Joy – BT2





Agalliao leaping for joy is also from the Holy Spirit



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Another NT Greek word agalliao that comes from agan “much, very” + hallomai “jump, leap”, together means “getting so experientially glad or joyful that you jump in celebration, or even exult/boast in the Source of such an intense emotion.”  After Elizabeth was pleroo filled-to-completion by the means of the Holy Spirit (a) and prophesied with a loud voice over Mary’s baby Jesus in her womb, who then leaped inside her, Mary then megaluno ‘enlarges, magnifies, highly-esteems, boasts-in, exalts, extols, lauds, celebrates with glory and praise’ the Lord and/coupled her spirit agalliao joyfully leaps/exalts in God my Savior (b).  <Notes> a) see Spirit-Baptism, b) Luke 1:40-48.


The only other time it says that Jesus had this agalliao joyful leap was after the 72 disciples Jesus had sent returned with chara joy (a) because the devils were subject to them through Christ’s name/authority for divine healing.  Jesus reaffirmed their delegated authority for healing and their safety.  Jesus said, “Instead, [I urge you to] do not in possibility ongoingly chairo be joyful/delightful (a) that the spirits are subject to you but rather [I urgent you to] ongoingly chairo be joyful/delightful (a) because your names are written in heaven. In that very time, Jesus actually, definitively/wholly agalliao joyfully leaps/exalts by the means of the Holy Spirit, and praised the Father that “You have kept hidden these things from the ‘sophia wise and sunesis understanding ones’ but instead revealed them to little children. Yes!  Father, for to do thus was well pleasing before you” (b) – see The Least Among You<Notes> a) chara joy is defined as the awareness of charis unconditionally-loving-favor-of-grace, b) Luke 10:17-21.


Jesus did say that even Abraham was eido mentally ‘shown’ to perceive/know the coming of Jesus and that’s when he was chairo glad/joyful, but he also agalliao joyfully leaps/exalts (a).  After the jailer and family were water-baptized after hearing the gospel logos message from Paul and Silas, “they agalliao joyfully leaped/exalted having already had [with ongoing results] trusting-relying-faith in God with all his household” (b). <Notes> a) John 8:56, b) Acts 16:30-34.


Peter uses both chara and agalliao:  God “has given us a new birth into a living hope . . . into an inheritance . . . it is reserved in heaven for you, which is kept-guarded by the means of [singular] enabling-power of God through-the-realizing-channel-of trusting-relying-faith toward-reaching salvation to be revealed in the last time. In/by/with this you presently agalliao joyfully leap/exalt, although you are now having to suffer for a short time in various trials in order that the dokimion tested/proven genuineness of your trusting-relying-faith, more precious than gold, this routinely apollumi being permanently destroyed through-the-realizing-channel-of fire though routinely being dokimazo refined-to-pass-the-test-as-genuine [so that it] may be heurisko discovered-after-searching [that it is] toward-and-reaches epainos praise and/coupled glory and/coupled honor when Christ is revealed. [Until then], although you have absolutely in fact not horao observed/perceived-known/discerned Him [as many Jews who physically saw Jesus], you actually, ongoingly are unconditionally-loving Him and/coupled although you are not in possibility now routinely horao observed/perceived-known/discerned Him, you nevertheless are routinely having trusting-relying-faith, agalliao joyfully leaping/exalting with inexpressible chara joy/delight and/coupled already have been [with ongoing results] routinely been rendered/esteemed glorious” (a).  But for now Peter urges these persecuted Christians to “actively be chairo joyful/delightful inasmuch as you are presently fellowshipping in Christ’s sufferings in order that when His glory is revealed you may passively become chairo joyful/delightful, routinely agalliao joyfully leaping/exalting (b).” <Notes> a) 1 Peter 1:4-8, b) 1 Peter 4:13.


Revelation 19:7 also uses both of these words, words shouted by a great sea of Christians at the wedding of the Lamb to His Bride of Christ, the Church.  They shouted “actively be chairo joyful/delightful and/coupled passively become chairo joyful/delightful and/coupled give definitively/wholly give honor to Him!”





As Christian musicians, can you see how joy, even leaping with joy, comes from the realization of God’s unconditionally-loving-favor-of-grace, and that this realization is the work of Spirit-baptism or filling, often followed by grace-gifts like revelation and prophecy, and closely associated to magnifying/celebrating, praising, and glorifying the Lord?  These aren’t decisions or actions based on gnosis bible knowledge, but actual experience of the Holy Spirit, experiencing the presence or glory of the Lord that glorifies us!





Lord, fill us to completion with Your abundant-fullness by the means of the Holy Spirit so that we will overflow with joy from your grace, even shouting and leaping with joy as we magnify, celebrate, praise, and glorify you!




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Categories: Joy