4-2-20 Dream that Ace is NOT the place but Heaven is
4-2-20 Dream that Ace is NOT the place but Heaven is
As I lay in bed trying to get more sleep before work at Ace Hardware, I saw a pile of random bolts, nuts, washers, black plastic pieces, and some were worn, and some broken. I heard God laugh as He said “‘Ace is NOT the Place,’ contrary to their slogan. ‘Heaven is the Place!’ Only I can put the pieces of your life together as intended.”
Wow, I’ve prided myself in putting all these gadgets back in the right place and helping clients find what they are looking for, though 12 big aisles has been a real challenge! But it’s “the place” I’ve wanted to work at for a long time, especially since the Lord told me in December to get some more work as a “day job” around my drum teaching. Maybe the Lord is telling me that I’m taking my job too seriously? I have been “stressing out” about all that I have to learn to do a great job there, and the head manager is very unstable with everybody.
Well by the time I’ve created this page, much has changed for me at Ace Hardware and that’s near the end of “My Story” on the About page.
Spiritual Education, Rhema Word of God, Revelation, Messages from God, Prophecy, Hearing God, Will of God, Dreams, Visions, Ace is the Place slogan, Ace is not my place but heaven is, God guides me later into different work