Unconditional Love – BT13





Video: Unconditional-Love - BT13: The Love of God calls us to seek Him alone, not His stuff


The Unconditional-Love of God calls us to seek Him alone, not His stuff



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If you are interested in an exhaustive 60 page study on this topic with all bible references, language study, and historical proofs, contact me from the Contact Us page.


More importantly, in my vision from Unconditional-Love – BT4, I could see that everything I seek is really just for God Himself – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – who is Unconditional-Love.  I seek Christ’s enabling-power and authority in my life to “restore me to wholeness and reconciliation to God” (a).  I seek “every blessing by the means of the Spirit, located in Christ, in the heavenly realms” that God “has already blessed us with” (b).  These things I seek are simply awaiting my “routine proseuche conversational-prayers of trusting-relying-faith” (c) in order to dechomai welcome and lambano “receive or claim for myself” in order to genuinely, experientially, relationally epiginosko know them.  There is order in the process of receiving!  This is the thrust of the Greek for routinely “asking, seeking, and knocking” that Jesus often speaks of, that should be part of routine proseuche conversational-prayer (d). <Notes> a) the meaning of “salvation” in Greek soteria, b) Ephesians 1:3, c) James 5:13-15, d) Matthew 7:7-8; Luke 11:9-10.


But it turns out that all of these THINGS I seek are just grace-gifts of/belonging-to the Holy Spirit” (a).  Because of the fact that “For from Him and through Him and to Him are ALL things” (b), the things I routinely “ask, seek, and knock” are simply ‘aspects, descriptions, flavors, or facets of God,’ the Spirit, already dwelling within my own identity.  However, this entire process starts with routinely “asking, seeking, and knocking” for the agathos excellent-salutary-joyfully-Godlike-good grace-gift of the Holy Spirit Himself (not just His things), which is really is God Himself, who “IS presently/ongoingly defined-as/exists-as Unconditional-Love” (c).  <Notes> a) Hebrews 2:4; Romans 12:3-8; Ephesians 4:7-11; 1 Corinthians 12 & 14, b) Romans 11:36, c) Galatians 5:22; 1 John 4:8, 16.


Therefore, what really is the “action-item for us to DO or Work” that the Master-LeaderTeacher Jesus left His audience with at the end of His “Our Father” proseuche prayer model (a) is what we should really be focused on:  “If you then, who are evil, know how to give agathos excellent-salutary-joyfully-Godlike-good grace-gifts to your children, how much more will the Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who routinely ask (b) Him!”  What we are asking for is God Himself, Unconditional-Love, to be given to us by God’s unconditional-loving-favor-of-grace.  All throughout the NT, this “promised” (c) “grace-gift of the Holy Spirit” (d) is referred to as “the filling or baptism of the Spirit” (e), by which we are to routinely be pleroo filled-to-completion with the abundant-fullness of God by the means of the Spirit, according to Paul (c)!  It’s really asking for the very Presence of God – because EVERY excellent-salutary-joyfully-Godlike-good THING we want in our lives comes from the Presence of “The Unconditional-Love that God presently/ongoingly IS.” It’s really very simple:  Get God and you get Unconditional-Love that “alone is ongoingly excellent-salutary-joyfully-Godlike-good” (d). <Notes> a) Luke 11:13, Matthew 7:7-11, b) aiteo: boldly, as a family right, make a claim from, c) Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4, 2:33, 38-39; cf. Galatians 3:14; Ephesians 1:13, 3:6.  See Spirit-Promise. d) Luke 11:13; Acts 2:38, 10:45; Hebrews 6:4; Ephesians 4:4-7, e) see Spirit-Baptism, c) Ephesians 3:19, 5:18, d) Mark 10:18; Luke 18:19.





As Christian musicians, are we seeking the blessings of the Christian life or the God whom all blessings flow from?  Has God become a vending machine?  All that we need is the God who IS Unconditional-Love and thus alone IS excellent-salutary-joyfully-Godlike-good.  All that we need is IN that definition of God “For from Him and through Him and to Him are ALL things.”  Isn’t that a lot simpler than giving God a laundry list of needs and wants, like the heathens do with their gods, “for your Father already knows what you need before you ask Him” per Christ’s teaching on prayer in Matthew 6:8?





Thank You Father that I don’t need to constantly remind You of the many things I need and want, like the heathen do, “supposing that they will be heard because of their many words.”  I know that You know me inside and out and because I am Your child, I don’t have to beg.  I am so grateful that I can instead spend my time in prayer being thankful and grateful, and so to worship You.  However, I can relentlessly ask like a little child with confident expectation for Your kingdom to come and Your will to be done, especially for Christ to be ‘my daily bread from heaven that gives zoe genuine-life.’  I can routinely ask to be cleansed from all my debt-of-sin and likewise to help me forgive the debts-of-sin from others who have hurt me, and thus to be delivered away-from the evil one Satan, the slandering accuser, instead of being led into refining-trials because of the deceitfulness and destructiveness of Satan.


Most importantly, I can A.S.K. to relentlessly Ask, Seek, and Knock for the excellent-salutary-joyfully-Godlike-good grace-gift of the Holy Spirit to completely-fill me with the abundant-fullness of Yourself by the means of that Spirit.  This is the enabling-power that I desperately want and need so that I can actually do the will of “Your kingdom to come!”  And I know from experience that when the Spirit comes I will be overwhelmed with Unconditional-Love, Your very nature, and thus genuinely, experientially, relationally epiginosko know You that far exceeds any gnosis bible-knowledge (Ephesians 3:19).  Then “all these others things shall be given to me,” just as you promised, especially the “flavors or facets” of Unconditional-Love that are Joy, Peace, . . . Self-Mastery” that further reflect You!




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Spiritual Education, Unconditional Agape Love, Forgiveness instead of Judgment, Emotional Healing, Living like Christ, Everything good we need is simply in God Himself, The Holy Spirit is the giver, The last key action item of the Lord’s prayer is the Holy Spirit, Relentless Ask Seek Knock, Seek the Lord only

Categories: Unconditional Love