Anointing – BT3: Can a thing like a song be “anointed?”


Anointing – BT3:  Can a thing like a song be “anointed?”

Anointing - BT3:  Can a thing like a song be “anointed?”


Video:  Anointing - BT3:  Can a thing like a song be anointed?



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Like the Old Testament is but a “shadow of the things to come, the substance/reality belonging to Christ” (a) and “these serve as a copy and shadow of the heavenly things” (b), and “since the Torah Law of conditional-favor has but a shadow of the good things to come instead of the true form of these realities” (c), it’s very possible that it is simply a misnomer to call a thing like a song “anointed” under the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant.  Maybe this is just another “tradition of men” (d) or “wind of doctrine” (e) blowing through the Church.  There certainly has been an obsession by the modern church to “borrow” practices from the old covenant that quenches the Holy Spirit (f), even though the New Covenant by definition and context says you shouldn’t be doing that borrowing! <Notes> a) Colossians 2:17, b) Hebrews 8:5, c) Hebrews 10:1, d) Mark 7:8, e) Ephesians 4:14, f) see The Great Wall.


More likely under the completely-different-in-kind New Covenant, only people like composers and musicians can beanointed” and only when God takes over control, but it sure seems like whatever is produced in the presence of God “by-the-means-of My Spirit” per Zechariah 4:6 would then be considered “consecrated, dedicated, sanctified or made holy unto the Lord,” giving Him ownership by His anointing.


And that’s what 1 Timothy 4:4-5 says:  “For everything created by God is ongoingly good (a), and absolutely-in-fact-NOT one is to be rejected if it is lambano ‘grabbed hold of to receive for yourself’ with thanksgiving, for it is consecrated/sanctified/made-holy by the means of the [Jesus Christ and/or His gospel about Himself] logos message and/coupled enteuxis childlike-confident prayer” – it’s our childlike, confident, even bold, approach to Father God that only comes through trusting-relying-faith in Jesus Christ’s “Great News” gospel logos message of The Truth that consecrates or makes it holy, thus making it God’s possession for His special use.  No special anointing ceremony is needed as in the Old Testament.  <Notes> a) kalos:  beautiful, lovely, praiseworthy, inwardly good or noble or honorable to inspire/motivate others, thus winsomely appealing.


However, I think we can still say a “song is anointed” when it has been created “by-the-means-of God’s Spirit,” simply because we as the children of God have boldly come before His throne into His presence by trusting-relying-faith in Jesus, not by own “might and power” FOR God.   We didn’t put trusting-relying-faith in our own work to produce the song, but put our trusting-relying-faith in the Lord’s Spirit to produce it, so it’s a Spirit-kind-of song.  We have put our trusting-relying-faith in the logos message of The Truth, who is Jesus, that gives us this childlike, trusting, bold, confident approach to Father God.  And we trust that God creates the song as kalos ‘good’ and we ‘actively grab hold of it for ourselves’ with thanksgiving because we know the Lord created it, even though He used us to do it!  NOW what is made is thus consecrated, dedicated, sanctified, and made holy unto the Lord, and that defines it as “anointed.”  What you think?


But if we are still under the Torah Law of conditional-favor and thus not in The Trusting-Relying-Faith, we simply “cannot please God” (a) because “whatever does not proceed from trusting-relying-faith is sin” – a missing of God’s target (b).  Then we are still in our own “might and powerflesh, and are having trusting-relying-faith in ourselves instead of God.  Then the product will just be our possession, and thus NOT consecrated, dedicated, sanctified, or made holy unto the Lord, and thus NOT God’s property and thus NOT “anointed.” <Notes> a) Hebrews 11:6, b) Romans 14:23.


Again, I believe Jesus when He said “a tree is genuinely, experientially, relationally epiginosko known by its fruit (a)” (b).  If the fruit isn’t “sweet” from the presence of God, no matter how good it looks (or sounds) on the outside, it’s just NOT originally anointed, or maybe its worldly performers are not faithfully conveying the anointing because they are NOT anointed themselves.  Some songs may look beautiful on the outside but are rotten on the inside.  This is the work of deceitful spirits common to many of the world’s songs and sadly too many Christian songs! <Notes> a) karpos: outcome, b) Matthew 7:16, 12:33; Luke 6:44.


Some songs may look plain or even ugly on the outside, especially from the viewpoint of many ‘professional musicians,’ but be incredibly “sweet because they are from God” on the inside, so we need to be careful NOT to judge by outward appearances (a).  Some songs certainly stand the test of time, consistently bringing the “sweet” presence of God, EVEN if performed by worldly musicians.  But many Christian songs won’t stand the test of time even when performed in church by godly musicians.  This certainly takes discernment by Christ’s Holy Spirit to determine good vs evil,” which is trained by constant practice to distinguish between good from bad (b) – see New Covenant Ways – BT16<Notes> a) 1 Samuel 16:7, b) 1 Corinthians 2:14; Hebrews 4:12, 5:14; Romans 12:2; Ephesians 5:10; Philippians 1:9.


The Church and its worship musicians desperately need to be anointed with the “living water” or “gold oil” of the Holy Spirit.  They can’t experience the fresh, breath of God to zoa genuinely-live if they are trying to worship God with songs either written by uninspired men, ‘breathed on’ only by their own creative “might and powerflesh, or even if they were once songs ‘breathed on’ by God so many winters ago so that it is no longer “fresh, living/running water!”  Not many people will survive on such ‘old, stagnant waters!’ or blocks of ice!  Trying harder by singing more of these “old” songs louder and louder with bigger and bigger bands with more and more lights and smoke machines is just more of man’s “might and powerflesh and will lead Churches no closer to zoe genuine-life, that only comes from “fresh, living/running water” of the Spirit.  They are “broken cisterns” (Jeremiah 2:13), because not only are they NOT filled with “living, running water,” they aren’t even holding “dead water” for long!


We must repent by returning to “Living Water” music!  We either need the older anointed songs to be ‘breathed on’ freshly by God through a childlike bold, confident approach to God through the gospel’s trusting-relying-faith and played by anointed musicians, or we can really GO FOR THE GOLD and play completely-different-in-kind “New Songs” (a) or “Spirit-kind-of odes” (b), which are anointed, prophetic, and spontaneous!  For too long Christian musicians have viewed such music to be strange, weird, super-spiritual, and the exception to the rule.  We need to repent/turn and make it the rule, the norm, the naturally-spiritual, and our common experience.  Let’s GO FOR THE GOLD!  See also Benefits of this Ministry<Notes> a) Psalms 33:3, 40:3, 96:1, 98:1, 144:9, 149:1; Isaiah 42:10; Revelation 5:9, 14:3, b) Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16.



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Spiritual Education, Music Education, Music Teaching, Drum Education, Drum Teaching, Anointed people, Anointed things, Anointed songs, Spirit kind of songs, Psalming by the Spirit, Fleshly songs

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