Him will the Gentiles hope.”  Paul does all this to explain his mission to the Gentiles (vv. 14-21), giving both Jew and Gentile Christians this blessing: “May the God of hope fill you will all joy and peace presently/ongoingly by-the-means-of The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ THIS presently/ongoingly to-abound to-you in/by/with The hope by-the-means-of [singular: the] dunamis dynamite-like-enabling-power [of/belonging-to the singular: the] Holy Spirit” (v. 13).  Can you see where hope comes from?  From the Holy Spirit by our trusting-relying-faith in Christ!


So, you can see from the context of Romans 15:4 that:  the Messianic prophetic scriptures about Christ’s servant-suffering and ultimate rule for our hope are what was in view here by Paul to specifically instruct Jewish-Christians to endure all kinds of suffering for the sake of Christ, and thus to patiently-steadfastly-endure in their trusting-relying-faith in Christ and also their unconditional-love for one another just as Jesus came not to be served or to please Himself but to serve by pleasing others.  They will indeed find “alongside-encouragement” of the Holy Spirit from specific Messianic prophetic scriptures concerning Christ and His sufferings for them.  They have to stop listening to the discouragement of the Law-teachers!   This need to stick with The Christian Faith long enough to realize their Christian hope, a hope that the Gentiles now even have – something that these Messianic prophetic scriptures also promised!



Video - Part 3:  Logos Word of God - BT9:  Roman 15:4 does NOT teach Christians to use ALL scripture

Part 3




As Christian musicians, do we really want to take verses out of context and build our theology on 1 of 900 English translations to push our pet doctrines, even erroneously believing that ‘the entire/whole of’ OT scripture was written for ALL Christian instruction/teaching, endurance, or encouragement to have hope?  Based on Paul’s select Greek vocabulary, sentence structure, prophetic OT verses quoted, and the context of Romans 14 and 15, there is just no way Paul could mean this, not to mention Paul’s extreme negativity towards the Law ‘portion of’ the graphe scriptures, as shown in the last 2 BLOGS Logos Word of God – BT7 and – BT8?


No, once again Paul is speaking about the Messianic prophetic ‘portion of’ scripture concerning Christ and His gospel logos message of salvation through trusting-relying-faith by unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace for a completely different-in-kind New Covenant, absolutely not through obeying commandments of the Law or old covenant.  Grace and Law simply can’t co-exist in 1 covenant.  You have to pick one or the other to live under!  Paul links patient-steadfastness-endurance of faith to the Holy Spirit’s encouragement many times, but neither come from the Law, which is 97.4% of scripture, but they both do from the Messianic prophetic ‘portions of’ the OT.  If you plan on converting Jews or encourage new Jewish-Christians still feeding on the ‘milk’ of Messianic prophetic scriptures, then don’t build doctrine from anything but a thorough understanding of the original Greek and Hebrew, because English as with all other translations can really botch it, especially when they violate the working vocabulary of the writers and the context – see Bible Info!


Paul’s main point is for these Jewish-Christians, who revere the scriptures, to learn from the Messianic prophetic ‘portions’ that speak of Christ pleasing His father despite His own sufferings.  Those ‘portions of’ the OT – Paul quotes many to prove his points to Jewish-Christians – should indeed give them patient-steadfast-endurance from the Holy Spirit’s encouragement during their own suffering.  A lot of Jews and even weak-in-faith brethren were criticizing their freedom from the dietary laws!  Paul tells them there are times to stand up for your freedoms and times when you lay them down in order to unconditionally love others, especially so the weak-in-faith Jewish-Christians don’t violate their conscience and thus sin.  It’s all about building others up by unconditionally-loving them.  The only 2 commandments in the New Covenant are trusting-relying-faith in Christ and unconditionally-loving others, so again this is Paul’s focus.  It’s wrong to interpret Romans 15:4 outside of this context.





Lord, thank You that you have freed every Christian from the Law, 97.4% of the scripture, and even freed some Jewish-Christians from the ‘milk’ of the Messianic prophetic scriptures of the OT, instead giving us the ‘solid’ food of the discernment by the Holy Spirit – see New Covenant Ways – BT16.  I thank You that You meet us where we are, still needing ‘milk’ or ready for ‘solid food.’  Thank You that the prophetic ‘portions of’ scripture STILL do convert Jews to Christ and that they can be encouraged by these ‘portions’ to patiently-steadfastly-endure in their faith even through persecution from other Jews, other religions, and even from brethren that are weak-in-the-faith still bound to a religion of obedience to commandments in order to please You.  Give us discernment Holy Spirit when to lay down our own personal freedoms in Christ to build others up by unconditional-love so that we may win as many as possible to You, Jesus.  Give us discernment when to stand up for our freedoms in Christ and when to lay them down to help others come to you.  Holy Spirit, we need your discernment to guide us into ALL the truth!




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Spiritual Education, Roman 15:4 does NOT teach Christians to use ALL scripture, Only Messianic portion of scripture was encouraging to endure in faith in Christ & Love for others, Paul uses the definite article with plural scriptures for Messianic prophecies, Context refers to Messianic prophecies, All the key words used are used by Paul elsewhere for Christians topics

Categories: Logos Word of God

Logos Word of God – BT8:  Scripture’s “Law” was NOT “profitable for teaching, etc.” in the Church



Video Part 1 - Logos Word of God - BT8:  Scripture's "Law" was NOT “profitable for teaching, etc.” in the Church

Part 1



Logos Word of God – BT8:  Scripture’s “Law” was NOT “profitable for teaching, etc.” in the Church



Please follow the BLOG Etiquette to stay on topic and pass the moderator’s check.  Bold, underlined text below = future links to the BLOG pages.


We’ve already seen in Logos Word of God – BT7 so many reasons from NOT including the Old Testament (OT) “Law or old covenant” in what is “profitable for teaching, etc.” but let’s dig into it some more here!


We’ve already seen from the previous BLOGS that 97.4% of the OT scripture simply wasn’t used to convert Christians, especially because it only consists of skia ‘shadows, outlines, sketches,’ hupodeigma copies/representations, sustoicheo corresponding tupos types or prefiguring antitupos antitypes, and parabole symbols “of the coming agathos ‘God-like-good-things,” which IS the genuine soma ‘Body or real-substance’ that casts the ‘shadow’ backwards in time through the OT scripture, WHO is Christ but also His gospel logos message of a completely-different-in-kind New Covenant NOW by-the-means-of the promised Holy Spirit instead of by man’s “might and power” (a).  <Notes> a) Romans 5:14; Galatians 4:25; Colossians 2:17, Hebrews 8:5, 9:23-24, 9:9, 10:1; 1 Peter 3:21.


IF we NOW have the “Living Logos Word/Message of God” (a) that is clearly Christ, and we also NOW have His Holy Spirit, dwelling within us to “teach you’all ALL things and bring to your’alls remembrance ALL that I (Jesus) have said” (b), who is “The Spirit of The Truth to guide you’all into ALL The Truth” (c), so that “these things [are those] that God has revealed/uncovered to us’all dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ The Spirit” (d), because the “The Logos Word/Message of God presently/ongoingly meno ‘abides, dwells, remains’ IN you’all kai and/subsequently you’all have-already [with ongoing effects] nikao ‘conquered as victors’ the Evil One . . .


. . . The Anointing [that is the Holy Spirit] you’all presently/ongoingly hold-to-have from the The Holy One (Christ) and/thus you’all-already [with ongoing effects] eido mentally ‘seen’ to perceive/know ALL-things . . . The Anointing, which you’all-have-already lambano ‘grabbed hold of to receive/possess’ from Him (Christ), presently/ongoing meno ‘abides, dwells, remains’ IN you’all, kai and/subsequently you’all-have absolutely-in-fact-NO need that ANYONE should-teach you, but-instead just-as this same Anointing presently/ongoing teaches you’all peri ‘all around/about, concerning’ ALL-things, kai and/also presently/ongoing is absolutely-in-fact alethesThe Truth, absolute-reality, kind of Truthkai and/subsequently presently/ongoing is absolutely-in-fact-NOT a lie/falsehood, kai and/thus just-as it-all-already taught you’all, [I strongly urge you to] presently/ongoing meno ‘abide, dwell, remain, continue’ in Him (Christ)” (e) –


– IF ALL this is true, THEN why do we still need “shadows, outlines, sketches, copies, representations, corresponding types or prefiguring antitypes, and symbols of the THEN coming ‘God-like-good-things,” found in Old Testament graphe scripture?  And the context of the passage above is that we don’t need teachers of it either!


<Notes> a) Hebrews 4:12; 1 Peter 1:23, b) John 14:26, c) John 16:13, d) 1 Corinthians 2:10, e) 1 John 2:14, 20, 27, cf. John 15:4-9.


But NOW we’ll see even stronger arguments for not including “The Law” ‘kind/class/category/portion/book of’ scripture, not just the 5 books of Moses or Pentateuch but at least 97.4% of the OT that is based on it, and Jesus and all Jews then and NOW regard the entire OT as “The Law” – see Logos Word of God – BT5a.  We have to remember Paul said in Galatians 3:22-23: “The graphe scripture imprisoned ALL under sin, in-order-that ‘The Promise ek out-from trusting-relying-faith of/belonging-to Jesus Christ might-be-given to those-who are routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith.  However, pro ‘BEFORE in time’ The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) had-come/arrived, we-were-being CONTINUALLY (a) phroureo ‘held-under or watched-over like a military guard/sentinel’ hupo ‘subjugated under’ [singular: the] Law, routinely/habitually sugkleio ‘completely shut up together, without means of escape, thus delivered up to or made-subject to the power/dominion of the imprisoner.’  <Notes> a) rare imperfect passive.


Earlier in Galatians 3:14-18 Paul said:  ‘The Promise” is the “lambano ‘grabbed hold of to receive/possess’ Holy Spirit dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ trusting-relying-faith,” which thus is part of the zoe genuine-life that fulfills promises made to Abraham and His offspring Christ to receive an inheritance (a), which again has nothing to do with The Law because these promises to Abraham were made 430 years before The Law.  WHY in the world would ANY Christian want any part of the Law?  <Notes> a) inheriting salvation, eternal zoe genuine-life, the kingdom of God, the Holy Spirit as a first-fruit being a guarantee of our inheritance, a glorious inheritance that comes at Christ’s return that is our blessed hope to be glorified as He is.



Video Part 2 - Logos Word of God - BT8:  Scripture's "Law" was NOT “profitable for teaching, etc.” in the Church

Part 2


The New Testament (NT) says so many extremely negative things about the “Law of commandments that it’s simply impossible in 2 Timothy 3:16 from the previous BLOG, Paul’s “man of God” (a) evangelist-in-training preacher of Christ’s gospel logos message, for Paul to be telling Timothy to include “The Law” in the “pas graphe scripture” as to what is NOW “profitable for teaching, etc.”  As we’ve seen this is just one of many reasons to prefer in place of the less common ‘whole/every sense’ of pas interpretation, what Greek scholars term ‘the distributed or portion of sense’ or ‘every/each of a kind/class/category/portion of’ translation of pas, because 4 uses of the specifying/narrowing Greek definite articles and the immediate context make it clear that this ‘portion of’ is NOT The Law and NOT just the OT Prophets as “the God-breathed or Spirit-blown” portion, but more specifically the Messianic prophecies about “salvation by trusting-relying-faith in Christ” that are actually found in every ‘portion of’ OT graphe scripture, just as Jesus & others later pointed out (b). <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 3:17, b) Luke 24:27, 44; cf. John 1:45; Matthew 11:13; Luke 16:16; Acts 13:27, 24:14, 28:23; Romans 3:21.


It is ONLY this specific ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ that Paul reminded Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:15 that he was converted BY as a little child that NOW for him as a “man of God” preacher are “profitable for teaching, rebuking, etc.” and THAT IS:  “ta the-specific-ones that routinely/habitually are powerfully-enabling to make you wise eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ salvation dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faithtes ‘the specific one’ IN Christ (The Anointed One, Messiah) Jesus.”  The translation-interpretation of “pas graphe” as the “whole/entirety of scripture” violate normal Greek vocabulary, syntax, and the context!


The Greek word nomos for “Law” literally means “division into piles, as with grain or food.”  This is also the basis of the various words for “judgment” – see Unconditional-Love – BT17, meaning to “point the finger or shoot an arrow at” one of those ‘piles’ of people and declare judicially “guilty” or “not guilty.”  And yet Christians are not to judge, especially by outward appearance (a).  Jesus criticized the Law-teachers for being very judgmental (b).  “They tied up heavy burdens [of the Law,] hard to bear, and lay them on people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger” (c).  The last thing Jesus wanted for anybody was to be a Law-teacher!  Yet, I’ve heard them in just about all the 15 churches I’ve served in – and more that I’ve attended!  <Notes> a) Matthew 7:1; Luke 6:37; 1 Corinthians 4:3, b) John 7:24; 8:15, c) Matthew 23:4; Luke 11:46.


However, in application, nomos generally means “principles or ways” just as the Hebrew word torah generally means “instruction of principles or ways,” and this is the way it is sometimes used in the NT, as with these examples in bold text below, Paul says:  “So I find it to be ‘a law’ that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand.  For I [as a Jewish-Christian] delight in the [Mosaic] ‘Law of God,’ in my mind/heart/inner-being, [however] I see in my members ‘another law’ waging war against the [Mosaic] ‘Law of/belonging-to my mind’ and making me captive to the ‘law of/belonging-to sin’ that dwells in my members” (a).  The context defines the ‘Law of my mind/heart/inner-being” as the Mosaic Law as I’ve indicated in [brackets].  Now the tricky part is that Paul directly links the ‘law of sin in my members’ to the [Mosaic] “Law of God,” so that Paul ultimately concludes that the Mosaic Law is ‘the Law of sin and death’ (b).  The [Mosaic] Law is a “ministry of death, carved in letters on stone . . . the ministry of condemnation” (c), for “the sting of death [is] sin, de and-moreover the dunamis ‘dynamite-like enabling-power‘ of sin [is] The Law.”  Again, why would Christians want anything to do with any part of the Law? <Notes> a) Romans 7:21-3, b) Romans 8:2, c) 2 Corinthians 3:3, 7, 9.



Video Part 3 - Logos Word of God - BT8:  Scripture's "Law" was NOT “profitable for teaching, etc.” in the Church

Part 3


Paul concludes his long rant about the effects of the Mosaic “Law of God” by saying “For the Law of/belonging-to the Spirit of zoe genuine-life has set you free [from slavery] in Christ Jesus from [Mosaic] The Law of sin and death” (a).  Yes, Paul is saying that “the agathos (b) or kalos (c) ‘good’ holy, righteous, and Spirit-kind-of” (d) Mosaic Law of commandments that actually ‘promised’ righteousness and zoe genuine-life (c) ended up “proving to be death” because it is “The Law of sin and death.”


<Notes> a) Romans 8:2, b) Romans 7:12, agathos is “‘God-like good, upright/honorable, excellent, beneficial/useful, or praiseworthy,’ c) Romans 7:16, kalos is “beautifully-attractive good that inspires/motivates others to also embrace what is beautiful & praiseworthy,” d) Romans 7:12, 16, e) Leviticus 18:5; Deuteronomy 30:16; Romans 9:31, 10:4-5; Philippians 3:6, 9; Galatians 2:21, 3:21.


The Law could NOT keep its promises!  Why NOT?  It’s not that The Law is defined as sin or is sinful itself.  The problem is that The Law not only exposes or defines what sin is (a) and brings light in to show us that sin is actually quite sinful (b), but Sin Personified (likely Satan, the deceiver of the world) seizes the opportunity of the Law’s commandments to deceive us and produce all kinds of sin in us, for apart from The Law, sin is lifeless. As we grow up, as soon as we become aware of The Law, even in the hearts/consciences of the Gentiles (c), sin becomes alive in us and we are immediately sentenced to death, even though it ‘promised’ righteousness and zoe genuine-life.  Therefore, indirectly The Law still “proves to be death to us.” <Notes> a) Romans 7:7, b) Roman 7:13, c) thus the “age of accountability” – even for Gentiles per Romans 2:15.


The Law itself does NOT produce death in us, but the sin it made alive does (a)!  Still, the fact is that the “good, holy, righteous, and Spirit-kind-of Law” has effectively become “death to me” because of “sin dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of The Law is ongoingly working death inside me, which shows not only that sin is defined as sin by the “good, holy, righteous, and Spirit-kind-of Law” but that sin might kata come-down-upon-us-as (or used as an intensifier) exceedingly sinful or ‘beyond measure’ (b), because it certainly has produces all kinds of sin in us as soon as The Law defined in (c).  Again, why would Christians want to embrace reading, studying, and trying to apply The Law to their lives? <Notes> a) Romans 7:8-11, b) Romans 7:13, c) Romans 7:8.


That’s why Paul can still conclude in Romans 8:2 that it is “The Law of sin and death” that we need to be set free [of slavery from] by the “the nomos Law [instructional principles or WAY) of the Spirit of zoe genuine-life,” especially because “the sting of death [is] sin, de and-moreover the dunamis ‘dynamite-like enabling-power‘ of sin [is] The Law” (a).  Our deliverance comes from Jesus Christ our Lord (b), but how and when?  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 15:56, b) Romans 7:24.


Paul answers this in Romans 8:1, 3, 9-11:  “There is therefore NOW absolutely-in-fact-NO condemnation for those who are IN Christ Jesus . . . For The Law [is] adunatos ‘NOT dynamite-like powerfully-enabling‘ in that it was CONTINUALLY asteneo ‘‘weak, infirm, without vigor or strength, depleted, lacking in necessary resources, insufficient, frail, and sick’ dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ the flesh.  The God, having already-sent the Son of Himself in likeness of flesh [mankind] of/belonging-to [mankind’s] sin, kai and/specifically peri ‘all-around, concerning’ sin, already condemned/passed-sentence-on the sin [of mankind] in the flesh” [of mankind] (a) . . .


. . . You, however, are not ‘IN the flesh’ but “IN the Spirit,’ if in fact the Spirit of God dwells IN you.  If however, anyone does absolutely-in-fact-NOT hold-to-have the Spirit of Christ [then] this-one absolutely-in-fact-NOT presently/ongoingly is-defined-as of/belonging-to Him.  However if Christ is IN you, although [singular: the] body/flesh [is] indeed/truly dead dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ sin, however the Spirit [is] zoe genuine-life dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ righteousness (a).  And/moreover, if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells IN you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead also shall-give-you kai also/subsequently zoe genuine-life to your mortal bodies (b) dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ His Spirit who dwells IN you.”  So our Romans 7:24 “deliverance by Christ” comes in 2 stages just as with Christ’s coming to earth!  “Condemnation” comes from The Law (c) but Christians are freed from this by the Spirit, unless they abandon their trusting-relying-faith – see Obedience of Faith – BT16 (d).


<Notes> a) propitiation or atonement means sin in our flesh transferred into His flesh on the cross so that at His resurrection His righteousness is transferred to us, b) This happens after the resurrection of the dead when we are glorified and our bodies are also redeemed, our blessed hope we patiently wait for – Romans 8:23-25; Titus 2:13; 1 Peter 1:3, c) Romans 5:16, 18; 2 Corinthians 3:9; James 5:12, d) 1 Timothy 5:12.


The commandments of the “Law” are NOT just in the 5 books of Moses or Pentateuch but permeate every other part of the OT, because ALL the writers were in the paradigm/mindset that is “under the Law” (a) that deserves, earns, or merits righteousness and favor with God through works and sacrifices to cleanse them from sin (a). <Notes> a) Romans 2:12, 3:19, 6:14-15; 1 Corinthians 9:20-21; Galatians 3:23, 4:4-5, 21, Galatians 5:18; Philippians 3:6; Hebrews 7:11, 9:22, b) Luke 10:7 & 1 Timothy 5:18 & James 5:4 contrasted to Romans 4:4, cf. Romans 6:23; 2 Peter 2:13.


This conditional-loving-favor of the OT is the exact opposite of the NT’s gospel logos message of the unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace that is a free grace-gift of God by simply routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith in Jesus Christ because of His one act of obedience on the cross.  Law and Grace are opposite concepts:  Law is merited, deserved, earned, and conditional so what you receive is a wage (a), and Grace is unmerited, undeserved, unearned, and unconditional so what you receive is a free grace-gift.  You can’t even mix these two things – like water and oil can’t be!  <Notes> b) Luke 10:7 & 1 Timothy 5:18 & James 5:4 contrasted to Romans 4:4, cf. Romans 6:23; 2 Peter 2:13.


If we are to STILL ‘trust, rely, depend, and thus have pistis faith‘ in The Law to STILL be “profitable/useful for teaching, etc.” in 2 Timothy 3:16, than how does that have anything to do with v. 3:14’s “but as for you [Timothy, I strongly urge you to] presently/ongoingly meno ‘abide, remain, continue’ in the-things you-have-already manthano ‘learned the essentials from’ and/coupled [that] you-have-already-become pistoo ‘persuaded/assured-of as faithful/trustworthy, because of where you have placed your trusting-relying-faith‘,  . . . that from childhood ta ‘the-specific-ones’ sacred gramma writings you-have-already [with ongoing effects] eido ‘mentally seen to perceived/knownta ‘specifically-the-ones’ routinely/habitually [NOW also] are-being-powerfully-able to-make-you-wise eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ salvation dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ [singular] trusting-relying-faithtes ‘specifically the one that is’ IN Christ (The Anointed One) Jesus?”  <Notes> a) Romans 10:5; Psalms 119:142; Isaiah 42:21, 51:7.



Video Part 4 - Logos Word of God - BT8:  Scripture's "Law" was NOT “profitable for teaching, etc.” in the Church

Part 4


The Law and graphe scripture in general also promised that by THIS the Jews would become “wise and understanding” and that this would grant them zoe genuine-life everlasting as they “feared the Lord” (a), but the Old Testament couldn’t keep those promises either!  Jesus said in John 5:38-40 to the bible-student Pharisees and scribes:  “You’all presently/ongoingly diligently-search/study the graphe scriptures because you’all presently/ongoingly dokeo suppose/opinionate-that en in/by/with them zoe genuine-life everlasting [you will] presently/ongoingly to hold-to-have [this], kai and/yet these-ones presently/ongoingly are-they specifically-the-ones presently/ongoingly testifying/bearing-witness peri ‘all around about, concerning’ Me kai and/yet absolutely-in-fact-NOT presently/ongoingly you-are-optimally-desiring to definitively/wholly erchomai ‘come from one place to another’ pros ‘toward and reaching’ Me in order than you’all-may hold-to-have zoe genuine-life.”  <Notes> a) Psalms 110:10, 119:98; Deuteronomy 4:6; Job 28:28; Proverbs 1:7, 9:10.


They missed the whole, real point of their bible!  Evidently all their bible-study didn’t really make they “wise and understanding” as their bible promised!  Ironically, “the secrets of the kingdom have been un-hidden for little children but kept hidden from these so-called ‘wise and understanding ones” (a).  The WAY of the bible-scholar fails miserably – see Bible Info – BT2. <Notes> a) Matthew 11:25, 13:11; Mark 4:11; Luke 8:10; 10:2.


For example, in 2 Corinthians 3:14-18 Paul criticizes people for listening to these Jewish Law-teachers who continue to press Christians to “read Moses” or “the old covenant.”  Paul says “to this very day,” it causes the hearer’s hearts/minds/inner-being to be hardened and blocked from seeing God’s glory, still being “hidden by Moses’ veil’ because “the glory” is NOW alone in the face of Jesus Christ.  Do you want this to happen to you?  The only way towards metamorphoo ‘being metamorphically transformed’ is to turn your face or heart/mind/inner-being away from Moses’ gramma writings collected into graphe scripture and instead turn your eyes to Christ.


As we katoptrizomenoi ‘fix/gaze-with our wide-open eyes on Jesus as a reflected image of His Holy Spirit within us as when looking into a mirror’ then this ‘cocoon-to-butterfly’ change can happen – but ONLY by-the-means-of the Spirit, who is the Lord!  Paul’s argument is that this will never come from reading The Law of conditional-loving-favor.  In fact, the exact opposite will happen, for “the enabling-power of sin is the Law” (a) because the “Law came in [time] to increase the trespass” (b).  It’s called “The Law of sin and/coupled death” (c) for that very reason!  So why would Paul include The Law in 2 Timothy 3:16 for what was “profitable for teaching, for rebuking/rebuttal, etc.?”  He wouldn’t – see  Logos Word of God – BT7. <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 15:56, b) Romans 5:20, c) Romans 8:2.


Paul said in his earliest letter to mostly Jewish-Christians in Galatians 3:21-22:  “If [singular] Law had been given that could give zoe genuine-life, then righteousness would indeed be [singular] Law.  However, instead the graphe scripture imprisoned ALL under sin, in-order-that ‘The Promiseek out-from trusting-relying-faith of/belonging-to Jesus Christ – might be given to those who routinely/habitually are-having trusting-relying-faith.


Earlier in verse Galatians 3:14,  ‘The Promise” is the “lambano ‘grabbed hold of to receive/possess’ Holy Spirit dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ trusting-relying-faith,” which thus is part of the zoe genuine-life that fulfills promises made to Abraham and His offspring Christ to receive an inheritance (a), which again has nothing to do with The Law because these promises to Abraham were made 430 years before The Law (b).  The Law couldn’t bring zoe genuine-life (c).  Christians don’t receive the wages of the Law but their inheritance because of the promise (d), so we are the children of The Promise (e).  Why would The Law be “profitable for teaching . . . for paideiachild-like gentle, educational-training/rearing’” to a the children of The Promise made 430 years before The Law came, whose inheritance has absolutely nothing to do with The Law? <Notes> a) Galatians 3:15, 19, b) v. 3:17-18, c) v. 3:21, d) v. 3:29; Romans 6:23, e) v. 4:28.


However, once Christ came, Jewish-Christians SHOULD have been freed from this slavery, made huios mature adopted sons to receive their rightful inheritance. That’s when they could receive the [singular] first-fruit of their inheritance – the Holy Spirit (a) into their hearts so they could have a heavenly “Daddy” who could NOW unconditionally-love them because there is NO MORE SIN LEFT to judge within them, and thus can NOW experientially, relationally ginosko know God.  How could they go back to commandments about things like days, months, seasons, and years, although these are all specified in the Law as well as by the “Traditions of the Elders”?  How could they go back to being enslaved by the “asthenes ‘without vigor/strength, thus weak, depleted, insufficient, frail, feeble, sickly’ and/coupled ptochos ‘crouching/cowering like a beggar, deeply destitute/helpless, insufficient in resources, poor like pauper’ stoicheion elementary ‘abc’ principles of this world?” per Galatians 4:9, that we will talk about more below?  I wonder how many Christians Paul would have to say this of? <Notes> a) Romans 8:23.


ALL Jews for whom the graphe scriptures were specifically written (a) are “in/by/with/under the Law” (b) and therefore “under the dominion of sin” (c) until they are set free [from slavery] in Christ through His (and our own death by water-baptism) to The Law (d), “having died to The Law dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ the Body of Christ, in order that you may belong to another, to Him” (e).  Now there is only Christ’s “perfect Law of liberty/freedom [from this slavery]” (f) that is now ONLY “the Law of trusting-relying-faith” (g) and “the Law of Christ” (h) that is to “unconditionally-love for one another” by “bearing one another’s burdens” (i) – the only 2 commandments in the New Covenant.


<Notes> a) Romans 3:1-2 explains the advantages of being a Jew:  key was being entrusted with the logion oracles/utterances of God.  Although by context this often refers only to the prophetic ‘portion of’ scripture spoken in Church as in Hebrews 5:12 that is a model for Christian prophecy in 1 Peter 4:11, it can also mean the Law spoken to Moses by a Messenger, likely Christ, as in Acts 7:38, or ALL of scripture or Law & Prophets as here in Romans 3:2, b) Romans 2:12, 3:19; 1 Corinthians 9:20-21; Galatians 3:23, 4:4-5, 21, 5:18; Philippians 3:6; Hebrews 9:22; James 2:12, c) Romans 3:9, 6:14, 7:14; Galatians 3:22, d) Acts 13:39; Romans 7:4-6, 8:2, 10:4, e) Romans 7:4, f) James 1:25, 2:12, g) Romans 3:27, h) 1 Corinthians 9:21; Galatians 6:2, i) John 13:34, 15:12; Galatians 6:2; 1 John 2:27; 2 John 1:5; James 2:13.


Clearly the New Covenant’s Law of 2 commandments combined into 1 in 1 John 3:23 katargeo “abolished/nullified” The Law or old covenant by Christ Jesus who was the telos “consummated-end, end-purpose, end of the aim” by airo ek tou mesou ‘lifting it up out of the way,’ having nailed the handwritings in The Dogma (a) ‘universally-binding authoritative decrees, ordinances, regulations, doctrines, precepts, and commandments‘ [of the OT] against us to the cross, having blotted them out.”  Why?  Because the old covenant was amemptos ‘NOT faultless, without blame, above reproach’ kai and/thus palaioo ‘made NOT just old, dated, ancient or antiquated in time, but also worn out by use, or worse for wear and thus obsolete’ and/coupled gerasko ‘growing old and frail, failing from age or obsolescence’ kai and/subsequently aphanismos ‘near vanishing, disappearance or destruction’  (b). <Notes> a) dogma: used negatively in Luke 2:1; Acts 17:7; Colossians 2:14; Ephesians 2:15, and positively only in Acts 16:4, b) Hebrews 8:7, 13; 10:9; Romans 10:4; Ephesians 2:15; cf. 2 Corinthians 5:17/


Again, we’ve seen that The Law and graphe scripture are often viewed synonymously so that Paul could say: “the graphe scripture imprisoned pas ALL under sin, so that The Promise out-from trusting-relying-faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who are routinely/habitually having trusting-relying-faith” (a). Praise God!  <Notes> a) Galatians 3:22.


Another reason for NOT including the Law is found in Galatians 4:1-10.  Paul says that before Christ came, the Jews “under the Law” were like little children under epitropos ‘guardians of minors under 14’ and/coupled oikonomos ‘household managers,” which were hired servants to strictly insure little children got to school & back safely.  However, this was only intended until they were huios of-age, mature sons, ready to receive their inheritance.  As little children, they were treated no differently than other household-servants/slaves, still held-in-bondage to the stoicheion ‘elementary ‘abc’ principles’ of the world, including Gentile religions and even Judaism!


In Colossians 2:8 Paul warns that false-teachers are “taking you captive by philosophy (love of human wisdom) and/coupled empty/vain-deception, [that comes] kata down-from/according-to the traditions of men, kata down-from/according-to the stoicheion elementary ‘abc’ principles of the world, enslaving you once again.”  The context makes it clear that the “stoicheion elementary ‘abc’ principles of the world” have to do with gramma writings, even collected into OT graphe scripture, that require you to “submit to regulations of ‘Do not handle, Do not taste, Do not touch” that they should have “with Christ died to” (a).  If Christians coming out of slavery to Jewish and other world religions or Greek philosophy THEN return back to them, they become “enslaved once again.”  Why would any Christian today want to go back to 97.4% of the OT that is regulations-based – see Logos Word of God – BT5a?  <Notes> a) Colossians 2:20-21.


Paul is certainly including the Jewish Law in these “traditions of men . . .stoicheion elementary ‘abc’ principles of the world, enslaving you ONCE AGAIN,” because he refers to circumcision in Colossians 2:11, and “the handwritings by-the-means-of THE Dogma ‘public decrees of God, the rules, regulations, and commandments contained in ordinances’ that stood against us with its legal demands being airo ‘lifted up’ out-of the way, having nailed it to the cross” in Colossians 2:14.  However, Jewish-Christians were not to be ruffled by Jewish judgments against them regarding the Law’s dietary regulations, festivals, new moons, or Sabbaths, all of which are scriptural skia ‘shadows, outlines, sketches’ of the things to come, but the soma Body/reality belongs/is-of Christ” in Colossians 2:16-17.  Paul would ask so many Christians today:  “If with Christ you died [in water-baptism per Colossians 2:12 and Romans 6:4] to the stoicheion elementary ‘abc’ principles of the world, why…do you submit to regulations of ‘Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch?” in Colossians 2:20.



Video Part 5 - Logos Word of God - BT8:  Scripture's "Law" was NOT “profitable for teaching, etc.” in the Church

Part 5


There are just so many NT bible verses that ‘poop-poo’ The Law but here is a summary:  The Law was only “UNTIL John [the Baptist], but SINCE THEN the gospel is preached”; it has been stamped “null and void” or nullified, like a paid-off loan, so that the contract is NOW worthless and can thus be thrown away; its ‘way of serving God’ is old or antiquated and worn out from use; is fulfilled and filled-to-completion, accomplished, ended, or finished by Christ and thus has faded, vanished, and passed away; it has been abolished since Christ fulfilled it; has been set aside because of its weakness and uselessness; Christ has does away with it violently or has put it to death the first covenant in order to establish the Second radically-different-in-kind New Covenant; it is no longer binding since we have died to it and thus no longer under it; there is NOW no such Law for those who live by the Holy Spirit; it was added originally by God only as a schoolmaster/escort service, prison-guard, or household-manager to protect the Jews when they were being treated as ‘little children‘ slaves of the household, but only until the coming of Christ when they would be freed from slavery and treated as mature sons that could then receive their inheritance.


Here’s some more:  the Law’s regulations to control indulgence are ‘elementary or rudimentary ‘abc’ fundamental principles’ given to the Jews, as in all religions, but are still infantile ‘milk’ originally intended only to lead Jews to the person of Christ, rules that are actually powerless and absolutely of of no value in curbing the indulgence flesh, even though it has an appearance of wisdom, as compared to the ‘solid food’ of gymnastic-like practicing of the Holy Spirit’s discernment of good and evil – see New Covenant Ways – BT16; the old covenant was changed to a ‘so-much-better covenant’ because of a so-much-better logos message, so-much-better priesthood, so-much-better sacrifice, so-much-better hope, so-much-better promises, and so-much-better inheritance; the reading of Moses continues to this day to cover the hearts of the hearers with a veil that blinds, separates, and hardens them from the glory of God in Christ Jesus;  the ‘teachers of the Law’ were not permitted to teach in the Church and so were referred to as ‘false teachers or Judaizers or the Circumcision Party’.


The negativity even gets worse:  The ‘Law of sin and death’ is what we’ve been set free by the Law of the Spirit of zoe genuine-life; The Law is weakened by the flesh; makes sin known to us and shows sin to be sin so that through the commandment sin might become sinful beyond measure; the Law holds us as captive slaves and controls us.  The scripture imprisons ALL under sin; the Law arouses our sinful passions; it is the enabling-power of sin; it is the reason sin comes alive in us; Personified Sin uses the Law to produce all kinds of sin in us; the Law multiplies sin; it condemns us; it kills us; it brings wrath and death; by it no one is justified; the doing of one rule of the Law commits us to doing it all, bringing a curse upon ourselves; the Law only promises merited, earned, deserved, conditional-favor from God, which is the exact opposite of unmerited, unearned, undeserved, unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace so that any attempts at the doing of the Law causes us to fall from unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace, causing us to be severed from Christ; the Law is absolutely-in-fact-NOT of trusting-relying-faith in Christ that alone saves us; and the Law made nothing perfect, so absolutely won’t perfect us.


Paul has already told Timothy in his first letter (a) toparaggello ‘speak a message close-beside, charge, solemnly entreat’  certain persons in-possibility-NOT to teach any different doctrine/teaching” than the gospel logos message of “The Trusting-Relying-Faith” (The Christian Faith) (b).  In context, these “certain persons” were teachers of the Law” who are “devoted to . . . [many Jewish traditions, vain discussions, speculations, etc.], desiring to be teachers of the Law . . .  rather than the oikonomia ‘household management, stewardship, administration’ of/belonging-to God, ten ‘specifically the one that is’ by-the-means-of trusting-relying-faith . . . by rejecting this some have made shipwreck of their trusting-relying-faith.” <Notes> a)1 Timothy 1:3-7, 19, b) v. 1:2.


The Old Testament was under a different management-plan of God than the New Covenant!  In fact, the NT writers often use ‘the faith in the Messiah’ prophetic ‘portions of’ graphe scripture “for elegchos rebuke/reproof/rebuttal of false teachers exactly because they taught the Law or simply read it in the churches (a).  And elegchos is the next word in 2 Timothy 3:16 after “profitable for teaching” that Timothy needed to also do as an evangelist-preacher against the Jewish Law-teachers!  So why would Paul include The Law in 2 Timothy 3:16 for what was “profitable for teaching  . . . for elegchos rebuking/rebuttal, etc.” when the very thing Timothy will do is “rebuke or give rebuttal” against the Law-teachers! He wouldn’t – see  Logos Word of God – BT7. <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 1:3-7, 6:3-5; 2 Timothy 2:16-18, 23-26; Titus 1:11, 13-14; 2 Corinthians 3:14-15; Acts 15:1.


Paul continues in 1 Timothy 1:6-7:  “Certain persons, by swerving from this (the doctrine of The Faith, v. 1:2-3) have wandered away into vain discussion (a), desiring to be teachers of the Law.”  Paul goes on in vv. 1:8-11 to say the Jewish Law-teachers are misapplying the Law to Christians “unlawfully” as if the Christians were the ones who were “ungodly sinners, unholy and profane” for which The Law was originally intended for, when Christians are actually by Christ’s godly, holy, and sacred obedience been made by the Holy Spirit the same as Christ in the sight of God!  The Jewish Law-teacher believe that Christian behavior NOW was somehow contrary to the Law but more specifically to “the sound doctrine that is kata down-from/according the gospel of the glory of the blessed God, which I have been entrusted.”  <Notes> a) craving for controversy and quarrels about words – 1 Timothy 6:4, debate of the scribes – 1 Corinthians 1:20, plausible arguments – Colossians 2:4, arguments and lofty opinions against obeying Christ – 2 Corinthians 10:5.


We know from Paul’s writing that the “impostors . . . deceiving and being deceived” of 2 Timothy 3:13 are actually “teachers of the Law” that have disguised themselves – the key to “deceiving” others – as Christians, “false brothers secretly brought in, who slipped in to spy out our freedom [from slavery] (a) that we have in Christ, so that they might bring us into slavery (b)” (c), those who insisted on circumcision (d), who oppose the “the truth of the gospel” (e).  <Notes> a) context: from slavery to the Law’s commandments and works, b) context: to works of the Law, c) Galatians 2:4, d) Galatians 2:3, see also Circumcision Party: Acts 11:2, Galatians 2:12, Titus 1:10, e) Galatians 2:5.


These “teachers” are thus “contrary” to “The-Trusting-Relying-Faith, hope, mercy, unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace, and peace” that alone is in the gospel!  Paul is telling Timothy to “shut them up!”  Paul told Timothy earlier in 2 Timothy 2:14-18 to “remind [the Jewish teachers] of these things (a), and charge them before God not to quarrel about words (b), which does no good, but only ruins the hearers (c). . . . avoid irreverent babble, for it will lead people into more and more ungodliness, and their talk will spread like gangrene . . . [like those] who have swerved from The Truth (g) . . . upsetting The Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) of some.”  But to Timothy, Paul said in 2 Timothy 2:15, “spoudazo ‘give zealous concentration and diligent effort’ (d) to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly-handling (e) The Logos Message of/belonging-to The Truth, which is we know is NOW the gospel message (f) of Jesus Christ, who is The Truth (g).  This verse does NOT tell you to study your bible – see Logos Word of God – BT19.


<Notes> a) salvation in Christ – v. 10, b) I witnessed this in 5 bible schools: debating the meanings of bible words, which manuscript readings are more accurate, etc., c) that’s why I didn’t finish my Masters in Divinity in Exegetical Theology, d) spoudazo  doesn’t mean ‘study’ as the KJV, KJ21, AKJV, AMP, AMPC, BRG, DRA, GNV, JUB, MEV erroneously propagated, e) cutting a straight road, without deviation, f) Colossians 1:5; Acts 15:7; Ephesians 1:13, g) John 14:6.


The Jewish teachers of the Law were “unlawfully” applying the graphe scriptures to Christians, when it was so clear that through the Messiah’s final sacrifice for all time, Christians were now set free from the Law (a), because they have died through water-baptism to the Law that held them captive (b).  Paul makes it crystal clear in Romans 7:6 that since “we are now released from The Law, having died to that which held us captive, we now serve [God] by-the-means-of the completely-different-in-kind kainotes New (c) WAY of/belonging-to the Spirit kai and/instead absolutely-in-fact-NOT by-the-means-of the palaios old “antiquated, worn-out, weak, worthless” WAY of [singular: the] gramma letter/writing (d).”  That’ why Romans 8:2 says “the Law of the Spirit of zoe genuine-life has set you free [from slavery] in Christ Jesus from the [Mosaic] Law of sin and death.”  The “tablets of stone” or even grapho “written with ink” IS the “ministry of death, carved in gramma letters on stone . . . the ministry of condemnation” (e).


<Notes> a) Romans 8:2, b) Galatians 2:19; Romans 7:4, c) chadash, kainos: fresh, completely-different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior, d) gramma without article: sacred writings of scripture as a composite whole, not distinguishing a portion of it such as the Law – see Logos Word of God – BT4, e) 2 Corinthians 3:3, 7, 9.


That didn’t stop the Jewish teachers from continuing to “unlawfully” apply the graphe scriptures to Christians:  Judging them for not obeying dietary laws, festivals, new moons, and Sabbaths (a); forbidding Christian leaders from marriage (b) and requiring obedience to abstinence from foods (c); requiring obedience to food and drink Laws, ceremonial washings, and regulations for the body (d); obedience to many strange teachings about food rather than about unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace (e); that God’s kingdom was about righteousness through obedience to ‘eating and drinking’ rules instead of the ‘righteousness, peace, and joy by-the-means-of-the Holy Spirit‘ (f).  They think their bible was meant to debate (g) or quarrel about words (h), creating foolish controversies, dissensions, and quarrels about the Law, to stir up division in the Church (i).  They are worldly people, devoid of the Holy Spirit, who cause divisions (j).  Paul also tells Titus the same thing, “They must be silenced . . . teaching . . . what they ought in-possibility-NOT to teach” (k).


<Notes> a) Colossians 2:16, b) like the Catholic Church and other religions do, c) 1 Timothy 4:3, d) Hebrews 9:10, e) Hebrews 13:9, f) Romans 14:17, 21, g) the Jews still believe this is a form of worship or meditation, like the movie “Yentl”, h) 2 Timothy 2:14, i) Titus 3:9-10, j) Jude 1:19, k) Titus 1:11.


Paul was essentially telling Timothy to NOT get confused (a) between what WAS the logos word/message of God in the old covenant and what IS NOW the logos Word/Message of God in the completely-different-in-kind New (b) Covenant.  That is what Paul meant by “rightly-handling The Logos Word/Message of God” in 2 Timothy 2:15!  Even the commandments of each covenant naturally have radically changed by definition of chadash/kainos (b).  If you don’t understand this, you will certainly not “cut a straight line” and thus “mishandle” much of the bible, therefore violating 2 Timothy 2:15!  Obviously Paul is not including the “Law of commandments” into the “pas ‘portions of’ graphe scripture” that are “profitable for teaching, rebuking, etc.” in 2 Timothy 3:16 – see the many other reasons in Logos Word of God – BT7. <Notes> a) as the Jewish teachers were, b) chadash, kainos: fresh, completely-different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior.


The only “agathos God-like good works” of 2 Timothy 3:17 that Timothy was “to be equipped for” that count NOW under the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant are the only 2 commandments rolled up into ONE (a):  Paul declares in Galatians 5:6, “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision [to obey the Law] nor uncircumcision [to NOT obey the Law] counts for anything, but ONLY trusting-relying-faith routinely/habitually energeo energetically-working/doing dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ unconditional-love.”  It is NOW simply “the ergon work/doing of trusting-relying-faith and/coupled kopos work/labor of unconditional-love” (b)!  So at the end, Jesus says “I know your ergon works/doings:  your unconditional-love and/coupled trusting-relying-faith, kai and/specifically your service [of love to others] and/coupled your patient-endurance [of faith]” (c) – note the parallel structure called ‘metonymy!’  It’s no wonder “faith and love” are coupled 6 times (d).  <Notes> a) 1 John 3:23, b) 1 Thessalonians 1:3, c) Revelation 2:19, d) 1 Thessalonians 3:6, 5:8; 1 Timothy 1:14, 2:15; 2 Timothy 1:13; Revelation 2:19.


That’s because there was only 1 “work/doing for the food that endures for zoe genuine-life everlasting, only 1 “to-do on THE LIST to be doing the works of God” and Jesus said:  “This is the work/doing of God, that you should ongoingly have trusting-relying-faith in Himself whom God has sent,” which Paul calls “The Law of trusting-relying-faith” (a).  And there is only 1 other entole officially-decreed universal-binding commandment given to Christians found in the NT, that Jesus said was “My commandment” (b) and rightfully said it was a completely-different-in-kind kainos “New Commandment” by definition, that Christians were taught from the very beginning of their trusting-relying-faith (c) and that is “to unconditionally-love one another JUST as I have unconditionally-loved you.” <Notes> a) John 6:28-29; Romans 3:27, b) John 15:12, c) John 13:34; 1 John 2:7; 2 John 1:5.


That’s why this commandment is called by Paul “the Law of Christ” (a), thus “bearing one another’s burdens” (b) or “bearing one another in unconditional-love” (c).  Can you see how the definition of “Law” and what “commandments” are part of it have radically changed going from the old covenant to the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant?  Why are many Christians “borrowing” from the old and carry them forward into the New?  Paul would argue vehemently against this!  This is actually the foundational problem creating The Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit in the Church!  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 9:21; Galatians 6:2, b) Galatians 6:2, c) Ephesians 4:2.



Video Part 6 - Logos Word of God - BT8:  Scripture's "Law" was NOT “profitable for teaching, etc.” in the Church

Part 6




As Christian musicians, why do so many Christians spend more time reading the OT, which is all “shadows, outlines, sketches, copies, representations, corresponding types or prefiguring antitypes, and symbols of things that were to come” that simply “testify about Me,” as Jesus said, when they can NOW “come to Me for zoe genuine-live everlasting,” and thus have His New Covenant and the Holy Spirit that the OT scripture promised?  Why settle for the shadow when you can have the person casting it, especially when “the scripture imprisoned everything under sin?”  With the multitude of terribly negative things that the NT says about the Law, much that Paul wrote, how could Paul be telling Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:16 to include the Law in the “portion of’ scripture that is “profitable for teaching, etc.”?  He would be more than contradicting himself!


The Law is very negative by definition, being very judgmental and condemning, a violation of the Unconditional-Love that God is and that they were All to show to others.  No wonder those who read and study it become like-minded, being the opposite of The Grace and The Truth that came into being only through Jesus per John 1:17!  Grace being unconditional, unmerited, undeserved, and unearned loving-favor is the polar opposite of Law being conditional, merited, deserved, and earned loving-favor.  You can’t mix them, just like you can’t put the New wine of Christ’s blood & Holy Spirit into the old wine-skins of the OT’s 613 commandments and many rituals for holiness, just like you can’t mix the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit with the palaios ‘old, stagnant, weak, worn-out, used-up’ OT Laws & practices.  You can’t mix the 97.4% of the OT that is Law-based and 100% of the NT that is Grace-based.  One is 97.4% bad news and the other is the “Great News” of the gospel.


Sure the Law was intended to be agathos or kalos ‘good’, righteous, holy, and Spirit-kind in that it came from God who alone is ALL of that!  It was intended for our “instruction” but because of sin taking advantage of the commandments of the Law it aroused and multiplied sin exponentially within us, instantly condemning us to death, and the demon-lawyers in heaven’s courts use it day and night to accuse us before God.  That’s why it’s called “The Law of sin and death” because “The power of sin is the Law.”


The books of ALL our lives are filled with lines and lines of sin, and the ONLY way they can be blotted out before The Great White Throne Judgment Day that is after The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord, is for Christ’s blood to stamp them “Paid in Full, Not Guilty.”  Our public repentance/turning-from-sin-to-Jesus and confession of “Jesus is my Messiah-Savior and Lord-Owner-Master” during our water-baptism is where we die with Him as we go under the waters and resurrect with Him after coming out of this immersion into Christ that profoundly changes us by definition of baptizo.  This is the ONLY way we can get our names written in the Lamb’s Book of Eternal Life.  Religion will have you try anything and everything else!


The LAW will have you try any number of 613 commandments or do a myriad of rituals to become holy or godly!  The ONLY way to cut the power-cord to the OLD MAN living inside of us that just wants to endlessly sin, being so self-centered, and the ONLY way to make “sin to lie dead, lifeless” is to be “apart from the Law” by “dying to the Law with Christ in water-baptism.”  The batteries have to be taken out of “the energizer bunny.”  The only way to escape the sure consequences of sin that is eternal death or separation from God, is to die with Christ and be resurrected with Christ in water-baptism.  Just like 1 Peter 3:21 says, “Baptism now saves you – not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal/confession to God for a good/clean conscience – thru-the-realizing-channel-of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”


“Wisdom and understanding” won’t come from the scripture, which is 97.4% Law-based, even if it promises it over & over, because now it’s “kept hidden from the so-called ‘wise and understanding’ bible-students but “unhidden to little children that we must become like.”  They don’t read and study to learn!  NOW we get THIS by the means of the Holy Spirit as we humbly come to Jesus!  We get THIS through genuine, experiential, intimate, relational epignosis knowledge, not through gnosis informational-knowledge!  Bible study can actually be a “trap, snare, and retribution/curse with bent backs forever” – see New Covenant Ways – BT17.  Like Jesus, Paul heavily criticized the methods of learning from God that the Law-teachers used, so why would Paul being telling Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:16 to repeat their mistakes by even using the Law in his own teaching?  He wouldn’t – see  Logos Word of God – BT7.  Paul tells people that just “reading Moses” will harden your heart, but true transformation comes by gazing at Jesus’ glory, not Moses or his words’!


The ‘portions of’ the scripture being repetitively used in the NT are those to “rebuke/reprove and correct” opponents, mostly Law-teachers, and “gently-as-with-a-child teach and train” Jews to become Christians.  These are clearly the prophetic “oracles/utterances of God” about Jesus, salvation through trusting-relying-faith, His completely different-in-kind New Covenant, and the promise of the Holy Spirit for ministry/service and thus absolutely-in-fact-NO longer by the gramma writings.  Even those used to convert and encourage Jewish-Christians were still elementary-school ‘abc’ fundamentals ‘milk’ compared to the ‘solid food’ of learning through gymnastic-like practice discernment of good and evil by the means of the Holy Spirit which is the actual “promise” under the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant.


The Jews needed to grow up out of the OT!  Writings-based learning, especially from dogma ‘universally-binding authoritative decrees, ordinances, regulations, doctrines, precepts, and commandments‘ is “a ministry of condemnation and death, for the gramma writing kills, but the Spirit gives zoe genuine-life.”  However, ALL of this is still the “elementary-school ‘abc’ fundamentals” common to all religions, even the Jewish one.  But Jesus came to END it ALL and instead bring us into a direct, genuine relationship with God by-the-means-of His Spirit of Holiness.  He restored His Perfect Will ‘Plan a’ of Exodus 20:18-21 recounted in Hebrews 12:18-21, 25 of direct teaching and direct holiness!


The teachers of the Law were considered false teachers compared to the preaching of the gospel logos message of The Truth.  The Church had many impostors within it, seeking to drag free Christians back into rules-based obedience instead of “the obedience of faith” that Paul uses as his thesis for the book of Romans, starting with it in Romans 1:5 and ending with it in Romans 16:26.  Paul told his pastors in training to shut these teachers up, but many of today’s churches invite them in!  However, going back to OT writings & practices meant you fell from grace, and have abandoned The Faith instead of “enduring to the end in order to be saved” and thus “no sacrifice for sins remains.”  Even just getting circumcised to feel safer by obeying the smallest “sign of the old covenant” was fatal!


Why are some Christians pushing the 10 commandments, even the 2 greatest in the OT?  Jesus only answered trick questions about these by the Law-teachers?  He never taught them to His disciples, but instead He told the masses how much stricter God’s Law actually was in order that they would see the Law’s “faults that called for a second commandment to replace the first” as Hebrews 8:7 says.  They first needed to see their need for a Messiah!  NOW there is only 2 commandments in the NOW completely-different-in-kind New Covenant – faith in Jesus and unconditionally-loving everyone, not just our “like-kind-fellow” neighbor “fellow Jews,” nor just as ourselves, but just like Jesus would!


A radically different-in-kind NEW Covenant has 2 radically different-in-kind Laws or commandments, by definition!  These are the “God-like good works” of a Christian that Christ has foreordained. This is what makes us sanctified, holy, righteous, and godly in our living, even though the Lord has given ALL this to US already by His propitiation or transfer of His nature for our nature on the cross, that we experience in water-baptism.  That’s why Paul only preaches and teaches about the cross.  Why are we doing otherwise?


The whole point of the OT was to act as a guardian, manager, even a prison-guard to keep the Jews safe from the evil influences of surrounding nations UNTIL Christ came.  But once He came and fulfilled the whole point of the Law and the Prophets to testify about Him, albeit sparsely, then it has vanished away, ended, been finished, was nullified, was abolished, and replaced with the second New Covenant.  Christians should have died to the first covenant or Law, which is at least 97.4% of the Old Testament.  If you go back to be enslaved by the Law, you forfeit your inheritance as redeemed sons of God.


The “commandments, rules, ordinances, precepts, and regulations of the Law may appear to be wise but are of absolutely no value in curbing the desires of the flesh.”  Only Christ’s blood can wash sin away through His death and our continued confession of sin as often as we fail – see Surrender Control page.  Only by being filled by the Spirit can you possibly overflow with God’s enabling-power to overcome sin!  The kingdom of God isn’t about rules anymore but “righteousness, peace, and joy by the means of the Spirit of holiness.”  Let’s grow up by getting out of the OT and getting into the NT, but especially getting into the Holy Spirit that goes way beyond ancient gramma writings!





Lord, move my gazing eyes away from ancient writings as “the Word of God” to You as God’s Voice to Your sheep.  Open my eyes that I might really see You and Your plans.  Open my ears to really hear to understand your prophetic-rhema words that are Spirit and zoe genuine-life that I might do Your will and for Your kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.  I put down my religious obsession with ancient gramma letters and come to You, the very purpose of the writings, and take Your yoke-harness of learning to learn directly from You by Your “One is Your Teacher” Holy Spirit.  I no longer settle for the “shadow” of the man Jesus that OT scripture is.  Lord, I know I have to choose Law or Grace, works or Faith, old wine-skins or the New Wine that won’t even be contained by these skins without breaking, letters of writings about holiness or the the Spirit of holiness, a relationship with ancient rules of living from gramma writings about “the Word of God” or a relationship with the Living “Word of God” as Jesus Christ.  Lord, I choose Grace by Faith, the New Wine of the Spirit of holiness, and a relationship with the Living “Word of God.”


Lord, free me from the negative voice of the Law of commandments with its judgmental, accusing, pointing finger at my life or others.  I died with Christ to at least 97.4% of the OT.  I am free from it’s conditional-love slavery, it’s so-called “wisdom and understanding” that simply can’t curb the indulgence of the flesh.  I am free now to serve You by the Holy Spirit.  The secrets of the kingdom are revealed to little children but kept hidden from the bible scholars!  It’s now so simple that little children can obey:  Only 2 commandments combined into 1 – keep my trusting-relying-faith in You and keep unconditionally-loving others like You do.  And You made it even easier when we surrender to Your Holy Spirit to fill us up to overflowing to give us Your enabling-power and self-control.


Lord, thank You that I died with You in water-baptism and I felt You come into Me when I resurrected to New Life coming out of those waters.  I felt the burden of sin lifted and uncontrollably cried, even though I rarely do.  Lord, I now live my life in continual repentance, surrender, and confession just as with that day when I declared “Jesus is my Messiah-Savior and Lord-Master.  Now I live for You, no longer just for myself!”


Lord, still use the prophetic ‘portions of’ the OT scriptures to lead Your Jewish people to their Messiah Jesus.  And for us Gentiles and Jewish-Christians, let us move on from this “milk” to the “solid-food” of discerning good and evil simply by the means of the Holy Spirit.  Let us never by accused of being false teachers by teaching the OT Law of commandments, not even the 10 or the 2 greatest, but instead “preach nothing but Christ crucified” just like Paul vowed.  Now we only have 2 commandments coupled into 1:  Faith and Love.  Thank you for making it so simple for your little children.  Praise your name!




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Spiritual Education, Old Testament Law was NOT used in the Early Church, 2 Timothy 3:16 says the Messianic prophecies about salvation by faith in Christ is what is profitable for teaching NOT The Law, The Law and its teachers were rejected by the Early Church, The Law is opposite of Grace, The Law condemns us and Grace saves us, Christ is NOW the logos Message/Word of God NOT Moses, The gospel preached is the New Covenant Way NOT gramma writings of old scripture, 97.4% of Old Testament is Law-based, Scripture imprisoned ALL under sin, Old Testament scripture is mostly shadow & figures of things to come, The Word of God is NOW Christ and His gospel message, NOW the promised Holy Spirit’s Anointing is our teacher NOT gramma writings, NOW the Spirit is our means of holiness NOT the Law, The LAW is NOT part of 2 Timothy 3:16’s ‘portions of’ scripture profitable for teaching, The Law is about judgment not the gospel of unconditional-love, The Mosaic Law is of sin & death and a ministry of condemnation, Gospel’s Spirit set us from Moses’ Law of slavery to sin & death, Mosaic Law broke promises of righteousness godly-holiness real-life wisdom or understanding, Mosaic Law was flawed & made nothing perfect because Satan uses the Law to tempt our powerless flesh to sin, Mosaic Law multiplies sin to condemn us to death, Power of sin is the Law, Gospel message frees us from condemnation by the Spirit, Blessed hope is total freedom from sin by our glorification at Christ’s return, Law is more than Moses writings, Christ’s Grace is opposite of Moses’ Law, Only 2.6% of scripture used to convert Jews to Christ, Bible-study can be a trap to miss the point – to come to Jesus for genuine-life, Kingdom secrets NOT revealed to the Wise & Understanding Ones but Little-Children, Paul prohibited reading Moses, Transformation comes instead by prophetically seeing Jesus, The Promise is NOT more writings but the Spirit to teach us, Writings are the fundamentals of all religions but NOT for the New Covenant, Christians should have died to the Law in water-baptism so why read it, The Law treated the Jews as children or slaves being strictly guarded until Christ, We are to be freed from most scripture, The Law doesn’t curb indulgence of the flesh it amplifies it, New Testament says so much negative about the Law, 2 Timothy 3:16 can NOT be telling Timothy to use the Law, Paul told Timothy to rebuke/correct the Law-teachers, New Covenant has a different administration by God that doesn’t use the LAW but Prophecy, The Early Jewish Church only used 2.6% to convert other Jews and to argue against Law-teachers, Requiring Christians to use the Law is unlawful, the Law-teachers were the false-teachers, Early Church was to reject Law-teachers, The “equipping for good-works’ of Timothy is the preaching of the gospel, Christian “good works” are faith and love

Categories: Logos Word of God

Logos Word of God – BT7: Does 2 Timothy 3:16 say that ALL graphe scripture is profitable for teaching?



Video - Part 1: Logos Word of God - BT7:  Does 2 Timothy 3:16 say that ALL graphe scripture is profitable for teaching?

Part 1




Logos Word of God – BT7:  Does 2 Timothy 3:16 say that ALL graphe scripture is profitable for teaching?




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So much has already been shown in Logos Word of God – BT6 to clearly show the answer to the title’s question is NO!  But now, we’ll go into this in more depth.


The so-called “proof text” translation of 2 Timothy 3:16 for the doctrine that “the whole/entirety of graphe scripture (a) IS God-breathed and IS profitable for teaching, etc. . . .” upon close scholarly examination, turns out to be FAR from a “proof text” for ALL Christians using ALL Old Testament (OT) graphe scripture.  Heck it’s NOT even an accurate translation!  It actually refers to “each/every of a ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ graphe scripture, [i.e., the] Spirit-blown-kind-of” (i.e., OT Prophets), but even more narrowed down from the context of the previous verse to “the-specific sacred gramma writings that Timothy had already [with ongoing results] eido mentally ‘seen’ to perceive/know.”  But again, this was NOT the “whole/entirety of” the OT, nor the Law ‘kind/class/category/portion of,” but only “ta the-specific-ones that routinely/habitually are powerfully-enabling to make you wise (b) eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ salvation dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith, tes ‘the specific one’ IN Christ (The Anointed One, Messiah) Jesus” – just as many verses about graphe scripture are (c). Remember  “A text without a context is a pretext for a proof-text,” as the great professor & author D. A. Carson once stated!


To make this verse say ‘the whole/entirety of’ scripture, even the Law of commandments, is “profitable for teaching” ALL Christians, would violate Greek scholarship, especially of Paul’s use of Greek, and violate the context of his entire argument!  How ignorant or shameful it is to take verses out of context to push one’s own theology!  How wrong it is for translators to deviate from the Greek language rules to do this!  A related passage of 1 Timothy 4:13-16, which will also dissected in Logos Word of God – BT10, of what to be “devoted to reading . . . teaching” has absolutely nothing to do with graphe scripture, even though many translations have wrongfully inserted the word ‘scripture’ into the text – a deliberate, shamefully-biased commentary inserted into the text without any footnoting!  Similar twisting of Romans 15:4 has been exposed in Logos Word of God – BT9.  The King James Version (KJV) has committed many translational errors as with 2 Timothy 2:15 to push ‘bible-study’ to keep their professors employed!  Finally, careful study will also show that in no way is Peter calling Paul’s writings “other graphe scripture” in 2 Peter 3:15-16 – to make this verse say this is the very “twisting of difficult writings” that Peter warned against – see Logos Word of God – BT11!  This is how so many “winds of doctrine” (d) get started that wreak havoc in the Church!


<Notes> a) see Logos Word of God – BT5 definition A1 & A2 of graphe scripture in the singular, b) Jesus and Paul both show a disdain for human wisdom and certainly that of the so-called “wise and understanding ones” like the Pharisees, scribes, and Greek philosophers and Gnostic religions – see Least Among Us – BT3.  However, the Spirit’s wisdom through the OT Prophets leads you to Christ – see Romans 1:1-5, c) see Logos Word of God – BT5 B3 definition of graphe, d) Ephesians 4:14.


A survey of 64 English translations in Biblegateway.com shows the wide variety of translations of 2 Timothy 3:16.  Can you imagine how many more, if we looked at all 900 English bibles?  This is a real problem – see Bible Info:


Correctly treating the anarthrous adjective (i.e., without a definite article) theopneustos “God-breathed, inspired” coming after “scriptures” as attributive – simply modifying it as “Spirit-blown-kind-of,” as many Greek scholars note (see below), and thus NOT warranting the insertion of “is” as if it were a predicate adjective.  Notice that the 2nd adjective “profitable” is properly treated as a predicate adjective, but in all but the ASV they failed to show that this was an insertion, so the ASV wins the prize, though “is also” should more accurately be translated “specifically is.”


All scriptures inspired of God is also profitable for:  ASV

All scripture, inspired of God, is profitable to:  DRA

For all scripture inspired of God is profitable to:  WYC

For all scripture given by the inspiration of God is profitable to:  NMB


1 “is/are” verb erroneously inserted before the 1st adjective as if it were a predicate adjective “is God-breathed,” often without any indication that the Greek text does not have this.  Then they failed to treat the 2nd adjective as a predicate adjective as would be the natural reading after the use of kai for “specifically [is] profitable for”:


All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for:  ESV, ESVUK

All Scripture is God-breathed, and profitable for:  WEB, Inserted “is” italicized: DLNT

Every Writing [is] God-breathed, and profitable for:  YLT

All of Scripture is God-breathed; in its inspired voice, we hear useful:  Voice

The entire Kitvei HaKodesh is Hashem-breathed and useful for:  OJB

Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for:  AMPC

Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another:  MSG

Every scripture [is] divinely inspired, and profitable for:  DARBY, NASB1995

Every scripture is inspired by God and useful for:  NET, TLV

All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for:  RSV, RSVCE, Inserted “is” italicized: LEB

All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for: NASB


2 “is/are” verbs inserted, often without any indication that the Greek text does not have this, as if both adjectives were predicate adjectives, when only the second actually is, which is very much “forced and unwarranted” as many Greek scholars have noted.  Nevertheless, just look at how many bible took this unjustified path.  Again, just look at how many failed to show the insertion of the verb and in many cases so many other words that are simply NOT in the Greek text – this isn’t translation, it’s commentary:


All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for:  EHV, ISV, NIV, NIVUK

All Scripture is God-breathed and is valuable for:  CJB

All Scripture is God-breathed [given by divine inspiration] and is profitable for:  AMP

All Scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for:  MOUNCE

All scripture is breathed by God, and it is useful for:  NTE

All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for:  CSB, HCSB, MEV

All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for:  NABRE, NCB, NCV, NLT, NMB, NRSVA, NRSVACE, NRSVCE, NRSVUE

Every scripture is inspired by God and is useful for:  CEB, ICB, PHILLIPS,

Every Scripture passage is inspired by God. All of them are useful for:  NOG

All Scripture is inspired by God [breathed out by God; L God-breathed] and is useful for:  EXB

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for:  GNT

All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for:  KJV, KJ21, Inserted “is” italicized: BRG, JUB, AKJV, NKJV

All Scripture is given by God. And all Scripture is useful for:  ERV

For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to:  GNV

For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration from God; and is profitable for:  RGT

The whole Bible was given to us by inspiration from God and is useful to:  TLB

Every Scripture passage is inspired by God. All of them are useful for:  GW

Everything in the Scriptures is God’s Word. All of it is useful for:  CEV


Very loose translations with 2 inserted verbs as if both are predicate adjectives, when only the 2nd is.  These are so far from the Greek text, you have ask why they would convey meaning that’s simply not there:


God has breathed life into all Scripture. It is useful for:  NIRV

All the Holy Writings are God-given and are made alive by Him. Man is helped when he is:  NLV

All that is written in the holy writings comes from the Spirit of God. The holy writings are good for these things: to:  WE


You can see how much liberty most English bibles take in translating the Greek text, often without giving you any indication how far they have deviated from it.  This is rather dishonest and misleading, especially considering most Christians and pastors are basing their theology of knowing God and His will based solely on 1 of 900 English bibles.  This is a VERY BAD idea – see Bible Info for many translation problems.


The Jews broadly divided the graphe scripture into 4 ‘kinds/classes/categories’ of “Torah/Nomos Law  (a), Nevi’im  Prophets, Mizmor Psalms, and Ketuvim  Writings (b).”  However, it is sometimes divided into the 3 ‘kinds/classes/categories’ of “Law, Prophets, and Writings” or abbreviated to “Law, Prophets, Mizmor Psalms” (c), or just 2 ‘kinds/classes/categories/portions of’ the “Law and Prophets” (d) or “Moses and Prophets (e).  These are the general books or ‘kinds/classes/categories/portions of’ graphe scripture that we see.  Also, the term graphe used in Hellenistic Judaism frequently means a particularbook of scripture,” carrying over the idea of ‘kinds/classes/categories/portions of’ the whole.


<Notes> a) Pentateuch or 5 Books of Moses or old covenant, b) Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs/Solomen, c) only here in Luke 24:44, d) Matthew 5:17, 7:12, 11:13, 22:40; Luke 16:16; John 1:45; Acts 13:15, 24:14, 28:23; Romans 3:21, e) Luke 16:29, 31, 24:27; Acts 26:22.


We can also see that “Moses” and “the Law” are often equated, often explicitly as “the Law of Moses” (a), or “the Law given through Moses” (b), or “the [singular] book of Moses” (c), or “Moses in the Law wrote” (d), or “in the Law, Moses commanded” (e), or “Moses writes . . . based on the Law” (f), or “every commandment of the Law has been declared by Moses” (g), or “Moses commanded” (h), or “Moses said” (i), or “Moses wrote” (j), or “Moses showed” (k), or “have Moses” (l), or “with Moses” (m).  The Jews were certainly obsessed with Moses!  Thus “reading Moses” that was prohibited by Paul in the Church (n) is the same as “reading the book of Moses” (o) or reading the torah/nomos old covenant Law.  We will examine this later, but why would Christians today embrace something Paul cast away?  Shouldn’t Christians be obsessed about Jesus rather than Moses like the Jews are?


<Notes> a) Luke 2:22, 24:44; John 7:23; Acts 13:39, 15:5, 28:23; 1 Corinthians 9:9; Hebrews 10:28; Luke 2:22, 24:44, b) John 1:17, 7:19, c) Mark 12:26, d) John 1:45, e) John 8:5, f) Romans 10:5, g) Hebrews 9:19, h) Matthew 8:4, 19:7-8; Mark 1:44, 10:3-4; Luke 5:14, i) Matthew 22:24; Mark 7:10, j) Mark 12:19; Luke 20:28, k) Luke 20:37, l) Luke 16:29, m) Luke 24:27, n) 2 Corinthians 3:16, o) Mark 12:26.  I highly doubtful that Paul is saying that this ‘portion of’ scripture or including this in “the whole/entirety’ of scripture is “profitable for teaching . . .” in 2 Timothy 3:16, as we will see.


However, we must NOT limit “the Law” to just Moses’ writings because there are 4 other definitions in Logos Word of God – BT5a that ultimately include the entire OT, the Oral Torah, and all Jewish practices!  Jesus, the NT writers, and Jews to this day routinely refer to passages from other ‘books or kinds/classes/categories/portions’ of the OT other than the Mosaic Law’s 5 books but will still call it “Law” (a).  We also will find out that we can’t limit the “prophetic kind/class/category/portion of” to only the “book or kind/class/category/portion of’ the OT called “The Prophets.”  It’s true that Jesus, the NT writers, and Jews to this day routinely refer to prophetic verses from the Prophets but also the Psalms and Song of Songs/Solomon, which is technically a Ketuvim Writing ‘category.’


<Notes> a) The prophet Isaiah 28:11-12 cited in 1 Corinthians 14:21 as “Law” by Paul; Jesus citing “Law & Prophets” in Matthew 5:17-19, Luke 16:16-17, Matthew 22:40 but calling “Law”; Jesus in John 10:34 citing Psalms 82:6, and in John 12:34 citing Psalms 18:4, 110:4, and in John 15:25 citing Psalms 35:19 or 69:4 but in all cases calling “the Law”; Jesus cites Prophets but calls them Law in John 12:34 citing Isaiah 9:7 and Ezekiel 37:25; the chief priests & Pharisees in John 7:40-49 citing Psalms 89:3-4 but calling “the Law.”


Why is it that all Jews view ALL (or 97.4%) of the OT as “The Law?”  That’s because ALL Jews for whom the graphe scriptures were specifically written (a) are “in/by/with/under the Law” (b) who are therefore “under the dominion of sin” (c) until they are set free [from slavery] in Christ through His death (and our death with Him in water-baptism) from the Law (d).  Until they experience Christ’s “perfect Law of liberty (freedom from slavery)” (e) thru-the-realizing-channel of the completely-different-in-kind New Covenants “the Law of trusting-relying-faith” (f) and instead embraced the only other NT commandment of “the Law of Christ” (g) of “unconditional-love for one another” (h), they are still “under the Law.”  So many Christians are ignorant that Christ “did away with” or “abolished/nullified” the Law or old covenant because it is NOW obsolete (i).  Thus, many Christians still believe the Law is still “in effect,” which keeps them “under the dominion of sin.” Again, we have to remember that “The Law” and the entirety of OT graphe scripture are OFTEN viewed synonymously – see definition #3 of Logos Word of God – BT5a.


<Notes> a) Romans 3:1-2 explains the advantages of being a Jew:  the key one was being entrusted with the logion oracles/utterance of God.  Although by context this often refers only to the prophetic ‘portion of’ scripture spoken in Church as in Hebrews 5:12 that is a model for Christian prophecy in 1 Peter 4:11, it can also mean the Law spoken to Moses by a Messenger, likely Christ, as in Acts 7:38, or ALL of scripture or Law & Prophets as here in Romans 3:2, b) Romans 2:12, 3:19; 1 Corinthians 9:20-21; Galatians 3:23, 4:4-5, 21, 5:18; Philippians 3:6; Hebrews 9:22; James 2:12, c) Romans 3:9, 6:14, 7:14; Galatians 3:22, d) Acts 13:39; Romans 7:4-6, 8:2, 10:4, e) James 1:25, 2:12, f) Romans 3:27, g) 1 Corinthians 9:21; Galatians 6:2, h) John 13:34, 15:12; 1 John 2:27; 2 John 1:5; James 2:13, i) Hebrews 8:7, 13; 10:9; Romans 10:4; Ephesians 2:15; cf. 2 Corinthians 5:17.


That’s why “reading” any OT graphe scripture is a dangerous business – it’s very easy to “read Moses” or “read the Law” almost anywhere in the OT, something that Paul strongly warns Jewish-Christians against in 2 Corinthians 3:6-18, something we will explore below!  If that’s the case, why would Paul be advising Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:16 to include the Law into what was “profitable for teaching . . .” ?  He wouldn’t dream of it!  We will dig much deeper in Logos Word of God – BT8 as to why not.


However, it’s quite clear that a certain ‘kind/class/category/portion/book of’ graphe scripture (a) was used to teach Jewish people as if they were little children of God, particularly by the early Church to catechize-convert (b) Jews to Christ, and even to encourage the early Jewish-Christians to NOT listen to the teachers of the Law to go back to Moses.  This subset of graphe scripture is the prophetic ‘portion’ about Christ and His completely-different-in-kind New Covenant, which is only 2.6% of the OT per Logos Word of God – BT6.  That leaves about 97.4% of the OT that is permeated by God’s conditional-favor of the Law – see Logos Word of God – BT5a<Notes> a) see Logos Word of God – BT5, b) katecheo: repetitive instruction of foundational truths: Luke 1:4; Galatians 6:6; 1 Corinthians 14:19; Acts 18:25.


It was exactly this 2.6% that Timothy, Paul’s evangelist-in-training, was converted to Christ by as stated in 2 Timothy 3:15, and naturally what he was to use for preaching the gospel and teaching “the sound doctrine” of The Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) that accords with godliness (a), in order to catechize-convert other Jews and the elegchos convicting-reproof/refutation of those who would argue back – this is the very next word after “teaching/instruction” in 2 Timothy 3:16 as to why this prophetic ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ is ophelimos “profitable as beneficial or useful!”  That’s exactly why the NT writers often use the prophetic ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ graphe scripture to rebuke false teachers who taught the Law or to simply read it in the churches (b). <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 1:10, 6:3; Titus 1:9, 2:1, b) 1 Timothy 1:3-7, 6:3-5; 2 Timothy 2:16-18, 23-26; Titus 1:11, 13-14; 2 Corinthians 3:14-15; Acts 15:1.


Again, the NT writers often quoted from the OT, mostly from prophetic ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ to help restore Jewish-Christians who were being tempted to lapse back into Judaism (a), paideia training/rearing them as if they were infants or little-children “needing milk again,” which in context is the stoicheion “elemental ‘abc’ principles” of the Jewish religion, the ‘rote’ learning from gramma writings about “submitting to regulations to not handle, not taste, not touch . . . ” (b), also common to all rules-based religions of the world.  The entire NT warns against this, that righteousness only comes through trusting-relying-faith in the finished ergon work/doing of Christ.  Are you a Jew needing the prophetic ‘milk’ of the OT graphe scriptures to come to Christ?  If not, why are you even reading this ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ the OT? <Notes> a) especially see the Book of Hebrews, b) Colossians 2:20.



Video - Part 2: Logos Word of God - BT7:  Does 2 Timothy 3:16 say that ALL graphe scripture is profitable for teaching?

Part 2


Again, so much has already been shown in Logos Word of God – BT6 to clearly explain 2 Timothy 3:16, but let’s dig into it some more here:


In 2 Timothy 3:16pas graphe scripture, God-breathed-kind kai specifically-is profitable for teaching, etc.,” the Greek word pas should NOT be translated “the whole/entirety of” as too many bibles do, as we saw in the beginning of this BLOG, which is admittedly the case when graphe scriptures are plural with the definite article (a) or singular with the definite article (b). But we do NOT have the singular WITH the definite article here in 2 Timothy 3:16!  Paul never uses the singular graphe scripture WITHOUT the definite article except here, and the only other 3 places John and Peter speak of are prophetic (c).  Everywhere else, Paul is referring to a specific ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ graphe scripture in some way.  Why would he now suddenly switch here to the “whole/entirety of”?  He wouldn’t!


<Notes> a) Matthew 22:29; John 5:39; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4; Romans 15:4, b) John 19:28; Galatians 3:22, c) John 19:37 prophecy of Christ’s piercing at the cross; 1 Peter 2:6 prophecy of Christ’s coming; 2 Peter 1:20-21 of all prophecy of graphe scripture produced by the Holy Spirit, the breath of God ; 2 Timothy 3:16 of the specific prophetic Messianic OT verses about Christ and His New Covenant salvation by trusting-relying-faith.


If you believe “pas graphe” means “the whole or entirety of scripture,” then you also have to violate everything Paul says about the ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ that permeates 97.4% of scripture that is the 5 books of Moses or Pentateuch called the “old covenant” or torah/nomos Law of conditional-favor, where our “blessing or favor by God” is “conditional” on our obedience to ALL 613 commandments – violating 1 commandment violates the whole Law and still condemns us.  For example, in 2 Corinthians 3:14-18 Paul criticizes people for listening to the Jewish teachers of the Law who continue to press Christians to “read Moses” or “the old covenant.”  Paul says “to this very day,” it causes the hearer’s hearts/minds to be hardened and blocked from seeing God’s glory that is alone in the face of Jesus Christ. Do you want this to happen to you?


Instead, the only way to metamorphic transformation is to turn your face or heart/mind away from Moses to Christ.  As we katoptrizomenoi (a compound form of optanomai) ‘fix/gaze-with our wide-open eyes on Jesus, as looking at the Holy Spirit within us in a mirror,’ then this ‘cocoon-to-butterfly’ change can happen but ONLY by the means of the Spirit, who is the Lord!  Paul’s argument is that this transformation will never come from reading the torah/nomos Law of conditional-favor.  In fact, the exact opposite will happen, because the veil that covered Moses’ face to hide the glory of God from the people “remains unlifted” and “to this very day, their hearts are hardened when they read Moses” for “the enabling-power of sin is the Law” (a) because the “Law came in [time] to increase the trespass” (b).  It’s called “the Law of sin and/coupled death” (c) for that very reason!  So why would Paul include the Law in 2 Timothy 3:16 for what was “profitable/useful for teaching?”  He wouldn’t! <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 15:56, b) Romans 5:20, c) Romans 8:2.


Another reason for NOT including the Law is found in Galatians 4:1-10.  Paul says that before Christ came, the Jews “under the Law” were like little children under epitropos ‘guardians of minors under 14’ and/coupled oikonomos ‘household managers,” which were hired servants to strictly insure little children got to school and back safely.  However, this was only intended until they were huios of-age, mature sons, ready to receive their inheritance.  As little children, they were treated no differently than other house-servants/slaves, still held-in-bondage to the stoicheion “elementary ‘abc’ principles” of the world, including Gentile religions and even Judaism!


In Colossians 2:8 Paul warns that false-teachers are “taking you captive by philosophy (love of human wisdom) and/coupled empty/vain-deception, [that comes] kata down-from/according-to the traditions of men, kata down-from/according-to the stoicheion elementary ‘abc’ principles of the world, enslaving you once again.”  The context makes it clear that the “stoicheion elementary ‘abc’ principles of the world” have to do with gramma writings, even collected into OT graphe scripture, that require you to “submit to regulations of ‘Do not handle, Do not taste, Do not touch” that they should have “with Christ died to” (a).  If Christians coming out of slavery to Jewish and other world religions or Greek philosophy and return back to them, they become “enslaved once again.”  Why would any Christian today want to go back to 97.4% of the OT that is regulations-based – see Logos Word of God – BT5a<Notes> a) Colossians 2:20-21.


Paul is certainly including the Jewish Law in these “traditions of men . . .stoicheion elementary ‘abc’ principles of the world, enslaving you ONCE AGAIN,” because he refers to circumcision in Colossians 2:11, and “the handwritings by-the-means-of THE dogma ‘public decrees of God, the rules, regulations, and commandments contained in ordinances’ that stood against us with its legal demands being airo ‘lifted up’ out-of the way, having nailed it to the cross” in Colossians 2:14.  However, Christians were not to be ruffled by Jewish judgments against them regarding the Law’s dietary regulations, festivals, new moons, or Sabbaths, all of which are scriptural skia ‘shadows, outlines, sketches of the things to come, but the soma Body belongs/is-of Christ” in Colossians 2:16-17.  Paul would ask so many Christians today:  “If with Christ you died [in water-baptism per Colossians 2:12 and Romans 6:4] to the stoicheion elementary ‘abc’ principles of the world, why…do you submit to regulations of ‘Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch?” in Colossians 2:20.


However, once Christ came, Jewish-Christians SHOULD have been freed from this slavery, made huios mature adopted sons to receive their rightful inheritance. That’s when they could receive the [singular] first-fruit of their inheritance – the Holy Spirit (a) into their hearts so they could have a heavenly “Daddy” who could NOW unconditionally-love them because there is NO MORE SIN LEFT to judge in them, and thus can NOW experientially, relationally ginosko know God.  How could they go back to commandments about things like days, months, seasons, and years, although these are all specified in the Law as well as the “Traditions of the Elders”?  How could they go back to being enslaved by the “asthenes ‘without vigor/strength, thus weak, depleted, insufficient, frail, feeble, sickly’ and/coupled ptochos ‘crouching/cowering like a beggar, deeply destitute/helpless, insufficient in resources, poor like pauper’ stoicheion elementary ‘abc’ principles of this world?” per Galatians 4:9?  I wonder how many Christians Paul would have to say this of? <Notes> a) Romans 8:23.


The next BLOG Logos Word of God – BT8 will go into even greater depth as to why the Law of Moses is absolutely NOT to be considered a ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ graphe scripture that is “profitable for teaching , etc.”  But for now it’s clear that this would absolutely be contrary to so much that Paul has said SO NEGATIVELY against the Law of righteousness through works of obedience (a) and the “wisdom and understanding” that the Law promised to those keeping its commandments in “the fear of the LORD” (b).  Paul would never teach others to teach any of this!  <Notes> a) Romans 10:5; Psalms 119:142; Isaiah 42:21, 51:7, b) Psalms 110:10, 119:98; Deuteronomy 4:6; Job 28:28; Proverbs 1:7, 9:10.


This ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ graphe scripture certainly has nothing to do with “powerfully-enabling you to be wise unto salvation through trusting-relying-faith in Christ Jesus” as 2 Timothy 3:15 speaks of!  In the context of 2 Timothy 3:10 Paul is simply telling Timothy to continue to “closely follow my teaching, my conduct, my specific-purpose (a), my trusting-relying-faith” (b) – not to follow the “evil people and impostors, who will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived” (c).  “But as for you, continue in what you have already learned [from his childhood training]” (d).  Paul tells the brothers to “continue standing on what they received, by which you are being saved, holding fast to what was preached to you – the gospel (e), NOT the OT Law or historical writings, Proverbs, etc.  <Notes> a) “set apart for the gospel” per Roman 1:1; Acts 9:15, 13:2; Galatians 1:15, b) 2 Timothy 3:10, c) v. 3:13, d) v. 3:15, e) 1 Corinthians 15:1-2.


Another problem of “pas graphe” meaning “the whole or entirety of scripture,” is that in the NT, pas more often as “the distributed or portioned sense,” meaning “a quantity from every ‘portion’ of” or more often ‘each/every of a kind/class/category/portion of,’ especially since a ‘whole/entirety of’ translation would certainly be an exaggeration or at least impossible to verify.  It may just appear this way for literary purposes, just as the Pharisees said: “If we let Jesus continue like this, pas ALL will have trusting-relying-faith in Him” (a) and “the world has gone after Jesus” (b).  <Notes> a) John 11:48, b) John 12:19.


Obviously Luke wasn’t saying that the pas ‘whole/entirety of people, thus everyone“ was biazo ‘forcing or pressing through a confined space’ eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ the kingdom of God” (a) during Christ’s ministry, but that “each/every of a kind/class/category/portion of,’ of mankind that is drawn to Jesus and thus “taught by God” the Father, it is THEY who come to Jesus (b), and it is THEY who will even force themselves through such huge crowds surrounding Jesus just to hear Jesus preach the gospel.   To many jealous scribes & Pharisees it would seem like a veritable sea of people! <Notes> a) Luke 16:16, b) John 6:44, 65.


Another example is in James 1:2, “[I strongly urge you to] my brethren to hegeomailead the way by considering, deeming, thinking’ [as] pas charajoy or source of joy, gladness, or delight’ when you fall into various trials.”  This does NOT mean as some bibles imply: “When you stumble into various kinds of trials, lead-by-considering them pas as-a-whole/in-entirety as a charajoyful, glad, delightful’ experience!”  This is like calling black “white” and evil “good.”  It’s is a lie!  And it’s absurd!  God doesn’t want us lying to Him about our experiences – practicing liars don’t even make it into heaven (a)!  Instead James is saying:  “Lead the way in the way you are thinking about various kinds of trials, by thinking about pas ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ chara joy/source of joy/gladness/delight.”  But what is that? <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 1:10; Revelations 21:8.


James can be a pretty gloomy guy, even telling worldly Christians to “turn their joy into gloom” in James 4:9, but here in James 1:2-12 he defines “pas ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ chara joy/source of joy/gladness/delight” in context to be what a Christian will experience when you know your “tested trusting-relying-faith produces steadfastness leading to completeness.”  It’s what you experience if like Paul you can say “the time of my departure has come.  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept The-Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith).  Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved His appearing” (a). <Notes> a) 2 Timothy 4:6-8.


As I wrote this my eyes teared up from joy!  This is exactly the joy in mind in James 1:9, 12 “[I strongly urge] the lowly/poor brethren to boast in their exaltation . . . for blessed/to-be-envied is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for WHEN/AFTER he has stood the test he shall indeed receive the crown of zoe genuine-life.”  THIS is the pas ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ chara joy/source of joy/gladness/delight” that we can have during our trials!  We have to get our “head out of our current earthly woes” and “look forward to our eternal rewards!”


That’s exactly what Hebrews 12:1-5 is saying:  “Having laid aside every weight and/coupled easily-entangling sin” – in context, likely the persecution of others causing us trials that tempt us to give up our trusting-relying-faith in Christ, “we should presently/ongoingly run dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ patient-endurance the race lying before us, aphorao ‘looking away from all else to fix our gaze upon’ eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ the founder and/coupled finisher of our trusting-relying-faith, Jesus, who in-view-of the joy lying-in-front-of Him, patiently-endured the cross, having despised its shame, sat-down at the right hand of the throne of God.”  THIS is “the joy lying-in-front-of Him!”  We also must look for the joy of the prize!  This is the pas ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ chara joy of James 1:2 were are to “consider.”


Hebrews 12:1-5 continues:  “Consider-fully the One who patiently-endured from sinners such-great hostility against himself, in order that you might in-possibility-NOT grow wearily-fainthearted in your souls. In your routine/habitual struggling against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.”  James 1:2 isn’t saying we are to somehow find joy in suffering, or do mental gymnastics to turn “the whole of trails” into joy!  This is insane!  Sin’s consequences & suffering of poverty and persecution sucks because it’s ALL painful.  Don’t be in denial!  Our joy comes from looking to the end of our race, to the end of our fight, past our resistance to persecution, just like Jesus and Paul did!  The END of the trail is the “kind/class/category/portion of’ joy that we can have, if we choose to stare that.  And James is certainly not talking about the joy of sinning that unrepentant sinners enjoy!



Video - Part 3: Logos Word of God - BT7:  Does 2 Timothy 3:16 say that ALL graphe scripture is profitable for teaching?

Part 3


NOW let’s re-examine the use of pas throughout 2 Timothy to see Paul’s use in 2 Timothy 3:16.  Paul does indeed us pas as ‘the whole/entirety of’ when referring to clearly verifiable statements or ideal statements of truth or intention (a). <Notes> a) 2 Timothy 2:19, 21, 24, 3:11-12, 17, 4:5, 8, 16-18.


However, it’s clear from the context that Paul often uses pas in the “distributed or portioned sense” in 2 Timothy for a ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ in many other verses (a), but also when ‘the whole/entirety’ exaggerated perspective used for literary effects would simply be impossible to verify (b). <Notes> a) 2 Timothy 2:7, 2:10, 4:2, b) 2 Timothy 1:15, 3:9, 4:21?.


Let’s look at narrowing/chiseling-down of the ‘the whole/entirety of’ graphe scripture to specifically the Messianic prophetic ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ that 2 Timothy 3:15-16 is referring to:  Moses speaks of “a Prophet like me from among you – it is to Him you must listen” (a), yet Jesus chisels this down from the general to the specific: “And beginning with Moses and pas ‘the whole/entirety of’ the Prophets, Jesus interpreted to them in pas ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ the graphe scriptures [that is] the things peri ‘all around, concerning’ Himself (b) . . . My logos messages that I spoke to you . . . that dei ‘it necessarily must happen’ pleroo ‘to become completely-filled to completion/fulfillment’ pas ‘every/each of a kind/class/category/portion of’ things written about Me in the Law of Moses and/coupled the Prophets and/coupled [singular] Psalms (c) peri ‘all-around, concerning’ Me” (c).


Remember that Philip told Nathanael:  “We have found Him of whom Moses in the Law and/coupled the Prophets wrote, we have already [with last effects] found [Him], Jesus son of Joseph, the-specific-one of Nazareth” (c).


<Notes> a) Deuteronomy 18:15, b) cf. the same use of peri regarding “the graphe scriptures” in John 5:39 “you presently/ongoingly diligently-search the graphe scriptures because you presently/ongoingly suppose/opinionate-that by-the-means-of them zoe genuine-life everlasting [you are] presently/ongoingly to-hold-to-have, kai and/yet these-ones presently/ongoingly are-they the-specific-ones routinely/habitually bearing-witness/testifying peri ‘all-around, concerning’ Me,” c) normally the Jews divided into 3 ‘kinds/classes/categories’ of “Law, Prophets, and Writings”, but only here in Luke 24:44 is this division, d) Luke 24:27, 44, c) John 1:45.


Paul also often cites the ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ the graphe scriptures that specifically refers to (a):  Messianic prophecy peri ‘all-about, concerning’ (see note ‘b’ above) the coming of God’s Son in the flesh, trusting-relying-faith like Abraham’s when he heard the gospel that is also NOW – if your faith is placed in Christ – counted also to us as righteousness, that the ‘slave woman and her lineage’ of the Mosaic Law are cast out so that Christ and His freed lineage now receive Abraham’s inheritance, that such trusting-relying-faith in Christ will keep us from being put to shame, that God is faithful to His people even as Elijah interceded to God for Israel by purging it from the prophets of Baal, that there is a ‘blessed hope’ of Titus 2:13 at Christ’s appearing that is the specific hope we get from the specific instruction and specific encouragement of the OT graphe scriptures that has to do with enduring in our trusting-relying-faith, that are specific Messianic prophecies of Christ’s death for our sins and His burial and His resurrection on the 3rd day.  <Notes> a) Romans 1:2, 4:3; Galatians 3:8, 4:30; Romans 10:11, 11:2, 15:4; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4.


Since this is Paul’s pattern, this is likely repeated in 2 Timothy 3:16, especially when we see so clearly from the context of 2 Timothy 3:14-17 for Timothy, his evangelist-in-training to “presently/ongoingly meno ‘abide, dwell-in, continue’ in hoisthe-specific-things’ you-have-already manthano ‘learned the essentials from’ and/coupled you-have-already-become pistoo ‘persuaded/assured-of as faithful/trustworthy, because of your placed trusting-relying-faith‘,  . . .


. . . that from childhood ta ‘the-specific-ones’ sacred gramma writings you-have-already [with ongoing effects] eido ‘mentally seen to perceived/known, ta ‘specifically-the-ones’ routinely/habitually [NOW also] are-being-powerfully-able to-make-you-wise eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ salvation dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ [singular] trusting-relying-faith , tes ‘specifically the one that is’ in Christ (The Anointed One) Jesus . . .


. . . in-order-that the ‘man of God’ [that Timothy is from 1 Timothy 6:11] may be artios ‘here & now ready or prepared to function’ pros ‘toward and reaching’ every agathos ‘God-like good, beneficial, excellent, praiseworthy’ ergon work/doing, having-already-been [with ongoing effects] exartizo ‘fitted-out, out-fitted, made suitable with all parts working together.”  This is what Timothy was originally called to do in his preaching-evangelism ministry from 1 Timothy 1:18, 4:14-15, and 2 Timothy 1:6, 4:5, just as others had in Acts 21:8 and Ephesians 4:11-12.


Just look at all the times that Paul uses the definite articles hois ta or tes to further narrow down specifically what he’s talking about!  You can see it’s also really important to read a verse in context, just as D. A. Carson said: “A text without a context is a pretext for a proof-text.”


Furthermore, the context tells us exactly what ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ of graphe scripture is generally in mind:  theopneustos “God-breathed, Spirit-blown kind of” is that anarthrous [without definite-article] adjective right after “pas graphe scripture” that very obviously narrow downs what kind of scripture!  But even more obvious are the words that immediately preceded “pas graphe scripture” – “from childhood ta ‘the-specific-ones’ sacred gramma writings you-have-already [with ongoing effects] eido ‘mentally ‘seen’ to perceive/know‘, ta ‘specifically-the-ones’ routinely/habitually [NOW also] are-being-powerfully-able to-make-you-wise eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ salvation dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ [singular] trusting-relying-faith, tes ‘specifically the one that is’ IN Christ (The Anointed One) Jesus.”


Therefore, the specific ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ in Paul’s mind starts out with the theopneustos “God-breathed, Spirit-blown kind of” that is spoken by God prophetically throughout the OT.  Then Paul narrows it down even further with 4 uses of the definite articles hois, ta or tes – see definitions ‘2B’ of Logos Word of God – BT4 for the plural use of sacred ‘gramma writings’ with the definite article to speak of specificity or particular ones, NOT “the whole/entirety of.”


Since the definite articles ta and tes were already used twice in reference to a hois ‘specific kind of’ sacred gramma writings that are Messianic salvation gramma writings in 2 Timothy 3:15 and NOW Paul is relating this to “pas graphe scripture” in v. 3:16, as is common in Greek, and certainly Paul’s Greek where he routinely leaves words out (called ellipsis), this subsequent reference to the same specific ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ graphe scripture in v. 3:16 does NOT need the definite article ta to still be referring to the same specific ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ Messianic salvation gramma writings.  Thus 2 Timothy 3:14-16 is ALL referring to the same specific Messianic salvation gramma writings of the OT.  The Greek and context make this abundantly clear!


Though the adjective theopneustos Paul uses for “God-breathed-kind of” is NOT used anywhere else in the bible, the root verb pneo is used of “the blowing of a strong wind (a) – this is associated with the noun pneuma that is the normal word for “wind, breath, Spirit.”  Pneo is even used of the Spirit blowing across the face of the waters to cause the land to appear (b), and even to giving “humans life and everything” (c).  For this reason and the following, I prefer to translate theopneustos as “Spirit-blown kind of.”  In the NT, the Holy Spirit within born-again Christians pneo blows them where He wills (d), even that “The Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say” in your testimony of Christ (e), similar to the way God came ‘upon or on’ the OT Prophets (f) – see Teachers – BT10, just as coming “upon or on” God’s NT servants (g).


Paul could also have borrowed the ‘God-inspired’ idea from pre-Christian Greek writings where it refers to “divinely-inspired wisdom,” like Plato who believed “sole rulership of the divine spirit replaced human mental activity” in a prophet.  However, more likely Paul, as a Pharisee who studied under the famed Gamaliel (h), is referring to Rabbinic Judaism that believed the “Spirit rested ‘upon or on’ or sometimes ‘IN’ the Prophets, speaking through them so that their rhema words were actually from God by-the-means-of the Spirit.”  However, I couldn’t actually find any biblical evidence that the Spirit came ‘INTO’ OT prophets!  That’s the unique kainos New Covenant distinction NOW to all Christians as the grace-gift or promised Holy Spirit (i) that even started Christ’s ministry (j). In fact, the Jewish-Christian Paul speaks often of the Spirit and prophesying, making it NOW a top priority of all Christians (k).  This ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ is what Paul is obsessed about!


<Notes> a) Matthew 7:25, 27, John 6:18; Luke 12:55; Acts 27:40; Revelation 7:1, b) Genesis 1:2, c) Job 33:4; Acts 17:25; Revelation 11:11, d) John 3:8, cf. Ezekiel 37:9, e) Luke 12:12, f) Numbers 24:2; 1 Samuel 19:20, 23; 2 Chronicles 15:1, 20:14, g) Luke 1:35, 2:25; 1 Peter 4:14, h) Acts 5:34, 22:3, i) Acts 1:8, 2:17-18 citing Joel 2:28-29, j) Matthew 12:18; Luke 4:18, k) 1 Corinthians 12:10, 13:9, 14:1, 5, 24, 31, 39.



Video - Part 4: Logos Word of God - BT7:  Does 2 Timothy 3:16 say that ALL graphe scripture is profitable for teaching?

Part 4


Paul did NOT write in English to say: “All scripture IS God-breathed and/thus IS profitable/useful for teaching, etc.”  There is no “IS” in the Greek text that many bibles insert, and often with NO indication that they have!  “God-breathed” and “profitable” are both adjectives, but then they say, “They must BOTH be predicate adjectives acting as direct-objects of verbs that here don’t exist in the Greek text, thus justifying the insertion of “IS” in BOTH cases, when many Greek scholars show that this is NOT warranted in the 1st case and possibly warranted in the 2nd case only to help explain the use of kai as “and subsequently IS.”


Proponents of this “IS . . . IS” double-structure, argue that Paul has done this before in 1 Timothy 4:4 where he argues against that Christians need NOT follow the Jewish food Laws:  “For the reason is:  every created-thing (noun) of/belonging-to God [IS] kalos ‘a beautifully-attractive good that inspires/motivates others to also embrace what beautiful & praiseworthy’ (an adjective without the definite article, thus anarthrous) and/thus [by parallel structure:] absolutely-in-fact-NO thing (noun) [IS] apobletos ‘to-be-thrown-away, rejected, and despised as an abominable, unclean thing’ (an anarthrous adjective), [but] routinely/habitually being lambano ‘grabbed hold of to receive’ (present participle) meta ‘with, but as a result of being changed by being in close proximity with’ thanksgiving.” The present participle phrase explains why “absolutely-in-fact-NO thing [IS] apobletos ‘to-be-thrown-away, rejected, and despised as an abominable, unclean thing’.”


However, just because it makes sense here to insert [IS] in both cases in the 1st letter to Timothy, we simply are NOT forced to in 2 Timothy 3:16 to do the same.  You can’t use just 1 case to force another case.  This is desperation!  This again is the fallacy of a “proof-text” to create a doctrine!


In the first place, why would Paul be trying to make a point that the “whole/entirety of graphe scripture IS God-breathed or Spirit-blown and-coupled-to-this IS profitable for teaching, etc.”?  Certainly every scribe & Pharisee would love to teach that in churches, but that’s the last thing Paul would allow!  Also, wouldn’t that be stating the obvious to Timothy, a fellow Jew?  Isn’t that something Timothy’s Jewish mother Eunice and grandmother Lois (a) would have always known from the scribes & Pharisees, and originally drilled into Timothy as a young child? <Notes> a) 2 Timothy 1:5; Acts 16:1.


However, at some point they became Christians and passed this onto Timothy, and THAT logos message Paul is referring to is radically different!  Paul’s training of Timothy in preaching the gospel as an evangelist was building on this radical shift in the logos message – the gospel is NOT most of the OT that other Jews learned!  If Paul was NOW trying to return to trying to prove to Timothy the inspiration of ALL scripture, how come he didn’t given any proofs of this?  Furthermore, Paul didn’t play off any Jewish childhood confidence of this understanding to build another argument that it’s NOW profitable to Timothy for a variety of reasons, thus saying something like this: “Because the whole of scripture IS inspired THEN it’s profitable for teaching, etc. . . .”.


If you jump out of the context and suppose that Paul is trying to prove “ALL scripture IS God-breathed or inspired” to ALL Christians, even Gentiles who didn’t grow up with this rabbinical indoctrination, again why didn’t Paul lay out any proofs to convince them?  When bibles choose the least obvious path of translation, they have to find a way to get around the many problems they create as a result.


Secondly, based on the fact that Paul just reminded Timothy of a certain ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ graphe scripture from “ta the specific sacred gramma writings” he was taught by Lois & Eunice that were specifically prophetic regarding the Messiah and His New Covenant salvation thru trusting-relying-faith in Christ, it’s much more likely that the first anarthrous adjective “God-breathed, Spirit-blown kind of” is “attributive” and thus simply narrowing-down the ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ graphe scripture just as adjectives without the definite article after a word do, and JUST as we’ve seen pas in the “distributed or portion of sense’ normally does!


Then we have plenty of examples where kai followed by another anarthrous adjective, in this case “profitable/useful” can simply be translated “and/subsequently-is” or and/thus-is,” where NOW it makes normal sense to insert [is] to make the conjunction + adjective “profitable/useful” make sense, even if you want to now classify this one as a predicate adjective!


The main argument of the entire passage is to get Timothy to understand that what he has already learned as a child is also NOW in his ministry “profitable for teaching, for reproof/rebuke, for gentle-correction, and for childlike-training-rearing (like Timothy had already undergone) . . . for the man of God (that Timothy is per 1 Timothy 6:11) to be complete, equipped for every good work.” The adjective “profitable for” introduces Paul’s concluding argument of what to NOT use as an evangelist-preacher, not some general doctrine of “ALL scripture IS God-breathed/Spirit-blown.”  Context, context, context!  The anarthrous adjective “Spirit-blown” for “the prophetic category” is the GENERAL clarifying reason for why Paul is considering it “profitable/useful for . . .” for Timothy.  That’s why “Spirit-blown” and “profitable for” are linked/associated by kai.  We already saw that Paul used the definite articles hois, ta, and tes to give the specific ‘narrowing-down’ from this GENERAL category for his argument!


This kai conjunction doesn’t always “couple similar things together” as the proponents of the “IS God-breathed and/coupled IS profitable” force it to be, but often is best translated “and this too, and also, and likewise, moreover, even this, indeed namely, and thus/subsequently” to introduce a conclusion from a previous argument, thus my translation of “and subsequently [is].  That’s what we see here:  Paul is concluding with “and/subsequently-is profitable for” his previous argument to Timothy to use “a specific-type-of sacred gramma writings” that he learned from childhood, “the specific-type that made him wise for salvation thru faith, specifically in Christ Jesus.”


Thirdly, the NT writers are NOT just obsessed by the prophetic ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ OT gramma writings eventually collected into graphe scripture called “The Prophets – the Spirit-blown kind that we see Paul is focused on here.  They were really obsessed about current prophetic experience!  Likewise, we consistently see the Holy Spirit “coming upon or on” God’s “servants” in the NT (a) with signs & wonders and grace-gifts bestowed as part of the promised Spirit during Spirit-baptism (b), as prophesied by the Prophet Joel that Peter preached to begin the Church with (c).  Jesus is our example of Spirit-empowerment for ministry (d), and likely is how the kingdom of God comes ‘upon’ us (e).  <Notes> a) Luke 1:35, 2:25; 1 Peter 4:14, b) Acts 1:8, c) Joel 2:28-29 cited by Acts 2:17-18, d) Matthew 12:18; Luke 4:18, e) Matthew 12:28.


That’s the real promise of the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant – not just to few OT Prophets who “see and hear” God’s directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words through “prophecy, dreams, and visions” or only to a few “greatest among you” who receive this experientially, relationally ginosko knowing of God, but “The Promise” is NOW to “ALL of God’s people” (a) specifically to ALL of God’s “men-servants and maid-servants” (b)!  If the NT writers were obsessed about the prophetic gramma writings of the OT Prophets, especially concerning the Messiah, but especially the NT’s “New Prophecy,” then why aren’t we?  <Notes> a) Jeremiah 31:33-34, b) Acts 2:18.


Fourthly, we also have to keep in mind who the intended audience is that NT writers are speaking to when they refer to ANY ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ graphe scripture, even if they are prophetic.  If you do a careful analysis of every OT citation within the NT, you will find that they were ALWAYS done for a Jewish audience who would naturally revere the graphe scriptures as authoritative, likely understand their meaning, and thus hopefully be convinced of the writer’s argument.  However, you will NEVER see this done for a Gentile audience who would naturally care less, wouldn’t naturally understand, and thus not naturally be convinced.  This is the first rule of effective speaking – “know thy audience!”


You can look at the dates of books and see the difference!  Books written before the time when Paul & Barnabas turned their preaching away from the Jews to the Gentiles in Acts 13:45-46 around 48 AD, or possibly some books before the 64 AD Jewish Wars killed or dispersed so many Jews, and maybe even before the final Jewish dispersion in 70 AD with the destruction of Jerusalem – would likely be written more toward a Jewish-Christian audience, unless clearly designated otherwise.  Know thy audience!  We especially see a change in vocabulary and scripture references in later Christian writers written predominantly to Gentiles!


Fifthly, we have to keep in mind the radical shift in what was considered the logos “Word/Message of God” from the OT to the NT – see Logos Word of God – BT3.  This made it easier and easier for Christians to “let go” of the palaios “old, antiquated, worn-out, weak, worthless” covenant, its gramma writings collected into graphe scripture, and WAYS.  The Church needed to radically shift to NOW become “ministers of completely-different-in-kind New Covenant, absolutely-in-fact-NOT of/belonging-to the gramma letter [of the Law] but of/belonging-to the Spirit.  For the gramma letter [of the Law] presently/ongoingly kills, but the Spirit gives presently/ongoingly zoe genuine-life” (a). <Notes> a) 2 Corinthians 3:6 – see note ‘1B’ of Logos Word of God – BT4 for the singular use of gramma with the definite article to refer to the old covenant or Law viewed as a whole.


The “Living, active, sharper than a double-edged sword” (a) is absolutely NOT any bible writings, but Jesus Christ, our High Priest, our Sabbath Rest from the OT scripture’s ‘works’ (b).  Context always defines words!  The Jewish bible students who “diligently searched/studied the scriptures supposing/opinionating that in/by/with them, they could take hold of zoe genuine-life everlasting” were sorely mistaken!  Jesus said these writings were simply there to “testify/bear-witness peri ‘all about, concerning’ Me,” but they “ongoingly refused to come pros ‘toward and reaching’ Jesus for that zoe genuine-life” (c), so they missed the whole point of their bible!  <Notes> a) Hebrew 4:12, b) Hebrews 4:9-11, 14, c) John 5:39-40.


Once you have the “real thing ‘Body’ of Christ” what do you need the “shadow, outline, sketch or copy” of it for (a)?  And so we see over time, the early Church “letting go” more and more of the OT graphe scriptures.  By 150 AD, Justin Martyr said that only the Psalms were sung and only in Jewish churches. <Notes> a) Hebrews 8:5, 10:1; Colossians 2:17.


Finally, understanding how Paul has used these other words in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 of “profitable/useful for: instruction/teaching, reproof, correction, child-like training/rearing in righteousness, man-of-God, and good work” will clue us in even more as to what ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ graphe scripture he is talking about as “God-breathed/Spirit-blown.”  We will see it’s absolutely NOT the Law!


Timothy is the “man of God” primarily in mind, but also others that Timothy will train (a).  All these “instruction/teaching, reproving, correcting” words Paul uses are descriptions of what the “man of God” Timothy, the preacher-evangelist-in-training, will need to do to counter the Jewish teachers of the Law that are opposing the gospel in the Church, trying to re-convert Jewish-Christians and Gentile proselytes back to Judaism – the book of Hebrews is dedicated to just this.  Many of Paul’s letters are attempts to undo the damage down by Jewish teachers of the Law and the oral Law’s “Traditions of the Elders.” <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 2:2.


We also know from the NT writings and early Church records that the prophetic ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ of graphe scripture specifically of the Messiah and salvation by trusting-relying-faith (a), were the main “tools” for converting or catechizing (b) Jews to Christ – see Salvation – BT4, just as Timothy had been.  This is also what Paul means in 2 Timothy 3:16 by “child-like training/rearing in righteousness,” the righteousness given to us by the Righteous & Holy One per Acts 3:14, 4:27, 30, 7:52, 22:14; Mark 1:24; 1 Peter 3:18; 1 John 2:1, 2:20, 27, 3:7, as we will see later.  <Notes> a) like Romans 1:17 citing Habakkuk 2:4, b) katecheo: repetitive instruction of foundational truths: Luke 1:4; Galatians 6:6; 1 Corinthians 14:19; Acts 18:25 – see Teach One Another.


“Profitable” is used regarding physical training vs. godliness from training (a) by-the-means-of the logos messages of The Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith) and/coupled of the kalos ‘a beautifully-attractive good that inspires/motivates other to also embrace what is beautiful & praiseworthy’ doctrine/teaching that you (Timothy) have already followed” (b).  Godliness doesn’t come from the Law but Gospel Faith type of training!  The transformational enabling-power of godliness is the Holy Spirit of Christ that is given by trusting-relying-faith at water-baptism into The Christian Faith (c).


<Notes> a) training to renounce godlessness: Titus 2:12, b) 1 Timothy 4:6-8, c) 2 Timothy 3:5; 2 Corinthians 3:18.


The didaskalia “instruction/teachingin 2 Timothy 3:16 refers to the hugiano “sound or good-working, all-parts-working, healthy’ doctrine” of/belonging-to Jesus Christ and of/belonging-to the gospel’s trusting-relying-faith in Christ that accords with godliness (a). That’s what a preacher-evangelist does!  See Teach One Another.  <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 1:10, 4:6, 6:3; 2 Timothy 4:2; Titus 1:9, 13, 2:1.


Elegchos “reproof” could mean correcting the persistent sin of Church leaders in front of the Church (a), but in context means to patiently, yet sharply refute and rebuke teachers of Gentile religions and particularly the Jewish Law that all contradict hugiano “sound or good-working, all-parts-working, healthy’ doctrine” so that they may be hugiano “sound or good-working, all-parts-working, healthy’ in The Trusting-Relying-Faith (The Christian Faith), absolutely-in-fact-NOT devoting themselves to Jewish myths and the commandments of/belonging-to men who turn away from the The Truth“(b), who is clearly Jesus Christ – see The Truth page.  Even if they are the 613 OT commandments of the Law, they are still “of/belonging-to men who have turned away from Jesus Christ.”  Paul has little patience for teachers of the Law! <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 5:19-20, b) Titus 1:13-14.


“Correction” is the Greek word epanorthosis used only here of restoration to the ‘straightness of’ uprightness or godliness but is similar to anorthoo used in Hebrews 12:12 for “strengthening listless hands and weak knees” during the discipline of enduring persecution while still keeping peace with others, which is certainly a training in righteousness that we will speak of next.  Jewish-Christians needed encouragement to remain godly despite the trials and persecution they were suffering from the Jews, other religions, and an ungodly world.  However, Timothy was told to reject the Law’s methods of godliness through commandments, but to instead be “trained in/by/with the logos messages of trusting-relying-faith and/coupled the kalos ‘a beautifully-attractive good that inspires/motivates other to also embrace what is beautiful & praiseworthy’ doctrine/teaching you have already followed” per 1 Timothy 4:6-8.


“Training” is the noun paideia meaning child-rearing instruction (a), the discipline of little children that trains them in the way of peaceful-living fruit of righteousness (b).  The verb form paideuo similarly means gently-as-with-a-child corrective training, even of opponents of the Lord’s gospel servants (c), just as the unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace of God trains us to reject godless ways (d), or as the gentle discipline of the Lord that benefits us that we may share in His holiness (e).  Just as Timothy was ‘gently-reared’ by Lois and Eunice, this “man of God” needed to do the same for others, whether opponents or actual children or other weak Jewish-Christians still needing the “milk” of OT Messianic prophetic gramma writings (f), to also make others “wise eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ salvation dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ trusting-relying-faith, tes ‘the specific one’ IN Christ Jesus” (g).


<Notes> a) Ephesians 6:4, b) Hebrews 12:5, 7-8, 11; peace is one ‘flavor’ of the singular-fruit of Unconditional Love that is the nature of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22, c) 2 Timothy 2:25, d) Titus 2:12, e) Hebrews 2:10, 12:6, 7, 10; 1 Corinthians 11:32, f) 1 Corinthians 3:2; Hebrews 5:12-13; cf. 1 Peter 2:2, g) 2 Timothy 3:15.


Agathos ernon “God-like good, beneficial, excellent, praiseworthy’ works” are ordained for every Christian (a), which are indeed “profitable/useful” but “quarrels about the Law are unprofitable and worthless (b), something that teachers of the Law regularly engaged in (c) because they believed it worships God with their “mind” (d).  However, in context “the good works” of this “man of God” Timothy is the “work of preaching/evangelism of the gospel” (e), in which Timothy was grace-gifted by the Holy Spirit to do (f).  Paul isn’t training him to teach the Law!


<Notes> a) 2 Timothy 2:21; Titus 3:1; of women: 1 Timothy 2:10, 5:10, b) Titus 3:8-9, c) 1 Timothy 6:4; 2 Timothy 2:14, 23, d) Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27, e) 2 Corinthians 10:16; Philippians 4:3; 1 Timothy 1:18, f) 1 Timothy 4:14-15; 2 Timothy 1:6, 4:5


As useful as the prophetic ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ graphe scripture is for converting Jews, they are still just stoicheion “elementary ‘abc’ doctrines of Christ” (The Anointed One, the Messiah), according to Hebrews 6:1-2.  These are foundational ‘abc’ teachings for Jews to prepare them for Christian conversion, such as:  teachings about turning from the dead/useless works of the Law and instead of trusting God (a), about the uselessness of ceremonial washings (b), about priesthood ordination by the laying on of hands (c), the resurrection of the dead (d), and the judgement of God (e).  It’s bewildering that so many Christians misinterpret this passage simply because they don’t know who the book of Hebrews was written to, nor do they look at the Greek text!


<Notes> a) trusting the Law vs trusting Christ that He was sent by God – this is the central gospel logos message of the NT, b) not to be confused with Christian water-baptism, c) not to be confused with the laying on of hands for the anointing of the Holy Spirit or to receive grace-gifts of the Spirit, d) the Pharisees believed in this, but the Sadducees didn’t, but if Christ wasn’t raised from the dead there is no forgiveness of sin, e) which will NOW be by Christ having been given ALL authority after His resurrection.



Video - Part 5: Logos Word of God - BT7:  Does 2 Timothy 3:16 say that ALL graphe scripture is profitable for teaching?

Part 5


The Hebrews writer spends so much time quoting OT prophetic scriptures about the superiority of Christ and His completely-different-in-kind New Covenant, which still are all stoicheion “elementary, fundamental ‘abc’ principle” doctrines that led them originally to Christ, but “though by this time they ought to be teachers [to convert other Jews] you need someone to teach you AGAIN the stoicheion elementary ‘abc’ principles of/belonging-to the logion oracles/utterances of God (a).  You need milk, not solid food, for everyone who lives on milk is untrained/un-skilled in the logos message of righteousness (b) since he is a child.  But solid food is for the mature/complete, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil” (c) – see New Covenant Ways – BT16.


<Notes> a) logion are prophetic uttered messages in the old covenant: Romans 3:2; Acts 7:38; and in the New Covenant: 1 Peter 4:11, b) Jesus is the logos Word/Message of God, or The Truth, the Righteous & Holy One:  Acts 3:14, 4:27, 30, 7:52, 22:14; Mark 1:24; 1 Peter 3:18; 1 John 2:1, 2:20, 27, 3:7.  Again training isn’t supposed to come from the Law but from Christ, c) Hebrews 5:12-14.


These “powers of discernment” certainly have something to do with Hebrew 6:5 “tasting the heavenly grace-gift, sharing in the Holy Spirit, tasting the kalos ‘a beautifully-attractive good that inspires/motivates other to also embrace what is beautiful & praiseworthy’ of the Logos Word/Message of God (a) and/coupled the enabling-powers of the age to come.”  This is the same Greek word dunamis for “enabling-power of the Holy Spirit” used throughout the NT!  This is where discernment of good and evil is supposed to come from, not referring to commandments in the OT as if we were still little-children that need everything ‘spelled out for us’ in detail!  <Notes> a) Jesus and His logos gospel message of The Truth, Hebrews 4:12.


In context, the “milk” is the OT graphe scripture’s gramma writings, even if it is prophetic about Christ, and the “solid food” is the “powerfully-enabling revelation directly by Christ’s Holy Spirit to renew your mind/heart/inner man to discern the Lord’s will” (a), which is directly from the “Living logos Message/Word of God” (b).   God shows no partiality, so even little children can discern by-the-means-of the Holy Spirit to experientially, relationally ginosko know God and His will – see The Least Among You – BT8<Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 2:14; Philippians 1:9; Romans 12:2; Ephesians 5:10, b) Christ in context: Hebrews 4:12, John 1:1-3; 1 John 1:1.


Finally, Paul reminded Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:14 “from childhood you already [with ongoing effects] have eido mentally ‘seen’ to perceive/knowta specific ones’ sacred gramma writings.”  Eido isn’t gnosis info-knowledge gained from study like the Pharisees and scribes were experts of.  It’s NOT diagnosis knowledge!  It’s not even emphasizing experiential, relational knowledge like ginosko or epignosis does, even though Paul often uses these words also.


Eido is OT & NT prophetic rhema visionary, internal ‘seeing’ knowledge!  Paul often uses eido for “knowing God” by perceiving Him with the mind’s eye (a), especially of knowing Jesus Christ (b), something he proseuchomai conversationally-prayed for every Christian to experience (c), which is the way God knows the mind of His own Holy Spirit (d), and the way the Holy Spirit knows the things of God (e), and by-the-means-of the Spirit is how we know the things freely given to us by God (f).  This internal “seeing” knowledge is indeed part of the definitions of the Greek words for prophecy, visions, and dreams, thus “seeing” mysteries and knowledge (g).  About the false Jewish and Gentile teachers, Paul says they PROFESS to eido know God but their deeds deny Him (h).


<Notes> a) Galatians 4:8; 1 Thessalonians 4:5, b) 1 Corinthians 2:2, c) Ephesians 1:8, d) He “sees” it: Romans 8:27, e) He “sees” it: 1 Corinthians 2:11, f) 1 Corinthians 2:12, though previously hidden from men – v. 2:9, g) 1 Corinthians 13:2, h) Titus 1:16.


The writer of Hebrews 8:11 citing Jeremiah 31:34 says the radical distinction of the completely-different-in-kind New (a) Covenant is that “absolutely-in-fact NO longer and in-possibility-NOT shall any man teach his brethren (family) or neighbor (fellow-Jews) to experientially, relationally yada/ginosko know the Lord because pas (b) ‘each/every of a kind/class/category/portion of’ shall eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know,” but this time “from the least to the greatest!  This eido “seeing” knowledge of prophecy, dreams, and visions is “absolutely no longer” to just a few OT prophets but is NOW “promised” to ALL of God’s “men and maid-servants” (c).


<Notes> a) chadash, kainos: fresh, completely-different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior, b) every of a ‘portion of’ – clearly pas can’t be translated ‘the whole/entirety of’ the Jewish people because the NT says that “only a Jewish remnant are saved” so ‘the portion of’ are the elect/chosen remnant who are indeed God’s people under His New Covenant, c) Joel 2:28-29 cited by Acts 2:17-18.


Therefore the use of eido in 2 Timothy 3:14 is another clue that Paul is speaking of a ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ graphe scripture that is “Spirit-blown kind of” or in other words, prophetic!  By definition, the New Covenant doesn’t ‘borrow’ from the old covenant (see note ‘a’ above).  If you ‘borrow’ from it, they you are laying the foundation of the Great Wall that quenches the Holy Spirit.


<Notes> a) chadash, kainos: fresh, completely-different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior, b) every of a ‘portion of’ – clearly pas can’t be translated ‘the whole/entirety of’ the Jewish people because the NT says that “only a Jewish remnant are saved” so ‘the portion of’ are the elect/chosen remnant who are indeed God’s people under His New Covenant, c) Joel 2:28-29 cited by Acts 2:17-18.


Remember that some of this has already been covered under Logos Word of God – BT6 where there is supplemental material!



Video - Part 6: Logos Word of God - BT7:  Does 2 Timothy 3:16 say that ALL graphe scripture is profitable for teaching?

Part 6





As Christian musicians, do we really want to teach poor translations of the bible, unsupported by the original languages or context, that create “winds of doctrine” that wreak havoc in the Church?  Let’s do our homework before we spout off theology!  Since the Jews were obsessed with reading and studying the Law of Moses, how are Christians so different if they do the same?  Won’t we end up with the same “hard-hearted” results that Paul warned of, and keep us “under the dominion of sin?”  We have to be careful about reading the OT scripture, because Jesus, all NT writers, and Jews to this day view the entire OT as the torah/nomos Law of God, not just the 5 books of Moses.  That’s because 97.4% of the OT is permeated by the conditional-favor of the Law.  Only 600 verses have to do with the unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace of Jesus, His gospel logos message, or His kingdom!


Sure, the early Jewish Church used the prophetic ‘portions of’ the OT to convert Jews to Christ, but even the NT writers considered this ‘milk’ to the ‘solid food’ of the Holy Spirit’s teaching & discernment!  Are you a Jew needing this ‘milk?’  Then maybe you should look at these ‘portions of’ graphe scripture, but after being converted to Christ, shouldn’t you then ‘grow up’ and be taught through the discernment of the Holy Spirit?  If you are a Gentile, why are you reading stuff written only to convert Jews or for immature Jews wavering in their faith?  Shouldn’t you be “free from the imprisonment of the scriptures” and be learning directly from Christ by His Spirit of holiness?


To translate 2 Timothy 3:16 as “pas the whole/entirety of graphe scripture is God-breathed/inspired and is profitable/useful for teaching, etc. . . .” violates the way the NT uses the word graphe in the singular without the definite article, especially as Peter and Paul did as the apostles to the Jews and Gentiles respectively, and also violates ALL other ways Paul uses graphe even with the article.  It also violates the way pas often means “each/every of a ‘kind/class/category/portion of” instead of “the whole/entirety of” throughout the NT, especially with Paul.  The worse thing is that this translation violates the context and everything Paul says about the Law!


Therefore to be consistent, it should be translated “each/every of a ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ scripture . . .”  To do otherwise violates everything Paul says negatively about the Law as not just the 5 books of Moses, for he often equates it with the “prison of scripture” in general, as Jesus, the other writers, and Jews to this today do.  The Law permeates 97.4% of the OT!  Paul won’t even allow Moses to be read in the Church, let alone teachers of the Law that try to drag Christians back into the slavery of Judaism. Why would Paul tell Timothy the Law is “profitable/useful for teaching . . .” when so often he prohibits it?  All of the world’s religions that teach “commandments, precepts, ordinances, rules, and regulations” enslave people to these “asthenes ‘without vigor/strength, thus weak, depleted, insufficient, frail, feeble, sickly’ and/coupled ptochos ‘crouching/cowering like a beggar, deeply destitute/helpless, insufficient in resources, poor like pauper’ stoicheion elementary ‘abc’ principles?”  Weren’t Christians supposed to be set free and stay free from ALL of this?


Even by Greek specific language and clear context, 2 Timothy 3:16 is saying:  “the ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ scripture, that is the God-breathed-Spirit-blown prophetic ‘portions’, and ‘the specific-ones’ that Timothy has already learned from Lois and Eunice in his childhood and recently from Paul’s pastor-in-training efforts, ‘the specific-ones’ that are “powerfully-enabling to make him wise unto salvation through trusting-relying-faith, ‘the specific one’ in Christ Jesus” – these ‘specifically are the ones’ that are “profitable/useful for teaching . . .” – but certainly not the Law of Moses!


God-breathed, Spirit-blown-speaking is exactly the grace-gift of prophecy that every Christian was supposed to ardently-desired above all every grace-gifts.  Prophetic grace-gifts, signs, wonders, and miracles are the unique “showing-off-demonstrable-proof” confirming the New Covenant gospel logos message.  If Christians were going to speak or “teach one another” in their Church assemblies, then they should be like the OT prophetic “oracle/utterances of God.”  It’s just terrible that many bibles insert words into the text without any indication why, so you believe the original text contains them.  It’s just commentary!


Paul didn’t write “pas scripture IS God-breathed and IS profitable for …”  There is no verb IS and you don’t have to treat both adjectives “God-breathed” and (kai) “profitable” as predicate adjectives to justify inserting IS, though 2nd occurence of IS is more justified because of the specific way kai can be used in Greek.  There are very few reasons to do this and a lot of reasons not to!  The least obvious choice of translation often creates a slew of problems to then rationalize around.


The conjunction kai translated as ‘and/specifically [is]’ before “profitable for teaching, etc.” is introducing Paul’s real point of the entire passage:  That because ‘the specific portion of’ scripture that is God-breathed or Spirit-blown has already led Timothy to salvation by trusting-relying-faith in Christ, he should continue in this, even as a ‘man-of-God’ ‘worker of good’ in his evangelism ministry to teach, reprove-rebuke-refute, and gently-correct godless opponents of the gospel, especially under pressure from Jewish and Gentile religions and philosophy, but also to child-like train/rear/educate in righteousness [also with gentleness] these opponents and possibly other children or Jews as if they were still ‘little children’ needing milk, training them in the source of true righteousness, Jesus Christ The Righteous & Holy One that is our Righteousness, just as Timothy previously already eido mentally ‘saw’ to perceive/know, which is a Spirit-kind-of insight knowledge.


The training Paul and the book of Hebrews is always talking about isn’t gathered from the commandments of the Law but the discernment of the Holy Spirit, that even little children can be guided and taught by, just as Jesus promised the “secrets of the kingdom would be un-hidden to but kept hidden for the so-called ‘wise and understanding one’ bible-students that erroneously supposed/opinionated that by their diligent study of the scripture that in them they would take hold of genuine-life everlasting.”  Boy were they wrong!  They only “testified of Jesus to come to Him” for this!  Bible writings are at best “milk for babies” while the Spirit’s teaching is “solid food for mature sons, ready for their inheritance.”  Who do you want to be?


One of the greatest context violations is not understanding the intended audience, and thus Gentile-Christians mistakenly applying to themselves what was written specifically for Jews using their specialized vocabulary and historical-cultural understanding.  Another violation is not understanding the many ways the NT writers are re-defining terms Jews are used to, because they have more of the Spirit’s revelation “Body” of Christ that is behind the “shadows and copies” of them in the OT, especially what the logos “Word/Message of God” is – Jesus and His gospel.


The NT also emphasizes things NOW for ALL of God’s servants that were only for a few in the OT, like eido mental ‘seeing’ to perceive/know visionary, prophetic knowledge belonging-to The Prophets, which NOW all Christians are to aspire to become.  This is the word Paul used for ‘the anointing’ or “grace-gift of the Spirit” that Timothy had received for this evangelistic calling.  This isn’t the gnosis info-knowledge of the bible-student Pharisees and scribes.  It’s the night and day difference of 1 John 2:20, 27 that requires no other teachers if you have the anointing!


If you under a completely-different-in-kind New Covenant and New Way, STILL erroneously believe that God is STILL using gramma writings collected into graphe scripture as His logos “Word/Message of God” communication of Himself and His will to His people, then you will fight tooth and nail for the doctrine of: “the whole/entirety of scripture IS God-breathed/inspired and IS profitable for teaching, etc. . . .”, even if you have to twist and distort Greek definitions and ignore the context to do it.  Ironically, they become the very “twisters and distorters” Peter says in 2 Peter 3:16 some are doing with Paul’s hard-to-understand writings, like 2 Timothy 3:16, just as they also do with other hard-to-understand OT scripture writings.  These people always look for difficult passages, so they can “quarrel about words” as Paul warned Timothy about in 1 Timothy 6:4 and 2 Timothy 2:14.  Even if you don’t know the Greek, the context should have made it clear that 2 Timothy 3:16 could NOT be talking about “the whole/entirety of scripture is . . . profitable for teaching.”





Lord, keep us as simple as little children who learn directly from their parents by watching and listening to them, not by reading biographies about them or rules written by them thousands of years ago.  What child reads an owner’s manual?  Thank You that You are impartial, yet “giving grace to the humble but opposing the proud,” even “un-hiding the secrets of the kingdom to little children but keeping them hidden from the so-called ‘wise and understanding ones’” – see Bible Info – BT2.  Thank You from freeing us from “the imprisonment of the scriptures” and “ministry of death by the gramma letters that kill, but give us a ministry of zoe genuine-life by the means of Your Holy Spirit.”  Instead of being devoted to the “milk” sacred writings about You, we can NOW be devoted to directly eido mentally ‘seeing’ to perceive/know You and Your will through the “solid-food” discernment of the Holy Spirit.  This is NOW how we become holy, not by following old, dusty writings in a book and certainly not “commandments, precepts, ordinances, and regulations” of the Law.  Praise Your Name we are free to NOW know you personally by Your Spirit of holiness.


I know You speak right to where we are  – You know Your audience:  To the Jews, the scriptures mean something, and so You still use them to reveal Your New Covenant plan of salvation to them, but then you still call them to ween off the “milk” of writings for the “solid food” of the Spirit of holiness.  Thank You Jesus that You also reach us Gentiles right where we are, not requiring us to know even one thing from the OT.  In fact, You warn us to not fall into the “snare, trap, and retribution” that the bible-students of Christ’s day stumbled over – they unwisely opted for paper over the person of Christ it testified of, mere copies and shadow instead of the reality they spoke of – see New Covenant Ways – BT17.


However, once we HEAR the “great news” gospel logos message of The Truth, Jesus Christ, You reach right into people’s lives by Your Spirit “to convict them of sin, righteousness, and judgment to come.”  Then You call us to Your Son by Your Spirit and we respond by receiving your free grace-gift of genuine-life by coming to Jesus and saying, Yes!  I want You to be my Savior and Lord, my owner and master-ruler.  I confess my sin and turn away from ruling my life, surrendering completely to You NOW ruling my life.  Thus I turn or ‘repent’ and willingly die with You in water-baptism so that my old, self-seeking man will finally die to pull out the power-plug of sin. Then I will also be resurrected with You in water-baptism so that I have a completely-different-in-kind New Spirit-man in my innermost being, so that NOW by continued surrender and Your indwelling Spirit’s power I may live more holy, godly, and righteous in order to NOW be able to serve You.  Amen!




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Spiritual Education, 2 Timothy 3:16 is NOT a proof-text that pas ALL Old Testament scripture is profitable, Nor does it say ALL Old Testament scripture is God-breathed, It says the Messianic Prophetic category of scripture about salvation by faith is profitable for teaching and correcting, New Testament mostly quotes Messianic prophecies from the Old, Only 4 of 66 translations were close to being correct, building doctrine on English translations is bad, building doctrine from 1 proof text is bad, the Law is not profitable to teach Christians, the Law is most of the Old Testament if not ALL, Reading the Old Testament can mislead Christians, Pas in Greek doesn’t always mean ALL but often Every of a Kind as here of Messianic Prophecy, Paul wouldn’t allow the Law to be read or taught in the Church, 97.4% of the Old Testament is Law-based, The Law was like a child-escort prison-guard UNTIL Christ came, Bible-writings are milk compared to the learning by the Spirit, Scripture imprisoned Jews under sin, The Law was nailed to the cross, Christ freed us from the Law, Paul narrows down scripture to Spirit-blown prophetic and specifically to Messianic, Messianic prophecy citations of Old Testament are most of the citations, Evangelists are only concerned about Messianic support for teaching & arguing, Paul is NOT arguing that ALL scripture IS God-breathed and IS profitable for teaching, Paul’s argument is that specific-kind of Messianic Scripture, that is the Spirit-blown Prophetic kind, subsequently-IS profitable for teaching, The argument is directed to Timothy as an evangelist-preacher to NOW use what he was converted by as a child, 1 Timothy 4:4 is NOT a proof-text for using “IS . . . IS” in 2 Timothy 3:16, You can’t build doctrine around proof-texts, Anarthrous adjectives like God-breathed are NOT usually predicate adjectives requiring “IS,” Prophecy is the obsession of the New Testament, KNOW thy audience CONTEXT is a must, Old Testament citations are to Jews to prove the gospel, Gospel is NOW the message NOT scripture, The words used for why its profitable are all Jewish words, Jewish-Christians only learned from the Messianic portions of Scripture as Milk, They were to grow up out of this to Holy Spirit discernment of God’s will, Law was a prison-guard for the Jews only to get them to Christ, The NEW Covenant promise isn’t to continue reading old writings or even to have new writings, The promise is the Holy Spirit to teach us directly, Reflections & prayer on 2 Timothy 3:16 that is NOT a proof-text for ALL scripture being inspired and profitable for teaching, ALL Messianic prophetic portions of the Old Testament are profitable, Profitable for Jewish evangelists to convert Jews & refute Jewish-teachers, Timothy is the Man of God evangelist in mind, a text without a context is a pretext for a proof-text

Categories: Logos Word of God

Logos Word of God – BT6:  Early Jewish Church only used 2.6% of the Old Testament



Video - Part 1: Logos Word of God - BT6:  Early Jewish Church only used 2.6% of the Old Testament

Part 1



Logos Word of God – BT6:  Early Jewish Church only used 2.6% of the Old Testament



Please follow the BLOG Etiquette to stay on topic and pass the moderator’s check.  Bold, underlined text below = future links to the BLOG pages.


Many Gentile-Christians and churches simply don’t understand that MUCH of the New Testament (NT) was specifically directed ONLY to Jews, or to specific individuals or churches to address specific problems, and that there is no indication that these writings were meant for a broader audience – absolutely none!  Many times you can understand this from just reading the introduction or by careful analysis of the pronouns “we” and “us,” the context of the phrases “I write this” or “I say this,” or the specificity of the topics discussed. The first rule of every effective teacher is “to know thy audience” and the first rule of hermeneutics or bible interpretation is “to know the intended audience” and not try to apply what is written to anybody outside the “intended audience” – in other words, stay within the context:  “A text without a context is a pretext for a proof-text,” as the great professor & author D. A. Carson once stated!  The NT shows great contempt for using the OT Law or old covenant’s gramma writings of graphe scripture within the Christian Church, which is “out of context” – see Logos Word of God – BT8, especially considering that at least 97.4% of the OT is based on the condition-loving favor of the Law – see Logos Word of God – BT5a, which is diametrically opposed to the unconditionally-loving-favor-of-grace that the gospel logos message of The Truth is based on.


Even a cursory reading of the OT will reveal that much of it is NOT of the ‘kind/class/category’ of The Prophets and if NOT, then it still contains NO prophesies, but instead consists mostly the Law of commandments, historical narrative, and doctrinal expositional teaching.  According to The Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy by J. Barton Payne, there are only 1,239 (5%) OT prophecies within 23,145 verses, only 61 clearly about Jesus (0.26%), and only 7 about the New Everlasting Covenant (0.03%)!  However, others have determined 365 references (1.57%) – see also Salvation – BT4.  There are about 600 verses (2.6%) that we see have been used in the early Church about Christ, the gospel logos message, and NT realities.  This is what the Jewish-Christians were gleaning from every book of the OT graphe scripture (a), every major ‘kind/class/category’ of graphe scripture (b), and even Moses (c) to convert Jews to trusting-relying-faith in Jesus, NOT the other 97.4% – see Logos Word of God – BT8. <Notes> a) Luke 24:27, b) Luke 24:44, c) John 1:45; Deuteronomy 18:15.


In fact, the NT writers were very careful to NEVER use scripture except to prove to Jews the completely-different-in-kind New Way of Christ, His gospel logos message of The Truth, and  “The Promise” of the Holy Spirit that is all NOW part of the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant (a).  Most of these come from the 600 prophecies that make up 2.6% of the OT – see Logos Word of God – BT6, leaving 97.4% that are based on the Law, that “has vanished, ended, and been abolished” and that Christians were to “have died to.”  If the NT writers were so careful in their use of the OT, only using it to preach the gospel to Jews “imprisoned by the graphe scripture” (b), will we also follow their example?  Or will we still hold on to it as the Jewish bible-students did (c), or the Jewish-Christians tempted by Jewish teachers to “turn back again to the weak and worthless stoicheion elementary ‘abc’ principles of the world [even of the Jewish religion per Colossians 2:8, 16-18, 20-23], whose slaves you want to be once more,” which in context is referring to the Mosaic Law (d), which is the whole reason the book of Hebrews was written to defend against?  If the early Jewish-Christians only used it to covert fellow Jews, why would Gentiles use it to convert Gentiles who care less about ancient Jewish writings?  Paul sure never used that approach!


<Notes> a) Matthew 1:22, 2:5, 15-17, 2:23, 3:3, 4:4, 6, 7, 10, 14, 8:17, 12: 17, 11:10, 13:14, 35, 21:13, 26:24, 31, 56, 27:9; Mark 1:2, 7:6, 9:12-13, 11:17, 14:21, 27; Luke 1:70, 2:23, 3:4, 4:4, 8, 10, 17, 27, 11:49-50, 19:46, 20:17, 21:22, 37, 24:44, 46; John 1:23, 2:17, 6:31, 45, 8:17, 10:34, 12:14, 16, 38, 15:25; Acts 1:20, 2:16, 3:18, 21, 24, 7:42, 48, 8:28, 30, 34, 10:43, 13:29, 33, 40, 15:15, 23:5, 24:14, 28:23, 25; Romans 1:2, 17, 2:24, 3:4, 10, 21, 4:17, 23, 8:36, 9:13, 33, 10:15, 11:8, 26, 12:19, 14:11, 15:3, 4, 9, 21, 16:26; 1 Corinthians 1:19, 31, 2:9, 3:19, 6:16, 9:9, 10, 10:7, 11, 14:21, 15:45, 54; 2 Corinthians 8:15, 9:9; Galatians 3:10, 13, 4:22, 27; Hebrews 1:1; 1 Peter 1:10, 16; and 2 Peter 1:19-21, 3:2, b) Galatians 3:22, c) John 5:38-40, d) Galatians 4:9.


The first 200 years of Church history confirms that early Jewish-Christians used only ‘kinds/classes/categories’ of OT graphe scripture that were “routinely/habitually, powerfully-enabling to make you wise eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ salvation dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith in Christ Jesus” (a), clearly defined by the immediate context (b):  “[I strongly urge you to] meno abide/remain in the things you have-already manthano ‘learned the essentials of’ and/coupled already have pistoo ‘been firmly persuaded of,’ having already [with ongoing results] eido mentally ‘seen’ to perceive/know from whom (c) you already manthano ‘learned the essentials of’, even how from infant-childhood you had already [with ongoing results] eido mentally ‘seen’ to perceive/know the sacred gramma writings (d)” – not ALL of the ‘kinds/classes/categories of’ the OT (e), but only “ta the-specific-ones that routinely/habitually are powerfully-enabling to make you wise eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ salvation dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith in Christ (The Anointed One, Messiah) Jesus.”  That is the Messianic prophetic kind/class/category!


<Notes> a) 2 Timothy 3:15, b) v. 3:14 , c) plural: not just Paul but Timothy’s grandmother Louis and mother Eunice, per v. 2 Timothy 1:5 and Acts 16:1, but also from Paul’s “sound doctrine” he taught Timothy:  1 Timothy 1:10, 6:3; 2 Timothy 1:13, 4:3, d) plural gramma WITHOUT definite article = ‘kind/class/category of’ OT – see definition 2B of Logos Word of God – BT4, e) see Logos Word of God – BT4 and  – BT5.


Only the prophetic ‘kind/class/category of’ graphe scripture is what Paul NOW considers in 2 Timothy 3:16 to be “profitable for instruction/teaching,” which is learning/teaching doctrine regarding godliness (a), “profitable” in what is the “Savior’s goodness, unconditionally-loving kindness, Christ’s appearing, salvation and justification by unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace because of Christ’s works” (b), along with “devotion to God-like-good works” that “accords with godliness” (c), but certainly not involving “the unprofitable and worthless quarrels about the Law” that every bible-student/scholar of their day was regularly involved in (d). <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 4:8, b) Titus 3:8-9, c) 1 Timothy 6:3; Titus 1:1, d) 1 Timothy 1:10, 6:3; 2 Timothy 4:2; Titus 1:9, 13, 2:1.


This is the CONTEXT in which to understand 2 Timothy 3:16’spas graphe [singular] scripture,” where pas most often means, when there is NO DEFINITE ARTICLE in the [singular], as is here, to be “each/every of kind/class/category of” (a) “scripture”, that is the ‘kind/class/category of’ graphe scripture referring back to “ta these-specific-ones that routinely/habitually are powerfully-enabling to make you wise eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ salvation dia thru-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith in Christ Jesus.”  Pas here in the singular WITHOUT the definite article is NOT the “composite whole/entirety” view of pas that occurs WITH the definite article of [plural] “scriptures” (b) or even [singular] “scripture,” as is here (c) – see Logos Word of God – BT5.  Greek grammarians know this but FEW English bibles make the distinction!  <Notes> a) termed the “distributed or portioned” sense, cf. James 1:2; John 12:19; Luke 16:16 – see Logos Word of God – BT7, b) Matthew 22:29; John 5:39; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, c) John 19:28; Galatians 3:22; Romans 11:2.


Here graphe scripture is in the [singular] WITHOUT the definite article, thus with the “distributed or portioned” sense of pas, which in Hellenistic Judaism frequently means “a book of scripture” or in the NT, “a passage of scripture” (a), so likely, Paul is simply saying “every of a portion of ‘kind/class/category of’ particularly a ‘book or passage’ of graphe scripture.”  Furthermore, it’s no coincidence that the only 4 places in the NT that [singular] graphe scripture is used WITHOUT the definite article (b) and 2 cases of the [plural] graphe scripture WITHOUT the definite article (c), it refers to prophetic writings concerning Jesus.


<Notes> a) Mark 12:10; John 19:37; 20:9; Acts 8:35; 1 Timothy 5:18, b) John 19:37 prophecy of Christ’s piercing at the cross; 1 Peter 2:6 prophecy of Christ’s coming; 2 Peter 1:20-21 of all prophecy of graphe scripture produced by the Holy Spirit, the breath of God ; 2 Timothy 3:16 of the specific prophetic Messianic OT verses about Christ and His New Covenant salvation by trusting-relying-faith, c) Romans 1:2 of Christ’s coming promised by The Prophets; Romans 16:26 of the gospel revelation of Christ promised by prophetic scriptures.


Traditionally, however, the 3 MAIN “kinds/classes/categories of” scripture are: “The Law/Torah, Pentateuch, or 5 Books of Moses (a), Prophets, and Writings,” though the NT only refers to the “Law and Prophets“(b), “Moses and Prophets” (c), and only in one place, “the Law, Prophets, and Psalms” (d).  However, the Jews also divide into 4 ‘kinds/classes/categories’ called “The Law, Prophets, Psalms, and Writings.” <Notes> a) the first 5 books of the OT, cf. Luke 24:27, b) Matthew 5:17, 7:12, 11:13, 22:40; Luke 16:16; John 1:45; Acts 13:15, 24:14, 28:23; Romans 3:21, c) Luke 16:29, 31, 24:27; Acts 26:22, d) Luke 24:44.


Is Moses what Christians were meant to read or have?  Moses was “The LeaderTeacher” for all Jews concerning the “earned, merited, deserved, conditional, loving-favor” of God thru the Law!  The teachers of Moses’ Law came into the Church as “false brothers secretly brought in – who slipped in to spy out our freedom [from slavery] (a) that we have in Christ Jesus, so that they might bring us into slavery (a)” (b).  However, Jesus said nobody among Christians “are to be called kathegetes ‘down-from leaders, those who bring others down the road of learning’ because ONE is your kathegete, the Christ (Anointed One)” (c) and “You in-possibility-NOT are-to-be-called rabbi (which means didaskalos teacher per John 1:38, 20:16) because ONE is the didaskalos Teacher (d) kai and/subsequently you are ALL brethren.”  <Notes> a) context: from Moses’s Law, b) Galatians 2:4, c) Matthews 23:8, cf. to Jesus as despotes unrestricted-powerful Master of Jude 1:4; epistates Jesus as Master-Head of Luke 8:45, 9:33, 17:13 – see Leaders, d) Matthew 23:10 – see Teachers.


Instead of the earned, merited, deserved, conditional, loving favor of God by the Law’s works of righteousness, aren’t we to “have the unearned, unmerited, undeserved, unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace of God and/coupled the free grace-gift (a) by the unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace of the One man Jesus Christ” (b)?  Furthermore, “Anyone who does absolutely-in-fact-NOT have the Spirit of Christ does absolutely-in-fact-NOT belong to Him” (c), for “as many of you as were water-baptized into Christ have put on [like fresh, clean, new clothes] Christ” (d). Only then we will “have the mind of Christ” (e), “having this mind among yourselves, which is yours [located] IN Christ (The Anointed One) Jesus” (f).  Moses’ Law and Christ’s Grace are diametrically opposed! <Notes> a) of righteousness that is through Christ’s ransom-redemption – Romans 3:24, 4:4, b) Romans 5:15, c) Romans 8:9, d) Galatians 3:27, e) 1 Corinthians 2:16, f) Philippians 2:5.


Finally, John warns Christians: “Everyone who routinely/habitually goes further than what is right/proper (a) and/coupled does not meno continue-to-dwell in/by/with (b) the teaching of Christ does absolutely-in-fact-NOT HAVE God, but whoever does meno abide/continue-to-dwell in/by/with (b) THIS teaching has both the Father and the Son” (c), and the context (d) of “this teaching” is that “Jesus Christ is coming (e) in the flesh,” which we know the antichrists and deceivers ridiculed, but Christians were to look forward to this to “win their full reward” (f) at Christ’s second coming (g), particularly Christ’s rewards to Christians at the Bema Seat of judgement (h). See A 11-21-2021 Vision about Meno abiding. <Notes> a) proago: either forward or backward in time, b) see Bible Info for a discussion of the preposition en with the dative case following, c) 2 John 1:9, d) v. 1:7, e) not has already come of 1 John 4:2, f) 2 John 1:8, g) 1 Thessalonians 5:23; 2 Thessalonians 2:1, h) 1 Corinthians 3:14.


The prophetic ‘distributive or portion of’ sense of “pas graphe scripture” in 2 Timothy 3:16 above is even clearer by the next word theopneustos.  Although this adjective is NOT used anywhere in the bible, the root verb pneo is used of the blowing of a strong wind (a) – this is associated with the noun pneuma that is the normal word for “wind, breath, Spirit.”  Pneo is even used of the Spirit blowing across the face of the waters to cause the land to appear (b), and even to giving “humans life and everything” (c).  For this reason and the following, I prefer to translate theopneustos as “Spirit-blown kind of.”  In the NT of the Holy Spirit within born-again Christians moving them where He wills (d), even that “The Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say” in their testimony of Christ (e), just like God came ‘upon or on’ the OT Prophets (f) – see Teachers – BT10, just as with God’s NT servants (g).  Paul could also have borrowed the ‘God-inspired’ idea from pre-Christian Greek writings where it refers to “divinely-inspired wisdom,” like Plato who believed “sole rulership of the divine spirit replaced human mental activity” in a prophet.  However, more likely Paul, as a Pharisee who studied under the famed Gamaliel (h), Paul is referring to Rabbinic Judaism that ‘believed’ the “Spirit rested ‘upon or on’ or sometimes ‘IN’ the Prophets, speaking through them so that their rhema words were actually from God by-the-means-of the Spirit.”  However, I couldn’t actually find any biblical evidence that the Spirit came ‘INTO’ OT prophets!  That’s the unique kainos New Covenant distinction NOW to all Christians as the grace-gift or promised Holy Spirit (i) that even started Christ’s ministry (j). In fact, the Jewish-Christian Paul speaks often of the Spirit and prophesying, making it NOW a top priority of all Christians (k).


<Notes> a) Matthew 7:25, 27, John 6:18; Luke 12:55; Acts 27:40; Revelation 7:1, b) Genesis 1:2, c) Job 33:4; Acts 17:25; Revelation 11:11, d) John 3:8, cf. Ezekiel 37:9, e) Luke 12:12, f) Numbers 24:2; 1 Samuel 19:20, 23; 2 Chronicles 15:1, 20:14, g) Luke 1:35, 2:25; 1 Peter 4:14, h) Acts 5:34, 22:3, i) Acts 1:8, 2:17-18 citing Joel 2:28-29, j) Matthew 12:18; Luke 4:18, k) 1 Corinthians 12:10, 13:9, 14:1, 5, 24, 31, 39.


Neither this theopneustosSpirit-blown-kind-of” adjective or the next coupled (by the conjunction kai) adjective “profitable” have a verb, but too many translations insert the verbs “is” (a) as if both were “predicate adjectives” (b), as if Paul was about to prove to Jewish-Christians that “the whole/entirety of scripture [is] inspired by God and [is] profitable for teaching, etc.”  If that were the case, why didn’t Paul give us any proofs for “the whole/entirety of scripture being inspired by God?”  Based on Paul’s argumentative writing style, he sure would have!  <Notes> a) some with no indication that it is an insertion, which I believe is very deceptive, b) those that introduce additional statements.


In first place, why would Paul be trying to make a point that the “whole/entirety of graphe scripture IS God-breathed and-coupled-to-this IS profitable for teaching, etc”?  Wouldn’t that be stating the obvious to Timothy, a fellow Jewish-Christian, and his long-time protégé?  Isn’t that something His believing Jewish-Christian mother Eunice and grandmother Lois (a) would have clearly drilled into him to bring him to the Lord as a child?  If Paul was trying to prove to Timothy the inspiration of scripture, how come he didn’t given any proofs of this?  And Paul didn’t play off a childhood confidence of this to build another argument: “Because the whole of scripture IS inspired THEN it’s profitable for teaching, etc. . . .”.  When bible chose the least obvious path of translation, they have to find a way to get around the many problems they create as a result. <Notes> a) 2 Timothy 1:5; Acts 16:1.


Paul did NOT write in English to say: “All scripture IS God-breathed and/thus IS profitable for teaching.”  There is no “IS” in the Greek text that many bibles insert, often with NO indication that they have!  “God-breathed” and “profitable” are both adjectives, but then they say, “They must BOTH be predicate adjectives acting as direct-objects of verbs that here don’t exist, thus justifying the insertion of “IS.”  They argue that Paul has done this before in 1 Timothy 4:4 where he argues against following the Jewish food Laws as Christians:  “For the reason is:  every created-thing (noun) of/belonging-to God [IS] kalos ‘a beautifully-attractive good that inspires/motivates other to also embrace what beautiful & praiseworthy’ (an adjective without the definite article) and/thus [by parallel structure:] absolutely-in-fact-NO thing (noun) [IS] apobletos ‘a to-be-thrown-away, rejected, and despised as an abominable, unclean thing’ (an adjective without the definite article), [but] routinely/habitually being lambano ‘grabbed hold of to receive’ (present participle) meta ‘with, but as a result of being changed by being in close proximity with’ thanksgiving.”  The present participle phrase explains why “absolutely-in-fact-NO thing [IS] apobletos ‘a to-be-thrown-away, rejected, and despised as an abominable, unclean thing’ [of thing].”  However, just because it makes sense here to insert [IS] in both cases in their precious letter to Timothy, we simply are NOT forced to in 2 Timothy 3:16 to do the same.  You can’t use just 1 case to force another case.  This again is the fallacy of a “proof-text” to create a doctrine!


No, Paul simply started with theopneustos Spirit-blown-kind-of” as an “attributive adjective, which is directly adjacent to the noun it modifies,” in Greek placed behind it, just as Paul often does, thus the prophetic ‘kind/class/category’ in the ‘distributive or portion of sense’ “of sacred gramma writings” from v. 3:15 that Timothy already used in his childhood, and even more specifically “ta ‘specifically the ones’ routinely/habitually powerfully-enabled to make him wise eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ salvation dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ trusting-relying-faithtes ‘the specific one’ IN Christ Jesus.”


Many Greek scholars agree this first adjective theopneustos Spirit-blown-kind-of” is indeed “attributive” (a).  One reason is that anarthrous (b) adjectives, like theopneustos Spirit-blown-kind-of always show up immediately after the noun they modify (here “graphe scripture”), thus according to Vincent’s Word Studies (c) should be translated “every divinely-inspired scripture.”  I would better translate “each/every Spirit-blown-kind-of graphe scripture.” <Notes> a) see franknelte.net/article 281, b) i.e., without an article, c) and other scholars Adam Clarke, Henry Alford, Daniel Mace.



Video - Part 2: Logos Word of God - BT6:  Early Jewish Church only used 2.6% of the Old Testament

Part 2


Furthermore, the conjunction kai between theopneustosSpirit-blown-kind-of” and the next adjective “profitable” in 2 Timothy 3:16 is omitted in Old-Latin, Clementine Vulgate, Syrian Peshitta, and many of the Church Fathers. The Greek scholar Daniel Mace’s in his NT of 1729 didn’t include “and” either in his translation. The Greek scholar Adam Clark (1760-1832) stated that “kai is omitted by almost all the versions and many of the fathers, and certainly does not agree well with the text.” Henry Alford (1810-1871) though he “nevertheless acknowledged that the presence of kai in this verse is an awkward one, which really deprives the sentence of symmetry.”  So much effort has been made to force kai to mean “and” to couple “[is] inspired and [is] profitable” together and force them to both be predicate adjectives.


This is unnecessary because kai has other meanings “still, besides, also, moreover, likewise, even, indeed, namely, specifically” (a) that could just as easily apply. Based on the context, Paul probably meant: “Pas ‘every/each kind/class/category of’ graphe scripture, [the] Spirit-blown-kind-of (prophetic logion ‘oracles/utterances of God’), kai indeed/specifically [the ones that ARE] profitable for teaching, etc.,” where the first adjective theopneustos Spirit-blown-kind-of” is normally attributive (descriptive), but the second adjective “profitable” would normally be a predicate adjective to supply the verb for the rest of the phrase after kai in order to make sense. You have to understand that Greek words have multiple meanings and you have to use the meaning that normally fits the context!  The context is emphasizing that for Timothy, the “man of God” evangelist-preacher under Paul’s tutelage, the Messianic prophetic scriptures that helped convert him to Christ are indeed/specifically the ones he can also use to do the same for other fellow Jews. <Notes> a) http://biblehub.com/greek/2532.htm, b) http://biblehub.com/greek/2532.htm.


Even if you believe the arguments for both adjectives being predicative adjectives “[is] inspired and/coupled [is] profitable” to justify adding “is” in BOTH cases, the vocabulary and contextual reasons stated above and below STILL overwhelmingly indicate the meaning of “pas graphe scripture” refers ONLY to ‘each/every of a kind/class/category’ of graphe scripture, which in context are STILL only the prophetic ones that led Timothy as a child to trusting-relying-faith in Christ Jesus for salvation. These are certainly “Spirit-blown-kind-of” and “indeed profitable” for the things that Paul will now talk about to Jewish audiences!  Whatever your understanding of Greek, the context makes it clear what Paul’s logos message to Timothy is. Never build a doctrine on one verse anyway, and certainly not by taking it out of context!  For many more details, see Logos Word of God – BT7.


Now Paul says to the Jewish Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:16 it’s also “profitable . . . for reproof (a), for epanorthosis correction (b), and for child-like-training (c), which is the way God gentle trains us to reject godless ways (d), in order to share in God’s holiness (e).  Paul continues: “profitable . . . for child-like training in righteousness so that the man of God (f) may be complete, that is, equipped for every God-like-good work” (g). In context, this is specifically Timothy’s “work of preaching or evangelism of the gospel logos message” (h), in which Timothy was grace-gifted by the Holy Spirit to do (i). This was specifically written to Timothy as a evangelist-pastor-in-training, working with Jews to convert them to Christ, just as Paul routinely used OT prophecies to do, but here also equipping Timothy to argue against false teachers just like Paul also had to do, many who were Jewish teachers of the Law infiltrating the churches (j), even disguised as Christians (k).


<Notes> a) context: patiently yet sharply refute and rebuke false Gentile but mostly Jewish teachers, cf. Titus 1:9, 13-14, 2:15; 2 Timothy 4:2, b) restoration/straightened to uprightness or proper condition, especially of wavering Jewish-Christians, cf. Hebrews 12:12; 2 Timothy 4:2, c) paideia: child-rearing education: Ephesians 6:4, or corrective-training: Hebrews 12:5, 7-8, 11-12; 2 Timothy 2:25, d) Titus 2:12, e) Hebrews 2:10, 12:6, 7, 10; 1 Corinthians 11:32, f) this is specifically Timothy: 1 Timothy 6:11, g) 2 Timothy 2:21; Titus 3:1; of women: 1 Timothy 2:10, 5:10, h) 2 Timothy 4:5; 2 Corinthians 10:16; Philippians 4:3, i) 1 Timothy 4:14; 2 Timothy 1:6, j) 1 Timothy 1:3-4, 6-7, 4:7, 6:20; 2 Timothy 2:14, 16, 23; Titus 1:11, 3:2, 9, k) Galatians 2:4


OT prophecy about Christ and His kingdom’s gospel logos message is pretty much ALL the NT writers EVER used of the OT:  John says the gospel “Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy” (a), and that same Spirit of Christ is WHO spoke through the OT prophets!  That’s exactly what Paul reminds his Jewish readers of:  “The gospel of God, which He promised beforehand through His prophets in the holy graphe scriptures” (b).  However, Peter, being the apostle to the Jews, appeals the most to the prophetic aspect of the graphe scripture to prove his gospel logos message of The Truth: “We have the prophetic logos message [of the OT scriptures] more fully confirmed, to which you (Jewish readers) will do well to pay attention . . . knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of/belonging-to graphe scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation.  For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (c).  It simply goes beyond the text to extrapolate these statements to something other that ‘the prophetic ‘kind/class/category’ of graphe scripture.  <Notes> a) Revelation 19:10, b) Romans 1:1-2, c) 2 Peter 1:19-2.


Paul often cites from the prophetic kind/class/category of’ scripture to prove the Messiah and His gospel logos message, specifically to stubborn or wavering Jews and Jewish-Christians (a). Similarly, the book of Hebrews quotes the OT extensively (b) simply to prove to Jewish-Christians in 63-64 AD, who respected their Jewish “fathers that God spoke to BY THE PROPHETS” (c) but who had been converted to Christ by the stoicheion “rudimentary ‘abc’ fundamentals of the prophetic logion oracles/utterances of God” (d), “corrected/straightened/restored to proper condition” to no longer listen to the teachers of the Law that taught “righteousness by works of the Law” (e). That’s because the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant replaces it with “righteousness that is by trusting-relying-faith” (f), a “kreitton ‘more useful, serviceable, helpful, better’ Covenant” (g), being that “Christ’s ministry is so much more excellent than the old [of Moses] as the Covenant He mediates is kreitton ‘more useful, serviceable, helpful, better . . . enacted on kreitton ‘more useful, serviceable, helpful, better promises, for if the first covenant had been amemptos ‘NOT faulted, blameworthy, rejectable, condemnable’ there would absolutely-in-fact-NOT have-been a place/reason for a second [covenant] (h), for “He is the mediator of a completely-different-in-kind New Covenant . . . redeeming them from the sins committed under the first covenant” (i).


<Notes> a) Romans 1:2, 4:3, 9:17, 10:11, 11:2, 15:4; 1 Corinthians 15:3, 4; Galatians 3:8, 4:30; 1 Timothy 5:18, b) 1:5-13, 2:6-8, 12-13, 3:7-11, 15, 4:5-6, 7:17, 21, 8:8-12, 10:5-7, 15-17, 37-38, 12:5-6, 13:6, c) Hebrews 1:1, d) Hebrews 5:12; Romans 3:2; Acts 7:38; 1 Peter 4:11, e) Romans 4:6, 10:5; Titus 3:5; Galatians 3:21, f) Hebrews 10:38, 11:4, 7, g) Hebrews 7:22, h) Hebrews 8:6-7, i) Hebrews 9:15, cf. 12:24.


“It is the directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words of the holy prophets and the entole universally-binding commandment of the Lord and Savior through His apostles (The Great Commission to preach until Christ’s return)   . . . that scoffers in ‘the last days’ will come scoffing, following their own sinful desires, saying ‘Where is the promise of His coming” (a)?  Peter also refers to the “prophets who prophesied about the unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace that was to be ours, this concerning your salvation” (b).  It was this same Spirit-filled Peter that reminded 3000-plus Jews on the Day of Pentecost, the beginning of “the last days” or Church age in Acts 2:16-18 of the OT prophecy of Joel 2:28-32 to explain God’s completely-different-in-kind New Way of communicating to ALL His people under the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant – not to just a few “special” leaders in the OT period but to “ALL of God’s men and women servants,” absolutely not through gramma writings collected into graphe scripture taught by a few “special” leaders, but directly through prophetic words, visions, and dreams NOW “taught by God” (c).  There simply is no mention of using any of the old “trappings” of the Jewish religion.  God has gone direct!  God restored His Perfect Plan A for direct-teaching of Exodus 20:18-21 cited in Hebrews 12:18-21, 25 that disobedient Jews originally rejected, resulting in gramma writings as graphe scripture.  <Notes> a) 2 Peter 3:2-4, b) 1 Peter 1:10, c) John 6:45; 1 Thessalonians 4:9 both citing Isaiah 54:13, cf. Jeremiah 31:34 cited by Hebrews 8:10.


In fact, Clement of Rome from 92-99 AD quotes the OT graphe scripture ONLY to support the Christian’s resurrection of the dead, to support a Christian’s virtuous life, to use Messianic prophecies, and to use typology (anti-types and types) to support specific Christian doctrines.  Clement of Rome around 88-99 AD, Ignatius of Antioch (35-108AD), and Polycarp (69-155 AD) looked at Jesus as being the completed fulfillment of the OT graphe scriptures and thus had little need for them.


The Law ‘kind/class/category’ of graphe scripture is absolutely NOT meant for Christians to use, certainly NOT Gentiles, for to do so would then be “unlawful” – see Logos Word of God – BT8. That’s what Paul said in 1 Timothy 1:8-11 in his accusation against the teachers of the Law who were inflicting this on Christians!  The Law was intended by God “for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane.”


However, the NT says Christians are NOW considered by God to be the opposite of ALL of this, even to be: “free from the Law” (a), “dead to the Law” (b), “released from the Law . . . so now we serve/minister by-the-means-of the completely-different-in-kind kainotes New (c) Way of the Spirit and absolutely-in-fact-NOT by-the-means-of the palaiotes ‘old, antiquated, worn-out, useless Way’ of/belonging-to [singular] gramma writing” (d), “set free in Christ Jesus from the Law of sin and death” (e), “written no longer on tablets of stone (or ink). . . ministers of/belonging-to completely-different-in-kind kainos New (c) Covenant, absolutely-in-fact-NOT of/belonging-to the gramma writing but-instead of/belonging-to the Spirit, for the gramma writing kills but the Spirit gives zoe genuine-life” (f). Christians are NOW God’s hand-writings – see Logos Word of God – BT20.  <Notes> a) Romans 8:2, b) Galatians 2:19, c) chadash, kainos: fresh, completely-different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior, d) Romans 7:6, e) Romans 8:2, f) 2 Corinthians 3:3-6.


How could Paul include the Law in the ‘kind/class/category of’ graphe scripture . . . [that] is profitable for teaching, etc.” in 2 Timothy 3:16, when so many negative things were written about the Law – see Logos Word of God – BT8, even if the Law promised “wisdom and understanding” (a)?  For example, the Law: “was only UNTIL John, but since then the gospel“; has been stamped “null and void” or nullified; its “way of serving God is old and worn out”; is filled to completion, accomplished, ended, or finished by Christ, and thus has faded, vanished, and passed away; has been abolished since Christ fulfilled it; has been set aside because of its weakness and uselessness; Christ has does away with it violently or has put it to death . . . in order to establish the second Covenant; is no longer binding since we have died to it and thus no longer under it; that there is now no such Law for those who live by the Holy Spirit; was added originally by God only as a schoolmaster/escort service, prison-guard, or household-manager to protect the Jews [as if ‘little children‘] only UNTIL the coming of Christ; that the Law’s regulations to control indulgence are “elementary or rudimentary ‘abc’ fundamental principles” given to the Jews as infantile “milk” only to lead them to the person of Christ; the Law’s rules are actually powerless (of no value) in curbing the flesh as compared to the “solid food” of the Holy Spirit’s discernment of good and evil – see New Covenant Ways – BT16; that the reading of Moses continues to this day to cover the hearts of the hearers with a veil that blinds, separates, and hardens them from the glory of God in Christ Jesus.  <Notes> a) Psalms 110:10, 119:98; Deuteronomy 4:6; Job 28:28; Proverbs 1:7, 9:10.


Furthermore, the “teachers of the Law” were not permitted to teach in the early Church and so were referred to as “false teachers or Judaizers or of the Circumcision Party”; that ALL scripture (including the Law) were simply shadows, copies, symbols, corresponding types, and prefigures of things to come, but the real “body” that casts a shadow backwards into the OT scripture is Christ and His New Covenant’s promised Holy Spirit; the Law is of sin and death; is weakened by the flesh; makes sin known to us and shows sin to be sin; through the commandment sin might become sinful beyond measure; holds us as captive slaves and controls us; The scripture imprisons ALL of us under sin; the Law arouses our sinful passions; the Law is the enabling-power of sin; the Law is the reason sin comes alive in us; Personified sin uses the Law to produce all kinds of sin in us; the Law multiplies sin; it condemns us; it kills us; it brings wrath and death; by it no one is justified; doing of one commandment of the Law commits us to doing it all, bringing a curse upon ourselves; the Law only promises merited, earned, deserved conditional, loving-favor from God that is the opposite of unmerited, unearned, undeserved, unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace so that any attempts at the doing of the Law causes us to fall from unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace, causing us to be severed from Christ; the Law is absolutely not of trusting-relying-faith in Christ that alone saves; and the Law made nothing perfect, so it absolutely won’t perfect us.


So Christians who keep reading, studying, trying to do, and teach the Law are using the Law just like these teachers of the Law did – “unlawfully” by judging themselves and others based on obedience to commandments (a), forbidding marriage (b) and requiring special foods (c), drinks (d), ceremonial washings (e), body regulations (f), debating/quarreling over the Law (g) as if it were a WAY to latreuo worship-serve God (h), even by celebrating certain festival, new moons, and Sabbaths – “these are [ALL] a skia ‘shadow, outline, sketch’ of the things that routinely/habitually mello ‘were about to happen,’ yet the soma BODY of/belongs-to the Christ (The Anointed One)” (i).  Paul would scream at the modern church’s embracing of Jewish traditions! <Notes> a) Colossians 2:16, b) sounds like the Catholic priesthood, c) 1 Timothy 4:3; Hebrews 9:10, 13:9, d) Hebrews 9:10; Romans 14:17, 21, e) Hebrews 6:2, 9:10; Mark 7:4, f) Hebrew 9:10, g) Titus 3:9-10, h) 1 Timothy 6:4; 2 Timothy 2:14, 23; 1 Corinthians 1:20, i) Colossians 2:16-17.


Why in the world are Gentile-Christians today trying to use 2 Timothy 3:16 to teach all Christians everywhere to use ALL ‘kinds/classes/categories of’ the OT for their own spiritual growth?  Again Paul would scream! Talk about “twisting/distorting” a verse as Peter warned in 2 Peter 3:16 of to create a doctrine by taking it out of context!  Many of Paul’s letters were attempts to undo the damage down by Jewish teachers of the Law and the Traditions of the Elders.  Paul wrote volumes about not using the ‘kind/class/category of’ the OT that contains the “commandments of the Law,” so he certainly wouldn’t be advising Timothy to use the Law!  NO!  “The logos message I taught to you” is what they were “to hold fast to” and this is the “gospel I preached to you, which you welcomed, in which you now stand, and by which you are being saved” (a).  How can so much of the Church be so confused?  95% of the sermons I’ve heard in 15 churches I’ve served in had nothing to do with Christ or His gospel’s logos message, and many times they focused more on OT scriptures (b) instead of the BODY’s reality, substance, or true form expressed in the NT writings!  Talk about no Holy Spirit guidance! <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 15:1-2, b) the shadows, copies, symbols, types, corresponding figures.




As Christian musicians, if the early Church greatly limited OT usage to mostly prophetic passages to convert Jews to Christ, because they understood Christ had completed the ‘old’ revelation of God’s will to mankind, particularly to the Jews, why do we use it “willy-nilly” in our personal Christian lives and for ministry to mostly Gentile people?  Are we being as careful to look at only 2.6% of the OT, or we falling into the “snare, trap, and retribution” – see New Covenant Ways – BT17 – of the other 97.4% that “imprisons and kills us?”  Are we unaware that what is “fulfilled to completion and ended is also nullified, so that we can die to it and be freed from its yoke of slavery?”  Are we also being deceived by false teachers to “turn back to such weak and worthless ‘abc’ fundamentals to become enslaved once again?”  Shouldn’t we heed the warnings not to and instead embrace “the promised grace-gift of the Holy Spirit given for these last days, so that “we ALL will prophecy” and to “zealously pursue this grace-gift of prophecy more than any other,” instead of just reading about a few people who did this 2000-3500 years ago?





Lord, give us faith to “let go” of the palaios ‘old, antiquated, worn-out, weak, useless, worthless’ covenant writings, especially the Law that bound us, and move us forward into these later years of the “last days” to instead focus our attention and desire on the “promised grace-gift of the Holy Spirit and the way You want to speak to us ALL NOW – prophetically, even through visions and dreams.  Keep us from being captured by the “snare, trap, and retribution” that studying the scriptures became to the Jewish bible students, such that they were blind to see that they simply “testify all-around You.”  Lord, keep us from “majoring in the minors” by getting bogged down in ‘words ABOUT You’ instead of NOW simply “coming to You as little children, for such is the kingdom, and to them You un-hide the secrets of the kingdom but keep them hidden from the ‘so-called’ wise and understanding ones.”  We want “the words FROM You!”  We want to be “taught by God” just as You promised, to have the “anointing so that we absolutely-in-fact have NO need that any man teach us.”  This is what we NOW expect!




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Spiritual Education, 97.4% of the Old Testament graphe scripture is Law-based, Early Church only used only 2.6% that was Prophetic about the Messiah, Most of the New Testament directed to Jews or specific problems, Know your audience, Text without a Context is a Pretext for a Proof-text, 2 Timothy 3:16 ALL scripture is profitable for teaching is a BAD translation, Greek & context teaches the Spirit-blown Messianic prophecies is profitable to convert Jews, We no longer follow Moses but follow Jesus, Christ’s Spirit is NOW our ONE Teacher, Moses’ Law and Christ’s Grace are diametrically opposed, Early Church did NOT use the Law portion of scripture, Early Church rejected Law-teachers, It’s unlawful to use the Law for Christians, 2 Timothy 3:16 ALL scripture is profitable for teaching is a BAD translation, ALL New Testament references to the Old are mostly Prophecy references, earliest Church writings before 155 AD show very limited use of the Old Testament, Paul would never use the Old Testament when preaching to Gentiles

Categories: Logos Word of God

Logos Word of God – BT5:  Graphe scripture never referred to New Testament writings



Video: Logos Word of God - BT5:  Graphe scripture never referred to New Testament writings



Logos Word of God – BT5:  Graphe scripture never referred to New Testament writings




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The Greek word graphe refers to:


1) in extra-biblical gramma letters or writings, graphe generally refers to the collection of anything written.


2) to all Jews including those of the New Testament, even today, graphe specifically refers to ONLY Old Testament gramma letters or writings – see Logos Word of God – BT4, so gramma is commonly translated into English as ‘scripture,’ and never to New Testament writings in these various ways as determined by singular and plural forms and their context:


There are only 4 places in the NT that [singular] graphe scripture is used WITHOUT the definite article and in all 4 cases (a), and 2 cases of the [plural] graphe scripture WITHOUT the definite article (b) , the context makes it clear that the writer is thinking about a specific ‘kind/class/category’ of OT graphe scripture, specifically the prophetic, and NOT ‘the whole/entirety of’ graphe scripture.  <Notes> a) John 19:37 prophecy of Christ’s piercing at the cross; 1 Peter 2:6 prophecy of Christ’s coming; 2 Peter 1:20-21 of all prophecy of graphe scripture produced by the Holy Spirit, the breath of God ; 2 Timothy 3:16 of the specific prophetic Messianic OT verses about Christ and His New Covenant salvation by trusting-relying-faith – see A1 below, b) Romans 1:2 of Christ’s coming promised by The Prophets; Romans 16:26 of the gospel revelation of Christ promised by prophetic scriptures.


Pas graphe scripture COULD POSSIBLY be translated “the whole/entirety of scripture” only when graphe scriptures are plural WITH the definite article (a) or singular WITH the definite article (b).  But we do NOT have the singular WITH the definite article here in 2 Timothy 3:16!  Paul never uses the singular graphe scripture WITHOUT the definite article except here (see note “a” above).  Everywhere else he is referring to a specific ‘kind/class/category/portion of’ graphe scripture in some way.  Why would he now suddenly switch here?  <Notes> a) John 5:39 that is the study habits of scribes & Pharisees; Matthew 22:29 though resurrection from the dead is mostly spoken of by the OT Prophets; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 though this likely refers only to Messianic prophecies like Isaiah 53, Daniel 9:26, Zechariah 13:7, Hosea 6:2, Psalms 16:10, b) John 19:28; Galatians 3:22.


A) Graphe in the singular means either:


A1) refers to a specific ‘kind/class/category’ of OT scripture, like The Prophets (a) that are 2 Timothy 3:16-17’s (b) “the God-breathed-kind-of [an adjective] (a) [singular] pas ‘every/each of a ‘kind/class/category of’ graphe scripture kai specifically/even [the kind of that is] profitable [another adjective] pros ‘toward and reaching’ teaching/instruction, pros ‘toward and reaching’ elegchos ‘inner-conviction, persuasion, reproof,’ pros ‘toward and reaching’ epanorthosis ‘correction by fitting/making it straight,’ pros ‘toward and reaching’ paideialittle-child educational-training/rearing’ in The Righteousness, in order that the man of God may be  complete toward every agathos ‘God-like good, work, having-been [with ongoing results] fully-equipped.”  In the context of 2 Timothy 3:15, the pas specific ‘each/every of a kind/class/category of’ OT prophetic graphe scriptures is further clarified as:  “ta ‘the specific ones of’ sacred gramma writings that Timothy had been taught from childhood, ta ‘specifically the ones’ routinely/habitually powerfully-enabled to make him wise eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ salvation dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ trusting-relying-faith, tes ‘the specific one’ IN Christ Jesus” – see Note 2B in Logos Word of God – BT4 for gramma writings in the plural form WITH the definite article. These ‘ta specific ones’ only make up 2.6% of the OT graphe scripture, exclusively used by the early Church to catechize-convert (c) Jews to Christ (d) – see Logos Word of God – BT6.  For more about 2 Timothy 3:15-16 see the 2nd half of Logos Word of God – BT6 and many details in Logos Word of God – BT7.


<Notes> a) theopneustos ‘breathed by God’s breath/wind’ is an adjective, just as pneumatikos is, meaning Spirit-kind-of, also coming after the noun it modifies, both refer to prophetic kinds-of, cf. “Moses receiving on Mount Sinai zoa genuinely-living logion ‘oracles/utterances’ directly from God” in Acts 7:38, “the Jews were entrusted with the logion ‘oracles/utterances’ of God” in Romans 3:2, and Jewish-Christians originally converted by the prophetic Messianic passages of OT graphe scripture that acted as “stoicheion ‘elementary or rudimentary ‘abc’ fundamental principles’ of/belonging-to the logion ‘oracles/utterances’ (The Prophets ‘kind/class/category’) of/belonging-to God,” which is call “milk and NOT solid food of discernment by the Holy Spirit” in Hebrews 5:12.  It’s no coincidence that 2 Peter 1:20 also emphasizes the “prophecy of/belonging-to graphe scripture.”  See also Note 2B of Logos Word of God – BT4, where plural gramma writings WITH the definite article always refers to the prophetic Messianic writings, b) 2 Timothy 3:16-17, where “man of God” is a reference to Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:11, and “The Righteousness” is a reference to 2 Timothy 2:22 “righteousness” associated to Christian “trusting-relying-faith, unconditional-love, and peace, along with all-those calling on the Lord out-of a pure/unmixed heart,” and the “agathos God-like-good by nature, originating from God & empowered by Him, excellent in all respects, distinguished, salutary, honorable, upright, praiseworthy, pleasant, joyful” is a reference to Timothy’s work of evangelism, which is preaching the gospel, he was called to per 2 Timothy 4:5, rightly-cutting/using the gospel’s logos message of The Truth instead of getting caught up in the Jewish-teachers arguments per 2 Timothy 2:14-15, an honorable work per 2 Timothy 2:21, c) katecheo: repetitive instruction of foundational truths: Luke 1:4; Galatians 6:6; 1 Corinthians 14:19; Acts 18:25, d) Hebrews 5:12, see B3 below.


However, the specific ‘kind/class/category’ of graphe scripture can instead refer to the entire OT Law (a) as differentiated from the entire OT (see B1 below), or a specific commandment of the Law (b).  <Notes> a) Galatians 3:21-22, just as singular gramma writing WITH or WITHOUT the definite article always refers to the entire OT Law – see Notes 1A & 1B in Logos Word of God – BT4 and Note 2A for the plural form WITH the definite article sometimes narrowed to the OT Law but sometimes the entire OT,  b) James 2:8.


A2) refers to a specific verse or section of OT graphe scripture (a), even if the verse/section is God speaking (b).  Some see John 19:28 “Jesus, knowing that ALL was now finished/completed, in order that the graphe scripture might-be-finished/completed says, ‘I thirst'” as a specific reference to Psalms 69:21, but others also see it a reference to His final words “It is finished/completed” in v. 30 and thus finishing/completing the ALL of a ‘kind/class/category’ of OT graphe scripture that is the Messianic prophecies, similar to B3 below. <Notes> a) Mark 12:10; Luke 4:21; John 7:38, 10:35, 19:37; Acts 1:16, 8:32; Romans 4:3, 9:17; 1 Peter 2:6, b) Romans 9:17; Galatians 3:8, 4:30.


B) Graphe in the plural can mean:


B1) the OT viewed as a whole or in entirety, rather than a ‘kind/class/category’ as with A1 above, just as with the bible-student Pharisees & scribes “who diligently-search the graphe scriptures supposing/opinionating they would take-hold-to-have zoe genuine-life everlasting” (a), but they “DO absolutely-in-fact-NOT eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know them NOR the [associated] enabling-power of God (b), because they simply “testify/bear-witness of Me and-yet you ongoingly DO absolutely-in-fact-NOT to come pros ‘toward and reaching’ Me for zoe genuine-life” (c).  <Notes> a) John 5:39, b) Matthew 22:29; Mark 12:24, c) John 5:40.


B2) of many various books or ‘kinds/classes/categories’ OT graphe scripture, generally of the Prophets but more specifically the Messianic (a) <Notes> a) Romans 1:2 of Jesus prophesied by many OT Prophets; Romans 16:26 disclosed/preached gospel revelation of Christ previously kept secret in the OT prophetic writings; Matthew 26:56 of the persecution & suffering of Christ that “the scriptures of the Prophets might be completed/finished.”


B3) specifically the prophetic “oracles/utterances of God” (a), even the Messianic ones used by the early Church to convert Jews (b), just as Christian prophecy should be in church gatherings (c), even the “living” ones given by God to Moses (d) and Prophets that Christ pleroo fulfilled-to-completion or telos finished/completed (e) by which Jewish preachers used to convert other Jews and thus were still “written for their instruction through the Spirit’s encouragement for Christian patient-endurance during their suffering for Christ (f).  <Notes> a) Romans 3:2, b) Hebrews 5:12 – see A1 above, c) just as Christian prophecy: should be in church gatherings, 1 Peter 4:11, d) Acts 7:38, e) Matthew 26:54; Mark 14:49; Luke 24:25-27, f) Romans 15:4 – see Logos Word of God – BT9 ; Acts 17:2, 11, 18:24, 28; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4.  Note the verses used in Hebrews and Paul’s writings constantly cite from the Messianic categories.


B4) specifically to several verses of OT graphe scripture, again being Messianic prophecies (a) <Notes> a) Matthew 21:42.


B5) specifically to a ‘kind of’ OT verses that false teachers can twist and distort for their own purposes just as they do with Paul’s difficult-to-understand writings. The vocabulary, grammar, and context do NOT support the false teaching that Peter considered Paul’s writings to be equal with OT scripture (a).  To say Peter referred to Paul’s writings as graphe “scripture” is the very “twisting and distorting” that Peter was warning of – see Logos Word of God – BT11.  <Notes> a) 2 Peter 3:16.


Therefore, graphe NEVER referred to NT writings until the Catholic apologist Tertullian started defending Christianity against the Jews and against the Monarchian Praxeas and “New Prophecy” Bishop Marcion of Sinope, both he deemed heretics in his writings around 208 AD, desperately trying to give the “loose, scattered, unorganized collection of NT writings” the authoritative stature that the Jews had with their OT.


According to www.EarlyChristianWritings.com, there were 139 Christian writings circulating throughout the Church by 200 AD, and there was little agreement as to what was authoritative (a).  In fact, the NT says: “The Law and the Prophets (b) WERE (past tense) UNTIL John (the Baptist), [but] SINCE THEN the ‘Great News’ gospel of the kingdom of God is ongoingly preached” (c).  You see Jesus had already done this: “Beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He interpreted to them (the disciples) in ALL the graphe scriptures the things concerning Himself” (d), saying frequently: “For I tell you that this [prophecy of] scripture presently must be telos finished/completed (e) in/be/with Me . . . For what is written about Me is presently having its telos finishing/completion (e)” (f), and on the way to His death: “See, we are going up to Jerusalem, and everything that is written about the Son of Man by the Prophets will be telos finished/completed (e)” (g), and again:  “Everything written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms (b) must be pleroo fulfilled-to-completion (h)” (i), and finally from the cross Jesus said:  “It is telio finished/completed” (j), where “it” as the 3rd person-singular pronoun likely refers back the final events of “ALL things have been telios finished/completed in order that the [singular] graphe scripture (l) might be telios finished/completed,” so much so that the “the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom” (k), signifying the “katargeo ‘end, termination, abolishment, nullifying, making-ineffective’ of the OT Law” (m) that separated the common man from the presence of God in the “Holy of Holies,” which was behind that curtain!


<Notes> a) For starters, read Wikipedia’s  Development of the New Testament Canon, b) a common split of the OT scripture – see Logos Word of God – BT5a, c) Luke 16:16, d) Luke 24:27 – see B3 above, e) telos: accomplished, fulfilled, concluded, finished, completed, f) Luke 22:37, g) Luke 18:31, h) pleroo: filled to ‘to the brim’ with fullness, ‘breaking-the-net’ capacity, or completeness, i) Luke 22:44, j) John 19:30, k) Matthew 27:51; Mark 15:38; Luke 23:45, l) ALL prophecies about Christ, see B3 above, m) 2 Corinthians 3:7, 11.


The “Law and Prophets” ‘kinds/classes/categories of’ scriptures onlyprophesied heios UNTIL John (the Baptist)” (a) or “[were] mechri UNTIL John (the Baptist)” (b) because they were pleroo “filled to completion” and telos “finished/completed.”  Heios “marks a limit of an action or effect, because of its termination in time.” Mechri does the same “as far as in time, place, measure, or degree until terminated.”  All the words thus speak of “definite completion or termination.”  The last OT book of graphe scripture was completed 400 years before John the Baptist, but Matthew and Luke were saying these Messianic prophetic scriptures were still “active UNTIL” John the Baptist.  Indeed, John was the last OT prophet, “Elijah who was to come” as Jesus said, in order to “prepare the way” for the Lord (c).  That clearly implied that once the Messiah came, ALL the OT scripture regarding the Messiah’s mission was no longer “active” <Notes> a) Matthew 11:13, b) Luke 16:16, c) Matthew 3:3, 11:14;17:10-13; Mark 1:3, 9:11-13; Luke 1:76, 3:4.


Yet, even as the Messianic prophetic scriptures were being pleroo and telos “fulfilled, finished” and the Law was katargeo “terminated, nullified and made of not effect” right in front of them, Jesus said this of the Jewish bible-students of His day in John 5:39-40: “You diligently search the [whole of the – see B1 above] graphe scriptures because you suppose/opinionate that in/by/with them you will take-hold-to-have everlasting, zoe genuine-life; and-yet it is they that testify/bear-witness peri ‘all about, concerning’ Me, yet you ongoing refuse to Come to Me that you may hold-to-have [everlasting] zoe genuine-life.” They missed the point of ALL the scriptures – to get them ready for Christ (see B3 above).  You would think that Christians wouldn’t make the same mistake!  With ALL the prophecies of Christ finished and the Law terminated, what’s left in the OT to read and study?





As Christian musicians, why if every OT Jew, NT speaker and writer, and Jew since then never refers to any gramma writings as graphe scripture except OT ones, are any of us saying otherwise?  Are we really going to believe 1 Catholic theologian in 208 AD that started this notion that NT writings are “scripture” because he was desperate in his arguments against the Jews and so-called heretics that Christians have graphe authoritative writings, too?  Shouldn’t we also be careful to see how the early predominantly Jewish Church after the destruction of the temple in 70 AD used only a ‘kind/class/category’ of the OT scriptures mainly for singing Psalms, according to Justin Martyr in 150 AD, but especially the Messianic ‘kind/class/category’ to convert Jews to Christ and especially before 70 AD?  And shouldn’t we see the universal break from the scripture that occurred after 70 AD in predominantly-Gentile churches according to all the early Church Fathers?  If Christ pleroo fulfilled-to-completion the Messianic prophesies and telos finished them, and the Law was katargeo terminated/nullified, then what’s really left in the OT that Christians should read and study it?  97.4% of the OT is Law-based – see Logos Word of God – BT5a, something we should have died to and been released from!  If all the reading and study didn’t help the bible experts of the day “Come to Jesus for genuine-life,” why do you think it would act any differently right now?  Isn’t it a bit crazy to think you “can do the same things and expect different results?”





Thank You Jesus for completely-fulfilling and finishing all the prophecies about the Messiah to bring a New Covenant that is completely-different-in-kind and unprecedented, sharing nothing with the old covenant.  Thank You that the Law or old covenant has vanished away, ended, was nullified and abolished by Your perfect sacrifice and resurrection, and replaced by a fresh, unique, radically-different New Covenant.  Thank You that the Law and Prophets were only UNTIL the preaching of the gospel!  We no longer have to read and study logos messages of the bible, even prophetic ones that simply “testify about You,” unless we are a Jew needing to be converted.  NOW we can “Come to You” for zoe genuine-life everlasting directly NOW by the means of the Holy Spirit through surrender’s repentance and confession and water-baptism.  Praise Your Name that even little children or the other “least among us” can easily do this so that no partiality is shown, that in fact, “the secrets of the kingdom are un-hidden to such as these but kept hidden from the so-called wise and understanding ones!”




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Spiritual Education, Graphe scripture always referred to Old Testament writings but NEVER New Testament writings, ALL uses of graphe scripture WITHOUT definite article refer to Old Testament prophetic scriptures, Many of the other uses of graphe scripture WITH the definite article also refer to prophecies, Catholic theologian Tertullian first called New Testament writings graphe scripture in 208 AD, Old Testament was ONLY Until the preaching of the gospel, Jesus fulfilled & finished the prophecies, Jesus terminated the Law, so why is the Old Testament still used?

Categories: Logos Word of God

Logos Word of God – BT4: What gramma writings WERE the logos “Word of God”?




Logos Word of God – BT4:  What gramma writings WERE the logos “Word of God”?



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The problem with thinking that the Torah/Nomos “Instruction/Law” only refers to the 5 books of Moses is that the “if you do ____ – then I will bless you with ____ ” format of the conditional-favor-of-God based on human merit of complete & perfect obedience, which is the format over every single of 613 Old Testament (OT) Mosaic commandment, is actually not only prevalently repeated throughout 97.4% of OT gramma writings but is the pervasive paradigm-mindset of every person in the OT living under the dominion of this old covenant – see Logos Word of God – BT5a, whereas the other 2.6% or 600 verses consist of 365 prophecies of Jesus (see also Salvation – BT4) and His completely-different-in-kind New Covenant (a) – see Logos Word of God – BT6<Notes> a) chadash, kainos: fresh, completely-different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior.


That’s why Jesus, Paul, and all Jews when referring to all ‘classes/kinds/categories’ of graphe scripture (a), even to this day, consider the entire OT graphe scripture as “old covenant Law,” and most Jews happily include their Oral Torah “Traditions of the Elders” in there as well!  The 4th definition of OT Law or Torah Instruction according to Wikipedia is “the continued narrative of the entire Tanakh text of the OT, thus ALL gramma writings – see Logos Word of God – BT5a.  This is supported by many other sources, including The Bible Background Commentary of the New Testament by Craig S. Keener.  According to Strong’s Lexicon, Torah can also include the “body of prophetic teaching” called “The Prophets,” thus “The Law and The Prophets” being a typical division of the OT scripture.


<Notes> a) The prophet Isaiah 28:11-12 cited in 1 Corinthians 14:21 as “Law” by Paul; Jesus citing “Law & Prophets” in Matthew 5:17-19, Luke 16:16-17, Matthew 22:40 but calling “Law”; Jesus in John 10:34 citing Psalms 82:6, and in John 12:34 citing Psalms 18:4, 110:4, and in John 15:25 citing Psalms 35:19 or 69:4 but in all cases calling “the Law”; Jesus cites Prophets but calls them Law in John 12:34 citing Isaiah 9:7 and Ezekiel 37:25; the chief priests & Pharisees in John 7:40-49 citing Psalms 89:3-4 but calling “the Law.”


1A.  The Greek word gramma for ‘alphabetic letter or a writing of these” in the singular WITHOUT the definite article is used of the entire Law.  Paul writes in Romans 2:27, 29 regarding physical Jews, those who are dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ [singular without article] gramma writing and/coupled circumcision’ (thus Jews defined “outwardly” by the Law’s commandment concerning circumcision) who were transgressing The Law are NOT actually regarded as Jews by God because of this “outwardly keeping of The Law” but-instead only if “inwardly, because [true] circumcision is a matter of the heart by-the-means-of [singular] Spirit, absolutely-in-fact-NOT by-the-means-of [singular without article] gramma writing.”  Thus uncircumcised Gentiles can be true Jews to God – see also Romans 9:6-7; Galatians 3:7, 29; Philippians 3:3


So gramma in the singular WITHOUT the article is referring the entire old Covenant or Law, for “the sign of circumcision is a seal of the righteousness that Abraham had by-the-means-of trusting-relying-faith while he was still uncircumcised” (a) is later completed as  “sign of the covenant” for all Jews (b).   In Romans 7:6 Paul in context also used gramma writing WITHOUT the article for the entire OT Law of commandments by which Jews serve God, but which Christians should have died to in water-baptism thru the body of Christ per v. 7:4, having died to the binding-slavery of it so that NOW Christians serve God, living unto God per Galatians 2:19, by-the-means-of the completely-different-in-kind kainotes NEW-WAY of [singular] Spirit and/thus absolutely-in-fact-NOT by-the-means-of the palaiotes ‘OLD, obsolete, antiquated, worse for wear, worn-out, WAY’ of [singular WITHOUT article] gramma writing.”  See also 2 Corinthians 3:6 below in note “1B.” <Notes> a) Romans 4:11, b) Genesis 17:11.


1B.  Gramma in the singular form WITH the definite article is used in 2 Corinthians 3:6 where it refers to the entire old covenant or Law, for Paul’s evangelist team were “ministers of a completely-different-in-kind-of kainos NEW covenant, absolutely-in-fact-NOT of/belonging-to [singular without the article] gramma writing but-instead of/belonging-to [singular without the article] Spirit for the [singular article] gramma writing presently/ongoingly apokteino ‘kills separating you away-from [God],’ but-NOW the [singular article] Spirit presently/ongoingly zoa gives-genuine-life.”  Because Paul used the article for gramma and Spirit in the 2nd half of the verse, he doesn’t have to specify them in the 1st half of the verse to mean the same thing – that’s why I didn’t include the 1st instance WITHOUT the article in note 1A.  Paul often does this to save time and paper!  We also know it’s referring to the entire old covenant or Law because of v. 7’s plural use of gramma without the article – see note 2A below.


So in all cases the singular use of gramma letter/writing WITH or WITHOUT the article refers to the entire OT covenant or Law.  And you can see this is in direct opposition to the completely-different-in-kind NEW WAY of the Holy Spirit under the completely-different-in-kind-NEW Covenant.


2A.  The Greek word gramma for ‘alphabetic letter or a writing of these” in the plural WITHOUT the article is generically used for all the Greek, Latin, and Hebrews gramma letters inscribed on Christ’s cross title plate “The King of the Jews” in Luke 23:38.  In John 5:47 it refers to ALL the writings of Moses, the Pentateuch or first 5 books of the OT, called the old covenant Law or Torah, that Jesus questioned if the Jews really believed.  John 7:15 refers to the astonishment of the Jews in the temple at Jesus’s teaching, saying “How-can this-one eido ‘mentally ‘sees’ to perceive/know‘ [about] [plural without article] gramma writings in-possibility-NOT having-already [with ongoing effects] manthano ‘learned of the essentials.”  They knew Jesus had not studied the OT writings to be a scribe or Pharisee!  In 2 Corinthians 3:7 IT refers to the alphabetic letters carved in stone for the 10 commandments, making up the core of The old covenant Law spoken of in verse 6 using gramma in the singular WITH the article as stated above in Note 1B.  Remember that the 10 commandments later were expanded into 613 grapho written into scrolls by Moses to be the entire Law of commandments?  


In Acts 26:24 In Paul’s defense to King Agrippa appealing to the Messianic prophecies of the Christ by Moses and the Prophets – see Logos Word of God – BT6, governor Porcius Festus called Paul insane because of Paul’s “great-number of [plural without article] gramma letters,” a reference to Paul’s many words in his defense, but possibly to Paul’s collection of “many books and parchments” he maybe pointed to, that he was accustomed to travelling with per 2 Timothy 4:13.  After all, Paul had been a leading Pharisee of the famed teacher Gamaliel per Philippians 3:5-6, Acts 5:34, 22:3.


In Acts 28:21 gramma writings WITHOUT the article simply refers to NO written correspondence from Judea warning the Gentile churches about Paul. Similarly, in Galatians 6:11 IT refers to the LARGE alphabetic letters grapho written by Paul’s own hand to prove the letter’s authenticity, some speculate is an allusion to his poor eyesight, but his emphasis is the persecution he has suffered for the cross, his body bearing the marks (maybe his eyes were injured?), the cross they should also stand up for, against the Jews that would force them into circumcision to avoid persecution.  All I can say is that the Greek of Galatians is very poor and thus confusing to many.


So gramma writings WITHOUT the article, if the context is referring to OT writings, can refer to ALL the OT writings or just the Law ‘kind/class/category.”


2B.  Gramma in the plural form WITH the definite article is simply used in Luke 16:6-7 of specific written bills of specific goods purchased.  In 2 Timothy 3:15 it refers to a specific ‘kind/class/category of’ OT “ta ‘specific ones’ sacred gramma writings that Timothy had been taught from childhood, ta ‘specifically the ones’ routinely/habitually powerfully-enabled to make him wise eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ salvation dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ trusting-relying-faith, the [one] IN Christ Jesus.”  These ‘ta specific ones’ only make up 2.6% of the OT Scripture – see Logos Word of God – BT6.  That’s all that was used in the early NT Jewish-Christian Church to convert Jews and encourage lapsing Jewish-Christians not to go back to the Law. The use of the second definite article “ta ‘specifically the ones’ introduces a phrase that further narrows down the first phrase “ta ‘specific ones’ sacred gramma writings.”  This is a common technique in Greek – see Acts 2:17-18 narrowing down “All flesh (humanity) to your sons & daughters, to MY male & female servants,” as the ones who will prophesy from God in the Church Age.


Furthermore, since the definite article ta was already used twice for a specific group of Messianic salvation writings in 2 Timothy 3:15, Paul need NOT repeat himself in v. 16 when using the term “pas graphe” scripture.  Again this is common in Greek, and certainly Paul’s Greek where he routinely leaves word out (called ellipsis).  Pas rarely means “the whole or entirety of” but instead “every/each of a kind/class/category,” and always defined by the context.  Clearly Paul’s context is referring to “each/every of the kind/class/category” of OT Messianic prophecies, using the adjective “God-breathed,” concerning salvation by trusting-relying-faith in Christ and absolutely NOT to the “whole or entirety” of graphe scripture!  Only this ‘ta specific ones of sacred gramma writings” that are “the God-breathed ones” are “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for child-like-training in righteousness, in order that the man of God (reference to Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:11) may be complete, equipped for every good work (in context: evangelism preaching).”  It is poor biblical translation & interpretation to believe Paul is referring to ‘the whole/entirety of’ OT scripture – see Logos Word of God – BT7, – BT8, – BT9.


So gramma writings WITH the article, if the context is referring to OT writings, refers to a specific ‘kind/class/category’ of the OT, and the only case of this refers to Messianic prophecies used in the early Church to convert Jews to Christ.


Jesus accused the bible students of His day called “Pharisees and scribes” of proverbially “analyzing the bark on a tree” for so long they they completely “missed the forest through the trees,” because they were “blind guides, straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel” (a), and particularly “you presently/ongoingly diligently-search the graphe scriptures because you presently/ongoingly suppose/opinionate by-the-means-of them you will presently/ongoingly take-hold-to-have zoe genuine-life everlasting, kai and-yet these-ones presently/ongoingly are-they the-ones routinely/habitually testifying/bearing-witness peri ‘all around concerning’ Me kai and-yet you absolutely-in-fact-NOT are-presently/ongoingly to definitively/wholly come pros ‘toward and reaching’ Me in order that you may take-hold-of-to-have zoe genuine-life (b).  They would rather have a book than the person it pointed to!  <Notes> a) Matthew 23:24, cf. Matthew 15:14; Luke 6:39, b) John 5:38-40.


That’s why we will see in later BLOGS that the NT writers were very careful in their use of the OT scripture, restricting it to Messianic prophetic ‘kinds/classes/categories of’ graphe scripture and particularly to “ta ‘specific ones’ sacred gramma writings that Timothy had been taught from childhood, ta ‘specifically the ones’ routinely/habitually powerfully-enabled to make him wise eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ salvation dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ trusting-relying-faith, the [one] IN Christ Jesus” in 2 Timothy 3:15-16.




As Christian musicians, is being a bible student really the answer?  Being a bible student didn’t work for the Jews, especially the bible-experts, and they practiced this for 1500 years!  Why do we as Christians think we can “do the same things and expect different results?” Isn’t that the “definition of insanity” according to Einstein?  Are we just killing ourselves and others with that “ministry of condemnation and death,” even teach these “killing” ‘kinds/classes/categories of’ gramma writings to others, which is 97.4 of the OT?  Are we also at risk of “missing the forest through the trees” and also being the “blind leading the blind” to also miss out on taking-hold-of zoe genuine-life?  Or will we be “ministers of a completely-different-in-kind, unprecedented, unique, superior New Covenant” of the righteousness that is through trusting-relying-faith in Christ by unconditional-loving-favor-of-Grace instead of the conditional-favor-of the Law” by having a completely-different-in-kind logos message about the enabling-power of the Holy Spirit that gives zoe genuine-life?





Lord, keep us from being so easily distracted by 97.4% of the OT that is mine-field of condemnation and death that hides the glory of God in Christ from us and thus hardens our hearts, but keep our eyes on the promise of Christ, His Holy Spirit, and the New Covenant spoken of in only 600 verses of the OT.  Lord, keep us from getting bogged down into the details and miss the whole purpose of the OT that was simply to “testify or bear witness of Christ” so that God’s people would come to Jesus.  Instead, LORD we DO come toward and reach You instead of going back to our bible-study.  Instead of teaching us like You did the Jews “by rote”, even to convert Jews, like elementary-grade-school children feeding on ‘the milk’ of gramma writings on tablets and paper with ink to learn their gramma letters and stoicheion ‘abc’ rudimentary principles of God’s Torah instruction on how to live, we are ready to feed on ‘the solid food’ for mature sons that is interpreting and discerning good and evil by the means the Holy Spirit that comes only through trusting-relying-faith in a koinonia relationship with You Christ – see New Covenant Ways – BT16.  We are ready to grow up so we can experience the zoe genuine-life You have for us as your mature sons ready for our inheritance!




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Spiritual Education, Gramma logos message Word of God writings was the Old Testament writings mostly Law, Only 2.6% of the Old Testament graphe scripture was used by the early Church and only to convert Jews, 97.4% of the Old Testament is Law based and NOT used by the early Church, Only purpose of the Old Testament was to prepare Jews to come to Jesus for eternal life

Categories: Logos Word of God

Logos Word of God – BT3: Radical shift in logos “Word of God” meaning from Old to New Testaments




Video:  Logos Word of God - BT3: Radical shift in logos “Word of God” meaning from Old to New Testaments



Logos Word of God – BT3: Radical shift in logos “Word of God” meaning from Old to New Testaments




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There was a radical shift from the Old Testament (OT) to the New Testament (NT) in the meaning of the logos “Word of God.”  It WAS the OT of gramma writings finally fully-collected in graphe “scripture” by 90 AD, divided into ‘kinds/classes/categories’ as “the Torah Law, Prophets, and Writings” – see Logos Word of God – BT5a.


However, NOW in the New Testament (NT), the logos “Word of God” means either:


1) Jesus Christ, “the Living, abiding, sharper-than-a-double-edged sword, Logos Communicating-Message “Word of God” to fully reveal The Truth or aletheia “absolute-reality” about God, the Father (a), or


2) “the euaggelion ‘Great News preached/heralded gospel’ from Jesus about Jesus, even of the nature of Jesus as the “God and Savior” (b), “Christ (Anointed One), Son of the living God” (c),  but also the “gospel of the kingdom” (d), the logos message of trusting-relying-faith in Christ (e) that is the same as “obedience of faith” (f), the logos message of zoe genuine-life that is everlasting (g), the logos message of Christ’s righteousness (h), the only 2 commandments of “trusting-relying-faith and unconditional-love” being the logos message that Christians heard from the beginning (i), the logos message that has Christ’s authority & enabling-power to do miracles (j), the logos message of the cross that is the enabling-power of God, that preaching/heralding that is not just a logos message but also by the deed of enabling-power of the Holy Spirit (k) that is the enabling-power of the coming age that Christians tasted (l), the logos messages of Jesus that leads to godliness (m) by the Spirit’s enabling-power for zoe genuine-life and godliness (n), the gospel that is the logos message of The Truth giving us our blessed hope to be made completely righteous in our glorification at Christ’s coming (o), and finally the logos message of the gospel that early Christians preached & taught (p).


<Notes> a) John 1:1-18, 14:6; Hebrews 11:3; 1 Peter 1:23-25; 2 Peter 3:5-7; 1 John 1:1, 10; 1 Corinthians 11:7; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Colossians 1:15; Philippians 2:6; Hebrews 1:3; Revelation 6:9, 19:13, b) Mark 4:15-20; Luke 8:11, 21; John 4:41, 50, 15:3; 2 Peter 1:1, c) Matthew 16:16, d) Matthew 4:13, 9:35, 13:19, 24:14; Mark 1:15, e) Romans 10:8; 1 Timothy 4:6, f) Romans 1:5, 16:26, g) Philippians 2:16; 1 John 1:1, h) Hebrews 5:13, i) 1 John 2:7, 24. 3:11, 23; 2 John 1:5-6, j) Luke 4:36, k) 1 Thessalonians 1:5, 1 Corinthians 1:18, l) Hebrews 6:5, m) 1 Timothy 6:3, n) 2 Timothy 3:5; 2 Peter 1:3, o) Hebrews 5:13; Colossians 1:5; Titus 2:13; 2 Thessalonians 1:1, 10; Romans 8:17-18, 30; 1 Corinthians 13:12, 15:42, 52-54; John 5:25, 28; Luke 20:36, p) Acts 4:31, 6:2, 7, 8:14, 11:1, 12:24, 13:5, 7, 46, 15:7, 17:13; 1 Corinthians 14:36; 1 Corinthians 1:18, 14:36; 2 Corinthians 4:2; Galatians 6:6; Philippians 2:16; Colossians 1:25; 1 Thessalonians 1:6, 8, 2:13, 4:15; 2 Thessalonians 3:1; 2 Timothy 2:9; Titus 1:9, 2:5; James 1:18, 21-23; 1 Peter 2:8, 3:1; 1 John 2:5; Revelation 1:2, 9, 12:11, 17:17, 19:9, 20:4, 21:5, 22:6, 7, 9, 10, 18, 19.


The bible of God is NO LONGER gramma letters of graphe scripture, for Paul adamantly declares in 2 Corinthians 3:3, 6-7, 9-11, 13-15 that NOW:  “you’all (Christians) are a [singular] epistle ‘hand-written letter’ from Christ delivered by us, grapho written absolutely-in-fact-NOT by-the-means-of ink [like ALL of the graphe scriptures were] but-instead [written] by-the-means-of the Spirit of the living God, absolutely-in-fact-NOT [written] on tablets of stone [like the original 10 commandments of the old covenant or Law] but-instead [written] on tablets of human hearts. . . . God has made us sufficient to be ministers of a completely-different-in-kind NEW covenant, absolutely-in-fact-NOT of/belonging-to [singular without the article] gramma writing (a) but-instead of/belonging-to [singular without the article] Spirit (a) for the [singular article] gramma writing (a) presently/ongoingly apokteino ‘kills by separating you away-from [God],’ but-NOW the [singular article] Spirit (a) presently/ongoingly zoa gives-genuine-life.”


<Notes> a) Because Paul used the article for gramma and Spirit at the 2nd half of the verse, he doesn’t have to specify them in the 1st half of the verse to mean the same thing.  Paul often does this to save time and paper!  We also know gramma referring to the entire old covenant or Law because of v. 7’s plural use of gramma without the article – see notes 1A and 2A in Logos Word of God – BT4.


Paul continues:  “Now if the ministry of death, carved by-the-means-of [plural without the article] gramma letters on stone . . . the ministry of condemnation . . . . ,for it what was being brought to an end . . . . that once had glory but NOW has come to have absolutely-in-fact-NO glory at all, because of the glory [of the New Covenant] hyperbolically-surpasses it . . . But their minds/hearts were hardened, for to this day, whenever they read the old covenant, that same veil [that hid God’s glory on Moses’ face from the Israelites] remains unlifted . . . Yes, to this day whenever Moses is read a veil lies over the-reader’s heart.”


The completely-different-in-kind New’ Covenant has a completely-different-in-kind New’ Way of knowing God and His logos message, by definition of chadash/kainos ‘New’ (a) and the context of every verse that speaks of it.  Also, early Christianity was called “the Way” (b) – the definite article indicating it wasn’t the “old way” of the gramma letters of graphe scripture (c). <Notes> a) chadash, kainos: fresh, completely-different-in-kind, unprecedented, sharing nothing with its predecessors, unique, and superior, b) Acts 9:2, 22:4, c) Romans 7:6.


The Jewish “way” or the “way” of any other religion that consists of gramma writings has been “hyperbolically-surpassed” as Paul said above!  Although religious people try, the NT says you absolutely can NOT travel the ‘NT Way’ and at the same time travel the ‘OT way’ or include any of its elements, by definition and context.  To do so creates the Great Wall quenching the Holy Spirit in today’s churches.  It is one or the other, and the results are just as diametrically opposed.  Which road or “way” will you travel on?


This radical NT shift in meaning of logos “Word of God” is so clearly stated in the following:  “IN Him (a) you also, when you heard the logos message of The Truth (b) – the gospel of your salvation – put your trusting-relying-faith IN Him (a) and/coupled were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit . . .” (c).  “We heard of your trusting-relying-faith IN Christ Jesus  . . . Of this you have heard before in the logos message of The Truth – the gospel – which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing, just as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and/coupled understood the unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace of God by-the-means-of [singular: The] Truth (d), which again we know is almost always a reference to Jesus (b).  Finally, Paul asks: “Proseuchomai conversationally-pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the logos message, to declare the mystery of Christ” (e), “the mystery of the gospel” (f).  <Notes> a) Christ from v. 12, b) often used in the NT synonymously for Christ, e.g., John 14:6 – see The Truth page, c) Ephesians 1:13, d) Colossians 1:4-6, e) Colossians 4:3, f) Ephesians 3:6, 6:19.


Paul clarifies what gospel it is that he teaches: “If anyone teaches a different doctrine/teaching and/coupled does not agree with the hugianio ‘sound, uncorrupted, healthy, functioning’ logos messages of our Lord Jesus Christ  . . . he is puffed up with conceit and/coupled epistamai understands-by-prolonged-close-acquaintance absolutely-in-fact-NO thing” (a), and therefore: “Follow the pattern of the hugianio ‘sound, uncorrupted, healthy, functioning’ logos messages that you have heard from me – by-the-means-of/with-the-company-of [singular] trusting-relying-faith and/coupled [singular] unconditional-love that are IN Christ Jesus” (b).  Notice the linking of these 2 aspects of the gospel logos message, which are not coincidently the only 2 commandments of the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant (c). <Notes> a) 1 Timothy 6:3-4, b) 2 Timothy 1:13, c) 1 John 3:23.


Furthermore, Paul tells Timothy, as with all Christians, to not buy into false teaching about celibacy or asceticism that includes fasting – see New Covenant Ways – BT2b and – BT7, “for everything created by God is good, and absolutely-in-fact-NO thing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the logos message of God (a) and/coupled proseuche conversational-prayer.  If you put these things before the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, being entrepho educated/nourished in the logos messages of The Trusting-Relying-Faith” (The Christian Faith) (b).  Are our logos messageshugianio ‘sound, uncorrupted, healthy, functioning’ ones of “[singular] trusting-relying-faith and [singular] unconditional-love that are IN Christ?”  I’ve sure heard hundreds of sermons that have nothing to do with these!  <Notes> a) God’s message concerning trusting-relying-faith per 1 Timothy 4:1, 6, b) 1 Timothy 4:4-5.


Christians are strong-urged by the imperative to hold onto for dear life – Christ’s preached logos gospel message!  Paul says: “[I strongly urge you to] let the logos message of/belonging-to Christ dwell in you richly” (a).  Jesus says of faithful Christians that they: “have kept His logos message and/coupled did not deny Him” (b).  Paul instructs ministers like Timothy to be “approved workers who have no need to be ashamed, rightly handling (c) the logos message of The Truth (d), . . . proclaim/herald the logos message, ready in season or out of season (e),” and also: “But NOW in His own time, God has made His logos message manifest-evident through [singular: the] heralding/proclamation I was entrusted with kata down-from/according-to the epitage ‘authoritative, structured order that builds/arranges upon/fits a situation’ of God our Savior” (f) (g).


<Notes> a) Colossians 3:16, b) Revelation 3:8, 10, c) literally of cutting cloth straight, so figuratively here of interpreting the logos message of Christ and preaching this gospel correctly, d) Christ per John 14:6, 8:32, 38, and “faith in Christ” – see 2 Timothy 3:8, e) 2 Timothy 2:15, 4:2, f) Titus 1:3, g) God our Savior. Use of the title “Savior” for God the Father is characteristic of 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus. It occurs 6 times in these letters, but only twice elsewhere in the NT. However, it occurs commonly in the OT, especially in Isaiah. It emphasizes the Father as the initiator and source of salvation.  However, we see in Acts 9:15-16 that it was the Lord Jesus who commanded Paul to preach the gospel.  Clearly the Lord Jesus is Yahweh God our Savior, which is what Yeshua means.


NONE of these logos messages above are the gramma writings collected into OT graphe scripture, and certainly not the ‘kind/class/category’ called the torah/nomos Law/Instruction of God.  Are we holding onto our big fat bibles for dear life or the simple gospel logos message of “The Truth . . . the Son that will set us free” (a)?  <Notes> a) Christ per John 14:6, 8:32, 38, and “faith in Christ” – see 2 Timothy 3:8.





As Christian musicians, are we going to remain ignorant of how the definition of logos “Word of God” radically shifted between the OT and NT, consequently spreading false teaching if we do?  It absolutely is no longer graphe scripture to reveal God and His torah instruction for us, but Jesus Christ and His ‘sound, uncorrupted, healthy, functioning’, life-giving message of the gospel.


Do we still think there are 613 commandments of God, when there are only 2 in the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant?  Do you even know how “radically different and unique” they are by definition from everything preceding them?  If you don’t, then you’ve fallen in the “religion trap!”


Are you aware that Law and Grace are polar opposites by definition?  Are you aware that 97.4% of the OT is based on Law – see Logos Word of God – BT5a – and that 100% of the NT is based on Grace?  Which do you spend most of your time in?  This will likely determine if your logos messages are ‘sound, uncorrupted, healthy, functioning’ or if you also, like the Jews, who did so much bible-study “understand by prolonged close acquaintance’ absolutely in-fact-NO thing.”  What are we holding on to with devotion?  Christ and His messages about faith and unconditional-love, or God forbid, something else?





Lord, we need Your help to stay devoted to WHO your logos “Word of God” is NOW, not the WHATs of the bible and certainly not the OT scriptures, and absolutely not the old covenant Law of Commandments, but instead to HOLD on to Your Son Jesus, The Truth Logos Communicator of God, and His Grace-filled gospel logos message of trusting-relying-faith in Him and unconditional-love for others, just as He is our example to follow, certainly not limited to “loving only our neighbor (fellow Jews)” and certainly not limited to “as yourself.”  Jesus is NOW our “One is your Teacher, and you are all brethren” NOW by the enabling-power of His Holy Spirit.  Thank You for keeping it so simple for us “little children” whom the “secrets of the kingdom are revealed” but “kept hidden from the [so-called] wise and understanding one.”  Amen.




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Spiritual Education, Logos Word of God different in Old & New Testament, Old Testament Logos is gramma writings of graphe scripture, New Testament Logos is Jesus Christ communicating Father God, New Testament Logos is Christ’s gospel message about Himself, God’s bible of hand-written letters are NOW Christians because the Spirit writes God’s Torah instruction within them, Paul said reading Moses hardens your heart and keeps God’s glory hidden from you, Most of the Old Testament is a ministry of death by writings that kill you, Paul’s sound Logos Messages he taught are Christ’s Gospel sound Messages about Himself, The gospel Logos Messages contained only 2 commandments of faith and love, Teaching most of the Old Testament was considered false teaching and prohibited in the Church, We are to hold onto faith in Christ not a bible

Categories: Logos Word of God

Logos Word of God – BT2:  Even the preached logos “Word of God” gospel can be powerless




Video - Part 1:  Logos Word of God - BT2:  Even the preached logos "Word of God" gospel can be powerless

Part 1



Logos Word of God – BT2:  Even the preached logos “Word of God” gospel can be powerless




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Even the preaching of the logos “Word of God” as the gospel can be powerless!  But the apostle Paul confidently said in Romans 1:16:  “For I am absolutely-in-fact-NOT ashamed of the gospel, for it is the dunamis dynamite-like-enabling-power of God for salvation to everyone who routinely/habitually trusting-relying-faith.” (a).


So what could make the preaching of the gospel powerless Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 2:1-2, 4-5: “I did absolutely-in-fact-NOT come routinely/habitually kataggello ‘decisively proclaiming down to a point’ to you the marturion testimony/witness of God kata down-from/according-to huperoche superior/preeminent-speech nor wisdom [v.5: of men], for I had decided to already [with ongoing results] to eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know absolutely-in-fact-NO thing among you except ‘Jesus Christ and/coupled Him having been [with ongoing effects] crucified’ . . . and my logos message and/coupled kerugma ‘proclamation/preaching’ were absolutely-in-fact-NOT by-the-means-of peithos ‘enticing, persuasive, skillful’ logos messages of wisdom [v.5: of men], but-instead by-the-means-of apodeixis ‘showing-off demonstrating-proof’ of/belonging-to [singular] Spirit and/coupled enabling-power (a), in order that your trusting-relying-faith might in-possibility-NOT rest en in-the-location-of the wisdom of men (b) but-instead en in-the-location-of enabling-power of God (c).  <Notes> a) kai coupling Spirit and power together is like saying “Spirit’s power” or “power of the Spirit,” a) human wisdom of vv. 4-5, wisdom of this age and its rulers in v. 6 is absolutely-in-fact-NOT the wisdom of God in v. 7, c) By parallelism, ‘God’s power’ is the ‘power of the Spirit’ thus making God and Spirit” the same.


And in verses 6-10, Paul continues:  “Moreover we speak of a wisdom absolutely-in-fact-NOT of this age (a), absolutely-in-fact-NOR of the ‘firsts’-rulers of this age (a), . . . we presently/ongoingly speak wisdom of/belonging-to God by-the-means-of a musterion secret/mystery, the one having already-been [with ongoing effects] hidden/kept-secret . . . for to US God dia ‘thru the realizing channel of’ the Spirit has definitively/wholly revealed/un-hid [it].  For the [singular] Spirit ereunao ‘examines, diligently-searches’ all-things, kai specifically the bathos ‘full-dimensions of depth & height, extreme degrees, immensity, or profundities’ of God.” <Notes> a) human wisdom of vv. 4-5, wisdom of this age and its rulers in v. 6 is absolutely-in-fact-NOT the wisdom of God in v. 7.


Paul continues in verses 10-13:  “We definitively/wholly have lambano ‘grabbed hold of to receive’ . . . the [singular] Spirit, the one out-from God, in order that we already-had [with ongoing effects] might eido mentally ‘see’ to perceive/know the things hupo ‘under the authority or subordinate under’ God, having already-been charizomai ‘extended/granted to US by charis unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace,‘ which we also presently/ongoingly speak-of, absolutely-in-fact-NOT en by-the-means-of (a) taught (a) logos messages of/belonging-to human wisdom (see note a above) but-instead en by-the-means-of (a) taught (a) of/belonging-to [singular] Spirit, by-the-means-of-Spirit-kind-of-things/people (c) (e) interpreting (d) Spirit-kind-of-things/people (c) (e). The psuchikospsyche soulish natural-man consisting only of mind, emotions, and will, devoid of God’s Spirit‘ absolutely-in-fact-NOT presently/ongoingly dechomai ‘warmly welcome’ the things/people (e) of/belonging-to the Spirit of God, for they presently/ongoingly exist-as/are-defined-as absurd-foolishness to him, kai and/coupled/even absolutely-in-fact-NOT [he is] powerfully-enabled to experientially, relationally ginokso know them [the Spirit-kind-of things] because they presently/ongoingly are Spirit-kind-of discerned (f)” – see New Covenant Ways – BT16.


<Notes> a) The preposition en with a noun in the dative case can mean in the location of, by the means/instrument of, or with the company of – see Bible Info problem with prepositions.  Logos messages is actually the dative-case direct object of “we speak,” and the phrase “NOT en taught of/belonging-to human wisdom” is adverbially describing how they spoke, but also adjectively describes the content of the logos messages.  For that reason en could be translated by-the-means-of (adverbially) or with-the-company-of (adjectively).  However, in the second occasion, Paul uses it in association with pneuma Spirit, and we know this would likely mean very much like his normal construction of en pneumati Spirit in the dative case that is always “by-the-means/instrument-of [singular] Spirit” as Douglas Petrovich in The Meaning of En Pneumati and Daniel B Wallace in Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament note.  For that reason, Paul is likely treating en as ‘by the means/instrument of’ in both cases.  Nevertheless, in both cases, the awkward construction puts the emphasis on “taught” to defend his ministry as being unique.


<Notes> b) Even though Paul leaves out the phrases “logos messages . . . of wisdom” by parallelism, Paul’s argument is:  “we are mentally-perceiving things under God’s authority . . . granted to US by God’s grace . . . spoken by US by-the-means-of logos messages TAUGHT [to US] NOT of/belonging-to human wisdom but-instead [spoken by US] by-the-means-of [logos messages of wisdom] taught [to US] of/belonging-to Spirit.


<Notes> c) pneumatikos is the plural neuter adjective of pneuma that in context, as with most of Paul’s writings, refers to the Holy Spirit, so this should NOT be translated “spiritual things” but-instead “Spirit-kind-of things.”  The 1st use is in the dative case of means/instrument, thus “by-the-means-of Spirit-kind-of things,” and the 2nd use is in the accusative case of direct object of the phrase, thus translated in our reverse English word order “interpreting Spirit-kind-of-things by-the-means-of-Spirit-kind-of-things” – though in Greek the emphasis is the opposite word order.  To complicate matters, “things” includes “people,” as we see in note ‘e’ below, so “prophecies from Christian’s using their Spirit’s grace-gift of prophecy reciprocally/mutually interpreting each other’s prophecies, d) interpretation by joining together or combining things for comparison/contrast purposes.  This is NOT the rabbinical method of comparing/contrasting manuscripts and teachings from previous rabbis through argumentative debate.


<Notes> e) dative case of means/instrument.  In context, this means testing prophecy, even Paul’s teachings that he claims are from the Lord in 1 Corinthians 14:29-40, is NOT by comparing/contrasting to any gramma writings and certainly NOT graphe scripture or teachings of it, which is called the rabbinical method that Paul had been an expert of but considered “rubbish” per Philippians 3:8, and certainly NOT comparing/contrasting to the philosophies and teachings of the Greek-Roman world, for ALL of this would be from “the natural psyche man” that is impossible to understand the things/people of the Spirit.  However, the way to judge/critique prophecy, even Paul’s own teaching, from 1 Corinthians 14:37 is spelled out in vv. 14:29-31 for “the prophets to speak, one-by-one while the others listening silently, kai and/then [I strongly urge you to let] the allos others-of-the-same-kind (i.e., the Spirit-kind-of person distinct from a prophet in v. 14:37) diakrino ‘throughly critique/judge by doing this back-and-forth ‘interpreting’ among them’ in order that you ALL presently/ongoingly may manthano ‘learn the essentials’ and/coupled ALL may-become presently/ongoingly parakaleo ‘encouraged/strengthened or consoled/comforted from alongside/close-beside calling/summoning or teaching/counseling – all functions of the Paraklete Spirit.”  We see this same calling-together of the prophets and other Spirit-kind-of people in Acts 15:28 to get a consensus through “Spirit-kind-of-things/people interpreting Spirit-kind-of-things/people” – “the brothers/church of Antioch, the apostles, and elders” of Acts 15:22 – together writing to the Gentile churches “it dokeo is-the-opinion of the Holy Spirit and/coupled of US to in-possibility-NOT lay upon you a further burden (rules) except these necessary things.”  The idea of testing prophecy against the bible is foreign to the NT, simply another “tradition of men” and “wind of doctrine blowing through churches” – see Bible Info – BT5f) anakrino:  to judge/distinguish vigorously ‘down to up’ by closely, even forensically, examining, investigating, or interrogating, thus a careful study or evaluation.  Discernment is the New Covenant Way to know God’s Will – see New Covenant – BT16, even for little children and other uneducated “Least Among Us” – see Least Among You – BT8.  There is a simpler WAY than the scholarly method to know God’s Will – Bible Info – BT2.



Video - Part 2:  Logos Word of God - BT2:  Even the preached logos "Word of God" gospel can be powerless

Part 2


I’m sure “interpreting or discerning Spirit-kind-of things/people by-the-means-of-Spirit-kind-of-things/people” is what Paul had in mind when he told Timothy to “straightly ‘cut’ the logos message of The Truth” (a) in regards to his own evangelistic calling (b) to preach/proclaim/herald the gospel (c).  Essentially Paul is saying from his own experience as a Pharisee that you can “[diligently] search the scriptures” until you are blue in the face, like the bible students of Christ’s day did, erroneously “dokeo opinionating that in/by/with them they will hold-to-have zoe genuine-life” as Jesus observed of the scribes-Pharisee bible-students (d), and even be as zealous about studying the NT and preaching of the its logos gospel message, yet still “always be learning, yet never able to arrive at a genuine, full, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of [singular] Truth,” who is the person of Christ (e).  <Notes> a) 2 Timothy 2:15, b) 1 Timothy 4:14, c) 2 Timothy 4:2, 5, d) John 5:39, e) 2 Timothy 3:7.


How can this happen?  Because the 1 Corinthians 2:14 psuchikospsyche soulish natural-man consisting only of mind, emotions, and will, devoid of God’s Spirit‘ approach of so many philosophical, religious people, and even “wise & understanding” bible-students & scholars of John 5:37-46, Matthew 11:25, Luke 10:21, and 1 Corinthians 1:19-25 simply can’t experientially, relationally ginosko know these Spirit-kind-of things of God, the “Spirit-kind-of wisdom and understanding” that is acquired only thru proseuche conversational-prayer per Colossians 1:9 and James 1:5, because they are Spirit-kind-of interpreted and discerned.  They have to be unhidden/revealed by-the-means-of the Spirit.  It’s NOT gnosis informational-knowledge to study from a bible!


The gospel logos message by itself falls flat – it’s just as powerless as anything the Pharisees preached – if it is not accompanied with the “showing-off-demonstrating-proof of the Holy Spirit and/coupled [its] dunamis dynamite-like enabling-power” per 1 Corinthians 2:4, “that bebaioo ‘confirms, ratifies, or guarantees’ the logos message by accompanying signs and/coupled wonders” per Mark 16:20 Great Commission.  With this, we can be like those in Acts 14:3 “speaking boldly for the Lord, who bore-witness to the logos message of His unconditionally-loving-favor-of-grace [by] granting signs and/coupled wonders to be done by their hands.”


Paul said of his FULL-gospel ministry to the Gentiles in Romans 15:18-19 “speaking of only what has been accomplished thru me eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of the’ obedience [of trusting-relying-faith from v. 1:5, 16:26] of-the-Gentiles by-the-means-of [singular] logos-message and/coupled/also [singular] deed – by-the-means-of [singular] dunamis dynamite-like-enabling-power of signs and/coupled wonders by-the-means-of [singular] dunamis dynamite-like-enabling-power of [singular] Spirit of/belonging-to God, so as for me . . . I have peplerokenai (from pleroo) FULLY/completely-proclaimed the gospel of the Christ (Anointed One).”  This is FULL-gospel preaching, just as Paul also said in Colossians 1:25 “I became a minister kata down-from/according-to the oikonomia household-management/stewardship of God, this having-been-given to me eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ you to definitively/wholly pleroo FILL-to-completion the [gospel] logos-message of God.”


It’s NOT just a logos-message but “the deed” of the Spirit’s demonstrating-proof!  If we want the same results as Paul, we have to preach a FULL-gospel!  Hebrews 2:3-4 says the gospel of “such a great salvation.  It was spoken at first by the Lord, and/then under-[His]-authority by-those having heard [it], eis ‘toward and reaching the goal/purpose of’ US it was confirmed-as-solid, [participially described as] God routinely/habitually testifying/bearing-witness by-the-means-of signs te kai both-and wonders and/coupled miracles kai and/even merismos distributions (likely grace-gifts, per note ‘a’ below) of/belonging-to the Holy Spirit kata down-from/according to the will of Him (God).”  Compare 1 Corinthians 1:17, 2:1, 4, 13, 4:20; 2 Corinthians 1:12, 10:10, 11:6; 1 Thessalonians 1:5; 2 Peter 1:16.


<Notes> a) merizo is the verb form that Paul used in Romans 12:3-8 for distribution of the metron ‘standard-sized measuring-cup’ of [singular] faith (“The Christian Faith” throughout Paul’s writings), so God is impartial in giving us the same grace-gift of the Holy-Spirit “promise” of The Christian Faith, but this results in differing praxis functions of the Spirit’s grace-gifts for effective Body-Ministry, so nobody ‘hogs the ball’ in v. 12:3 – see Leadership.





As Christian musicians, do we want to be involved into something that uses up a lot of our time and energy but is powerless?  Do we want to evangelize or preach, even a gospel message, that is powerless to bring salvation, falling flat on deaf ears?  Even if we use all our Zechariah 4:6 “might and power” external resources and internal abilities to bring superior/preeminent speech with enticing/persuasive/skillful messages of great human wisdom to preach the gospel, even with all the zeal of the Pharisees, it will still be powerless without the accompanying signs, wonders, miracles, and even grace-gifts of the Holy Spirit that are the showing-off-demonstrating-proof of God to confirm the gospel.  Without Spirit-kind-of prophetic revelation, interpretation, and discernment, Body-ministry simply can’t function effectively as it was intended to get God’s powerful results!





Lord, we want our words to count!  We want them to have Your power!  We surrender our “might and power” striving for excellency of speech to persuade men of Your Truth of Jesus for their salvation.  We ask you instead for Your Zechariah 4:6’ss “By My Spirit” showing-off-demonstrating-proof by accompanying signs, wonders, miracles, and grace-gifts of the Holy Spirit to powerfully-enable the preaching of the gospel for Your Truth to be revealed, interpreted, and discerned through your Body-of-Christ by the means of the Spirit. Amen!




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Spiritual Education, The preached Gospel logos message can be powerless if unaccompanied by signs & wonders, Only the FULL Gospel is powerful for salvation, Miracles & Gifts is God’s Spirit working with our preached Gospel, Excellent wise persuasive speech of gospel is NOT powerful enough, The gospel needs to demonstrable-proofs of the Spirit’s power by signs wonders gifts, Prophecy tested by Prophecy not bible writings, Interpretation by prophecy NOT bible writings, Discernment is by Spirit not bible writings, Jesus & Paul reject the rabbinical method of understanding the Spirit’s things, Only the Full Gospel is effective, Proper handling of the gospel is by the Spirit’s prophetic discernment NOT rabbinical study analysis, Bible-scholar may be devoid of Spirit’s prophetic insight, Christ’s Great Commission said signs & wonders would confirm the Gospel to prove God was working with us, A gospel message without The Deed of the Spirit’s powerful miracles & gifts is powerless

Categories: Logos Word of God

Logos Word of God – BT1 – Part 1: Logos “Word of God” is NOT directly-spoken/heard Rhema “Word”




Video - Part 1: Logos Word of God - BT1:  Logos “Word of God” is NOT directly-spoken/heard Rhema “Word”

Part 1



Logos Word of God – BT1:  Logos “Word of God” is NOT directly-spoken/heard Rhema “Word”




Please follow the BLOG Etiquette to stay on topic and pass the moderator’s check.  Bold, underlined text below = future links to the BLOG pages.


Unfortunately many English bibles translate 2 completelydifferent-in-kind Greek words rhema and logos both simply as “word” – for example, “Word of God” – grossly misleading Christians, who are under the completely-different-in-kind chadash/kainos New Covenant, into believing that their entire bible is STILL for them the same “Word of God” as it was for Jews under the old covenant.


What’s worse is that although the Old Testament (OT) WAS ONCE the logos message of God for Jews but only “UNTIL John” the Baptist (a) and that some of the New Testament (NT) SINCE THEN contains written records of the completely-different-in-kind preached logos message of God that is NOW for the entire world (b), by definition NONE of the bible contains the direct-spoken/heard rhema “Words of God,” because unless you are directly hearing God thru prophecy it simply isn’t the Rhema “Word of God!”  The sad thing is that most English bible readers would never know that radical difference between the two words for “word” – see Bible Info for other translations problems! <Notes> a) Matthew 11:13; Luke 16:16, b) Luke 16:16.


Many Christians are simply unaware of the RADICAL SHIFT from the OT to the NT in what was defined as the logos “Word of God.”  They are ignorant that God’s logos message has so radically shifted in meaning that NOW the logos “Word of God” isn’t even close to being the same in the NT.  Therefore, it is entirely incorrect to hold up a big fat bible high in the air and boldly declare: “This is the ‘Word of God’ for Today.  Everything you need to know to be a victorious Christian is in this book.”  Nothing in the book every said that!


There is also a lot of confusion about what graphe “scripture” is causing a lot of people to erroneously think it’s their entire bible, when ALL Jews – even Jesus and the NT writers – and no Church Fathers before 208 AD ever dared use that term regarding NT writings!  That’s when a Catholic theologian Tertullian first applied the term graphe “scripture” to the very loosely collected, non-canonized, NT writings in his apologetic arguments against Jews and so-called ‘heretics’ Monarchian Praxeas and “New Prophecy” Bishop Marcion of Sinope.  He got desperate to win his arguments and slipped down the slippery slope of error!


Also, there’s more misunderstanding as to the “pas ‘every/each of a kind/class/category’ of OT graphe scripture that is profitable for teaching” per 2 Timothy 3:16, which is the dominant way to translate the Greek pas instead of “the whole/entirety of graphe Scripture” as many scholars have noted – see Logos Word of God – BT7.  Many Christians don’t know that the early Church didn’t find “profitable to teach” any of the ‘kind/class/category’ that is 97.4% of the OT that is based on the Law but only 2.6% that were the ‘kind/class/category’ of “prophetic oracles/utterances” (a) concerning the Messiah and the coming New Covenant, and only to convert Jews to Christ – see Salvation – BT4 and an online article about this, which faded away shortly after 150 AD when the Church was almost entirely Gentile.  I will endeavor in the BLOG Topics on the main page to clear up some of this confusion.  <Notes> a) cf. Acts 7:38; Romans 3:2; Hebrews 5:12; 1 Peter 4:11.


There is even more misunderstanding in many Christian’s minds about what eventually ended up as their bible, i.e., the canonization or inclusions and exclusions of gramma writings to make up the graphe scripture of the OT but also the collection of NT writings that were even more hotly contested!  However, absolutely NONE of the bible came together through nice, neat, smooth, orderly, or unanimous consensus.  Wars were fought over it!  Many manuscript experts, historians, theologians, and segments of Judaism and the Christian Church still disagree as to exactly what belongs in their bible.  If you have any questions about this, start with Wikipedia’s article on the “Biblical Canon.”


Read Bible Info to get a broad overview of the many problems I’ve run into with our 900 English bibles!  I also recommend reading from a multitude of resources – many good ones are at Bible Info – BT1, because there is a lot of propaganda out there, smoothing over or even denying the intense controversy, poor attempts to justify predetermined positions that is the problem with eisegesis translation, instead of objectively looking at original source material that exegesis translation strives for.


The early Church simply wasn’t interested in the quest for “authoritative writings,” but viewed so many prophetic writings of the Holy Spirit as “devotional and beneficial,” as you will see at www.earlychristianwritings.com.


Many English translations confuse matters more by stamping “Holy Bible” on the front cover, a term invented by King James in 1611 for his Protestant translation, but borrowed from a Catholic theologian in the Middle Ages (465-1500 AD) who coined the Latin term biblia sacra or “Holy Books” for the combined OT and NT.  More “Traditions of Men!”


Also, anyone who thinks that all the manuscripts of the NT are mostly in agreement and any differences are ‘insignificant’ should start with Wikipedia’s Textual Variants of the New Testament.  Tim Barnett writes in 5/24/2016 that “around 400,000 textual variants of the NT exist, a staggering number when coupled with the fact that there are only 138,000 words in the Greek NT, meaning there are almost 3 variants per word.  However, less than 4000 (2.8% of the NT) have a good chance of being authentic and changing the meaning of the text.”  The subject of OT textual variation is even broader, so just internet search for it.  Due to the extensiveness of these subjects, the BLOG Topics on the main page won’t be able to explore these adequately, so it’s best to do your own homework.  I certainly have, as you can see from Bible Info.


What you will find in all this ‘digging past the propaganda’ is such complexity of detail that it really does take the scholarly “wise and learned” to come close to sunesis ‘connecting-the-dots’ to rationally understand/know it, and this may seem more than a little frustrating!  I’ve got straight-A’s from 5 bible colleges, know how to use all the tools mentioned at Bible Info – BT1, but I still find it time-consuming and difficult!  But I show you a much better way in Bible Info – BT2 than this difficult scholarly approach!


Don’t fret, but remember what the Lord Jesus said, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have kept-hidden these things from the [so-called] ‘wise and understanding ones’ and revealed/un-hidden them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious/unmerited/unconditional will” (a), and “the little children . . . for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (b), and “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn (repent) and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (c).  <Notes> a) Matthew 11:25-26, Luke 10:21, b) Matthew 19:14, c) Matthew 18:3, Mark 10:15, Luke 18:17.


Since the completely-different-in-kind kainos New Covenant created a completely-different-in-kind kainotes “New Way of the Spirit” (a) to “experientially, relationally yada/ginosko know the Lord” because it’s NOW thru “eido mentally ‘seeing’ to perceive/know,‘ and “absolutely-in-fact-NOT and in-possibility-NOT shall each [man] need to teach their neighbor (fellow Jews) and/coupled each [man] teach their relative to definitively/wholly experientially, relationally yada/ginosko know the Lord,” and certainly NO longer from “the greatest to the least” thru a top-down hierarchy of teachers from Moses all the way down to the mothers teaching their kids” but NOW directly from God and also from “the least to the greatest” (b) so that God can NOW show no partiality in how He reveals Himself or His will (c).  Therefore we shouldn’t either in the ways we teach one another (d), or in ministry (e), or in any action (f) – see the Least Among You page.  <Notes> a) Romans 7:6, b) Jeremiah 31:3; Hebrews 8:11; Matthew 11:11, 25:40, 45; Luke 7:28, 9:48, c) Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Galatians 2:6; Ephesians 6:9, d) Luke 20:21, e) James 2:1, f) 1 Timothy 5:21.


The BLOG Topics on the main page will start to show you God’s much simpler New Covenant WAY – the WAY of the non-partial, fully accessible Holy Spirit as the “One Teacher” and “Parakletos Helper-Counselor” for ALL of us to NOW “experientially, relationally yada/ginosko know the Lord” and His will thru “eido mentally ‘seeing’ to perceive/know‘, regardless of the limitations of our Zechariah 4:6 “might and power” external resources or internal abilities!  They are irrelevant!  For the HOW-TO of this, see also the Conversational-Prayer page.


You can also read how this New Covenant theology impacts the bible’s understanding of man’s “might and power” on the “Might and Power” and Skill pages.


You can see how all this is useful to music ministry on the Spirit-Practice and Spirit-Perform pages.


If you have any questions about my biblical language and interpretation credentials, or resources you can use to do your own detailed research, please go to the Bible Info page.



Video - Part 2: Logos Word of God - BT1:  Logos “Word of God” is NOT directly-spoken/heard Rhema “Word”

Part 2


Directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words  are “freshly spoken words from one’s mouth directly to someone else,” as God’s spoken words were to ALL of the prophets of the OT and NT, thus the term “prophecy.”  Rhema is only used in the NT about 70 times, but the promises associated with it are night and day over logos messages.  If you want to read more about prophetic rhema, then go to the Conversational-Prayer and Prophetic Rhema pages.


However, once directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words are written down, these become a  logos message, which is the Greek word for a broad range of communication from thought to written form, but that focuses more on the content of the message rather than on its delivery, as rhema focuses on, thus the common translation of logos as “message.”  It is very unfortunate that so many bibles obscure the vast difference in meaning between rhema and logos by translating both simply as “word.”  In Hebrews 12:18-21, 25, it recounts God in Exodus 20:18-21 attempting to directly speak personally to all the Jews on Mt. Sinai by His “Voice whose directly-spoken/heard rhema words made the hearers beg that no further logos message be spoken to them.”  This was God’s Perfect-Will ‘Plan A,’ but because of their disobedience they ended up with God’s Permissible-Will ‘Plan B’ that resulted in gramma writings of “the [OT] graphe scripture that imprisoned ALL under sin” (a) and “kills” us all (b).  Jesus came to restore, the essential meaning of soteria salvation, God’s ‘Plan A.”  <Notes> a) Galatians 3:22, b) 2 Corinthians 3:6.


When you a read logos message, whether you later speak it with directly-spoken/heard rhema words or not, or write it down as more logos messages, your reading requires the left-brain, logical, rational mind’s cognitive sunesis ‘connect-the-dots’ rational, inductive understanding-knowledge of the logos message content.  This largely relies on your reading and study skills, vocabulary comprehension, and mental prowess, which favors the “wise and learned,” but “where is the one who is wise?  Where is the scribe (bible-expert)?  Where is the debater of this age?” (a) and “not many of you were wise . . . no many were powerful” (b), because any of this would exclude the little children, the blind, the mentally impaired, and the poor who often can’t afford to be educated to read.  However, God “shows no favoritism or partiality” (c), so wouldn’t God rather use directly-spoken/heard prophetic rhema words directly into a person’s mind & heart so they can understand them perfectly, and do this for EVERYONE?  That’s God’s Perfect-Will ‘Plan A’ restored for the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant – see Least Among You page.  <Notes> a) 1 Corinthians 1:20, b) 1 Corinthians 1:26, c) Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11, Galatians 2:6, Ephesians 6:9.




As Christian musicians, do we want to remain ‘in the dark’ about the radical difference between logos and rhema “Word of God” and perpetuate the error of early Catholic theologians?  Are we going to remain ignorant of what the NT says about OT “scripture” being “fulfilled by Christ” so that its “old covenant is ended, vanished away, and been replaced” so that having “died in water-baptism with Christ to what once enslaved us, we are now free to obey another – Jesus Christ who we were resurrected with also in water-baptism?”


Are we aware that most honest scholars are NOT totally confident what actually is the text and canon of the bible, but instead believing those who are afraid to be honest, afraid that others will lose their faith in the Lord, so they perpetuate the propaganda.  Their faith is built on confidence in the written records of the logos “Word of God” and so they look the other way at the mounds of evidence that make this a “faulty foundation of shifting sands.”  I know because for 28 years I was one of these Sola Scriptura folks that would argue for 100% confidence in the bible ALONE until I was blue in the face!


I worked in a Christian bookstore for 2 years and 80% of the books on the shelves are based on eisegesis – starting out with a thesis and taking most verses out of context to fit it.  Even this week I had to discount half the book of a well-known teacher I was reading, because they “twisted to their own destruction” many verses just to build their argument.  We had to pull so many books off the shelves because they were worldly and heretical to the core beliefs of the Christian Faith!  In 1987 I went to the first of 5 bible colleges towards a Masters in Divinity in Biblical Exegesis, because I watched so many naïve Christians and pastors not know much at all about biblical hermeneutics/interpretation, especially from the original languages or even simply reading verses in context!


However, what really got me back on the path of The Truth kicked in around 2008 when I began being flooded with supernatural experiences and was downloaded from that point on with hundreds of revelations, visions, dreams, and messages of knowledge, only some which are on the Mike’s God Messages page.  This happened to me when I learned that all you had to become, within the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant, to receive all of this is a simple, trusting, humble little child who learns best by listening to and watching their parents!  After all, God shows no partiality but NOW “reveals/un-hides the secrets of the kingdom to little children” but “keeps it hidden from the wise and learned ones.”  The fastest way to learn is to “be taught by God” by surrendering control of your “might and power” external resources and internal abilities to those of the “By My Spirit,” so that Zechariah 4:6 can also be true in your own life!




Lord, please keep me “in the Light” of Your fellowship and the truth that “YOU are The Truth,” not bible writings ABOUT YOU that simply “testify/bear-witness all-about/concerning YOU,” that only YOU as “The Truth sets men free from the practice of sin.”  YOU are the firm foundation to build my ‘house’ on, not the illusion that “in the bible I may take hold of genuine-life everlasting.  It simply testifies of You so that by coming to You I will find genuine-life.”  Lord, keep me from ‘getting caught up’ in second-hand gnosis informational-knowledge about You that makes up the entire bible, erroneously closing my eyes of its many textual and canonical problems, and instead ‘getting caught up’ in YOU through first-hand, genuine, full, experiential, relational epignosis knowledge of YOU under the completely different-in-kind New Covenant by the means of “The One Teacher” Holy Spirit.


YOUR “rhema words are Spirit and genuine-life,” not a logos message testimony/witness or any OT “shadows” ABOUT YOU, for in context of John 6:63 this is “the flesh that absolutely profits nothing.”  Now I understand I must boldly and relentlessly come before You as a little child, listening and watching You to teach Me directly, even by visions and dreams.  To such is the kingdom and the secrets of the kingdom.  I want to be one of them Lord!  Amen.




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Spiritual Education, Logos Word of God is NOT Rhema Word of God, Unless you hear from God directly via prophecy you aren’t getting Rhema, The OLD testament WAS once God’s logos message but ONLY to Jews, Jesus and His preached gospel is NOW God’s Logos message to the world, Scripture always was Old Testament writings, Only 365 Messianic Oracles or 2.6% of Scripture was useful – ONLY to convert Jews, 97.4% of Scripture never used by early Church, Still no universal consensus on the best Hebrew & Greek manuscript text NOR on the canon of books, Many bible translation problems, Early Church didn’t have a quest for a bible – ONLY a fallen-away Catholic Church 210 years later, Term HOLY Bible created in 1611 by King James, Jesus reveals The Truth to the uneducated but hides from the bible-students, Knowing God & His will by the Spirit thru discernment NOT writings, Rhema directly-spoke from God’s mouth into US never by writings, NO more ministry of writings but Spirit teaching us directly on our hearts, God’s Perfect ‘Plan A’ in Exodus 20:18-21 restored in New Covenant to be impartial to ALL of us, Knowledge of ancient writings requires favoritism show to wise & understanding scholars, God’s in impartial, God opts for an impartial ‘Plan A,’ Secrets of kingdom kept hidden from bible-students & experts

Categories: Logos Word of God